SOD :: Volume #6

#573: Disturbance

The summer has drawn to a close. 夏日已经临近尾声。 The night class/flow spark place starts to turn toward the west sky displacement, the summer heat starts to retreat from entire Kingdom, every morning and evening wind becomes coolly and satisfied, after several rich rainwater, aura of fall then approached day by day. 夜晚的流火星座开始向着西侧的天空偏移,暑热开始从整个王国中退去,每日清晨和傍晚的风都变得凉爽而令人惬意,几场丰沛的雨水之后,秋日的气息便一天比一天临近了。 Mysterious complex mana rune like the stars float in the midair, for demonstrating the crystal equipment of rune structure was fixed on the base that the alloy builds, the surface is glittering the mana glow, low and deep humming sound the sound is reverberating in the laboratory, Carmel calmly floats in these illusory mana rune, arcane of pair of eyes position brilliance as always bright. 玄奥复杂的魔力符文如繁星般漂浮在半空,用于显示符文结构的水晶装置被固定在合金打造的基座上,表面闪烁着魔力的辉光,一阵低沉的嗡嗡声在实验室中回响着,卡迈尔静静地漂浮在那些虚幻的魔力符文之间,双眼位置的奥术光辉一如既往地明亮。 Here is the Rune Research Institute biggest analysis room, today's work task, analyzes these technology materials that Elf brings. 这里是符文研究院最大的分析室,今天的工作任务,就是解析精灵带来的那些技术资料。 Several Rune Research Institute senior Runeshaper transcribe in the one side several key nodes rune structures, but thin and tall, has bright golden hair masculine Elf to stand side Carmel, this Elf vision will fall on Carmel occasionally- obviously, a powerful arcane lifeform made this Elf Sorcerer particularly care. 数名符文研究院的资深符文师在一旁抄录着几个关键节点的符文结构,而一位高高瘦瘦,有着灿烂金发的男性精灵则站在卡迈尔身旁,这位精灵的目光偶尔会落在卡迈尔身上-显然,一个强大的奥术生物令这位精灵魔导师分外在意。 Carmel has not actually cared about the Elf Sorcerer vision, his almost entire energy placed these just the translation and analysis on rune, after carefully observed its core structure, he could not bear say: Grandmaster Banner- is the core mechanism of this purification array some type...... moving rate/lead and resonance?” 卡迈尔却没有在意精灵魔导师的目光,他几乎全部精力都放在那些刚刚转译、解析出来的符文上,在仔细观察了它的核心结构之后,他忍不住说道:“班纳大师-这个净化阵列的核心机理是某种……调率和共鸣?” You said is very right, Grandmaster Carmel,” is called Banner's Elf Sorcerer to nod, through studies to chaotic mana long time, we discovered that it essentially actually was still mana, rather than previously thought contamination nature extremely strong waste can, since were mana, might and resonance the way of comes through again moving rate/lead its order, this was purification mentality.” “您说的很对,卡迈尔大师,”被称作班纳的精灵魔导师点点头,“通过对混沌魔能的长时间研究,我们发现它在本质上其实仍然是一种魔力,而非此前所认为的‘污染性极强的废能’,既然是魔力,就有可能通过重新调率和共鸣的方式来将其秩序化,这就是‘净化’的思路。” The Carmel vision falls in these rune empty shades, his tone had an excitement gradually: In other words, you regard as a Poland to process mana-, moreover succeeded?!” 卡迈尔的目光落在那些符文虚影之间,他的语气渐渐有了一丝激动:“也就是说,你们是将魔力视作一种‘波’来处理的-而且成功了?!” Poland......” Elf Sorcerer gawked suddenly, looks at Carmel, „did you also introduce this concept accidentally/surprisingly?!” “‘波’……”精灵魔导师突然愣了一下,意外地看着卡迈尔,“你们也引入了这个概念?!” „...... We in introduced this concept some time ago, moreover at present is unable to confirm this point, can only be the suspicion,” Carmel humming sound said, we restructured in the communication magic spell process to apply the mana fluctuation characteristics in the analysis, mathematically with the example, its fluctuation nature was confirmed that but we also lacked key evidence- surveyable evidence.” “……我们还是在不久前才引入这个概念的,而且目前仍无法证实这一点,只能作为猜想,”卡迈尔嗡嗡地说道,“我们在解析重构传讯法术的过程中应用了魔力波动特性,从数学上和实例上,它的波动性都得到了证实,但我们还缺乏关键的证据-可观察的证据。” We introduced this concept 40 years ago, big Astromancer Velania proposed mana is a supposition of fluctuation, and pushed derived through several arcane magic magic pattern the pure arcane mana wavelength range theoretically, her theory was to purify the foundation of array-, but regrettably, we cannot obtain the surveyable evidence......” “我们在四十年前引入了这个概念,大星术师薇兰妮亚提出了魔力是一种波动的假设,并通过几种奥术魔法法术模型导出了纯净奥术魔力理论上的波长范围,她的理论是净化阵列的基础-但令人遗憾的是,我们也没能取得可观察的证据……” Carmel turns around suddenly, vision brilliant looks at present Elf Sorcerer: You meet also disturbs?” 卡迈尔突然转过身来,目光灼灼地看着眼前的精灵魔导师:“你们遇上的也是干扰?” „Did you also meet?!” In the named Banner's Elf Sorcerer tone is surprised, at this moment his attention already completely not on Carmel the body of arcane- this Elf from Silver Empire has never thought that in remote continent other end, in the other race state, in the Human Race society of comprehensive decline, Human Race Magicians is also studying the mana essential issue unexpectedly, has not thought of the research of Human Race unexpectedly already so thoroughly, even also meets the bottleneck that Elf met! “你们也遇上了?!”名为班纳的精灵魔导师语气中不无惊讶,此刻他的注意力已经完全不在卡迈尔奥术之躯上-这位来自白银帝国精灵从未想过,在遥远的大陆彼端,在异族的国度中,在全面衰退的人类社会,人类魔法师们竟然也在研究着魔力的本质问题,更没想到人类的研究竟然已经如此深入,甚至也遇到了精灵所遇到的瓶颈! Disturbance is everywhere, the whole world covers in the powerful mana environment, is unable to observe,” Carmel surprised is also conducting in Elf unexpectedly with the Human Race same research, this as if the traveler who acted alone in the wilderness ran into the goal same traveling companion suddenly, his has no longer beaten- even has long gone heart as if palpitated, what kind of experiment did you design?” “干扰无处不在,整个世界都笼罩在强大的魔力环境中,以至于根本无法观察,”卡迈尔也惊讶于精灵竟然在进行着和人类一样的研究,这就仿佛在荒漠中独行的旅人突然遇到了目标相同的旅伴,他那早已不再跳动-甚至早就不存在的“心脏”仿佛都重新悸动起来,“你们设计了怎样的实验?” Elf Sorcerer after is shortly astonished calms down rapidly, he has not concealed the issue in this aspect: Grandmaster Velania designed one to interfere with experiment- we prepared the pure arcane energy source, guaranteed it, only then extremely few impurity, gathered the bunch to hit arcane energy later to a crystal lattice, the crystal lattice with damping the demon crystal thin slice made, above left leeway great distance very near two to slit in advance. Theoretically, pure arcane energy after damping the demon crystal thin slice will display the fluctuation nature: The mana wave that slits passes through must interfere from two mutually, and on the projection board of development dust is forming the interference fringe in the spreading......” 精灵魔导师在短暂惊愕之后迅速冷静下来,他没有隐瞒这方面的问题:“薇兰妮亚大师设计了一个干涉实验-我们制备了纯净的奥术能量源,确保它只有极少量的‘杂质’,随后将奥术能量汇聚成束打向一个晶格,晶格用抑魔水晶薄片制成,上面预先留有相隔很近的两道窄缝。理论上,纯净的奥术能量在通过抑魔水晶薄片之后会表现出波动性:从两道窄缝中穿过的魔力波应当相互干涉,并在涂覆着显影尘的投影板上形成干涉条纹……” But only piece of white noise, right?” Carmel follows close on was saying, design of any projection on observation contact surface was covered by more intense natural mana field, such as observes one bunch of small and weak glimmer is not realistic under the glare, in fact that weak pure arcane energy very has not even possibly arrived in the projection board from the start with enough time, by environment was neutralized in the mana field of midway......” “但是只有一片白噪,是吗?”卡迈尔紧跟着说道,“任何投射在观察界面上的图案都被更加强烈的自然魔力场覆盖了,就如在强光下观察一束弱小的微光般不现实,事实上那微弱的纯净奥术能量甚至很可能压根没来得及抵达投影板,就在中途被环境中的魔力场中和掉了……” Banner sighed regrettably: Just as you said that experiment failure. It seems like you also......” 班纳遗憾地叹了口气:“正如您所说,实验失败了。看来你们也……” We also designed similar experiment, the experiment approach or Duke Cecil proposed that” the Carmel voice is low and deep, we cannot observe the interference fringe, but the math told me, it should exist.” “我们也设计了类似的实验,实验思路还是塞西尔公爵提出的,”卡迈尔嗓音低沉,“我们也未能观察到干涉条纹,但数学告诉我,它本应存在的。” Elf Sorcerer is somewhat surprised: Gawain Cecil does Duke have such attainments in magic domain?” 精灵魔导师有些意外:“高文?塞西尔公爵魔法领域也有如此造诣?” Duke Erudite, moreover contacted the extraordinary knowledge and wisdom in 700 years of soul exsomatize conditions,” Carmel cheerful and committed said, was only...... he is unable to solve the problem of natural environment mana disturbance. Then, you have tried mana restriction field?” 公爵学识渊博,而且在七百年的灵魂离体状态下接触到了超凡的知识和智慧,”卡迈尔心悦诚服地说道,“只是……他也无法解决自然环境魔力干扰的问题。说起来,你们有试过禁魔力场么?” Other most high-level mana restriction field also suppresses mana to respond to a certain extent, simultaneously exerts the disturbance to mental energy of uses/gives technique, to block the spell casting process, mana is unable to completely prohibit,” Elf Sorcerer is smiling bitterly shaking the head, we also attempt to make one with expensive damping demon crystal darkroom, blocks mana in nature, but was limited by the craft, we do not have the complete separation of means guarantee entire darkroom, so long as had little divulging...... the disturbance to appear like the devil.” “最高级别的禁魔力场也只是在一定程度上抑制魔力反应,同时对施术者的精神力施加干扰,以阻断施法过程而已,魔力本身是无法禁绝的,”精灵魔导师苦笑着摇了摇头,“我们也尝试过用昂贵的抑魔水晶制造一个‘暗室’,来阻断自然界中的魔力,但受到工艺限制,我们没办法保证整个暗室的完全隔离,而只要有一点点泄漏……干扰就如魔鬼般出现了。” Carmel can imagine Elves to build such a darkroom made the great effort. 卡迈尔能想象到精灵们为了打造这样一个“暗室”付出了多大的努力。 Because seizing every opportunity of nature mana, mana interferes with the observation experiment to guarantee that viewer are also in the darkroom environment, but can hold the darkroom of viewer, even if the space is cramped, is a volume huge box, damps the demon crystal expensive next, must process so huge crystal, and ensure it had no leakage dot...... to surpass Elf craft technology obviously. 由于自然魔力的无孔不入,魔力干涉观察实验必须保证观察者自身也处于暗室环境中,而一个能够容纳观察者的暗室,哪怕空间再局促,也是一个体积巨大的“箱子”,抑魔水晶的昂贵还是其次,要加工如此巨大的水晶,并保证它没有任何“泄漏点”……显然超过了精灵的工艺技术 Even Elf is unable to accomplish, perhaps Human Race cannot accomplish. 精灵都无法办到,人类恐怕更办不到。 Our next step goals are to seek help in the Augari Tribe Kingdom Fairy clan, the Fairy build is exquisite, can enter in very small darkroom, the small darkroom may process,” Banner sighed was saying, „, but it is hard to say can we find Fairy that is willing to help, after all...... they did not like being closed.” “我们下一步的目标是求助于奥古雷部族国妖精族,妖精们体型小巧,可以钻进很小的暗室内,小一些的暗室是有可能加工出来的,”班纳叹息着说道,“但很难说我们能不能找到愿意帮忙的妖精,毕竟……他们非常不喜欢被关起来。” ...... …… Gawain sits after the desk, calmly listened to the report of Carmel. 高文坐在书桌后,静静地听完了卡迈尔的报告。 „...... Feudal Lord, in summary, Elves met with our same issues- mana disturbance in natural environment.” “……领主,综上所述,精灵们遇上了和我们一样的问题-自然环境中的魔力干扰。” Really is the devil disturbance......” “真是魔鬼般的干扰啊……” Gawain is sighing in a soft voice, in the heart the train of thought fluctuates. 高文轻声感叹着,心中思绪起伏。 What is the mana essence? 魔力的本质到底是什么? This issue since he uncovers the coffin, but shortly after starts to pester him, that everywhere natural strength, that seemingly inexhaustible huge energy, when bringing the convenience also lets the Gawain deep anxiety, until now, he wants to do the clear mana essence and origin, but result that until now, he and his research team yields still few. 这个问题自从他揭棺而起之后不久就开始纠缠着他,那无处不在的自然力量,那看似无穷无尽的庞大能源,在带来便利之余也让高文深深疑虑,一直以来,他都想搞明白魔力的本质和来源,而直到现在,他和他的科研团队所取得的成果仍然寥寥。 They can only determine now, in origin and sky of mana Sun cannot be inseparable from, but its essence...... perhaps is some type of wave. 他们现在只能确定,魔力的来源与天空中的“太阳”脱不了干系,而它的本质……“或许”是某种波。 Yes, although has the examples on some applications, for example magic circuit communication technology, there are some computation conclusions, but is genuine regarding this type thing, so long as a day could not find the surveyable phenomenon, one day cannot determine thoroughly its definition, in the present stage, Gawain and Carmel can only Say mana, perhaps is some type of wave. 是的,尽管已经有了一些应用上的实例,比如魔网通讯技术,也有了一些计算结论,但对于这种切实存在的“事物”,只要一天找不到可观察的现象,就一天不能彻底确定它的定义,在现阶段,高文卡迈尔只能说-魔力,“或许”是某种波。 This is a regrettable aspect. 这是一种令人遗憾的局面。 It there, its nature, its possible essence, is vivid, however the most essential observation actually became prevented the biggest barrier in front of researcher, mana of nature everywhere- this brought the rapid development of magic technology, added tremendous difficulties in certain research projects. 它就在那里,它的性质,它可能的本质,已经呼之欲出,然而最关键的观察却成了阻挡在研究者面前的最大障碍,自然界的魔力无处不在-这带来了魔法技术的迅猛发展,也带来了某些研究项目中的巨大困难。 Gawain can think, is used to confirm the classics experiment of fluctuation nature is the double-slit interference experiment, he knows how double-slit interference on Earth is achieve-, but in this world, this classical experiment is actually hard to be confirmed that because mana in natural environment covered all observation phenomena. 高文能想到的、用来验证波动性的经典实验就是双缝干涉实验,他知道地球上的双缝干涉是如何实现的-但在这个世界,这个经典的实验却难以得到验证,因为自然环境中的魔力覆盖了所有的观察现象。 mana intensity in the nature, by far strong that two bunches in experimental process across the arcane class/flow of slit, it formed piece of white noise on the baffle plate, should have the pure unidirectional arcane class/flow that interferes with be cancelled thoroughly had the trace, but based on the similar reason, observes the mana version Poisson's spot the experiment cannot succeed. 自然界中的魔力强度,远远强于实验过程中那两束穿过狭缝的奥术流,它在反射板上形成了一片白噪,理应产生干涉的纯净单向奥术流被彻底抹去了存在痕迹,而基于同样的原因,观测魔力版“泊松亮斑”的实验也未能成功。 Elves mentality perhaps is best solution- constructs a darkroom, thinks the mana disturbance of means shield nature. 精灵们的思路或许是最好的解决方案-建造一个暗室,想办法屏蔽自然界的魔力干扰。 However this is not easy. 然而这并不容易。 On Earth, wants to avoid the glare of nature affecting to observe the interference fringe, only needs to conduct the blocking with the material of shade then, but in this world, can prevent the mana natural material extreme scarce, and is hard to process, expensive damping demon crystal can find conforms to the material of request, it can prevent mana earnestly, back plate in the double-slit interference experiment makes with it, but must damping demon crystal processes a darkroom......, even if in the Gondor period, is hard easily to accomplish. 在地球上,想要避免自然界的强光影响观察干涉条纹,只需要用遮光的材料进行遮挡即可,但在这个世界,能够阻挡魔力的自然物质极端稀少且难以加工,昂贵的抑魔水晶是能找到的最符合要求的材料,它可以切切实实地阻挡魔力,双缝干涉实验中的挡板就是用它制造的,但要把抑魔水晶加工成一个暗室……哪怕在刚铎时期,也难以轻易办到。 Actually I have another plan,” Carmel said, uses more powerful arcane source, lets across the double slot energy the mana background count of surpassing the nature, such perhaps can observe interference fringe outside the darkroom- or, even if out-of-sight, can observe two cauterization traces is also good, at least are we can confirm mana the waves. By my computation, existing Prismatic Light Cannon fully meets this condition.” “其实我还有另外一个方案,”卡迈尔说道,“利用更强大的奥术源,让穿过双缝的能量超过自然界的魔力基值,这样或许就能在暗室之外观察到干涉条纹-或者哪怕观察不到,能观察到两道烧灼痕迹也好,至少我们能验证魔力到底是不是波。根据我的计算,现有的虹光炮是完全符合这个条件的。” I have also thought this plan, but the premise of this plan was we must find damping demon crystal is stabler , a more tenacious material,” the Gawain brow wrinkled, damped demon crystal, although can prevent mana, but had to withstand the limit eventually, Prismatic Light Cannon that type of thing...... will burn down any back plate.” “我也想过这个方案,但这个方案的前提是我们要找到比抑魔水晶更稳定、更强韧的材料,”高文眉头皱起,“抑魔水晶虽然能阻挡魔力,但终究有承受极限,虹光炮那种东西……会烧毁任何挡板的。” Carmel is silent. Gawain asked after the short thinking: That Elf Astromancer that put forward the mana fluctuation concept, calls Velania?” 卡迈尔沉默下来。高文则在短暂思索之后问道:“那位提出魔力波动概念的精灵星术师,是叫薇兰妮亚么?” Yes.” “是的。” Merely 40 years...... as Elf, she should also in be the Elf Royal Court potencies today.” “仅仅四十年……作为一个精灵,她今日应该还在为精灵王庭效力吧。” Yes, according to Banner? white feather said, Astromancer Velania until now is still being the Elf Royal Court potency, and is continuing the research that conducted mana fluctuation saying that simultaneously she was also purification array one of the research and development personnel.” “是的,根据班纳?白羽所说,星术师薇兰妮亚至今仍然在为精灵王庭效力,并且在持续进行魔力波动说的研究,同时她也是‘净化阵列’的研发人员之一。” Elves walks in front of us......, if can achieve a deeper step cooperation to be good with them,” Gawain sighed gently, Carmel, you think that...... used the mana connection of Wall of Magnificence surviving, in addition our magic circuit communication terminal, as well as one set of translation installed, can we establish the telematics with Silver Empire?” 精灵们走在我们前面……如果能和他们达成更深一步的合作就好了,”高文轻轻叹了口气,“卡迈尔,你认为……利用宏伟之墙残存的魔力连接,再加上我们的魔网通讯终端,以及一套转译装置,我们可以和白银帝国建立远程通讯么?” This is a very challenging idea, but I can try.” “这是一个很有挑战性的想法,但我可以试一试。” Gawain nods: That tries.” 高文点点头:“那就去试试吧。”
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