SOD :: Volume #6

#574: Develops the road

Carmel left, Gawain calmly sits after own desk, was deep in the long-time thought. 卡迈尔离开了,高文则静静地坐在自己的书桌后,陷入了长久的沉思中。 He is thinking deeply about the mana essence, was guessing origin of mana, was pondering how should shield disturbance of nature mana to observing the experiment, but during the ponder, stood in his Amber opens the mouth: What mana essential issue have you been studying probably...... this issue really very important?” 他思索着魔力的本质,猜测着魔力的来源,思考着应该如何屏蔽自然界魔力对观察实验的干扰,而在沉思之中,站在他身旁的琥珀开口了:“你好像一直在研究什么魔力的本质问题啊……这个问题真的很重要么?” „Aren't you curious?” Gawain then looked at Amber one, he sees on this Half-Elf face full is puzzled, you have not thought what thing mana in nature concrete is, has not thought where it from comes?” “你不好奇么?”高文回头看了琥珀一眼,他看到这个半精灵脸上满是困惑,“你没想过自然界中的魔力具体是什么东西,没想过它是从哪来的么?” „...... mana is mana, natural thing like air, it is portion of the world,” Amber flexure sent difficultly, discharges magic spell to need it, disposes magic medicine to need it, even the survival of portion zoology and botany also needs it...... I to think that it is like the stone, was born from this world exists.” “……魔力就是魔力啊,就像空气一样自然的东西,它就是世界的一部分嘛,”琥珀挠了挠头发,“施放法术需要它,配置魔药需要它,甚至一部分动植物的生存也需要它……我觉得它跟石头一样,从这个世界诞生就存在了。” But the stone cannot turn into chaos magic tide suddenly, mana actually, moreover it may not exist eternal, only if we can show that it is really inexhaustible,” Gawain shakes the head gently, „, if mana is only a short miracle? Naturally, this short compared to the years of the whole world, but perhaps mana is only a small section phenomenon in this world long samsara, such as the moment in thunder mighty waves is tranquil, our mortals , a life span shorter bug that this moment tranquil is born, we are born in the tranquility, then thinks that the essence of this world is a piece of tranquil water surface, actually does not know that the next second on must welcome the squally shower, or mana is some type of reserves limited thing, it every time in consuming, but before it exhausts, the mortal is unable to detect and measure......” “但石头不会突然变成混乱魔潮,魔力却可以,而且它也不一定会永恒存在,除非我们能证明它真是无穷无尽的,”高文轻轻摇了摇头,“如果魔力只是一个短暂的奇迹呢?当然,这‘短暂’是相对于整个世界的岁月而言,但或许魔力就只是这个世界漫长轮回中的一小段现象,就如雷霆波涛中的片刻平静,我们凡人是在这片刻平静中诞生的、寿命更加短暂的小虫,我们在平静中诞生,便认为这个世界的本质是一片平静的水面,却不知道下一秒就要迎来狂风骤雨,亦或者魔力是某种储量有限的事物,它每时每刻都在消耗,但在它耗尽之前,凡人根本无从察觉和计量……” Amber more listens more surprised, finally stared in a big way the eye: How your shocking ideas brave!” 琥珀越听越惊讶,最后瞪大了眼睛:“你这些耸人听闻的想法怎么冒出来的啊!” She the look sized up Gawain one strangely up and down: No wonder you frequently seem mysterious...... you brain was this strange thing...... words saying what thing every day you should not see in that 700 years of soul exsomatize?” 紧接着她又神色怪异地上下打量了高文一眼:“怪不得你经常显得神秘兮兮的……原来你每天满脑子都是这种稀奇古怪的东西……话说你该不会是在灵魂离体的那七百年里看到了什么东西吧?” „...... This are not related with that” Gawain does not know whether to laugh or cry shakes the head, considers as finished, one day you can......” “……这跟那没关系,”高文哭笑不得地摇了摇头,“算了,总有一天你会……” He wants saying that one day you will understand this issue, but thinks Amber this fellow afterward in knowledge domain the characteristics of lazy and bad ponder, finally an tone revolution: Do not think so many.” 他本想说“总有一天你会理解这个问题”,但后来想了想琥珀这家伙在知识领域的懒惰和不善思考的特性,最后语气一转:“你就别想这么多了。” Amber thinks, stares: I thought that you are despising my intelligence......” 琥珀想了一下,瞪起眼睛来:“我觉得你在轻视我的智力……” Gawain has not actually cared about this Half-Elf small protest, he stands up, leaves the study room, arrived in Magic Laboratory near study room. 高文却没有在意这个半精灵小小的抗议,他只是站起身,离开书房,来到了书房附近的魔法实验室里。 This laboratory belongs to Hetty, but because Gawain also has certain knowledge in magic domain, here also some are his thing. He arrives at the laboratory corner, took out one set to be put aside some time installment from the cabinet, attained in nearby laboratory bench to assemble one it. 这间实验室属于赫蒂,但由于高文魔法领域也有一定知识,这里也有一些属于他的东西。他来到实验室一角,从柜子中取出一套被搁置了一段时间的装置,拿到附近的实验台上将其组装到了一起。 Its structure is very simple, antidazzling device that has the eyelet, back plate that has the narrow double slot, as well as a smooth illuminant shield- with the aid of the Nicholas Egg precision work ability, the precision of this equipment is unequalled in this time. 它的结构很简单,一个带有小孔的遮光板,一个带有狭窄双缝的挡板,以及一块平整的光屏-借助尼古拉斯蛋的精加工能力,这套装置的精度在这个时代无与伦比。 The back plate of this equipment does not damp demon crystal, but together ordinary lightproof metal plate, therefore it is not used to observe mana double-slit interference, but is one ordinary, for observing light the installment of double-slit interference phenomenon, it was placed here to have several months, observed the result to record related, but today, Gawain wants to look again one time. 这套装置的挡板并非抑魔水晶,而是一块普普通通的不透光金属板,因此它也不是用来观测魔力双缝干涉的,而是一个普通的、用于观察光的双缝干涉现象的装置,它被放在这里已经有数个月了,相关观测结果早已记录下来,但今天,高文想再看一次。 Before he establishes installs the monochomator, extinguished the light in laboratory, later starts to adjust the relative position of back plate and illuminant shield carefully. 他设置好装置前的单色光源,熄灭了实验室内的灯光,随后开始仔细地调整着挡板和光屏的相对位置。 Regardless how to adjust, on the illuminant shield appears, forever is one group of chaos halo that spreads. 不论怎么调节,光屏上出现的,永远是一团混沌的、扩散开的光晕而已。 That halo fluctuates to fluctuate with the Gawain's adjustment, as if the devil malicious smile, is taunting the helpless tester. 那光晕随着高文的调节而浮动变幻着,仿佛魔鬼恶意的笑容,嘲讽着无能为力的试验者。 Without the interference fringe. 没有干涉条纹。 Gawain as if returned again for several months ago, the astonishment and confusion when felt to observe that halo produces through this equipment again for the first time. 高文似乎再次回到了数个月前,再次感受到了第一次通过这套装置观察到那片光晕时所产生的惊愕和困惑。 The light of this world does not seem like the light, telescope that however he designs and so on simplistic optical device is actually using normally. 这个世界的光似乎不是光,然而他所设计的望远镜之类的简易光学装置却都在正常使用。 On the illuminant shield does not have the interference fringe, this was the precision or the regulation band of installment was still possibly insufficient, possibly was this world light really did not have the fluctuation nature, but in unifying today's Carmel and own conversation, unified Elf after the same issue that confirming the mana fluctuation nature had, he also had the new guess: perhaps, this equipment also received mana in nature to interfere. 光屏上没有干涉条纹,这可能是装置的精度或调节范围仍然不够,也可能是这个世界的“光”真的没有波动性,但在结合了今天卡迈尔和自己的交谈,结合了精灵在验证魔力波动性时所遭遇的相同问题之后,他又有了新的猜测:或许,这套装置也受到了自然界中的魔力干涉。 This world „is light also mana one? It is one type can by the ordinary lightproof material blocking, visible mana? Also or, mana of this world can in the microscopic domain influence fluctuation nature light/only, all double-slit interference experiments, so long as exposes in the mana environment will certainly expire? 这个世界的“光”也是魔力的一种么?它是一种可以被普通不透光物质遮挡的、肉眼可见的魔力?亦或者,这个世界的魔力能够在微观领域影响光的波动性,以至于所有的双缝干涉实验,只要暴露在魔力环境下就一定会失效? On looks at illuminant shield that group dim, but the chaos halo, Gawain fell into the long-time thinking. 看着光屏上那一团朦胧而混沌的光晕,高文陷入了长久的思索中。 ...... …… Entered the autumn. 入秋了。 In most striking the constellation as the summer nighttime sky, the flowing fire place was far away from the Sky Dome peak gradually, becomes the patron in west sky thoroughly, but raises on behalf of frost day place that” the summer heat drops gradually, starts to turn toward the central movement of Sky Dome. 作为夏日夜空中最醒目的星座,流火座渐渐远离了天穹的最高点,彻底成为了西侧天空中的常客,而代表暑热减退的“霜天座”则渐渐升起,开始向着天穹的中心移动。 Every year in January/one month is Month of Cold, in February/two months is Month of Recovery, in March/three months is Fire Month, in April is Month of Harvest- the rise of frost day place means for one year the burning hottest season soon to end, has arrived at the land on behalf of the autumn of harvest, it will continue to rise in following Frost Month and Mist Month, every day will approach the Sky Dome peak, the season giving a name character of to differentiate the change of solar terms, the Ainz person just started to rise to the frost day place, named „in April will welcome frost. 每年的一月为冷冽之月,二月为复苏之月,三月为火月,四月为丰收之月-霜天座的上升意味着一年中最炎热的时节即将结束,代表丰收的秋季已然降临大地,它会在接下来的霜月雾月中继续上升,每天都更加靠近天穹的最高点,而为了区分节气的变化,安苏人给霜天座刚刚开始上升的这个时节起了个名字,名为“四月迎霜”。 This name once made Gawain produce the short confusion, although he remembers that knows in this phrase the word welcomed frost the meaning not to greet the frost and snow, but greeted frost day place, but the thought inertia of earthman let he used for a long time this coolly the name and this still remained some days of hot weather intent to relate slightly together. 这个名字曾让高文产生过短暂的困惑,尽管他记忆中知道这个词组中“迎霜”一词的意思并不是迎接霜雪,而是迎接“霜天座”,但地球人的思维惯性还是让他用了很长时间才把这个“凉爽”的名字和这仍然稍微残留着些许暑意的日子联系到一起。 He adapted to this world finally. 他终于还是适应这个世界了。 In the government affairs hall, once a week routine report conference is held, Gawain sits on the long table the head, the complexion is listening to the report of Agriculture Minister Norris quietly. 政务厅内,每周一次的例行报告会议正在进行,高文坐在长桌上首,面色沉静地听着农业部长诺里斯的报告。 In the minister hand that this day has faded in reveals senile, the poor farmer comes to take the material, although stood diligently the body: But some upper part rickets: „...... Horsman, Kant, Carol, Glen and broken ground crops growing trend of Tanzan area is good, the crop period, the New Territories of Peibo, Considine, the western wilderness as well as northeast area because of reclaiming late, the land conformity replaces has not completed, in addition the resident migrates the issue, perhaps is unable to complete the grain production plan...... 这位已经日渐显露出老态的、贫苦农夫出身的部长手中拿着资料,虽然努力站直了身体:但上半身还是有些佝偻:“……霍斯曼康德卡洛尔葛兰坦桑地区的新开垦地庄稼长势良好,收成可期,培波、康斯丁、西部旷野以及西北部地区的新地因开垦较晚,土地整合置换尚未完成,再加上住民迁移问题,恐怕无法完成产粮计划…… Is good in Horsman and effect of Kant area promotion new-style farm machinery, some early-ripening crops have finished ahead of schedule the harvest...... “在霍斯曼康德地区推广新式农机的效果良好,部分早熟作物已经提前完成收获…… In the north bank experimental plot test harvest- II Druid medicine obtained the gradualness to be successful, according to the plan, next step will appraise cough cough of new medicine continuing effect...... to the land, cough cough......” “在北岸试验田测试‘丰收-II’型德鲁伊药剂获得了阶段性成功,按照计划,下一步将评估新型药剂对土地的后续影响……咳咳,咳咳……” Gawain looks to the Agriculture Minister: Norris, doesn't your body have the issue?” 高文看向农业部长:“诺里斯,你的身体没问题么?” cough cough, the old problem, entered the autumn always to cough,” Norris beckons with the hand, my report arrived here, the detailed material I have given Lady Hetty.” 咳咳,老毛病了,入秋就老是咳嗽,”诺里斯摆了摆手,“我的报告就到这里,详细的资料我已经交给赫蒂女士了。” Sat pushed winking toward Norris in nearby Pittman: Yeah, do you want to try my medicine? I told you, your problem here was not a matter......” 坐在旁边的皮特曼诺里斯挤了挤眼:“哎,你要不要试试我的药?我跟你讲,你这个毛病在我这儿就不是个事儿……” „During the work, pays attention to the order,” Gawain stared Pittman one, later took a fast look around everyone, shouted the tone slightly, that today's conference arrived here, breaks up.” “工作期间注意秩序,”高文瞪了皮特曼一眼,随后扫视了一下现场所有人,微微呼了口气,“那么今天的会议就到这里吧,散会。” Quick, the person in assembly hall then leaves the table to diverge in abundance, in the big room was only left over Gawain and Hetty two people- as well as hidden body cat by Gawain, cracked with the teeth hour melon seed Amber. 很快,会议厅内的人便纷纷离席散去,偌大的房间中只剩下了高文赫蒂两人-以及一个隐着身猫在高文旁边,嗑了一个钟头瓜子的琥珀 Ancestor, Messengers from Royal Capital has arrived in Fort Boulder,” Hetty said, what leads is royal family Knight Corps Vice Captain Cohen Loren . Moreover, according to Envoy said that the first batch for building the barrier commodity in the Dorgen River upstream harbor shipment, if nothing unexpected happens, will have arrived in Southern Region in 20 days.” “先祖,来自王都信使已经抵达磐石要塞了,”赫蒂说道,“带队的是王室骑士团副团长科恩·罗伦,另外,根据使者所言,第一批用于修筑屏障的物资已经在多尔贡河上游港口装船,如无意外,将会在二十日内抵达南境。” Elf sends the correspondence as advance Messengers, official Special Envoy Royal Capital arrives, but at the same time, the commodity from northern area also installed the freighter in the Dorgen River upstream, a snap ring point of action engagement showed a matter: The opinion of Royal Capital aristocrats got up by the integration finally. 精灵作为先遣信使送来信函,正式王都特使紧接着抵达,而在同一时间,来自北方地区的物资也在多尔贡河上游装上了货船,如此一环扣一环的行动衔接说明了一件事:王都贵族们的意见总算是被统合起来了。 Victoria Wilde...... that north Grand Duchess ability is very reliable. 维多利亚·维尔德么……那位北方女大公能力还是很可靠的。 Their efficiencies were finally high,” Gawain nods, Road Developer engineer brigade recent progress how?” “他们的效率终于高起来了,”高文点点头,“‘拓路者’工程队最近的进展如何?” Road Developer had set up forward base in the Black Forest northern border, and started to turn toward the deep woods to go forward, the magic creature in convoy guard and forest produced battled several times shortly, only one soldier minor wound, without other casualties.” “‘拓路者’已经在黑森林北部边界设立了前进基地,并开始向着森林深处前进了,护卫队和森林中的魔物产生了数次短暂交战,仅一名士兵轻伤,没有其他伤亡。” Crossed Dark Mountain Range, crossed the safety belt of civilization boundary, must guard against the enemy in Black Forest especially carefully,” Gawain said slowly, you and I go to the south gate fortress together, looks at that side construction.” “越过了黑暗山脉,就是越过了文明边界的安全地带,要格外小心防范黑森林里的敌人,”高文慢慢说道,“你和我一起去趟南门堡垒吧,看一下那边的施工情况。” Hetty lowers the head: Yes.” 赫蒂低下头:“是。” Gawain un, took away the melon seed in nearby table conveniently: Do not eat, goes with me together.” 高文嗯了一声,顺手拿走了旁边桌上的瓜子:“别吃了,跟我一起去。” Aii!!” “哎哎!!” ...... …… South Dark Mountain Range, south gate fortress. 黑暗山脉南麓,南门堡垒。 strictly speaking, here could not be „the south gate fortress, but can only be counted is a giant half-finished product fortification and a stretch of busy work site. 严格来讲,这里还不能算是“南门堡垒”,而只能算作是一座巨大的半成品工事和一片繁忙的工地。 From the engineering machinery, the construction material and project personnel Cecil city once entered in shadow experimental farm, was based on this giant cavern, is building the scale huge and firm reinforced concrete fortress. 来自塞西尔城的工程机械、施工材料以及工程人员进驻在曾经的“暗影实验场”内,以这个巨大的洞窟为基础,修筑着规模庞大而坚固的钢筋水泥堡垒。 In the direction of construction in charge of under Gordon, the engineer brigade has used the solid cement fortification to reinforce the cavern southern mountain wall forever, built steel machinery gate as well as several firepower and viewpoints on the mountain wall, but in the cavern, the powerful large-scale magic crystal lamp made the entire cavern shine like the daytime, in the cavern the original Gondor residual relic had been classified the recycling or cleans up cleanly, several Jishuitan and pits to split open were levelled, spread out the new magic circuit basic unit and ground, originally the stone wall of exposition also by the structural support again reinforcement, and started to conduct the project of construction wall and pipe leak. 在建筑主管戈登的指挥下,工程队已经用永固水泥工事加固了洞窟南部的山壁,在山壁上修筑了钢铁的机械闸门以及数个火力和观察点,而在洞窟内部,功率强大的大型魔晶石灯令整个洞窟亮如白昼,洞窟里原本的刚铎残留遗物已经被分类回收或清理干净,几处积水潭和坑洼开裂地被填平,铺上了新的魔网基层和地面,原本暴露的石壁也被支撑结构重新补强,并开始进行修建墙壁、铺设管道的工程。 Engineering Team at this moment and west is setting a prop south the cavern, prepares to construct two of fortress, but Gordon oneself in the cavern center, supervise the workers „the gate of shadow to overhaul the protection isolation and to that. 工程队伍此刻正在洞窟南部和西部设置支撑柱,准备建造堡垒的二层,而戈登本人则在洞窟中央,监督工人们对那座“暗影之门”进行保护性的隔离和修缮。 That say/way can enter the Shadow World transmission gate to damage, but Miss Amber can still use the unique strength to enter the Shadow World deep place through the front door, Feudal Lord thinks that this gate has the special scientific research significance, in view of the fact that the transmission gate fixes the facility in surface is unable to move, therefore the Gordon preparation protects here, turns into a special facility in fortress. 那道可以进入暗影界的传送门已经损坏,但琥珀小姐仍然能利用自身独特的力量通过大门进入暗影界深处,领主认为这道门有着特殊的科研意义,鉴于传送门本身是固定在地表的设施无法移动,因此戈登准备将这里保护起来,变成堡垒内的一处特殊设施。 On a master is equipping the magical terminal, wears Bachelor of Mechanics of yellow work clothes to arrive in front of Gordon, opens to this ministry of construction salutes: Gordon mister, commodity from Cecil city to- escorts to forward base, do you want to approve personally?” 一名手上装备着魔导终端,身穿黄色工装的机械学士来到戈登面前,对这位建设部张行了个礼:“戈登先生,来自塞西尔城的物资到了-是送往前进基地的,您要亲自验收么?” Gordon raised the head, saw that several trucks are stopping under the light, on the truck is hanging marking of Cecil ministry of construction. 戈登抬起头,看到几辆卡车正停在灯光下,卡车上悬挂着塞西尔建设部的标识。 He nods, takes a step to move toward that truck: I have a look.” 他点了点头,迈步走向那辆卡车:“我去看看。” Escorts to the forward base commodity, but the important goods, cannot accommodate slightly careless. 送往前进基地的物资可是重要物品,容不得丝毫马虎。 Thank new-style magical car(riage) technology, this strength greatly infinite machine can single use transport is equivalent to a cargo of small-scale carriage motorcade, thanked during that time Gondor Empire excellent construction technology, the Fortress Defiance Lord corridor can allow such large vehicles to pass through in at will. Gordon arrives at behind the compartment of truck, treads the ladder to climb up, starts to approve this car(riage) cargo. Food, clothing, new purifier...... 感谢新式的魔导技术,这力大无穷的机器能一次性运送相当于一个小型马车车队的货物,也感谢当年刚铎帝国高超的建筑技术,忤逆要塞的主走廊能允许这样大型的车辆在里面随意通行。戈登来到卡车的车厢后部,蹬着梯子攀爬上去,开始验收这一车货物。食物,衣物,新的净水装置…… Gordon nods, label in hand life provisions in column check in turn. 戈登点点头,在手中记录单的“生活给养”栏目中依次打钩。 Afterward he arrives on another truck, the commodity of this car(riage) enters his line of sight- 随后他来到另外一辆卡车上,这辆车的物资进入他的视线- Packed in a box Rebecca Crystal, explosion rune of independent packing, Druid withers medicine, Type II high bombs as well as necessary blasting fuse...... 成箱的瑞贝卡水晶,单独包装的起爆符文,德鲁伊枯萎药剂,II型高爆弹以及配套引信…… Gordon nods again, starts in the label construction consumable in column checks. 戈登再次点点头,开始在记录单的“建筑耗材”栏目中打钩。 Checks, this Building Minister while cannot bear whisper: How these thing calculate in the construction consumable......” 一边打钩,这位建筑部长一边忍不住嘀咕起来:“这些玩意儿到底是怎么算到建筑耗材里的……” ( Wife had entered for these days is in labor, I want the entire journey to accompany a sick person to provide nursing care in the hospital, recently will maintain the renewal as far as possible, but if retains the draft cannot withstand to appear mediates...... hopes that everyone can understand =. = (老婆这几天已经进入待产,我要全程在医院陪护,最近会尽量维持更新,但万一存稿顶不住出现了断更……希望大家能谅解一下=。= Small eyeball this was really approaches fast!!!) 诸位,小眼珠子这是真的快来了啊啊啊!!!)
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