SOD :: Volume #9

#806: set off

These as if remains farewell surrounded personnel to leave finally. 那些仿佛遗体告别般的围观人员终于离开了。 In the Gawain heart relaxes, looks at Amber that on a nearby easy chair sat in repose with eyes closed, looked at a plate is waiting for „the spirit food in the room corner Tyr, calms down slightly, starts to condense spirit again, the precipitation train of thought that entered the Eternal Sleepers mind network by oneself. 高文心中松了口气,看了一眼附近安乐椅上闭目养神的琥珀,又看了一眼盘在房间角落等着“精神食粮”的提尔,微微定了定神,再次开始凝聚精神,沉淀思绪,让自己进入永眠者的心灵网络。 ...... …… Glen lead(er), Crevicestone Keep, in Patty bedroom. 葛兰领,裂石堡,帕蒂的卧室内。 The Giant Sun brilliance falls into opposite of the hills thoroughly, the superficial star light has reappeared in another side horizon end, the bright magic crystal lamp shines in the room, is scattering the even more strong curtain of night with the castle inside and outside garden lamps and street lights together, under this bright light, Patty is sitting, in that is by her desk specially, read printing to be fine earnestly, simply-bound textbook. 巨日的光辉彻底落入群山对面,浅淡的星光已经浮现在另一侧的地平线尽头,明亮的魔晶石灯在房间中亮起,与城堡内外的庭院灯、路灯一同驱散着愈发浓重的夜幕,在这明亮的灯光下,帕蒂正坐在那张专属于她的书桌旁,认真读着一本印刷精美,装帧简朴的课本。 The textbook content is not abstruse, placing Empire the level of knowing the school is also only the elementary education, however Patty really missed too many education, she starts to read the teaching materials of these foundations to the present. 课本内容并不艰深,放在帝国通识学院也只是初等教育的水准,然而帕蒂实在是错过了太多的教育,以至于她到现在才开始阅读这些基础的教材。 But she was still very happy, because can sit like on the chair calmly and steadily studies, not continuous ache and twitching, is she in many years of past have not imagined the luck. 但她仍然很开心,因为能像这样安安稳稳地坐在椅子上读书,没有持续不断的疼痛和抽搐,已经是她在过去的许多年里都不曾想象过的幸运。 Wisp of air current blows from the vent of room corner, moved by the Patty cheeks hair, the girl heart had a feeling to raise the head, actually saw nobody left. 一缕气流从房间角落的通风口中吹来,吹动了帕蒂脸颊旁的头发,女孩心有所感地抬起头来,却看到身旁空无一人。 Patty dangling eyelid, somewhat dejectedly pursing the lips lip. 帕蒂垂下眼皮,有些沮丧地抿了抿嘴唇。 She very long has not had that inconceivable dream, has not said goodbye kindly Elder Sister Selina, has not said goodbye the hot tempered red hair uncle, has not said goodbye has said Uncle Serci the giant uncle. 她已经很久没做那个不可思议的梦了,没再见过和蔼的“塞丽娜姐姐”,没再见过暴躁的红头发叔叔,也没再见过自称“塞尔西叔叔”的大个子叔叔。 All in that dream, as if follow she ignorant day to turn into disorderly fragment over the past several years together, in the spirit world that in the girl has been restored to health day after day becomes fuzzy, mother told her, the illusion that these were the analgesia the medicinal ointment that used to induce, as recovered gradually, that strange and long Dreamland will forget by her finally, when was similar each child childhood the grotesque and gaudy fantasy went far away gradually, because Patty...... grew up finally. 那个梦中的一切,仿佛都伴随着她过去数年浑浑噩噩的日子一同变成了凌乱的碎片,在女孩已经日渐康复的精神世界中变得模糊起来,母亲告诉她,那些都是镇痛用的药膏所诱发的幻觉,随着身体渐渐康复,那个古怪而漫长的梦境终会被她忘掉,就仿佛每一个孩子童年时光怪陆离的幻想般渐渐远去,因为帕蒂……终于长大了。 But Patty will still remember the things in these dreams once for a while, remembers these attractive streets and gardens, as well as in the dream these kind people...... she do not dare to tell mother, actually she wants to return to the world in that dream again, said goodbye sees these uncle aunts. 帕蒂仍然会时不时想起那些梦中的事物,想起那些漂亮的街道和花园,以及梦里那些亲切的人……她一直没敢告诉母亲,其实她很想再回到那个梦里的世界,再见见那些叔叔阿姨们。 Because she has a dream for the last time forgot and them says says goodbye. 因为她最后一次做梦的时候忘了和他们说再见。 However mother will certainly worry, therefore Patty hid all at heart. 但是母亲一定会担心,所以帕蒂就把一切都藏在了心里。 Also is breeze blows, actually from the vent opposite direction, Patty hurries to turn head, but still had not seen the person's shadow. 又是一阵微风吹来,却来自和通风口相反的方向,帕蒂赶紧回过头去,可仍然没看到人影。 Only the corner of the eye split vision has swept opposite glass window time, she as if saw fuzzily a warm familiar inspection lamp appears in the inverted image, but when she rubs the eyes carefully looks again, actually anything cannot see. 只有眼角余光扫过对面玻璃窗的时候,她模模糊糊仿佛看到了一盏温暖熟悉的提灯浮现在倒影中,但当她揉揉眼睛再仔细看去的时候,却什么都看不到了。 ...... …… The pale golden rune brilliance flows like the water in the spacious round table surface, under this only has decoration function glimmer to shine, forms appear around the round table. 淡金色的符文光辉在宽大的圆桌表面如水般流淌,在这仅有装饰作用的微光映照下,一道道身影在圆桌周围浮现出来。 Compared with advocates Church to discuss previous time high, by this time round table obviously emptied several seats, but Archbishop that these attended normally noticed this point obviously, but they were only the seats that the vision swept these to empty, actually no one made noise the inquiry. 比起上一次最高主教会议,这次的圆桌旁明显空出来了好几个席位,而那些正常列席的大主教们显然注意到了这一点,但他们只是目光扫过那些空出来的座椅,却无一人出声询问。 Quick, the vision of almost all people fell in Selena Gehrfen position. 很快,几乎所有人的目光就都落在了赛琳娜·格尔分身旁的位置上。 Special participant is sitting there frankly and uprightly, is greeting the Archbishop vision with smile on the face. 一个特殊的“参会者”正光明正大地坐在那里,面带微笑地迎接着大主教们的目光。 Everyone comes is very punctual.” Gawain said with a smile, and looked in turn to meeting assembly hall People Archbishop Yuri of several understanding this time position and he separated several seats, the facial expression on that Archbishop face obviously compared with previous time wanted well, Magnum Archbishop was located in opposite of the round table, he is sipping the mouth tightly, did not seem to release the plan of mind storm, this made Gawain nod satisfied. “大家来的都很准时嘛。”高文笑着说道,并依次看向会议场上几个认识的人-尤里大主教这次的位置和他隔开了好几个座位,那位大主教脸上的气色明显比上次要好了很多,马格南大主教则位于圆桌对面,他紧抿着嘴巴,似乎并没有释放心灵风暴的打算,这让高文满意地点了点头。 Originally precisely, what thing does not want to carve toward subconsciousness, mind storm type of thing is brings to defend self? 本来就是嘛,不要什么东西都往潜意识里刻,心灵风暴这种东西是拿来防身的么? Atmosphere many are a little strange, 现场气氛多少有点怪异, Obviously, even if this is the alien traveller second appearance, Archbishop does not adapt to this type large-scale neutrality wild strange turned into organization high level suddenly the aspect very much, the participants look at each other in blank dismay, after exchanging a line of sight, very much several people bring to greet with Gawain awkwardly, but more people actually can only squeeze out one to smile, does not know how should respond to alien traveller to appear itself to be calm in time of danger. Gawain thinks little actually, similar aspect he is expected in any case, after having greeted simply, he then observed a conference site, then did not have the anticipation discovery to be short of several people. 显然,哪怕这已经是域外游荡者第二次出现,大主教们也不是很适应这种“大型中立野怪突然变成了组织高层”的局面,参会者们面面相觑,很是交流了一番视线之后才有几个人带着尴尬和高文打了招呼,而更多的人却只能挤出一丝微笑来,不知道该怎么回应“域外游荡者”才能显得自己临危不乱。高文对此倒是不以为意,反正类似局面他早有所料,简单打过招呼之后他便观察了一下会场,然后不出意料地发现少了几个人。 „Do as if several people absent?” He looks unhurriedly to floating in Meguir III of midair, needs to wait?” “似乎有几人缺席?”他不慌不忙地看向漂浮在半空的梅高尔三世,“需要等等么?” They suffered Higher Level Narrator contamination unfortunately,” the Meguir III star light aggregation is wriggling slowly, spreads the gentle sound, is not suitable to appear in this again.” “他们不幸地遭受了上层叙事者污染,”梅高尔三世的星光聚合体缓缓蠕动着,从中传出平缓的声音,“已经不适合再出现于此了。” Gawain nods, speaks thoughtlessly saying: „......, That also is really unfortunate.” 高文点点头,随口说道:“……哦,那还真是不幸。” Including some Archbishop people of highest Bishop group were included in the clean list...... evidently Meguir III eliminates strength is not truly ordinary to the mission , is this prepares for the forthcoming Religion reorganization and core shift? 连最高主教团的大主教都有人被列入清洗名单……看样子梅高尔三世对教团内部的肃清力度确实不一般,这是为即将到来的教派重组和核心转移做准备么? 2-3 days of achieve this step, this Dreamland Pope ability truly not general...... 2-3天的时间做到这一步,这位梦境教皇的能力确实不一般…… In the heart exuded some feelings, Gawain is shaking the head, takes advantage of opportunity to direct the Higher Level Narrator contamination aspect the topic: Mentioned Higher Level Narrator contamination, Selena, did previous time I give your rune to produce the results?” 心中泛着些许感慨,高文摇了摇头,顺势将话题引到了上层叙事者污染方面:“说起上层叙事者污染,赛琳娜,上次我送给你的那些符文产生效果了么?” Had the surprising function,” Selena responds immediately, the eyeground brings the joy of not covering up, before explored No. 1 sandbox to receive the contamination compatriot after seeing these rune quick is then peaceful, now then conducts one time rune to calm the nerves to them every six hours ‚’, was also stopped by the contamination most serious person to the Higher Level Narrator prayer. Then isolates will also continue some time, after the event ended , if they do not have to manifest suddenly repeatedly, then can announce that recovered.” “产生了令人惊讶的作用,”赛琳娜立刻回应道,眼底带着不加掩饰的喜悦,“之前探索一号沙箱而受污染的同胞在看到那些符文之后很快便安静下来,现在每隔六小时便给他们进行一次‘符文安神’,受污染最严重的人也停止了对上层叙事者的祷告。接下来隔离还会持续一段时间,等到事件结束之后如果他们没有反复发作,便可以宣告痊愈了。” That is good,” Gawain said happy, you looked, Higher Level Narrator can cope, not?” “那就好,”高文心情不错地说道,“你看,上层叙事者还是可以对付的,不是么?” He mentioned „when rune, previous Selena talked with him through the mind illusion projection he gave Siren rune of opposite party, trace that got down from the Tyre's sea demon shape rubbing. 他所提到的“符文”,正是上次赛琳娜通过心灵幻象投影与他交谈时他交给对方的海妖符文,是从提尔的海魔形态拓印下来的纹路。 Although these came from Siren rune still to have many riddles, Cecil's Runeshaper cannot decode their arcane completely, but the Jenny research team has reorganized several kinds of effective rune combinations, and made some applications it. They had been used to cure the Daniel spirit disease, had been made mind shielding systems, and when resisted Body of False God to prove its validity, but now, these rune from deep sea can resist Higher Level Narrator spirit contamination by the certificate effectively! 尽管那些源自海妖符文仍有很多谜团,塞西尔的符文师们仍未能完全破解它们的奥秘,但詹妮的研究团队已经整理出了好几类有效的符文组合,并将其做了部分应用。它们已被用于治愈丹尼尔精神疾病,已被制成了“心智防护系统”,且在对抗伪神之躯的时候证明了其有效性,而现在,那些来自深海的符文更是被证明能够有效对抗上层叙事者精神污染 Naturally, after recovering the squid that the person possibly falls into the short time to be frantic, or becomes spirit to rouse within certain amount of time, optimistic open, these are the sequela, but compared with became believer of indescribable by spirit contamination thoroughly, even loses mind to become the sacrificial offering of arrival, these permits sequela obviously can accept, even can ignore. 当然,痊愈之后的人可能陷入短时间的鱿鱼狂热,或在一定时间内变得过于精神振奋,过于乐观开朗,这些都属于后遗症,但比起彻底被精神污染成为不可名状者的信徒,甚至失去心智成为降临的祭品,这些许“后遗症”显然是可以接受,甚至可以忽略不计的。 Gives the devil his due, Gawain always felt Siren that type we dig the big squid together the rune effect actually should also be spirit contamination that some similar Gods corrodes essentially, after all now also some evidence prove that group of deep sea salt fish „the race totem truly stole the Lord of Storms god position, pattern of their sea demon shape is also obviously related with storm authority, but that group of deep sea salted fish spirit spirit contamination effect is really funny, sometimes Gawain cannot distinguish clearly that to calculate evil god calculates the harmony god, but one thing is certain, that is becomes the open optimistic after all no fault...... 平心而论,高文始终觉得海妖那种“我们一起去挖大鱿鱼吧”的符文效果本质上其实应该也是某种类似神明侵蚀的精神污染,毕竟现在也有证据证明那帮深海咸鱼的“种族图腾”确实窃取了风暴之主的神位,她们海魔形态的花纹显然也与风暴的权柄有关,但那帮深海咸鱼精精神污染效果实在过于搞笑,以至于有时候高文都分不清那到底算邪神的还是算谐神的,但有一点可以肯定,那就是变得开朗乐观一点总归没什么坏处…… This perhaps is so-called only has spirit contamination, can resist spirit contamination...... 或许就是所谓的只有精神污染,才能对抗精神污染…… Archbishop of scene are listening to Gawain and Selena discussion about purifying the Higher Level Narrator contamination matter, actually no one opens the mouth to mention these, is announced as Higher Level Narrator believer that” today absents Archbishop, has not mentioned these that in the recent two days of mind networks vanishes „the contamination node, everyone incomparable tacit understanding at this matter- 现场的大主教们听着高文赛琳娜谈论关于净化上层叙事者污染的事情,却没有一个人开口提及那些在今天才缺席的、被宣布为“上层叙事者信徒”的大主教们,没有提起最近两天心灵网络中消失的那些“污染节点”,所有人在这件事上都无比默契- Some people, by Higher Level Narrator contamination, were purified quickly later will come back, some people, absent today, that really did not come back...... 有些人,被上层叙事者污染了,净化之后很快就会回来,有些人,今天缺席了,那就是真的回不来了…… „, We return to the subject,” after finishing talking these rune, Gawain ended this topic on own initiative, he shifts to Meguir III in midair, „have you prepared to the action of again No. 1 sandbox?” “那么,我们回到主题,”在谈完那些符文之后,高文主动结束了这个话题,他转向半空中的梅高尔三世,“你们已经准备好了对一号沙箱的再次行动?” All have prepared appropriately,” the star light aggregation in midair rises to shrink is wriggling, including monitoring and auxiliary at all levels in network , guides personnel including the Dreamland shield in real world. As for entered personnel of No. 1 sandbox...... to learn the previous experience specifically, we will no longer send ordinary Priest to go, this time entered No. 1 sandbox, besides you, only had three people.” “一切已准备妥当,”半空中的星光聚合体涨缩蠕动着,“包括在网络中的各级监控和辅助,也包括在现实世界的梦境屏蔽、引导人员。至于具体进入一号沙箱的人员……吸取了上一次的经验教训,我们将不再派普通神官进去,这次进入一号沙箱的,除您之外,只有三人。” Meguir III finished speaking, sits three forms around round table has stood. 梅高尔三世话音刚落,坐在圆桌周围的三个身影已经站了起来。 Gawain did not have the accident/surprise to see Selena, Yuri as well as Magnum three Archbishop. 高文丝毫没有意外地看到了赛琳娜尤里以及马格南三名大主教 Obviously, has explored Illusory township personally, processes them of Higher Level Narrator related business for a long time, once again becomes the member of exploration team. 显然,亲自探索过幻影小镇,长期处理上层叙事者相关事务的他们,又一次成为了探索队伍的成员。 As for Daniel, he had not been selected into this action, Gawain regarding this not accidental/surprised- as the security chief of mind network, Daniel is quite limited in the function of No. 1 sandbox internal energy display, he should be arranged to provide the technology support in the core network and ensure the network environment the unaccurate, preventing No. 1 sandbox to have unexpected data contamination. 至于丹尼尔,他没有被选入此次行动,高文对此也不意外-作为心灵网络的安全主管,丹尼尔在一号沙箱内能发挥的作用相当有限,他应该会被安排在主干网络中提供技术支持,确保网络环境的稳定可靠,防止一号沙箱发生意料之外的数据污染 Four people of teams...... person little, troublesome also little,” Gawain nods, appears to concrete teammate does not care, what in addition also has to need to pay attention?” “四人队伍……人少一点,麻烦也会少一点,”高文点了点头,显得对具体的“队友”并不怎么在意,“除此之外还有什么需要注意的么?” Wore the white long gown and makings slightly gloomy female Archbishop stand, she seemed like the head in technology aspect: According to agreement, after you enter No. 1 sandbox, we can the part resume the time iteration of system, time speed of flow in No. 1 sandbox will therefore be raised to ten times of real world- this is that without causing contamination deteriorates, maximum percentage that the sandbox safety system can support at present.” 一名身穿白色长袍、气质略显阴郁的女性大主教站了起来,她似乎是技术方面的负责人:“按照约定,在你们进入一号沙箱之后,我们会部分恢复系统的时间迭代,一号沙箱内的时间流速将因此提升至现实世界的十倍-这是在不引起污染恶化的前提下,沙箱安全系统目前能够支持的最高倍率。” The female Archbishop voice fell, wears Daniel of black law robe also to stand got up then saying: During this period, the core network will be used to maintain the stability of conscious draws level all surplus calculation strength resources, this can guarantee to the full contamination in sandbox does not divulge outward, this in the time that in the real world can support is a day......” 女性大主教话音落下,身披黑色法袍的丹尼尔也站了起来接着说道:“在此期间,主干网络会把所有剩余的算力资源都用于维持意识层的稳定,这可以最大限度地确保沙箱内的污染不向外泄露,这在现实世界中能够支持的时间是一天……” Gawain understands clearly nods: This is very easy to understand that- dependence time accelerates, you won ten days of action time for us, these in ten days, no matter we did the big sound in No. 1 sandbox, you will guarantee outside world with utmost effort not by contamination.” 高文了然地点点头:“这很容易理解-依靠时间加速,你们为我们争取到了十天的行动时间,这十天内,不管我们在一号沙箱内搞出多大动静,你们都会尽一切可能确保外面的世界不被污染。” That makings gloomy female nods: Very much so, you can unshackle.” 那名气质阴郁的女性点点头:“正是如此,您可以放开手脚。” Gawain also asked: If in ten days I have not solved Higher Level Narrator, or what to do the action in sandbox is defeated?” 高文又问道:“如果十天内我没解决掉上层叙事者,或者沙箱内的行动失败怎么办?” Makings gloomy female Priest replies immediately: „...... We will destroy all brain servant nodes, all establishes the connection Priest also to commit suicide with No. 1 sandbox immediately, to shut off the Dreamland dissemination. We by biggest may prevent arrival of Higher Level Narrator, as for you...... we thinks that you definitely have the means to leave.” 气质阴郁的女性神官立刻回答:“……我们会销毁所有脑仆节点,所有与一号沙箱建立连接的神官也会立刻自尽,以切断梦境传播。我们会以最大可能阻止上层叙事者的降临,至于您……我们认为您肯定是有办法离开的。” I had the means to leave......” Gawain saying that the vision has swept round table surrounding Magnum and other people, their three may......” “我是有办法离开……”高文说着,目光扫过了圆桌周围的马格南等三人,“他们三个可就……” I wrote the posthumous writings.” Yuri opens the mouth to say indifferently. “我写好了遗书。”尤里淡然地开口道。 Damn!” The Magnum big voice makes a sound immediately, we reach an agreement do not need that thing!” “该死!”马格南的大嗓门立刻响了起来,“我们说好不需要那玩意儿的!” Yuri looked at this red hair short person man one: If you need to make up write one, I can borrow you written records- in the real world.” 尤里看了这个红发的矮个子男人一眼:“如果你需要补写一份,我可以借你纸笔-在现实世界。” Damn, I do not need!!” “该死,我不需要!!” Gawain has not paid attention to that to seem like relational also good two Archbishop, he looks to Selena: Had said said goodbye?” 高文没有理会那看上去关系还不错的两位大主教,他看向身旁的赛琳娜:“说过再见了么?” Has met.” Selena said calmly. “见过一面了。”赛琳娜平静地说道。 Gawain nods: Good, our set off.” 高文点点头:“那好,我们就出发吧。”
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