SOD :: Volume #9

#812: Corrupts the later world

When these illusory lamp small flames get up, these imitate when the illusory image spider wells up tidal, Gawain is only calmly looks at. 当那些虚幻的灯火亮起,那些仿若幻影般的蜘蛛潮水般涌来时,高文只是静静地看着 He knows that these spiders are threatening, moreover likely has Higher Level Narrator certain strange strengths, but how Yuri and Magnum said again is also Eternal Sleepers Archbishop, so long as seriously treats, they can support a long time. 他知道那些蜘蛛来势汹汹,而且很可能带有上层叙事者的某些诡异力量,但尤里马格南再怎么说也是永眠者大主教,只要认真对待,他们是可以支撑很长一段时间的。 Let alone also has Selena Gehrfen this already breaks through the legend mind asylum , the situation is insufficient to lose control. 更何况还有赛琳娜·格尔分这个已经突破传奇的“心灵庇护者”在,情况不至于失控。 But as for Gawain...... he is not has certainly not done. 而至于高文自己……他当然不是什么都没做。 From entering this No. 1 sandbox starts, he then dissipates oneself spirit, perception all of this world, this sandbox world, although has achieved mix the false with the truth, but its essence was still a Dreamland world, but in such Dreamland world, mental strength seemed active compared with any situation, seemed effective. 从进入这座一号沙箱开始,他便将自己的精神逸散开来,感知着这个世界的一切,这个沙箱世界虽然已经做到以假乱真,但它的本质仍然是一个梦境世界,而在这样的梦境世界中,“精神力量”比任何情况下都显得活跃,显得有效。 At first, his anything had not discovered, the edge of spirit survey transmits is the normal simulation consciousness, after even Duarte and Ritter appears, he cannot detect that from the opposite party any is out of sorts, but appears until these spiders, the lamp small flame, these are not normal the thing presents in this normally in city-state, his finally perception to this world deep layer separate and being out of sorts. 起初,他什么都没发现,精神探测的边缘传来的都是再正常不过的模拟知觉,甚至当杜瓦尔特和娜瑞提尔出现之后,他也未能从对方身上察觉到任何违和,但直到那些蜘蛛出现,灯火亮起,那些“不正常”的东西出现在这座“正常”的城邦中,他终于感知到了这个世界深层的割裂和违和。 Magnum heard Gawain's talk to oneself, immediately cannot bear yell: What did you discover?!” 马格南听到了高文的自言自语,顿时忍不住大叫起来:“您发现什么了?!” We have thought in this sandbox world the biggest mutation is disappearances of all residents, but...... the real situation is in fact more complex than that moreover under our eyes hide.” Gawain said at a moderate pace, he opens both hands slowly, some grotesque and gaudy fragment start to appear side him towering, but these as if receive some stimulation between the spider shadow that the light and shadow slits continually multiplied in all directions, the flash go crazy came, as if wanted to prevent the Gawain following movement. “我们一直以为这个沙箱世界里最大的异变就是所有居民的消失,但实际上……真实的情况比那更复杂,而且就在我们眼皮子底下。”高文不紧不慢地说道,他缓缓张开双手,一些光怪陆离的碎片开始突兀地出现在他身旁,而四面八方那些在光与影的缝隙间不断滋生的蜘蛛阴影则仿佛受到了某种刺激,一瞬间发狂般地汹涌而来,似乎想要阻止高文接下来的动作。 The matter that but Gawain must handle has completed. 可是高文要做的事情已经做完了。 Numerous and disorderly and insignificant historical fragment, change to the turbulent flow that the common Human Race mind is unable to process to wash out the surrounding all centered on him turbulently, the expansion speed of this turbulent flow even surpassed the Magnum mind storm, surpassed that to spread the lights of entire city and even entire world- 庞杂而无意义的历史碎片以他为中心汹涌而出,化作寻常人类头脑根本无法处理的乱流冲刷着周围的一切,这乱流的扩张速度甚至超过了马格南的心灵风暴,超过了那遍及全城乃至全世界的灯火- This is in No. 1 sandbox has never presented historical fragment, is the entire mind network not processed strange data, even there is portion...... is to make knowledge that” the mind network Eternal Sleepers hear something never heard of before and concept. 这是一号沙箱里从未出现过的历史碎片,是整个心灵网络都未曾处理过的陌生数据,甚至有一部分……是制造心灵网络的永眠者们都闻所未闻的“知识”和“概念”。 They to this whole world, are malignant BUG. 它们对这整个世界而言,是恶性BUG。 The entire city sways, the trim desert sways, finally, even the trim space sways- 整个城市摇晃起来,整片沙漠摇晃起来,最后,连整片空间都摇晃起来- Far away from Neame Zhuo's desert deep place, as if the standing upside down segmental appendage stands and waits for a long time top the mountain peak in yellow sand, Duarte spells to go all-out in the space of unceasing shake is maintaining balanced, the under city-state of his helplessly looks at desert and distant place disintegrates rapidly, exposes this false appearance to cover the real world- a piece has withered the world ruins of end, but on his old face full is astonished: How he discovers how...... he achieves the thing that...... these are unable to understand is......” 远离尼姆・桑卓的沙漠深处,仿佛倒立节肢般伫立在黄沙中的山峰顶部,杜瓦尔特在不断震荡的空间中拼尽全力保持着平衡,他眼睁睁地看着沙漠与远处的城邦迅速分崩离析,暴露出这层假象覆盖之下的真实世界-一片已经枯萎终结的世界废墟,而他苍老的面庞上满是惊愕:“他怎么发现的……他怎么做到的……这些无法理解的东西到底是……” In Duarte stunned muttering, has sat, in the ground looked that star Ritter also as if awakens from the dream, she stood suddenly, dull looks at distant place Neame above outstanding city-state nighttime sky, in the limpid aquamarine pupil reflected a round of silver-white brilliance. 杜瓦尔特错愕的喃喃自语中,一直坐在地上看星星的娜瑞提尔也仿佛从梦中惊醒,她突然站了起来,呆呆地看着远处尼姆・桑卓城邦上方的夜空,清澈的碧绿色眸子里倒映出了一轮银白色的光辉。 Good attractive...... big star.” “好漂亮的……大星。” Duarte looked at the past following the line of sight of Ritter, saw that wheel is hanging in the strange heavenly body of upper air. 杜瓦尔特循着娜瑞提尔的视线看过去,看到了那轮正悬挂在高空的陌生天体。 It is bright, is brighter than any stars, is chillier than Sun, it sprinkled the busy ray, under its ray shone, that matter that this world surface covered false curtain is breaking up at a more astonishing speed- 它明澈皎洁,比任何星辰都明亮,却又比太阳清冷娇小,它洒下了无暇的光芒,而在它的光芒照耀下,这个世界表面所覆盖的那层“虚假帷幕”以更加惊人的速度崩解着- What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” ...... …… That is anything!” “那是什么东西!” Magnum looks at suddenly appears in the strange heavenly body of sky shocking, looks at that is smaller than time Sun, actually can still outshine the nighttime sky the galactic disk, saw that covered entirely the crack in that galactic disk surrounding sky rapidly, as if the whole world is cracking centered on him, suddenly feels helpless unexpectedly. 马格南震惊地看着突然出现在天空的陌生天体,看着那远比太阳小许多倍,却仍然能照亮夜空的银盘,看到在那银盘周围的天空迅速布满了裂纹,就仿佛整个世界都在以其为中心开裂,一时间竟不知所措。 It called moon,” Gawain to say with a smile, thing that in this world did not have.” “它叫‘月亮’,”高文笑着说道,“这个世界上不存在的东西。” Gawain not with this world existing word moon/month, but was sent out with the language that previous life knew directly in the Magnum hear the especially strange pronunciation. 高文没有用这个世界已有的单词“月”,而是直接用前世所知的语言发出了在马格南听来格外古怪的读音。 This world not named moon the heavenly body, must look for the similar concept, then only then Magicians when holding the ceremony devised, symbolizes the Magic Goddess position moon/month position, as well as in the calendar is used to differentiate for a year six stages word moon/month. 这个世界是没有名叫“月亮”的天体的,非要找相似的概念,便只有魔法师们在举行仪式时构想出来的、象征魔法女神位置的“月位”,以及历法中用来区分一年六个阶段的单词“月”。 These two words actually relations do not have with moon, was Gawain translates moon/month in the mind them. 这两个单词其实跟“月亮”一点关系都没有,是高文在脑海中将它们翻译成了“月”。 But in the real world, he looks up to the nighttime sky innumerable, seen does not have the moon/month, strange starry sky. 而在现实世界里,他无数次仰望夜空,看到的都是无月的、陌生的星空。 Thank this mix the false with the truth sandbox world, his innumerable years bathed for the first time moonlight-, although this moonlight was false, even to this sandbox world was fatal BUG. 感谢这个以假乱真的沙箱世界,他无数年来第一次沐浴到了月光-虽然这月光是假的,甚至对这个沙箱世界而言是致命的BUG。 Yuri looks at Gawain shows the happy smile under shining of that wheel strange heavenly body frightened, in his mind only has an idea- 尤里惊悚地看着高文在那轮怪异天体的照耀下露出愉快的笑容,他脑海中只有一个想法- Fearful alien traveller summoned some heavenly body of Its hometown with the aid of some regular loophole, but this heavenly body had very fearful strength obviously, merely was its existence, then made world disintegrate alien traveller sufficiently and Its hometown, was really terrifying. 可怕的域外游荡者借助某种规则漏洞召唤来了祂故乡的某个天体,而这个天体显然具备十分可怕的力量,仅仅是它的存在,便足以令世界四分五裂-域外游荡者和祂的故乡,果然非常恐怖。 Afterward he extremely rejoiced: Here is only the sandbox world, alien traveller also can only summon a projection luckily...... 随后他才万分庆幸:幸好这里只是沙箱世界,域外游荡者也只能召唤出来一个投影…… At this moment, the shake and disintegration of the whole world stopped finally gradually. 就在这时,整个世界的震荡和崩解终于渐渐停止了。 The sandbox system restored reluctantly balanced under this fearful BUG impact, the erroneous data mighty current that such that such as Gawain expects, he alone makes is also not enough to destroy entire „the world, effect that but he achieve oneself had wanted- 沙箱系统在这可怕的BUG冲击下勉强恢复了平衡,如高文所料的那样,他一个人制造出的错误数据洪流还不足以摧毁整个“世界”,但他已经实现了自己所想要的效果- Destroys that matter covers above the real world curtain. 摧毁那层覆盖在真实世界之上的“帷幕”。 Selena observes the situation all around, discovered that all changed look. 赛琳娜环视四周,发现一切都变了模样 That leaves uncultivated city-state Neame that stands still in the desert outstanding has disappeared, even the entire desert turned into withered crack wasteland, the previous lights and spider like the illusion dissipation, displace, is the innumerable toppling city walls, the height confused fortresses, the unbalanced mountains city and overlapping city ruins, the model that these things abandon probably was piled up on the endless plain carelessly, has piled up one on top of another to the end of line of sight, piles up one on top of another arrives at the boundary of the world. 那座在沙漠中荒废静立的城邦尼姆・桑卓已经不见了,甚至连整个沙漠都变成了一片干枯龟裂的废土,之前的灯火、蜘蛛都如幻梦般消散,取而代之的,是无数倾颓的城墙、高低错乱的堡垒、比例失衡的山川城池、层层叠叠的城市废墟,这些东西就好像废弃的模型般被胡乱堆积在无尽的平原上,一直堆叠到视线的尽头,堆叠到世界的边界。 The world was abandoned, once was used to compose the myriad things the thing to turn into the confused garbage heap, was placed on the ruins of the world slowly rotten. 世界被废弃了,曾用来组成万物的东西变成了错乱的垃圾堆,被放在世界的废墟上慢慢腐烂。 This is......” Magnum is muttering in a soft voice. “这是……”马格南轻声咕哝着。 „After world end,” Yuri is frowning, „is this...... the real sandbox?” “世界终结之后,”尤里皱着眉头,“这才是……真的沙箱?” Above this real world, is covering a false curtain, the beforehand search party cannot see through this curtain, was gradually corroded with endless battle of illusory image, they remember so-called and battle scene, perhaps is the curtain instills into to their wrong memory,” Gawain is saying slowly, the line of sight uppers shift gradually, falls in distant place that huge shadow, „, but now the issue of most key is, Higher Level Narrator......” “在这个真实的世界之上,覆盖着一层虚假的帷幕,之前的探索队就是未能识破这层帷幕,才在和幻影的无休止战斗中被逐渐侵蚀,他们记忆中所谓的‘和自己战斗’的景象,恐怕都是帷幕灌输给他们的错误记忆,”高文慢慢说着,视线渐渐上移,落在远处那庞大的阴影上,“而现在最关键的问题在于,上层叙事者……” The land in the distant place sticks out, formed as if screw high tower, as if the structure of cone-shape hill, but an incomparably huge body calmly is crawling in its halfway. 大地在远方隆起,形成了一道仿佛螺旋高,又仿佛锥形山丘的结构,而一个无比巨大的身躯正静静地匍匐在它的半腰。 That is a black spider, or some of similar spider lifeform, it...... Its scale has or surpassed Human Race to understand, a hill is nearly huge, innumerable pattern indistinctly cover in its carapace and segmental appendage, these pattern as if have the life, and was still wavering unceasingly. 那是一只黑色的蜘蛛,或者类似蜘蛛的某种“生物”,它……或者说祂的规模已经超出人类理解,近乎一座小山般庞大,无数影影绰绰的花纹覆盖在它的背甲和节肢上,那些花纹仿佛有着生命,且仍然在不断游移着。 Also there is a chilly moonlight from the upper air photo, sprinkles in that giant incomparable spider body surface, makes this huge unexpectedly monster obviously is not fearful, instead were many a sacred great feeling. 又有清冷的月光从高空照下,洒在那巨大无比的蜘蛛体表,竟让这庞大的“怪物”不显可怕,反而多了一丝神圣伟岸的感觉。 But that spider then lies face downward in the moonlight peacefully, as if had died of century. 而那蜘蛛便在月光中安静地俯卧,仿佛已经死去了一个世纪之久。 Weak and everywhere decayed aura floods in the world, is lingering on this world end later plain finally. 微弱而又无处不在的腐臭气息充斥在天地之间,在这片世界终末之后的平原上盘桓着。 Gods has died, and has corrupted. 神明已死,且已腐烂。 Magnum looked at one to the distant place, the vision fell on that giant spider, the next second, he then felt that oneself soul must be pulled outside the body, whole body each cell as if will soon have mutation, but one type is submerged his perception by the feeling that the invisible silk thread wrapped layer upon layer rapidly, as if must control his thought that blocked him the idea that opened the mouth to yell. 马格南向远处望了一眼,目光落在那巨大蜘蛛身上,下一秒,他便感觉自己的灵魂都要被扯出体外,全身上下每一个细胞都仿佛即将发生变异,而一种被无形丝线层层包裹的感觉迅速淹没了他的感知,仿佛要控制他的思维,阻断他开口喊叫的想法。 This red hair Archbishop then responded instantaneously had anything- he by Higher Level Narrator contamination! 这位红发大主教瞬间便反应过来发生了什么-他被上层叙事者污染了! Damn!” Magnum is resisting that seedling source furiously from the corrosion of spirit, shifted with biggest strength the line of sight of looking at to the giant spider, later is scattering already starts to revise various oneself conscious external spirit fast, while said with effort, careful contamination!” “该死!”马格南奋力对抗着那种源自精神的侵蚀,用最大的力气转移了看向巨大蜘蛛的视线,随后一边飞快驱散着已经开始修改自己各层意识的“外来精神”,一边费力地说道,“小心污染!” The bright warm ray shines together in side, weakened the pressure that Magnum and Yuri bore rapidly, the hand holds Selena Gehrfen of inspection lamp to go forward one step, blocked the influence of Higher Level Narrator, simultaneously subconsciously looked to Gawain: alien traveller, that is......” 一道明净温暖的光芒在旁边亮起,迅速减弱了马格南尤里承受的压力,手执提灯的赛琳娜·格尔分上前一步,阻断了上层叙事者的影响,同时下意识看向高文:“域外游荡者,那是……” Truly is Higher Level Narrator,” the Gawain's vision falls on distant place that giant Divine Attribute spider, complex that the tone could not say, seemed like had died very for a long time......” “确实是上层叙事者,”高文的目光落在远处那巨大的神性蜘蛛身上,语气说不出的复杂,“看上去已经死了很久……” Died, really died......” Magnum to exert enough many mind protections for oneself, but still did not dare visual observation that huge Gods corpse, and tone that with does not dare to believe is mumbling, really died?!” “死了,真的死了……”马格南为自己施加了足够多的心智防护,但仍然不敢直接观察那庞大的神明尸体,且用不敢置信的语气嘟囔着,“真的死了?!” At least seems like this,” Gawain frowns tightly, „, moreover seems like...... It is really Gods.” “起码看上去是这样,”高文紧皱眉头,“而且看上去……祂真的是个神明。” That lies face downward the spider on hillside, truly has Gods certain special characteristics- the powerful spirit corrosion, cannot look straight ahead, cannot contact, even if has changed into the corpse, approached still the danger in the unguarded situation rashly extremely, even Magnum such high level expert, nearly when the first contact by deep layer contamination. 那俯卧在山坡上的蜘蛛,确实已经具备了神明的某些特质-强大的精神侵蚀,不可直视,不可接触,即便已经化为尸体,在无防护的情况下贸然靠近仍然危险万分,甚至连马格南这样的高阶强者,都险些在第一次接触的时候被深层污染 Even if in concrete „the contamination intensity on, Higher Level Narrator and between true Gods possibly have the difference, some Gawain still reasons believe, that giant spider truly has only arrived on Gods road/s. 即便在具体的“污染强度”上,上层叙事者和真正的神明之间可能还有差别,高文也有理由相信,那只巨大的蜘蛛确确实实已经走到了神明道路上。 Until this moment, before he determined finally, to certain guesses of Gods...... 直到这一刻,他才终于确定了之前对神明的某些猜测…… As for Gawain, before such as, expects, Higher Level Narrator contamination is also invalid to him. 至于高文自己,就如之前所料的一样,上层叙事者污染对他同样无效。 This made him observe the giant spider of distant place confidently for a long time, took back the line of sight at a moderate pace. 这让他坦然观察了远处的巨大蜘蛛许久,才不紧不慢地收回视线。 „Can you also be able to support?” “你们还能支撑得住么?” Has recovered consciousness, Magnum long shouted the tone, „ I suppressed my portion mental strength, preventing its unconscious to attract external contamination, moreover I also record this-” “已经缓过来了,马格南长长呼了口气,“我压制了自己的一部分精神力量,防止它无意识吸引到外来的污染,而且我还记着这个-” Is saying, he while put out a hand to outline the complex rune trace in the midair, that trace zigzagging, had deep sea aura, before Gawain treated as the gift gave Eternal Sleepers Siren rune. 一边说着,他一边伸手在半空中勾勒出了复杂的符文纹路,那纹路弯弯曲曲,带有深海的气息,正是之前高文当做礼物送给永眠者们的“海妖符文”。 A moment ago contamination came was too quick, I do not have the time to construct rune,” Magnum smiles bitterly was saying, and changes to the fixed light shadow rune, the rubbing on own clothes, formed specially „the mind protective layer, „...... shouted, now felt much better. When we dig...... not, no.” “刚才污染来的太快了,我没有时间构筑符文,”马格南苦笑着说道,并将符文化作固定的光影,拓印在自己的衣服上,形成了特殊的“心智防护层”,“……呼,现在感觉好多了。我们什么时候去挖……不,没什么。” Yuri and Selena also constructed Siren rune and formed the mind protective layer in own side, the former completes all these later to shake the head, on the face brings, helpless bitter and astringent smile: This is looks straight ahead Gods...... the mortal also is really frail, the casualness almost died.” 尤里赛琳娜也同样构筑出海妖符文并在自己身边形成了心智防护层,前者做完这一切之后摇了摇头,脸上带着无奈且苦涩的笑容:“这就是直视神明么……凡人还真是脆弱,随随便便就差点死掉了。” God will also die similarly,” Gawain referred to the giant spider under distant place moonlight, „, moreover had died.” “神同样也会死,”高文指了指远处月光下的巨大蜘蛛,“而且已经死掉了。” Magnum looked at cone-shape hill one of the distant place cautiously, confirmed that after Siren rune truly can helps itself resist Higher Level Narrator spirit contamination, dare to upper shift the line of sight: „Do we want to go to...... that side that thing?” 马格南小心翼翼地看了远处的锥形山丘一眼,确认海妖符文确实能帮助自身抵御上层叙事者精神污染之后才敢把视线上移:“我们要去……那玩意儿那边?” Gawain nods naturally, turns around to turn toward that hill to walk: Naturally, we do not come for this reason?” 高文理所当然地点点头,转身向着那座山丘走去:“当然,我们不就是为此而来的么?” Magnum smacks the lips, shakes the head, takes a step to keep up with the Gawain's footsteps, while faces Yuri after GuGu: Damn before...... my set off, perhaps should ask you to borrow the written records......” 马格南咂咂嘴,摇了摇头,一边迈步跟上高文的脚步,一边在后面对尤里嘀嘀咕咕:“该死的……我出发之前或许应该找你借一下纸笔……”
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