SOD :: Volume #9

#804: Falling asleep

Stagnates in the palace in dusk, the corridor is profound, the main hall is broad, does not know that the origin the low sound of talking is reverberating after each door low and deep, as if innumerable not obvious guests are gathering in this ancient and illusory palace, is continuing their never-ending banquets, while is carefully examining venomous visitor who steps into this palace. 凝滞于黄昏中的宫殿内,走廊深邃悠长,厅堂宽阔空寂,不知来源的低语声在每一扇门后低沉地回响着,仿佛无数不可见的宾客正聚集在这座古老而虚幻的宫殿内,一边持续着他们永无休止的宴会,一边充满恶意地审视着踏入这座宫殿的访客。 Roseta the Augustus sound of footsteps resounds in the empty corridor towering. 罗塞塔奥古斯都的脚步声在空荡荡的走廊中突兀响起。 This Typhon Empire rule along that said that he has walked the innumerable corridors to lead the way, as if periphery has not heard the strange low sound of talking that hears unceasingly, his form in that leaves of under narrow window that shows dusk the ray throws down the shadow that the length varies, after each shadow appears, as if must live to tremble generally slightly, but returns to gradually normal under disregarding of this Emperor. 这位提丰帝国统治者沿着那道他已经走了无数遍的走廊前行着,仿佛没有听到周围不断传来的诡异低语声,他的身影在那一扇扇透出黄昏光芒的窄窗下投下长短不一的影子,每一道影子浮现之后都仿佛要活过来一般微微震颤,但又在这位皇帝的无视下渐渐恢复平静。 He arrived at the room in palace most deep place, arrived at that to be hanging the place that the Augustus family all previous generations member paints a portrait. 他来到了宫殿最深处的房间,来到了那悬挂着奥古斯都家族历代成员画像的地方。 Wooden face crustifications in the dark frame, are gazing at Roseta with the indifferent icy cold line of sight Augustus, the images in some frames lived, whispers with nearby frame, exudes the pollution not sounds of people muttered low and deep. 一幅幅无表情的面孔镶嵌在黑沉沉的画框中,用冷漠冰凉的视线注视着罗塞塔奥古斯都,其中一些画框中的影像活了过来,和旁边的画框交头接耳,发出浑浊不似人声的低沉咕哝。 In the frame that these living comes without exception is the Augustus members within recent 200 years, after the old Imperial Capital big avalanche, arrived at later birth active Augustus in that curse. 那些“活”过来的画框里无一例外都是最近两百年内的奥古斯都成员,是在旧帝都大崩塌之后,在那诅咒降临之后出生活跃的奥古斯都们。 But these enliven 700 years ago between the person 200 years ago, then treats peacefully in the frame, is acting as the ice-cold portrait. 而那些活跃在七百年前至两百年前之间的人,则只是安安静静地待在画框中,充当着冰冷的画像。 Roseta becomes accustomed. 罗塞塔对此习以为常。 The nightmare is the curse product, the mapping curse spirit world, it was also taken the 200 years ago old Imperial Capital avalanche time for the node, before the big avalanche, Augustus soul is free, the nightmare also can only project the illusion of no soul, big avalanche later Augustus were actually stranded in this dream the world, becomes here many strange root, makes this nightmare world the even more strange danger. 噩梦是诅咒的产物,同时也是受诅咒精神世界的映射,它以两百年前的旧帝都崩塌时间为节点,在大崩塌之前,奥古斯都们的灵魂是自由的,噩梦也只能投影出无魂的幻象,大崩塌之后的奥古斯都们却被困在这个梦中世界,成为这里诸多怪异的根源,也让这个噩梦世界变得愈发诡异危险。 The line of sight of Roseta sweeps the portrait that these have lived, the expression is desolate. 罗塞塔的视线扫过那些活过来的画像,表情冷淡。 These are his person of father's generation, the ancestry, when some are his childhoods most intimate person, some are the prototypes of heroic story he hears since childhood, but that is their before death things- now, they are just in this strange dream portion of palace, is this curse one point, on them, any can incur the pitiful result soon to arrive to the kinship and humane anticipation, this is the generations of Augustus family members the experience that uses the life to learn. 那些是他的父辈,祖辈,有些是他童年时最亲近的人,有些是他从小耳闻的英雄故事的原型,但那是他们生前的事情-现在,他们只不过是这诡异的梦中宫殿的一部分,是这诅咒的一环,在他们身上,任何对亲情和人性的期待都会招致悲惨的结局早日降临,这是一代代奥古斯都家族成员用生命总结出的经验教训。 So long as maintains own reason, the heart of restraint greedy advancing recklessly, the shadows in these nightmares then have the use. 但只要保持住自己的理智,克制贪婪冒进之心,这些噩梦中的阴影便另有用处。 In portrait that live, Roseta grandfather, brilliant George the Augustus Great Emperor as if noticed anything, that pale withered face is rotating, the vision fell on Roseta on Augustus, the low and deep strange muttering sound turned into the sound that Human Race can distinguish: „, Look is who came...... my dear grandson...... you to be good?” 一幅幅活过来的画像中,罗塞塔的祖父,睿智的乔治・奥古斯都大帝仿佛注意到了什么,那张苍白干瘪的面孔转动着,目光落在罗塞塔奥古斯都身上,低沉诡异的咕哝声变成了人类可以识别的声音:“啊,看看是谁来了……我亲爱的孙子……你还好么?” Nearby another portrait also enlivens, looked at Roseta one: Seeming like poor, looking at him is exhausted, control Empire is not easy. The child, you should learn to adjust your condition, do not consume early the life.” 旁边的另外一幅画像也活跃起来,看了罗塞塔一眼:“看上去不怎么好,瞧他多疲惫啊,统御一个帝国可没那么容易。孩子,你应该学会调节自己的状态,不要早早地把生命耗费掉。” Nearby several other portraits echo immediately. 附近的另外几幅画像顿时纷纷附和起来。 Roseta disregarded these humming sound rumble the conversation, but the tone opens the mouth to say faintly: Frequency that even more this palace presents, indicates that what changes?” 罗塞塔无视了这些嗡嗡隆隆的交谈,只是语气淡漠地开口道:“这座宫殿出现的愈发频繁,预示着什么变化?” Really indifferent......” portraits said. “真冷漠……”画像们纷纷说道。 Roseta is actually only unemotionally looks at they. 罗塞塔却只是面无表情地看着它们。 What do you want to change? Is nearer to us?” George the Augustus Great Emperor hoarse smiled low and deep, was really a pity, although we also think a day that very much the family member reunites will soon arrive, good that very you actually reject, this nightmare leaves you...... is very far.” “你想要什么变化呢?离我们更近一些么?”乔治・奥古斯都大帝嘶哑低沉地笑了起来,“真可惜,虽然我们也很想亲人团聚的一天早日到来,你却始终拒绝的很好,这噩梦离你……还远得很呢。” But other things, were getting more and more near...... side another portrait to add to your real world. “但另一些东西,却离你所处的现实世界越来越近了……”旁边另一幅画像补充道。 Other things? What thing?” Roseta knits the brows, “另一些东西?什么东西?”罗塞塔皱起眉, Other Gods heritage?” We may not be clear......” situated in George Augustus nearby Marjorie Augustus is muttering, „, but different...... that is some position standard is probably similar to our situations, power also similar thing, but also is only similar. perhaps as a result of this similarity, made us have the induction, made your curse activate.” “别的‘神明遗产’么?”“那我们可就不清楚了……”位于乔治・奥古斯都旁边的马乔里・奥古斯都咕哝着,“但好像和我们的情况不一样……那是某种位格相似,权能也相似的东西,但也只是相似而已。或许正是由于这份‘相似性’,才让我们产生了感应,也让你身上的诅咒活化了一些。” Is listening to these slurred words, thinks the clue that in the real world is corresponding, the brow of Roseta closely wrinkles, at the same time, he also hears oneself father, Marjorie the Augustus sound conveys again: in short, you wanted more careful recently, your real world will as if have some changes, its perhaps not in view of your, but it exists merely, threatens you sufficiently.” 听着这些模糊不清的话语,思索着现实世界中对应的线索,罗塞塔的眉头紧紧皱起,与此同时,他也听到自己的父亲,马乔里・奥古斯都的声音再次传来:“总而言之,你最近要小心一些,你所处的现实世界似乎将发生一些变化,它或许不是针对你的,但它仅仅是存在,都足以威胁到你。” George Augustus also follows saying: We inare unable to provide the help of real world in thisto you, but we will expand as far as possible induce, seeks for its clue, looks for the clue in the Dreamland illusion of history as far as possible thoroughly, perhaps...... can help your busy.” 乔治・奥古斯都也跟着说道:“我们在这‘里面’无法对你提供现实世界的帮助,但我们会尽量扩大感应,寻找它的端倪,同时也在历史的梦境幻象中尽可能深入寻找线索,说不定……能帮到你的忙。” Roseta raised the head, looks at own father affinity grandfather, looks at these remote Augustus, looks at they spoke, suggests plans, looks at they fell into the lively discussion, supplied ideas for oneself, he is actually maintaining the desolate expression, and will draw back in the future two steps. 罗塞塔抬起头来,看着自己的父亲和祖父,看着那些更久远的奥古斯都们,看着他们纷纷发言,献计献策,看着他们陷入热闹的讨论中,为自己出谋划策,他却只是维持着冷淡的表情,并往后退了两步。 In place that he stood, covers entirely on the pattern stone brick not to know when has filled black color, innumerable as if whisker, has the star light creeping motion thing to wriggle to extend in that black color, appeared more shadows that to establish the connection with the surrounding air, waved seems to be wanting to hold anything. 在他原本站立的地方,布满花纹的石砖上不知何时已经弥漫了一层墨色,无数仿佛触须般的、带有点点星光的蠕动事物在那墨色中蠕动着延伸出来,与周围空气中浮现出的更多阴影建立了连接,舞动着似乎想要抓住什么东西。 Was not exhausted you to make many things,” the Roseta tone chilling said that Dreamland, turned over to Dreamland is quite good.” “就不劳烦你们做更多事情了,”罗塞塔语气冷硬地说道,“梦境的,还是归梦境比较好。” These had the star light dark whisker to pick up the speed of waving instantaneously, as if fell into berserk, but these previous quarter also temperately and Roseta talked, provided the portraits of help instantaneous to stare warm-heartedly neatly, a both eye the enclosed blood-color, faces became malevolent simultaneously simultaneously, the one by one sound brought to send out loudly reprimanding angrily: 那些带有点点星光的黑暗触须瞬间加快了舞动的速度,仿佛陷入狂暴之中,而那些前一刻还温和地和罗塞塔交谈,热心地提供帮助的画像们则瞬间齐刷刷地瞪了过来,一双双眼睛同时附上血色,一张张面孔同时变得狰狞,一个个声音带着愤怒发出高声斥责: Your this damn! We are so want to help you with all one's heart!” “你这该死的!我们是如此尽心地想要帮你!” We fill with the good intention, you actually only then suspected that- you are doomed is a tyrant of injustice, abandons stupid king who the ancestor taught!” “我们满怀好意,你却只有猜忌-你注定是一个不仁不义的暴君,背弃了先祖教诲的昏庸君王!” You will be spurned by your subject, you give only have degenerate that this Empire brings, its road ahead only then destroys!” “你会被你的臣民唾弃,你给这个帝国带来的只有堕落,它的前路只有毁灭!” Comes back, returns to your family, returns to side the father affinity grandfather, only then we are your true family member, sees clearly yourself!” “回来,回到你的家族中,回到父亲和祖父身边,只有我们才是你真正的家人,看清你自己吧!” Reprimanding are even more soaring, mixes gradually in together, gradually turns into the ignorant incessant chatter and grating wailing that Human Race is unable to understand, Roseta Augustus is actually only frowns tightly, is drawing back step by step fast backward, in the surrounding air appears more and more whiskers, as if crazy wants his binding in this place, however these whiskers before contacting Roseta then dispel, changed into the vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds dust and fog, such as the thing in Dreamland is unable to harm the live people to real world to fly back without any results. 一声声斥责越发高昂,渐渐混合在一起,渐渐变成了人类无法听懂的浑噩絮语和刺耳尖啸,罗塞塔奥古斯都却只是紧皱眉头,一步步飞快地向后退着,周围空气中浮现出越来越多的触须,似乎疯狂地想要把他束缚在这个地方,然而那些触须在接触到罗塞塔之前便自行消解,化为了烟消云散的尘雾,就如梦境中的事物无法伤害到现实世界的活人般无功而返。 But Roseta know, so long as he has tiny bit hesitation, has the tiny bit weakness and compromise, these whiskers were not that harmless. 罗塞塔自己知道,只要他有一丝一毫的迟疑,有一丝一毫的软弱和妥协,这些触须就不是那么“无害”了。 He fell back on the entrance finally, falls back on place that these portraits are unable to touch. 他最终退到了门口,退到了那些画像无法触及的地方。 I believe your help are sincere-, but if you do not want to let me and you family reunite that to be better.” “我相信你们的帮助是真挚的-但如果你们不是这么想让我和你们‘家族团聚’那就更好了。” After taunted wear a look of left behind a few words, he decisively left this room. 面带嘲讽地留下一句话之后,他果断地离开了这处房间。 The door in Dreamland thump however closes, in incessant chatter thorough blockade of chaos crazy room in another side of gate. 梦境中的门扉怦然关闭,将房间中混乱疯狂的絮语彻底封锁在门的另一侧。 When Roseta along coming the corridor, walks toward the outer layer area of palace. 罗塞塔沿着来时的走廊,向着宫殿的外层区走去。 On corridor both sides wall, being hanging portraits also lived, Augustus one by one between these 200 years appear in the portrait, to passing through corridor Roseta sends out all kinds of loud cursing, or sends out murky agitated strange whispering, rocks from out of the window dusk brilliance anxiously, as if entire palace lived, and is full of the anger. 走廊两旁的墙壁上,一幅幅悬挂的画像也都活了过来,那些两百年间的奥古斯都一个个浮现在画像上,对穿过走廊的罗塞塔发出各种各样的高声咒骂,或发出令人昏沉烦躁的古怪低语,来自窗外的黄昏光辉晃动不安,仿佛整个宫殿都活了过来,且饱含愤怒。 But finally, all are unable to injure to firmly reject Roseta of this nightmare, this Typhon rule half step left the most dangerous corridor, leaves place that these portraits can gaze. 但最终,一切都无法伤害到坚决拒绝这场噩梦的罗塞塔,这位提丰统治者快步离开了最危险的走廊,离开了那些画像能够注视到的地方。 In relative normal in the long hall, these everywhere low and deep twittering the sound instead appeared cordial at this moment unexpectedly. 在相对“正常”的长厅中,那些无处不在低沉呢喃的声音此刻竟反而显得亲切友好了许多。 In the deep place of palace, a vague sigh spreads to the Roseta ear, in the sigh brings reluctantly. 在宫殿的深处,一声若有若无的叹息传入罗塞塔耳中,叹息中带着无奈。 That is this curse root, sigh that the palace actual master sends out. 那是这诅咒的根源,宫殿真正的主人发出的叹息。 Roseta, to the master best response of this sound is- do not respond to It. 罗塞塔而言,对这个声音的主人最好的回应就是-不要回应祂。 The dusk ray from palace illuminates the long hall by the high glass window, throws down pale golden grills in the hall , compared with the previous quarter, these brilliance have no longer swayed. 来自宫殿之外的黄昏光芒透过高高的玻璃窗照进长厅,在大厅中投下一道道淡金色的格栅,和前一刻比起来,这些光辉已经不再摇晃。 Roseta gently exhaled, the preparation leaves this hall, returns to the palace outer layer region. 罗塞塔轻轻呼了口气,准备离开这间大厅,回到宫殿更外层的区域。 But suddenly, his footsteps stopped, the vision falls on long hall some door stubbornly- that door the hand starting, was shoved open a slit later slowly. 但突然间,他的脚步停了下来,目光死死落在长厅一侧的某扇门上-那扇门的把手转动了一下,随后被缓缓推开一道缝隙。 The Roseta spirit flash ties tight. 罗塞塔精神一瞬间紧绷起来。 In this palace, each door means danger that the degree varies, but these open the door on own initiative, often has the thoroughest evil intention. 在这间宫殿中,每一扇门都意味着程度不一的危险,而那些主动推开门的,往往有着最彻底的恶意。 But this is uncertain, sometimes Dreamland of Augustus family member by the link, will be pushed the gate to appear at that time, may be...... 但这并不一定,有时候奥古斯都家族成员的梦境会被联通,那时候推门出现的,就有可能是…… Wears the black complicated palace long skirt, the black hair throws over mild-mannered, sent among the silk to decorate the form of golden thin chain to shove open that door, appeared in Roseta Augustus at present. 一个身穿黑色繁复宫廷长裙,黑发柔顺披下,发丝间装饰着金色细链的身影推开了那扇门,出现在罗塞塔奥古斯都眼前。 This Typhon rule naked eye relaxes obviously. 这位提丰统治者肉眼可见地松了口气。 Father sovereign?” The person's shadow in obvious nervous of Matilda when seeing hall also flash, but after confirming that is the face of Roseta then relaxes- the family members who were still in good health will not become the evil spirit in this palace, „did you also...... fall asleep?” “父皇?”玛蒂尔达在看到大厅中的人影时也明显紧张了一瞬间,但在确认那是罗塞塔的面孔之后便松了口气-仍然健在的家族成员是不会成为这宫殿中的恶灵的,“您也……入梦了?” It seems like and you fell asleep at the same time,” Roseta, although relaxed, when actually still appearance dignified facing the daughter, here is at midnight.” “看来是和你同一时刻入梦了,”罗塞塔虽然放松了一些,在面对女儿的时候却仍然面目威严,“我这里已经是午夜。” I in Cecil Imperial Capital, just went to sleep, here leaves returns sometime at midnight,” Matilda said, what you did make here? I felt a moment ago this palace becomes...... moves restlessly suddenly especially anxiously.” “我在塞西尔帝都,刚刚入睡,这里离午夜还有一段时间,”玛蒂尔达说道,“您在这里做了什么吗?我刚才感到这座宫殿突然变得……格外躁动不安。” I went to most deep place to inquire some issues,” Roseta said briefly, they should be angry now.” “我去最深处询问了一些问题,”罗塞塔简短说道,“它们现在应该非常生气。” „...... Met the danger?” “……遇上危险了么?” Naturally, here does not have the security.” “当然,这里没有安全。” Roseta finishes speaking, from leading to the corridor of palace deep layer area transmitted a grating wailing suddenly, that wailing seems mixing mind of person, making people in a flash murky, lets in the long hall talked the low sound of talking short time to be peaceful. 罗塞塔话音刚落,从通往宫殿深层区的走廊中突然传来了一声刺耳的尖啸,那尖啸仿佛搅动着人的心智,让人一瞬间昏昏沉沉,也让长厅中的絮絮低语声短时间安静下来。 But quick, the wailing sound then vanished, all restored the normal state. 但很快,尖啸声便消失了,一切又恢复了常态。 „...... Is your elder brother, after” several seconds of dreariness, Roseta breaks said silent, he is here newest, his sound can also penetrate the corridor occasionally barrier, affects here.” “……是你的兄长,”几秒钟的沉寂之后,罗塞塔打破沉默说道,“他是这里‘最新的一个’,他的声音偶尔还能穿透走廊的屏障,影响到这边。” Matilda inspires, cannot bear said in a soft voice: Elder brother......” 玛蒂尔达吸了口气,忍不住轻声说道:“兄长……” He had left, becomes portion of this palace,” Roseta seriously and said earnestly,Matilda, forever remember, remembers you with the boundary of this palace, even if here has your elder brother, has your grandfather, has your uncle and paternal aunt, you must remember, they had left, they have turned into them, is here venomous spirit, is the time wants to draw the danger of most deep place to exist you. “他已经离开了,成为这宫殿的一部分,”罗塞塔严肃而认真地说道,“玛蒂尔达,永远记住,记住你和这座宫殿的界限,哪怕这里有你的兄长,有你的祖父,有你的叔叔和姑母,你也要记住,他们都已经离开了,他们已经变成‘它们’,是这里充满恶意的灵,是时刻想要把你拖进最深处的危险存在。 Be only the time remembers these, you can be safe, and in the future some time, after I also become portion of this palace, still went on living safely.” “只有时刻牢记着这些,你才能安全,并在未来的某段时间,在我也成为这座宫殿的一部分之后,仍然安全地活下去。” Matilda lowers the head: „...... I keep firmly in mind that father sovereign.” 玛蒂尔达低下头:“……我会牢记的,父皇。” The expression on Roseta face was more affable, he nods: „ Since we met here, that said your story. 罗塞塔脸上的表情舒缓了一些,他点点头:“既然我们在这里碰面了,那就说说你的见闻吧。 „Is Cecil in your eye, what kind of place?” “你眼中的塞西尔,是个怎样的地方?”
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