SOD :: Volume #9

#810: Empty and solid between

Gods has died...... It finally to start now rottenly...... 神明已死……现在祂终于开始腐烂了…… The present old person to the so natural tone say seemingly normal words ordinary, makes each people feel an indescribable strangeness. 眼前的老人以如此普通如此自然的口吻说出了一句貌似正常的话,却让现场的每一个人都感觉到一种难以言喻的诡异。 The hand of Magnum has placed on the desktop, intersects faintly in the same place, the eyeball closely stares is saying Duarte the old person: „Is Gods in your mouth, which Gods?” 马格南的手已经放在桌面上,隐隐交叉在一起,眼珠紧紧盯着自称“杜瓦尔特”的老人:“你口中的神明,是哪个神明?” The old person smiles, said confidently: Who can also? Naturally is Higher Level Narrator.” 老人笑了笑,非常坦然地说道:“还能有谁?当然是上层叙事者。” When this suspicious old person said the word Higher Level Narrator, the pupil of Yuri and Magnum obviously contracted, but the scene such as they have not imagined appeared like that any exceptionally, seemed like is only the normal conversation is ordinary. 当这个可疑的老人说出“上层叙事者”一词的时候,尤里马格南的瞳孔明显收缩了一下,但现场并未如他们想象的那般出现任何异常,就好像一切都只是正常的交谈一般。 Gawain also in damaging pattern of that worn-out long gown from the old person distinguished some details at this moment finally, that was the torn to pieces land, the land above is covering a symbolic palm...... 高文此刻也终于从老人身上那件破旧长袍的残损花纹中辨别出了一些细节,那是支离破碎的大地,大地上方覆盖着一只象征性的手掌…… You are Higher Level Narrator Priest,” the Gawain tone said gently, why must say Gods has died?” “你是上层叙事者神官吧,”高文语气平缓地说道,“可是为什么要说神明已死呢?” Duarte has not replied immediately, but first in that sumptuous good food from the table took cakes and pastries, places in front of Ritter, the white hair young girl has not opened the mouth, but received the cakes and pastries to bury the low head, peaceful is actually eating fast, as if hungry for a long time is very very long. 杜瓦尔特没有立刻回答,而是先从桌上那丰盛的美食中取了一份糕点,放在娜瑞提尔面前,白发少女也没开口,只是接过糕点埋低脑袋,安静却又非常快速地吃着,仿佛已经饿了很久很久。 Gods had died many years, before the world destroys, Gods has started dead,” the Duarte language fast is very slow, during the expressions as if then brings the trace of years vicissitudes, after conscious arrives at behind the world truth, the god was insane, when the god was insane, It then died...... It to use a century dead , used a century to be rotten, world after this, turned into this look.” 神明已经死去很多年了,在世界毁灭之前,神明就已经开始死去,”杜瓦尔特语速很慢,言辞间仿佛便带着岁月沧桑的痕迹,“当意识到世界背后的真相之后,神就疯了,当神疯了的时候,祂便死了……祂用了一个世纪死亡,又用了一个世纪腐烂,在这之后的世界,就变成了这副模样。” Is saying, Duarte while lifts the arm, reorganized his worn-out long gown, Gawain is indistinct sees the edge of that long gown unexpectedly not only tattered dirty, even is also hanging some spider webs- this was demonstrating the owner of long gown not only once visited has left uncultivated the ruined place, even still stayed in some ruins some time ago was very long. 一边说着,杜瓦尔特一边抬起胳膊,整理了一下他那过于破旧的长袍,高文隐约间竟看到那长袍的边缘不但破烂肮脏,甚至还挂着些蜘蛛网-这显示着长袍的主人不但曾造访过许多荒废破败的地方,甚至不久前还在某座废墟中呆了很久。 If regards as No. 1 sandbox already the Doomsday later world, actually that this Higher Level Narrator Priest named Duarte to have lingered how long in this destruction later world? 如果将一号沙箱视作一个已经末日之后的世界,那这个名叫杜瓦尔特上层叙事者神官究竟已经在这个毁灭之后的世界徘徊了多久? The opposite party as if want to find the person to chat, although situation many are somewhat strange, but Gawain still planned that grasps some intelligence while this opportunity, then took advantage of opportunity to continue the topic: In this world, has others besides us?” 对方似乎只是想要找人聊聊天,虽然情况多少有些古怪,但高文仍然打算趁着这个机会多掌握一些情报,便顺势将话题继续了下去:“这个世界上,除了我们之外还有其他人么?” Person? Does not have......” old person voice to say low and deep, „the world has ended, civilization finished, here only had the ruins, as well as wander Duarte and Ritter in ruins.” “人?早就没了……”老人声音低沉地说道,“世界已经终结,文明结束了,这里只有废墟,以及在废墟中游荡杜瓦尔特和娜瑞提尔。” „Did everyone die?” Yuri asked that „...... vanished?” “所有人都死了么?”尤里问道,“还是……消失了?” Does not know, returned to the Lord side probably.” The old person gave the bewildered answer ambiguously, took food to hand in front of Ritter from the table, the latter still very fast and is eating peacefully, as if had nothing to do with her happening in conversation completely. “不知道,大概都回到主的身边了吧。”老人含混地给出了莫名其妙的答案,又从桌上取了一份食物递到娜瑞提尔面前,后者仍然非常快速且安静地吃着,似乎发生在身边的交谈与她完全无关。 How many years did you wander here?” Selena also joined the conversation, asked moderately. “你在这里徘徊了多少年?”赛琳娜也加入了交谈,语气温和地问道。 Could not remember, probably ends after the world, I am then detained here,” old person said calmly,I still remember some fuzzy things, remember this city lively lively time look, many people lived in these houses at that time, on the street has from the merchant in swamp, forest, plain and coastal city-state, has the celebration and heroic play, philosopher's speech and debate in stage, Shrine in city is bright and spacious, the sunlight will penetrate the pure window to sprinkle on pulpit, believer tranquil joyful...... “记不得了,大概从世界终结之后,我便滞留在这里了,”老人平静地说道,“我还记得一些模糊的事物,记得这座城市繁华热闹时候的模样,那时候有很多人住在这些房子里,街道上有来自沼泽、森林、平原和海岸城邦的商人,有庆典和英雄剧,还有哲人在高台上的演讲和辩论,城市中的神殿明亮而宽敞,阳光会透过洁净的窗户洒在布道台上,信徒们平静喜悦…… I still remember that spread the news from South, scholars created to look into the installment of starry sky, the sailors from West coast was discussing in the tavern they strange fish that caught from the deep sea, the dancing girls from oasis area entered a city, the people in less than half place city are discussing her beautiful appearance...... “我还记得从南方传来了消息,学者们创造出了能够眺望星空的装置,来自西海岸的水手们在酒馆中讨论着他们从深海抓到的怪鱼,有一位来自绿洲地区的舞女进城,小半座城市的人都在谈论她的美貌…… „, That is really a period of good time......, but, “啊,那真是一段美好的时光……只不过, Passed. ” The old person is shaking the head, takes up Yuri to give his one glass of good wines, probed was tasting one, made the sound of exclamation: „, This is really the inconceivable flavor...... Ritter-” 都过去了。”老人摇着头,拿起尤里递给他的一杯美酒,试探着尝了一口,发出惊叹的声音:“哦,这真是不可思议的味道……娜瑞提尔-” The white hair young girl who is eating the cake earnestly raised the head, the doubts looked at wine glass one in old person hand, after obtaining the opposite party affirmative look of received the cup, sipped one discretely. 正埋头吃蛋糕的白发少女抬起头来,疑惑地看了老人手中的酒杯一眼,在得到对方肯定的眼神之后才接过杯子,谨慎地抿了一口。 The next second, she then raised one's wine cup to spit, bah bah bah spat for quite a while: Obviously, she does not like this flavor very much. 下一秒,她便把酒全吐了出来,又呸呸呸地吐了半天:显然,她很不喜欢这个味道。 „...... I am very curious,” looks at at present throughout the moderate old person and that strange young girl, Gawain broke suddenly silent, before we arrive, what you are eating- in city also has food?” “……我很好奇,”看着眼前始终语气平和的老人和那古怪的少女,高文突然打破了沉默,“在我们到来之前,你们都在吃些什么-城市里还有食物么?” We very long have not eaten the thing,” Duarte shakes the head with a smile, „, therefore, Ritter so will be hungry.” “我们已经很久不曾吃过东西了,”杜瓦尔特笑着摇了摇头,“所以,娜瑞提尔才会这么饿。” ...... …… In Typhon, the Olandell area, the curtain of night has hung down, the stars lightened the nighttime sky, is shining upon below lights sparse village, as well as situated in area central „the throat of Olandell. 提丰境内,奥兰戴尔地区,夜幕已经低垂,繁星点亮了夜空,映照着下方灯火稀疏的乡村,以及位于地区中央的“奥兰戴尔之喉”。 The shepherd who in the nameless small village, just went to sleep is tossing and turning on the bed, seems fighting the invisible sleep, but is quick he to be then peaceful, the breath becomes steady low and deep, as if Dreamland was stripped suddenly, the whole person has entered deeply, the sleep of no dream. 无名的小村中,一名刚刚入睡的牧羊人在床上辗转反侧着,仿佛正在与无形的睡梦搏斗,但很快他便安静下来,呼吸变得平稳低沉,仿佛梦境突然被人剥离,整个人已经进入深沉的、无梦的睡眠。 Out of the window, has the dim person's shadow to flash past. 窗外,有朦朦胧胧的人影一闪而过。 Silence reigns, each and every family has turned off the lights in the village that goes to sleep, the form that two wear the black robe passes through the street slowly, is bathing the star light, moves toward another end from the end of village. 万籁寂静,已经家家户户熄灯入睡的村庄内,有两名身披黑袍的身影缓缓走过街道,沐浴着星光,从村庄的一端走向另一端。 And under a hood of black robe form broadcast the young masculine sound: „The last village's Dreamland control was completed, they will rest to be good to think that no one falls asleep tonight.” 其中一个黑袍身影的兜帽下传来了年轻的男性声音:“最后一座村子的梦境管制完成了,他们会睡个好觉的,今夜无人入梦。” Nods in his nearby form, under the hood hears the calm female voice: Even so, must go on patrol all night, preventing some people to break through the control To fall asleep Pope again Your Excellency requests us in the entire Olandell area makes absolutely no dream vacuum, but so long as in this region has a person still to have a dream, his Dreamland may become the springboard, causes to happen accidentally/surprisingly.” 在他旁边的身影点点头,兜帽下传来沉稳的女声:“即便如此,也要彻夜巡逻,防止有人突破管制再次入梦-教皇冕下要求我们在整个奥兰戴尔地区制造出绝对的‘无梦真空’,而这个区域内只要有一个人还在做梦,他的梦境就有可能成为跳板,导致意外发生。” Such ‚can Dreamland isolation strip really play the role?” “这样的‘梦境隔离带’真的可以起到作用么?” Useful, that is the matter that Pope Your Excellency and alien traveller need to consider, does, is our matters,” calm female voice said, with its is worried about these, prays tonight action would rather all smooth, should better not with our arrangement.” “有没有用,那是教皇冕下域外游荡者需要考虑的事,做不做,是我们的事,”沉稳的女声说道,“与其担心这些,倒不如祈盼今夜的行动一切顺利,最好不要用到我们的布置。” Pouring was......” young masculine Eternal Sleepers Priest is also saying, at the same time turned toward the surrounding of village to walk under shining of star light, in peaceful village resounded the sounds of some slightest signs of trouble occasionally, instead appeared in the world to be even more silent. “倒也是……”年轻的男性永眠者神官说着,一边在星光的照耀下向着村庄的外围走去,安静的村子里偶尔响起一些风吹草动的声音,反而显得天地间愈发寂静。 It is said...... 700 years ago Dreamland Priest are responsible for handling these things.” Masculine Priest said suddenly. “据说……七百年前的梦境神官们就是负责做这些事情的。”男性神官突然说道。 What matter?” “什么事情?” Walks in the dim light of night, comforting receives Dreamland that alarms, the person who cures these bitter experience wounds, is doing like us today.” “行走在夜色中,安抚受到惊扰的梦境,治愈那些遭遇创伤的人,就像我们今天正在做的。” Sounds...... truly looks like very much.” “听上去……确实很像。” Never expected that I have from underground palace come out to make one day of this matter- my great-grandfather was once collecting Dreamland Priest charm, but when my father that generation, was destroyed,” young masculine Priest shakes the head, „after it is said this event ended, we have the opportunity to obtain the new status, can move frankly and uprightly-, but accordingly, must shift to the new place.” “没想到我还有从地宫里出来做这种事情的一天-我的太祖父曾收藏着一枚梦境神官护身符,但在我父亲那一代的时候,就被销毁了,”年轻的男性神官摇了摇头,“据说这次事件结束之后,我们有机会获得新的身份,可以光明正大地活动-但相应的,要转移到新的地方。” Walks in nearby female silent 2-3 seconds, shakes the head the reminder: In outside, do not discuss these.” 走在旁边的女性沉默了2-3秒钟,摇头提醒:“在外面,不要谈论这些。” „...... But actually is also.” “……倒也是。” Masculine Priest as if smiled, is complying while raised the head, looks broad the wilderness to the village, looks to the end of wilderness. 男性神官似乎笑了一下,一边答应着一边抬起头,看向村外广阔的荒原,看向荒原的尽头。 zigzagging and edge shatter soil bank is fluctuating under the dim light of night of distant place together extremely, the star light illuminates the soil bank edge, revealed that there as if has rift valley together, or a gulf. 一道弯弯曲曲、边缘破碎的土坡在极远处的夜色下起伏着,星光照亮土坡边缘,显露出那里似乎有一道裂谷,或者一处深坑。 Olandell, Typhon past Imperial Capital, then calmly buried at this moment bottom of that giant gulf. 奥兰戴尔,提丰的昔日帝都,此刻便静静地掩埋在那巨大的深坑底部。 ...... …… In ancient profound underground palace, the makings are serious, hair sparse Archbishop Semler is inspecting the accepting area most deep layer. 古老深邃的地宫内,气质严肃阴沉,头发稀疏的大主教塞姆勒正在巡视收容区的最深层。 The magic circuit installment that installs newly is actuating the magic crystal lamp, illuminating this once was darkest the profound region, the bright brilliance as if can also one and scatters constrains the low and deep atmosphere that Higher Level Narrator brings, Semler passes through the floor building up hall, the Priest half step that as if just arrived in arrives in front of him, lowers the head to salute slightly: 新装设的魔网装置驱动着魔晶石灯,照亮了这个曾经最黑暗幽深的区域,明亮的光辉似乎也能一并驱散上层叙事者带来的压抑低沉气氛,塞姆勒走过底层的集结厅,一名似乎刚刚抵达的神官快步来到他面前,微微低头致敬: Archbishop, surface's Dreamland control has been completed, the range of no dream airless space has covered the entire Olandell area.” 大主教,地表的梦境管制已经完成,无梦真空区的范围已覆盖整个奥兰戴尔地区。” Very good,” Semler nods, continues to maintain the Dreamland monitoring to Olandell area, sends the spirit Knight reserve forces, the support presents the gap region at any time.” “很好,”塞姆勒点了点头,“继续保持对奥兰戴尔地区的梦境监控,把灵骑士的预备队也派出去,随时支援出现缺口的区域。” Yes, Archbishop.” “是,大主教。” Moreover transmitted orders, additionally appoints the personnel guard in the throat of bottom interface channel Olandell, if here presents zero order divulging...... in the necessary situation, blows up the vault.” “另外传令下去,在奥兰戴尔之喉底部的连接通道加派人员把守,如果我们这里出现‘零级’泄漏……必要的情况下,炸毁穹顶。” Facing such order, Priest presented one to hesitate: Archbishop, this palace upper layer area the damage that may present cannot be repaired, moreover entire underground palace possibly exposes......” 面对这样的命令,神官出现了一丝迟疑:“大主教,这样的话宫殿上层区很有可能出现不可修复的损伤,而且整个地宫都可能暴露……” Upper-level area can give up, all our important facilities in the intermediate level and lower level, these two regions have element blessing and reinforce magic spell, can resist the vault to crash, we can after blocking underground palace solve the problem slowly. As for exposition...... that already not important.” “上层区可以放弃,我们的所有重要设施都在中层和下层,这两个区域有元素祝福和加固法术,能抗住穹顶崩塌,我们可以在封锁地宫之后慢慢解决问题。至于暴露……那已经不重要了。” Yes, Archbishop,” Priest nods slowly, but could not bear ask one, „, but...... blew up the vault merely, really can block Higher Level Narrator?” “是,大主教,”神官慢慢点了点头,但又忍不住问了一句,“但是……仅仅炸毁穹顶,真的能挡住‘上层叙事者’么?” How stone of one pile of collapsing possibly can block invisible no qualitative Gods,” Semler laughed at one, is shaking the head, „, but, the stone of collapsing can block Higher Level Narrator believer, this enough.” “一堆坍塌的石头怎么可能挡得住无形无质的神明,”塞姆勒嗤笑了一声,摇着头,“但是,坍塌的石头能挡得住上层叙事者的‘信徒’,这就够了。” Transmitting orders Priest felt that an indescribable pressure transmitted, but he then deeply inspires in this pressure quickly, made an effort to nod. 传令的神官感觉到一股难以言喻的压力传来,但他很快便在这压力中深深吸了口气,用力点头。 Priest left, Semler stands in the spacious peaceful accepting area corridor, calmly stood for several seconds to shake the head slightly, the trend accepted the region of Spirit Energy Choir member. 神官离开了,塞姆勒站在空旷安静的收容区走廊内,静静地站了好几秒钟才微微摇头,走向收容灵能唱诗班成员的区域。 Wears the heavy/thick silver-white armor, on the helmet mounts many mysterious rune spirit Knight to guard before him lowers the head: Archbishop.” 身穿厚重银白色铠甲,头盔上镶嵌着诸多神秘符文的灵骑士守卫在他面前低下头:“大主教。” All normal?” Semler sinking sound asked. “一切正常么?”塞姆勒沉声问道。 Under the spirit Knight helmet broadcast the sound of being depressed: All normal, Archbishop.” 骑士的头盔下传来了发闷的声音:“一切正常,大主教。” Some person and did the outside world talk?” “有人与外界交谈么?” No.” “没有。” Very good.” “很好。” Semler nods, crosses spirit Knight that guards, arrived at the room entrance of accepting area most outer layer, knocked that leaf to describe rune, to mount mithril and copper and other magical material gently the metal front doors, the knocking spreads in the profound long corridor is very far. 塞姆勒点了点头,越过守卫的灵骑士,来到了收容区最外层的房间门口,轻轻叩响了那扇描绘着符文、镶嵌着秘银紫铜导魔材料的金属大门,敲击声在深邃悠长的走廊中传出很远。 After two seconds, front door behind resounded the gentle delightful female voice: Who is?” 两秒钟后,大门后面响起了温柔悦耳的女声:“是谁?” Is I, Semler,” makings serious gloomy Semler said, Wendy lady, I confirmed your situation.” “是我,塞姆勒,”气质严肃阴沉的塞姆勒说道,“温蒂女士,我来确认你的情况。” „, Semler Archbishop,” is depending on the corner in room, observed Wendy of Zhizhujiewang to stand up bored, patted the dust of skirt, arrived around the entrance, my situation was very good- that agitated sound has for a long time no longer appeared very much. However in this room really is a little also bored, only then the spider can accompany me to find relief. Endures patiently some time again,” Semler hears in the room Spiritsong the Wendy sound to be gentle, the condition is sane, relaxes slightly, has conducted the critical phase, tomorrow Sun will raise, all will be good.” “啊,塞姆勒大主教,”正靠在房间内的墙角,无聊地观察着蜘蛛结网的温蒂站起身,拍了拍裙角的灰尘,来到了门口附近,“我这里情况很好-那令人烦躁的声音已经很久不再出现了。不过这房间里也着实有点无聊,只有蜘蛛能陪我解闷。再忍耐些时间吧,”塞姆勒听到房间中“灵歌温蒂的声音平缓清晰,状态理智清醒,稍微松了口气,“已经进行到关键阶段,明日太阳升起,一切都会好起来的。” Let us hope so.” “但愿如此。” ...... …… Desert city-state Neame nearby Zhuo's Shrine, shines in the common people residence of lights only, the white hair young girl named Ritter has leaned on the corner to sleep soundly in the haystack, Mr. Duarte a guard sits in not far away likely generally, sits cross-legged to sit on the ground, seems praying devotionally. 沙漠城邦尼姆・桑卓的神殿附近,唯一亮起灯火的民居中,名叫娜瑞提尔的白发少女已经倚靠着墙角在干草堆中睡熟,杜瓦尔特老人则像个守卫一般坐在不远处,盘腿坐在地上,似乎在虔诚地祷告。 Yuri looks at this, cannot bear low voice whispers with nearby Selena: To be honest, before that Duarte speaking of Ritter very hungry time I have prepared battle, I have not really thought she was really only hungry......” 尤里看着这一幕,忍不住小声跟旁边的赛琳娜嘀咕:“说实话,之前那个杜瓦尔特说到娜瑞提尔非常饿的时候我已经做好了战斗的准备,我是真没想到她真的只是饿了而已……” The reply of Selena is brief: Is more normal, is more unusual.” 赛琳娜的回答非常简短:“越正常,越反常。” „...... Do we want to continue accompanying how long these two person?” “……我们要继续‘陪’这两个人多久?” This must look outside the territory...... the opinion of Gawain Cecil.” “这要看域外……高文·塞西尔的意见。” Selena is saying in a soft voice, the vision falls on Gawain of not far away. 赛琳娜轻声说着,目光落在不远处的高文身上。 Gawain stood up, arrives seemed to have completed in front of Duarte of prayer. 高文站起身,来到了似乎已经做完一段祷告的杜瓦尔特面前。 Gods has died,” his old person to that vicissitudes said everywhere, you do pray to whom listen?” 神明已死,”他对那满目沧桑的老人说道,“你又是祷告给谁听呢?” Be used to it,” Duarte shakes the head with a smile, „, believes this thing...... to have the inertia.” “习惯了,”杜瓦尔特笑着摇了摇头,“要知道,信仰这东西……是有惯性的。” He when has inertia speaking of belief, the tone seems quite complex. 他在说到“信仰有惯性”的时候,语气显得颇为复杂。 Gawain is unable to understand that what kind of psychology paces back and forth many years of person to change in the leaving uncultivated world, he shakes the head, waves, scattered has run from the nearby pillar a spider. 高文无从理解一个在荒废的世界中徘徊多年的人会有怎样的心理变化,他只是摇了摇头,又挥挥手,驱散了一只从附近柱子上跑过的蜘蛛。 Here evening's spider are many,” Duarte said, need not was worried, is very temperate harmlessly, will avoid the person on own initiative.” “这里晚上的蜘蛛很多,”杜瓦尔特说道,“不过不用担心,都很温和无害,而且会主动躲开人。”
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