SOD :: Volume #6

#567: tower keeper, visit

After entering the summer, weather day by day hot. 入夏之后,天气一天比一天热了起来。 Even if the Ainz whole belongs to a north state, still has the summer situated in Ainz extremely southern Southern Region, but this year, as if compared with the by dealings that in the summer approached early. 即便安苏整体属于一个北方国度,位于安苏极南的南境也仍然有着炎炎夏日,而在今年,夏季来临的似乎比以往还更早了一些。 Flows the spark place to become the patron in nighttime sky, Giant Sun day by day is also long in the daytime residence time, 45 o'clock were jet black sky, now similar time then already rosy-colored clouds at dawn all over the sky. 火星座已经成为了夜空中的常客,巨日在白天的驻留时间也一天比一天长,原本四五点钟还漆黑一片的天空,现在同样的时间便已经朝霞满天了。 In the wilderness of Luan city northwestern border, high tower calmly stands and waits for a long time on the plain, in the high tower base slit glitters the magic brilliance slightly, among the tower body outer walls has the light class/flow to slide occasionally, gigantic crystal floats in the high tower peak, but several odd-looking metal stents extend from the tower top, the rune installment of support terminal is welcoming the bright rosy-colored clouds at dawn, is revolving in the breeze slowly. 卢安城西北边陲的原野间,一座高静静地伫立在平原上,高的基座缝隙中闪烁着微微的魔法光辉,身外壁间偶尔有光流滑过,一颗硕大的水晶漂浮在高的顶端,而数个形态怪异的金属支架则从顶延伸出去,支架末端的符文装置迎着灿烂的朝霞,在微风中缓缓旋转着。 This is a happy and sunny summer in the morning. 这是一个美好而晴朗的夏日清晨。 tower keeper Green wakes up from the sleep, after simple washing, he wore the thin shirt and shorts arrived at the high tower upper layer. 守塔人葛林从睡梦中醒来,简单洗漱之后,他穿着薄衬衫和短裤来到了高的上层。 The even more bright sunlight is penetrating the crystal window of workshop to illuminate indoor, in out of the window, one flock of wild pigeons is throwing has flown the sky. 越发明亮的阳光正透过工作间的水晶窗照进室内,在窗外,一群野鸽子正扑啦啦地飞过天空。 „...... These stupid pigeons...... hope them not to defecate on signal gain......” “……这些愚蠢的鸽子……但愿它们没在信号增益器上拉屎……” Green muttered, throws the pancake that last night had not finished eating on the warm table conveniently, then frost rune energy abutment on base plate according to entering in wall, simultaneously turned on the ventilation duct of work room. 葛林咕哝了一句,随手把头天晚上没吃完的饼子扔在加热台上,然后把霜冻符文基板按进墙壁上的能源卡槽中,同时打开了工作室的通风管。 The fresh cold wind insufflates the room from the ventilation duct, scattered the steam that gradually ascends, makes also some feelings of weariness Green spirit inspire. 清新的冷风从通风管中吹进房间,驱散了正逐渐升腾起来的热气,也让还有些许倦意的葛林精神一振。 tower keeper sends out satisfaction to acclaim- the previous Wolseong-ri sends people the equipment of new clothing to be really easy-to-use. 守塔人发出满意的一声赞叹-上个月城里派人来新装的这套装置果然好用。 Before he remembered, in advertisement that” on the magic circuit terminal sees, Codd Home Improvement Company as those words of signboard- 他不禁想起了之前在魔网终端机上看到的“广告”,科德家事通公司作为招牌的那句话- magic, brings the convenience life. 魔法,带来便利生活。 Initial contact this concept time, most people are vacant and astonished, tower keeper Green who all day and Magic Guiding Device has to do, has never thought after magic becomes daily life portion thoroughly is the what kind scene, but it was such achieve, by dazzling way achieve. 最初接触这个概念的时候,大部分人都是茫然而惊愕的,就连整日和魔导装置打交道的守塔人葛林,也从未想过当魔法彻底成为日常生活的一部分之后是什么样的光景,但它就是这样实现了,以令人眼花缭乱的方式实现了。 Magic Guiding Device is not only the Feudal Lord private property , is not only „the government the industry, civil Magic Guiding Device of inexpensive convenience is entering the folk, although is very slow, although temporarily is the privilege of quite wealthy big city resident, but it is entering the life of average person clearly. 魔导装置不仅仅是领主的私产,也不仅仅是“公家”的产业,廉价便利的民用魔导装置正在进入民间,虽然还很缓慢,虽然暂时还是较为富裕的大城市市民的特权,但它真真切切地正在进入普通人的生活。 But they also really brought the convenience. 而它们也真的带来了便利。 The metal installment of out of the window is moving slowly, tower keeper arrives at the viewing position, looks at that gigantic steel support rises the midair slowly, rune structure tower of support terminal is welcoming the rosy-colored clouds at dawn full arrange/cloth sky on such as some sharp corner/horn, later before he returns to the work table, activates magic circuit terminal on the work table conveniently, while put out the minute book, above wrote down the first monitoring to record earnestly on the same day: 窗外的金属装置缓缓移动着,守塔人来到观察位置,看着那硕大的钢铁支架慢慢升到半空,支架末端的符文结构就如某种尖角般迎着朝霞满布的天空,随后他回到工作台前,一边随手激活工作台上的魔网终端机,一边拿出了记录本,在上面认认真真写下当日第一次监控记录: „...... Fire Month on the 30 th, clear, the breeze, Luan magic circuit hub tower, the first monitoring records, gain functions as usual, magic energy crystal functions as usual, magic circuit retransmission signal......” “……火月30日,晴,微风,卢安魔网枢纽,第一次监控记录,增益器运转正常,魔能水晶运转正常,魔网转播信号……” Green raised the head, saw that sky over the activated magic circuit terminal is reappearing the signal picture of preinstall, the decal and subordinate from Horsman hub tower relays the tower signal to glitter on that one by one. 葛林抬起头,看到已经激活的魔网终端机上空正浮现出预设的信号画面,来自霍斯曼枢纽的识别标记和下级中继的信号在那上面逐一闪烁着。 magic circuit retransmission signal is normal, intensity fine......” 魔网转播信号正常,强度优良……” Green records earnestly, not slightly careless. 葛林认认真真地记录着,没有丝毫马虎。 He is an especially earnest careful person, therefore, he can obtain this tower keeper work- this work is simple, must have high magical knowledge, but the income is very good, it is suiting Green, raises five children's Green also just to need this work. 他是个格外认真仔细的人,也正是因此,他才能得到这份“守塔人”的工作-这工作简单枯燥,又要有较高的魔导知识,但收入却很不错,它正适合葛林,养着五个孩子的葛林也正需要这份工作。 This magic circuit hub tower is Cecil duchy entire Northwestern Region one of the three hub tower, is to maintain the Luan area to the Horsman area magic circuit transmission important node, depends upon tower to withstand/top the gigantic magic energy crystal sum gain installment, this tower is plain area more than ten unattended small-scale relays tower to provide the service of the signaling and reinforcement, is the Luan city southern areas supplies the energy, appears extremely important. 这座魔网枢纽塞西尔公国整个西北地区的三座枢纽之一,是维持卢安地区到霍斯曼地区魔网传输的重要节点,依靠顶上硕大的魔能水晶和增益装置,这座为平原地区十几座无人值守的小型中继提供着信号传输和补强的服务,同时也为卢安城南部地区供应能源,显得极其重要 Besides Green, here also two tower keeper and Green work together, but their is responsible for the value defending the night shift, has gone out to inspect no one on plain to relay tower. 除了葛林自己之外,这里还有两个守塔人和葛林一同工作,不过他们一个负责值守夜班,一个已经出门去检查平原上的无人中继了。 But except tower keeper in three technology aspects, this tower lower-level also small logistics depots, ten complete equipment protects the tower person to be responsible for guarding here, high tower also has bringing magic to protect shield- all these, to assure the magic circuit security of northwestern border. 而除去三个技术方面的守塔人,这座的下层还有一个小小的兵站,有十名全副武装的“护人”负责守卫这里,高本身还有自带的魔法护盾-这一切,都是为了保证西北边陲的魔网安全。 As far as Green know, recently this tower will also increase some manpower, by that time, here should be livelier. 据葛林所知,近期内这座还会增加一些人手,到那时候,这里应该就会更加热闹了。 Can the proficient operation these Magic Guiding Device people not be easy to look for......” this tower keeper to mutter, presses the inspecting confirmation button on magic circuit terminal, to magic circuit control center feedback safety signal, while shakes the head, hopes is in the Cecil school graduates......” “能熟练操作这些魔导装置的人可不好找……”这位守塔人咕哝着,一边按动魔网终端机上的巡检确认按钮,向魔网控制中心回传安全信号,一边摇了摇头,“但愿是塞西尔学院里毕业的……” The sweet dough was roasted the crisp delicate fragrance to flutter gradually, Green felt in own belly rumble, he stands up, moves toward the direction of warm table. 甜面饼被烤酥脆的清香渐渐飘了过来,葛林感觉自己肚子里咕噜了一下,他站起身,走向加热台的方向。 As person who does not like the human relations, his breakfast is solves, only then dinner time, three tower keeper in tower, he will follow lower level, with logistics depot protects tower people to dine together. 作为一个不怎么喜欢交际的人,他的早饭都是自己一个人解决的,只有晚餐的时候,三位守塔人都在内,他才会跟着去下层,和兵站的护人们一同用餐。 But in the instance that he just set out, a shadow actually flashed through from out of the window suddenly, brought to the attention of this tower keeper. 但就在他刚刚起身的瞬间,一片阴影却突然从窗外闪过,引起了这位守塔人的注意。 Magic Goddess!! Wasn't a group of pigeon will arrive on gain to defecate?! 魔法女神啊!!不会是一大群鸽子来到增益器上拉屎了吧?! Before Green hurrying half step arrives at the window, the elongated neck looks to the sky of distant place, he had not noticed that always annoys the troublesome pigeon to oneself, but actually saw several huge, as if the eagle common bird of prey more is rising under a higher morning sun to fly to the East. 葛林慌忙快步来到窗前,伸长脖子看向远处的天空,他没有看到总是给自己惹麻烦的鸽子,但却看到了数只巨大的、仿佛鹰一般的猛禽正在越升越高的朝阳下飞向东方。 But on these eagle common birds of prey, but can also see the person's shadow outline indistinctly. 而在那些鹰一般的猛禽身上,还隐隐约约能看到人影轮廓。 Gawked for several seconds, this tower keeper conscious to these have never seen the bird of prey is anything- that is informs in the document to raise a while ago, he previously merely in the story has listened to the Elf race great eagle. 足足愣了几秒钟,这位守塔人意识到那些从未见过的猛禽是什么东西-那是前阵子通知文件里提过的,他此前仅仅在故事里听过的精灵族巨鹰。 After short stunned, before Green runs up to the work table immediately, with the magic circuit terminal called the highest control center, in beginning using internal contacts in the situation of channel, the communication was almost then put through instantaneously, girl of flax hair color appears in the hologram projection. 在短暂的错愕之后,葛林立刻跑到工作台前,用魔网终端机呼叫了最高控制中心,在启用内部联络频道的情况下,通讯几乎瞬间便被接通了,一个亚麻发色的姑娘出现在全息投影中。 Green said fast: Here is Luan hub tower- witnessed a moment ago the Elf great eagle enters a country, please inform Feudal Lord.” 葛林飞快地说道:“这里是卢安枢纽-刚才目击到精灵巨鹰入境,请通知领主。” Receives, thank your report.” “收到,感谢你的汇报。” After hanging up the communication, Green long breathes a sigh of relief, he has not missed luckily this time witnessed-, although he knows that nearby will have sentry post tower to notice the Elf race great eagle, but he still does not hope that oneself work has any mistake. 挂断通讯之后,葛林长长舒了一口气,幸好他没有错过这次目击-虽然他知道附近也会有哨注意到精灵族的巨鹰,但他仍然不希望自己的工作有任何失误。 Before this tower keeper returns to the window, looks at a great eagle had flown Sky Elf race the great eagle speed is extremely fast, this for several minutes, these huge forms had then turned into several dot of distant place, in the reversed light of morning sun, then did not see clearly quickly. 这位守塔人回到窗前,又看了一眼巨鹰飞过的天空-精灵族的巨鹰速度极快,这才短短几分钟,那些庞大的身影便已经变成了远处的几个小点,在朝阳的逆光中,很快便看不清楚了。 Green takes back the line of sight, but his vision passed over gently and swiftly suddenly out of the window that slowly operation Magic Guiding Device, look all of a sudden then stagnates. 葛林收回视线,但他的目光突然掠过了窗外那缓缓运行的魔导装置,眼神一下子便凝滞下来。 ...... Really worthily is the great eagle, this component are more than pigeon!! ……真不愧是巨鹰,这“份量”就是比鸽子多!! On tower keeper stunned looks at gain installment support great eagle carry-over, suddenly thought that this sunny summer does not seem happy in the morning. 守塔人一脸错愕地看着增益装置支架上的“巨鹰遗留物”,突然觉得这个晴朗的夏日清晨似乎也没那么美好了。 Before he returns to oneself work table, puts out letter paper then to brush to write- compared with the keyboard of magic circuit terminal, tower keeper that this copyist came was still familiar with this traditional writing instrument: 他回到自己的工作台前,拿出一张信笺便刷刷刷地写起来-比起魔网终端机的键盘,这位抄写员出身的守塔人仍然习惯这传统的书写工具: To Cecil Magical Technology Research Institute and magical application design bureau: “致塞西尔魔导技术研究所魔导应用设计局: „...... The suggestion increases the safety mask on upper air outdoors Magic Guiding Device, or additionally builds the closed region to protect the shield top the upper air facility, the disturbance of birds is an agitated situation, particularly their excrement......” “……建议在高空户外魔导装置上增加防护罩,或在高空设施顶部增设全域护盾,鸟类的干扰是个令人烦躁的情况,尤其是它们的粪便……” Burnt taste floated Green's nostril, this tower keeper shies immediately: Aiyu- my breakfast!!” 一阵焦糊味飘进了葛林的鼻孔,这位守塔人顿时惊跳起来:“哎呦-我的早饭!!” Now, this sunny summer is really unhappy in the morning. 现在,这个晴朗的夏日清晨是真的一点都不美好了。 ...... …… The wilderness and jungle of length and breadth passed over gently and swiftly under rapidly, the gem that the rivers and on the lake as if plain embellishes scatters in the vast land, scattered distribution of city and village in rivers mountains, but broad road/s like artery connection all living areas- entire Southern Region, such as splendid canvas of under sunlight, color on every inchs canvas, is blooming in the midsummer season the endless vitality. 广袤的原野和丛林在下方飞速掠过,河流与湖泊仿佛平原上点缀的宝石般散落在一望无际的大地上,城市与乡村在河流山川之间错落分布,而宽阔的道路则如动脉般连接着所有的聚居点-整个南境,就如一张在阳光下熠熠生辉的画布,画布上的每一寸色彩,都正在盛夏时节绽放出无尽生机。 The great eagle has flown the sky, all in land then shine in the eye of eagle. 巨鹰飞过天空,大地上的一切便都映照在鹰的眼中。 But under the function of Druid magic spell, the field of vision of eagle shared to give these to sit in the children of forest the great eagle conducted the back. 而在德鲁伊法术的作用下,鹰的视野又分享给了那些坐在巨鹰背上的森林之子们。 That Mage Tower appearance was really a moment ago strange,” Elven Ranger has turned the head, said to the recent partner, unique Elf magic spell is unblocking the air current of upper air, making them not make a harassing attack by the strong winds, will not be affected to talk by the wind sound/rumor, does not seem like four big Kingdom styles- does not seem like Violet Mage Tower. Moreover crystal that tower withstand/top does not know that is what are you doing uses, always feels in the unceasing release energy, but cannot induce any concrete magic spell effect.” “刚才那座法师塔的样子真奇怪,”一名精灵游侠转过头,对最近的伙伴说道,独特的精灵法术疏导着高空的气流,让他们不会被狂风袭扰,也不会被风声影响交谈,“看起来不像是四大王国的风格-也不像是紫罗兰法师塔。而且那座顶上的水晶也不知道是干什么用的,总感觉在不断释放能量,但又感应不到任何具体的法术效果。” Victoria Duchess has mentioned, on South this lands has many strange things,” another Elven Ranger said in another side loudly, it is said is Gawain Cecil Duke brings.” 维多利亚女公爵提起过,南方这片土地上有很多奇奇怪怪的东西,”另一名精灵游侠在另一边大声说道,“据说都是高文?塞西尔公爵带来的。” Was protected unable to bear sigh in middle Messengers by Ranger (Knight-errant): Said that I have not seen that illustrious Human Race Duke- he dying in battle that year, I also side teacher.” 一位被游侠们护卫在中间的信使忍不住感叹起来:“说起来我还没见过那位赫赫有名的人类公爵呢-他‘战死’的那年,我还在导师身边。” I have met actually, sees from afar, during that time before Wall of Magnificence the leaders take an oath I am a guard of honor, but I guess that he definitely does not remember me.” “我倒是见过一面,远远地看见的,当年宏伟之墙前各国领袖们起誓的时候我是仪仗兵,但我猜他肯定不记得我。” That need not suspected, definitely does not remember, your face had no characteristic......” “那不用怀疑了,肯定不记得,你这张脸本来就没什么特色……” Sonia Frostleaf listens to partners' conversation, the attention actually to place below land. 索尼娅?霜叶听着伙伴们的交谈,注意力却都放在下方的大地上。 In her eyes is exuding the white ray slightly, under the magic spell effect of field of vision sharing, the eagle can see that she can also see. 她的双眼中微微泛着白色的光芒,在视野共享的法术效果下,鹰能看到的,她也能看到。 „The city that road/s that builds massively newly...... massive increases newly...... in the fields also has the strange machine, inconceivable, inconceivable,” Sonia expressed admiration, „the Human Race aristocrat in Silver Castle said that Southern Region left uncultivated a century...... but looking back now, it is recovering at an exceptional pace.” “大量新筑的道路……大量新扩增的城市……田野间还有奇怪的机器,不可思议,不可思议,”索尼娅啧啧称奇,“白银堡里的人类贵族说南境荒废了一个世纪……但现在看来,它正在以惊人的速度复苏着。” Nearby her, a guard Ranger (Knight-errant) inquired kindly: high level Messengers, your eagle situation how?” 在她附近,一位游侠护卫关切地询问道:“高阶信使,您的鹰情况如何?” Sonia Frostleaf caressed under the body the feather of great eagle, nods: „The GuGu situation is good, it is said that own present was more comfortable.” 索尼娅?霜叶抚了抚身下巨鹰的羽毛,点点头:“咕咕的情况还好,它说自己现在舒服多了。” GuGu possibly is somewhat unaccustomed to the climate,” another Messengers said, here after all is north, the great eagle does not adapt to here, the diarrhea is very occasionally normal. Actually the situation is very good, we at least not in the coldest winter here.” 咕咕可能是有些水土不服,”另一位信使说道,“这里毕竟是北方,巨鹰不适应这里,偶尔腹泻很正常。其实情况已经很好了,我们至少不是在最寒冷的冬季来这里的。” „The weather that even/including Juying cannot adapt to......” Sonia is shaking the head, really does not know northern has well what......” “连巨鹰都适应不了的天气……”索尼娅摇着头,“真不知道北方有什么好的……” At this moment, flies to call loudly in team forefront Elven Ranger suddenly: high level Messengers, we should fly to south!” 就在这时,飞在队伍最前端的精灵游侠突然高声喊道:“高阶信使,我们该向南飞了!” Under masters' direction, each great eagle sent out resounding sounding, later entire team neat and tidy booklet to South. 在主人们的指挥下,每一只巨鹰都发出了响亮的鸣叫,随后整个队伍整整齐齐地折向南方 On this day, was on the 30 th the Ainz 737 years, Fire Month. 这一天,是安苏737年,火月30日。 Elf Messengers, arrived at Southern Region. 精灵信使们,来到了南境
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