SOD :: Volume #6

#572: Road

The horizon last sunset glow fell into the hills deep place, under the dim skylight, the glow of magic crystal street light shines gradually one by one under the control of timing unit- glitters before the group star of space, the group star in land first step is then bright, but in the bright lights, the nightlife of Cecil resident just started. 天边最后一丝晚霞落入了群山深处,渐渐昏暗的天光下,魔晶石路灯的辉光在计时装置的控制下逐一亮起-在天上的群星闪烁之前,大地上的群星便先一步明亮起来,而在明亮的灯火中,塞西尔市民的夜生活才刚刚开始。 The night was not a day of conclusion, was only opening of another activity. 夜晚并不是一天的结束,只是另一段活动的开启。 The street tavern is brilliantly illuminated, the workers who just put down work rest to relax in the tavern, fill the belly, the magic circuit broadcast installment in square is broadcasting the evening news, making nearby resident stop to stay over, was " cheerful , interested ", does business very late restaurant and store to lighten the entrance light signboard in abundance, the warm shop owner and sales clerk are gathering the guest in the entrance, and had a crowd walks toward the city east or the city south- that was the direction of Industrial Area and night school. 街头酒馆灯火通明,刚下工的工人们在酒馆中休息放松,填饱肚子,广场上的魔网广播装置正播放晚间的新闻节目,令附近市民驻足停留,兴致盎然,一些营业到很晚的餐馆、商店纷纷点亮了门口的灯光招牌,热情的店主和店员在门口招揽着客人,而又有一波波的人群向着城东或城南走去-那是工厂区和夜校的方向。 Sonia Frostleaf stands in the street, looks at this city lively look, her looks at that full street lights, cannot bear open the mouth to say surprisedly: Here...... is livelier than Ainz Royal Capital.” 索尼娅?霜叶站在街头,惊讶地看着这座城市繁华的模样,她看着那满街灯火,忍不住开口道:“这里……远比安苏王都热闹。” Cecil is the Southern Region liveliest city, perhaps is Ainz is also liveliest,” Throldin said in side, in the tone is proud, he to be led the visitors visits the guide in city by the temporary designation, after all in this city no one compared with fondness of his more familiar Silver Elf, here perhaps does not have St. Sunil these time-honored constructions, but here everyone live is better.” 塞西尔南境最繁华的城市,恐怕也是安苏最繁华的,”索尔德林在旁边说道,语气中不无自豪,他被临时指派为带领访客们参观城市的向导,毕竟在这座城里没有人比他更熟悉白银精灵的喜好,“这里或许没有圣苏尼尔那些历史悠久的建筑,但这里的每个人都活的更好。” Can look,” Sonia nods gently, this place reminds me of during that time Gondor Imperial Capital...... same brilliantly illuminated, same advanced lively, but they have the essence different...... Gondor Imperial Capital only has one, here lively city actually incessantly. I did not have the means to bring back to the home you evidently- this truly was a good place that was worth staying.” “看得出来,”索尼娅轻轻点头,“这个地方让我想起当年刚铎帝都……同样的灯火辉煌,同样的先进繁华,但它们又有本质的不同……刚铎帝都只有一个,这里繁华的城市却不止一座。看样子我是没办法把你带回家了-这确实是个值得停留的好地方。” Silver Elf deeply loves the travel, almost every young Elf has at least hundred years of travelling experiences, in the Elf proverb, was worth good place that stayed is to foreign land another region best to appraise. 白银精灵热爱旅行,几乎每一位年轻的精灵都有至少百年的游历经历,在精灵的俗语中,“值得停留的好地方”就是对异域他乡最好的评价了。 Here develops quickly, moreover in the future can also develop quicker- even in other Ainz places, these relative seal backward cities, is also developing in these several hundred years even if unceasingly, but Silver Empire...... Silver Empire 10,000 years no had changed,” Throldin said, that to me is a very depressing place.” “这里发展很快,而且将来还会发展的更快-甚至哪怕是在安苏其他地方,那些相对封闭落后的城市,在这几百年间也是在不断发展的,而白银帝国……白银帝国已经一万年没什么变化了,”索尔德林说道,“那对我而言是个很压抑的地方。” Queen has been accelerating the construction of new city.” “女王陛下一直在推进新城市的建设。” I refer to is not new city, mother, you are know that” Throldin interrupted the Sonia words, „...... hometown these years situations how?” “我指的不是新城市,母亲,您是知道的,”索尔德林打断了索尼娅的话,“……故乡这些年的情况如何?” If you say the peace, that Empire has been very peaceful, if you were said that these heritage...... heritage is declining,” Sonia sighed gently, 50 years ago, all technology research fell into the bottleneck, the card in the bottleneck of Primordial Elf big fission, the material broke, the data could not correspond, technology domain was the black box...... scholars was still all maintaining the hope, but also some people said that we have gotten sucked into the mire.” “如果你是说和平,那帝国一直很和平,如果你是说那些‘遗产’……‘遗产’正在衰退,”索尼娅轻轻叹了口气,“截止到五十年前,一切技术研究都陷入了瓶颈,卡在了原初精灵大分裂的瓶颈上,资料断了,数据对应不上,技术领域全是黑箱……学者们仍然保持着希望,但也有人说我们已经深陷泥潭。” „The Primordial Elf bottleneck......” Throldin cannot bear repeats this to have the phrase of special significance to Silver Elf in a soft voice. 原初精灵的瓶颈……”索尔德林忍不住轻声重复着这个对白银精灵而言有着特殊意义的字眼。 Legend Elf at first only then a clan, regardless of Grey Elf, Sea Elf, Dark Elf or Silver Elf, all stems from remote old continent Primordial Elf, Primordial Elf has extremely advanced civilization, even can make to stay in Phimeanakas that atmosphere withstand/top permanently, but a sudden disaster made this powerful antiquity civilization disintegrate...... 传说精灵最初只有一族,不论灰精灵海精灵暗精灵还是白银精灵,皆起源于遥远旧大陆上的“原初精灵”,原初精灵有着极为先进的文明,甚至可以造出能够永久停留在大气层顶的空中宫殿,但一场突如其来的灾难让这个强大的上古文明分崩离析…… Fled Primordial Elf of disaster to ride the ark of flight in sea level to leave old continent, will soon arrive in new continent( Loren Continent) Sea Territory, they met high tower in long night, rash they astrayed in tower, was actually exerted disintegrating curse by the inconceivable strength, noble Primordial Elf changed into the subspecies that was full of the flaw, Grey Elf, Dark Elf, Sea Elf and Silver Elf split, and went separate ways gradually, but the Primordial Elf civilization heritage was also cut in this big fission, and in each subspecies disorderly memory torn to pieces, was difficult to reappear. 逃离灾难的原初精灵乘坐飞行在海面上的方舟离开了旧大陆,在即将抵达新大陆(洛伦大陆)的海域,他们遇到了永夜中的高,莽撞的他们误入中,却被不可思议的力量施加了分崩离析的诅咒,高贵的原初精灵化为了充满缺陷的亚种,灰精灵暗精灵海精灵白银精灵分裂开来,并渐渐分道扬镳,而原初精灵文明遗产也在这次大分裂中被切割开来,并在各个亚种凌乱的记忆中支离破碎,再难重现。 Many Elf know that this legend, but most Elf scholar think that this legend should real, or at least has portion real. 很多精灵都知道这个传说,而大部分精灵学者都认为这个传说应该是真的,或者至少有一部分是真的。 „Isn't this very strange? Our technology perhaps had once interrupted, but starts to study even if from the beginning, we should not stagnate are so long,” Throldin cannot bear say, our these subspecies Elf really had the degeneration in the mutation process, our minds can't understand Primordial Elf technology completely? This should not.” “这不是很奇怪么?我们的技术或许曾中断过,但哪怕从头开始研究,我们也不应该停滞这么久的,”索尔德林忍不住说道,“难道我们这些亚种精灵真的是在变异过程中发生了退化,以至于我们的头脑完全不能理解原初精灵技术么?这不应该吧。” Sonia shakes the head: No one knows that what's the matter...... Queen perhaps and highest school knows, but they are also helpless. Moreover like the matter, is not your such Ranger (Knight-errant) or my such Messengers can consider clearly.” 索尼娅摇了摇头:“没有人知道是怎么回事……或许女王和最高学院知道一些,但他们也无能为力。而且像这样的事情,也不是你这样的游侠或我这样的信使能够考虑清楚的。” Throldin is silent suddenly, but in the silence, he raised the head slowly, looks to the direction of town center. 索尔德林一时间沉默下来,但在沉默中,他慢慢抬起头来,看向了市中心的方向。 Mother, you thinks that Human Race wisdom can help?” “母亲,您认为人类智慧能帮上忙么?” Sonia has not understood the meaning of Throldin obviously: You say technology of this city? They...... are truly more advanced than other places, but present Human Race falls behind Silver Empire obviously......” 索尼娅显然没有理解索尔德林的意思:“你是说这座城市的技术?他们……确实比其他地方先进,但如今的人类显然是落后于白银帝国的……” perhaps, in the overall level, Human Race various countries has not restored to the magnificence of Gondor time, but you know that in this Cecil city, Human Race uses named rune logic new technology, achieve on man-made machinery Elf magic spell effect......” 或许吧,在总体水平上,人类诸国都还没有恢复到刚铎时代的辉煌,但您知道么,就是在这座塞西尔城,人类用一种叫做‘符文逻辑学’的新技术,在人造的机械上实现精灵法术效果……” Sonia opened the eye: „...... Were you say earnestly?” 索尼娅睁大了眼睛:“……你是说认真的?” Throldin is looking at Feudal Lord Mansion Di from afar: I have such feeling, thought that here is hopes is.” 索尔德林远远地望着领主府邸:“我只是有这么个感觉,觉得这里就是希望所在。” ...... …… Gawain takes back the observation to the line of sight of out of the window, before he returns to the desk, signs own name in the document, later gives Hetty: „The improvement program of repulsion train I agreed that you said right, the cost is a major issue- we cannot stubbornly emphasize the most advanced plan.” 高文收回了望向窗外的视线,他回到办公桌前,在文件上签下自己的名字,随后交给赫蒂:“斥力式列车的改进方案我同意了,你说得对,成本是个重大问题-我们不能一味强调最先进的方案。” Thank your understanding,” Hetty lowers the head, said, ancestor, has delivered to the Carol merchant Codd's praise, including letting him prepared the order that accepted to confer. However...... do you really want to confer a civilian merchant are Knight?” “感谢您的理解,”赫蒂低下头去,紧接着又说道,“先祖,对卡洛尔商人科德的嘉奖已经送达了,包括让他准备接受册封的命令。不过……您真的要册封一个平民商人为骑士么?” Gawain looked up opposite party one eyes: Hetty, do you alsoso regard as important tofamily background?” 高文抬头看了对方一眼:“赫蒂,你还对‘出身’如此看重么?” No, does not come the issue,” Hetty shakes the head, „, but is Knight this title. Until now, the Knight title is to depend upon the military exploit and so on martial Xunlai obtains, it is brave and loyal symbol, although is most lowliest place in noble title, but has the honor significance especially. But merchant this profession, is always regarded as with the honor...... no connection.” “不,并不是出身问题,”赫蒂摇了摇头,“而是‘骑士’这个头衔。一直以来,骑士头衔都是依靠军功之类的武勋来获得的,它是勇敢和忠诚的象征,虽然是贵族头衔中的最末位,但却有着格外的荣誉意义。而‘商人’这个职业,一直以来都被视为和荣誉……没什么关联。” Codd is not only a merchant, Hetty,” the eye of Gawain looks at Hetty, said at a moderate pace, he is Pioneer.” “科德不仅仅是一个商人,赫蒂,”高文看着赫蒂的眼睛,不紧不慢地说道,“他是一个开拓者。” Pioneer?!” Hetty with astonishment is repeating this phrase, obviously, she has not thought completely the ancestor will say a special phrase- this word in mouth said from pioneer amongst pioneers, appeared especially has special significance, she remembers that on a person who received the ancestor so appraisal, that nameless Wild Mage that invented magic circuit...... 开拓者?!”赫蒂惊愕地重复着这个字眼,显然,她完全没想到先祖会说出如此特殊的一个字眼-这个单词从“开拓者中的开拓者”口中说出来,显得尤为意义非凡,她记得上一个得到先祖如此评价的人,还是那位发明了魔网的无名野法师…… brave in wild domain takes the first step, by the body trial danger, benefits throughout the ages, for the development, it does not limit to the land, does not limit to technology,” Gawain said, I know Codd is a merchant, he to seek money made these pioneering work, but I cannot therefore deny the value of matter he makes. He further pushed to civil domain magical technology, many aspects even compared with want thorough and practical- this that I think is the advantage that his profession and experience bring. From this aspect, he enough has been called Pioneer, but his first construction new-style factory, tries the new thing on own initiative the courage...... is also the Knight moral character of being worthy of the reputation.” “在荒蛮的领域勇敢地迈出第一步,以身试险,造福万代,是为开拓,它不局限于土地,也不局限于技术,”高文说道,“我知道科德是个商人,他是为了牟利才做出了那些创举,但我不能因此否认他所做的事情的价值。他将魔导技术更进一步地推向了民用领域,很多方面甚至比我想的还要深入和务实-这是他的职业和经历带来的优势。从这方面,他已经足够被称为一个开拓者了,而他第一个建造新式工厂,主动尝试新事物的勇气……也是名副其实的骑士品格。” At this point , he continued to say slightly: What important is- we must encourage to help the behavior of magical technology promotion, currently speaking, Codd is most suitable to make this benchmark.” 说到这里,他微微顿了一下,继续说道:“更重要的是-我们要鼓励一切有助于魔导技术推广的行为,就目前而言,科德是最适合做这个标杆的。” I understood,” Hetty lowers the head, I will pay special attention to this propaganda opportunity.” “我明白了,”赫蒂低下头,“我会抓好这次宣传机会的。” Gawain un, asked: That side Carmel progress how?” 高文嗯了一声,问道:“卡迈尔那边进度如何?” That side research institute has duplicated completely the technology material that Elf brought, and handed over by Rune Research Institute conducts the analysis and translation, at present works just started. According to your order, first to decompression mechanism the magic energy purification part analyzes.” “研究所那边已经把精灵带来的技术资料全部复制下来了,并交由符文研究院进行解析和转译,目前工作刚刚开始。按照您的命令,会优先对‘泄压机关’的魔能净化部分进行分析。” Gawain nods gently, in the heart sighed slightly. 高文轻轻点了点头,心中微微感叹。 The magic system of Elf and Human Race is entirely different, on concrete magic spell, because two race cranial nerve structures are different, Human Race and magic pattern of Elf being almost impossible mutual understanding opposite party, even if a few inherited the hybrid descendants of two race characteristics simultaneously, still can only release simultaneously minority cross race magic spell, in „the strength of extraordinary belongs to itself in old technology time, this hindrance puzzled two clan scholar a lot of years, but until math the concept was introduced magic to study domain, technology personnel starts with the pure computation and inference studies magic, rather than depends upon individual spirit perception and spell casting talent. Constructs magic, this hindrance has finally been broken through. 精灵人类魔法体系截然不同,在具体的法术上,由于两个种族脑神经结构不同,人类精灵几乎无法互相理解对方的法术模型,即便是少数同时继承了两个种族特性的混血后裔,也只能同时释放少数的“跨种族法术”,在“超凡之力归于自身”的旧技术时代里,这一阻碍困扰了两族学者千百年,而直到“数学”的概念被引入魔法研究领域,技术人员们开始用纯粹的计算和推理来研究魔法,而非依靠个人的精神感知施法天赋来构建魔法,这一阻碍才终于得到突破。 In Kingdom of math, the magic systems of two entirely different had the common language for the first time, what kind of reflection regardless of magic pattern will have in two race minds and „the extraordinary intuition, it in the rune logic, unified in a frame. 在数学的王国里,两个泾渭分明魔法体系第一次有了共同的语言,不论一个法术模型在两个种族的头脑中会产生怎样的映像和“超凡直感”,它在符文逻辑学中,都被统一在一个框架里。 Elf has to surpass at present technology of Human Race various country's-, although in the Silver Empire whole is declining, but its technology still surpassed Human Race to be many highly, but these large-scale losing science and technology, to Human Race without doubt are treasury. 精灵有着超过目前人类诸国的技术-尽管白银帝国整体上正在衰落,但它的技术高度仍然超过人类很多,而那些规模庞大的失落科技,对人类而言无疑是一座宝库 Gawain lowers the head, starts the document that continues to carefully examine these to wait for him to review and verify. 高文低下头,开始继续审视那些等待他批阅和审核的文件。 When northern Feudal Lord and royal families reorganize the resources, after balancing the good all influence, he must temporarily leave this lands, although he can still through establish to relay the tower way long-distance to direct Feudal Territory using magic circuit along the way, but the remote has its limit eventually, before leaving here, he must arrange all as far as possible. 当北方的领主和王族们整顿好资源,平衡好各方势力之后,他就要暂时离开这片土地了,尽管他仍然可以通过沿途设置中继的方式来利用魔网远程指挥领地,但远程遥控终究有其局限,在离开这里之前,他仍然要尽可能地安排好一切。 ...... …… St. Sunil City, in Silver Castle. 圣苏尼尔城,白银堡内。 The brilliance of magic crystal lamp illuminated this time-honored Wang Family/prince old castle, in the studios in castle two buildings, brilliantly illuminated. 魔晶石灯的光辉照亮了这座历史悠久的王家古堡,城堡二楼的书房内,灯火通明。 Wales Mowen sits in the spacious comfortable velvet seat, his looked up comes, on the looks at opposite wall is mounting the magic lamps and lanterns, under the fine lampstand of brass system, rune base plate neat and tidy of hexagon are arranging, some as if type of new wallpaper, extends to the ground, vanishes under the floor. 威尔士?摩恩坐在宽大舒适的天鹅绒座椅中,他仰起头来,看着对面墙壁上镶嵌着的魔法灯具,在黄铜制的精美灯架下,六边形的符文基板整整齐齐地排列着,仿佛某种新的壁纸般,一路延伸至地面,又消失在地板下。 Victoria Wilde sits opposite of this Crown Prince, she saw being distracted of opposite party, but she and do not care: Coronated to cancel, Your highness- please understand, we cannot stimulate Eastern Region. However relax, but postpones, you will sit the throne sooner or later.” 维多利亚?维尔德坐在这位王储对面,她看出了对方的走神,但她并不在意:“加冕取消了,殿下-请理解,我们不能刺激到东境。不过放心,只是推迟而已,您迟早会坐上王位的。” Postpones postpones, my do not care,” Wales takes back from these Unit magic circuit the line of sight, looks at present Duchess, heard that heat-ray gun has imitated successfully?” “推迟就推迟吧,我不在意,”威尔士把视线从那些魔网上收回,看着眼前的女公爵,“听说热能射线枪已经仿制成功了?” Truly imitated,” Victoria nods, actually technology of that thing was not complex, although we do not know that Southern Region Runesmith how the good luck found that perfect rune arrangement, but its core pattern was indeed simple, Wang Family/prince mage and Runesmith duplicated exactly the same weapon quickly, but......” “确实仿制出来了,”维多利亚点了点头,“其实那东西的技术一点都不复杂,虽然我们不知道南境符文工匠是怎么好运地找到了那么完美的符文排列,但它的核心阵式的确非常简单,王家法师符文工匠们很快就复制出了一模一样的武器,只不过……” Wales calmly said: Is the cost issue?” 威尔士静静地说道:“是成本问题吧?” „...... The cost, and output velocity,” Victoria nods, several gold coins are impossible to produce these magic weapons, moreover starts low rank mage and Runesmith of entire city even if, in addition the capacity of new-style factory, we cannot make to be able in a short time equipment legion raygun.” “……成本,以及生产速度,”维多利亚点了点头,“几个金币根本不可能造出来那些魔法武器,而且哪怕发动起全城的中低阶法师符文工匠,再加上新式工厂的产能,我们短时间内也造不出能武装一个军团射线枪。” Duchess remembered that success to imitate heat-ray gun Wang Family/prince mage, remembered, when the opposite party inquired oneself need to produce several weapons, but oneself replied to say took several thousand times, on opposite party that parahippus must dead the expression that revealed one's aspirations. 女公爵不禁想起了那位成功仿制出热能射线枪的王家法师,想起了当对方询问自己需要造几把武器,而自己回复说要几千把的时候,对方那副马上就要以死明志的表情。 Making to might as well buy,” Victoria said slowly, this is the Wang Family/prince mage association after the result of the discussion obtaining.” “造不如买,”维多利亚慢慢说道,“这是王家法师协会在讨论之后得出的结果。” Wales Mowen places finger on the seat arm rest suddenly because of making an effort to turn white, but quick relaxes. 威尔士?摩恩放在座椅扶手上的手指突然因用力而发白,但很快又放松下来。 He said in a low voice: This truly is a sane conclusion, but the reason not necessarily means wisely.” 他低声说道:“这确实是个理智的结论,但理智不一定意味着明智。” In this regard, I approve of you, but we have not solved the Southern Region technology secret, this is the current fact.” Victoria said lightly. “在这方面,我赞同你,但我们还没有破解南境技术秘密,这是目前的事实。”维多利亚淡淡地说道。 Wales shakes the head, he knows that by power that in own hand has, can achieve solid few, therefore after the silence of moment, he shifted the topic: When do you leave Royal Capital?” 威尔士摇了摇头,他知道以自己手中掌握的权力,能做到的实在很少,于是在片刻的沉默之后,他转移了话题:“你什么时候离开王都?” After freighter set off, Victoria said,I will go to Holy Spirit Plain to assume personal command personally, preventing the frontline To cause trouble Grand Duke Baldwin will stay here, the assistance you process the state affair.” “在货船出发之后,维多利亚说道,“我会前往圣灵平原亲自坐镇,防止前线生变-柏德文大公会留在这里,协助你处理国务。” In the period of political disturbance, in St. Sunil City at least needs to maintain has regent government Duke to assume personal command, on the one hand to blow situation, on the one hand for...... blows royal family. 在政局动荡的时期,圣苏尼尔城内至少要保持有一个摄政公爵坐镇,一方面是为了镇住局势,一方面是为了……镇住王室 Wales understands the profound meaning in Victoria words, he is only said calmly: I understand.” 威尔士明白维多利亚话语中的深意,他只是平静地说道:“我明白。” Victoria nods, later stands up, but she has not left, but calmly looked at this middle-aged Prince one. 维多利亚点了点头,随后站起身来,但她并没有离开,而是静静地看了这位中年王子一眼。 She recalls also very small time, when she arrives at Silver Castle for the first time, arrives in this study room, her father affinity Francis II treats respectively in her and Wales position at this moment, but then Francis II, such as Wales at this moment is ordinary, silent. 她不禁回忆起自己还很小的时候,当她第一次来到白银堡,来到这间书房里,她的父亲和弗朗西斯二世就分别待在她和威尔士此刻的位置,而当时的弗朗西斯二世,也如此刻的威尔士一般安静,沉默。 Your highness,” she cannot bear say suddenly, defends this city- this is the responsibility in your bloodlines.” “殿下,”她突然忍不住说道,“守好这座城-这是您血脉中的职责。” I understand.” “我明白。”
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