SOD :: Volume #6

#569: Not thorough plan

Facing Throldin slightly somewhat awkward greeting, Sonia Frostleaf nods lightly: Still was at least healthy.” 面对索尔德林略有些尴尬的招呼,索尼娅?霜叶只是淡淡地点了点头:“至少仍然健康。” Side Gawain several people are dumbfounded, is short with them who Elf has to do, from the start is ahead of time impossible to think mother who this seems like only compared with Rebecca young Elf lady can be greatly unexpectedly Throldin, but stemming from the politeness, everyone restrained surprised mood very well- only had Rebecca „” is the only accident/surprise. 高文身边的几个人都是目瞪口呆,甚少和精灵打交道的他们,提前压根不可能想到这位看起来只比瑞贝卡大几岁的精灵女士竟然会是索尔德林的母亲,但出于礼貌,每个人都很好地收敛了过于惊讶的情绪-只有瑞贝卡“哇”了一声算是唯一的意外。 Gawain actually after seeing Sonia Frostleaf expected such situation, he actually indifferently, but also spoke thoughtlessly one: Is many years does not see, such desolate?” 高文却在看到索尼娅?霜叶之后就预料到了这样的情况,他倒是淡然地很,还随口说了一句:“怎么也是多年不见,这么冷淡的么?” Throldin shrugs reluctantly, Sonia looked at Gawain one: He, but the entire seven centuries have not gone home.” 索尔德林无奈地耸了耸肩,索尼娅则看了高文一眼:“他可是整整七个世纪没回家。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” This he did not have the means to say anything. 这他就没办法说什么了。 We had arranged the dwelling to you, hopes that the Human Race room you can also be able to get used to living,” nearby Hetty opens the mouth at the right moment, is alleviating the subtle atmosphere, she is saying while looks these build giant birds of prey to the square, „can the words of these great eagles...... live in the Griffin nest?” “我们已经给你们安排了住处,希望人类的房间你们还能住得惯,”一旁的赫蒂适时开口,缓解着现场微妙的气氛,她一边说着一边看向广场上那些体型巨大的猛禽,“这些巨鹰的话……可以住在狮鹫巢里么?” Although Cecil has started to promote the magic circuit communication now, Griffin is dropping as the Messengers function, but to deliver the important correspondence as well as undertakes some investigations, the Cecil city is retaining a basic Griffin squad as well as Griffin nest such infrastructure. 虽然现在塞西尔已经开始推广魔网通讯,狮鹫作为信使的功能正在减退,但为了递送重要信函以及承担部分侦查工作,塞西尔城还是保留着一只基本的狮鹫小队以及狮鹫巢这样的基础设施的。 Ok, the great eagle does not select the dwelling,” Sonia nods, how Orlan Ranger (Knight-errant) will tell you to settle these great eagles. Moreover, please settle these to be occupied Griffin of lair, comforts...... their mood.” “可以,巨鹰不挑住处,”索尼娅点了点头,“奥兰游侠会告诉你们该如何安顿好这些巨鹰的。另外,请安顿好那些被占据了巢穴的狮鹫,安抚一下……它们的情绪。” Masculine Elf stand that wears green leather armor, he should be Orlan Ranger (Knight-errant) that” Sonia mentioned. 一名身穿绿色皮甲的男性精灵站了出来,他应该就是索尼娅提到的“奥兰游侠”。 Be responsible for personnel of Management Griffin nest starting with this Ranger (Knight-errant) to carry out the connection work, but Sonia and other Elf follow Gawain to walk toward the direction of autumn palace together. 负责管理狮鹫巢的人员开始和这位游侠进行交接工作,而索尼娅精灵则跟着高文一同向秋宮的方向走去。 These fall the great eagle in square somewhat seem anxious to this strange city, looked up comes, exuded the resounding cry to the Sonia direction: GuGu! GuGu!!” 那些落在广场上的巨鹰似乎对这座陌生的城市有些不安,其中一只仰起头来,冲着索尼娅的方向发出了响亮的叫声:“咕咕咕咕!!” Sonia stopped the footsteps reluctantly, has turned head to say to that build huge bird of prey loudly: Shows a courage! You is a great eagle!!” 索尼娅无奈地停下了脚步,回过头对那只体型庞大的猛禽大声说道:“拿出点勇气来!你是一只巨鹰!!” Said that she has then turned the head , to continue stand forth, Gawain when that is only great the eagle opens the mouth to be startled, his surprisedly looks at Sonia: This great eagle what's the matter?” 说完她便转过头,继续向前走去,高文则在那只巨鹰开口的时候就吃了一惊,他惊讶地看着索尼娅:“这只巨鹰怎么回事?” It called GuGu, was I 40 years ago just hatched,” Sonia is pressing the temples with the finger, could not bear shake the head, damn, I should not make Grandmaster Heart of Thorns help look after...... in the moon valley all am the pigeon!” “它叫咕咕,是我四十年前刚孵化出来的,”索尼娅用手指按着太阳穴,忍不住摇头,“该死,我就不该让荆棘之心大师帮忙照料……月亮谷里全是鸽子!” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” Luckily, all these short small interludes have not affected the following welcome flow, as scheduled, in the autumn palace was Envoy prepared the sumptuous welcome banquet and comparison conforms to the Elf aesthetic rest environment, but after a banquet of guests and hosts having a good time, in the reception room in autumn palace, Sonia Frostleaf will have prepared the good two correspondence to hand over in the Gawain hand. 幸好,所有这些短暂的小插曲都没有影响接下来的迎接流程,按照预定计划,秋宮中为使者们准备了丰盛的迎接宴席以及比较符合精灵审美的休息环境,而在一次宾主尽欢的宴席之后,在秋宮的会客厅内,索尼娅?霜叶将早已准备好的两份信函交到了高文手中。 And a correspondence with hollowing out the wooden envelope seal, in the envelope may also see the pale-green vine and leaf blade decoration, on the seal sealing wax has the mark of Elf Royal Court, another correspondence seals in the pale golden metal envelope, seal has Ainz royal family sword beacon. 其中一份信函用镂空的木质封筒密封,封筒上还可看到淡绿色的藤蔓和叶片装饰,封口处的火漆上有着精灵王庭的标记,另一份信函则封在淡金色的金属封筒内,封口处有着安苏王室的剑盾标记。 Obviously, one is Elf Queen gives own, another is to come from Silver Castle. 显然,一份是精灵女王交给自己的,另一份则是来自白银堡 Naturally, from nominally at this moment, the second correspondence should be Silver Castle and Eastern Region jointly signs and sends out. 当然,从此刻的名义上,第二份信函应该是“白银堡东境共同签署并发出”的。 Gawain looked at Sonia one, both correspondence have not opened, but seemingly said at will: Now, you are not only Silver Empire Envoy, was St. Sunil Envoy.” 高文看了索尼娅一眼,两份信函都没有打开,而是貌似随意地说道:“现在,你既是白银帝国使者,又是圣苏尼尔使者了。” strictly speaking, I am only generation of Silver Castle submit this official letter to you, Elf cannot representative Human Race either one, I be only Messengers,” Sonia said, St. Sunil City Envoy- and Eastern Region Envoy team is still arranging, but should set off, they at high speed, should arrive at your here in half a month at this time.” 严格来讲,我只是代白银堡向你递交这份公函而已,精灵不能代表人类任何一方,我只是个信使,”索尼娅说道,“圣苏尼尔城使者-以及东境使者队伍还在筹备中,不过这时候应该已经出发了,他们快马加鞭,应该会在半个月内到你这里。” Not only attaches great importance to face-saving, and wants benefit, does not yield, but also dreaded mutually, simultaneously the time has not waited for the person...... to become such nondescript aspect finally, prints the correspondence of royal family seal to by Elf Messengers deliver unexpectedly,” Gawain laughed at one, is shaking the head, „, no matter these unfilial offspring, we said proper business- I know the general situation, knows that you come the Human Race Kingdom intention, now barrier condition bad?” “既要面子,又要利益,互不让步,还互相忌惮,同时时间还不等人……最终就成了这么个不伦不类的局面,印着王室印章的信函竟然要靠精灵信使来递送,”高文嗤笑了一声,摇着头,“不管那些不肖子孙了,我们还是说正事吧-我知道大概的情况,也知道你们来人类王国的意图,现在屏障的状态到底有多糟?” All Tower of the Sentinels have the damages in varying degrees, the entire barrier effective power has dropped to 70%, at present temporarily is stable, but the self- restore function of system already half shutdown, next impact , if there is overload again, 100% cannot shoulder,” Sonia has not concealed, has once personally experienced in front of the magic tide Human Race hero in this at present, she will say will directly cause the large-scale scared truth outside, we do not have the ability to reproduce the Tower of the Sentinels core part, the present situation is not the fitting, not substitute, not thorough overhauling precept.” “所有哨兵之塔都有不同程度的损坏,整个屏障的有效功率已经下降到百分之七十,目前暂时是稳定的,但系统的自我修复功能已经半停摆,下一次冲击如果再发生过载,百分之百扛不住,”索尼娅没有丝毫隐瞒,在眼前这位曾亲身经历过魔潮人类英雄面前,她直接说出了在外面会引起大规模恐慌的真相,“我们已经没有能力再生产哨兵之塔核心部件,现在的情况是没有配件,没有替代品,没有彻底的修复方案。” , She also said: I already and that Victoria Wilde Duchess has contacted, she raised you once to send out to Royal Capital warned several times, I also saw these that you wrote warned the information, if my judgment right, the initial overload should start from wasteland- just you...... Ainz person's monitoring to the Wall of Magnificence existed in name only at that time radically, no one noticed the omen phenomenon, when Aberrant Body invaded Ainz, was you destroys old Cecil's that time when Aberrant Body that the first warning mentioned, the omen had turned into the substantive damage.” 顿了顿,她又说道:“我已经和那位维多利亚?维尔德女公爵接触过,她提起你曾经对王都发出数次警告,我也看到了你写的那些示警信息,如果我的判断没错,最初的过载应该就是从废土北段开始的-只不过当时你们……安苏人对宏伟之墙的监控根本形同虚设,没有任何人注意到先兆异象,等畸变体侵入安苏,也就是你在第一次警告时提到的畸变体摧毁旧塞西尔的那个时间段,先兆已经变成了实质性的损伤。” Gawain knits the brows: After that time, I have organized the person to start to the Wall of Magnificence remote supervise, a long time has not seen the difference.” 高文皱皱眉:“在那次之后,我已经组织人重新开始对宏伟之墙远程监视,很长一段时间里都没看到异样。” Self- repair system covered the breakdown node situation, when you monitor barrier time, it already in proper operation, but pitifully is only seemingly normal,” Sonia said seriously, in fact...... the breakdown has been spreading, spreads from Tower of the Sentinels to another, until today, spread entire barrier.” “自我修复系统掩盖了故障节点的情况,等你们重新监视屏障的时候,它已经在‘正常运作’了,但可惜只是表面正常,”索尼娅严肃地说道,“实际上……故障一直在蔓延,从一座哨兵之塔蔓延到另外一座,直到今天,蔓延了整个屏障。” Nearby Hetty cannot bear ask: „Haven't your supervisory systems detected?...... Shouldn't have the warning mechanism like the situation that this breakdown spreads unceasingly?” 一旁的赫蒂忍不住问道:“你们的监控系统没有察觉么?像这种故障不断蔓延的情况……不是应该有个预警的机制么?” This is also the question that Gawain wants to ask, however Sonia actually shakes the head slightly: This was also we recently at Matter Tower of the Sentinels of investigation should sound the warning, even if the self- repair system fixed temporarily tower that broke down, still at least should the faulty recording feed to the Starcluster Temple highest control center, but all systems could not check these records in fact...... in the past several years, the data that all Tower of the Sentinels fed was all normal.” 这也正是高文想问的问题,然而索尼娅却微微摇了摇头:“这也正是我们最近在调查的事情-哨兵之塔应该发出警报的,即便自我修复系统暂时修好了发生故障的,也至少应该有一个故障记录传回到群星圣殿的最高控制中心里,但事实上所有系统都查不到这些记录……过去数年里,所有哨兵之塔传回的数据都是一切正常。” Gawain and Hetty could not bear look at each other one. 高文赫蒂忍不住对视了一眼。 Is in -depth breakdown? Are some people fudging?” Gawain serious asked. “是更深层的故障?还是有人在动手脚?”高文一脸严肃地问道。 We are investigating the situation of warning mechanism, is also sending out Sorcerer to go along barrier to inspect each Tower of the Sentinels,” Sonia said slowly, „, but has not found the problem at present. The monitoring of entire Wall of Magnificence is uninterrupted, in the system has not discovered suspiciously, moreover besides the supervisory system, we also established massive monitoring gate houses in the wasteland surrounding, the gate house 24 hours are monitoring barrier, all close to Tower of the Sentinels-, even if is a mouse, will be found, at all some not possible people to have the opportunity to destroy these tower. We really do not know where has problems.” “我们正在排查预警机制的情况,同时也在派出魔导师去沿着屏障检查每一座哨兵之塔,”索尼娅慢慢说道,“但目前都没有发现问题。整个宏伟之墙的监控是不间断的,系统里没有发现可疑点,而且除了监控系统之外,我们在废土外围还设置了大量监控哨所,哨所二十四小时监视着屏障,所有靠近哨兵之塔的-哪怕是一只老鼠,都会被发现,根本不可能有人有机会去破坏那些。我们实在不知道到底是哪里出了问题。” Is listening to the Sonia words, Gawain gently exhaled, later said: No matter what, according to your view, we actually missed one time the opportunity of restoring Wall of Magnificence......” 听着索尼娅的话语,高文轻轻呼了口气,随后说道:“不管怎样,按照你的说法,我们其实是错失了一次修复宏伟之墙的机会……” Moreover is the best opportunity,” a Sonia sigh, „, when the initial breakdown appears, Tower of the Sentinels also has no essence damage, we have the opportunity to restore thoroughly its......, but said this also useless, initial breakdown happened do not say that other Ainz people, you, should also lie down at that time......” “而且是最好的机会,”索尼娅一声叹息,“在最初故障出现的时候,哨兵之塔还没有任何实质损伤,我们是有机会彻底修复它的……但说这个也没用,最初故障发生的时候不要说其他安苏人了,就连你,当时应该也还躺在……” Sonia slightly is a little at this point awkward, Gawain is actually very confident: At that time I also lay down in the coffin- woke sees everywhere is Aberrant Body, according to your view, should cross at that time has repaired in a rush the time finally.” 索尼娅说到这里略有点尴尬,倒是高文很坦然:“当时我还躺在棺材里呢-醒过来就看见到处都已经是畸变体了,按你的说法,那时候应该已经过了最后抢修时机。” Dying in battle time is hitting Aberrant Body, 700 years later woke is still hitting Aberrant Body, on the so-called edition hit is the Gawain this situation in white/vain saying. 战死的时候在打畸变体,七百年后醒过来还在打畸变体,所谓上个版本白打了说的就是高文这情况。 Do not discuss thing that these have not been able to recover, said that present situation,” Gawain ended this regrettable slightly awkward topic, then returns to the right track, you mentioned a moment ago, without the thorough overhauling precept, what other plan you brought?” “不要讨论那些已经无法补救的东西了,还是说说现状吧,”高文结束了这个令人遗憾又略显尴尬的话题,转而回到正轨,“你刚才提到,没有彻底的修复方案,那你们带来了什么别的方案么?” Outside construction wall increase installment, this is not a thorough restore and reinforcement plan, we brought material-” Sonia is saying, received a silver-white circular cylinder installment from side another Messengers hand, that installment seems like a scroll, but when Sonia pours into mana after it, scroll the terminal actually appeared suddenly the clear hologram image, in the projection of this imaginary technique magic manufacture, a huge high tower installment as well as massive intriguing rune and formation structure is cutting in pictures unceasingly. “建造墙外增幅装置,这是一个不彻底的修复和补强方案,我们带来了资料-”索尼娅说着,从身旁另一位信使手中接过了一个银白色的圆柱体装置,那装置看上去像是一根卷轴,但当索尼娅对其注入魔力之后,“卷轴”的末端却突然浮现出了清晰的全息影像,在这幻术魔法制造的投影中,一座巨大的高装置以及大量错综复杂的符文法阵结构在一幅幅画面之间不断切换着。 Sonia scroll will place on the table vertical, maintains the hologram projection while continues saying: This plan outside portion Tower of the Sentinels establishes associated vice- tower, is Tower of the Sentinels provides the extra energy as well as sustains the portion barrier pressure, in the meantime, establishes a series of between Tower of the Sentinels and vice- tower decompression point, in the quite safe way guides to release outside barrier chaotic mana that nearby Tower of the Sentinels saves gradually, and conducts the purification near the decompression point......” 索尼娅将“卷轴”竖直放在桌子上,一边维持全息投影一边继续说道:“这个方案是在一部分哨兵之塔外建立伴生的‘副’,为哨兵之塔提供额外的能源以及承担一部分屏障压力,同时,在哨兵之塔和副之间建立一系列‘泄压点’,将哨兵之塔附近积蓄的混乱魔能以较为安全的方式逐步引导释放到屏障外,并在泄压点附近进行净化……” Gawain grasps the key point in opposite party words immediately: You found the method of purifying magic tide?” 高文立刻抓住了对方话语中的关键点:“你们找到了净化魔潮的方法?” 700 years, we are not have not done,” Sonia shows a smile, but in that smile still reluctantly, this equipment cannot purify entire wasteland, cannot purify magic tide, now can only extract from barrier portion chaotic mana, conducts the efficiency limited purification, the main purpose is to reduce the Tower of the Sentinels load, to repair system reduced pressure. The effect is limited, but better than nothing.” “七百年,我们并不是什么都没做的,”索尼娅露出一丝微笑,但那微笑中仍然有一丝勉强,“这个装置并不能净化整个废土,也不能净化魔潮,现在只能把一部分混沌魔能屏障内抽取出来,进行效率有限的净化,主要目的是降低哨兵之塔的负载,给修复系统减压。效果有限,但聊胜于无。” In Gawain looks at imaginary technique magic these structure complex rune formation and installment exploded view, the look condenses seriously. 高文看着幻术魔法中那些结构复杂的符文阵列以及装置分解图,眼神郑重而凝聚。 This is Elf technology, unlike the Human Race magic form, but the essence and rule still conformed to the description of rune logic, it as if can resist magic tide contamination......, although is only the little effect, but it is truly effective. 这是精灵技术,与人类魔法形式不同,但本质和规律仍然符合符文逻辑学的描述,它似乎能够对抗魔潮污染……虽然只是一点点效果,但它确实是有效的。 Silver Empire is truly declining, but it has at present Human Race various countries the background savings that eventually is hard to attain, before this savings exhausts, they can still produce such impressive technology achievement. 白银帝国确实在衰落,但它终究有着目前人类各国难以企及的底蕴积蓄,在这积蓄耗尽之前,他们仍然能拿出这样令人惊叹的技术成果。 After several seconds train of thought that Gawain raised the head, eye of looks at Sonia: We do not waste the time- which region can cultivate/repair specifically? How many tower can construct and decompression point? How many manpower and resources needs? When begins? How many leaves our times to have?” 短短几秒钟的思绪之后,高文抬起头来,看着索尼娅的眼睛:“那我们不要浪费时间了-具体要修哪个区域?要建多少副和泄压点?需要多少人力物力?何时开工?留给我们的工期有多少?” The neat several issues, making Sonia unable to bear cover the forehead to sigh with emotion: Day-, if St. Sunil these Human Race aristocrats can have you half of consciousness with the efficiency, perhaps we set off had repaired barrier at this time!” 干脆利落的几个问题,让索尼娅忍不住捂住额头感慨起来:“天呐-如果圣苏尼尔的那些人类贵族能有你一半的觉悟和效率,我们这时候恐怕已经出发去修屏障了!”
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