SOD :: Volume #6

#570: Talking over thoroughly

Compares and these Ainz aristocrats in St. Sunil City has to do, Sonia appreciates the Gawain's style obviously. 相比起和圣苏尼尔城里的那些安苏贵族打交道,索尼娅显然更欣赏高文的行事风格。 She was saying at the Ainz experience, in the tone somewhat complained these days unavoidably: We delayed entire one month...... in 60 days to have more than 40 days to listen to these aristocrat shifting responsibility onto others responsibility in the north side and discuss the insignificant issue. Comparatively speaking, is called rebel army Eastern Region is actually higher than the Royal Capital aristocrat efficiency, but still lost a lot of time.” 她说着自己这一段时间在安苏的所见所闻,语气中难免有些抱怨:“我们在北边耽搁了整整一个月……六十天里有四十多天都在听那些贵族推诿责任和讨论无意义的问题。相比较而言,被称作‘叛军’的东境倒是比王都的贵族效率更高一些,但仍然耽误了不少的时间。” Kingdom belongs to King, but own Feudal Territory is actually own, enfeoffing the aristocrat must maintain own benefit, once facing involving the entire Kingdom event, their efficiencies will seem especially low,” Gawain shakes the head reluctantly, I have expected.” 王国是属于国王的,但自己的领地却是属于自己的,分封贵族必须维护自己的利益,所以一旦面对涉及到整个王国的事件,他们的效率就会显得格外低下,”高文无奈地摇了摇头,“我早就料到了。” Really was during that time has no way to compare......” Sonia to sigh in a soft voice, was good because of that girl also many a little her ancestor the shadow of named Victoria.” “真是和当年没法比了……”索尼娅轻声叹息,“好在那个叫维多利亚姑娘还多少有点她先祖的影子。” Victoria Wilde......” Gawain said in a soft voice, turns the head to look to Sonia, you to her impression how?” 维多利亚?维尔德么……”高文轻声说道,转头看向索尼娅,“你对她印象如何?” Sonia thought shortly: Very diligently, but is also very exhausted, she conceals is very good, but could not have hidden the truth from my eye. She has the good talent, could not miss is too many with Snow, but still insufficiently coped with the present aspect- I could look, she ran about to deal with this one group of chaos Kingdom, the true ability completely submerged by that endless shifting responsibility onto others and internal friction.” 索尼娅短暂地思索了一下:“很努力,但也很疲惫,她掩饰的很好,但还瞒不过我的眼睛。她有着不错的才干,和斯诺差不了太多,但仍然不够应付眼前的局面-我看得出来,她疲于应付这个一团混乱王国,真正的才能完全被那无休无止的推诿和内耗淹没了。” Pertinent.” “一针见血。” As Silver Empire Envoy, I should not excessively appraise Ainz, but as the 700 years ago allies, I have nothing to abstain that with you,” Sonia said confidently, we contacted Eastern Region that to be known as must revive Ainz Prince, contacted St. Sunil these to be loyal to the traditional royal family aristocrat and protects country Duke, confessed that leader who in them had the ability many-, but I suspected very much these got sucked into the leader in mire really to be able this country to pull back the right track. You once built the person of this Kingdom foundation order personally, does your secure in Southern Region, look on all these to happen?” “作为白银帝国使者,我本不该过多评价安苏,但作为七百年前的战友,我跟你没什么可忌讳的,”索尼娅坦然说道,“我们接触了东境那位号称要重振安苏王子,也接触了圣苏尼尔那些忠于传统王室的贵族和护国公爵,坦白来讲,他们中不乏拥有能力的领袖-但我很怀疑这些自身就深陷泥潭的领袖是不是真的能把这个国家拉回到正轨。你是曾亲手打造这个王国基础秩序的人,难道你就安于南境,坐视这一切发生么?” These words are sharp incomparable, a normal Human Race politician will not ask this issue, but Gawain knows that Elf style- their always frank and outspoken, can emphasize before speaking frankly this is the private discussion, is Sonia biggest was tactful. 这句话可谓是尖锐无比,一个正常的人类政客是不会提出这种问题的,但高文知道精灵的风格-他们一向直来直去,能在直言不讳前强调一下这是私人谈话,已经是索尼娅最大的委婉了。 The atmosphere was stiff suddenly for two seconds, Gawain smiled is shaking the head gently: You know that nearby Ancestral Peak has a tree, is called the wood of resurrection.” 现场气氛一时间僵硬了两秒钟,高文才微笑着轻轻摇头:“你知道先祖之峰附近有一种树,叫做苏生之木。” „...... After hundred years will then wither rapidly, becomes extremely withered flammable, only waits for a forest fire in the mountains, wood of the resurrection will be reduced to ashes, but the new student/life tender shoots will then germinate the growth...... Sonia to say in the ashes pile in a soft voice, this may probably take a big risk.” “……百岁之后便会迅速枯萎,变得极为干枯易燃,只等待一场山火,大片大片的苏生之木就会化为灰烬,而新生的嫩苗便会在灰烬堆中发芽生长……”索尼娅轻声说道,“这可要冒不小的风险。” Survival, is in itself to take risk.” “生存,本身就是要冒险的。” Gawain is saying calmly, he raised the head, looks on the table the magic installment of that scroll shape to the hologram image that projects. 高文平静地说着,他抬起头来,看向桌上那个卷轴状的魔法装置所投影出的全息影像。 In the hologram image, is presenting some Ainz southern Wall of Magnificence structures clearly, but in that translucent graphical representation, two Tower of the Sentinels is glittering the striking blue light. 全息影像中,清晰地呈现着安苏南部部分宏伟之墙的结构,而在那半透明的图示中,两处哨兵之塔正闪烁着醒目的蓝光。 Two Tower of the Sentinels, need also to construct, yes?” “两处哨兵之塔,需要同时施工,是么?” Yes,” Sonia nods, close to Ainz southeast, south Dark Mountain Range, we hopes that is under the charge to you, another southwest Ainz, Baldwin Franklin Duke had confirmed that can send out a team to be responsible for that tower- is led by his nephew personally. Naturally, foreign nominally both teams are led and directed by you.” “是的,”索尼娅点点头,“一座靠近安苏东南部,就在黑暗山脉南部,我们希望由你负责,另一座在安苏西南,柏德文?法兰克林公爵已经确认会派出一支队伍去负责那座-由他的侄子亲自带队。当然,对外名义上两支队伍都是由你带领和指挥的。” personnel and commodity before Frost Month approaches arrives?” 人员与物资会在霜月来临前到位?” St. Sunil City and Eastern Region have made the commitment, they will share the commodity pressure, Baldwin Franklin Duke will provide to restore the manpower who southwest tower needs,” the Sonia affirmation said that „the manpower, but southeast tower needs...... the hope is responsible for by Southern Region.” 圣苏尼尔城东境都已经做出承诺,他们会分担物资压力,柏德文?法兰克林公爵则会提供修复西南所需的人手,”索尼娅肯定道,“而东南这边所需的人手……希望由南境负责。” Naturally, this absolutely does not have the issue,” Gawain readily agrees, can use own manpower completely, me also much less troublesome.” “当然,这完全没问题,”高文一口答应下来,“能全部用自己的人手,我这边也会少很多麻烦。” Sonia transmits inevitably is Eastern Region and royal family in the plan that negotiations and compromise later work out, in this plan, Eastern Region and royal family sustained the commodity pressure, but has the person only has Western Region Duke- its intention is obvious. 索尼娅所传达的必然是东境王室在一番谈判、妥协之后达成的方案,在这个方案里,东境王室承担了物资压力,但出人的只有西境公爵-其用意显而易见。 They must maintain the confrontation scale in Holy Spirit Plain frontline, maintains to prepare the number of soldier. 他们要维持圣灵平原前线上的对峙规模,维持预备兵员的数量。 Western Region far away from the confrontation frontline, itself has not taken the manpower resources place of this civil war, in addition the geographical position close to southwest tower, naturally can have the person. 西境远离对峙前线,本身就没有作为这场内战的兵源地,再加上地理位置靠近西南,自然是可以出人的。 We hope that can complete this project in two years- most two years,” Sonia said, best to be able one year to complete. Because of according to our records, the magic energy surge in wasteland will welcome big fluctuating every two or three years, the previous overload is because the magic energy surge causes, to ensure security, we must before the next surge arrives completes the reinforcement.” “我们希望能在两年内完成这项工程-最多两年,”索尼娅说道,“最好是可以一年完成。因为根据我们的记录,废土中的魔能浪涌每隔两三年就会迎来一次较大的起伏,上一次过载就是由于魔能浪涌导致的,为确保安全,我们必须在下一次浪涌到来之前完成补强。” A Gawain face said with deep veneration: I believe that everyone will exhaust ability, after all this is related to their life and death.” 高文一脸肃然地说道:“我相信所有人都会竭尽所能,毕竟这事关他们自己的生死。” Let us hope so.” “但愿如此。” Roughly finished talking about Wall of Magnificence matter, Sonia received that to store up the magic installment of technology material, and gave nearby Throldin conveniently: This material leaves you, before the commodity and personnel arrive, your Magician can first study. In my bringing person hand has one is to participate in vice- tower and decompression point Sorcerer of design, has any issue to ask him to inquire.” 关于宏伟之墙的事情大致谈完了,索尼娅收起了那储存着技术资料的魔法装置,并随手交给了一旁的索尔德林:“这份资料留给你们,在物资和人员都到位之前,你们的魔法师可以先研究一下。我这次带来的人手中有一位是参与过‘副’和‘泄压点’设计的魔导师,有任何问题都可以找他询问。” Gawain nods to Throldin, later shouted the tone, he looked at Sonia one, asked in the optional tone: Said, Bellsetia did coronate also more than 700 years...... to grow is a qualified queen?” 高文索尔德林点点头,随后呼了口气,他看了索尼娅一眼,以随意的语气问道:“说起来,贝尔塞提娅加冕也有七百多年了……应该已经成长为一个合格的女王了吧?” Your majesty is an outstanding queen, you saw again she should be startled.” “陛下是一位优秀的女王,你再见到她应该会大吃一惊的。” Gawain smiled: I only remember she did draw me...... she to sit Control Throne in look that in the camp ran around now?” 高文笑了起来:“我还是只记得她拉着我在营地里到处乱跑的模样……现在她已经坐上统御之座了么?” That is the responsibility of queen,” a Sonia face said earnestly, your majesty passed the test 600 years ago, becomes the Control Throne new host. She does very well, Starcluster Temple still navigates today above the Silver Empire sky.” “那是女王的职责,”索尼娅一脸认真地说道,“陛下在六百年前通过了测试,成为了统御之座的新主人。她做得很好,群星圣殿今日仍然航行在白银帝国的天空之上。” That will never contact the in the air temple in land......” Gawain to show the look of recollection, I once had come up fortunately one time, when various countries conclude the treaty of alliance, at that time did the temple navigate for the first time nearby Ancestral Peak...... that is Starcluster Temple leaves southern part of the continent probably?” “那座永不接触大地的空中圣殿么……”高文露出了回忆的神色,“我曾有幸上去过一次,在各国缔结盟约的时候,那时候圣殿航行到了先祖之峰附近……那大概是群星圣殿第一次离开大陆南部吧?” Yes, is only one time,” Sonia said that in the look cannot bear somewhat sigh with emotion, after that the activities of temple then basically limits area Silver Empire and Highmountain Kingdom...... . Moreover the recent foreign cruising range further reduced east Highmountain Kingdom.” “是的,也是唯一一次,”索尼娅说道,眼神中忍不住有些感慨,“在那之后,圣殿的活动范围便基本上都局限在白银帝国高岭王国一带……而且最近的境外巡航范围更进一步缩小到了高岭王国东部。” „Haven't you solved the problem that the power gets older?” “你们还是没有解决动力老化的问题?” 700 years ago Gawain Cecil then relate closely with Elf, many situations about Starcluster Temple here is not a secret, inquired facing Gawain's, Sonia sighed: We attempted to restore one time......, however almost does not have the effect.” 七百年前的高文?塞西尔便与精灵关系紧密,关于群星圣殿的很多情况在这里并不是秘密,面对高文的询问,索尼娅只是叹了口气:“我们曾经尝试修复过一次……然而几乎没有效果。” „...... That wrap/sets ancient system it is said was antiquity period Primordial Elf creation, however Primordial Elf civilization split up to scatter with various Elf clans, has vanished in the history, the inheritance of Silver Elf was in all Elf most complete one, is still not actually able to understand that Starcluster Temple complete arcane......” in the Gawain tone has the feeling, I still remember when Bellsetia mentioned these things look with me for the first time.” “……那套古老的系统据说是上古时期原初精灵造物,然而原初精灵文明随着精灵各族分化而散落,早已消失在历史中,白银精灵的传承是所有精灵中最完整的一支,却仍然无法理解群星圣殿的全部奥秘……”高文语气中带着感慨,“我还记得贝尔塞提娅第一次跟我说起这些事情时的模样。” during that time Bellsetia just coronated, although is known as the silver queen, but in the disposition almost is also only a worry-free young girl, only has when civilization heritage that in mentioning Starcluster Temple arcane as well as Primordial Elf these scatter, she will reveal serious and sad look. 当年贝尔塞提娅才刚刚加冕,虽然号称白银女王,但心性上几乎还只是个无忧无虑的少女,唯有在提及群星圣殿奥秘以及原初精灵那些散落的文明遗产时,她才会显露出严肃与忧伤的模样 Gawain and Sonia discussed a lot of things. 高文索尼娅谈了很多东西 700 years ago that short fighting side-by-side, to establishment of Wall of Magnificence, perishes in this fluctuating in several centuries from Human Race Kingdom, to development and changes of Silver Empire from these 700 years, even Elf of longevity will still sigh with emotion this period of time long- had many things too to be different from during that time. 从七百年前那短暂的并肩作战,到宏伟之墙的建立,从人类王国在这数个世纪里的起伏沉沦,到白银帝国在这七百年间的发展变化,即使是长寿的精灵也不禁会感慨这段时光的漫长-有太多东西都跟当年不一样了。 In finally, Gawain ended this speaking freely, he stands up, reaches out Sonia: Your journey fatigued, rests today earlier. Tomorrow I will arrange you to visit this city, this Cecil city should be able to take to you to be many.” 在最后,高文结束了这次畅谈,他站起身,向索尼娅伸出手去:“你们一路旅途劳顿,今天就早点休息吧。明天我会安排你们参观一下这座城市,这座塞西尔城应该能带给你们不少惊喜。” Sonia politely held Gawain's to stand, on the face has the smile: This city has taken to us to be much pleasantly surprised, even is this lands makes us broaden the outlook- we saw many amusing things in the space.” 索尼娅礼貌性地扶着高文的手站了起来,脸上带着笑容:“这座城市已经带给我们不少惊喜了,甚至是这片土地都令我们大开眼界-我们在天上可是看到了很多有趣的东西。” You will have the time to find slowly,” Gawain said that and looked around Throldin one, before then, I left your mother and child the time- after all 700 years have not seen, you should have many words to say.” “你们会有时间慢慢了解的,”高文说道,并看了旁边的索尔德林一眼,“不过在此之前,我就把时间留给你们母子了-毕竟七百年没有见过,你们应该有不少话想说。” In this relatively situation in private, Sonia could not bear shoot a look at Throldin one: One 700 years do not know son who goes home, I really do not know that should say anything to him.” 在这相对私下的场合,索尼娅忍不住瞥了索尔德林一眼:“一个七百年不知道回家的儿子,我真不知道该跟他说些什么。” The Throldin whole face is awkward: Mother Lord, I...... have the public service here in the body......” 索尔德林满脸都是尴尬:“母亲大人,我……在这里有公职在身……” Sonia is staring whole face embarrassed Senior Ranger: „Have you had the public service over the past 700 years?” 索尼娅瞪着满脸窘迫的高阶游侠:“你过去700年一直都有公职么?” Throldin: „......” 索尔德林:“……” Senior Ranger slightly somewhat looks awkwardly to Gawain, in the look prays for rescue completely, Gawain comprehends the meaning in old friend look immediately, opens the mouth to say to Sonia: I did not disturb you to exchange the sentiment lady, we will see tomorrow.” 高阶游侠略有些尴尬地看向高文,眼神中满是求救,高文立刻领会了老友眼神中的含义,向索尼娅开口道:“那我就不打扰你们交流感情了-索尼娅女士,我们明天见。” Spoke these words, Gawain leads the person to walk toward out of the door. 说完这句话,高文带着人就朝门外走去。 Has arrived at outside the reception room, after front door closure, Gawain also in setting upright the ear is listening to the room sound, the Sonia Frostleaf indistinct reproving sound passed on: „...... 700 years do not go home , a communication are so few, now is booing, even the Tower of the Sentinels communication link broke...... 一直走到会客厅外,大门关闭之后,高文还在竖着耳朵听着房间里面的动静,索尼娅?霜叶隐隐约约的训斥声传了出来:“……七百年不回家也就罢了,连个通讯都那么少,现在倒好,连哨兵之塔通讯链都断了…… „...... It is not hair that matter, this stubborn temperament along with whom...... “……不就是头发那点事么,这死心眼的脾气到底是随谁了…… Has liking girl not...... also?! Do you know that XXX even children in wind Gucheng had!! “有喜欢的姑娘没有……还没有?!你知不知道风谷城的XXX连孩子都有了!! What is follows Duke Cecil to put together the enterprise! How hasn't Duke Cecil married is? You looked that others dozens generations of great-grandsons had!!” “什么叫跟着塞西尔公爵拼事业!塞西尔公爵没结婚是怎么着?你看人家几十代重孙都有了!!” Gawain on corridor took back in the concern over room silently, but could not bear collect in his Rebecca: Lord Ancestor Lord Ancestor! How you know that Sonia lady? Is she really the Mr. Thordelin mother? It seems like young!!” 走廊上的高文默默收回了对房间里的关注,而在他身旁的瑞贝卡则忍不住凑了上来:“祖先大人祖先大人!您是怎么认识那个索尼娅女士的啊?她真的是索尔德林先生的母亲?看起来好年轻!!” This girl suppresses, may calculate that now had opportunity balabala. 姑娘憋了一路,现在可算有机会balabala了。 „The Elf age always cannot depend upon the semblance to judge, their growth and senile cycles and Human Race is different,” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly saying that as for how and Sonia understanding...... she at that time was Silver Empire Messengers, was responsible for contacts between Silver Empire as well as each development army influences, because of the turbulent situation, we had also once fought side-by-side.” 精灵的年龄从来都不能依靠外表判断,他们的生长和衰老周期都和人类不一样,”高文随口说道,“至于怎么和索尼娅认识的……她当时就是白银帝国信使,负责在白银帝国以及各个开拓军势力之间联络,因为局势动荡,我们也曾并肩作战过。” Another nearby Hetty somewhat is sigh with emotion: „The sentiment of ally......” 另一旁的赫蒂不禁有些感慨:“战友之情啊……” Said honestly, in this flash, that «Gawain Cecil Refined affair that this Cecil housekeeper not careful thinking of she collected- Heroic And Princess Story»- and produced innumerably has end associate. 坦白说,在这一瞬间,这位塞西尔大管家不小心联想到了她珍藏的那本《高文?塞西尔韵事-英雄与公主们的故事》-并产生了无数的有端联想 Said honestly, the flash that Gawain in seeing the Hetty expression changes guessed correctly in this big granddaughter mind is producing anything to have end associate. 坦白说,高文在看到赫蒂表情变化的一瞬间就猜到了这大孙女脑海里在产生什么有端联想 He thinks, decided makes anything to shift the Hetty attention- 他想了想,决定做些什么来转移一下赫蒂的注意力- Hetty......” 赫蒂啊……” Hetty one startled: „? The ancestors you please say!” 赫蒂一惊:“啊?先祖您请讲!” „Have you thought the matter of marriage?” “你想过结婚的事儿么?” „Ah?!” “啊?!” Actually is converted Gods gives up right of inheritance anything does not have important that your age also had reached adulthood......” “其实皈依神明放弃继承权什么的也没那么重要,你这岁数也老大不小了……” Ancestor your wait a moment! I......” “先祖您等一下!我……” Your need not nervous, I ask, but you, if has what idea......” “你不用紧张,我就是问问,不过你要是有什么想法……” Gawain shift attention technique, fruitful. 高文转移注意力的手法,卓有成效。
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