SOD :: Volume #9

#809: Curtain of night guest

The first daytime in sandbox world, to the exploration of temple and in city passed in a hurry. 沙箱世界内的第一个白天,在对神庙和城市的探索中匆匆度过。 Giant Sun that the horizon that round simulates is approaching the horizon gradually, magnificent multi-colored sunlight desert city-state Neame Zhuo's sketch throws in the land, Gawain arrived in a stage near temple, overlooks this nobody left, to abandon for a long time city exhaltedly, as if fell into the thinking. 天边那轮模拟出来的巨日正在渐渐靠近地平线,辉煌的霞光将沙漠城邦尼姆・桑卓的剪影投在大地上,高文来到了神庙附近的一座高台上,居高临下地俯瞰着这座空无一人、废弃已久的城市,似乎陷入了思索。 The sound of footsteps from transmits behind, Gawain has turned the head, saw that Selena has arrived at itself side. 脚步声从身后传来,高文转过头去,看到赛琳娜已来到自己身旁。 Tonight we will rest in a vacant room near temple,” Selena said, you do think?” “今夜我们会在神庙附近的一座空屋中休息,”赛琳娜说道,“您认为可以么?” Why not,” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly saying that you understood here environment, voluntarily arrangement then.” “没什么不可以的,”高文随口说道,“你们了解这里的环境,自行安排即可。” Selena opens mouth, as if somewhat hesitates, after several seconds of type, says: You think how good to deal with Higher Level Narrator? For example how...... to direct It.” 赛琳娜张了张嘴,似乎有些犹豫,几秒种后才开口说道:“您想好要怎么应对上层叙事者了么?比如……怎么把祂引出来。” Not only this is her issue, is Yuri and Magnum wants to ask matter that may I ask. 这不仅是她的问题,也是尤里马格南想问而不敢问的事情。 Until now, Higher Level Narrator in their eyes was still an invisible no qualitative thing, It exists, its strength and influence found at everywhere in No. 1 sandbox, however It has no entity to expose in everyone at present, Selena cannot think how should resist with such enemy, but alien traveller...... 至今为止,上层叙事者在他们眼中仍然是一种无形无质的东西,祂存在着,其力量和影响在一号沙箱中随处可见,然而祂却根本没有任何实体暴露在大家眼前,赛琳娜根本想不到应该如何与这样的敌人对抗,而域外游荡者…… She and Yuri, Magnum observed one throughout the day, without seeing alien traveller adopts any positive method to search for or resist Higher Level Narrator, Gawain is like them, throughout the day is doing some investigations and collects the work of intelligence, this made them have some doubts- 她和尤里马格南观察了一整个白天,也没看到域外游荡者采取任何积极的手段去搜寻或对抗上层叙事者,高文就和他们一样,整个白天都在做些调查和收集情报的工作,这让他们不禁产生了些许疑惑- Can they at these things of doing, really be used to resist that invisible not to have qualitative Gods? 他们在做的这些事情,真的能用来对抗那个无形无质的“神明”么? In the Giant Sun brilliance of submersion, Gawain looked at Selena one gradually, smiling: „ I know that you are worried about anything. 在渐渐下沉的巨日光辉中,高文看了赛琳娜一眼,微笑着:“我知道你们在担心什么。 Said honestly, Gods that does not make an appearance hides in a broad sandbox world, is to make me feel that the quite delicate aspect, is unable to start, is unable to start. “坦白说,一个不露面的神明藏身在一个如此广阔的沙箱世界中,是让我都感觉颇为棘手的局面,无从下手,无从开始。 Therefore I am waiting, waits for that Higher Level Narrator to make an appearance on own initiative.” “所以我正在等,等那位‘上层叙事者’主动露面。” „Does It make an appearance on own initiative?” Selena opened the eye slightly, you thought that Higher Level Narrator will be initiative?” “等祂主动露面?”赛琳娜微微张大了眼睛,“你觉得上层叙事者会主动出来?” Meeting, this is Its long-awaited opportunity,” Gawain quite said assuredly, we are the final springboards that It can get out of trouble, our exploration to No. 1 sandbox is also the best time that it can seize, even does not consider these, our these unexpected visitor intrusion still definitely brought to Its attention, according to the bitter experience of previous batch of search parties, that Gods does not welcome outsider, It will at least make some type to deal-, so long as it made to deal, we on having the opportunity held the strength of that essence, found its clue.” “会的,这是祂期待已久的机会,”高文颇为笃定地说道,“我们是祂能够脱困的最后跳板,我们对一号沙箱的探索也是它能抓住的最好时机,即使不考虑这些,我们这些‘不速之客’的闯入也肯定引起了祂的注意,根据上一批探索队的遭遇,那位神明可不怎么欢迎外来者,祂至少会做出某种应对-只要它做出应对了,我们就有机会抓住那实质的力量,找出它的线索。” Attack......” Selena said in a low voice, vision looks at has sunk to Giant Sun of horizon position, it is getting dark.” “袭击……”赛琳娜低声说道,目光看着已经沉到地平线位置的巨日,“天快黑了。” Yes, it is getting dark, the beforehand search party meets mind to backlash after the darkness,” Gawain nods, in the sandbox world, at night is a very special concept, so long as if the night falls, this world will have many changes, we have explored daytime Neame outstanding, then, perhaps can expect its night is what look.” “是啊,天快黑了,之前的探索队就是在天黑之后遇上心智反噬的,”高文点点头,“在沙箱世界,‘夜晚’是个非常特殊的概念,似乎只要夜幕降临,这个世界就会发生许多改变,我们已经探索过了白天的尼姆・桑卓,接下来,或许可以期待一下它的夜晚是什么模样了。” Gawain is saying, takes a step to move toward the stage edge, prepares the place that returns to be stationed in temporarily, the Selena sound actually conveys from him suddenly behind: „Haven't you considered on the temple entrance as well as pulpit the authenticity of those words?” 高文说着,迈步走向高台边缘,准备回到临时驻扎的地方,赛琳娜的声音却突然从他身后传来:“您没有考虑过神庙门口以及布道台上那句话的真实性么?” „Has Gods died?” Gawain stops in the stage edge, shakes the head slightly, I do not believe.” 神明已死?”高文在高台边缘停下,微微摇了摇头,“我可不信。” The curtain of night arrived finally. 夜幕终于降临了。 Does not have the nighttime sky of moon/month to cover desert city-state Neame outstanding, the strange group star glitters in the horizon, near temple abandons in the house, Selena summoned her inspection lamp, for this does not know that once whose house belonged to bring the bright warm lights. 无月的夜空笼罩着沙漠城邦尼姆・桑卓,陌生的群星在天际闪烁,神庙附近的一座废弃房屋中,赛琳娜召唤出了她的提灯,为这座不知曾属于谁的屋舍带来了明亮温暖的灯火。 In the house had been cleaned up cleanly, Yuri waves at situated in the main room central long table, then made one table of sumptuous banquets baseless- assorted barbecue was rubbed the even meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, 房屋中已经被清理干净,尤里在位于正屋中央的长桌旁挥一挥手,便凭空制造出了一桌丰盛的宴席-各色烤肉被刷上了均匀的酱汁, Is exuding the attractive luster, the dessert and vegetables embellishes around the main course, is colorful, look is delicious, there are translucent wine glass, candlestick and other things to place on the table, is embellishing this table of grand feasts. Enjoys the good food and exploration city-state does not conflict.” Yuri has the well-mannered smile, takes a seat at the long table, seems has the demeanor extremely, „, although is the Dreamland products that make, but here is in the dream the world, enjoys heartily.” 泛着诱人的色泽,甜点和蔬菜点缀在主菜周围,颜色鲜艳,模样可口,又有透亮的酒杯、烛台等事物放在桌上,点缀着这一桌盛宴。“享用美食和探索城邦并不冲突。”尤里带着彬彬有礼的微笑,在长桌旁落座,显得极为有风度,“虽然都是制造出来的梦境产物,但这里本身便是梦中世界,尽情享用吧。” Bored, we also the need not food and drink, Magnum spoke thoughtlessly to taunt one here, should say that you really worthily were the noble birth, made some illusions to deceive itself in this damned place to display the Typhon 702 years of Tim wines and silver candlesticks-” “无聊透顶,我们在这里又不用吃喝,”马格南随口嘲讽了一句,“该说你真不愧是贵族出身么,在这鬼地方制造一些幻象骗自己都要摆上提丰702年的苏提姆葡萄酒和银烛台-” Is saying, this red short hair and short Eternal Sleepers Archbishop while sat at the long table, gave itself to cut a barbecue conveniently: „...... Very is actually fragrant.” 一边说着,这个红色短发、身材矮小的永眠者大主教一边坐在了长桌旁,随手给自己切割了一块烤肉:“……倒是挺香。” By Selena looks at long table two people, cannot bear knit the brows to remind slightly: Is more vigilant- the present is the night of sandbox world, this world is not safe after at nightfall.” 赛琳娜看着长桌旁的两人,忍不住微微皱眉提醒道:“还是警惕些吧-现在是沙箱世界的夜晚,这个世界在入夜之后可不怎么安全。” Naturally, therefore I am waiting for that damn Higher Level Narrator to walk,” the Magnum big voice resounds at the long table, will only make some fuzzy Dreamland and false appearances, what also leaves behind Gods dies ’ the words to frighten the person in the temple ‚, what I now actually am curious some of Its then also to operate- knocks on a door directly inadequately?” “当然,所以我正等着那该死的上层叙事者找上门来呢,”马格南的大嗓门在长桌旁响起,“只会制造些模模糊糊的梦境和假象,还在神庙里留下什么‘神明已死’的话来吓唬人,我现在倒是好奇祂接下来还会有些什么操作了-难道直接敲门不成?” The Magnum big voice finishes speaking, is suddenly peaceful as the temporary foothold common people residence. 马格南的大嗓门话音刚落,作为临时落脚点的民居中突然安静下来。 Sincere-” “笃笃笃-” The knock that has the rhythm spread to each ear of person. 一阵有节奏的敲门声传入了每一个人的耳朵。 In this already the world of nobody left, in the city-state of this nobody left, under this silent curtain of night- 在这个已经空无一人的世界,在这座空无一人的城邦中,在这寂静的夜幕下- Heard the knock. 传来了敲门声。 Magnum mouth Riikka half barbecue, after two seconds, is staring to make an effort to swallow: „...... Damn...... I said in other words......” 马格南嘴里卡着半块烤肉,两秒钟后才瞪着眼使劲咽了下去:“……该死……我就是说说而已……” But at the same time, that gentle knock still got up in a sound, the person who as if outside knocks on a door has the excellent patience. 而与此同时,那平缓的敲门声仍然在一声声响起,仿佛外面敲门的人有着极好的耐心。 The line of sight of Yuri and Selena fell on Magnum simultaneously, Archbishop of this red hair is staring, finally made an effort to wave: Good, I go......” 尤里赛琳娜的视线同时落在了马格南身上,这位红发的大主教瞪着眼睛,最后用力一挥手:“好,我去开……” Gawain was earlier one step to stand: I go.” 高文却更早一步站了起来:“我去吧。” Is saying, he while arrived at that leaf before the front door that not the well-known lumber is made, simultaneously branches out wisp of spirit, perception thing. 一边说着,他一边来到了那扇用不知名木料制成的大门前,同时分出一缕精神,感知着门外的事物。 aura of some people, but as if is also only the person. 门外有人的气息,但似乎也只是人而已。 Gawain the hand placed the gate in the hand, but the knock that at the same time, that resounds steadily also stopped, seems outside visitor to expect that some people open the door, starts to wait for patiently. 高文把手放在了门的把手上,而与此同时,那平稳响起的敲门声也停了下来,就好像外面的访客预料到有人开门似的,开始耐心等待。 Breaks the silence under curtain of night when along with the doorpost rotates one, Gawain shoved open the door, he saw the old person who wears the worn-out grayish white long gown stands in out of the door. 伴随着门轴转动时吱呀一声打破了夜幕下的寂静,高文推开了房门,他看到一个身穿破旧灰白长袍的老人站在门外。 The opposite party are tall, the beard and hair is all white, the wrinkle on face was demonstrating the trace that the years brutally stay behind, he throws over one not to know has crossed the long gowns of many years, that long gown is scarred, the skirt-width has rubbed is total wreck, but can also see that vaguely some pattern decorate, in the old person hand carried a simple and crude leatheroid lantern, the brilliance of lantern is illuminating periphery was very small a region, in dim brilliance that in that simple and crude lantern made, Gawain saw that the old person revealed another form behind. 对方身材高大,须发皆白,脸上的皱纹显示着岁月无情所留下的痕迹,他披着一件不知已经过了多少年月的长袍,那长袍伤痕累累,下摆已经磨的破烂不堪,但还依稀能够看到一些花纹装饰,老人手中则提着一盏简陋的纸皮灯笼,灯笼的光辉照亮了周围很小一片区域,在那盏简陋灯笼制造出的朦胧光辉中,高文看到老人身后露出了另外一个身影。 That is one wears the worn-out white skirt, the white long hair almost hangs to the young girl of ankle area, her barefooting stands in the old person behind, lowers the head the looks at tip of the toe, Gawain is not therefore able to see clearly her appearance, can only roughly judge that its young, the figure is slim, the appearance is delicate. 那是一个身穿破旧白裙,白色长发几乎垂至脚踝的年轻女孩,她赤着脚站在老人身后,低头看着脚尖,高文因此无法看清她的容颜,只能大致判断出其年岁不大,身材较瘦小,容貌清秀。 An old person, young girl, raises the worn-out paper lantern late at night to visit, seems like does not have any threat. 一个老人,一个年轻姑娘,提着破旧的纸灯笼深夜造访,看上去没有任何威胁。 But in this sandbox, in this in the world of nobody left, their has had is in itself a strangeness!! 但在这一号沙箱内,在这个已经空无一人的世界内,他们的存在本身就是一种诡异!! Gawain in the human and animals because of visitor surface has not relaxed harmlessly any vigilantly, he had supposed the opposite party is Higher Level Narrator some probe, in the heart has the highest alert, on the face is maintaining indifferent, opens the mouth to ask: „, What matter had late?” 高文没有因访客表面上的人畜无害放松任何警惕,他已然假设对方是“上层叙事者”的某种试探,心中带着最高的戒备,脸上则保持着淡然,开口问道:“这么晚了,有什么事么?” This city has not presented the lights for a long time,” old person opened the mouth, on the face has the modest expression, the tone is also genial, we see the light in the distant place, is surprised, has a look at the situation.” “这座城市已经好久没有出现灯火了,”老人开口了,脸上带着温和的表情,语气也非常和善,“我们在远处看到灯光,非常惊讶,就过来看看情况。” So nature, so normal speech way. 如此自然,如此正常的说话方式。 However he displays is normal, Gawain then felt strange. 然而他表现的越是正常,高文便感觉越是诡异。 The sound of footsteps from transmits behind, Selena arrived at side Gawain. 脚步声从身后传来,赛琳娜来到了高文身旁。 She saw the entrance old person and girl eyes, slight nod, tone similarly very nature: Is the guest?” 她看了门口的老人和女孩一眼,微微点头,语气同样十分自然:“是客人么?” Very sorry, at night disturbs,” old person said, please ask we can go to have a rest? In this city saw again the lights are not easy.” “很抱歉,夜晚打扰,”老人说道,“请问我们可以进去歇歇脚么?在这座城里再看到灯火可不容易。” Should not have the night reception visitor who the visitor presents in this, certainly is very adventurous behavior. 在这个绝不应有访客出现的夜晚接待访客,毫无疑问是非常冒险的行为。 However Gawain is actually sizing up the entrance two people to show the smile up and down a moment later suddenly, said generously: Naturally- arid region is cold at the night, comes to warm-up.” 然而高文却在上下打量了门口的二人片刻之后突然露出了笑容,慷慨地说道:“当然-沙漠地区在夜晚非常寒冷,进来暖暖身子吧。” Selena expression slightly looks at this, in the heart raised strangely inexplicably some strange associate: 赛琳娜表情略显怪异地看着这一幕,心中莫名地升起了一些古怪的联想: Higher Level Narrator sounded the front door of seeker, alien traveller pushed the door to come out, warmly in welcome the former to enter is a guest- then, matter got up on amusing. 上层叙事者敲响了探索者的大门,域外游荡者推门出来,热情地欢迎前者入内做客-然后,事情就有趣起来了。 Naturally, she has no evidence to prove that at present this seemingly ordinary old person and girl are the Higher Level Narrator incarnations, but since they present...... that in the so strange situation even if they are not incarnation, still will obviously not be the normal person. 当然,她并没有任何证据证明眼前这看上去普普通通的老人和女孩就是上层叙事者的化身,但既然他们在如此诡异的情况下出现……那即便他们不是“化身”,也显然不会是正常人。 In abandoned common people residence, the warm lights illuminated the room, on the long table chocks up the mouth-watering good food, the wine fragrant is fluttering in the air, but walked the guest who to be directed by the table from the cold curtain of night. 被废弃的民居中,温暖的灯火照亮了房间,长桌上摆满令人垂涎的美食,葡萄酒的芬芳在空气中飘动着,而从寒凉的夜幕中走来的客人被引到了桌旁。 Yuri and Magnum have curious and alert are taking a look at the present stranger, that old person returns to smile temperately, wears the white hair girl of white skirt to sit in the one side peacefully, lowers the head to stare at own tip of the toe, as if turns a deaf ear to about the matter of surroundings, does not seem to dare with the surrounding stranger to exchange looking at each other. 尤里马格南带着好奇和戒备打量着眼前的陌生人,那位老人温和地回以微笑,身穿白裙的白发女孩则只是安安静静地坐在一旁,低头盯着自己的脚尖,似乎对周围发生的事情充耳不闻,又好像不敢和周围的陌生人交流对视。 My name was Duarte,” that clothes robe worn-out old person has not displayed any to have the place of unusual person, he politeness at the long table took a seat, then said with a smile, was one still in the priest who world walked,...... probably was also last.” “我的名字叫杜瓦尔特,”那衣袍破旧的老人没有表现出任何有异常人的地方,他只是在长桌旁礼貌落座,便笑着开口说道,“是一个仍在世间行走的祭司,呵……大概也是最后一个了。” Priests...... 祭司…… Gawain caught this phrase, but has not had any performance. 高文捕捉到了这个字眼,但并未有任何表现。 The Duarte old person referred to following in oneself nearby girl, continued saying: Her name was Ritter.” 自称杜瓦尔特的老人紧接着又指了指跟在自己旁边的女孩,继续说道:“她叫娜瑞提尔。” He introduced merely girl's name, then did not have as follows later, such that such as Gawain has not thought will introduce the status as well as two people relations of between opposite party while convenient. 他仅仅介绍了女孩的名字,随后便没有了下文,并未如高文所想的那样会顺便介绍一下对方的身份以及二人之间的关系。 Nearby Yuri driving opens the mouth: Ritter...... is the name of pleasant to hear, your granddaughter?” 还是一旁的尤里主动开口:“娜瑞提尔……好听的名字,是你的孙女么?” No, is only the just right peer,” old person shakes the head, in present world, looking for peer is not easy. Was called the Ritter girl to look up surrounding one cautiously, raised the hand was pointing at itself, said very much low voice: „ Ritter.” “不,只是正好同行罢了,”老人摇了摇头,“在如今的世间,找个同行者可不容易。被称作娜瑞提尔的女孩小心翼翼地抬头看了周围一眼,抬手指着自己,很小声地说道:“娜瑞提尔。” This as if introduced oneself even. 这似乎就算是自我介绍了。 Magnum curls the lip, anything had not said. 马格南撇了撇嘴,什么都没说。 We are one group of seekers, produced curiously to this city,” Gawain saw that at present these two person who” walks from unmanned curtain of night is so making self introduction normally, without being clear about them has that anything plan then not to launch an attack on own initiative, but introduced similarly with a smile since oneself, you can call me Gawain, Gawain Cecil. This is Selena Gehrfen, by me this is Yuri Charvin mister, as well as this, Magnum Khaira Pohl mister.” “我们是一群探索者,对这座城市产生了好奇,”高文看到眼前这两个从无人夜幕中走出来的“人”如此正常地做着自我介绍,在不清楚他们到底有什么打算的情况下便也没有主动发难,而是同样笑着介绍起了自己,“你可以叫我高文,高文·塞西尔。这位是赛琳娜·格尔分,我旁边这位是尤里查尔文先生,以及这位,马格南・凯拉博尔先生。” Saw again the traveler has the feeling here to be really good,” Duarte said moderately, the line of sight has swept on nearby long table sumptuous food, „...... is really the sumptuous evening banquet.” “再次看到旅人出现在这里的感觉真好,”杜瓦尔特语气温和地说道,视线扫过旁边长桌上丰盛的食物,“啊……真是丰盛的晚宴。” You can eat together,” Yuri said well-mannered, share food is the moral excellence.” “你们可以一起吃点,”尤里彬彬有礼地说道,“分享食物是美德。” Meal is truly good,” Magnum follows saying that and made an effort to pull out sniffing, oh...... was a pity, the ozone that without this filled everywhere was better.” “饭菜确实不错,”马格南跟着说道,并使劲抽了抽鼻子,“唉……可惜,如果没有这到处弥漫的臭气就更好了。” Entire Neame the area that Takuji as well as peripheral has verified is filling strange decayed aura, this spread not loose aura has affected this Archbishop mood obviously. 整个尼姆・卓尔以及周边已探明的地区都弥漫着一种怪异的腐臭气息,这种蔓延不散的气息显然已经影响到了这位大主教的心情。 Mr. Duarte hears the complaint of Magnum, shows a temperate smile: Decayed aura...... is also very normal.” 杜瓦尔特老人听到马格南的抱怨,露出一丝温和的笑容:“腐臭的气息么……也很正常。” Gawain a brow wrinkle, subconsciously asks immediately: „It is why normal?” 高文立刻眉头一皱,下意识问道:“为什么很正常?” Gods has died,” old person is saying in a low voice, places the chest the hand, palm horizontal, palm downward, the tone is even more low and deep, „the present...... It finally started rottenly.” 神明已死,”老人低声说着,将手放在胸口,手掌横置,掌心向下,语气愈发低沉,“现在……祂终于开始腐烂了。” Mother!!! 妈耶!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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