SOD :: Volume #6

#571: Development

City south in a Carol manor, once as the big wigwam of warehouse in brilliantly illuminated. 卡洛尔城南的一座庄园内,曾作为仓库的大棚屋中灯火通明。 Here was the big merchant Codd's industry, the wigwams as well as periphery several houses once is a warehouse, was used to deposit the cargo of fodder and temporary turnover of horse caravan, however enters after this year spring, the warehouse then changed function- big merchant one breath purchased five magical car(riage)s, formed the new-style motorcade, original Ramallah freight vehicle all of a sudden then reduced 50%, the remaining horse-drawn vehicles were also mixed in the peddler hand of countryside, the reduction of carriage then caused to need the reduction of fodder, some old warehouses were then transformed new facility- workshop and laboratory. 这里是大商人科德的产业,棚屋以及周围的几座房屋曾经都是仓库,用来存放马队的草料和临时周转的货物,然而自今年入春之后,仓库便改换了作用-大商人一口气购买了五辆魔导车,组建了新式车队,原本的马拉货车一下子便削减了50%,剩下的马车也被调配到了乡下的行商手中,马车的减少便导致了所需草料的减少,旧有的仓库便被改造成了新的设施-车间和实验室。 Wore the thin coat, meticulous Codd who the hair combed entered in the big wigwam, the wigwam withstood/top the magic crystal lamp that was hanging to send out the bright brilliance, making the indoor shine like the daytime, in the wigwam the broad space by the low wall of simultaneous/uniform chest-height was separated several regions, the simplistic engine bed of new purchase is revolving in each region cheerfully, sound and magic of mechanism metal parts hit humming sound the sound mixed in together, the middle is mixing with the marvelous smell of lubricating grease- big merchant passed through these sound and smell, arrived in corridor end compartmented directly. 穿着薄外套,头发梳理的一丝不苟的科德走进了大棚屋中,棚屋顶上悬挂的魔晶石灯发出明亮的光辉,让室内亮如白昼,棚屋里宽阔的空间被齐胸高的矮墙分隔成了数个区域,新购置的简易机床在各个区域内欢快地运转着,金属零件撞击的声音和魔法机关的嗡嗡声混合在一起,中间又夹杂着润滑油脂的奇妙气味-大商人穿过这些声音和气味,径直来到了过道尽头的隔间中。 Before young people who several wear the short robe work table busy, sees Codd to appear, they turn around to salute to express best wishes in abundance, Codd beckons with the hand quickly: need not salutes- you do your matter to be good.” 几个身穿短袍的年轻人正在工作台前忙碌,看到科德出现,他们纷纷转过身来行礼致意,科德则赶快摆了摆手:“不用行礼-你们做自己的事就好。” Several young people returned to the past work, Codd arrives by work table, looks at these people are busy. 几个年轻人回到了之前的工作中,科德则来到工作台旁,看着这些人忙忙碌碌。 These people are he by mage apprentice and Runesmith apprentice that the high price gathers and smith is not the expensive employee, but they in the school that once in the government affairs hall set up has taken advanced courses, moreover testing got down the magical technician certificate, this made their worth multiply sufficiently. 这些人都是他以高价招揽来的法师学徒符文工匠-学徒工匠本身并不是昂贵的雇员,但他们曾在政务厅开办的学院中进修过,而且还考下了魔导技师证书,这就足以令他们身价倍增。 Hires these people to spend not poor, the role that but they play looks like in the big merchant completely resources are well used. 雇佣这些人耗资不菲,但他们所发挥的作用在大商人看来是完全物有所值的。 On the work table, complete Magic Guiding Device had once been opened one pile of components, the controls of several rune base plate and a series of, energize, the aggregate unit neat and tidy stall to let loose, on each components pastes the label to label their function, but one side of work table, but also is piling up a lot of manuscript paper and scrolls, that above full is the dense and numerous mathematical formulas and records, the average person only looks at one, perhaps will faint. 工作台上,一个曾经完整的魔导装置已经被拆成一堆零件,数个符文基板一系列的控制、供能、联动机构整整齐齐地摊放开来,每一个零件上都贴着标签标注着它们的功能,而在工作台一侧,还堆放着大量的稿纸和卷轴,那上面满是密密麻麻的算式和记录,普通人只看一眼,恐怕都会晕过去。 mister, we had decomposed the M-2 general magical terminal completely, did to understand the functions of all rune base plate,” short hair disorderly young magical technician said to Codd, now we according to the rune logic are calculating ice cone technique base plate power and influence coefficient, we think, so long as appropriately adjusted its projection area, a heat preservation good box, made one to preserve food again in addition vessel is completely feasible......” 先生,我们已经完全分解了M-2型的通用魔导终端,搞明白了所有符文基板的作用,”一位短发杂乱的年轻魔导技师对科德说道,“现在我们正根据符文逻辑学来计算其中冰锥术基板的功率和干扰系数,我们认为只要适当调整它的投射区,再加上一个保温性较好的箱体,制造一个能保存食物的容器是完全可行的……” Very good, very good,” Codd nods again and again, what difficulty also has?” “很好,很好,”科德连连点头,“还有什么困难么?” Another young people open the mouth saying: We need a stabler mana source- the beforehand Unit magic circuit is the second hand goods that purchases, moreover there is portion to start to damage, was really unserviceable.” 另一个年轻人开口道:“我们需要一个更稳定的魔力源-之前的魔网都是收购来的旧货,而且有一部分已经开始损坏了,实在不堪使用。” Relax, I have made Pall purchase new Unit magic circuit, this time no longer is the second hand goods, is brand-new.” “放心,我已经让帕尔去采购新的魔网了,这次不再是旧货,都是全新的。” That did not have the issue.” “那就没问题了。” technology personnel returned in the work, Codd continuation stood by work table, looks at they were busy regarding one pile of rune, manuscript paper and formula. 技术人员们重新回到了工作中,科德则继续站在工作台旁,看着他们围绕着一堆符文、稿纸、公式忙碌。 He can only understand a small part, but this does not affect him to immerse in. 他只能看懂一小部分,但这并不影响他沉浸其中。 Since the winter, has sold the attempt of Carol special product to succeed greatly with advertisement, the local merchants have become the supporter of magical industry and by-product after getting to know the benefits, but he passes company Codd family affairs that” in the spring of this year sets up newly, is he in the second attempt of this new times. 自冬季以来,用“广告”推销卡洛尔特产的尝试已经大获成功,当地商人们在尝到甜头之后已经成为魔导工业及其副产物的拥护者,而他在今年春天新开办的“科德家事通”公司,则是他在这个新时代的第二个尝试。 It seems like, this attempt will also succeed greatly. 看起来,这个尝试同样会大获成功。 The emergence of magical industry changed the way of production, but as a successful big merchant, Codd in is not only the change of production method in the promoted process of magical industry sees. After purchasing the first magical car(riage), after has personally experienced the strength and efficiency of magical car(riage), can have how big use his then conscious to this inconceivable thing- an average person, the average person like him, grips these lever to control a strength greatly infinite machine, is this how the matter that is inconceivable? 魔导工业的出现改变了生产的方式,而作为一个成功的大商人,科德在魔导工业的推广过程中看到的不仅仅是生产方式的改变。在购买到第一辆魔导车之后,在亲身体验过魔导车的力量和效率之后,他便意识到了这不可思议的东西可以有多么大的用处-一个普通人,像他这样的普通人,握住那些拉杆就可以控制一台力大无穷的机器,这是多么难以想象的事情? To Codd, purchases magical car(riage) matter from the Feudal Lord hand to he biggest impact is not strength of these vehicles big, but is magic really can be average person unexpectedly this matter. 对科德而言,从领主手中购买到魔导车这件事对他最大的冲击并非是那些车子的力气有多大,而是“魔法竟然真的可以属于普通人”这件事本身。 He provoked the thought that and also saw the opportunity from the price of magical car(riage). 他打开了思路,并且还从魔导车的价格中看到了商机。 The magical car(riage), the magic circuit communication, the large machine...... these things are unable to duplicate and produce by his ability, but small? Simple? 魔导车,魔网通讯,大型机械……这些东西以他的能力是无法复制和生产的,但小一些的呢?简单一些的呢? official of government affairs hall have not forbidden him to do that can do. 政务厅的官员们并没有禁止他这么做,那就是可以做。 His approach is very simple, even in true magical technician it seems like it is approximate in funnily- he bought a general magical terminal from the store in government affairs hall straight camp, then opened it, with oneself extremely limited rune knowledge, is comparing in the school textbook the core curriculum of professor, pieced together inside scalding hot Group rune and energy group and a hollow sheet iron connection in one, then put a bowl on that sheet iron, made pot half-cooked vegetables soup. 他的做法很简单,甚至在真正的魔导技师看来近似于滑稽-他从政务厅直营的商店里买了一个通用魔导终端,然后把它拆了,用自己极为有限的符文知识,对照着学院课本里教授的基础课程,拼拼凑凑地把里面的灼热符文、能源组和一个凹陷的铁板连接在了一起,然后在那铁板上放了个锅子,煮了一锅半生不熟的蔬菜汤。 That vegetables soup is the thing that he always eats has most been unpalatable, but that modeling stupid warm table made him extremely proud. 那蔬菜汤是他平生所吃过最难吃的东西,但那造型蠢笨的“加热台”令他无比自豪。 Then, he registered Codd Home Improvement Company. 然后,他注册了科德家事通公司 He cannot depend upon from the store buys the magical terminal to come back to disassemble the components to make oneself product- such does can only lose money, therefore he ran through government affairs hall all departments, bought one because of the excess load production, but rune suppression machine of half abandonment ; 他不能依靠从商店里买魔导终端回来拆卸零件来生产自己的产品-那样做只能亏本,于是他跑遍了政务厅所有部门,买到了一台因为超负荷生产而半报废的符文压制机; Without technology personnel, he went to the school to copy the rune logic and mechanics core curriculum of complete set( that time print books is very short, the textbook in school simply has not purchased way), is drawing in the family and chamber of commerce the learn to read young people studied the less than half month, fixed the engine bed of abandonment ; 没有技术人员,他就去学校里抄了全套的符文逻辑学和机械学基础课程(那时候印刷书籍还很短缺,学校里的课本根本没有购买途径),拉着家族里和商会里识字的年轻人研究了小半个月,修好了报废的机床; He uses oneself prestige and personal connection, spent the money, hired several young people who had the magical technician license- is the present these ; 他利用自己的威望和人脉,又花了一大笔钱,雇到了几个拥有魔导技师执照的年轻人-就是眼前的这些; He bought big pile of Magic Guiding Device , the Cecil Mechanical Factory institute and Magical Technology Research Institute product Magic Guiding Device, from the general magical terminal to the water pump and machinery of agricultural use, even is expensive magic circuit communication, but actually opened the components them ; 他买了一大堆的魔导装置,塞西尔机械制造所、魔导技术研究所出品的魔导装置,从通用魔导终端到农用的水泵、机械,甚至是昂贵的魔网通讯器,但却都把它们拆成了零件; He constructed own new-style factory, constructed own laboratory, he even and workers produced the simple and crude small engine bed together- drives with eliminated plunger-type magic engine, can only be used the drill hole on the metal plate to dig, but the efficiency high had not known many compared with the manpower. 他建造了属于自己的“新式工厂”,建造了自己的“实验室”,他甚至和工人们一起造了个简陋的小机床-用一台被淘汰的活塞式魔能引擎带动,只能用来在金属板上钻孔打洞,但效率比人工已经高了不知道多少。 Here is his Codd Factory, but is actually not the first workshop that he constructs, his first workshop in some north side places, by his mansion, but as a result of a rune out-of-control accident, the workshop was actually burnt down most, nearby resident also produced scared, he had no other choice but the equipment and personnel shifts here. 这里是他的“科德工厂”,但却不是他建造的第一个厂房,他的第一个厂房其实在更北边一些的地方,在他的大宅旁边,但由于一次符文失控事故,厂房被烧毁大半,附近的居民也产生了恐慌,他才不得已把设备和人员都转移到了这里。 All these consumed his about half family property, since he did business the wealth of having accumulated such as the water to sprinkle generally in these machines and workshops, many people think that he was insane, by dazzling magic circuit broadcast illusion becoming confused, an age must make this braving big risk the matter...... 这一切耗费了他近半家财,他经商以来所累积的财富如水一般都泼在了这些机器和车间里,很多人都认为他疯了,是被令人眼花缭乱的魔网广播幻象给冲昏了头脑,以至于一把年纪还要做这种冒大风险的事情…… But finally, his first batch of magical warm tables sold 2000 sets- slightly wealthy upper-level resident, is unable to reject this convenient thing, because not only it was novel, because got rid of the life of fuel and smoking is the dignified symbol. 但最终,他的第一批魔导加热台卖出去了两千套-稍微富裕一些的上层市民,就无法拒绝这便利的东西,不仅仅因为它新颖好用,更因为摆脱了柴火和烟熏的生活是体面的象征。 Codd's these product actually the principle is very simple, such as the initial that stupid means are the same, he buys complex Magic Guiding Device, then disassembles to look that inside has what simple technology is can grasp, or studies in the school the curriculum of professor, to seek mentality and method. 科德的这些“产品”其实原理都很简单,就如最初的那个笨办法一样,他买来复杂的魔导装置,然后拆开看里面有什么简单的技术是自己可以掌握的,亦或者去研究学校里教授的课程,以寻求思路和方法。 magical technology of present stage is not complex, many foundation principles can be understood and controlled by the average person, but civil domain is so the blank, any slightly convenient invention has huge ample scope for abilities, but the first matter that Codd must do, is seeks civil demand point. 现阶段的魔导技术并没有那么复杂,有很多基础原理都可以被普通人理解和掌控,而民用领域又是如此空白,以至于任何一种稍微便利一些的发明都有巨大的用武之地,而科德所要做的第一件事,就是寻找民用的“需求点”。 His method not complex- is studies the aristocrat and Extraordinary life, studies them to live facilitates the comfortable part, then in magical technology seeks the method of being able its achieve. 他的方法并不复杂-就是研究贵族和超凡者的生活,研究他们生活中便利舒适的部分,然后在魔导技术里寻找可以将其实现的方法。 The aristocrat and Extraordinary in this world are always living the comfortable convenient life, that convenience is above the civilians to imagine. 这个世界的贵族和超凡者一向是过着舒适便利的生活的,那便利程度超乎平民想象。 They have the mana illumination, has the comfortable environment of man-made temperature humidity, has the instant messenger, has the artificial intelligence servant, can enjoy any good food in any season...... 他们有魔力照明,有人造温度湿度的舒适环境,有即时通讯,有人工智能仆役,能在任何季节享用任何美食…… As a humble birth, dependence doing business becomes wealthy the big merchant, Codd knows survival of civilians, has experienced the life style of upper class, he displays the pinnacle this advantage, was equal to finding innumerable opportunities- 作为一个平民出身,又依靠经商富裕起来的大商人,科德既知道平民的生存情况,也见识过上层社会的生活方式,他把这个优势发挥到极致,便等于找到了无数的商机- mages can use magic flame heating food, he can make the civil warm table ; mages in Mage Tower constant magic spell of like spring all year round, he can makes similar effect with rune base plate and ventilating duct ; The aristocrats can eat the ice piece in the summer, can eat the fresh meats forever, he must make inexpensive convenient vessel, enabling it also to make the ice piece and preserved food...... 法师们可以用魔法火焰加热食物,他就可以制造出民用的加热台;法师们法师塔中恒定了四季如春的法术,他就能用符文基板和通风管道制造出类似的效果;贵族们在夏天能吃到冰块,能永远吃到新鲜的肉类,那他就要制造一种廉价便利的容器,让它也能制造冰块和保存食物…… But the success of Codd Home Improvement Company also brought to the attention of others, now, in Carol and neighboring region, many merchants is also detachable, they are arranging oneself company , the people of many getting to know each other well look for Codd seeking experience, people as if noticed this should finally the obvious truth: 科德家事通公司的成功也引起了其他人的注意,现在,在卡洛尔以及周边地区,许多商人也都活络起来,他们都在筹备自己的公司,也有不少相熟的人来找科德求取经验,人们仿佛终于注意到了这个本应该显而易见的道理: magic, brings the convenience life, who can bring the convenience life, who can seize the opportunity. 魔法,带来便利生活,而谁能带来便利生活,谁就能抓住商机。 Sounds of people transmit from the front door place of workshop, Codd raised the head, saw that own eldest son Pall leads several workers to push an animal-drawn cart to come in- they are protecting the thing on vehicle cautiously, but was protected by them, is one with the big box that the plank strip and grass rope pack, on the big box can see the mark of Cecil rune Casting Factory. 一阵人声从厂房的大门处传来,科德抬起头,看到自己的长子帕尔带着几名工人正推着一辆板车进来-他们小心翼翼地护着车上的东西,而被他们保护的,是一个用木板条和草绳打包起来的大箱子,大箱子上可以看到塞西尔符文铸造厂的标记。 The new Unit magic circuit array bought- laboratory rank. 新的魔网阵列买回来了-实验室级别的。 Codd moves forward to meet somebody quickly, simultaneously greeted nearby worker to help unload cargo, but eldest son Pall drew the one side him, this just the young face that came back from the town center brought being as deep as a well that is installing intentionally: Father, has a news to tell you......” 科德赶快迎了上去,同时招呼着附近的工人过来帮忙卸货,不过长子帕尔把他拉到了一旁,这个刚从市中心回来的年轻人脸上带着一丝故意装出来的高深莫测:“父亲,有个消息告诉您……” Codd looked at oneself son one eyes: What news?” 科德看了自己的儿子一眼:“什么消息?” Duke Cecil has known the thing that your company and you are producing, you guess what had?” 塞西尔公爵已经知道了您的公司和您正在生产的东西,您猜发生了什么?” In Codd heart sudden nervous gets up. 科德心中突然一阵紧张起来。 In what? 发生了什么? Also has other single layer risk his as if suddenly conscious to oneself at the matter of doing, what conscious to oneself in contact and duplication is the Feudal Lord rights-, although he in Feudal Lord has not taken into consideration small domain in tosses about simply some small thing, but dismantled the Cecil production Magic Guiding Device, to make the new machine, to hire magical technician these behaviors...... to violate some taboo? 他仿佛突然意识到自己在做的事情还有另外一重风险,意识到自己在接触和复制的乃是领主的权益-虽然他只是在领主没有顾及的“小领域”里折腾一些简单的“小玩意儿”,但拆解塞西尔生产的魔导装置、制造新的机器、雇佣魔导技师这些行为本身……是不是犯了某种忌讳? Although before official of government affairs hall, has not prevented itself, although in the Cecil's law has not as if forbidden the regulations of this kind of behavior, although Feudal Lord has been saying must strictly follow the legal conduct, but...... this involved Feudal Lord after all, Feudal Lord will really observe these laws? Will he be annoyed because of oneself these bold behaviors? 虽然政务厅的官员们之前并没有阻止自己,虽然塞西尔的法律中似乎也没有禁止此类行为的条例,虽然领主一直在说要严格遵循法律行事,但……这毕竟涉及到了领主,领主自己真的会遵守那些法律么?他会因自己这些大胆的行为而恼火么? Suddenly Codd thought big bunch of things, he forgot itself first definitely by the Cecil highest government affairs hall verification to be passed in these advertisements that on magic circuit put, but Pall noticed oneself father's nervous, this young people laughed suddenly, fished out the paper that was curled carefully from the bosom: Father! Citation of Duke Cecil signature!! Moreover you must be cannozed as Knight!!” 一时间科德想了一大堆东西,以至于他都忘了自己在魔网上投放的那些广告首先都肯定是被塞西尔最高政务厅审核通过的,而帕尔则注意到了自己父亲的紧张,这个年轻人突然哈哈大笑起来,从怀里摸出一张被仔仔细细卷起来的纸:“父亲!塞西尔公爵亲笔签署的嘉奖令!!而且您就要被册封为骑士了!!” Codd gawked, suddenly is stiff on the spot. 科德愣了一下,一时间僵在原地。 After two seconds, he snatched that citation from the Pall hand fiercely, both hands shiver had opened it, then carefully looked at that above words every single word or phrase. 两秒钟后,他才猛地从帕尔手中抢过了那张嘉奖令,双手颤抖地把它打开,然后把那上面的话一字一句仔仔细细看了一遍。 End of citation, is the order that confers. 嘉奖令的末尾,就是册封的命令。 He looked at repeatedly, finally the happy expression that notices one side on the Pall face that unable to bear. 他看了一遍又一遍,最后才注意到一旁帕尔脸上那忍不住的笑意。 Your this fellow, dares to play tricks on own father unexpectedly!” “你这家伙,竟然还敢戏弄自己的父亲了!” Aiyu father! Do not forget your Knight demeanor!” “哎呦父亲!可别忘了您的骑士风度!”
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