SOD :: Volume #6

#568: Meeting

Cecil city, in Feudal Lord Mansion. 塞西尔城,领主府内。 Gawain sits behind the spacious desk, Hetty calmly stands in his side, but before two people, sky over the magic circuit terminal of study room is reappearing the clear hologram projection. 高文坐在宽大的书桌后面,赫蒂静静地站在他的身旁,而在两人面前,书房的魔网终端机上空正浮现出清晰的全息投影。 A smile delightful girl stands center the projection, on girl front table, then places one to take the form of the short several strange installments, that installment with four foot support, the crown is a smooth surface, in frying-pan in that plane, the steak and slice of bread are frying to send out cheerful inciting in the hot oil the sound. 一个笑容甜美的女孩站在投影正中,在女孩面前的桌子上,则摆放着一台形似矮几的古怪装置,那装置以四个脚支撑,顶部则是一层平整的表面,那平面上的平底锅中,肉排与面包片正在热油煎炸中发出欢快的滋滋声。 Beyond the picture, a happy aside sound is resounding: „...... magical warm table, the optimization of substitution traditional stove- does not need the firewood, does not need the open fire, saves your cooking cost, omits your clean worry...... Codd Home Improvement Company always at your service. magic, brings the convenience life......” 在画面之外,一个愉快的旁白声正在响起:“……魔导加热台,替代传统炉灶的最佳选择-无需木柴,无需明火,节省您的烹饪成本,更加省去您的清洁烦恼……科德家事通公司始终为您服务。魔法,带来便利生活……” A short video then broadcasts quickly, Hetty waits till the picture switching the beforehand program, brought a murmur to break silent: This is the Codd Home Improvement Company latest advertisement, the ancestor, you had not really misread initially, that merchant named Codd...... really has the talent that the average man does not have...... the ancestor? Ancestors you how?” 短短的一段视频很快便播放完毕,赫蒂等到画面切换回之前的节目,才带着一丝赞叹声打破了沉默:“这是科德家事通公司最新的广告,先祖,您当初真的没有看错,那位名叫科德的商人……真的有着常人不具备的天赋……先祖?先祖您怎么了?” Gawain still decided stares at the picture that hologram is projecting, until the program ended, his line of sight has not put aside, on the face also has the strange look, this unusual situation makes Hetty greatly be nervous, called three after her continuously, Gawain seems like the first awakening after a dream to awaken fiercely: „- I was distracted a moment ago.” 高文仍然定定地盯着全息投影上的画面,直到节目结束,他的视线都没有移开,脸上还带着古怪的神色,这反常的情况让赫蒂不禁大为紧张,直到她连续叫了三声之后,高文才仿佛大梦初醒般猛地惊醒过来:“啊-我刚才走神了。” Ancestor, are you...... really all right?” Hetty cannot bear the care ask, because Gawain the expression on face really like the past, on the face of that always calm dignified, she does not feel a moment ago unexpectedly oneself saw one sadly...... “先祖,您……真的没事么?”赫蒂忍不住关心地问道,因为高文刚才脸上的表情实在不像往日,在那张总是沉稳威严的面孔上,她竟觉得自己看到了一丝……感伤。 But that is not sad, because inside also has obvious gratified and joyful mixed. 但那又不是感伤,因为里面还有明显的欣慰和喜悦混杂其中。 I am all right, is only some feelings......” the Gawain looks at Hetty nervous look, comforted one with a smile, saw that the folk presents these things spontaneously, felt own promotion until now has not wasted finally.” “我没事,只是有些感慨吧……”高文看着赫蒂紧张的神色,笑着安慰了一句,“看到民间自发地出现这些东西,就觉得自己一直以来的推动总算没有白费。” The advanced idea and magical technology will take into this time is not an easy matter, from the beginning, Gawain knows this, but he most is worried is not always in this process difficulty, he most worried that is own advancement and construction is unidirectional stack, is this society has not really had the foundation of transformation, has not prepared for facing new times magical technology seems like the development fast, the Cecil duchy seems like that rapidly is rising, but he does not dare to relax, because he for fear that one day, this so-called guide but actually, this. The development of piece land will stagnate, even...... backs up. 将先进的理念和魔导技术带进这个时代并不是一件容易的事,从一开始,高文就知道这点,但他最担心的从来都不是这个过程中的“困难”,他最担心的,是自己的推进和建设都是“单向堆砌”,是这个社会真的没有产生变革的基础,没有做好面对新时代的准备-魔导技术看似发展飞快,塞西尔公国看似正在迅速崛起,但他从来都没敢松一口气,因为他生怕有一天,自己这个所谓的“引路人”倒下去了,这片土地的发展就会停滞下来,甚至……倒退回去。 Until now, he still cannot determine completely, when drop down suddenly the later Cecil duchy whether will also continue to develop, but a little he is at least certain: This deep pool once stagnant water, has flowed now. 直到现在,他仍然不敢完全确定当自己突然倒下之后塞西尔公国是否还会继续发展,但至少有一点他可以肯定:这潭曾经的死水,现在已经流动起来了。 Also perhaps, it is never dead situation, even if in the darkest depressing middle ages,...... also always had such young group of people in the deep place of this puddle, is waiting for the time of water flow to arrive. 或许,它从来就不是一潭死水,哪怕是在最黑暗压抑的中世纪,在这水潭的深处……也始终有那么一小群人,在等待着水流动的时代到来。 Returned to normal a mood, Gawain suddenly felt before own these worried that somewhat was really arrogant, he could not bear self-ridicule that shook the head: Hetty, did you think that...... I somewhat am actually arrogant?” 平复了一下心情,高文突然觉得自己之前的那些担忧实在有些傲慢,他忍不住自嘲地摇摇头:“赫蒂,你觉不觉得……其实我有些自大?” Arrogant? How do you think?” Hetty stared in a big way the eye surprisedly, your great, your merit also true and real that the history acknowledged sets up in this stretch of land, compared with these merits, I felt actually you usually were extremely humble some...... a mediocre Baron his senseless carve entire life in the stone, you actually refuse anyone to make an idol for you to the present.” “自大?您怎么会这么想?”赫蒂惊讶地瞪大了眼睛,“您的伟大是被历史所承认的,您的功绩也实实在在地树立在这片大地上,和这些功绩比起来,我倒是觉得您平日里太过谦逊了些……一个庸庸碌碌的男爵都会把他那无趣的一生刻在石头上,您却到现在都拒绝任何人为您塑像。” Do not mention the matter in this aspect,” Gawain beckons with the hand, besides this Codd Home Improvement Company, currently also has the similar technology folk industry to rise?” “还是不要提这方面的事了,”高文摆了摆手,“除了这个科德家事通公司之外,目前还有类似的技术型民间产业崛起么?” Rarely, most talents just adapted to the situation in duchy to change, can respond rapidly like Codd, and found the person of opportunity from magical technology is few. However is not totally without- similarly in the Carol area, the merchant used general rune base plate to find new refrigerating technology, but in the Horsman area, several smith formed a partnership a workshop, they attempted to improve the existing magic energy water pump, to adapt Horsman area low subsoil water level. In addition...... did not have.” “很少,大部分人才刚刚适应公国的局势变化,像科德那样能迅速反应过来,并从魔导技术中找到商机的人是极少数。不过也并非完全没有-同样是在卡洛尔地区,有一个商人利用通用符文基板找到了一种新的制冰技术,而在霍斯曼地区,几名工匠合伙开了一间工坊,他们尝试改进了现有的魔能水泵,以适应霍斯曼地区较低的地下水位。此外……就没有了。” Has on well...... to have well on......” Gawain to nod again and again. “有就好……有就好……”高文连连点头。 The development of society will expedite something naturally, as magical technology gradually promotes outward, each region school spreads the knowledge to the people unceasingly, the quite upper-level public contacts newest Magic Guiding Device unceasingly, definitely will have the mentality of smart person to enliven- so long as however has enough prospective return, has the obligation of benefit, these mentality active smart people will contact on own initiative, even wants to grasp these new domain, in this process, the quite wealthy merchant and will have the intellectual of certain technology foundation is the maximum impelling force. 社会的发展将自然而然地催生一些东西,随着魔导技术逐渐向外推广,各地学院不断向民众普及知识,较为上层的社会公众不断接触最新的魔导装置,肯定会有聪明人的思路活跃起来-而只要有足够的预期收益,有利益的驱使,这些思路活跃的聪明人就会主动去接触,甚至想要去掌握这些新的领域,在这个过程中,较为富裕的商人和有一定技术基础的知识分子将是最大的推动力量。 They will snap early technology and policy dividend, but looks like in Gawain, this is they earns. 他们会攫获最早期的技术和政策红利,而在高文看来,这是他们应得的。 At present stage, true magical technology actually still in „the official in hand, in Magical Technology Research Institute, Rune Research Institute and Machine Building institute and in various designing bureau hands, but Gawain has never limited these nonmilitary and non- secret technology and knowledge disseminates outward, the civil magical terminal is the opening offer, in regional schools and night schools, there is for eliminating illiteracy general rune base plate is the opening to the outside world, but passes like Codd family affairs the folk technology Corporation, on is develops in this small foundation. 目前阶段,真正的魔导技术其实仍然在“官方”手中,在魔导技术研究所符文研究院机械制造所及各设计局手中,但高文从未限制过那些非军事、非机密的技术和知识向外传播,民用型的魔导终端是公开出售的,在各地学院和夜校内,也有用于“扫盲”的通用符文基板是对外开放的,而像科德家事通那样的民间“技术公司”,就是在这小小的基础上发展起来。 These things must encourage, not only need encourage, but must propagandize,” on the Gawain face has the happy expression, we support the folk spontaneous the research and improvement to magical technology, so long as conforms to the law, must support and reward. The people's spontaneous interest, is the key of technology promotion...... looks like, patent the system of aspect must improve a bit faster.” “这些东西要鼓励,不但要鼓励,还要宣传,”高文脸上带着笑意,“我们支持民间自发对魔导技术的研究和改进,只要符合法律,就要支持和奖励。民间自发的兴趣,是技术推广和发展的关键……看来,‘专利’方面的制度也要快点完善了啊。” Patent? Before is you, has mentioned that things for various Management kind of technology achievements?” Hetty blinks, I knew, I will put out the draft as soon as possible.” “专利?是您之前提起过的用于管理各类技术成果的那个东西么?”赫蒂眨眨眼,“我知道了,我会尽快拿出草案的。” Un,” Gawain nods, later looked up mechanical clock on a wall, said that...... these Elf should draw near?” “嗯,”高文点点头,随后抬头看了一眼墙上的机械钟,“说起来……那些精灵应该快到了吧?” „Before two hours, Tanzan hub tower transmits witnesses the report, according to the flying speed of great eagle, should quick arrive,” Hetty nods, „do you want to prepare to greet?” “两小时前坦桑枢纽传来目击报告,按照巨鹰的飞行速度,应该很快就到了,”赫蒂点点头,“您要准备迎接了么?” Preparation,” Gawain stands up, that is the important guest.” “准备吧,”高文站起身来,“那可是重要的客人。” Hetty sighed: royal family was really the decline- so important Envoy, must depend upon other race unexpectedly.” 赫蒂叹了口气:“王室真是没落了啊-如此重要使者,竟然要依靠异族。” Gawain looked at Hetty one with a smile: Otherwise? Whom let them and Eastern Region people pulls to have the qualifications to contact Southern Region again for half a month, perhaps that could not go out to the winter team.” 高文笑着看了赫蒂一眼:“不然呢?让他们和东境人再扯半个月谁更有资格来联络南境,那恐怕到了冬天队伍都出不去了。” Elf came. 精灵来了。 Gigantic the dark cloud passing over gently and swiftly horizon that but the gray-black great eagle of military might as if one speeds away piece by piece, from the sky of northwest direction fluttered to fly, sentry post tower in city wall resounded the sharp whistle sound and resonant bugle horn sound, the bright flag from northwest corner the city wall extended to the administrative area of urban center, by Feudal Lord Mansion, before autumn palace in the open square, the armor bright Cecil soldiers had waited there for some time. 硕大而威武的灰黑色巨鹰仿佛一片片疾驰的乌云般掠过天际,从西北方向的天空振翅飞来,城墙上的哨响起了尖锐的笛声和嘹亮的号角声,鲜艳的旗帜从城墙西北角一路延伸至城市中心的行政区内,在领主府旁,“秋宫”前的开阔广场上,盔甲鲜明的塞西尔士兵们早已等候多时。 Gawain brings Hetty and Rebecca that takes the family and government affairs office representative, is a guest performer „the Elf commissioner temporarily Throldin, several government affairs hall official stand in the square, looks at that build giant bird of prey drops from the clouds. 高文带着作为家族和政务厅代表的赫蒂瑞贝卡,临时客串“精灵事务官”的索尔德林,还有数名政务厅官员站在广场上,看着那体型巨大的猛禽从天而降。 Faces directly great eagle such foreign land bird of prey to northern Human Race is a rare experience, but falls to the ground until these giant birds of prey one after another, the soldiers still stood in straightly same place, does not have slightly the unnecessary movement. 直面巨鹰这样的异域猛禽对北方的人类而言是一种难得的经历,但直到那些巨大的猛禽一只接一只落地,现场的士兵们都仍然笔直地站在原地,没有丝毫多余的动作。 After the great eagle falls to the ground, the one by one body measures tall and physique graceful form to jump down from conducting the back of these mounts, later took a step toward Gawain and the others. 巨鹰落地之后,一个个身量高挑、体态优雅的身影从那些坐骑的背上跳了下来,随后向着高文等人迈步走来。 Nearby military band played the music at the right moment. 附近的军乐队适时地奏响了乐曲。 In the music sound, the Gawain's line of sight first swept one on these great eagles, he slightly is later excessive, asked to Hetty: „Are they fly from the recruit?” 在乐曲声中,高文的视线首先在那些巨鹰身上扫了一眼,随后他微微偏过头,对身旁的赫蒂问道:“他们是一路从西北边境飞进来的?” Yes, from the Luan area has first flown and is discovered by local magic circuit hub tower, later along Horsman- Asokawa- Bai Lake gulf- Tanzan flies to here.” “是的,最先从卢安地区飞过并被当地的魔网枢纽发现,随后沿着霍斯曼-阿索克-白湖水湾-坦桑一线飞至这里的。” Gawain hesitated slightly, talk to oneself said: Although is a little possibly early......, but the anti-aircraft concept and air force concept cannot be the blank......” 高文略微沉吟了一下,自言自语地说道:“虽然可能有点早……但防空概念和空军概念不能是空白啊……” Hetty stares: What did ancestor you say?” 赫蒂一愣:“先祖您说什么?” „, It‘s nothing,” Gawain shakes the head, later the line of sight falls on Elves that in these towards oneself walks, but still appeared stature quite diminutive short hair female Elf first to enter his view in Human Race even, the memory from Gawain Cecil activated instantaneously, making him unable to bear mutter in a low voice, „...... also saw the acquaintance unexpectedly?” “哦,没什么,”高文摇了摇头,随后视线落在那些正朝自己走来的精灵们身上,而一位即使在人类中也显得身材较为矮小的短发女性精灵第一个进入了他的视野,来自高文?塞西尔的记忆瞬间激活,让他忍不住低声咕哝起来,“……竟然还看到了熟人?” Nearby Rebecca the big feeling is curious immediately: „Does Lord Ancestor, in these Elf have you to know?” 一旁的瑞贝卡顿时大感好奇:“祖先大人,这些精灵里有您认识的?” Gawain shows the smile, nods, later taking a step stand forth: Sonia Frostleaf- we had seven centuries not to see.” 高文露出笑容,点了点头,随后迈步向前走去:“索尼娅?霜叶-我们有七个世纪没见了。” Walked sped up the footsteps in all Elf most middle short hair females, she arrived in front of Gawain quickly, after standing firm, has not first responded to opposite party's greeting, but sized up Gawain several up and down, on the face had the expression that is wiping carefully examines strangely, after several seconds of type, she showed a smile, put out a hand: Even if personally sees, I cannot believe that all these really...... you actually really did live?” 走在所有精灵最中间的短发女性加快了脚步,她快步来到高文面前,站定之后却没有首先回应对方的招呼,而是上下打量了高文好几眼,脸上带着一抹怪异而审视的表情,直到几秒种后,她才露出一丝微笑,伸出手去:“哪怕亲眼看见,我也不敢相信这一切是真的……你竟然真的活过来了?” Gawain gripped the hand of Sonia Frostleaf, takes the formality by the kiss hand ritual that Human Race and Elf use in common, later shakes the head reluctantly: If were not old Feudal Territory is burnt down by blue dragon dragon's flame that top-grade goods crossed, I can with testify to you my coffin casket.” 高文握住了索尼娅?霜叶的手,以人类精灵都通用的吻手礼作为礼节,随后无奈地摇了摇头:“如果不是旧领地被一头路过的蓝龙一口龙炎烧毁了,我可以把自己的棺材板拿给你作证。” Does not need what evidence, the Elf memory is very good- I still remember that your appearance detail and sound,” Sonia Frostleaf nods, Bellsetia your majesty assigns/life me to give regards to you for her, in addition has Lohmar general, Countess Celia, Earl Quilldoan Count and General Shanna, Sage Kidorn as well as Kyrie Messengers is long, gave regards to you.” “无需什么证据,精灵的记忆力很好-我还记得你的样貌细节和声音,”索尼娅?霜叶点了点头,“贝尔塞提娅陛下命我代她向你问好,另外还有洛玛尔将军、赛丽亚女伯爵奎尔多安伯爵、莎娜将军、基多恩贤者以及姬莉叶信使长,都向你问好。” Said that she then turns to a Messengers partner immediately: Writes down, I had the words.” 说完她便立刻转向身旁的一位信使伙伴:“都记下来,我把话都带到了。” Good, remembered.” “好的,记下来了。” Gawain did not know whether to laugh or cry to listen to the opposite party saying that a impressive name of such big skewer in the Gawain Cecil memory, spread out the hand reluctantly: My during that time was more hurried, one side cannot as promised again and everyone who walked sees, but died in battle this matter...... is not not possible to plan suddenly, not?” 高文哭笑不得地听着对方说完这么一大串在高文?塞西尔的记忆中印象深刻的名字,无奈地摊开手:“我当年是走的匆忙了一些,未能如约再和大家见一面,但突然战死这种事……也不可能在计划中,不是么?” Sonia Frostleaf beckons with the hand: My words brought in any case.” 索尼娅?霜叶一摆手:“反正我话带到了。” At this time together with Rebecca could not bear finally, chirp got up: Yeah Lord Ancestor do you really know? Who a moment ago were these names? Is Lord Ancestor your during that time friend? Lord Ancestor you are quite fierce!” 这时候一块跟上来的瑞贝卡终于忍不住了,叽叽喳喳起来:“哎祖先大人你们真的认识啊?刚才那些名字都是谁啊?都是祖先大人当年的朋友吗?祖先大人您好厉害啊!” „The person of my during that time understanding were many, need not such a startled one for the first time,” Gawain looked at Rebecca one, simultaneously hints nearby Hetty to hurry this with the look possible iron lose face silly roe deer to control momentarily, later he has then turned around, bringing these special Envoy to walk toward the direction of autumn palace, and beckons to Throldin of not far away, Throldin- do not stand that far, greeted.” “我当年认识的人多了,不用这么一惊一乍的,”高文看了瑞贝卡一眼,同时用眼神示意旁边的赫蒂赶紧把这个随时可能头铁丢人的傻狍子控制住,随后他便转过身,带着这些特殊的使者们向秋宫的方向走去,并对不远处的索尔德林招了招手,“索尔德林-不要站那么远,过来打个招呼吧。” Throldin from started to stand a moment ago intentionally in a common position, but walked at this time reluctantly, this Senior Ranger arrives at side Gawain, the look slightly had looks at these to come from Silver Empire compatriots one strangely, the line of sight falls on Sonia Frostleaf finally. 索尔德林从刚才开始就故意站在了一个不起眼的位置,但这时候还是无奈地走了出来,这位高阶游侠来到高文身旁,眼神略有怪异地看了那些来自白银帝国的同胞们一眼,视线最后落在了索尼娅?霜叶身上。 Sonia shot a look at Throldin one, did not speak, is only waiting for the opposite party opens the mouth. 索尼娅则只是瞥了索尔德林一眼,也不说话,只等着对方开口。 Walked several people side Gawain to notice the change of this atmosphere obviously, in everyone gazed at curiously, Throldin opened the mouth finally, he lowers the head, slightly somewhat called one awkwardly: Mother Lord...... does not see for a long time.” 走在高文身旁的几个人显然注意到了这气氛的变化,而在每一个人好奇的注视中,索尔德林终于开口了,他低下头,略有些尴尬地叫了一声:“母亲大人……好久不见。” The expressions of several people instantaneous are splendid, Rebecca stares in a big way the eye, she looked at Throldin, made an effort to look at almost and almost high Sonia, finally could not bear open mouth: „...... Wā!!” 好几个人的表情都瞬间精彩起来,瑞贝卡更是瞪大了眼睛,她看了看索尔德林,又使劲看了看几乎和自己差不多高的索尼娅,终于忍不住张开嘴:“……哇!!”
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