SOD :: Volume #9

#814: 2nd

Hears the Gawain's words, Magnum and Yuri stares simultaneously. 听到高文的话,马格南尤里同时一愣。 The boundless mist still surged in all around, not obvious malicious mind as if proliferates on the entire plain, in everywhere low and deep talks during sleep with spirit contamination, Gawain does not return said: Has the thing to bypass the protection of No. 1 sandbox in the attempt, if I have not guessed wrong, the infiltration of Higher Level Narrator in real world has started.” 无边的雾气仍然在四周涌动,不可见的恶意心智仿佛遍布在整个平原上,在无处不在的低沉呓语和精神污染中,高文头也不回地说道:“有东西在尝试绕过一号沙箱的防护,如果我没猜错,上层叙事者在现实世界的渗透已经开始了。” Duarte of spider is also good, the thing that the limitless mist and spirit contamination, in all these surfaces can see actually only divided Gawain half of attention, his remaining half of energy, are actually paying attention to boundary from beginning to end change! 蜘蛛化的杜瓦尔特也好,无边无际的雾气和精神污染也罢,所有这些表面上能看到的东西其实都只分去了高文一半的注意,他剩下的一半精力,其实从始至终都在关注“边界”的变化! This boundary is the boundary of mind network, boundary that” was initially Gawain and Daniel establishes the innumerable secret doors, springboards and hidden port that constitutes in the mind network, these things proliferate the entire network, is covering all nodes besides No. 1 sandbox, they were Gawain were once used to invade the mind network, to monitor the tool of Eternal Sleepers action, but at this moment, whether these things in some sense then became a Gawain monitoring network normal covert defense line- 这个边界是心灵网络的边界,是当初高文丹尼尔在心灵网络中设置的无数暗门、跳板以及隐藏端口所构成的“边界”,这些东西遍布整个网络,覆盖着除了一号沙箱之外的所有节点,它们一度是高文用来入侵心灵网络、监控永眠者行动的工具,而此时此刻,这些东西在某种意义上便成了高文监控网络是否正常的一道隐蔽防线- Carries out the Dreamland control in mind network each node, all computation strength centralized in the situation of No. 1 sandbox, any appears in the network, without labelling information, 100% are Higher Level Narrator contamination! 在心灵网络各个节点执行梦境管制,所有计算力都被集中在一号沙箱的情况下,任何出现在网络中的、未经标注的信息,都百分之百是上层叙事者污染 In a moment ago, Gawain then indistinctly perception to these contamination, perception to establishing some hidden ports in mind network smelled to search to the suspicious information, certainly, in the network outside sandbox appeared exceptionally, the real world...... likely also appeared exceptionally! 就在刚才,高文便隐隐约约地感知到了这些污染,感知到设置在心灵网络中的部分隐藏端口“嗅探”到了可疑的信息,毫无疑问,沙箱之外的网络中出现了异常,现实世界……很可能也出现了异常! Magnum stared in a big way the eye, on the alert the shadow in mist while said fast: That side the real world has not transmitted warns the signal damn...... wait/etc......!!” 马格南瞪大了眼睛,一边警惕着雾气中的阴影一边飞快地说道:“可是现实世界那边没有传来示警信号……等等……该死!!” He responded suddenly, the complexion instantaneously became very ugly. 他突然反应过来,脸色瞬间变得非常难看。 Yuri, we are separated immediately!” Magnum shifts to nearby Yuri suddenly Charvin, looks to Gawain and Selena, that you two what to do?” 尤里,我们立刻脱离!”马格南猛然转向一旁的尤里查尔文,紧接着又看向高文赛琳娜,“那你们两个怎么办?” Selena does not have means to return to reality, she and I stay here, we will find the way to solve Higher Level Narrator, before then, you found the way to find infiltration point in the real world, stopped the loophole, do not make It run away,” Gawain said that „, if can solve from the source, all issues did not exist.” 赛琳娜没办法‘回到现实’,她和我留在这里,我们会想办法解决掉上层叙事者,在这之前,你们想办法找到现实世界中的渗透点,堵住漏洞,不要让祂跑掉,”高文说道,“如果能从源头上解决,一切问题也就不复存在了。” I understood,” Magnum makes an effort to nod, and looks to the one side, perhaps does Yuri, how also arrange?” “我明白了,”马格南用力点了点头,并看向一旁,“尤里,怎么还没准备好?” Has no way to be separated,” Yuri both hands are outlining one by one golden color rune in the air fast, the overlapping illusory ray is expanding centered on him outward, but was prevented unceasingly by invisible barrier, was disturbed...... me not to locate the boundary of real world!” “没法脱离,”尤里双手在空气中飞快地勾勒着一个个金色符文,层层叠叠的虚幻光芒以他为中心向外扩展着,但又不断被无形的屏障阻挡下来,“被干扰了……我定位不到现实世界的边界!” In the limitless thick fog, broadcast the Duarte hoarse overlapped sound again: „The real world...... here has no real world......” 无边无际的浓雾中,再次传来了杜瓦尔特嘶哑重叠的声音:“现实世界……这里根本没有什么现实世界……” Shadow sudden contraction in thick fog, together thick, and has the segmental appendage of sharp hangnail to divide to cut suddenly, the Gawain long sword raises, clang blocks this sudden attack, however many attacks then from well up in all directions! 浓雾中的阴影突然一阵收缩,一道粗大且带着锐利倒刺的节肢猛然劈砍下来,高文长剑扬起,“铛”的一声拦下这突如其来的袭击,然而紧接着更多的袭击便从四面八方涌来! Selena avoids these to face own attack lithely, side caresses conveniently leaves the air, invisible fluctuation then ripples overlapping, these black segmental appendages were covered by the translucent bubble instantaneously, arrives at the sunlight general rapid dissipation on such as the photo. 赛琳娜轻盈地躲开那些朝向自己的攻击,随手抚动身旁的空气,无形的波动便层层叠叠地荡漾开来,那些黑色的节肢瞬间被半透明的泡沫覆盖,紧接着就如照到阳光一般迅速消散。 In the short crevice that Gawain in Selena makes leaves to retrocede two steps, arrives around Yuri and Magnum: Close, me returns to the real world you.” 高文则在赛琳娜制造出的短暂空隙中抽身后退两步,来到尤里马格南附近:“靠近点,我把你们送回现实世界。” You can......” Magnum with astonishment stare big eye looks at Gawain, just wants to question how the opposite party is unable possibly to return to perception to the situation in realistic boundary in this type to the real world, but he then remembered the strangeness and fearfulness of alien traveller, the tone a revolution, how told me to do immediately!” “你能……”马格南惊愕地瞪大眼睛看着高文,刚想质疑对方在这种根本无法感知到现实边界的情况下怎么可能把人送回到现实世界,但紧接着他便想起了域外游荡者的诡异和可怕,语气顿时一转,“告诉我要怎么做!” Your need not makes anything,” Gawain is saying, the secret door that while sets through the system in advance locked Yuri and Magnum mind, just process possibly a little uncomfortable-” “你们不用做什么,”高文一边说着,一边通过系统中预先设置的暗门锁定了尤里马格南心智,“只不过过程可能有点不舒服-” Yuri subconsciously asked: What intent......” 尤里下意识地问道:“什么意……” His words just told only half, then felt suddenly numerous and disorderly to surpassing the Human Race understanding, swiftly and violently swamped into own mind to the memory mighty current that is unable to resist, that mighty current huge even made him frightened, his passing half a lifetime knew all that saw, his remembered completely and knowledge, such as the gravel in sand beach under the washout of this mighty current could not withstand unexpectedly generally tiny- 他的话刚说到一半,便突然感觉到一股庞杂到超过人类理解、迅猛到无从抗拒的记忆洪流涌入了自己的脑海,那道洪流之庞大甚至令他恐惧,他过去半生所知所见的一切,他的全部记忆和学识,在这道洪流的冲刷下竟如沙滩上的砂砾一般渺小不堪- Surface conscious is in shock, mind blows a fuse, forcefully off-line. 表层意识休克,心智熔断,强行离线。 Yuri and Magnum see clearly in that huge conscious mighty current to have anything radically without enough time, was separated the connection by the flood attack forcefully. 尤里马格南根本来不及看清那庞大意识洪流中有什么东西,便被洪水攻击强行断开了连线。 As two Archbishop forms disappear suddenly, surrounded Gawain and Selena boundless mist also suddenly static the flash. 而随着两名大主教的身影骤然消失,包围高文赛琳娜的无边雾气也突然静止了一瞬间。 The master of mist as if felt the moment is stunned, later all thick fog then contract and pile up overlapping, condensed again Duarte that wore the worn-out long gown. 雾气的主人似乎感到了片刻错愕,随后所有的浓雾便层层叠叠地收缩、堆积,再次凝聚出了身披破旧长袍的杜瓦尔特 You compared with...... the danger that I imagine.” Duarte looks at Gawain, calm especially is calmly strange. “你比我想象的更加……危险。”杜瓦尔特静静地看着高文,语气平静的格外诡异。 You are very in my opinion dangerous from beginning to end.” Gawain flung waved the arms about the long sword, similarly tranquilly the old person in looks at not far away. “你在我看来从始至终都很危险。”高文甩了甩手中长剑,同样平静地看着不远处的老人。 The Duarte starting to walk footsteps, tread on own initiative one step to Gawain. 杜瓦尔特迈开脚步,主动向高文踏出一步。 After one step treads, Gawain felt suddenly all around environment changed again, some type spied on by the innumerable eyes, well ups by the feeling that the invisible net covers covers. 一步踏出之后,高文骤然间感觉到四周的环境再次发生了变化,某种被无数双眼睛窥探、被无形之网笼罩覆盖的感觉涌上心头。 But in Duarte behind, side that spiral hill, had originally died and calmly lie face downward the giant spider on hillside also with that step to tread, suddenly starts gushes out is living the feeling. 而在杜瓦尔特身后,那座螺旋山丘侧面,本已死去、静静俯卧在山坡上的巨大蜘蛛也随着那一步踏出,突然开始涌出“活着”的感觉。 Duarte trod the second step, in him behind, Higher Level Narrator the God's Corpse surface exuded the ripple surge, layer upon layer rune rapid by gloomily became bright, that tight social climbing rock, as if huge pillar/backbone segmental appendage also moved slowly, rolled down from the hillside innumerable giant stone, triggered rumble the loud sound. 杜瓦尔特踏出了第二步,在他身后,“上层叙事者”的神尸表面泛起了波纹般的浪涌,层层符文迅速由暗淡变得明亮,那紧紧攀附着岩石的、仿佛巨大支柱般的节肢也缓慢挪动起来,将无数巨石从山坡上滚下,引发了隆隆巨响。 Gods has died......” 神明已死……” Duarte opens both hands, as if formed some resonance with that giant Divine Attribute spider behind, he is announcing loudly, but nearby the head of that giant spider also shines a red light suddenly, as if innumerable eyes looked generally simultaneously to Gawain and Selena direction. 杜瓦尔特张开双手,与身后那巨大的神性蜘蛛仿佛形成了某种共鸣,他高声宣告着,而那巨大蜘蛛的头颅附近也突然亮起道道红光,仿佛无数双眼睛一般同时望向了高文赛琳娜的方向。 It dies for all living things...... “祂是为众生而死…… His death, took back the zero point the world, the myriad things turns over to the cocoon, the cocoon to turn over to the myriad things...... “祂的死亡,将世界收归原点,万物归茧,茧归万物…… However today, It will also be......” “而今日,祂也将为……” The Gawain under foot has rippled layer upon layer the ripple, a whole person as if shell changes to the remnant shadow, charges into Duarte with the sword instantaneously, and exuded the dark red Pioneer long sword to prick latter's chest in the next second that black. 高文脚下已经荡漾开层层波纹,整个人仿佛一枚炮弹般化作残影,瞬间连人带剑冲向杜瓦尔特,并在下一秒将那柄黑色泛着暗红的开拓者长剑刺入了后者的胸膛。 Cannot wait till the villain to say the words, Gawain grips tightly the sword hilt of long sword, gazes at the eye of Duarte tranquilly, on the long sword sword blade has been igniting the illusory flame, is swallowing this old age rapidly Priest body, this is the experience.” “不能等到反派把话说完,”高文紧握长剑的剑柄,平静地注视着杜瓦尔特的眼睛,长剑剑刃上已经燃起虚幻的火焰,迅速吞噬着这个老年“神官”的躯体,“这是经验。” However in the roaring flame flaming combustion, on the Duarte face does not have slightly painfully, he even shows a strange smile , to continue with tranquilly, but the tone of no mighty waves said: 然而在烈焰熊熊燃烧中,杜瓦尔特脸上却无丝毫痛苦,他甚至露出一丝诡异的微笑,继续用平静而无波澜的语气说道: It will live for all living things. “祂将为众生而生。 Having the words must say, this is the politeness.” “有话必须说完,这是礼貌。” After a as if bubble burst light sound, the body of Duarte broke under Sword of the Pioneer silently, but sudden darkness actually ascends at present from Selena and Gawain, this darkness as if emerges general from their innermost feelings, is unable to move aside unable to resist, then embezzles two people instantaneously thoroughly. 一声仿佛泡沫破裂般的轻响之后,杜瓦尔特的身体在开拓者之剑下无声无息地破碎了,而一阵突如其来的黑暗却从赛琳娜高文眼前升腾起来,这黑暗就仿佛从他们自身的内心中涌现一般,无从躲闪无从抵挡,瞬间便将两人彻底吞没。 In the darkness, Selena hears to have the illusory sound to transmit: Wish your good dream, our Creator......” 在黑暗中,赛琳娜听到有虚无缥缈的声音传来:“祝你好梦,我们的‘造物主’……” ...... …… Magnum opened the eye suddenly, scenery crazy in line of sight is swaying and reorganizing, finally forms the room arrangement that he was familiar with gradually. 马格南猛然张开了眼睛,视线中的景物疯狂摇晃、重组着,终于渐渐形成了他熟悉的房间陈设。 The next second, he then suddenly from establishing to be protecting in magic spell magic formation to jump layer upon layer , the poor under foot falls unbalancedly on the ground, after supports a nearby pillar thrillingly, he is completely muddled is also uncomfortable extremely to retch. 下一秒,他便猛然从设置着层层防护法术魔法阵中跳了起来,又差一点脚下失衡地摔在地上,惊险地扶住附近的一根柱子之后,他才晕头转向又难受万分地干呕起来。 This fearful condition continued for enough a half minute, this powerful Eternal Sleepers Archbishop slow tone, is adjusting own condition crassly, while then looked at one. 这可怕的状态持续了足足半分钟,这个强大的永眠者大主教才缓过口气,一边骂骂咧咧地调整着自己的状态,一边回头看了一眼。 In him behind, that established many to protect magic spell magic formation gloomily most, almost all mind protected rune to fuse and extinguish. 在他身后,那设置了诸多防护法术魔法阵已经暗淡大半,几乎所有的心智防护符文都已经熔融、熄灭了。 Magnum holds breath cold air, is muttering in the lingering fear: „The alien traveller strength...... he to is a little uncomfortable the understanding with our Human Race not too same......” 马格南倒吸一口凉气,在后怕中咕哝着:“域外游荡者的力量……他对‘有点不舒服’的理解是不是跟我们人类不太一样……” Afterward he calms down, turns head to look to the entrance of this seal secret room. 随后他定了定神,扭头看向这间封闭密室的入口。 Outside does not have the sound of difference, is also very normal through the situation that the mind field of vision sees. 外面并没有异样的动静,通过心灵视界看到的情况也十分正常。 But he had not therefore felt relieved, but widened own perception range, after determining the entire Area Bishop did not have the unusual circumstance, he takes a step to arrive at the entrance, pushes the door to leave the room. 但他并没有因此放下心来,而是扩大了自己的感知范围,直到确定了整个主教都没有异常情况之后,他才迈步来到门口,推门离开房间。 Almost at the same time, another leaf of door of corridor another side not far away was also shoved open, complexion slightly somewhat pale Yuri Charvin appears in front of Magnum. 几乎与此同时,走廊另一侧不远处的另一扇房门也被推开了,脸色略有些苍白的尤里查尔文出现在马格南面前。 Magnum,” Yuri looked here one, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, I suspected that alien traveller to is a little uncomfortable the understanding and our Human Race not too same......” 马格南,”尤里看了这边一眼,苦笑着摇摇头,“我怀疑域外游荡者对‘有点不舒服’的理解和咱们人类不太一样……” I almost think a moment ago oneself had died,” Magnum is knitting the brows to shake the head, your situation how?” “我刚才差点以为自己已经死了,”马格南皱着眉摇了摇头,“你情况怎么样?” Fortunately,” Yuri nods, we best find the responsible Shrine thing a bit faster Semler Archbishop, hoping the infiltration of Higher Level Narrator not to open the irreversible channel.” “还好,”尤里点点头,“我们最好快点找到负责神殿事物的塞姆勒大主教,但愿上层叙事者的渗透还没有打开不可逆的通道。” Magnum nods, turns toward the Shrine central area to walk with Yuri together quickly, is walking while mumbled: Situation ruined...... for today's action, we closed many ports of mind network, to maintain to calculate the strength in this case, dispersed in regional Bishop and Archbishop returns to the Olandell area...... to present divulging among us by some chance, the consequence will be dreadful.” 马格南点点头,和尤里一同快步向着神殿的中心区域走去,一边走着一边嘟嘟囔囔:“情况糟透了……为了今天的行动,我们关闭了心灵网络的很多端口,又为了在这种情况下维持算力,很多原本分散在各地的主教大主教都回到了奥兰戴尔地区……万一在我们之间出现了泄露,后果将不堪设想。” Thinks toward the good aspect, Yuri shakes the head, „, if really presents divulging among us, divulging will at least be controlled in this underground palace, so long as bombed the upper-level vault when the time comes, all issues will not go into on the surface.” “往好的方面想,”尤里摇了摇头,“如果真的在我们之间出现泄露,至少泄露会被控制在这座地宫里,只要到时候炸塌了上层穹顶,所有问题都不会跑到地表上面。” „...... Your optimism really makes one not look every so often clearly.” “……很多时候你的乐观真是让人看不明白。” Magnum mumbled one, but almost at the same time, rapid sound of footsteps transmitted from the front corridor suddenly, making two Archbishop stop the footsteps simultaneously. 马格南嘟囔了一句,而几乎与此同时,一阵急促的脚步声突然从前方的走廊传来,让两名大主教同时停下了脚步。 Yuri the hand according to volume of magic letters of waist, Magnum lifted the arm instantaneously slightly, completed preparation that discharges magic spell. 尤里瞬间将手按在了腰间的一册魔法书上,马格南则微微抬起胳膊,做好了施放法术的准备。 Here is the Eternal Sleepers supreme headquarters, is they most familiar headquarters, had been in the past for many years each Eternal Sleepers heart safest is. 这里是永眠者的大本营,是他们最熟悉的总部,是过去许多年来每一个永眠者心中最安全的所在。 But in tonight, no longer yes. 但在今夜,不再是了。 The sound of footsteps is getting more and more near, finally, has the familiar form to appear in front of Yuri and Magnum. 脚步声愈来愈近,终于,有熟悉的身影出现在尤里马格南面前。 That wears the black long gown, the makings are cloudy, the hair sparse is mixing with several grayish white Semler Archbishop, is the head in tonight bottom palace. 那是身披黑色长袍,气质阴沉严肃,头发稀疏中夹杂着几丝灰白的塞姆勒大主教,是今夜地底宫殿的负责人。 But in this Archbishop behind, but also high level Priest with several complete equipment, as well as more than ten wears the heavy/thick armor and hands to hold nightmare cleaver warblade spirit Knight. 而在这位大主教身后,还跟着数名全副武装高阶神官,以及十几名身披厚重铠甲、手执“噩梦切割者”战刃的“灵骑士”。 When this complete equipment stance may not seem like the normal patrols proper conditions. 这种全副武装的姿态可不像是正常巡逻时应有的状态。 Two sides that suddenly meets almost stopped as if by prior agreement, some time ago Priest of compatriot were being covered by the nervous mood suddenly. 突然碰面的两方几乎是不约而同地停了下来,不久前还是同胞的神官们一时间被紧张的情绪笼罩着。 Yuri, Magnum,” Semler is staring at the present two people, „didn't you enter the sandbox to carry out the task?” 尤里,马格南,”塞姆勒盯着眼前的两人,“你们不是进入沙箱执行任务了么?” alien traveller makes us come out to warn, the real world possibly does not have the detected infiltration,” Magnum sinking sound opens the mouth, Semler, what situation is your side?” 域外游荡者让我们出来示警,现实世界可能存在未被察觉的渗透,”马格南沉声开口,“塞姆勒,你那边又是什么情况?” Semler Archbishop after hearing the Magnum words obviously relaxes, but still frowned tightly: Perhaps your warning late a point...... already condition.” 塞姆勒大主教在听到马格南的话之后明显松了口气但仍然紧皱眉头:“恐怕你们的示警晚了一点……已经出状况了。” Yuri stared in a big way the eye: Had/Left the condition!?” 尤里瞪大了眼睛:“出状况了!?” Accepting area presents contamination, some spirit Knight had been controlled, Wendy Archbishop braves death to break through to report to the police, later the doctrine area, wine cellar and lower-level Area Priest also present chaos that the degree varied,” Semler Archbishop language fast said fast, now we are blocking these to receive contamination Priest in each region, I am leading middle level patrol Shrine.” “收容区出现污染,部分灵骑士已经受到控制,温蒂大主教冒死突围出来报了警,随后教条区、酒窖、下层神官也出现了程度不一的混乱,”塞姆勒大主教语速飞快地说道,“现在我们正在各个区域阻击那些受到污染神官,我正在带队巡逻神殿中层。” The situation seemed then quick the said clearness, however on the Magnum face the expression of vigilant alert has not changed slightly. 情况似乎很快便被说的明明白白,然而马格南脸上警惕戒备的表情丝毫没有改变。 This cannot remove your suspicions, hopes that you can understand, Semler,” he is fixing the eyes on at present the person in not far away, „, although we are the friends, but I must suspect everyone now.” “这并不能排除你们的嫌疑,希望你能理解,塞姆勒,”他紧盯着眼前不远处的人,“尽管我们是朋友,但我现在必须怀疑每一个人。” We need from proving purely, Magnum.” Semler also nods, showed the unusual understanding. “我们都需要自证清白,马格南。”塞姆勒也点了点头,表示非常理解。 I have a suggestion, is quicker than any Divine Spell method,” Magnum lifts a hand, said seriously,now reads with me together: “我有一个建议,比任何神术手段都快捷,”马格南抬起一只手,郑重其事地说道,“现在跟我一起念: Higher Level Narrator is a son-of-bitch.” 上层叙事者是狗娘养的。” Nearby Yuri stared in a big way the eye immediately, after being astonished, despised looks at Magnum: Cannot withstand vulgarly!” 旁边的尤里顿时瞪大了眼睛,惊愕之后又鄙视地看着马格南:“粗俗不堪!” Vulgar, but effective,” Magnum looked at Yuri one, „ I had made War God Priest, is ordered to eradicate the heresy belief, I understood how to screen devout believer fast, particularly suffers spirit contamination regarding these transformed believer, they are unable to control oneself words and deeds with sane, therefore...... “粗俗但是有效,”马格南看了尤里一眼,“我曾经做过战神牧师,也奉命铲除过异端信仰,我了解怎样快速甄别虔诚信徒,尤其是对于那些遭受精神污染而转化的信徒,他们无法用理智来控制自己的言行,所以…… Everyone has, read with me together......” “大家都有,跟我一起念……”
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