SOD :: Volume #9

#803: Patty friend

After openly expressed the words, many things can also suspend to discusses outwardly. 当把话说开之后,很多事情也就可以摆到明面上谈了。 Gawain believes that when oneself this alien traveller appears after the mind network frankly and uprightly, Selena Gehrfen should be psychologically prepared that oneself have exposed. 高文相信,当自己这个“域外游荡者”正大光明地出现在心灵网络中之后,赛琳娜·格尔分应该就已经做好了自身暴露的心理准备。 After all, looks like from the current situation, the mind network is almost transparent to alien traveller. 毕竟,从目前的情况看来,心灵网络对“域外游荡者”而言几乎是透明的。 You and are Patty, what kind of relations?” “你和帕蒂,到底是怎样的关系?” Hears the Gawain's words, on the Selena face really does not have the color of many accident/surprise, was only slightly silent, then brought some to sigh with emotion and imitate in the benevolence the big stone fell to the ground the tone saying: You asked this matter finally......” 听到高文的话,赛琳娜脸上果然没有多少意外之色,只是略微沉默了一下,便带着些许感慨和仿佛心中大石落地般的语气说道:“您终于还是问到这件事了……” Afterward does not wait for the Gawain opens the mouth, she then asked one on own initiative: „Do you care about Patty very much?” 随后不等高文开口,她便主动问了一句:“您很关心帕蒂么?” What's wrong, alien traveller cared that Human Race little girl is very strange?” Gawain asked back with a smile, I must with same indescribable that your brains make up, lacking the mortal proper sentiment and morals is one qualified alien traveller?” “怎么,‘域外游荡者’关心一个人类小姑娘很离奇么?”高文笑着反问,“我就必须和你们脑补的一样不可名状,缺乏凡人应有的感情和道德才算一个合格的‘域外游荡者’?” Selena was startled being startled, corner of the mouth as if turned upwards: „ Inherent impression is not good to break, this hopes that you can understand. 赛琳娜怔了怔,嘴角似乎翘起一点:“固有印象不是那么好打破的,这点希望您能理解。 „...... Please feel relieved as for Patty, I am only and she in together, I have not harmed her, does not plan to harm her.” “至于帕蒂……请放心,我只是和她‘在一起’罢了,我没有伤害过她,也不打算伤害她。” The Gawain's line of sight has not put aside from Selena: Why selected Patty?” 高文的视线没有从赛琳娜身上移开:“为什么偏偏选中了帕蒂?” The Selena sound is very light: „ As one lost the body spirit, my soul is splitting every time, I needs mind in reality to take own mind calibration point, depends upon the self- calibration to restore own soul unceasingly, this can prevent itself to fall to step by step lose sane undead. 赛琳娜的声音很轻:“作为一个失去了身体的‘灵’,我的灵魂每时每刻都在分裂,我需要一个现实中的心智作为自身的‘心智校准点’,依靠不断自我校准来修复自己的灵魂,这样才能防止自身一步步滑落为失去理智的亡灵 Such mind calibration point is not easy to look, it needs the soul innate match, but also needs the acquired condition conjunction.” “这样的心智校准点并不好找,它需要灵魂先天匹配,还需要后天条件契合。” The Gawain's brow has not stretched many: Therefore, you found Patty, because of her happen to with you match?” 高文的眉头并未舒展多少:“所以,你们找到了帕蒂,因为她正好与你‘匹配’?” Selena actually after is shortly silent shakes the head: No, originally we found is actually not Patty......, although she is also qualified alternative one, but we want to look, was at that time Southern Region another rich merchant's daughter.” 赛琳娜却在短暂沉默之后摇了摇头:“不,我们原本找到的其实不是帕蒂……尽管她也是符合条件的‘备选’之一,但我们原本想找的,是当时南境的另外一名富商之女。” Why did that choose Patty finally?” Gawain somewhat is immediately puzzled, from the physical state, Patty wasn't an optimization...... your original goals had/left the situation at that time obviously?” “那为什么最后选了帕蒂?”高文顿时有些不解,“从身体情况来看,帕蒂当时显然不是个最佳选择……难道你们原本的目标出了情况?” In the lights under curtain of night, the Selena sound resounds gently: „......, because she wants to go on living.” 在夜幕下的灯火中,赛琳娜的声音轻轻响起:“……因为她想活下去。” Gawain was astonished looked at Selena one. 高文讶异地看了赛琳娜一眼。 When I walk randomly in Southern Region these chaos dim Dreamland, Patty mind seemed the glow in darkness the same as attract me, soul that has soon withered away, sent out is making me feel the surprised will to live, when I attempted with this weak mind dialogue, she to the first word that I said is hello/you good- after experiencing these things, she was still very polite. “当我在南境那些混沌昏暗的梦境中游走时,帕蒂心智就好像黑暗中的萤火一样吸引了我,一个已经快要消亡的灵魂,散发着让我都感到惊讶的求生意志,而当我尝试和这个虚弱的心智对话时,她对我说的第一个单词就是‘你好’-在经历了那些事情之后,她仍然十分礼貌。 Truly as you said that Patty is not a right choice, she even came to the verge of death at that time, perhaps chooses shortly after her I must again the choice next mind calibration point, but there is words not to know whether you still remember: Self-help should be helped permanently.” “确实如您所说,帕蒂并不是一个合适的选择,她当时甚至濒临死亡,或许选择她之后不久我就要重新挑选下一个心智校准点,但有句话不知道您是否还记得:自救者恒应受助。” One of Dreamland Church rules, spreads one of the until now psychology rescue criteria from the Gondor time,” Gawain nods, I am only have not thought, you are still observing it unexpectedly.” 梦境教会的守则之一,也是从刚铎时代流传至今的心理学救助准则之一,”高文点点头,“我只是没想到,你竟然还在遵守它。” „...... 700 years, violated early have not known that many times,” Selena somewhat self-ridiculed smiles, „, but can also think occasionally observes, considered to taste one next in the past.” “……七百年了,早违背过不知道多少次了,”赛琳娜有些自嘲地笑了笑,“但偶尔也会想着遵守一下,就当是回味一下过去。” Therefore Patty is your occasionally,” Gawain is saying at the same time, in the heart actually remembered beforehand Amber to report to oneself suddenly when about investigation progress that Glen led some situations of mentioning, could not bear is stroking gently the chin with the finger, showed look looking pensive, according to had looked after the person description of Patty, Patty once marvelously the most dangerous stage, her final survival and other professionals had looked like in Apothecary is inconceivable, among this...... had your skill?” “所以帕蒂就是你的那个‘偶尔’,”高文一边说着,心中却突然想起了之前琥珀向自己报告关于葛兰领的调查进展时提到的一些情况,忍不住用手指摩挲着下巴,露出若有所思的神色,“据曾经照料过帕蒂的人描述,帕蒂曾‘奇迹般地’挺过了最危险的阶段,她最后的存活在药剂师等专业人士看来是不可思议的,这中间……有你的手笔吧?” I have not made anything, “我没做什么, Selena smiles indifferently, „ is only when she sorest, changes into me. „ That crown has no shield pain and shield consciousness effect, besides enters the medium of Dreamland world as the average person, its only function, is when Patty wants to sleep conducts exchange me and she- this point, she does not know. 赛琳娜淡然地笑了笑,“只是在她最疼的时候,换成我。“那个头冠根本没有什么屏蔽痛苦、屏蔽知觉的效果,除了作为普通人进入梦境世界的媒介之外,它唯一的作用,就是在帕蒂想要睡觉的时候把我和她进行交换-这一点,连她自己都不知道。 Naturally, currently she has no longer used a crown, no longer needed it. I know that you give her a magic installment to be used to assist to go to sleep, to present Patty, that thing is enough.” “当然,现在她已经不再使用头冠,也不再需要它了。我知道您送给她一件魔法装置用来辅助入睡,对现在的帕蒂而言,那东西已经足够。” Gawain has not concealed own accidental/surprised look, has not concealed own doubts: Therefore...... Patty goes to sleep leads the body who is actually you...... that accompanies the Patty person in the mind network is being?” 高文没有掩饰自己的意外神色,也没有掩饰自己的疑惑:“所以……帕蒂入睡的时候主导身体的其实是你……那在心灵网络中陪着帕蒂的人又是谁?” Also is I, incarnation that splits, but can also be Wendy occasionally, Rachel, or Arien Lya.” “也是我,一个分裂出来的化身而已,但偶尔还会是温蒂,瑞秋,或者艾瑞莉娅。” „...... You surprise me for the matter that Patty handles actually.” “……你为帕蒂做的事情倒是让我意外。” To me this is not anything, I have experienced a death, then wants the painful compared with Patty many,” Selena shakes the head, „, moreover I am also calibrating my mind using Patty, treated as some vessel her, this is a fair trade.” “对我而言这都不算什么,我经历过一次死亡,那比帕蒂要痛苦的多,”赛琳娜摇了摇头,“而且我也在利用帕蒂来校准自己的心智,将她当做了某种容器,这是一场公平交易。” The Selena sound falls, but more words she has not said. 赛琳娜的声音落下,但还有更多的话她却没说出来。 She is very clear, oneself...... perhaps is some type is just moved and comforts at the matter that on Patty does, with lofty irrelevant, even is not the conscience, but to let her, when...... can be satisfied facing these brain servants. 她很清楚,自己在帕蒂身上做的事……或许只不过是某种自我感动和安慰罢了,跟崇高无关,甚至算不上良知,只是为了让她在面对那些脑仆的时候……能更心安理得一些。 Gawain is only calmly the eye of looks at Selena, in some tacit understanding, two people no one has exposed these. 高文只是静静地看着赛琳娜的眼睛,在某种默契中,两个人谁也没有点破这些。 Currently Patty has no longer used your head crowns, is unable to connect the mind network again,” Gawain breaks silent, „, but is very obvious, you still had the ability without using medium roams in the mind world, can you also meet with Patty?” “现在帕蒂已经不再使用你们的头冠,也无法再接入心灵网络了,”高文打破沉默,“但很显然,你仍然有能力在不使用媒介的情况下在心灵世界中漫游,你还会和帕蒂见面么?” „The present mind network is very unsafe, making Patty far away from also good,” Selena said that as for me......, although I now still with her when the same place, but I did not plan to appear again, made her be regarded as a oneself childhood dream, like each child childhood green Elf friend.” “现在的心灵网络很不安全,让帕蒂远离也是好的,”赛琳娜说道,“至于我……虽然我现在仍然和她在一起,但我不打算再出现了,就让她当做是自己童年时的一段梦吧,就像每个孩子小时候的‘绿精灵朋友’一样。” „The green Elf friend spreads for a long time view in northern part of the continent many areas, people believe that the Giant wood is lodging Elf in the gigantic seed that the spring falls, these Elf can comfort the frightened child, helping the children go to sleep, the young parents will usually collect the Giant wooden seed that falls when the spring, carves the puppet and so on thing works as the playmate to the child, but in such custom, then derived to take „the green Elf friend as the core story, even there is each child will have a green Elf friend when he was small a view in northern part of the continent widely. Spreading. “绿精灵朋友”是在大陆北部许多地区流传已久的说法,人们相信巨人木在春天时掉落的硕大种子中寄宿着精灵,这些“精灵”能够安抚受惊的孩子,帮助孩子们入睡,年轻的父母们通常都会在春天时收集掉落的巨人木种子,雕刻成木偶之类的东西给孩子当玩伴,而在这样的习俗中,便衍生出了很多以“绿精灵朋友”为核心的故事,甚至有“每一个孩子在童年时都会有一个绿精灵朋友”的说法在大陆北部广为流传。 But about these legend back evidence, successful separated the harmless calm ingredients after the Giant wooden seed was confirmed in the Empire first Druid research center...... 而关于这些传说背后的证据,在帝国第一德鲁伊研究中心成功从巨人木种子中分离出了无害型的镇定成分之后得到了证实…… In the Gawain mind flashes through some slightly to reveal the idea of radiation, cannot bear shakes the head with a smile: Patty may cross has believed the green Elf friend ’ the age now ‚. You choose from her line of sight fade out , because doesn't want to disturb her future life again?” 高文脑海中闪过一些略显发散的想法,忍不住笑着摇了摇头:“帕蒂现在可早就过了相信‘绿精灵朋友’的年龄。你选择从她的视线中淡出,是因为不想再打扰她今后的人生?” She is getting better, from now on has met on a more normal life, but in the normal life, does not need the side to stand frequently a spirit from dark Religion.” “她正在痊愈,今后会过上更正常的生活,而正常的人生中,是不需要身旁时时刻刻站着一个来自黑暗教派的幽灵的。” „...... I do not plan to interfere with your decision, but only wants to remind your one, you have no right to decide that for Patty anything is the normal life,” Gawain said slowly, Cecil is a more open inclusive society, can become the Empire legitimate citizen including a plant, you should also study are adapting to all these.” “……我不打算干涉你的决定,但只想提醒你一句,你也无权替帕蒂决定什么是正常的人生,”高文慢慢说道,“塞西尔是一个更加开放包容的社会,连一株植物都可以成为帝国的合法公民,你也应该学着更加适应这一切。” „...... I sincerely your reminder, and population.” “……我会谨记您的提醒,并认真考虑的。” Let us hope so,” Gawain said, later looked at one already Selena that is about to leave, right, before you leave, I have one thing to give to you- its perhaps will receive the Higher Level Narrator contamination person to have certain help to these.” “但愿如此,”高文说道,随后看了一眼已经准备离开的赛琳娜,“对了,在你离开之前,我有一样东西送给你们-它或许会对那些受到上层叙事者污染的人有一定帮助。” Selena has the interest immediately: What thing is?” 赛琳娜立刻产生了兴趣:“是什么东西?” Some rune,” Gawain is smiling, outlined several symbol in the air, from deep sea presented......” “一些符文,”高文笑着,在空气中勾勒出几个符号,“来自深海的馈赠……” ...... …… After several minutes . 几分钟后。 The invisible spirit relation goes far away gradually, the hand holds Selena Gehrfen of inspection lamp to vanish on such as waking up Dreamland in the air quietly. 无形的精神联系渐渐远去,手执提灯的赛琳娜·格尔分就如一个醒来的梦境般悄无声息地消失在空气中。 Gawain has not then looked at one, but is looking into the lights and star light under as always covers together the city scenery, and distant place reveals the dim outline in the curtain of night merely Dark Mountain Range. 高文没有回头看一眼,只是一如既往地眺望着灯火与星光共同笼罩下的城市景色,以及远方在夜幕中仅仅显露出朦胧轮廓的黑暗山脉 All seem like tranquil, under tranquility that but in the world knows, the crisis that the world does not know and turbulent is actually upwelling unceasingly. 一切看起来都非常平静,但在世人所知的平静之下,世人不知的危机和动荡却在不断上涌着。 Before then, Roseta Augustus not possible to hide a Eternal Sleepers mission to know nothing to own Empire, but since long, his main energy has not placed on this dark Religion obviously. 在此之前,罗塞塔奥古斯都不可能对自己帝国境内隐藏着一个永眠者教团一无所知,只不过长期以来,他的主要精力显然都没放在这个黑暗教派身上。 But that was passed, if he knows that in this dark Religion appeared the alien traveller shadow, if he knows rule in neighboring country have put in his Empire center the hand...... 但那是过去了,如果他知道这个黑暗教派中浮现出了域外游荡者的影子,如果他知道了邻国的统治者已经将手伸进他的帝国腹地…… Gawain a little anticipates, is anticipating that Roseta response of Augustus Great Emperor. 高文不禁有点期待起来,期待着那位罗塞塔奥古斯都大帝的反应。 What can foresee, after No. 1 sandbox event, that side Typhon will definitely welcome a turbulence, large-scale eradicates evil cult and internal investigation to be inevitable. 可以预见的是,一号沙箱事件之后,提丰那边肯定会迎来一场动荡,大规模的铲除邪教、内部调查不可避免。 Even if Eternal Sleepers were ready, they should still certainly be attacked in Typhon domestic influence seriously, and has to shift toward Cecil secretly. 即便永眠者们做好了准备,他们在提丰境内的势力也必将遭受严重打击,并不得不向着塞西尔偷偷转移。 As for Gawain, after actually he and do not care alien traveller and intelligence exposition in Repose of Eternity Order aspect to Roseta, how, first, his here and Repose of Eternity Order has been ready, the shift of core personnel and material will soon start, next...... 而至于高文自己,其实他并不在意域外游荡者永眠教团方面的情报暴露给罗塞塔之后会如何,首先,他这里和永眠教团内部都已经做好了准备,核心人员和资料的转移很快就会开始,其次…… The infiltration of Cecil Empire to Typhon from the beginning with emphasis is not the evil cult influence- culture, technology, the economy, these pendulums in outwardly on thing are the key points. 塞西尔帝国提丰的渗透从一开始重点就不是什么邪教势力-文化,技术,经济,这些摆在明面上的东西才是重点。 Two countries negotiated, Roseta definitely thinks from the beginning Cecil will infiltrate Typhon with some way, even this infiltration was two Empire exchange in process normal link, since this, Gawain were glad to have a thing to be able but actually to attract Roseta the Augustus attention, making him go to cope with domestic Eternal Sleepers believer with single-hearted devotion, making him not go to manage these Magical Theater institutes, do not go to manage these Cecil merchants, do not go to manage these folk technology Corporation...... 两个国家交涉,罗塞塔从一开始肯定就想到了塞西尔会用某种方式来渗透提丰,甚至这种渗透就是两个帝国“交流”过程中正常的“环节”,既然这样,高文倒乐意有个东西能吸引罗塞塔奥古斯都的注意力,让他去专心对付境内的永眠者教徒,让他别去管那些魔影剧院,别去管那些塞西尔商人,别去管那些“民间技术公司”…… But in the entire process, needs to pay attention only , is to make Daniel maintain hiding, paying attention to oneself safely- after all he is only spans air wire simultaneously and concealed wiring the key man, since places in the Typhon high-level technology spy, is the important node of Eternal Sleepers mission. 而在整个过程中,唯一需要注意的,也就是让丹尼尔保持隐蔽,注意自身安全-毕竟他是唯一一个同时跨越“明线”和“暗线”的关键人物,既是安插在提丰高级技术间谍,又是永眠者教团的重要节点。 Therefore in the following some time, Gawain will make Daniel be far away from the business of Eternal Sleepers mission as far as possible, avoids exposing itself. 所以在接下来的一段时间里,高文会让丹尼尔尽量远离永眠者教团的事务,避免暴露自身。 His alien traveller participated in Eternal Sleepers host Church discussing in any case publicly, something, he has been able to do personally, but need not Daniel frequent relay. 反正他这个“域外游荡者”都公开参与永眠者的主教会议了,有些事情,他已经可以亲自去做,而不用丹尼尔频繁中转。 ...... …… At midnight the time, the radiant star light is shining the Aldernan sky, not loose dim mist are actually cut off cold penetrating radiance that this is coming from the universe, under the thick fog covers layer upon layer, this is actually named as although young millennium cities deep sleep of Imperial Capital in darkness, dark apexes, the standing tall and erect city wall, dignified tower arranges in the fog close, as if shines upon this Empire to be orderly, class distinct rule. 午夜时刻,璀璨星光照耀着奥尔德南的天空,却有一层不散的朦胧雾气阻隔着这来自宇宙的冷彻光华,在层层浓雾笼罩下,这座尽管年轻却被命名为“千年城”的帝都在黑暗中沉睡着,一座座黑沉沉的尖顶,高耸的城墙,庄严的塔楼在雾中鳞次栉比地排列,仿佛映照着这个帝国秩序井然、阶层分明的规则。 Imperial Capital in this fog, only has tower that the obsidian palaces as well as a few places stand tall and erect to break through the blockade of thick fog, bathes the limpid star splendor. 在这座雾中帝都,唯有黑曜石宫以及少数几处高耸的塔楼可以突破浓雾的封锁,沐浴到清澈的星辉。 Roseta Augustus awakens in Dreamland, saw that caught a dusk luster by chilly brilliance of the glass window according to entering the inner rooms. 罗塞塔奥古斯都梦境中惊醒,看到透过玻璃窗照入室内的清冷光辉中染上了一层黄昏般的色泽。 He gets rid of the ignorance that the sleep brought rapidly, thorough comes soberly. 他迅速摆脱了睡眠带来的浑噩,彻底清醒过来。 After putting on a coat conveniently, before this has passed the middle age Empire rule to bring the indifferent indifferent expression is arriving at the window, is overlooking out of the window. 随手披上一件外衣之后,这位已过中年的帝国统治者带着冷漠淡然的表情来到窗前,俯瞰着窗外。 The dusk ray is covering all, out of the window no longer is the familiar Aldernan scenery. 黄昏的光芒笼罩着一切,窗外已不再是熟悉的奥尔德南景色。 The street and house in another city bathe in the setting sun, faint golden splendor has spread from the distant place to the outer wall of palace, immerse all in dream of this curse. 另一座城市的街道和房屋沐浴在夕阳中,淡漠的金辉从远方一直蔓延到宫殿的外墙上,浸没着这诅咒之梦中的一切。 It happened seemed even more frequent...... 它发生的似乎愈发频繁了…… Roseta the Augustus brow wrinkled slightly, the indifferent indifferent expression actually not sweeping change on face, he retrocedes half step before the windowing, later turns around to move toward the entrance, pushed the door to go out of the room. 罗塞塔奥古斯都眉头微微皱了一下,脸上的冷漠淡然表情却没多大变化,他只是后退半步离开窗前,随后转身走向门口,推门走出了房间。 According to the view of the family spreading, chooses the self-preservation in this curse Dreamland, closes oneself in the safe room, is the complete failure and by the first step that crazy embezzles. 据家族内部流传的说法,在这个诅咒梦境中选择自保,把自己关在安全的房间中,是彻底失败、被疯狂吞没的第一步。 Roseta does not know that this view is to is wrong, he only knows, crashes into this Dreamland from oneself for the first time, his coping style only has one- 罗塞塔不知道这种说法是对是错,他只知道,从自己第一次坠入这个梦境,他的应对方式都只有一个- Facing it. 面对它。
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