SOD :: Volume #9

#805: The day of action

Myriad things foundation »? 万物基础》? Newborn physical examination and basic nutrition support plan? “新生儿体检及基本营养保障计划? Villages and small towns Apothecary intensive handbook?” “村镇药剂师速成手册?” Listens to Matilda to narrate her in detail at the Cecil Empire experience, Roseta the brow of Augustus wrinkled unknowingly, on the face has look looking pensive. 听着玛蒂尔达详细叙述着她在塞西尔帝国的所见所闻,罗塞塔奥古斯都的眉头不知不觉皱了起来,脸上带着若有所思的神色。 These things, some are I in visiting the processes of these facilities saw that when some are hearing and inferring with the native contact and conversation, was written in the local newspaper books, posts in the square and other place on the bulletin boards,” Matilda said, seems like these is not the secret, Gawain your majesty very confidently them public outside.” “这些东西,有一些是我在参观那些设施的过程中看到的,有一些是在和当地人接触、交谈时听到并推理出来的,还有一些被写在当地的报纸书刊上,张贴在广场等处的布告栏上,”玛蒂尔达说道,“似乎这些都不是什么秘密,高文陛下非常坦然地把它们都公开在外面。” These truly are not secret, does not have the means to become the secret, public......” the Roseta brow has not stretched slightly, and is following close on asking, „have these plans been implemented? Can their government affairs halls achieve these bold plans?” “这些确实不是机密,也没办法成为机密,公开的……”罗塞塔眉头丝毫没有舒展,并紧跟着问道,“这些计划都已经实施下去了么?他们的政务厅能够实现这些大胆的方案?” As far as I know, majority also in propulsion phase, some even also in mounting phase, even has implemented, still covered some areas, for example that newborn physical examination and basic nutrition support plan- it seems like one of the Gawain Cecil early new policy, currently also obtains the popularization in Southern Region.” “据我所知,大部分都还在推进阶段,有一些甚至还在筹备阶段,即便已经实施下去的,也只是覆盖了部分地区,比如那个新生儿体检及基本营养保障计划-它似乎是高文·塞西尔最早期的新政之一,目前也只是在南境得到了普及。” At this point, Matilda, considered the word usage saying: But I suspected, these bold things ultimately will obtain achieve- their government affairs hall is confident, the talents of some massive preparations have been in the final stage of education and training, but in Cecil, the second sound cannot question the order of Gawain Great Emperor.” 说到这里,玛蒂尔达顿了顿,斟酌着用词说道:“但我怀疑,这些大胆的东西最终都将得到实现-他们的政务厅对此充满信心,已经有大量预备的人才进入教育培训的后期阶段,而在塞西尔境内,没有第二个声音可以质疑高文大帝的命令。” Roseta has not opened the mouth suddenly. 罗塞塔一时间没有开口。 These plans did not lie in achieve many, was their has itself merely, then has made this consideration profound Typhon Emperor produce enormous touching, and cannot help but launched the a series of inference, is guessing the Gawain Cecil possible mentality, is pondering these action possible significances. 这些计划不在于实现了多少,仅仅是它们的存在本身,便已经让这位思虑深远的提丰皇帝产生了极大的触动,并不由自主地展开了一系列推理,揣测着高文·塞西尔可能的思路,思考着这些举措可能的意义。 Father sovereign,” Matilda noticed the Roseta expression, could not bear the opens the mouth, these things that Cecilian handled...... whether will have the drastic effect?” “父皇,”玛蒂尔达注意到了罗塞塔的表情,忍不住开口,“塞西尔人做的这些事情……是否都会产生巨大的影响?” Not only the drastic effect, Gawain Cecil is doing, lays the foundation...... Roseta sinking sound to say for the remote future, he as if highly believes strength that the average person gathers, in sparing no efforts to improve average person in the society revolves the mass action, I have not been able to determine that for a while he does this is to is wrong, but his mentality...... I have not truly thought.” “不只是巨大的影响,高文·塞西尔在做的,是为更加久远的将来打基础……”罗塞塔沉声说道,“他似乎非常相信普通人聚集起来的力量,在不遗余力地提高普通人在社会运转中的整体作用,我一时还不敢确定他这样做是对是错,但他的思路……我确实没想过。” You think that this inside does have the place that is worth studying?” Matilda asked curiously. “您认为这里面有值得我们学习的地方?”玛蒂尔达好奇地问道。 „...... This also need many observations,” Roseta said in the thinking, key is, these plans of Gawain Cecil were extremely bold, the bold plan means the soaring investment and unknown influence, before does to understand completely his these action back mechanism, we cannot affect Empire our revolution blindly.” “……这还需要更多的观察,”罗塞塔在思索中说道,“关键在于,高文·塞西尔的这些计划都太过大胆了,大胆的计划意味着高昂的投入和未知的影响,在完全搞明白他这些举动背后的机理之前,我们不能盲目影响到帝国自身的运转。” Matilda lowers the head: I understood, I will collect many information as far as possible.” 玛蒂尔达低下头:“我明白了,我会尽可能收集更多的信息。” Un,” Roseta simple place, also asked that in your opinion, what kind of person Gawain Cecil was oneself?” “嗯,”罗塞塔简单地点了下头,又问道,“在你看来,高文·塞西尔本人又是个怎样的人?” That legendary hero......” Matilda reveals look looking pensive, „ I had listened about his story, but deified hero of a living person and in story really different. He is more temperate, did not discuss regardless the respective status that I imagine, he in my opinion is a generous and friendly elder, although I determined that he and I contact many actions to have the back political consideration, the bearing that but he displays is indubitable. “那位传奇英雄么……”玛蒂尔达露出若有所思的模样,“我曾经听过很多关于他的故事,但一个活生生的人和一个在故事里被神化的英雄果然还是不同。他比我想象的更温和一些,抛开各自身份不谈,他在我看来是一个慷慨且友善的长辈,尽管我确定他和我接触中的很多举动都有着背后的政治考量,但他表现出来的气度还是无可置疑的。 Moreover, on him does not have the feeling of ancient, without that barrier feeling that spans the time, but considering him resurrects until now is the fifth year, can understand that actually- besides bringing ancient wisdom and experience, he is thorough modern people.” “另外,他身上也丝毫没有‘古人’的感觉,没有那种跨越时代的隔阂感,但考虑到他复活至今已经是第五个年头,倒是可以理解-除了带来古代的智慧和经验之外,他已经是个彻彻底底的现代人了。” Roseta as if shows a happy expression: You are evidently good to his impression.” 罗塞塔似乎露出一丝笑意:“看样子你对他的观感不错。” Once appraised such like you, “就像您曾经的评价那样, On him has with your similar makings. ” Then about...... Roseta to the inspection of foreign student project also said, what view you currently do have?” 他身上有着和您类似的气质。”“那么关于对留学生项目的考察……”罗塞塔又说道,“你现在有什么看法?” This matter must promote, we must understand that front magical technology, must expand to the Cecil's economy and technology circulation,” Matilda obviously for several days also at ponder related matter, reply without hesitation, such that but...... is on the other hand worried about like you, we inevitably faced with sending the foreign student were assimilated the situation of vacillating.” “这件事本身是必须推动的,我们必须更加了解前沿魔导技术,必须扩大对塞西尔的经济和技术流通,”玛蒂尔达显然这些天也在思考相关的事情,回答的毫不犹豫,“但另一方面……就像您担心的那样,我们将不可避免地面临派遣留学生被同化动摇的情况。” „Oh?” “哦?” Cecil's Imperial Capital is one lively to the city that making one is enchanted by, but also has the grotesque and gaudy new things, here has to enrich to the recreational activity that being inconceivable, rather than the monotonous arid hunting and dance party, they have many newspapers and magazines, is called ‚the magic circuit broadcast marvelous magic whiles away the time, it is said one type swoonsome Magical Theater, Gawain Cecil oneself am control the will of the people expert, we once received about ‚the Luan big trial intelligence, now, I see with own eyes books and periodicals collection that the record the Luan city situation changed at that time- control to ordinary civilian psychology and to group behavior of that thing. The forecast made person tremble with fear simply, held the upper-level aristocrat and psychological weakness of Priest Community as well as all can conduct the words and deeds characteristics of negative propaganda...... 塞西尔的帝都是一座繁华到令人迷醉的城市,还有着光怪陆离的新鲜事物,这里有丰富到难以想象的娱乐活动,而不是只有单调枯燥的狩猎和舞会,他们有更多的报纸和杂志,有被称作‘魔网广播’的奇妙魔法消遣,据说还有一种令人着迷的‘魔影剧’,高文·塞西尔本人是控制人心的好手,我们曾收到关于‘卢安大审判’的情报,现在,我更是亲眼见到了记载当时卢安城局势变化的书报集-那东西对普通平民心理的把控和对群体行为的预测简直令人不寒而栗,更抓住了上层贵族和神官群体的心理弱点以及所有能进行负面宣传的言行特征…… These methods, perhaps will not use on directly representative the foreign student of friendly exchange, the wrist/skill that but behind them manifests...... is worth vigilantly. “这些手段,或许不会直接用在代表友好交流的留学生身上,但它们背后体现出来的手腕……值得警惕。 I have the reason to believe, we will send the Cecil's foreign student to be affected inevitably, and big probability will not be the direct winning over lobby, but will be the life style of influencing subtly affects. “我有理由相信,我们派到塞西尔的留学生将不可避免地受到影响,并且大概率不是直接的拉拢游说,而是潜移默化的生活方式影响。 „The life style of Cecil city, the cultural atmosphere, too...... was really hard to resist to the young people.” 塞西尔城的生活方式,文化氛围,对年轻人而言实在是太……难以抗拒了。” Roseta calmly is listening to the Matilda words, on the face the expression is unexpectedly unrelieved, as if has expected all these. 罗塞塔只是静静地听着玛蒂尔达的话,脸上表情竟毫无变化,仿佛早已预料到了这一切。 Until the Matilda voice falls, this Typhon rule asked one at a moderate pace: How many can come back?” 直到玛蒂尔达话音落下,这位提丰统治者才不紧不慢地问了一句:“能回来多少?” „...... I did not report to these two years children of the nobility too in a big way anticipated, Matilda said frankly, 30%, optimistic estimate.” “……我对这两年的贵族子弟不报太大期待,”玛蒂尔达直言不讳地说道,“30%,乐观估计。” Roseta nods, said calmly: Good, were many.” 罗塞塔点点头,平静地说道:“好,不少了。” Among this pair of father and daughter 1 time is peaceful, two people fell into silence as if by prior agreement. 这对父女间一时间安静下来,两人都陷入了不约而同的沉默。 After short silence, Roseta said suddenly: Recently, the curse strength is rising, you have felt.” 短暂的沉默之后,罗塞塔突然说道:“最近一段时间,诅咒的力量在上扬,想必你已经感觉到了。” Matilda nods: Yes, after this is I arrive in Cecil , the second time falling asleep.” 玛蒂尔达点点头:“是的,这是我抵达塞西尔之后第二次‘入梦’。” Some real world perhaps matter will happen, is related with the curse root. You must pay attention to the unusual change of side recently much, must pay attention to each time in normal Dreamland whether presented the unusual thing,” Roseta was still putting on a serious face, the mouth is actually exhorting like the ordinary father, „, in case the nasty trouble...... prayed to War God. “现实世界或许会有些事情发生,与诅咒的根源有关。你最近要多多注意自己身边的异常变化,也要注意每次正常梦境中是否出现了异常的东西,”罗塞塔仍然板着脸,嘴里却还是像普通的父亲那样嘱咐着,“如果遇上了难以对付的麻烦……向战神祈祷。 Still maintained the sane god to lower the head to one, always feels better to the insane god bows.” “向一个仍然维持理智的正神低头,总好过向疯神低头。” The Matilda look looked at front this still to maintain brave warrior and dignified imposing manner complex, father eyes that but inside has started to go down hill, silent long time, lower the head slowly: Yes, I record your commission, the father sovereign.” 玛蒂尔达眼神复杂地看了面前这仍然维持着英武威严气势,但内里已经开始走下坡路的父亲一眼,沉默良久,才慢慢低下头去:“是,我会记着您的嘱托,父皇。” ...... …… The visitors from Typhon are accepting the appropriate thorough entertainment in the Cecil city, various scheduled visit flows and negotiations items are also conducting methodically. 来自提丰的访客们在塞西尔城接受着得体周到的招待,各项预定的参观流程和谈判事项也在有条不紊地进行着。 Gawain and Matilda completed the initial contact and discussion work, later the main business then transmitted to the government affairs other diplomatic personnel of hall as well as mission. 高文玛蒂尔达完成了最初的接触以及商谈工作,之后主要的事务便转交给了政务厅以及使团的其他外交人员 Matilda and her accompany has the arrangement,...... he can also focus on at present a trickier matter as for Gawain finally temporarily. 玛蒂尔达和她的随从们自有安排,至于高文……他也终于能够暂时把注意力集中到眼下更为棘手的事情上来。 The Eternal Sleepers mission scheduled action date has arrived. 永眠者教团预定的行动日期已经到了。 In the Gawain's bedroom, Hetty, Rebecca, Carmel and the others obtained summoned specially, is making the preparation for the following matter. 高文的寝室内,赫蒂瑞贝卡卡迈尔等人得到了特殊召见,为接下来的事情做着准备。 Auxiliary rune has been ready,” Carmel floats to Gawain in front, in his behind wall and ground, sparkles shining rune to be similar the breath to surge, these rune will provide certain mind protection as well as extra link with real world for you-, although former you are not necessarily useful, but the latter can guarantee that you have keener perception to the real world, to guard has excessively plunges the situation. This is came from the Immersion Cabin second phase the technology achievement.” “辅助性的符文已经准备就绪,”卡迈尔漂浮到高文面前,在他身后的墙壁和地面上,闪闪发亮的符文正仿佛呼吸般涌动着,“这些符文会为您提供一定的心智防护以及和现实世界的额外链接-虽然前者您不一定用得上,但后者可以确保您对现实世界有更敏锐的感知,以防发生‘过度浸入’的情况。这是来自浸入舱二期工程的技术成果。” Gawain nods, looks to standing in side Hetty: My this time possibly acts to compare for a long time-, although that side Eternal Sleepers after the action will start will speed up the time of No. 1 sandbox to pass slightly, making us be able to act a longer relative time in that but considering the security factor, that side time acceleration will be limited, will not remove me to need in the real world deep sleep 2-3 days of possibilities- government affairs hall that side as well as to Typhon mission the mating operation, gave you.” 高文点了点头,看向侍立在旁的赫蒂:“我这次可能行动较长时间-虽然永眠者那边会在行动开始之后稍微加快一号沙箱的时间流逝,让我们能够在那里面行动更长的相对时间,但考虑到安全因素,那边的时间加速是有限的,不排除我需要在现实世界‘沉睡’2-3天的可能-政务厅那边以及对提丰使团的对接工作,就交给你了。” Please feel relieved, Hetty makes an effort to nod, I will not disappoint you......” “请您放心,”赫蒂用力点了点头,“我不会让您失望……” Saying, this is then following Gawain from the beginning, experienced Cecil Empire to grow out of nothing all sorts of test Empire Elder Princess unable to bear reveal color of the care: You must pay attention to the security ten million/countless, you must face, after all is......” 说着,这位从一开始便跟随着高文,经历了塞西尔帝国从无到有种种考验的帝国长公主忍不住露出一丝关心之色:“您也要千万注意安全,您要面对的,毕竟是……” Hetty opened several mouths, but has not said any dissuading words- reason told her, that immature, was not realistic. 赫蒂张了几次嘴,但还是没有说出任何劝阻的话-理智告诉她,那既不成熟,也不现实。 But the reason cannot cancel her worry, looks at will soon go to a stretch of special battlefield, faces challenge outside imagination sign that alone ancestor, in her heart anxious has not weakened slightly. 但理智不能打消她的担忧,看着即将前往一片特殊的战场,去独自面对想象之外的挑战的“先祖”,她心中不安丝毫没有减弱的迹象。 It is not she does not have the confidence to the ancestor, but is the enemy who this time must face, really surpassed the convention: Monster in a nightmare, how does the ancestor prepare to solve it? What to do once the ancestor does have all that accidental/surprised...... this had a hundred things to do...... should? 不是她对先祖没有信心,而是这一次要面对的敌人,实在是超出了常规:一个噩梦中的怪物,先祖准备怎么解决它?而一旦先祖出了意外……这百废待兴的一切……该怎么办? Gawain knows that worry of Hetty, he smiles: „ Relax, my own discretion. 高文知道赫蒂的担心,他笑了笑:“放心,我自有分寸。 I know that this is somewhat dangerous, but chose to keep in castle to resist these Aberrant Body like initially you and Rebecca, something...... must some people do.” “我知道这有些危险,但就像当初你和瑞贝卡选择留在城堡里对抗那些畸变体一样,有些事情……总要有人去干的。” Saying, he looks to Hetty behind, looked that was hugging intercontinental friend who” the tail is in a daze to some. 说着,他看向赫蒂身后,看向了某个正在抱着尾巴发呆的“洲际友人”。 Tyr.” 提尔。” Tyr all of a sudden responded from spacing out: „? In.” 提尔一下子神游天外反应过来:“啊?哦,在呢。” This time, I do not have the means to determine that your small biscuit where from will drill,” Gawain said that „No. 1 sandbox in the master control center of real world, although determined, but Higher Level Narrator is the product in Dreamland, it when enters the real world to be very likely to follow Dreamland to jump, shifts to any has the place that the Human Race accumulation, has a dream, this may make very big trouble to you.” “这一次,我没办法确定你们的‘小饼干’到底会从什么地方钻出来,”高文说道,“一号沙箱在现实世界的主控中心虽然确定,但上层叙事者梦境中的产物,它在进入现实世界的时候极有可能顺着梦境跳跃,转移到任何有人类聚集、做梦的地方,这可能会给你们造成很大的麻烦。” Relax, this point I have told the queen, my sisters will be ready,” Tyr shakes tail tip immediately, also serves a meal to turn from the fixed point needs to look for food on own initiative, isn't troublesome.” “放心吧,这一点我已经跟女王说过了,我的姐妹们会做好准备的,”提尔立刻晃了晃尾巴尖,“也就是从定点开饭变成需要主动觅食嘛,不麻烦不麻烦。” Standing Amber could not bear stare in a big way the eye: ‚Does looking for food use?” 站在旁边的琥珀忍不住瞪大了眼睛:“‘觅食’是这么用的?” But in another side, no matter the potential crisis is serious, when heard some deep sea salt fish channel confused speech later Gawain unable to bear smile: You can think that is best. Then, this time Higher Level Narrator perhaps small biscuit will have with you had contacted in the past greatly is very different, it is ‚the spirit food......” 而在另一边,不管潜在的危机有多么严重,当听到某个深海咸鱼频道错乱般的发言之后高文还是忍不住笑了起来:“你们能这么想那是最好。说起来,这次的‘上层叙事者’恐怕会跟你们以往接触过的‘小饼干’有很大不同,它算是‘精神食粮’……” Amber is staring to look to Gawain: ‚Does the spirit food use?!” 琥珀又瞪着眼睛看向高文:“‘精神食粮’是这么用的?!” Tyr beckons with the hand, curls slowly the tail, the whole person becomes graceful one lump in the room corner plate peacefully, said lazily: Whether or not ‚the spirit food, actually cannot need our Siren to enter the stage is best, that means that the situation has not lost control, means that many people can live, not?” 提尔摆了摆手,把尾巴慢慢卷起来,整个人安安静静地在房间一角盘成优雅的一坨,懒洋洋地说道:“不管是不是‘精神食粮’,其实用不到我们海妖出场才是最好的,那意味着情况没有失控,意味着很多人都能活下来,不是么?” Gawain calmly looked to make the winning bid in the corner/horn, Siren that even started to nap, took back the vision later, as if responds to the opposite party , seemed said to oneself: This is my goal.” 高文静静地看了已经在角落盘好,甚至开始打盹的海妖一眼,随后收回目光,仿佛是回应对方,也仿佛是对自己说道:“这正是我的目的。” Afterward, he arrived on the spacious bed, the preparation and mind network establish the connection. 随后,他来到了宽大的床铺上,准备与心灵网络建立连接。 Hetty and the others had a care to stand. 赫蒂等人带着一丝关心站在旁边。 However a moment later, Gawain opened the eye suddenly. 然而片刻之后,高文又突然睁开了眼睛。 Rebecca collects curiously: What thing Lord Ancestor do you forget?” 瑞贝卡好奇地凑上去:“祖先大人您忘什么东西啦?” Gawain looked at around oneself bed several person one, the expression slightly had the strangeness: You...... will draw back in the future.” 高文看了自己床周围的几个人一眼,表情略有古怪:“你们……往后退开一点。” Hetty all of a sudden has not responded: „? Why?” 赫蒂一下子没反应过来:“啊?为什么?” Gawain finger/refers oneself, is pointing at Hetty and the others: I before that anything time, the scene should not miss......” 高文指指自己,又指着赫蒂等人:“我之前那什么的时候,景象应该差不……” Rebecca is suddenly enlighted: „, The looks at remains consider likely......” 瑞贝卡恍然大悟:“哦,看着像遗体告……” Her words had not said that held down by Hetty, covered the mouth. 她话没说完就被赫蒂一把按住,捂住了嘴巴。 Gawain: „...... You go out, keeps Amber and Tyr takes care of here.” 高文:“……你们还是出去吧,留琥珀提尔在这里照应就可以。” Hetty pressed was still dancing with joy to make an effort to struggle, the mouth also sent out wū wū Rebecca of sound, made an effort to bow: Is ancestor!” 赫蒂摁着仍然在手舞足蹈使劲挣扎,嘴里还发出“呜呜”声的瑞贝卡,使劲一鞠躬:“是的先祖!” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” Mother! 妈耶!
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