SOD :: Volume #9

#816: Realistic defense line

spirit contamination mutual. 精神污染是相互的。 It looks like at least in Gawain is this. 至少在高文看来是这样。 According to experiment reference that Eternal Sleepers provides, according to the technology material that Defier leaves behind, now Gawain has almost been able to determine that the Gods development process is related with mortal's belief, or a more accurate point said, is the collective ideological trend of mortal projects in this world some dimension, thus was born Gods, if this model establishes, the process that then deals with Gods face-to-face is actually to a SAN process- namely mutually contamination. 根据永眠者提供的实验参照,根据忤逆者留下的技术资料,现在高文几乎已经可以确定神明的诞生过程与凡人的信仰有关,或者更准确点说,是凡人的集体思潮投射在这个世界深层的某个维度中,从而诞生了神明,而如果这个模型成立,那么跟神明面对面打交道的过程其实就是一个对着掉SAN的过程-即相互污染 The Gods knowledge meets is prevented contamination any to make the contact mind( at least with it Gawain not to know how now should prevent this relation), but in turn, these make the contact mind also to have the reverse influence with the god inevitably, one thing that is clear is that mind of average person is unable to compare with mind of god, therefore this was turning into the unilateral corrosion to SAN process. 神明的知识会不受阻挡地污染任何与其建立联系的心智(至少高文现在还不知道该怎么阻挡这种联系),而反过来,那些与神建立联系的心智必然也在产生着反向的影响,但有一点显而易见,普通人的心智根本无法与神的心智比拟,所以这个对着掉SAN的过程就变成了单方面的侵蚀。 But if by the Gods knowledge influence, oneself doesn't have mind and god of huge memory docking? 可是如果有一个不受神明知识影响,同时自己又有着庞大记忆库的心智和神“对接”呢? Imitates if mountain general Higher Level Narrator split, the torso of disintegrate drops down slowly, the strength that It survives is still maintaining itself diligently, but strength of this surviving also with these Divine Attribute pattern gloomily and is dissipating rapidly, Gawain calmly stands in same place, is gazing at all these, while is suppressing corroded contamination that and dispels receive unceasingly. 仿若山岳一般的上层叙事者裂开了,四分五裂的躯干慢慢倒下,祂残存的力量还在努力维持自身,但这点残存的力量也随着那些神性花纹的暗淡而迅速消散着,高文静静地站在原地,一边注视着这一切,一边不断压制、消解着自身受到的侵蚀污染 The corrosion that he receives is quite serious, the relative surface seemingly wants serious many. Time this he faces no longer is the Gods flesh of seal in crystal block, the false god who also no longer makes with biochemical technology sutures the corpse, Higher Level Narrator is one true, complete, living Gods, even it is very small and weak, still has the special position standard, with it to putting together contamination, is the quite adventurous action. 他受到的侵蚀相当严重,比表面看起来要严重的多。这一次他面对的不再是封印在水晶方块中的神明血肉,也不再是用生化技术制造出来的伪神缝合尸,上层叙事者是一个真正的、完整的、活着的神明,即便它很弱小,也有着特殊的位格,与其对拼污染,是相当冒险的举动。 But this is the only means that Gawain can think. 但这是高文能想到的唯一的办法。 The sword cannot kill Higher Level Narrator, the high battle technique is unable to resist the nightmare, must destroy invisible no qualitative Gods, can only use similarly invisible no qualitative strength, in beforehand battle, he uses the long sword to resist Duarte, that is just both sides each one pretence that to conceal own spirit contamination makes. 刀剑杀不死上层叙事者,再高的战斗技艺也无法对抗噩梦本身,要把无形无质的神明摧毁,只能用同样无形无质的力量,在之前的战斗中,他用长剑对抗杜瓦尔特,那只不过是双方各自为了掩饰自己的精神污染做出的幌子。 Gawain looked down own both hands, discovered that own arm has started to restore the Human Race shape gradually, this relaxes. 高文低头看了看自己的双手,发现自己的手臂已经开始渐渐恢复人类的形态,这才松了口气。 Higher Level Narrator is one young and does not have Gods of experience, this is the Gawain only advantage, if were in the real world these has had Myriad Gods of innumerable years...... do not handle such adventurous matter again. 上层叙事者是一个年轻而没有经验的神明,这是高文唯一的优势,如果是现实世界里那些已经存在了无数年月的众神……还是不要再做这么冒险的事情了。 The dark deep place, by the spider web, that material quality unknown birdcage also disintegrates silently, Selena felt that suppressed the invisible influence of strength to start to dissipate truly, cannot attend to inspecting the situation then to arrive at side Gawain quickly, the looks at opposite party restored the Human Race stance little, she relaxes secretly. 黑暗深处,蛛网旁边,那材质不明的鸟笼也无声无息地瓦解,赛琳娜感觉到压制自身力量的无形影响真正开始消散,顾不上检查自身情况便快步来到了高文身边,看着对方一点点恢复人类的姿态,她才暗暗松了口气。 Finished?” She looked at Gawain, Higher Level Narrator that also looks at has dropped down, cannot believe that asked. “都结束了?”她看了看高文,又看着已经倒下的上层叙事者,不敢相信地问道。 Gawain had not replied suddenly, but fixes the eyes on that to crawl in the spider web central giant spider, he was also asking that oneself- really finished? This? 高文一时间没有回答,而是紧盯着那匍匐在蛛网中央的巨大蜘蛛,他也在问自己-真的结束了?就这? A question floats the heart along with the vigilance, the Gawain complexion enforces suddenly: Perhaps wait/etc, did not have!” 一丝疑问伴随着警觉浮上心头,高文面色突然严肃起来:“等等,恐怕还没有!” He stares stubbornly is seeming like has lost aura spider Gods, the language fast fast: Duarte said oneself are Higher Level Narrator where human nature...... that its corresponding ‚is Divine Attribute at?! Also, before we noticed that Higher Level Narrator is protecting some cocoon- these cocoons?!” 他死死盯着看上去已经失去气息的蜘蛛神明,语速飞快:“杜瓦尔特说自己是上层叙事者的‘人性’……那与之相对应的‘神性’在哪?!还有,之前我们看到上层叙事者在保护着一些‘茧’-那些茧呢?!” Selena also responded suddenly, as if in the mind was affected, shielded portion conscious suddenly starts to revolve, lets her conscious to by the key point that oneself neglected: That girl named Ritter?!” 赛琳娜也猛然反应过来,仿佛之前脑海中被影响、被屏蔽的一部分意识突然开始运转,让她意识到了被自己忽略的关键点:“那个叫娜瑞提尔的女孩?!” ...... …… Eternal Sleepers underground palace deep place, corridor to central area, sound reverberation of Semler Archbishop in long corridor: 永眠者地宫深处,通往中心区域的走廊上,塞姆勒大主教的声音回荡在长长的走廊中: Shortly after the action starts then had/left the condition, first is the accepting area by contamination, is other regions, completely normal Priest turned into Higher Level Narrator believer suddenly- we have to by highest vigilant facing everyone......” “在行动开始之后不久便出了状况,先是收容区被污染,然后是其他区域,很多原本完全正常的神官突然间变成了上层叙事者信徒-我们不得不以最高的警惕面对每一个人……” Can understand, Magnum said deep and gruff voice, Higher Level Narrator...... this thing was too weird, I looked at Its one eyes in the sandbox, almost did not come back! However luckily, I helped you find screened contamination fast the method......” “能理解,”马格南粗声粗气地说道,“上层叙事者……这玩意儿真的太邪门了,我在沙箱里只是看了祂一眼,差点就回不来了!不过幸好,我帮你们找到了快速甄别污染者的手段……” Do not propose your method again ‚’,” Yuri brings a face unable to withstand the recollection the expression to break the opposite party, „for dozens years I had never said so vulgar language, I suspect that now you left War God Church initially are not because studies the heresy ancient book in secret, because the words and deeds were caught up vulgarly!” “不要再提你的‘手段’了,”尤里带着一脸不堪回忆的表情打断对方,“几十年来我从未说过如此粗鄙之语,我现在非常怀疑你当初离开战神教会不是因为私下里研究异端典籍,而是因为言行粗鄙被赶出来的!” Magnum is staring: How initially did they give in my peaceful charge really to have such a?” 马格南瞪着眼睛:“当初他们给我安的罪名里确实是有这么一条怎么了?” Semler that gloomy serious face was blacker than several points the past, he disregards the conversation that transmitted behind, but is tying tight a face , to continue to proceed. 塞姆勒那张阴沉严肃的面孔比往日里更黑了几分,他无视了身后传来的交谈,只是紧绷着一张脸,继续往前走着。 Yuri also sighed, no longer opened the mouth. 尤里也叹了口气,不再开口。 Magnum discovered that no one responded to himself, shrugged indifferently, makes an effort the starting to walk footsteps, walked in the teams. 马格南发现无人回应自己,无所谓地耸了耸肩,用力迈开脚步,走在队伍中间。 The profound long corridor as if no end, is extending toward the underground palace central area, the ray of magic crystal lamp shines on the side these spirit Knight hard helmets, is exuding the bright brilliance. 深邃悠长的走廊仿佛没有尽头,一路向着地宫的中心区域延伸着,魔晶石灯的光芒照耀在旁边那些灵骑士的头盔上,泛着明亮的光彩。 The indistinct translucent empty shadow has delimited from the corner of the eye together suddenly, making Magnum footsteps subconsciously stop. 一道隐隐约约的半透明虚影突然从眼角划过,让马格南的脚步下意识停了下来。 That seems some huge segmental appendage portion, transparent nearly not obvious, it penetrated nearby wall and ceiling, flashes past in the Magnum line of sight boundary, then retracts to the wall in quickly. 那仿佛是某个巨大节肢的一部分,透明的近乎不可见,它穿透了附近的墙壁和天花板,在马格南视线边界一闪而过,很快便缩回到墙壁里面。 Magnum Archbishop?” Yuri notices Magnum to stop the footsteps suddenly, moreover on the face also has the serious expression, immediately follows to stop, what's the matter?” 马格南大主教?”尤里注意到马格南突然停下脚步,而且脸上还带着严肃的表情,立刻跟着停了下来,“怎么回事?” Yuri, I noticed a moment ago has probably the thing to flash,” the Magnum tone said seriously, seems like some limbs...... the spider.” 尤里,我刚才好像看到有东西闪过去,”马格南语气严肃地说道,“像是某种肢体……蜘蛛的。” Semler is knitting the brows to observe the situation all around immediately, confirmed a memory, is shaking the head: My anything has not seen.” 塞姆勒立刻皱着眉环视四周,又确认了一下刚才的记忆,摇着头:“我什么都没看到。” Everyone is shaking the head, as if only then a Magnum person saw empty shadow that flashes past. 所有人都摇着头,似乎只有马格南一个人看到了那一闪而过的虚影。 Misconception? Misread? Does absent-minded add the seeing things that excessively nervous triggers? 错觉?看错了?精神恍惚加过度紧张引发的幻视? Several thoughts appeared for one second not to arrive at the scene Priest mind are then removed directly, Yuri lifted the hand directly, invisible mana summoned visible rune, directly together wave halo proliferation to the entire corridor- mind detection!” 几个念头在现场诸位神官脑海中浮现了一秒都不到便被直接排除,尤里直接抬起手,无形的魔力召唤出有形的符文,直接一道水波般的光环扩散至整个走廊-“心智侦测!” Other Priest and spirit Knight also respective action, some activations protective magic spell, nearby some start scanning whether has the unclear spirit mark, some hold up the weapon to form the formation, to protect team center relatively frail Priest. 其他神官和灵骑士们也各自行动,有的激活了防护性的法术,有的开始扫描附近是否存在不明精神印记,有的举起武器结成阵型,以保护队伍中心相对脆弱的神官 Eternal Sleepers never said that anything misread, never readily believes so-called nervous illusion. 永眠者从不说什么“看错了”,从不轻信所谓的“紧张幻觉”。 They are the Dreamland domain experts, is the seeker in spirit world, and has walked on dangerous road/s that in resists with the god, was vigilant that to nearly nervous is the profession custom of each Eternal Sleepers, in the team some people indicated saw the unusual scene? Whether or not, first threw 20 mind detections to say again! 他们是梦境领域的专家,是精神世界的探索者,而且已经走在和神对抗的危险道路上,警惕到近乎神经质是每一个永眠者职业习惯,队伍中有人表示看到了异常的景象?不管是不是真的,先扔二十个心智侦测再说! However after all detection magic spell activate, still no one saw thing that Magnum mentioned, perception in corridor nearby space has not arrived at exceptionally the spirit mark. 然而所有的侦测法术都激活之后,仍然没有任何人看到马格南所提到的东西,也没有在走廊附近的空间中感知到异常精神印记。 What had not discovered that......” Semler Archbishop sound said low and deep. “什么都没有发现……”塞姆勒大主教声音低沉地说道。 No matter there is a discovery, maintains highest vigilant, detecting magic spell is not omnipotent- in this world has the thing that too many mortals cannot see,” Yuri makes noise the reminder saying that later looks to Magnum, you pay attention to periphery the observation, something...... perhaps, only then you can see.” “不管有没有发现,保持最高警惕,侦测法术不是万能的-这个世界上存在太多凡人看不到的东西,”尤里出声提醒道,随后又看向马格南,“你注意观察周围,有些东西……或许只有你能看到。” Magnum was startled, the eye that looks at Yuri treats a matter seriously, he understood the meaning of opposite party. 马格南怔了一下,看着尤里郑重其事的眼睛,他理解了对方的意思。 He had not looked straight ahead Higher Level Narrator in the unguarded situation carefully. 他曾经在无防护的情况下不小心直视过上层叙事者 The perhaps some irreversible injury stays in his soul deep place. 或许有些不可逆的伤害已经留在他的灵魂深处了。 The entire team has not weakened slightly vigilantly, starts to continue to return to the underground palace central area. 整支队伍丝毫没有减弱警惕,开始继续返回地宫中心区。 But in them behind, in the profound long corridor distant place, together is nearly fuzzy, the transparent empty shadow to flash past again. 而在他们身后,在深邃悠长的走廊远处,一道模模糊糊、近乎透明的虚影再次一闪而过。 That is a segmental appendage of spider, penetrated the wall and roof, moreover is moving fast, is similar the incomparably huge transparent spiders is going through between the stone and soil of this bottom deep place, weaves not the obvious spider web to be the same. 那是一节蜘蛛的节肢,穿透了墙壁和屋顶,而且飞快地移动着,就仿佛有一只无比庞大的透明蜘蛛正在这地底深处的石头和泥土之间穿行着,编织着不可见的蛛网一般。 Magnum and Yuri follow the team that Semler is leading, finally the security arrived in the underground palace central area, is the control node of No. 1 sandbox and biggest operation center. 马格南尤里跟随着塞姆勒带领的队伍,终于安全抵达了地宫的中心区域,同时也是一号沙箱的控制中枢和最大的运算中心。 Here is entire Eternal Sleepers headquarters most important and most core region, is must first guard in all circumstances, does not permit the broken through place. 这里是整个永眠者总部最为重要、最为核心的区域,是在任何情况下都要优先守卫,决不允许被攻破的地方。 Depended on here firm barrier and quite broad inner space, Semler Archbishop constructed several defense lines, and formed one urgently remaining behind Archbishop and Bishop comprised of „the Bishop regiment guards here, all determinations safely, is concentrated by contamination Priest at present here, and several other teams comprised of spirit Knight and battle Priest are moving in underground palace other regions, continued to receive the personnel suppression of Higher Level Narrator contamination these in various places, while is seeking whether also had to maintain the sober compatriot. 依托这里坚固的壁垒和较为宽阔的内部空间,塞姆勒大主教构筑了数道防线,并紧急组建了一个由留守大主教主教组成的“主教战团”守卫在这里,目前所有确定安全、未被污染神官都已经被集中在这里,且另有数个由灵骑士战斗神官组成的队伍在地宫的其他区域活动着,一边继续把那些受到上层叙事者污染人员镇压在各处,一边寻找着是否还有保持清醒的同胞。 In big firm hall, a school of nervous combat readiness. 偌大的坚固大厅中,一派紧张的临战状态。 Complete equipment spirit Knight are guarding hall all accesses, and already, in the exterior corridor as well as connects the corridor in several firm rooms to put the barrier, wears the battle Priest of battle method robe and facile metal armor is ready in full battle array behind barriers, and is monitoring the personnel spirit condition momentarily. 全副武装的灵骑士们把守着大厅所有的出入口,且已经在外部走廊以及连接走廊的几个坚固房间中设下障碍,身穿战斗法袍和轻便金属护甲的战斗神官在一道道壁垒后面严阵以待,且随时监控着己方人员精神状态。 In this defends the strict hall, around the large-scale stone columns of central area, after being responsible for controlling the technology Priest brain of sandbox system and mind network, connects the nerve rope, neat and tidy is sitting on the control seat, was still maintaining the normal operation of system. 而在这守备严密的大厅内部,中心区域的一座座大型石柱周围,负责控制沙箱系统和心灵网络的技术神官们脑后连接着神经索,整整齐齐地坐在控制席上,仍然维持着系统的正常运转。 They had exerted the powerful psychological suggestion before the connection for themselves, even if the hall were broken through, the sword has arrived on their throats, these technology Priest will also maintain the system to the last minute. 他们在连线之前已经为自己施加了强大的心理暗示,哪怕大厅被攻破,刀剑已经抵在他们喉咙上,这些技术神官也会维持系统到最后一刻。 Yuri notices also to remain the battle trace on outside corridor, some corner in hall lies down some as if to lose conscious technology Priest. 尤里注意到在外面的走廊上还残留着战斗的痕迹,大厅内的某个角落则躺着一些似乎已经失去意识技术神官 He and Magnum has moved for one day and one night in the sandbox world, outside time should only pass by for two hours, but is in this short two hours, the real world had had such many things. 他和马格南在沙箱世界里已经活动了一天一夜,外面的时间则应只过去了两个小时,但就是这短短的两个小时里,现实世界已经发生了这么多事情 contamination and tumult in underground palace...... fears bad risk that Semler described. 发生在地宫内的污染和骚动……恐怕比塞姆勒描述的更加凶险。 Before Magnum enters the hall, first carefully observed the disposition that establishes the roadblock and battle personnel on corridor, looked in a hall to depend on the wall laying aside later the condition of weapons and equipments as well as reserve forces, finally nods to Semler: Also good.” 马格南走进大厅之前,首先仔细观察了设置在走廊上的路障和战斗人员的配置,随后又看了一眼大厅内靠墙放置的武器装备以及预备队的状态,最后才对塞姆勒点点头:“还不错。” As once War God Priest, he can see that here urgent fortification was directed by the professional. 作为一名曾经的战神牧师,他能看出这里的紧急防御工事是受过专业人士指点的。 Several priests once were the soldiers, I rise their command jurisdiction temporarily, without them, the situation will be perhaps worse,” Semler sinking sound said that before my set off confirmed your situations, we also encountered one wave to counter-attack, was almost broken through the hall defense line...... to lift the blade by contamination spirit Knight to the compatriot, was not a happy matter.” “有几名祭司曾经是军人,我临时升高了他们的指挥权,如果没有他们,局势恐怕会更糟,”塞姆勒沉声说道,“就在我出发去确认你们的情况之前,我们还遭到了一波反扑,受污染的灵骑士几乎攻破大厅防线……对同胞举刀,不是一件愉快的事。” Specialized matter gives the specialized person, your resolution is very correct, as for lifts the blade...... Magnum to shake the head to the compatriot, this mess, after we live, repays slowly.” “专业的事交给专业的人,你的决断很正确,至于对同胞举刀……”马格南摇了摇头,“这个烂摊子,等我们都活下来之后再慢慢偿还吧。” Archbishop Yuri, Magnum Archbishop, saw very much happily you appear safely.” 尤里大主教,马格南大主教,很高兴看到你们平安出现。” With temperate, but the magnetic voice transmits, wore the white long skirt, makings gentle female Priest walked from the hall deep place. Wendy Archbishop, ” Yuri first female who notices to walk, heard that is you...... these is the blood?!” 伴随着温和而有磁性的嗓音传来,一个身穿白色长裙,气质温婉的女性神官从大厅深处走了出来。温蒂大主教,”尤里首先注意到了走出来的女性,“听说是你……这些是血么?!” His looks at this Spirit Energy Choir leader, notices surprisedly at present opposite party that white gauze long skirt had been contaminated by the blood stain at this moment, dazzling dark red soaked the cotton material, moreover described complex curving rune in the chest and various skirt swayed of places long skirt, was seemingly strange and mysterious. 他惊讶地看着眼前这位灵能唱诗班的领袖,看到对方那一袭白纱长裙此刻已被血污浸染,刺眼的暗红色浸透了布料,而且在长裙的胸口、裙摆各处描绘成了复杂弯曲的符文,看上去诡异而神秘。 But after looked at these rune, the nervous mood in Archbishop Yuri heart then dissipated rapidly most probably, his conscious to these rune is anything- is the alien traveller gift, can resist Gods spirit contamination deep sea presents. 但在多看了一眼那些符文之后,尤里大主教心中的紧张情绪便迅速消散了大半,他意识到了那些符文是什么东西-是域外游荡者的礼物,能够对抗神明精神污染的“深海馈赠”。 Wendy smiles, the complexion is a little slightly pale: I must come out to notify, but I worried that I leaves the room, will leave these rune later contamination in within the body to recur again, has rune belt/bring on body- blood, will be I only magical material that can find below ‚’.” 温蒂笑了笑,脸色略有一点苍白:“我要出来报信,但我担心自己离开房间,离开那些符文之后体内的污染会再次复发,就只好把符文‘带在身上’-血液,是我在下面能找到的唯一的‘导魔材料’。” She raises the wrist/skill, reveals the wound on arm, that wound under curing the function of magic spell healing most, the bloodstain of but solidifying still remains, has not cleaned with enough time. 她扬起手腕,露出手臂上的伤口,那伤口已经在治愈法术的作用下愈合大半,但凝固的血迹仍然残留着,未来得及擦拭。 Described rune with own blood is helpless the action, in the accepting area had by contamination Higher Level Narrator believer, but Wendy was worried very much these receive the blood of contamination was whether safe, has to use own blood to describe rune.. 用自己的血来描绘符文是无奈之举,收容区内原本是有很多被污染上层叙事者信徒的,但温蒂很担心那些受过污染的血液是否安全,就只好用了自己的血来描绘符文。。 The looks at whole body blood stain comes out to notify Spiritsong Wendy, outside the looks at hall the battle trace on corridor, looks at sets the roadblock in underground palace, Priest and Knight after roadblock, Yuri sighed gently. 看着满身血污出来报信的“灵歌温蒂,看着大厅外走廊上的战斗痕迹,看着设置在地宫内的路障,路障后的神官骑士,尤里轻轻叹了口气。 After sighing, must raised the head- because of danger, but also had not finished. 叹气之后,还是要抬起头-因为危险,还远未结束。
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