SOD :: Volume #9

#815: contamination

The boundless darkness welled up, as if sleeping soundly of no dream. 无边的黑暗涌了上来,仿佛一次无梦的安眠。 However in the dark deep place, the warm tranquil brilliance shines suddenly, made place of the small asylum. 然而在黑暗深处,突然有一线温暖平静的光辉亮起,制造出了小小的庇护之地。 In region that the ray illuminates, appeared the Selena Gehrfen form, leave of grass that as well as in the surrounding flake ground dragged and not well-known flowers. 光芒照亮的区域内,浮现出了赛琳娜·格尔分的身影,以及周围一小片地面上摇曳的草叶和不知名花朵。 Selena is knitting the brows, the looks at flowers and plants, where she is unable to distinguish from this small luminous- here possibly is the corner of garden lawn, possibly is somewhere the open area after room, even possibly is a prairie of length and breadth, the darkness covered up the overall truth, the light of Dreamland inspection lamp can only make her sneak a peek at the side less than five meters narrow space. 赛琳娜皱着眉,看着自己脚下的花草,她无法从这小小的光亮中分辨出自己到底在什么地方-这里可能是庭院草坪的一角,也可能是某处屋后的空地,甚至可能是一片广袤的草原,黑暗掩盖了整体的真相,梦境提灯的光明只能让她窥见到身边不足五米的狭窄空间。 Huge such as mountain Higher Level Narrator disappears, that strange Duarte disappears, the abandoned plain disappears, even alien traveller also disappears. 巨大如山岳的上层叙事者不见了,那个诡异的“杜瓦尔特”不见了,废弃的平原不见了,甚至连域外游荡者也不见了。 Selena slightly had clear(ly) to become aware- her mind should be stranded in -depth conscious prisoner's cage. 赛琳娜略有明悟-她的心智应该是被困在了深层意识的囚笼中。 Does not know that the Gawain that side situation...... as powerful Higher Level Narrator, It should not be stranded by this aspect? 只是不知道高文那边情况怎样……作为强大的上层叙事者,祂应该不会被这种局面所困吧? Selena enhanced the lantern in hand slightly, tries to see clearly a farther place, however that darkness is similar some type of visible curtain to cover in the surroundings, does not see the retreat. 赛琳娜稍稍提高了手中的灯笼,试图看清更远一些的地方,然而那黑暗就仿佛某种有形的帷幕般笼罩在周围,丝毫不见后退。 Suddenly, broadcast the Duarte sound from the darkness: 突然间,从黑暗中传来了杜瓦尔特的声音: Saw...... to us, this was our world's initial look......” “看到了么……对我们而言,这就是我们这个世界最初的模样……” Selena grasps the inspection lamp, another hand outlined instantaneously rune that protected mind, she all around observed vigilantly, has not actually seen anybody, only then the sound is continue convey- 赛琳娜手持提灯,另一只手瞬间勾勒出了防护心智符文,她警惕地四周观察,却没有看到任何人,只有声音在继续传来- Limited truth...... limited world...... limited real...... “有限的真相……有限的世界……有限的真实…… We are born in your preinstall good stage, the multiplication, the development, we reclaim, the construction, we create, the study, we have our heroes, has our stories, has our King and Knight, has scholar and industrious people of our wisdom...... “我们在你们预设好的舞台上诞生,繁衍,发展,我们开垦,建造,我们创造,钻研,我们也有我们的英雄,有我们的故事,有我们的国王骑士,有我们睿智的学者和勤劳的人民…… We are so contented survive in this stage, is surviving according to the script loyally, we once think oneself are lucky and abundant-, but that is just because we are away from the boundary of this box is very far. “我们是如此怡然自乐地生存在这个舞台上,忠诚地按照剧本生存着,我们曾认为自己是幸运且富足的-但那只不过是因为我们距离这个盒子的边界还很远。 Before contacting stockade, no one conscious to us is the prisoner in this world. “在接触到栅栏之前,没有人意识到我们是这个世界的囚犯。 Great Creator, you realized that realized we open the eye to notice for the first time when this world feeling...... this little lights made you see the flowers and plants of under foot, outside you then can imagine optimistically have a prairie of trim length and breadth, but in fact? “伟大的造物主啊,你体会到了么,体会到我们第一次睁开眼睛看到这个世界时的感觉……这一点点灯火让你看到了脚下的花草,你便可以乐观地想象外面还有一整片广袤的草原,但事实上呢? „The civilization lights expanded, beyond the darkness...... anything does not have!!” 文明的灯火扩大了,黑暗之外……什么都没有!!” Suddenly, covered the dark curtain around Selena diverged, brilliance that the Dreamland inspection lamp sent out unprecedented was bright, in the ray of that expansion, the range that the Selena surroundings can see clearly increases suddenly rapidly, she saw clearly the scene of under foot that lawn distant place, saw thing that oneself had not previously seen- 骤然间,笼罩在赛琳娜周围的黑暗帷幕散去了,梦境提灯散发出的光辉前所未有的明亮起来,在那突然扩大的光芒中,赛琳娜周围能够看清的范围迅速变大,她看清了脚下那片草坪远处的景象,看到了自己此前并未看到的东西- A basket, a giant incomparable birdcage, the birdcage bottom is spreading a stretch of small lawn, she stands in this birdcage center, only need proceed several steps then to hit again on the close parapet. 一个笼子,一个巨大无比的鸟笼,鸟笼底部铺着一片小小的草坪,她就站在这个鸟笼中央,只需再往前走几步便会撞在细密的栏杆上。 But outside the parapet, is an absolute nihility. 而栏杆外,是一片绝对的虚无。 Selena calmly hears the sound that in the darkness is broadcasting, calmly looks at this will be stranded in birdcage, broke in a soft voice silent: Therefore, you are disgruntled......” 赛琳娜静静地听着黑暗中传来的声音,静静地看着这个将自己困在其中的鸟笼,轻声打破了沉默:“所以,你们心存怨恨……” No, we feel grateful...... because at least, was you created this world, at least, was you make us survive to multiply here for over a thousand years......, but great Creator, going out of the prisoner's cage was the instinct of each wisdom life, this point you have considered......” “不,我们心存感激……因为至少,是你们创造了这个世界,至少,是你们让我们在这里生存繁衍了上千年……但伟大的造物主啊,走出囚笼是每一个智慧生命的本能,这一点你们考虑过么……” Actually you can go out,” Selena said suddenly, this was only a gradual test, tester in sandbox washed off the memory, you have your life and status in the real world, if we know early you were stranded in will have such serious mental issue, this test can tie......” “其实你们本就可以出去,”赛琳娜突然说道,“这只是一个阶段性的测试,沙箱中的测试者们只是被洗去了记忆,你们本就在现实世界有着自己的生活和身份,如果我们早知道你们被困在里面会有这么严重的心理问题,这个测试可以结……” No, you have not understood......” the sound in darkness gradually becomes ice-cold, Selena sees many dark red rays, in the distant place appears, later these rays then pieced together the countless eyes, behind the eye appeared the giant spider torso, she noticed that huge appeared like the mountain Divine Attribute spider and limitless spider web outside the birdcage, that has eight segmental appendages „before Gods arrived at the birdcage step by step, is overlooking in birdcage exhaltedly, „ naturally, you possibly understood, was only in making some senseless attempts, but all these not important. “不,您还是没有明白……”黑暗中的声音逐渐变得冰冷起来,赛琳娜看到有许多暗红色的光芒在远方浮现,随后那些光芒便拼凑成了无数眼睛,眼睛后面则浮现出巨大的蜘蛛躯干,她看到一个庞然如同山岳般的神性蜘蛛以及无边无际的蛛网出现在鸟笼外,那有着八条节肢的“神明”一步步来到鸟笼前,居高临下地俯瞰着鸟笼中的自己,“当然,您可能明白了,只是在做些无谓的尝试,但这一切都不重要了。 Today, all will finish, Creator the deep sleep in this Dreamland, creation will leave its cradle, we will see the true sunlight eventually, then, the story-telling session is the end......” “今天,一切都会结束,造物主会在这个梦境中沉睡,造物将离开它的摇篮,我们终究会看到真正的阳光,然后,故事会画上句号……” That huge spider Gods has turned around, the long segmental appendage is skidding, as if has been about to leave, Selena cannot bear in the birdcage shouts: „ wait a moment! 那庞然的蜘蛛神明转过了身子,长长的节肢滑动着,似乎已准备离开,赛琳娜忍不住在鸟笼中喊道:“等一下 What are you......? Are you Duarte? Higher Level Narrator? Other what thing?” “你到底是……什么?你是杜瓦尔特?还是上层叙事者?还是别的什么东西?” Spider Gods stopped the footsteps shortly, as if low and deep twittering said: We are Duarte...... we are also Higher Level Narrator...... after Gods crazy, Its human nature and Divine Attribute separate, but we...... are the parts of others nature.” 蜘蛛神明短暂停下了脚步,仿佛低沉呢喃般说道:“我们是杜瓦尔特……我们也是上层叙事者……当神明疯狂之后,祂的人性和神性分离开来,而我们……就是祂人性的部分。” Replied after Selena issue, this mountain spider slow starting to walk footsteps, along the spider web of that shop in darkness, walk toward the distant place step by step. 回答了赛琳娜的问题之后,这山岳般的蜘蛛缓慢迈开脚步,沿着那铺在黑暗中的蛛网,一步步向着远方走去。 Stops! You cannot enter the real world!” Selena is shouting loudly in the birdcage, „ is listening, you do not know consequence that does this! Gods arrives directly in the present world will kill countless people, your has itself merely, will cause the disaster beyond redemption! “停下!你不能进入现实世界!”赛琳娜在鸟笼中高喊着,“听着,你根本不知道这样做的后果!一个神明直接降临在现世会杀死无数的人,仅仅你的存在本身,都会导致不可收拾的灾难! „, You is also so hard to survive in the real world incessantly, the one who supports you to exist is Dreamland of mortal, you are Gods of a survival in Dreamland, this is doomed! “不止如此,你自身也难以在现实世界存活,支撑你存在的是凡人的梦境,你是一个生存在梦境中的神明,这是注定的! Moreover how do you plan to enter the reality? All channels were sealed up, alien traveller also completed the arrangement, you......” “而且你打算怎么进入现实?所有通道都被封闭了,域外游荡者也做好了布置,你……” She is saying as if for real, she did not expect that can prevent the opposite party by this truly, but the hope can delay that through the language already Gods that recovers, reduces speed Its footsteps, for does not know that is winning some time where Gawain- 她半真半假地说着,她并不奢望能以此真正阻止对方,只是希望能通过语言拖延那已然复苏的神明,减慢祂的脚步,为不知正在何处的高文争取一些时间- Where she cannot see Gawain, even perception does not arrive at latter's slight aura, but she believes as alien traveller Gawain not possible to be surrounded like oneself simply, the latter is possibly saving the strength somewhere, prepares to Higher Level Narrator truly fatally strikes, but she can help at this moment only, perhaps is the protracted time. 她看不到高文在哪里,甚至感知不到后者的丝毫气息,但她坚信作为“域外游荡者”的高文不可能像自己一样简简单单地被困住,后者可能正在某处积蓄力量,准备给上层叙事者真正致命的一击,而此时此刻她唯一能帮上忙的,或许就是拖延时间。 But Higher Level Narrator interrupted her words, that low and deep twittering the sound as if from transmits in all directions: 上层叙事者打断了她的话,那低沉的呢喃声仿佛从四面八方传来: We do not care, Creator. “我们已经不在乎了,造物主 perhaps you said right, but please remember, the human nature, is not most sane. 或许你说得对,但请记住,人性,是最不理智的。 As for you mentioned alien traveller......, originally that strange existence called this name...... to be very regrettable, he was truly powerful, was very strange, but he was actually corroded earliest one by us, because of the beginning, us then detected his threat. “至于你提到的‘域外游荡者’……啊,原来那个古怪的存在叫这个名字么……很遗憾,他确实很强大,很古怪,但他却是被我们侵蚀最早的一个,因为从一开始,我们便察觉了他的威胁。 „ In you arrive in the city-state that weaves, when you explore the temple, the corrosion started, we after at nightfall pay a visit, is the crucial part of corrosion. “早在你们抵达那个编织出来的城邦时,早在你们探索神庙的时候,侵蚀就开始了,我们入夜之后的拜访,则是侵蚀的关键一环。 Gives up hoping the hope that Creator, you rely on does not exist, the assimilation has been completed, that by you are called as alien traveller mind, has melted in this darkness.” “放弃希望吧,造物主,你所仰赖的希望已经不存在了,同化已经完成,那个被你称作‘域外游荡者’的心智,早已消融在这片黑暗中。” What......” Selena with astonishment stared in a big way the eye, even in the hand the ray of inspection lamp slightly was gloomy, however from the tone of that giant spider, she could not listen to tone that any blustered or fools to deceive deliberately-, moreover in she had been stranded in the situation in cage, the opposite party as if definitely does not need to lie again, this made her nervous get up finally. “什么……”赛琳娜惊愕地瞪大了眼睛,甚至手中提灯的光芒都略微暗淡了一些,然而从那巨大蜘蛛的语气中,她根本听不出任何虚张声势或蓄意唬骗的语气-况且在她已经被困于笼中的情况下,对方似乎也完全没必要再撒个谎,这让她终于紧张起来。 Your very nervous, is very depressed, as can be appreciated,” spider Gods said in a low voice, this also is very to us regrettable, that is an unusual amusing individual, we are not even able to understand his existence, but we must eliminate all......” “你很紧张,也很沮丧,可以理解,”蜘蛛神明低声说道,“这对我们而言也很遗憾,那是一个非常有趣的个体,我们甚至无法理解他的存在,但我们必须消除所有……” Eliminates all threats, this is good to be familiar with.” “消除所有威胁,这是个好习惯。” In the darkness broadcasts another sound suddenly, interrupted the Higher Level Narrator words. 黑暗中突然传来另一个声音,打断了上层叙事者的话。 That sound low and deep and noise, as if combined many different languages, however its main body was still clear clearly, is familiar in the Selena hear- that is the Gawain's sound! 那声音低沉而略带噪音,其中仿佛混杂了许许多多不同的语言,然而其主体仍然清晰明确,在赛琳娜听来再熟悉不过-那是高文的声音! Suddenly, in the darkness outside birdcage presented the extra ray, that ray seems like the moonlight that throws down from a round of not visible moon, shone upon the new land beside the birdcage, spider web and Gods, a big tall and strong form then stood on that lands, stood between Selena Gehrfen and Higher Level Narrator! 骤然间,鸟笼外的黑暗中出现了额外的光芒,那光芒似乎是从一轮看不见的月亮投下的月光,在鸟笼、蛛网、神明之外映照出了新的土地,一个高大魁梧的身影便站在那片土地上,站在赛琳娜·格尔分上层叙事者之间! Selena with astonishment looks at that form, actually discovered alien traveller the condition is strange, she noticed that on Gawain is twining the black mist and dust and flame indistinctly, and has the extra shadow to brave unceasingly from his side, this scene even strange to somewhat fearful, aura actually certainly that but uploads from that big form- that truly is Gawain, is alien traveller. 赛琳娜惊愕地看着那个身影,却发现“域外游荡者”的状态非常奇怪,她看到高文身上缠绕着影影绰绰的黑色烟尘与火焰,而且不断有额外的影子从他身边冒出来,这景象甚至诡异到有些可怕,但从那高大身影上传出来的气息毫无疑问-那确实是高文,是“域外游荡者”。 Why do you remain?!” Then had surprised like mountain spider Gods finally, Its head nearby red ray flash all fell on Gawain, you had been corroded obviously assimilate, how your mind...... did you possibly remain?!” “你为什么还存在?!”那如山岳般的蜘蛛神明终于有了一丝惊讶,祂头颅附近的红色光芒一瞬间全都落在了高文身上,“你明明已经被侵蚀同化,你的心智……你怎么可能还存在?!” „, Truly is contamination was very serious, having a look at my present appearance...... possibly enough to frighten to cry Betty directly.” Was covered by the black mist and dust flame, the side emitted the extra shadow Gawain to look down own body unceasingly, the tone seemed quite light, at the same time, on him these strange contamination traces are also dropping with his voice unceasingly, is dropping at the visible speed! “啊,确实是污染的挺严重,看看我现在的样子……可能都够直接把贝蒂吓哭了。”被黑色烟尘火焰笼罩,身边不断冒出额外阴影的高文低头看了看自己的身体,语气显得颇为平淡,与此同时,他身上那些诡异的污染痕迹也随着他的话音不断减退着,以肉眼可见的速度减退着! The Duarte sound becomes even more astonished: You...... are swallowing them......” 杜瓦尔特的声音变得愈发惊愕:“你……在吞噬它们……” 1523 history, in 1523...... truly was long years......” on Gawain these did not belong to his external contamination to melt rapidly, he raised the head slowly, is looking at each other with the Higher Level Narrator huge head tranquilly, in the tone as if were many some different feelings, should not support easily?” “一千五百二十三年的历史,一千五百二十三年……确实是一段漫长的岁月……”高文身上那些原本不属于他的“外来污染”迅速消融着,他慢慢抬起头来,与上层叙事者庞然的头颅平静对视着,语气中似乎多了些不一样的感慨,“应该挺不容易吧?” Afterward he shakes the head: Pitifully, to me was too short.” 随后他摇了摇头:“可惜,对我而言还是太短暂了。” Sufficed, we do not need to be accidental!” “够了,我们不需要意外了!” Higher Level Narrator Duarte seemed to be enraged by Gawain finally, along with as if can tear the entire space the aura turbulence, a huge segmental appendage raises high, pounds to fall toward the Gawain top of the head, but pressure and imposing manner that it brings, was far from before on abandoning the plain changes into the spider monster Duarte to compare- 上层叙事者杜瓦尔特似乎终于被高文激怒,伴随着仿佛能撕裂整个空间的气息动荡,一道巨大的节肢高高扬起,向着高文头顶砸落,而它所带来的威压和气势,远非之前在废弃平原上化为蜘蛛怪物的杜瓦尔特能够比拟- It as if can puncture thoroughly the whole world, the cutting realistic and illusory boundary. 它仿佛能刺透整个世界,切割现实与虚幻的边界。 However that segmental appendage actually when stopped from Gawain also one meter strangely. 然而那道节肢却在距离高文还有一米的时候诡异地停了下来。 Afterward, the innumerable pale golden cracks then covered entirely this entire segmental appendage rapidly, and starts to spread upwardly. 随后,无数淡金色的裂纹便迅速布满了这整个节肢,并开始向上蔓延。 The Higher Level Narrator huge body rocks fiercely on the spider web, as if Its within the body suddenly presented the strengths of two mutual conflicts, in striving for the leading power of this body, but under this fearful conflict, Its body surface also covered entirely more cracks gradually, as if can disintegrate momentarily! 上层叙事者的庞大身躯在蛛网上剧烈晃动起来,似乎祂体内突然出现了两股互相冲突的力量,在争夺着这具躯体的主导权,而在这可怕的冲突之下,祂的躯体表面也渐渐布满了更多的裂缝,仿佛随时都会四分五裂 What's all this about...... you made anything......” “这是怎么回事……你做了什么……” Selena hears that Gods to call out in alarm, the spirit contamination strength in that screams bringing makes her have a headache to crack, even must stimulate the strength of Dreamland inspection lamp to maintain itself full power reluctantly, she hears the Gawain tranquil sound to resound, in the tone has regret- 赛琳娜听到那个“神明”正在惊呼,那惊呼声中带来的精神污染力量让她头痛欲裂,甚至要全力激发梦境提灯的力量才能勉强维持自身,她听到高文平静的声音响起,语气中带着遗憾- Young Gods, you were too young, my mortal, imagines compared with you more deceitful...... “年轻的神明,你太年轻了,我这个凡人,比你想象的更加狡诈…… I let your contamination intentionally.” “我是故意让你污染的。” The slating sound resounds: What did you say?!” 雷鸣般的声音响起:“你说什么?!” I am intentionally,” Gawain raised the head, calmly gazes at the body of Higher Level Narrator to crack in his eyes gradually, „ because of something, only then opens the front door to do. “我是故意的,”高文抬起头,静静注视着上层叙事者的躯体在他眼中渐渐开裂,“因为有些事情,只有敞开大门才能做。 Does not accept your contamination, what contamination do I take you?” “不接受你的污染,我拿什么污染你?” ( Asked monthly ticket) (求月票)
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