SOD :: Volume #6

#566: Warhammer

On such as has truncated the wooden club and has pounded the stone to replace the claw and tooth, the primitive sword and individual skill in Wushu definitely are also displaced by the arms that the steel builds, in this not calm and steady world, the war is closely associated, but to survive, the ineffective individual military force will certainly, must yield in the efficient war machine- this is the objective law of things develop. 就如削过的木棍和砸过的石块取代了爪子和牙齿,原始的刀剑和个人武艺也必然会被钢铁打造的枪炮取而代之,在这个并不安稳的世界上,战争如影随形,而为了生存,低效的个人武力必将,也必须让步于高效的战争机器-这是事物发展的客观规律。 Gawain does not know whether each world abides by like this objective law, but he is at least certain, this world abides by such rule. 高文不知道是否每个世界都遵循这样的客观规律,但至少他可以肯定,这个世界是遵循这样的规律的。 Even if this world has extraordinary force, even if extraordinary expert of this world has moving mountains to fill the seas mighty force, this truth will not change- Extraordinary of moving mountains to fill the seas, will certainly be able to the machine of efficient rate/lead moving mountains to fill the seas to replace, this point, wooden club sharpened that day decides on first went hunting with. 哪怕这个世界存在超凡力量,哪怕这个世界的超凡强者具备移山填海般的伟力,这个道理也不会变-移山填海的超凡者,必将被能够以更高效率移山填海的机器所取代,这一点,在第一根打猎用的木棍被削尖的那一天就决定下来了。 His looks at present tank, as if saw approvingly another time before the tank caterpillar band extends unceasingly. 他赞叹地看着眼前的战车,仿佛看到了另一个时代正在战车的履带前不断延伸。 Rebecca, Hetty, Philip and Nicholas Egg and he in the same place, everyone( as well as ball) attention similarly centralized on that tank. 瑞贝卡赫蒂菲利普尼古拉斯蛋和他在一起,每个人(以及球)的注意力同样都集中在那辆战车上。 Rebecca after the magical car(riage) comes out the idea of braving- in a car(riage) upper garment artillery- finally achieve, moreover it not only installed an artillery, but also installed the armor plate and protects the shield generator. 瑞贝卡魔导车问世之后就冒出来的想法-在车上装一门炮-终于实现了,而且它不但装了一门炮,还装了装甲板和护盾发生器。 This can call it tank reluctantly tank and Gawain at first design and different, even with him understood that any tank has very big difference, it does not have the inclined armor, the main body of entire car(riage) is nearly upright iron box, that big iron box splices with large number of rivets and weld points, each armor is just the light steel plate ; tank caterpillar band and in Gawain impression somewhat is actually similar, but is obviously rougher, moreover on each creeper tread can see that deep rune Dent earth element when rune can reduce the metal plate and ground contact wear and tear, and strengthens the caterpillar band slightly to the resistance strength that Elemental System attacks, it is said this is Runesmith a suggestion of Horsman area ; Its artillery tower was also impressive, that was a trapezoidal iron cover, on narrow under extended, before the iron cover opened wide, two parallel metal guide rails extended straightly from the opens the mouth, simplistic optical sighting device and metal guide rail parallel installment, lower half situated in iron cover. 这辆勉强可以被称之为“坦克”的战车高文最初设计的并不一样,甚至和他理解中的任何一种坦克都有很大区别,它没有倾斜装甲,整辆车的主体就是一个近乎方方正正的铁盒子,那高大的铁盒子用大量铆钉和焊接点拼接起来,每一块装甲都只不过是薄薄的钢板而已;战车的履带和高文印象中的倒是有几分相似,但明显更加粗犷一些,而且每一块履带板上都可以看到深深的符文凹痕-土元素符文可以减轻金属板和地面接触时的磨损,并略微增强履带对元素系攻击的抵御力,据说这是一位来自霍斯曼地区的符文工匠的建议;它的炮同样令人印象深刻,那是一个梯形的铁罩,上窄下宽,铁罩前端敞开,两根平行的金属导轨从开口中笔直地延伸出去,简易的光学观瞄装置则和金属导轨平行安装,位于铁罩的下半部分。 Limited to current technology, the main artillery that it installs is the specification smallest Persuader light rail gun, moreover specialized was to install tank made the lightweight transformation, the might naturally had certain discount, but regarding the battlefield of this time, this thing is the grinder that can move. 受限于当前技术,它所安装的主炮是规格最小的“说服者”轻型轨道炮,而且还专门为装上战车进行了轻量化改造,威力自然有一定折扣,但对于这个时代的战场而言,这玩意儿已经是个会移动的粉碎机了。 From outward appearance, its rough likely punk product, moreover tank design idea on the point unbecoming Earth. 从外观来看,它粗犷的像个朋克产物,而且一点都不符合地球上的坦克设计思路。 Its all armor almost do not have the drift angle and curve ; Its armor is also very thin, in rivet connection some connecting points, even can look at its side armor is only the black sheets ; Finally, it also has in Gawain looks like the quite big chassis and striking large-scale artillery tower. 它的所有装甲几乎都没有斜角和弧度;它的装甲也很薄,在一些铆钉连接的接缝处,甚至可以看出来它的侧面装甲都只是薄钢板而已;最后,它还有着在高文看来颇为高大的车体和醒目的大型炮 These designs greatly reduce( one of reasons this tank manufacture difficulty this is also it can make quickly), reduced the tank cost, greatly reduced its weight, but also increased the payload and inner space, but all these brought the obvious issue: Its physical defense seemed like reduces. 这些设计大大降低了这辆战车的制造难度(这也是它能这么快造出来的原因之一),降低了战车的成本,大大降低了它的重量,还增加了有效载荷和内部空间,但这一切都带来了显而易见的问题:它的物理防御似乎是降低了。 In the Gawain's original design material, has the concept of inclined armor and low automobile body, but on the final end product, these two concepts encountered abandoning. 高文的原始设计资料里,是有倾斜装甲和低车身的概念的,但在最终的成品上,这两个概念都遭到了废弃。 From the beginning, him because also these modify specialized to look for Rebecca and Carmel, and has conducted an argument, but finally, he made the concession, because he discovered afterward this type seemingly reduces the design of defense is actually most reasonable. 在一开始,他还因为这些改动专门找过瑞贝卡卡迈尔,并进行过一番争论,但最终,他做出了让步,因为他后来发现这种看上去降低防御的设计其实才是最合理的。 He defers to the inertia thought from the beginning, gave the strong physical defense capability to the tank, and wants through increasing the armored inclination angle, decreasing in the automobile body altitude and so on the future the method lets tank can resist the shell and so on entity attack as well as reduces by the hit probability, but he neglected a point- this world's most powerful, can threaten the tank attack form is only magic. 他一开始按照惯性思维,给坦克赋予了强大的物理防御能力,并想要通过增加装甲倾角、降低车身高度之类的方法让未来战车能够抵御炮弹之类的实体攻击以及减少被命中率,但他忽略了一点-这个世界最强大的,也是唯一能威胁到战车的攻击形式是魔法 The tank does not need to face the shell, even stones need not excessively to consider, in the battlefield, basically is the magic attack of projection weapon and big might of small might it must face- the projection weapon of small might, for example the bow crossbow and marbles, cannot injure the armor that the black sheet makes, but the magic attack of big might, with the inclined armor or the curved surface armor is no effect. 坦克根本不需要面对炮弹,甚至连投石都不用过多考虑,在战场上,它要面对的基本上都是较小威力的投射武器和大威力的魔法攻击-小威力的投射武器,比如弓弩和石弹,根本伤害不到薄钢板制成的装甲,而大威力的魔法攻击,用倾斜装甲或弧面装甲是根本没什么效果的。 Whip of lightning technique, Flame Burst Spell and cold ice and so on powerful magic spell not ricochet, moreover portion has magic spell of guidance effect not because the automobile body of tank will accept a lower status does not hit the goal, must defend the magic attack of big might, needed will not work hard on the armor, but multi- stopper one set in the tank chassis will protect the shield generator. 闪电术、炎爆术、寒冰之鞭之类的强大法术可不会“跳弹”,而且一部分带有引导效果的法术也不会因为坦克的车身低就打不中目标,要防御大威力的魔法攻击,需要的不是在装甲上下功夫,而是在战车车体内多塞一套护盾发生器。 Moreover there is magic to protect the shield, even if tank met powerful live attack- for example bombing of another same level tank- it also had certain defense capability, but need not to resist space of live attack on the compression tank precious car(riage). 而且有了魔法护盾,哪怕战车遇上强大的实弹攻击-比如另一辆同级战车的炮击-它也有一定的防御能力,而不用为了抵御实弹攻击就压缩战车宝贵的车内空间。 Under this mentality direction, the Machine Building institute and Magical Technology Research Institute technology personnel abandon the incline armor and so on could not understand to be useful the operation, then designed such upright and tall and sturdy iron box tank, in the inner space that and is increasing from this forced in two sets of magic to protect the shield installment, finally, made the Gawain present thing. 在这个思路指引下,机械制造所和魔导技术研究所技术人员们摒弃了斜面装甲之类“看不懂有什么用”的操作,转而把战车设计成了这样方方正正、人高马大的铁盒子,并在由此增大的内部空间里塞进去两套魔法护盾装置,最终,就造出了高文眼前的这个东西。 We have tested, its weapon and protects the shield system to work not to have the issue,” Rebecca is saying in side jubilantly, on the face full is self-satisfied, I have said that protected the shield hanging one pile of inclined steel plates in the car(riage) shell two sets is more effective, moreover the cost was low, but can also reduce the weight...... your beforehand mentality light to think was attractive, impractical......” “我们已经测试过了,它的武器和护盾系统工作起来都没问题,”瑞贝卡兴高采烈地在旁边说着,脸上满是得意,“我就说过嘛,在车壳子里塞两套护盾比挂一堆倾斜钢板管用多了,而且成本还低,还能降低重量……您之前的思路光想着好看了,一点都不实用……” Does not have the means on the learning to refute the Rebecca words by Gawain that the objective law of this world hits the face, but he can knock the little granddaughter's skull with the Ancestor status, therefore he patted Rebecca head conveniently: My beforehand mentality is not right, who said that my beforehand plan is because attractive?” 被这个世界的客观规律打脸的高文没办法在学术上反驳瑞贝卡的话,但他可以用老祖宗的身份敲小孙女的脑壳,于是他随手拍了瑞贝卡的脑袋一下:“我之前的思路是不对,但谁说我之前的方案是因为好看的?” Aiya......” Rebecca patted called out in alarm one, but the next second cheers up, „is that your meaning the tank that we make now is very attractive?” “哎呀……”瑞贝卡被拍的惊叫了一声,但下一秒就高兴起来,“那您的意思是我们现在造的这辆战车很好看喽?” Does not know how completely this mentality jumps. 完全不知道她这个思路是怎么跳跃过来的。 Gawain has not responded already Rebecca that is self-satisfied, but is looked up, looks at that punk wind full „the magic energy tank, spoke thoughtlessly to inquire one: Rail gun that finally the plan uses?” 高文没有搭理已经自顾自得意起来的瑞贝卡,而是仰起头,看着那辆朋克风十足的“魔能坦克”,随口询问了一句:“最终方案还是用的轨道炮?” Nicholas Egg fluttered, makes humming sound the sound: Smallest Prismatic Light Cannon, although can install to artillery tower on reluctantly, but almost meets eating to fall power spine/ridge more than 50% energy, so long as the prolonged exposure must stop same place, will shoot short seriously will also affect the stability of engine . Moreover the Prismatic Light Cannon calorific capacity will be too big, the continuous exposure will surpass for 30 seconds, in artillery tower will become exceptionally burning hot, frost rune will unable to press, the crew member will be hard to endure-, therefore finally we chose the solid gun. Although needs to carry the shell, but this is the only feasible plan at present.” 尼古拉斯蛋飘了过来,发出嗡嗡的声音:“最小型的虹光炮虽然能勉强装到炮上,但几乎会‘吃’掉动力一半以上的能源,只要持续照射就必须原地停车,短射也会严重影响引擎的稳定性,而且虹光炮的发热量太大,连续照射超过三十秒,炮里就会变得异常炎热,冰霜符文都压不下来,乘员难以忍受-所以最终我们还是选择了实弹炮。虽然需要携带炮弹,但这是目前唯一可行的方案。” Gawain nods, looks to the tank rear production line: How long does batch production need?” 高文点了点头,又看向战车后方的生产线:“量产化需要多久?” Nicholas Egg hesitated, humming sound said: In fact...... in difference month cannot mostly the achieve mass production.” 尼古拉斯蛋沉吟了一下,嗡嗡地说道:“事实上……差不多半个月内就能实现量产。” Gawain looks surprisedly: Such quickly?!” 高文面露惊讶:“这么快?!” Thing that because spelling gets up with existing technology completely ‚ . Moreover the production line is also directly with the production line transformation of agricultural use machinery,” Nicholas Egg answered, directly chassis used general- Type II farm machinery chassis, the armor basically was with the iron box that the rivet and spot spliced, the existing welding working platform changed to use, the main artillery the achieve mass production in the ordnance machine shop production line,...... the technology content is not high as for other interior arrangements.” “因为完全是用现有技术‘拼’起来的东西,而且生产线也是直接用农用机械的生产线改造的,”尼古拉斯蛋解释道,“底盘是直接用的通用-II型农机底盘,装甲基本上就是个用铆钉和焊点拼接起来的铁盒子,现有的焊接作业平台改改就能用,主炮已经在军工厂生产线里实现量产了,至于其他内部装置……技术含量并不高。” Gawain nods slowly, these that Iron Ball Alien said are really also reasonable. 高文慢慢点了点头,铁球星人说的这些还真是在情理之中。 He harbors intentions to produce the tank, at first this seems like an unattainable goal, after but when the magical car(riage) produces, the light rail gun to make, various agricultural use machineries are developed successfully, the tank in then the foundation is prepared. 他心心念念想要造坦克,最初这看起来似乎是个遥不可及的目标,但等到魔导车造出来、轻型轨道炮造出来、各类农用机械研制成功之后,坦克在不知不觉间便已经基础齐备了。 The thing that even if in the Earth history, after the first tank as if is also like this pieces together provoking with words, rubbing comes out ready-made technology. 哪怕是在地球历史上,第一辆坦克似乎也是这样把现成的技术拼拼凑凑敲敲打打之后“搓”出来的东西。 At present this rough prototype car(riage), day of perhaps will develop to become to plant the precise and advanced thing in the future, but present it, but also was really wrapped iron casing on the tractor chassis, on iron casing settled an artillery is so simple...... 眼前这辆粗糙的原型车,将来有一天或许会发展成某种高精尖的东西,但现在的它,还真是在拖拉机底盘上套了个铁壳子,铁壳子上安了一门炮那么简单…… Such simple thing, was used for the challenge that coped with Cecil then to face to be then enough, moreover...... it was also precise and advanced enough „” in the place outside Cecil. 就这么简单的东西,用来对付塞西尔接下来要面对的挑战便已经足够了,而且在塞西尔之外的地方……它也足够“高精尖”的。 „After completing tests finally, as soon as possible the achieve mass production, before the summer of next year, can make many to make many,” Gawain said to Nicholas Egg, later shifts to another side Philip, choice has the soldier of high talent in the magical machinery and driving, trained the duty of first issue of tank soldier to give you.” “完成最终测试之后尽快实现量产,在明年夏天之前,能造多少造多少,”高文尼古拉斯蛋说道,随后又转向另一边的菲利普,“挑选在魔导机械和驾驶方面有较高天赋的士兵,训练第一期坦克兵的任务就交给你了。” After Nicholas Egg and Philip receive an order respectively, Gawain looks to Hetty: You are responsible for batch of budget.” 尼古拉斯蛋菲利普各自领命之后,高文又看向赫蒂:“你负责批预算。” Hetty: „...... Is.” 赫蒂:“……是。” Cecil housekeeper wants to cry but have no tears- indeed she was towed to look at agricultural use machinery very early in the morning, to approve budget. 塞西尔大管家欲哭无泪-敢情她一大早被拖过来看“农用机械”,就是为了批预算的。 But after short wanting to cry but have no tears, Hetty felt one from the Gawain's attitude urgent and profound meaning: Ancestor, you thinks that the crisis...... will break out in one year?” 但在短暂的欲哭无泪之后,赫蒂还是从高文的态度里感觉到了一丝紧迫和深意:“先祖,您认为危机……会在一年内爆发么?” This is the worst situation,” Gawain nods, already summer- according to the disposition of Royal Capital aristocrats, they also almost should pull the skin.” “这是最糟的情况,”高文点点头,“已经夏天了-按照王都贵族们的脾性,他们也差不多该扯完皮了。” The Hetty looks at Gawain's look, nods slowly. 赫蒂看着高文的眼神,慢慢点了点头。 According to the ancestor initial estimate, at the latest in the summer of this year, the Ainz aristocrats in restoring the Wall of Magnificence issue will reach the agreement, this will not be because their effect sincere can be so calculated precisely, but will be the situation decision. 按照先祖最初的估计,最迟在今年夏天,安苏的贵族们就会在修复宏伟之墙的问题上达成共识,这不是因为他们的效率真的能如此精确地被计算出来,而是局势决定的。 They must complete in the summer first half all wrangled and discussed, can guarantee organizes enough manpower and resources in the autumn, selects the suitable representative, and follows Elves to go to nearby barrier to launch the repair, drags too for a long time, the weather will transfer coldly, team set off need higher cost, moreover in the cold winter, various projects will become difficult, team near environmentally harsh Wall of Magnificence, if because of construction difficulty, but is unable to establish to shelter the camp promptly safely, the price of loss as well as project failure that will then be possible to face will be any family cannot withstand. 他们必须在夏天的前半段完成所有扯皮和讨论,才能保证在秋季组织起足够的人手和资源,选出适合的代表,并跟着精灵们屏障附近展开修复工程,拖得太久,天气就会转冷,队伍出发就会需要更高的成本,而且在寒冷的冬季,各项工程都会变得艰难,队伍在环境恶劣的宏伟之墙附近倘若因施工困难而无法及时建立起安全的庇护营地,那么可能面临的损失以及工程失败的代价是任何一个家族都承受不起的。 No matter they can make my elderly manleave the mountain on behalf of Ainz finallyto cultivate/repair barrier, the Ainz civil war will be repairing barrier these days temporarily ceases, but they will not stop too For a long time barrier the restore and reinforcement work need one to three years probably, once this problem solve, all extra worries did not have, the civil war restarts immediately, moreover...... will be absolutely more violent, all bottom lines and faces will be torn to pieces. By that time, Cecil thinks again stay out of it developed also two to make money...... is not perhaps easy earnestly.” “不管他们最终会不会让我这个‘老人家’出山代表安苏去修屏障,安苏内战都会在修复屏障的这段时间里暂时停息,但他们不会停太久-屏障的修复和补强工作大概需要一到三年,一旦这个问题解决了,所有的后顾之忧都没有了,内战就会立刻重启,而且……绝对会更加猛烈,所有的底线和脸面都会被撕破。到那时候,塞西尔再想置身事外埋头发展还两头赚钱……恐怕就没那么容易了。” At this point, Gawain, continued saying: Therefore we must be ready as soon as possible. Is counted the Engineering Team hurry on time, barrier the leaf under the fall of next year may complete the restore earliest, but leaves our safety margin, will not surpass in The summer of next year weapons and equipments produces later to adapt to wearing in also requires the time.” 说到这里,高文顿了顿,继续说道:“所以我们必须尽早做好准备。算上工程队伍赶路的时间,屏障最早可能会在明年秋季下叶完成修复,而留给我们的‘安全余量’,不会超过明年夏季-武器装备生产出来之后适应磨合也是需要时间的。” Listens to Gawain this almost the plan that every step calculates precisely, Hetty unable to bear bite the lip: „Does situation really meet such development that such as you estimate?” 听着高文这几乎把每一步都精确计算的计划,赫蒂忍不住咬了咬嘴唇:“情况真的会如您估计的那样发展么?” Most times, the plan does not permit, the fact association/will is more than you expected, like in battlefield- was very possible you to make more than ten plans, but war real eruption time must be on site to display by Commander, even must by come up headstrongly,” Gawain smiled, looks at Hetty said that but the outstanding policy-maker will still make the plan, at least, had to plan us to have the matter to do, not? ” “在很多时候,计划都是不准的,事实总会超出你的预期,就像在战场上-很可能你做了十几个预案,但战争真正爆发的时候还是要靠指挥官们临场发挥,甚至要靠莽上去,”高文笑了起来,看着赫蒂说道,但优秀的决策者仍然会制定计划,至少,有个计划我们就有事可做,不是么?” Gawain know, he analysis to the situation is only analysis, even if there is an experience of Gawain Cecil, has the experience of remote thinking/proficiency, has the experience of previous life, he cannot guarantee that oneself analysis is accurate, such that but said to Hetty on such as him, at least...... must have a plan. 高文自己知道,他对局势的分析只是“分析”而已,哪怕有高文?塞西尔的经验,有卫星精的经验,有上辈子的经验,他也不敢保证自己的分析就是准确的,但就如他对赫蒂说的那样,至少……要有个计划。 Hetty lowers the head, tone with deep veneration: Yes, I understood.” 赫蒂低下头,语气肃然:“是,我明白了。” Gawain nods, later he shifts to that prototype tank, the tone rises, quite said happily: Ok, then made us give this ice-cold bang hard big fellow giving a name character-” 高文点点头,随后他转向那辆原型战车,语气上扬,颇为愉快地说道:“好了,接下来让我们给这个冰冷梆硬的大块头起个名字吧-” Each eye brought to anticipate to look to him, but he sized up tank that steel is building up and down. 每一双眼睛都带着期待看向了他,而他则上下打量着那钢铁打造的战车 Rail gun that the upright armor, the firm line, the simple and calm contour, extends straightly...... 方方正正的装甲,刚硬的线条,朴实而沉稳的外形,笔直延伸的轨道炮…… To be honest, really looks like a hammer. 说实话,真像个锤子。 Called Warhammer, Warhammer Type I main battle tank.” “就叫战锤吧,战锤I型主战坦克。”
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