SOD :: Volume #9

#808: Gods has died

Gods has died. 神明已死。 Gawain stares at that to carve the words in stone for a very long time, because of does not know for a while should make what response seems without the mighty waves, in him behind, Yuri and other people also depended, these twisted the dark red scratch to map the view of everyone. 高文久久地盯着那句刻在石头上的话,因一时不知该作何反应而显得毫无波澜,在他身后,尤里等三人也靠了过来,那些歪曲暗红的刻痕映入了每一个人的眼帘。 „...... My family's all ancestors......” Magnum stared in a big way the eye, what is this?” “……我家族的所有先人啊……”马格南瞪大了眼睛,“这是什么意思?” In Gawain astonishment from the beginning responded finally, in the temple entrance saw although such a blaspheming language made his delay the moment, but he still keeps firmly in mind anything cannot readily believe in No. 1 sandbox, cannot easily draw any conclusion the rules, at this time the earliest possible time then knew more situations to Selena: On do one batch explore personnel not to see these words in this city?” 高文终于从一开始的惊愕中反应过来,尽管在神庙门口看到这么一句亵渎之语令他呆滞了片刻,但他仍牢记着在一号沙箱中什么都不能轻信、不能轻易做出任何结论的守则,这时候第一时间便是向赛琳娜了解更多情况:“上一批探索人员在这座城市里没有看到这句话么?” No, I am certain,” Selena says immediately, on a number of search parties, although has not investigated the interior of building in city with enough time, but they have searched the entrance of this temple, if they really saw these words, must report.” “没有,我可以肯定,”赛琳娜立刻说道,“上一批探索队虽然还没来得及探查城市中的建筑物内部,但他们已经搜索到这座神庙的入口,如果他们真的看到了这句话,不可能不上报。” Gods has died......” Yuri to mutter, „, when the previous exploration this sandbox world then the nobody left, who these words are stay behind?” 神明已死……”尤里喃喃自语着,“在上次探索的时候这个沙箱世界便已经空无一人了,这句话是谁留下的?” Thinks Illusory township,” Magnum is muttering, nobody left...... perhaps is only we cannot see them.” “想想幻影小镇,”马格南咕哝着,“空无一人……或许只是我们看不见他们罢了。” We should search this temple, do you think?” Selena is saying, the vision shifts to Gawain-, although she with another two Archbishop is No. 1 sandbox specialized personnel, but their concrete actions actually must listen to the Gawain's opinion, after all, they must face possibly is Gods, in this regard, alien traveller is the true expert. “我们应该搜索这座神庙,您认为呢?”赛琳娜说着,目光转向高文-尽管她和另外两名大主教是一号沙箱的“专业人员”,但他们具体的行动却必须听高文的意见,毕竟,他们要面对的可能是神明,在这方面,“域外游荡者”才是真正的专家。 Gawain knows that Eternal Sleepers to own view, actually he does not think oneself are resists the Gods professional- this domain is extremely after all high-end, he really cannot find out the what kind character to murder god to offer the guidance, but he also calculates after all has contacted many Gods dense hard, but also participates has imitated encircling and cooking of action version to the God of Nature folk high, at least in self-confidence aspect, compared with the common person must. 高文知道永眠者们对自己的看法,其实他并不认为自己是对抗神明的专业人士-这个领域毕竟太过高端,他实在想不出什么样的人物能在弑神方面给出指导意见,但他毕竟也算接触过不少神明密辛,还参与过对自然之神民间高仿版的围剿及烹饪行动,至少在自信心这方面,是比寻常人要强很多的。 The theoretical knowledge that naturally, when adds on usually and Veronica and Carmel exchange obtains again, in addition studied in the ancient times the ancient book and Holy Light Religion book collection, experience that gained, he also truly could be the expert in the theology as well as counter god domain. 当然,若是再加上平日里和维罗妮卡卡迈尔交流时得到的理论知识,再加上自己研究古代典籍、圣光教派藏书之后积累的经验,他在神学以及逆神领域也确实算得上专家。 Searches the temple,” he nods saying that „ the Religion place is Gods affects the present world channel, it often can also demonstrate in turn corresponds the Gods essence and condition. “搜索一下神庙吧,”他点头说道,“宗教场所是神明影响现世的‘通道’,它往往也能反过来显示出对应神明的本质和状态。 Must remember to enhance vigilance, after seeing the unusual scene or hears the suspicious sound, immediately saying that here, do not believe own mind.” “不过要记得提高警惕,看见异常的景象或听到可疑的声音之后立刻说出来,在这里,别太相信自己的心智。” Three Archbishop nod, later with Gawain together starting to walk footsteps, toward that temple construction that has the rich desert character and style walks. 三名大主教点了点头,随后与高文一同迈开脚步,向着那座有着浓郁沙漠风情的神庙建筑内部走去。 The temple does not know how long was left uncultivated, inside appears the vicissitudes to be ancient, proliferates the time trace. 神庙不知被荒废了多久,里面显得沧桑古旧,遍布时光痕迹。 After a short road then for holding the main hall of Religion activity, was used to illuminate the lights of main hall to extinguish, the giant column and cloth curtain that from in the air dangled interweave the overlapping shadow in the hall, under the sunlight photo indoor from narrow tall Chuangsa entered, in the shadows cut brightly road/s, the sunlight that at this moment afternoon of sandbox world, these inclines sprinkled appeared not really intense, even more gave the entire indoor space to increase a mysterious and ancient flavor. 在一段较短的甬道之后便是用于举行宗教活动的厅堂,原本用来照亮厅堂的灯火早已熄灭,巨大的立柱和从空中垂下的布幔在大厅中交织出了层层叠叠的阴影,自狭窄高窗洒下的阳光照进室内,在阴影之间又切割出一道道明亮的“道路”,此刻正是沙箱世界的下午,这些倾斜洒下的阳光显得不甚强烈,愈发给整个室内空间增添了一种神秘、古老的韵味。 Gawain turned the head to look at one at will, the line of sight saw Sun of horizon by narrow tall window, that similarly was round of Giant Sun, at the magnificent sunglow appeared indistinctly the wood grain trace, with the real world Sun was general look. 高文随意转头看了一眼,视线透过狭窄的高窗看到了天边的太阳,那同样是一轮巨日,辉煌的日冕上隐约浮现出木纹般的纹路,和现实世界的“太阳”是一般模样 On satellite that the life in runs around Gaseous Giant Planet, Eternal Sleepers cannot imagine Sun of other stars is what look, in this sandbox, they also established one round to have no Sun of difference from the real world. 生活在绕着气态巨行星运行的卫星上,永眠者们也想象不到其他星球的太阳是什么模样,在这一号沙箱内,他们同样设置了一轮和现实世界没什么区别的太阳。 Here was at least left uncultivated for dozens years...... also possibly to have a century, but will not be longer,” Yuri bends the waist by a stone platform of collapsing, the finger strokes gently one piece that in stone platform is falling the cotton material of serious decency, “这里至少被荒废了几十年……也可能有一个世纪,但不会更久,”尤里在一座坍塌的石台旁弯下腰,手指摩挲着石台上掉落的一片已经严重风化的布料, Otherwise these things are impossible to retain.” But the entrance character actually seemed like just carved shortly.” Magnum is knitting the brows to whisper. “否则这些东西不可能保留下来。”“但门口的字却像是刚刻下不久的。”马格南皱着眉嘀咕着。 The Gawain looks at Yuri movement, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one: „Does the thing in sandbox world also meet such as the real world the same as make decent decayed?” 高文看着尤里的动作,随口问了一句:“沙箱世界内的东西也会如现实世界一样风化腐朽么?” Meeting,” Yuri stands up, „, moreover is similar to the decency form and speed of real world. These detail parameters we are the realities of direct reference, after all must compile the detail of complete set is to the work that the mortal is almost impossible to complete.” “会,”尤里站起身,“而且和现实世界的风化形式、速度都差不多。这些细节参数我们是直接参照的现实,毕竟要重新编写全套的细节是一项对凡人而言几乎不可能完成的工作。” Oh,” Gawain cannot bear heaves a deep sigh reluctantly, „the real world can birth Gods, so with the real world highly similar world, how be able not birth similar Religion phenomenon.” “唉,”高文忍不住无奈地摇头叹息,“现实世界能够诞生神明,如此一个和现实世界高度相似的世界,怎么会不诞生类似的宗教现象。” Walks shakes the head in nearby Selena: Before then, there is God knows Gods is birth rather than has will have forever?” 走在旁边的赛琳娜摇了摇头:“在此之前,又有谁知道神明是‘诞生’而非‘自有永有’的呢?” Three Archbishop all had nothing to say in reply, can only be silent is continue inspect the clue in temple. 三位大主教皆无言以对,只能沉默着继续检查神庙中的线索。 Magnum moved toward the forefront of hall, here special circular tall window, the ray from tall Chuangsa shines in as if the pulpit platform, the interstellar dust particle slightly is dancing in the air in the ray, the unexpected visitors who were visited this place alarmed the original path. 马格南走向了大厅的最前端,在这里有一扇特别的圆形高窗,从高窗洒下的光芒照射在仿佛布道台的平台上,微微的尘埃粒子在光线中飞舞着,被造访此地的不速之客们惊扰了原本的轨迹。 Yuri arrives at side Magnum, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Did you determine already the mind detachment of storm from your subconsciousness?” 尤里来到马格南身边,随口问道:“你确定已经把心灵风暴从你的潜意识里移除了吧?” Damn, you must confirm several- my natural detachment!” Magnum is staring, „do I use the mind storm to accidentally injure your many times? You as for such holding a grudge?” “该死的,你到底要确认几遍-我当然移除了!”马格南瞪着眼睛,“我用心灵风暴误伤过你很多次么?你至于这么记仇?” „...... I even brought forth to the exclusive resistance of mind storm, did you say?” “……我甚至练出了对心灵风暴的专属抗性,你说呢?” „...... I- determination- detachment! Absolutely, detachment!” Magnum word emphasized again, meanwhile is sizing up this pulpit same platform, the line of sight stagnation that suddenly, he takes a fast look around gets down, falls on some ground corner, „...... here also has.” “……我-确定-移除了!绝对,移除了!”马格南一个词一顿地再次强调了一遍,同时还在打量着这座布道台一样的平台,突然间,他扫视的视线静滞下来,落在地面某个角落,“……这里也有。” Yuri looks following the line of sight of opposite party, only saw the party cheap scratch deeply imprints on stone tablet, is temple entrance exactly the same handwriting- 尤里顺着对方的视线看去,只看到一行粗劣的刻痕深深印在石板上,是和神庙门口一模一样的字迹- Gods has died. 神明已死。 Two Archbishop silent the moment, Magnum opened the mouth suddenly: Yuri, to be honest, you believe words that this above spoke?” 两名大主教沉默了片刻,马格南才突然开口:“尤里,说实话,你相信这上面说的话么?” In sandbox Gods, only then, if these words real, Gods has really died, we can go back to celebrate actually,” Yuri smiles bitterly was saying, was only a pity, suffers the contamination person also by contamination, the sandbox of out-of-control does not have the slight restoration sign, at this time this place saw that this Gods has died, I can only feel strangeness and fearfulness of doubling.” “沙箱中的‘神明’只有一个,如果这句话是真的,神明真的已死的话,那我们倒是可以回去庆祝了,”尤里苦笑着说道,“只可惜,遭受污染的人还被污染着,失控的沙箱也没有丝毫复原迹象,此时此地看到这句神明已死,我只能感到加倍的诡异和可怕。” The Magnum approval nods: Also yes, no matter who left these fearful words here, his consciousness seemed like not too normal......” 马格南赞同地点点头:“也是,不管是谁在这里留下了这些可怕的话,他的神志看起来都不太正常了……” Another side, Gawain and Selena are inspecting and hall connected several rooms. 另一边,高文赛琳娜则在检查着与大厅相连的几个房间。 In is located in behind the pulpit side, seems like specialized for collecting indoor the exhibition of important goods, they saw the thing that many believer consecrate, they were laid aside in one by one square shape cave entrance on wall, was being taken care properly. 在一间位于布道台侧后方的、似乎专门用于收藏重要物品的陈列室内,他们看到了许多信徒供奉上来的事物,它们被放置在墙壁上的一个个方形洞口中,被妥善地保管着。 Selena knits the brows slightly, looks at these fine gold and silver household utensils and jewellery ornaments: Higher Level Narrator receives native's devout belief...... these to consecrate perhaps is only a small part.” 赛琳娜微微皱眉,看着那些精美的金银器皿、珠宝首饰:“上层叙事者受到当地人的虔诚信仰……这些供奉恐怕只是一小部分。” Pitifully these mediocre things should and are not meaningful to Gods.” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly saying that, his line of sight by a alone laying aside, the magnificent fine single-handed sword attracted- that single-handed sword has not placed in the hole in a wall like the common consecration thing, but placed the room end in a platform, and surroundings had the sigil protection, in the platform as if also had the writing, seemed especially unusual. “可惜这些凡俗的事物对一个神明而言应该并没什么意义。”高文随口说道,紧接着,他的视线被一柄单独放置的、华丽精美的单手剑吸引了-那单手剑没有像寻常的供奉物一样放在墙洞里,而是放在房间尽头的一个平台上,且周围有符印保护,平台上似乎还有文字,显得格外与众不同。 Before Gawain arrives at that platform, sees above to write about the party writing: 高文来到那平台前,看到上面记叙着一行文字: Highest sage great King Balmora of offers with me advocates, the day of year of hot summer small yellow chrysanthemum. 至圣伟大的国王巴尔莫拉献与我主,甘菊之年炎夏之日。 „It seems like King gives to Higher Level Narrator......” Gawain looks at that line of writing, spoke thoughtlessly to say. “似乎是一个国王献给上层叙事者的……”高文看着那行文字,随口说道。 King Balmora......” Selena also saw that line of writing, among the looks revealed a thinking, I seemed like some impressions.” 国王巴尔莫拉……”赛琳娜也看到了那行文字,神色间流露出一丝思索,“我好像有些印象。” The „Oh?” Gawain eyebrow selects, only thinks is an insignificant name, he actually felt that from the Selena expression a difference, what this King Balmora did make?” “哦?”高文眉毛一挑,原本只以为是无足轻重的一个名字,他却从赛琳娜的表情中感觉到了一丝异样,“这个国王巴尔莫拉做了什么?” According to the material of diary system output, that is one by the virtual personality of sandbox auto-building,” Selena thinking while said that at the beginning of birth was Neame the slave in Takuji city-state, later according to the system setting, depended upon the slave corner/horn to fight to gain the freedom, becomes one of the city-state guards, and was promoted to the officer of the guard slowly......” “根据日志系统输出的资料,那是一个由沙箱自动生成的虚拟人格,”赛琳娜一边思索一边说道,“诞生之初是尼姆・卓尔城邦的一名奴隶,之后按照系统设定,依靠奴隶角斗获得自由,成为了城邦的守卫之一,并慢慢晋升为卫队长……” Guard who slave comes?” Gawain is surprised, how does that he turn into King?” “奴隶出身的守卫?”高文不禁惊讶起来,“那他是怎么变成国王的?” Makes me think that...... in time according to sandbox, that should be loses control first about 200 years, Neame Takuji city-state was covered by the insect plague, the water source receives contamination, the grain gets no crop, the locust and black beetle ate most grain in storage, the aristocrats in city-state escaped, King also brings the trusted subordinate and treasure runs to go to nearby country to seek asylum, in the situation critical situation, in the city-state also living the person decision recommended that new King- can find the means of resistance insect plague, found the grain to originate and person of new water source, was new King. “让我想想……按照沙箱内的时间,那应该是失控前两百年左右,尼姆・卓尔城邦被虫灾笼罩,水源受到污染,粮食绝收,蝗虫和黑甲虫吃掉了大部分的存粮,城邦的贵族们逃跑了,国王也带着亲信和财宝跑去附近的国家避难,在局势危急的情况下,城邦中还活着的人决定推举一个新国王-能找到对抗虫灾的办法,找到粮食来源和新水源的人,就是新的国王 Like such that you think, this named Balmora sandbox resident achieved these things- he discovers the root that the insect plague erupted, leading the person in city-state to find the new water source, led the soldier to catch up with the aristocrat who portion escaped, recaptured by some grain that they carried off...... is the extraordinary magnificent feat, even surpassed our preinstall script, never had virtual resident to achieve the important matters of these pushes history advancements, similar matter often was......, therefore I who the dependence the external input script was completed made the impression.” “就像您想的那样,这个叫巴尔莫拉的‘沙箱居民’做到了这些事情-他找出了虫灾爆发的根源,带着城邦里的人找到了新的水源,又带着士兵追上了一部分逃亡的贵族,夺回了被他们带走的部分粮食……都是了不起的壮举,甚至超出了我们预设的‘剧本’,从未有哪个‘虚拟居民’可以做到这些推动历史进程的大事,类似事情往往都是依靠外部输入剧本来完成的……所以我对此留下了印象。” That this great King finally how?” Gawain asked curiously. “那这个伟大的国王最后怎样了?”高文不禁好奇地问道。 Selena as if hesitated, said in a soft voice: „...... Deletion.” 赛琳娜似乎犹豫了一下,才轻声说道:“……删除了。” Deletion?” “删除了?” Script deviation is too big, the sandbox thinks that the system has the unbalanced risk, therefore conducted correction automatically, sudden death of Balmora when prime of life, was actually deleted- naturally, he left behind own reputation in the history of No. 1 sandbox, some reputations had not at least fallen by the reset.” “剧本偏差太大,沙箱认为系统有失衡风险,于是自动进行了纠正,巴尔莫拉在盛年时突然死亡,其实就是被删除了-当然,他在一号沙箱的历史中留下了属于自己的名声,这部分名声至少没有被重置掉。” Gawain has not spoken suddenly, but calmly looks at that lays aside the treasured sword in platform, seems born in looks at one in the Dreamland world, by the virtual personality that the system makes, looks at he from the slave is turned into the soldier, turns into the general from the soldier, turns into King from the general, turns into the male host, finally...... was deleted. 高文一时间没有说话,只是静静地看着那柄放置在平台上的宝剑,仿佛在看着一个诞生于梦境世界,被系统制造出来的虚拟人格,看着他从奴隶变成士兵,从士兵变成将军,从将军变成国王,变成雄主,最后……被删除。 Suddenly, he perished all living things of fluctuating to have some unusual feelings to these in the sandbox world. 突然间,他对那些在沙箱世界中沉沦起伏的众生有了些异样的感觉。 His attention then returned to this ownership quickly in Higher Level Narrator in temple. 他的注意力很快便回到了这座归属于“上层叙事者”的神庙上。 „, According to here clue, this Balmora King gave to Gods his treasured sword,” he said to Selena, in other words, in the Balmora active age, the belief of Higher Level Narrator was born, even has become this Neame the core belief of outstanding city-state.” “那么,按照这里的线索,这位巴尔莫拉国王把他的宝剑献给了神明,”他对身旁的赛琳娜说道,“也就是说,在巴尔莫拉活跃的年代,上层叙事者的信仰就已经诞生了,甚至已经成为这座尼姆・桑卓城邦的核心信仰。” Selena also thought of the same matter obviously, her expression looking pensive: Evidently...... is this.” 赛琳娜显然也想到了同样的事情,她的表情若有所思:“看样子……是这样。” At that time the sandbox system had not lost control- your exterior monitoring personnel actually the appearance to this temple and exist to know nothing.” “当时沙箱系统还没有失控-你们这些外部的监控人员却对这座神庙的出现和存在一无所知。” That's true.” “确实如此。” Gawain lifts the eyelid: You think why this is?” 高文抬起眼皮:“你认为这是为什么?” Selena is thinking, slowly said: Either...... is Higher Level Narrator after the sandbox loses control twisted the time and history, weaves the world advancement that did not have in the sandbox world, either, the sandbox system loses control also compared with must early, the supervisory system that we imagine, has been deceiving us.” 赛琳娜思索着,慢慢说道:“要么……是上层叙事者在沙箱失控之后扭曲了时间和历史,在沙箱世界中编织出了本不存在的世界进程,要么,沙箱系统失控的比我们想象的还要早,就连监控系统,都一直在欺骗我们。” Gawain is silent. 高文沉默下来。 No matter which possibility, is not the good news. 不管哪一种可能,都不是什么好消息。 If the first possibility, that means corrosion and control degree of Higher Level Narrator to sandbox system of estimate is more serious, It even had the ability of control time and history in the sandbox world, this has surpassed simple spirit contamination ; 如果是第一种可能,那意味着上层叙事者对沙箱系统的侵蚀和控制程度比预想的还要严重,祂甚至具备了在沙箱世界内操控时间和历史的能力,这已经超出简单的精神污染; If the second possibility, that means Its contamination divulging also compared with must early, means that the hidden danger that It who everyone expects has the possibility extremely already in the real world stayed behind detect, at any time not yet possibly erupts...... 如果是第二种可能,那意味着祂的污染泄露的比所有人预料的还要早,意味着祂极有可能已经在现实世界留下了尚未被察觉的、随时可能爆发出来的隐患…… Gives the devil his due, Gawain rather meets the first situation. 平心而论,高文宁愿遇上第一种情况。
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