SOD :: Volume #9

#811: Preying on

The curtain of night is deep gradually. 夜幕渐深。 According to Selena, exploration personnel that the first batch understand No. 1 sandbox inspection was attacked after at nightfall. 赛琳娜所说,第一批进入一号沙箱检查情况的探索人员就是在入夜之后遭到袭击的。 Gawain stands before the room, is looking up to the arid region clear translucent nighttime sky, the surface is tranquil, is actually transferring secretly to surrounding perception, is transferring all kinds of arrangement. 高文站在屋前,仰望着沙漠地区澄澈透亮的夜空,表面平静泰然,却在暗暗调动着自己对周围的感知,调动着各种各样的布置。 Until now, still does not have any unusual phenomenon happened , no one encounters mind contamination, Duarte and Ritter is resting in the house in following not far away, but the Selena three people are maintaining alerting, the value defends in the room in turn. 直到现在,仍然没有任何异样的现象发生,也没有任何人遭到心灵污染,杜瓦尔特和娜瑞提尔正在后面不远处的房屋中休息,而赛琳娜三人则保持着警醒,轮流值守在屋内。 This as if can be the night that can pass. 这似乎会是一个能够平静度过的夜晚。 After at nightfall the desert is quite cold, but this temperature has not affected Gawain, his profoundly inspires, lets ice-cold air cooldown own mind, simultaneously in the heart cannot bear to Eternal Sleepers creates technology of this world to feel to acclaim- 入夜之后的沙漠颇为寒冷,但这点温度还不至于影响到高文,他深深地吸了口气,让冰冷的空气冷却自己的头脑,同时心中忍不住对永眠者创造这个世界的技术感到赞叹- The so real wind, the so true chill in the air, the land of length and breadth, the group star of twinkle, to are really same, how long they used to build a mix the false with the truth world, but how long did all living things of life in this world...... use existence of conscious to box boundary? 如此真实的风,如此真实的寒意,广袤的大地,闪烁的群星,一切都跟真的一样,他们到底是用了多久才打造出一个如此以假乱真的世界,而生活在这个世界里的众生……又是用了多久才意识到盒子边界的存在? In the heart perception moves, Gawain drew in the train of thought of radiation, turns the head the direction of looks at door- white long hair almost hung to open the door to walk to Ritter of ankle area lightly, she barefooted to step on the ground, walked almost did not have the sound, but actually did not understand that hid own aura. 心中感知一动,高文收拢了发散的思绪,转头看着房门的方向-白色长发几乎垂至脚踝的娜瑞提尔轻悄悄地打开房门走了出来,她赤脚踩在地上,行走时几乎没有声音,但却不懂得隐藏自己的气息 „Did you awake?” Gawain looks at this strange girl, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “你睡醒了?”高文看着这个古怪的女孩,随口问道。 Ritter looked up Gawain one very much rapidly, the small scope nods, later arrived to the door not far place, sat down on the ground, both hands are holding the knee, looked up to the sky lost. 瑞提尔很迅速地抬头看了高文一眼,小幅度地点点头,随后来到了离房门不远的地方,就那么席地坐下,双手抱着膝盖,出神地仰望天空。 Although always thinks that on the opposite party has strangely, suspecting the opposite party was the Higher Level Narrator lackey or wander dangerous mind in No. 1 sandbox, Gawain cannot bear asked one curiously: You in what are you doing?” 虽然始终认为对方身上有着古怪,怀疑对方是上层叙事者的爪牙或在一号沙箱内游荡的危险心智,高文还是忍不住好奇地问了一句:“你在干什么?” Looks at the star.” Sits said in the white hair young girl of ground very much low voice. “看星星。”坐在地上的白发少女很小声地说道。 „...... This can look actually,” Gawain is a little suddenly speechless, said awkwardly, you do not sleep in the evening, to run to look at the star?” “……这倒是看得出来,”高文一时间有点无语,略带尴尬地说道,“你晚上不睡觉,就为了跑出来看星星?” Ritter silent a meeting, hesitates is opening the mouth again: Looks at...... the star.” 瑞提尔沉默了一会,才犹豫着再次开口:“看……星星。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” He suspected that oneself and opposite party has some exchange barrier, but after hesitant one next, he stood by Ritter, seemingly asked at will: How do you and Duarte know? You and are he merely traveling companions?” 他怀疑自己和对方存在某种交流障碍,但在犹豫了一下之后,他还是站到了娜瑞提尔旁边,貌似随意地问道:“你和杜瓦尔特是怎么认识的?你和他仅仅是旅伴么?” „...... Is a traveling companion,” Ritter reply was still very slow and brief to letting the person is not intelligible, but the good and evil is answering the Gawain's issue, does not remember.” “……是旅伴,”娜瑞提尔回答的仍然十分缓慢且简短到让人不易理解,但好歹是在回答高文的问题,“不记得了。” Does not remember how to know specifically?” Gawain is understanding opposite party that fuzzy reply in broken bits, while guides the opposite party to say many things, that your here wander how long?” “不记得具体是怎么认识的?”高文一边理解着对方那细碎模糊的回答,一边引导着对方说出更多东西,“那你们在这里游荡了多久?” Many...... many years.” Ritter said. “很多……很多年。”娜瑞提尔说道。 „Do you also believe Higher Level Narrator?” “你也信仰上层叙事者么?” „...... Does not know, Ritter shakes the head, does not remember.” “……不知道,”娜瑞提尔摇了摇头,“不记得了。” Your these years continuously here wander? What did Duarte tell you wander goal is? You have matter that must handle?” “你们这些年就一直在这里游荡杜瓦尔特有告诉过你游荡的目的是什么吗?你们有要去做的事情么?” Ritter was also silent a meeting, shakes the head: Looks at the star.” 瑞提尔又沉默了一会,摇摇头:“看星星。” When Gawain guessed opposite party irrelevant reply is what meaning, he heard Ritter to supplement one: You disturbed me to look at the star.” 高文猜测对方这牛头不对马嘴的回答是什么意思的时候,他听到娜瑞提尔又补充了一句:“你打扰到我看星星了。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” The exchange does not seem able to continue, Gawain can only quite sigh regrettably, and judged that Ritter mind should some issues, the memory and elaborative faculty obviously are lower than the average person level. 交流似乎无法继续,高文只能颇为遗憾地叹了口气,并判断娜瑞提尔心智应该有些问题,记忆和思考能力都明显低于普通人水平。 At this moment, a flame suddenly appears in his line of sight. 就在这时,一片火光突然出现在他的视线中。 Distant that has abandoned does not know before many years of having many column and statue surrounds and protects temples, does not know when suddenly presented large bonfires, the flame of flaming combustion ascends from the temple square, 远方那座有着诸多立柱和石像拱卫的、已经废弃了不知多少岁月的神庙前,不知何时突然出现了一片规模盛大的篝火,熊熊燃烧的火焰从神庙广场上升腾起来, The building of previous quarter also immerse in dark dim light of night was reflected instantaneously brightly by this bright brilliance , more and more flame or the light appear in the Shrine surrounding stone column peak, appears on the swarming street, appears in households of common people residences! The entire city seems to be waking up in the light rapidly! 前一刻还浸没在黑暗夜色中的建筑物瞬间便被这明亮的光焰映亮,紧接着,越来越多的火光或者灯光出现在神殿周围的石柱顶端,出现在远远近近的街道上,出现在一户户民居内!整座城市似乎都正在灯光中迅速醒来! Gawain stares the big eye, looks at the lights that is spreading rapidly in the city, later turns the head to look suddenly to the Ritter direction- 高文瞪大眼睛,看着正在城市中迅速蔓延开的灯火,随后猛然转头看向娜瑞提尔的方向- The previous second also sits there looks up to the starry sky lost Ritter, does not know when has vanished does not see. 前一秒还坐在那里出神地仰望星空的娜瑞提尔,不知何时已经消失不见。 Gawain cannot even lock her aura change completely, cannot detect when she is leaves in what way( or disappears)! 高文甚至完全没能锁定她的气息变化,没能察觉她是在何时以何种方式离开(或消失)的! But he has prepared for facing strange situation psychology, at this moment is not even accidental, he noticed that behind front door was shoved open suddenly, Magnum Archbishop of red hair one step flushed from inside: That old person named Duarte disappears!” 但他早已做好面对诡异情况的心理准备,此刻甚至毫无意外,他看到身后的屋门突然被人推开,红头发的马格南大主教一步从里面冲了出来:“那个叫杜瓦尔特的老人不见了!” I know, Gawain responded lightly, „, not only he- Ritter also disappeared.” “我知道,”高文淡淡地回应道,“不只是他-娜瑞提尔也不见了。” Magnum is staring, and noticed to be in the lights that various city places shone unceasingly, big voice suddenly crack: My family's all ancestors!! What situation is this?” 马格南瞪着眼睛,并注意到了正在城市各处不断亮起的灯火,大嗓门骤然炸响:“我家族所有的先人啊!!这是什么情况?” Yuri and Selena from the house, they had also heard conversation of Magnum and Gawain outside room, that rapid the lights that spreads in the city shines on two faces, Selena only looked at one then to turn the head to look to Gawain: This is you in?” 尤里赛琳娜也从房屋中走了出来,他们已经听到马格南高文在屋外的交谈,那迅速在城市中蔓延开的灯火映照在两人脸上,赛琳娜只看了一眼便转过头看向高文:“这就是您在等的么?” Evidently its patience compared with the disappointment that I imagine,” Gawain nods, is ready, Higher Level Narrator came-” “看样子它的耐心比我想象的要差劲,”高文点点头,“做好准备吧,上层叙事者来了-” Almost while the Gawain voice drops, on the street in distant place, in the shadow between houses, in various lights drag the light shadow boundaries of interweaving, the innumerable appalling shadows appeared from the air suddenly! 几乎在高文话音落下的同时,在远处的街道上,在房屋之间的阴影中,在各处灯火摇曳交织出的光影界限之间,无数令人毛骨悚然的影子突然从空气中浮现了出来! These every large or small shadows crawl in the place, moves along the ground fast, at first looks seems like the mist that lights boundary fluctuates merely, depends until some shadows was near, Gawain looks to understand that is anything- that is the spider, crawls in the shadow shape innumerably in the spider of surface! 那些大大小小的影子匍匐在地,飞快地沿着地面移动,起初看上去仅仅像是灯火边界处起伏的雾气,直到一些影子靠的近了,高文才看明白那是什么-那是蜘蛛,无数以影子形态匍匐在地表的蜘蛛! Under the innumerable shadow in the lights shine are moving, and elongates or reduces with the change of ray angle once for a while, has being able to see probably real spider pastes the surface to crawl, it is completely transparent, actually left behind the strange shadow on the ground, but in seeing the flash of these shadow spiders, in the Gawain mind actually thinks suddenly Duarte to a few words that oneself spoke: 数不清的影子在灯火映照下移动着,并随着光线角度的变化而时不时拉长或缩短,就好像有看不见的“真实”蜘蛛贴着地表爬行,其本身全然透明,却在地上留下了诡异的影子,而在看到那些影子蜘蛛的一瞬间,高文脑海中却突然想到了杜瓦尔特跟自己说的一句话: Here evening's spider are many, but need not was worried, is very temperate harmlessly, will avoid the person on own initiative......” “这里晚上的蜘蛛很多,不过不用担心,都很温和无害,而且会主动躲开人……” These things seem like may a point not be now harmlessly. 这些东西现在看上去可一点都算不上无害。 Yuri then opens both hands instantaneously, innumerable golden rune circle to dance in the air the protection side the people, under the gentle warm light also covered the audience, the hand held Selena Gehrfen of inspection lamp to go forward one step, the inspection lamp shines, all fast is becoming pale in the shadow that the ground crawled , Magnum opened both hands, the slating big voice blasted open suddenly: 尤里瞬间便张开双手,无数金色的符文盘旋飞舞着保护在众人身边,柔和温暖的灯光也随之笼罩了全场,手执提灯的赛琳娜·格尔分上前一步,提灯照耀下,所有在地上爬行的影子都在飞快变淡,紧接着,马格南张开了双手,雷鸣般的大嗓门骤然炸裂: Mind storm!!” “心灵风暴!!” The powerful mana instantaneous gathering formation, changes into the luster gloomy halo toward to spread in all directions, the halo place visited, all spider shadows stopped shortly, but a tranquil auspicious atmosphere floods in the entire block- 强大的魔力瞬间汇聚成型,化为色泽暗淡的光环向着四面八方蔓延,光环所过之处,所有的蜘蛛阴影都短暂停顿了下来,而一种宁静祥和的气氛则充斥在整个街区- Extremely the effect calming the nerves halo, high level spirit is magic spell, may comfort all mind units including enemy and us. 极效安神光环,高阶精神法术,可安抚包括敌我在内的一切心智单位。 But its actually secure pay fell into the enormous astonished condition Yuri, this makings refined, brought Archbishop of monocle are almost being lose one's voice to call out in alarm: Your mind storm?!” 可它却安付不了陷入极大惊愕状态的尤里,这位气质斯文、带着单片眼镜的大主教几乎是失声惊呼:“你的心灵风暴呢?!” Damn! I forgot that I have changed into the calming the nerves halo it!” Magnum shouts loudly. “该死!我忘记我已经把它换成安神光环了!”马格南大声喊道。 Perhaps makings refined Archbishop Yuri the first time is the entire life so yelled rude: Your this barbarian! You usually by subconsciousness spell casting!!” 气质斯文的尤里大主教恐怕是生平第一次如此失态喊叫:“你这蛮子!你平常难道都是靠潜意识施法的么!!” I once was War God Priest, what means was I familiar with depend upon subconsciousness spell casting I to have?!” “我曾经是战神牧师,我习惯依靠潜意识施法了我有什么办法?!” Don't with this, when gave a pretext- I was not do not know normal War God Priest!” “别拿这个当借口-我又不是不认识正常的战神牧师!” The quarrels of two Archbishop from transmits behind makes Gawain suddenly somewhat stunned, he ten thousand has not thought that will really have such talent to exist in dark Religion, these two people made him unable to bear associate Philip and Byron, he even felt Yuri with Magnum two people, if to Cecil, perhaps within one year can become the national 1st Level crosstalk actor...... 从身后传来的两名大主教的争吵让高文一时间都有些愕然,他万没想到在黑暗教派里竟然会有这样的人才存在,这二人让他忍不住联想起了菲利普拜伦,他甚至觉得尤里马格南两人如果到了塞西尔,恐怕一年之内就能成为国家一级相声演员…… But the warm bright light broke all chaos together, in the Selena hand the inspection lamp was blooming intense radiance, her sound as if had some type to penetrate the strength of endless curtain to resound: „ Peaceful! Yuri, Magnum, you were affected! 但一道温暖明净的灯光打断了所有的混乱,赛琳娜手中提灯绽放着强烈的光华,她的声音仿佛带着某种能穿透无尽帷幕的力量般响起:“安静!尤里,马格南,你们被影响了! Here curtain of night in magnify your character flaw and negative idea, is confusing your judgment!” “这里的夜幕在放大你们的性格缺陷和负面想法,在混淆你们的判断力!” Will even more fall into the quarrel Yuri and Magnum by the inspection lamp influence of Selena, was awakened by its words, suddenly opened the eye, instantaneous conscious to this slight contamination and corrosion. 正要愈发陷入争吵的尤里马格南赛琳娜的提灯影响,又被其话语惊醒,突然睁大了眼睛,瞬间意识到了这细微的污染和侵蚀。 The next second, exceptionally powerful spirit energy is centered on Magnum erupts, in the entire building as well as periphery in considerably large the range raised one truly storm. 下一秒,异常强大的精神能量便以马格南为中心爆发开来,在整座建筑物以及周围相当大的范围内掀起了一场真正的“风暴”。 But at the same time, more shadows were still gathering in all directions, more lights in Neame in Zhuo's main street and small alley lightens, the light and shadow as if form the mesh lines that interwove, is centered on Area Shrine, spreads in the entire city, even spread strangely outside the city, spread the entire desert...... 而与此同时,更多的阴影仍然在四面八方汇聚着,更多的灯火正在尼姆・桑卓的大街小巷中点亮,光与影仿佛形成了交织起来的网格线,以神殿为中心,在整个城市中蔓延,甚至诡异地蔓延到了城市之外,蔓延到了整个沙漠…… From in the air overlooks all these, Neame outstanding and periphery is quite big a region light/only and shadow net is covering by this, as if the spider web is common, but the small mind storm that Magnum starts is located in the center of this huge spider web, just like winged insect of struggling, in convict just like spider web...... 从空中俯瞰这一切,尼姆・桑卓及周围相当大一片区域都被这光与影的网笼罩着,仿佛蛛网一般,而马格南掀起的小小的心灵风暴便位于这庞大蛛网的中心,宛若挣扎的飞虫,宛若蛛网中的囚徒…… In away Neame outstanding does not know in the far darkness, in stands towering in the desert, as if on the standing upside down segmental appendage strange mountain peak, a worn-out paper case lantern cuts the darkness suddenly, in the pale yellow ray screened Duarte and Ritter form. 在距尼姆・桑卓不知多远的黑暗中,在一座突兀地立在沙漠中、仿佛倒立节肢般的怪异山峰上,一盏破旧的纸壳灯笼忽然划破黑暗,昏黄的光芒中映出了杜瓦尔特和娜瑞提尔的身影。 The former is carrying the lantern, calmly looks at Neame Zhuo's direction, but that city had been covered by a huge spider web completely, there is a huge spider shadow to walk back and forth in the edge of net slowly, the latter sits, both hands are holding the knee , to continue to look up to the sky lost, gazes at all over the sky stars that sandbox simulation is becoming. 前者提着灯笼,正静静地看着尼姆・桑卓的方向,而那座城市已经完全被一张庞大的蛛网笼罩,又有庞大的蜘蛛阴影在网的边缘缓慢逡巡,后者则席地而坐,双手抱着膝盖,继续出神地仰望天空,注视着那沙箱模拟而成的满天繁星。 Preyed on to start for the last time, Ritter,” the Duarte voice said low and deep gently, didn't come to see?” “最后一次捕食开始了,娜瑞提尔,”杜瓦尔特嗓音低沉柔和地说道,“不来看看么?” Ritter remains unmoved sits, brings as if spitefully said obstinately: I must look at the star.” 瑞提尔不为所动地坐着,带着仿佛赌气般的执拗说道:“我要看星星。” Duarte knits the brows: Is false, has what attractiveness.” 杜瓦尔特皱起眉:“都是假的,有什么好看。” But to me...... really......” “可对我而言……是真的……” Duarte is knitting the brows to look at Ritter one, slowly shakes the head: Did not matter- after preying on, has that real starry sky to wait for us.” 杜瓦尔特皱着眉看了娜瑞提尔一眼,慢慢摇了摇头:“无所谓了-捕食之后,自有那真实的星空等着我们。” Ritter is silent, under the nighttime sky peaceful for a long time, whispered suddenly in a soft voice: Cake, is very delicious, the liquor, is not tasty.” 瑞提尔沉默着,在夜空下安静了许久,才突然轻声嘀咕起来:“蛋糕,很好吃,酒,不好喝。” Duarte has not heard clearly suddenly: What did you say?” 杜瓦尔特一时间没听清:“你说什么?” Ritter has not opened the mouth again. 瑞提尔没有再开口。 Duarte looked down Ritter for a long time, shook the head finally reluctantly: „...... Was indifferent.” 杜瓦尔特低头看了娜瑞提尔许久,最后无奈地摇摇头:“……无所谓了。” Afterward he takes back the vision, looks again to Neame Zhuo's direction, looks at that after world finally end place , the final preying on. 随后他收回目光,再次看向尼姆・桑卓的方向,看着那在世界终末之后的、最终的捕食之地。 The network of Higher Level Narrator knitting, lives in that to come from the reality the net finally glimmer...... 上层叙事者编织的网,终将网住那来自现实的一线微光…… The shock-wave of mind storm wreaks havoc in the streets is tearing this recklessly with the world that Dreamland supports, the shadows of innumerable spider vanished in a puff of smoke in the energy surge, nearby house and stone tablet ground, changed into the fragment dissipation after several storms. 心灵风暴的冲击波在街道之间肆虐着肆意撕扯着这个用梦境支撑起来的世界,无数蜘蛛的阴影在能量浪涌中灰飞烟灭,就连附近的房屋和石板地面,都在几次风暴之后化为了碎片消散。 However the shadow is inexhaustible, Neame the lights of various outstanding Chengnei places reflected to shine the big piece nighttime sky, in that star splendor gloomy nighttime sky, having to be huger, a more abstract shadow to gather, some as if giant beast that conducted to prey on is approaching Area Shrine. 然而阴影无穷无尽,尼姆・桑卓城内各处的灯火映亮了大片的夜空,在那星辉暗淡的夜空中,有更加庞大、更加抽象的影子在汇聚起来,仿佛某种进行捕食的巨兽般逼近着神殿 These things have strangely- does not kill cleanly!” Magnum calls loudly in the storm center, they have certainly a source, hides in the place that we cannot see!” “这些东西有古怪-根本杀不干净!”马格南在风暴中心高声喊道,“它们一定有个源头,藏在我们看不到的地方!” Yuri is maintaining the protection of golden rune, similarly raised the sound: We should find the way to leave this city, this entire city perhaps is a trap!” 尤里维持着金色符文的防护,同样提高了声音:“我们应该想办法离开这座城市,这整座城市恐怕都是个陷阱!” While deals with these spider shadows as well as everywhere spirit contamination diligently, Yuri and Magnum also turn the head as if by prior agreement, looked that to direction that Gawain was at- 而在努力应付那些蜘蛛阴影以及无处不在的精神污染的同时,尤里马格南也不约而同地转过头来,看向了高文所在的方向- Higher Level Narrator has started to begin, what should alien traveller...... do to select?! 上层叙事者已经开始动手了,域外游荡者……是不是该做点什么了?! „Should you take action?!” Magnum cannot repress shouts greatly, we could not support too for a long time-” “您是不是该采取行动了?!”马格南按捺不住地大喊道,“我们支撑不了太久-” Gawain stands and Yuri not far the place to Magnum, stands in Selena Gehrfen side, from beginning to end he has no movement, but calmly the looks at shadow raids, looks at Magnum and the others launched the counter-attack, seems to have no immediate concern to oneself is observing this piece of chaos peacefully. 高文就站在离马格南尤里不远的地方,站在赛琳娜·格尔分的旁边,从始至终他都没有任何动作,只是静静地看着阴影袭来,看着马格南等人展开反击,就仿佛事不关己般安静地观察着这一片混乱 His peace makes Selena care, lets Yuri and Magnum even more nervous gets up. 他的安静让赛琳娜在意,也让尤里马格南愈发紧张起来。 alien traveller in what? Why hasn't It acted? 域外游荡者在等什么?祂为什么还不行动? Even more inflates when such question, almost soon knocks the Magnum confidence, Gawain finally gently exhaled. 在这样的疑问愈发膨胀,几乎快要动摇马格南的信心时,高文终于轻轻呼了口气 So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” ( Mother!!!!) (妈耶!!!!)
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