SOD :: Volume #9

#813: Corrupts later Gods

On the plain that the darkness perishes illuminates the moonlight that should not present, in the ended world center, Higher Level Narrator calmly lay face downward on the hill of helix, had the Divine Attribute segmental appendage still closely the social climbing these precipice that was condensed by historical fragment becomes, the limpid moonlight imitated, if the fine gauze is covering the lifeform of this Divine Attribute, the bright moonlight hung in the above of hill. 黑暗沉沦的平原上照进了本不应出现的月光,在早已终结的世界中心,上层叙事者静静地俯卧在螺旋形的山丘上,带有神性的节肢仍然紧紧地攀附着那些由历史碎片凝聚而成的山岩,清澈的月光仿若轻纱般覆盖着这个神性的生物,明月高悬在山丘的正上方。 Gawain looked up, looks at that only giant spider. 高文仰起头,看着那只巨大的蜘蛛。 It as if died on the chase moonlight road. 祂仿佛是死在了追逐月光的路上。 It pursues naturally possibly is not the moonlight, this sandbox world same does not have moon with outside reality, but his social climbing hillside but the stance of death...... seems like truly pursuing anything. 祂追逐的当然不可能是月光,这个沙箱世界就和外面的现实一样不存在“月亮”,但祂那攀附山坡而死的姿态……倒确实像是在追逐着什么。 Magnum looked up, the Higher Level Narrator segmental appendage covered the moonlight, casts the huge shadow in his side, this hot tempered red hair Bishop narrows the eye slightly: Coughing...... is really magnificent......” 马格南仰起头,上层叙事者的节肢遮挡了月光,在他身边投下巨大的阴影,这位暴躁的红发主教微微眯起眼睛:“咳……真是壮观……” We arrived at this world at the same time what to do real...... is then should?” Yuri cannot bear ask, Higher Level Narrator had died, after can It resurrects, kill?” “我们来到了这个世界的真实一面……可是接下来该怎么办?”尤里忍不住问道,“上层叙事者已经死了,难道要把祂复活之后再杀一遍?” His corpse truly here, but thinks that matter deceived us curtain, thinks that these attack our spiders,” Gawain said at a moderate pace, „the Gods life and death is one type the concept that the mortal is more complex, Its perhaps died, but in some dimension, some level, Its influence is also living......” “祂的尸体确实在这里,但想想那层欺骗了我们所有人的‘帷幕’,想想那些袭击我们的蜘蛛,”高文不紧不慢地说道,“神明的生死是一种远比凡人复杂的概念,祂或许死了,但在某个维度,某个层面,祂的影响还活着……” Gawain said is very ambiguous , because something he cannot determine, but life and death about Gods he really has certain suspicion- Myriad Gods of real world also dying, in the Gods corpse in battle record and deep sea , the disobedient fortress god slayer fleet cannot do false, however the god still returned time and time again, is responding the pray of believer time and time again, this fully explained a matter: 高文说的很含糊,是因为有些事情连他都不敢确定,但关于“神明的生死”他确实是有一定猜想的-现实世界的众神也“死”过,弑神舰队战斗记录和深海中、忤逆堡垒中的神明尸体更做不得假,然而神仍然一次又一次地回归,一次又一次地响应着信徒的祈祷,这就足以说明一件事: Even if a god died, the corpse is placed in you at present, It was still living in some level. 哪怕一个神死了,尸体都摆在你眼前,祂在某种层面上也仍然是活着的。 Selena same looked up, observes that giant spider wreckage discretely, the brow is wrinkling slightly: „Before It at the point of death , seems protecting anything.” 赛琳娜同样仰起头,谨慎地观察着那巨大的蜘蛛残骸,眉头微微皱起:“祂临死前似乎在保护着什么东西。” Gawain raises head to look following the line of sight of Selena, he noticed that among the Higher Level Narrator segmental appendages has especially thick spider's silk winding, but in the slits of spider's silk, as if really has anything to exist indistinctly. 高文顺着赛琳娜的视线仰头望去,他看到上层叙事者的节肢之间有格外粗大的蛛丝缠绕,而在蛛丝的缝隙之间,似乎确实隐隐约约有什么东西存在着。 That seems like several with cocoon that” the spider's silk winding becomes. 那好像是数个用蛛丝缠绕而成的“茧”。 Higher Level Narrator on is protecting these cocoon to be the same probably, the portion segmental appendage closely contracts under the body. 上层叙事者就好像在保护着那些“茧”一样,一部分节肢紧紧地收缩在身体下方。 Is truly protecting anything......” Gawain to knit the brows, takes a step to face forward to walk, perhaps these by the thing that It protects are the keys.” “确实是在保护着什么……”高文皱了皱眉,迈步朝前走去,“或许那些被祂保护起来的东西就是关键。” However when he moves toward that spiral hill, invisible wind has blown the desolated plain suddenly, in dust and debris that were curled up by the wind, Gawain and the others subconsciously stopped the footsteps, when this gust subsides, the form does not know together when has stood in the front not far place. 然而就在他走向那座螺旋山丘的时候,一阵无形的风突然吹过了荒芜的平原,在被风卷起的尘埃和碎屑中,高文等人下意识地停下了脚步,等到这阵风平息,一道身影不知何时已经站在前方不远的地方。 That is an old person who wears the obsolete long gown, is tall, the beard and hair is all white, in the hand proposed one as if to use very long worn-out lantern. 那是一位身披陈旧长袍的老人,身材高大,须发皆白,手中提着一盏似乎已用了很久的破旧灯笼。 Said that is Higher Level Narrator Priest Duarte. 自称为上层叙事者神官杜瓦尔特 Yuri and Magnum expression instantaneously becomes serious, simultaneously they notice that named Ritter the white hair girl seems not at side the old person in ground at this moment. 尤里马格南的表情瞬间变得郑重起来,同时他们注意到那位名叫“娜瑞提尔”的白发女孩此刻似乎并不在地面的老人身边。 Duarte walks from the wind, the line of sight first fell on Gawain. 杜瓦尔特从风中走来,视线第一时间落在了高文身上。 I am very surprised,” his looks at Gawain said, the voice no longer like from the beginning is so kindly gentle, but brings some sharp hoarse trembling, as if his throat has corrupted, the sound the resonance from the torn to pieces flesh comes out general, I have never seen you individual like the information that...... you bring, nearly contamination entire story.” “我很惊讶,”他看着高文说道,嗓音却不再像一开始那样慈祥和蔼,而是带着某种尖锐嘶哑的震颤,仿佛其喉咙早已腐烂,声音是从支离破碎的血肉中共鸣出来一般,“我从未见过像你这样的个体……你带来的信息,险些污染了整个故事。” Gawain has not made any response, he goes forward one step, in black exudes the dark red long sword then suddenly to appear in his hands, again forward one step, he then put on this body 700 years ago when expedition battlefield once the heavy/thick mail-armor and helmet of clothing. 高文没有做出任何回应,他只是上前一步,一柄黑色中泛着暗红的长剑便突然出现在他手中,再向前一步,他便披上了这副身体七百年前征战沙场时曾穿戴的厚重甲胄。 Also good, such conversation way directly.” “也好,这样的‘交谈’方式更直接一点。” Shabby Duarte complexion looks at did not say a word calmly Gawain that drew a sword to go forward, the tone is then saying indifferently, later discarded the lantern in hand unhurriedly. 衣衫破旧的杜瓦尔特面色平静地看着一言不发便拔剑上前的高文,语气淡然地说着,随后不慌不忙地扔掉了手中的灯笼。 The flame in lantern extinguishes instantaneously, however in the flash that the flame is shattered, the shadows of innumerable ascension then dissipate suddenly from the Duarte aged body, these shadow crazy are whooshing, is intertwined the inflation in the air, suddenly then changed into a giant spider comprised of the ashes, mist and dust, shadow and dark red pattern, is exactly the same as Higher Level Narrator that on that spiral hill died! 灯笼中的火光瞬间熄灭,然而在火光破灭的一瞬间,无数升腾的阴影便突然从杜瓦尔特老迈的躯体上逸散出来,那些影子疯狂地嘶吼着,在空气中交缠膨胀,眨眼间便化为了一个由灰烬、烟尘、影子和暗红色花纹组成的巨大蜘蛛,与那座螺旋山丘上死去的上层叙事者一模一样! Strange shouts to resound from the mist and dust, the body proliferates the Divine Attribute pattern black spider to raise a segmental appendage, blocked in the Gawain hand the blazing long sword, the spark scatters in all directions to crack between the sword blade and segmental appendage, Duarte that the voice of sounds of people does not transmit from spider within the body: Unfortunately, your came from the reality the sword blade, how to compete with the endless nightmare......” 一声怪异的嘶吼声从烟尘中响起,身上遍布神性花纹的黑色蜘蛛扬起一只节肢,挡住了高文手中炽热的长剑,火花在剑刃和节肢间四散崩裂,杜瓦尔特那已经不似人声的嗓音从蜘蛛体内传来:“可惜的是,你这源自现实的剑刃,怎敌得过无尽的梦魇……” Gawain grips tightly the long sword, is looking at each other in the dark red eye that in the mist and dust glitters with these tranquilly, little illusory glimmer spreads on his sword blade: At just the right moment, I in the Dreamland aspect also calculate that slightly has to be skilled in......” 高文紧握长剑,与那些在烟尘中闪烁的暗红色眼睛平静地对视着,一点点虚幻的微光在他的剑刃上蔓延:“真巧,我在梦境方面也算略有精通……” The Sword of the Pioneer surface leapt the illusory flame, the previous quarter as if indestructible spider segmental appendage flash was also slivered two, Duarte that huge body moved by the inconceivable flexible way instantaneous side, avoided the Gawain following attack, and sent out a series of chaos inexplicable shouting. 开拓者之剑表面腾起了虚幻的火焰,前一刻还仿佛坚不可摧的蜘蛛节肢一瞬间被切成两段,“杜瓦尔特”那庞大的躯体以不可思议的灵活方式瞬间侧移,躲开了高文接下来的攻击,并发出一连串混沌莫名的嘶吼。 The Gawain rotation wrist/skill, the long sword has delimited together the semicircle in the side, the next second then holds the sword again on, simultaneously in the mouth asked: „ Are you Higher Level Narrator? His incarnation? Projection? 高文回转手腕,长剑在身旁划过一道半圆,下一秒便再次持剑而上,同时口中问道:“你是上层叙事者?还是祂的化身?投影? What that girl named Ritter is? “那个叫娜瑞提尔的女孩又是什么? Where has Gods died aura that...... that here paces back and forth to come from?” 神明已死……那这里徘徊的气息又来自哪里?” Spider Duarte is facing the Gawain violent storm attack, dodges and counter-attacks unceasingly, while sent out whispering that is mixing with the muddy noise: „ outsider...... your issue may really be many...... 蜘蛛化的“杜瓦尔特”面对着高文狂风暴雨般的攻击,一边不断闪避、反击,一边发出了夹杂着浑浊噪音的低语:“外来者……你的问题可真是不少…… Unfortunately, in the nightmare does not have the answer!” “可惜的是,噩梦中没有答案!” Thick fog arrives towering on the plain, the heavy/thick mist shielded everyone's sense in a flash, in the darkness can only see that the empty shadow of as if giant spider is moving in the fog fast, Yuri both hands opened, outlined golden rune to reinforce everyone's mind unceasingly, Magnum is starting the powerful mind storm, scattered spirit contamination that these closed up unceasingly, Selena holds the inspection lamp, is gazing at the change in fog vigilantly, while looked to the Gawain's direction. 一层浓雾突兀地降临在平原上,厚重的雾气转瞬间屏蔽了所有人的感官,黑暗中只能看到有仿佛巨大蜘蛛的虚影在雾中飞快移动着,尤里双手张开,不断勾勒出金色符文加固着所有人的心智,马格南则掀起强大的心灵风暴,不断驱散那些靠拢过来的精神污染,赛琳娜手执提灯,一边警惕地注视着雾中的变化,一边看向高文的方向。 Gawain grips tightly the long sword, the vision has swept the present thick fog slowly, the huge spider empty shadow flashes past before him, he was actually only retrocedes tranquilly half step, did not return said: Yuri, Magnum, you return to the real world.” 高文一手紧握长剑,目光缓缓扫过眼前的浓雾,巨大的蜘蛛虚影在他面前一闪而过,他却只是平静地后退了半步,头也不回地说道:“尤里,马格南,你们返回现实世界。” ...... …… The underground palace deep place of Eternal Sleepers headquarters, in the floor accepting area a silence, as if entire palace had been covered by the tranquil deep dormancy. 永眠者总部的地宫深处,底层收容区内一片寂静,仿佛整座宫殿都已经被宁静的深眠笼罩。 Close to the floor building up hall and independent accepting room , the facial features are gently beautiful, makings tranquil Spiritsong Wendy is sitting on own bed peacefully, gazes at one not to know from where comes, the whole body nearly transparent white spider, looks at it nettings in the corner industriously, looks at it is upon the jump on the ground. 靠近底层集结大厅、单独的收容房间内,面容柔美,气质恬静的“灵歌温蒂正安静地坐在自己的床铺上,注视着一只不知从何而来的、浑身近乎透明的白色蜘蛛,看着它在墙角辛勤结网,看着它在地上跑来跑去。 The Wendy facial features are tranquil, look silent like water, as if has stared like this was looking at a century, moreover planned that continues to look like this. 温蒂的面容平静,眼神静默如水,似乎已经这样盯着看了一个世纪,而且还打算继续这样看下去。 Suddenly, she blinks, as if Dreamland awaken lifts the head. 突然间,她眨了眨眼,仿佛梦境惊醒般抬起脑袋。 In the opposite of bed, carves Siren rune that becomes to send out glimmer with magical material peacefully, exudes is making the person mind pure brightness, the sharp unusual strength. 在床铺的对面,用魔导材料刻写而成的海妖符文正在安静地散发微光,泛着令人心神清明、思维敏锐的奇特力量。 Wendy knits the brows suddenly. 温蒂突然皱起了眉。 Why will the spider...... the accepting area of execution strict control and in clean system have the spider? 蜘蛛……执行严格管制和清洁制度的收容区里为什么会有蜘蛛? This Archbishop stands up, subconsciously arrived at that the spider that nettings by the corner, the latter was alarmed by her, several long legs wave rapidly, crawled along the wall fast, when crawls half to vanish in front of Wendy baseless. 这位大主教站起身,下意识来到了那在墙角结网的蜘蛛旁边,后者被她惊扰,几条长腿迅速舞动开来,飞快地沿着墙壁爬了上去,并在爬到一半的时候凭空消失在温蒂面前。 The Wendy look enforces instantaneously. 温蒂的神色瞬间严肃起来。 She arrives by that leaf of iron gate quickly, made an effort to pat two in the gate: Guards mister, outside situation how?” 她快步来到那扇铁门旁,用力在门上拍了两下:“守卫先生,外面的情况怎么样?” After 12 seconds of delay, out of the door broadcast some spirit Knight sound in a muffled voice: Outside all normal, Wendy Archbishop.” 一两秒的延迟之后,门外传来了某个灵骑士闷声闷气的声音:“外面一切正常,温蒂大主教。” Wendy knits the brows, opened the mind field of vision quietly, in dim field of vision that in the mind field of vision brings, she by that leaf of heavy metal front door, looked arrives on the outside corridor, is dressing the spirit Knight guard of heavy/thick helmet and armor. 温蒂皱了皱眉,悄然开启了心灵视界,在心灵视界带来的朦胧视野中,她透过那扇沉重的金属大门,看到了站在外面走廊上的、穿戴着厚重头盔和铠甲的灵骑士守卫。 Although itself does not excel at battle personnel, Wendy many was also Priest of Archbishop rank, in the accepting area these exerted the front door and wall of protective effect cannot be cut off completely her spying on. 尽管本身并不是擅长战斗人员,温蒂多少也算是大主教级别的神官,收容区内这些施加了防护效果的大门和墙壁并不能完全阻隔她的窥探。 Guards mister,” in the Wendy eyes is flowing ray slightly, is gazing at the person's shadow on corridor, while with exerting the voice gentle voices of some strengths said that outside really all normal?” “守卫先生,”温蒂双眼中流淌着微微的光芒,一边注视着门外走廊上的人影,一边用施加了些许力量的嗓音柔声说道,“外面真的一切正常么?” Outside all normal, Wendy Archbishop.” “外面一切正常,温蒂大主教。” That wore the guard of heavy/thick armor to say in a muffled voice, however in the Wendy mind field of vision, actually distinct saw that the opposite party lifted the right hand slowly, the palm horizontal in the chest front, the palm downward! 那身披厚重铠甲的守卫闷声闷气地说着,然而在温蒂的心灵视界中,却分明地看到对方慢慢抬起了右手,手掌横置在胸前,掌心向下! Higher Level Narrator contamination?! When?! 上层叙事者污染?!什么时候?! This thinks oneself were first Wendy is stared in a big way the eye by Spiritsong that” Higher Level Narrator contamination received to accept immediately, and indistinct conscious to everyone by some false appearance deceit, her hand according to that leaf of ice-cold metal front door, look rapid Chen Ning had gotten down. 本以为自己是第一个被上层叙事者污染而受到收容的“灵歌温蒂顿时瞪大了眼睛,并隐隐约约意识到所有人都已经被某种假象欺骗,她的手按在那扇冰冷的金属大门上,眼神迅速陈凝下来。 The ponder only used for two seconds. 思考只用了两秒钟。 The next flash, she transfers the body, the body has sympathized near the gate wall, the eye closely is staring on opposite wall that has the magic, can purify spirit contamination rune, said with the clear sound: 下一瞬间,她转过身子,身体贴着门边的墙壁,眼睛紧紧盯着对面墙上那带有神奇力量的、能够净化精神污染符文,用清晰的声音说道: To Higher Level Narrator, to our omniscient and omnipotent hosts-” “致上层叙事者,致我们全知全能的主-” On corridor, transmitted guarded the sound that the armor collided to rub slightly, seemed like inclining the head and listening attentively. 门外的走廊上,传来了守卫铠甲微微碰撞摩擦的声音,似乎是在侧耳倾听。 Compatriot, opens the door,” Wendy is controlling own heartbeat and breath, said calmly, host arrives arrived.” “同胞,把门打开,”温蒂控制着自己的心跳和呼吸,语气平静地说道,“主降临的时候到了。” Out of the door tranquil the moment, Wendy was waiting for in this unendurable tranquility, finally, she hears the sound biography that spirit Knight guards to hear: I understood, slightly wait a moment. The compatriots, this is really a good news.” 门外平静了片刻,温蒂在这令人难以忍受的平静中等待着,终于,她听到灵骑士守卫的声音传入耳中:“我明白了,稍等一下。同胞,这真是个好消息。” With the sound that a metal friction collides, Wendy saw that iron gate opens slowly, the form that later wears the silver-white armor walked. 伴随着一阵金属摩擦碰撞的声响,温蒂看到身旁的铁门慢慢打开,随后一个身穿银白色铠甲的身影走了进来。 Compatriot-” that form says. “同胞-”那个身影开口说道。 Wendy puts out a hand suddenly, held the arm of opposite party, draws entrains, in the midair that big guard entrains directly flung the half-turn, pounds with the armor heavily on nearby wall, the iron pot common whole body armors sent out in the hit a loud sound that made the person of tooth acid- worked as!! 温蒂猛然伸出手去,抓住了对方的一条胳膊,紧接着一拉一拽,把那高大的守卫直接拽的在半空中甩了半圈,连人带铠甲沉重地砸在一旁的墙壁上,铁罐头一般的全身铠在撞击中发出了令人牙酸的一声巨响-哐当!! Does not wait for the opposite party to fall to the ground, before Wendy bullies the body again, will also be surviving conscious and spirit Knight of counterforce capacity crushes in the place, both hands makes an effort to pull the opposite party to wear the head of helmet, under makes that two-sided armor cover the eye and own line of sight forcefully relative, in the mouth drinks lowly: „ Gaze I! 紧接着不等对方落地,温蒂再次欺身上前,将还残存着意识和反击能力的灵骑士压倒在地,双手用力扳过对方戴着头盔的脑袋,强行让那双面甲覆盖下的眼睛和自己的视线相对,口中低喝:“注视我! Mental Intimidation!” 心智震慑!” Also has good spirit resistant spirit Knight appears at so the surprise attack of short distance sturdily facing Archbishop without the strength to hit back almost instantaneously then deep stupor. 身强力壮又有着不错精神抗性的灵骑士面对一名大主教在如此近距离的突袭显得毫无还手之力几乎瞬间便深度昏迷过去。 After the confirmation guards does not have the strength of counterattack again, Wendy loosens the hand, whatever that heavy helmet pounds on the floor works as one. 确认守卫再无还击之力后,温蒂才松开手,任由那沉重的头盔在地板上砸的哐当一声。 Afterward she stands up, turns around to move toward the corridor the direction. 随后她站起身,转身走向走廊的方向。 But she just went out several steps, will soon step out of the door time, actually stopped suddenly. 但她刚走出几步,即将迈出房门的时候,却突然停了下来。 The caution that the heart deep place transmits made her stop the footsteps forcefully, and is recalling rapidly whether forgot anything to closing the important matter. 内心深处传来的警示让她硬生生止住了脚步,并迅速回忆着自己是否遗忘了什么至关重要的事情。 The next second, she has turned head, saw on the room wall that helps itself work loose Higher Level Narrator spirit contamination mysterious rune step by step. 下一秒,她回过头,看到了房间墙上那帮助自己一步步挣脱上层叙事者精神污染的神秘符文 She cannot determine whether she is also carrying contamination, even cannot determine oneself leave the room at this moment stems from oneself will, stems from other anything. 她不敢确定自己是否还携带着污染,甚至不敢确定自己此刻离开房间是源于自己的意志,还是源于别的什么东西。 Thought same place hesitant a moment later, Wendy inspires gently, got down the resolution rapidly. 原地思索犹豫了片刻之后,温蒂轻轻吸了口气,迅速下了决断。 Must inform the compatriots in upper-level region- accepting area already contamination!! 必须去通知上层区域的同胞们-收容区已经污染!! ( Mother!!!!!) (妈耶!!!!!) ( Energy consumes the light, the vegetable/dish serene...... (精力耗光,菜的安详…… Double finished, then restores single Geng. Actually this time I have not accumulated enough retain the draft, two days Chapter 2 has written presently sends presently, could not follow...... then to think to today's energy finally, after all has written for ten years, body truly compared with just entered line of times slid, the energy was insufficient, the tenosynovitis also prepared to violate probably again, can only come here. 双更结束,接下来恢复单更。其实这次我并没有攒够存稿,这两天的第二章一直是现写现发的,到今天精力终于跟不上了……回头想想,毕竟已经写了十年,身体方面确实是比刚入行的时候下滑了很多,精力不够,腱鞘炎好像还准备再犯,只能到这里了。 Training a while, then crowding draft. 修养一阵子,然后再攒攒稿子吧。 Finally idles is also idling, asked a monthly ticket! This month next month strove, if there is.) 最后闲着也是闲着,求个月票吧!这个月的下个月的都求一下,万一有呢是吧。)
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