SOD :: Volume #6

#565: Steel and iron

This seems like the time of steel. 这似乎是个钢铁的时代。 The world that as if overnight, the person on this lands is familiar with had the change of heaven and earth turned upside down. 仿佛一夜之间似的,这片土地上的人所熟悉的世界就发生了天翻地覆的变化。 Last year people were still crossing for several hundred years the unrelieved day, the civilians' practical training in the soils, the early rising rested at sundown, Knight progressed to inspect around castle, the military might was spiritedly powerful, aristocrat Lord and wives day and night feasting in castle, but in the tavern in countryside is flooding about black the old wives'tales of magic, sorcerer, magic creature and warrior, people are living in oneself position routinely, a century ago was this, two centuries ago this. 去年人们还在过着数百年来毫无变化的日子,平民在泥土之间劳作,日出而作日落而息,骑士们在城堡周围策马巡视,威武昂扬气势十足,贵族老爷和夫人们在城堡中没日没夜的宴饮,而乡下的酒馆中则充斥着关于黑魔法、巫师、魔物和勇士的荒诞故事,人们在自己的位置里按部就班地生活着,一个世纪前是这样,两个世纪前还是这样。 However suddenly one day, an aristocrat Lords soldier went to battle, military might spirited Knight dressed up orderly to leave Feudal Territory, aristocrat Lords also left castle, the enormous and powerful army, brought the grain and colorful flag that are capturing walked- old people said that such matter person for a lifetime association/will met several times, gone to battle Knight one year or so has led the big pile of gold and silver and slaves in groups returns to Feudal Territory, Knight that however these went to battle with did not come back again, the aristocrat in these castle has not come back. 然而突然有一天,贵族老爷们点兵出征了,威武昂扬的骑士们披挂整齐地离开了领地,贵族老爷们也离开了城堡,浩浩荡荡的军队,带着收缴上来的粮食和花花绿绿的旗帜走了-老人们说这样的事人一辈子总会遇上几次,出征的骑士过个一年半载地就会带着大堆的金银和成群的奴隶回到领地,然而那些出征的骑士再没有回来,那些城堡里的贵族也没有回来。 The old people have not met such matter. 老人们也没遇上过这样的事。 In castle came the new master, Feudal Lord to be abolished, the Feudal Lord law was also abolished, brand-new and powerful Feudal Lord was entire Southern Region formulates the new custom, the government affairs hall replaced Feudal Lord and adviser, the clerk replaced the collecting taxes person and manager person, the whole world rule big change, changed soul-stirring. 城堡里来了新的主人,领主被废除了,领主的法律也被废除了,一个全新而强大的领主为整个南境制定了新规矩,政务厅取代了领主和顾问,书记员取代了收税人和管事人,整个世界规则大变,变的惊心动魄。 Again then, the time of steel approached- last week newspaper described. 再然后,钢铁的时代就来临了-上周的报纸是这么形容的。 Lives in Sam in Horsman peripheral village thought that this described very appropriately, that really worthily was the noun that the cultural worker can want to come out. 住在霍斯曼周边村里的山姆觉得这个形容十分贴切,那真不愧是文化人能想出来的名词。 morning sun of initial rise scatters the water vapor that the night saved, the first month of summer neat mornings of north state, the neither cold nor hot temperature makes people completely relaxed. Sam comes out from the family/home, the body wears the hemp cotton garment that last year just bought, the waist hangs the canteen, on the foot is wearing the shoes, in the hand takes, because does not have to have the breakfast to prepare with enough time in the pancake that on the road eats, toward „the farm machinery Management place the courtyard walks. 初升的朝阳驱散了夜晚积蓄的水汽,北方国度的初夏有一个清爽的早晨,不冷不热的温度让人心旷神怡。山姆从家中出来,身上穿着去年刚置办的麻布衣,腰间挂着水壶,脚上穿着鞋子,手里拿着因为没来得及吃早饭而准备在路上吃的饼子,向着“农机管理处”的院子走去。 In the village has 17 named Sam, without the country folk of culture cannot find out other name mostly, is not Sam is George, either is John and Tom, but since last year had the night school, everyone many knew several characters, then ten named Sam changed the name to oneself, but this does not include him. 村里有十七个叫山姆的,没文化的乡下人多半想不出别的名字,不是山姆就是乔治,要么就是约翰和汤姆,但自从去年有了夜校之后,大家多少都识了几个字,便有十个叫山姆的给自己改了名字,但这不包括他。 He does not like oneself name, but thought this name was called half a lifetime, really has been used. 他也不是喜欢自己的名字,而是觉得这个名字叫了半辈子,实在已经习惯了。 He Tom changed a name to oneself son, called Parny, the teacher of night school has said that this word was a term in magical industry, the meaning is power- he thought that the son was oneself power. 他只是给自己的儿子“汤姆”改了个名,叫“帕尔尼”,夜校的老师说过,这个词是魔导工业里的一个名词,意思是“动力”-他觉得儿子就是自己的动力。 The courtyard in farm machinery Management place in front. 农机管理处的院子就在前面了。 Sam sped up the footsteps, the mood becomes a little anticipates. 山姆加快了脚步,心情变得有点期待起来。 The agricultural use machinery is the government affairs hall brings , measures the bill to be the same with the farming assignment, is the new thing of new Feudal Lord promotion. Just studied the farmers of several characters as one in the night school, Sam did not understand that the principles of these machineries, like him do not understand why Feudal Lord must migrate the people in remote village to Horsman city and surrounding villages and small towns, but this does not hinder him to make clear a matter: The agricultural use machinery is a good thing. 农用机械是政务厅带来的,就和耕地分配、丈量法案一样,都是新领主推广的新东西。作为一个刚在夜校里学了几个字的农民,山姆并不懂得那些机械的原理,就像他也不明白为什么领主要把偏远村落里的人都迁移到霍斯曼市和周围的村镇里一样,但这不妨碍他搞清楚一件事:农用机械是个好东西。 Machine strength that these rumble make noise is big, can arrive at several people to add several good strengths, had them, in addition cheap Druid potion, as well as plans to measure to conform in the together land, this year the grain crop, is simply incredible. 那些轰隆隆作响的机器力气大得很,能抵得过好几个人加好几头牛的力量,有了它们,再加上便宜的德鲁伊药水,以及重新规划丈量整合在一起的土地,今年粮食的收成,简直让人难以置信。 The front door of farm machinery Management place is opening wide, Sam walked cautiously, he first about looked at one, had not seen the person who arrive at early, then he then saw machine that steel builds- it calmly is stopping in the courtyard. 农机管理处的大门敞开着,山姆小心翼翼地走了进去,他先左右看了一眼,并没有看到比自己更早到的人,然后他便看到了那台钢铁打造的机器-它正静静地停在院子里。 It has the firm line, as if a iron big box, the both sides have the wheel of platoon and bind the strap outside wheel, but front machine, is a mechanism that has a group of tooth, chain and drum frame. 它有着刚硬的线条,仿佛一个铁质的大盒子,两侧有成排的车轮和裹在轮子外的金属带,而在机器前部,则是一个带有拨齿、链条和滚筒框架的机械装置。 Young people are bustling about around that lead grey machine, seems like that behind the inspection machine for the straw pack connection of mechanism ejects, he sees Sam, then raised the hand referred to a small room in not far away: Goes to that to register, my one will prepare.” 一个年轻人正在那台铅灰色的机器周围忙碌着,似乎是在检查机器后部那个用于将麦秆打包抛出的机械装置的连接情况,他看到山姆,便抬手指了一下不远处的小屋子:“去那里面登记,我这儿一会就准备好。” Sam hurries to nod to the young people, enters that hut in institute quickly. 山姆赶紧对年轻人点了点头,快步走进院里的那间小屋。 A government affairs office clerk of wear white shirt sits in the hut, is turning a looks at newspaper, before Sam arrives at the table, saw that in the newspaper is printing the title of black overstriking, reluctantly after the identification, he understood that is what content: «The Pioneer Line to Carol Area- Residential Coast Cheering» 一个穿着白色衬衫的政务厅书记员坐在小屋里,正翻看着一份报纸,山姆来到桌前,看到报纸上印着黑色加粗的标题,勉强辨认之后,他看懂了那是什么内容:《开拓者号行至卡洛尔地区-市民沿岸欢呼》 In nearby plate, he sees the party words slightly small title: «Brokenrock Ridge Banditry Subsides, Abandons Vows Knight Total Seven People To accept Offering amnesty». 在旁边的板块里,他又看到一行字号略小的标题:《碎石岭匪患平息,弃誓骑士共计七人接受招抚》。 Recognizes the character?” “认得字?” The table following clerk raised the head, is saying while looks to stand in the present farmer- this was a typical farmer, bent the waist humpbacked, dark, the hands and feet was thick, the wrinkle climbed up the face early, he seemed like an old person, but should just arrive at the middle age. 桌子后面的书记员抬起头来,一边说着一边看了看站在自己眼前的农夫-这是一个典型的农民,弯腰驼背,黝黑,手脚粗大,皱纹早早地爬上了脸,他看起来像个老人,但应该刚到中年。 Sam awakens terrified, hurries to nod: „, Recognizes, recognizes...... is unfair to Lord, I am......” 山姆悚然惊醒,慌忙点头:“啊,认得,认得……对不起老爷,我就是……” All right, recognizing the character is the good deed, knows some characters, in the future can see more knowledge from the book,” clerk smiled, such nervous, I should not be aristocrat- I am like you, is civilians.” “没事,认得字是好事,多认识一些字,将来能从书上看到更多知识,”书记员笑了起来,“别这么紧张,我也不是贵族-我跟你一样,是平民。” Yeah,” Sam still a little nodded flustered, mister and lady government affairs hall are the kind good people, at least is much kinder than the beforehand tax collector and manager person, but he, when still met subconsciously nervous to get up facing these people, I...... I am borrow the harvester and tractor, my three days of front numbers.” “哎,”山姆仍有点慌张地点了点头,政务厅的先生女士们都是亲切的好人,最起码比以前的税务官和管事人要亲切得多,但他在面对这些人的时候仍然会下意识地紧张起来,“我……我是来借收割机和拖拉机的,我三天前排的号。” Is saying, he while puts out was putting personal the paper, that is three days ago he in the number that in this courtyard attains, since possession, in three days of time he does not dare to place to be away from oneself over one meter place the paper: A here only harvester and a tractor, moved a short time ago from Horsman city, this type of new machine is equally precious on and magical car(riage), uses its opportunity similarly preciously...... 一边说着,他一边拿出了贴身放着的纸条,那是三天前他在这个院子里拿到的号码,自从拿到之后,三天时间里他都没敢把纸条放在距离自己超过一米的地方:这里只有唯一的一台收割机和一台拖拉机,还是前不久才从霍斯曼市调过来的,这种新出现的机器就和魔导车一样珍贵,使用它的机会……同样珍贵。 The government affairs hall sent the clerk of Management farm machinery to look at content on a paper, contrasted with registration book on hand, nods: Sam- has your name and resident number. Rents for quite a while, west the harvesting road the place of second area.” 政务厅派下来管理农机的书记员看了一眼纸条上的内容,和自己手头的登记簿对比了一下,点点头:“山姆是吧-有你的名字和居民号码。租借半天,收割路西第二区的地。” Yes, yes,” Sam nods again and again, „the second area, the second area.” “是的,是的,”山姆连连点头,“第二区,第二区。” Your certificate, the mechanic gentleman in the courtyard, you should see a moment ago, gives him to be good directly. The tractor went to the town/subdues to draw the goods, one will come back, I made the mechanic gentleman look for you,” put on the clerk of white shirt to put out an seal the card of character to give Sam from the table, other, need not to the reward, your family was the activist who the first batch of response lands replaced, the reward of mechanic gentleman has paid on another's behalf by the government affairs hall.” “你的凭证,机工士在院子里,你刚才应该看见了,直接给他就行。拖拉机去镇上拉货了,一会就回来,我让机工士去找你,”穿着白衬衣的书记员从桌子下面拿出了一张印着字的卡片递给山姆,“另外,不用给报酬,你们家是第一批响应土地置换的积极分子,机工士的酬劳已经由政务厅代付了。” Thanks, thanks.” “谢谢,谢谢。” Sam received the certificate, expressed gratitude again and again, then left the room quickly. 山姆接过凭证,连连道谢,然后快步离开了屋子。 Be responsible for the clerk looks at that simple farmer of Management farm machinery going out, this lowers the head, the registration book in looks at hand. 负责管理农机的书记员则看着那个朴实的农夫出了门,这才低下头来,看着手中的登记簿。 The one by one name is arranging on that making him unable to bear smile. 一个个名字在那上面排列着,让他忍不住笑了起来。 When the first tractor was transported Horsman, that when makes noise, strength to be huge, the military might style machine ran away in fear half of inevitable crowds, enters the city and first water pump like the first magical car(riage) starting, caused big chaos. 当第一台拖拉机被运到霍斯曼的时候,那台哐当作响、力气巨大、威武气派的机器吓跑了一半的围观人群,就像第一辆魔导车入城、第一台水泵开机一样,引起了不小的混乱 But such short time, some so many people borrowed the harvester and tractor. 但才这么短的时间,就有这么多人来借收割机和拖拉机了。 This should give credit to several times of machines of government affairs hall organization demonstrated a while ago, before the people, the government affairs hall demonstrated to people the agricultural use machine can have the major role, this gave up everyone's anxiety, after all regarding the farmer, can get in the grain, exceeds all. 这应该归功于前一阵子政务厅组织的数次机器展示,在民众面前,政务厅向人们展示了农用机器能有多大的作用,这才打消了大家的疑虑,毕竟对于农民而言,能多打粮食,胜过一切。 The harvester is a new thing, after the magical car(riage) appears appears, it is said magical technician of Cecil city after making the magical car(riage) first are conducting the research of agricultural use machinery, studied from the fall of last year in the spring of this year, makes the a series of inconceivable machine. 收割机是个新东西,是在魔导车出现之后才出现的,据说塞西尔城的魔导技师们在造出魔导车之后第一时间就在进行农用机械的研究,从去年秋天研究到今年春天,才造出了一系列不可思议的机器。 No matter presents any new technology product, will first apply in the military to assure the homeland security, then does everything possible to be used in the folk to guaranteeing the people abundant, but the upper layer leads a life of comfort placed all final of application forever, this is Cecil and other place most different places. 不管出现任何新技术产物,都会首先应用于军事以保证家园安全,然后想尽办法用于民间以保证人民富足,而上层享乐永远排在所有应用的最后,这就是塞西尔和其他地方最不同的地方。 Since the clerks have reorganized for a week to rent the record of harvester, was sighing rapid of magical industry new thing development, is also sighing the harvest of this year. 书记员整理着一周以来租借收割机的记录,感叹着魔导工业这个新玩意儿发展的迅速,同时也感叹着今年的这场丰收。 Since new policy has implemented, Horsman transforms the most rapid and thorough area, with the efforts of Daedalus Magistrate, the government affairs hall uses the Cecil's successful experience on this lands, the fact showed that this borrows fruitfully, particularly in agricultural domain. 新政实施以来,霍斯曼是改造最为迅速和彻底的地区,在戴达罗斯执政官的努力下,政务厅把塞西尔的成功经验用在了这片土地上,事实证明这一借用卓有成效,尤其是在农业领域 Massive remote village's peasant households migrated the city peripheral as well as in several key satellite towns, the land of some old aristocrat paddies and Knight manor was measured and assigned, became the contract place of new immigration. The dependence provides grain seed, to sell Druid potion with low price as well as conducts unified agronomy training, in addition appropriate rewards and punishment measure, originally scattered in disorder disorderly traditional cultivation rapidly by the Cecil type plan agriculture replaces, but now, all these results arrive in front of people- 大量偏远乡村的农户迁移到了城市周边以及几个重点卫星镇内,旧有的贵族田地和骑士庄园的土地被重新丈量和分配,成为新移民的承包地。依靠发放粮种、低价出售德鲁伊药水以及进行统一的农学培训,再加上适当的奖惩措施,原本散乱无章的传统耕作迅速被塞西尔式的“规划式农业”代替,而现在,这一切的成效都来到了人们面前- Harvest that can foresee. 一场可以预见的丰收。 In the courtyard, Sam gave the card the mechanic gentleman who is responsible for controlling the machine, digs up machine one side arm rest to crawl to the mechanic gentleman nearby seat on later, deeply inspires, wants to return to normal some oneself nervous moods. 院子里,山姆把卡片交给了负责操控机器的机工士,随后扒着机器一侧的扶手爬到机工士旁边的座位上,深深吸了口气,想要平复自己有些紧张的心情。 He looked down shoes on the foot, confirmed that it did not have, when climbed up the caterpillar band and footboard damages, this relaxes. 他低头看了一眼自己脚上的鞋子,确认它没有在攀爬履带和踏板的时候损坏,这才松了口气。 This is his recent first pair of new shoes. 这可是他最近几年以来的第一双新鞋。 The machine started, driven by mana, belly that” its steel builds in transmits the sound that components revolve, when it just vibrated, Sam subconsciously grasped arm rest on hand, in the palm had/left perspiration, but when this machine rolled by the courtyard front door steadily, the heart that his thump thump jumped is steady. 机器启动了,在魔力的驱动下,它那钢铁打造的“肚子”里传来一阵零件运转的响动,当它刚刚震动起来的时候,山姆下意识地抓紧了手边的扶手,手心里出了一层的汗,但当这台机器平稳地驶过院子大门的时候,他那怦怦直跳的心就已经平稳下来。 Outside he sees is the land of stretching as far as eye can see, the land of waiting cultivation, including the same place, is own. 他看到外面是一望无尽的土地,等待耕作的土地,其中有一块,是属于自己的。 This can make him tranquil compared with anything. 这比什么都能让他平静下来。 Sam sits on this machine monster, the looks at mechanic gentleman is controlling these lever, footboards and steering wheel adeptly, with some him looked that not clear technique directs this heavy steel creation to go forward, suddenly a little envies. 山姆坐在这台机器怪兽上,看着机工士娴熟地操控着那些拉杆、踏板和方向盘,用某种他看不明白的手法指挥着这沉重的钢铁造物向前行驶,突然有一点羡慕。 He does not know do oneself have the opportunity to trace these lever and footboards personally, he thought that did not have the opportunity mostly, oneself were old, really could not learn such complex thing, but Parny...... he was young, he could good. 他不知道自己有没有机会亲手摸一摸那些拉杆和踏板,他觉得多半是没机会了,自己年纪大了,实在学不会这么复杂的东西,但帕尔尼……他还小,他说不定能行。 The child studied a lot of things in the school, he is the entire family in history most intelligent child, making him continue to study to get down, perhaps he can also become mechanic gentleman specialized controls the smart person of machine. 那孩子在学校里学了很多东西,他是整个家族有史以来最聪明的孩子,让他继续学下去,说不定他也能成个“机工士”-专门操控机器的聪明人。 The machine that the steel builds drives toward the wilderness. 钢铁打造的机器向着原野驶去。 Dresses up the armor, bluffed and blustered Knight that not to have in the villages, aristocrat Lords that in castle feasted all day did not have, in the tavern in countryside, that group of people of discussion black magic and sorcerer have learned to take the newspaper to appraise now loudly, but Sam...... 披挂铠甲,在乡镇之间耀武扬威的骑士们没了,城堡里整日宴饮的贵族老爷们也没了,乡下的酒馆里,讨论黑魔法和巫师的那拨人现在已经学会了拿着报纸高声品评,而山姆…… Sam sits on machine that in moveing to oneself plants crops, is feeling under the body the vibration and strength of steel. 山姆坐在驶向自家耕地的机器上,感受着身子下面钢铁的震动和力量。 This probably is so-called „the time of steel. 这大概就是所谓“钢铁的时代”吧。 ...... …… Cecil city, Machine Building institute- in farm machinery I workshops, Gawain looks at at present that rough, but simple and crude, the colossus that but floods the trying feeling of quantity, is filled with emotion. 塞西尔城,机械制造所-农机I车间内,高文看着眼前那粗犷而简陋,但又充斥着力量感的庞然大物,感慨万千。 This thing...... was really made finally in the assembly workshop of tractor. 这东西……果然最终还是在拖拉机的组装车间里被造出来了。 White Knight from Holy Light Church is praying for this colossus: „...... Holy Light blessing its bogie and caterpillar band, wishing it never to tilt, blessing its gun tube, hoping it never overheated, blessing its engine, hope it forever powerfully......” 一位来自圣光教堂白骑士正在为这台庞然大物进行祝祷:“……圣光祝福它的负重轮和履带,愿它永不倾覆,祝福它的炮管,愿它永不过热,祝福它的引擎,愿它永远充满力量……” In White Knight devout( probably), but serious( really) in the pray sound, young Knight Philip went forward to knock that steel tank outer covering, is feeling ice-cold and hardness of metal, this Knight turned the head, on the face has a smile: Lord, I think that I understood finally you said ‚the time of steel was what meaning- said like you, this truly was the time of steel.” 白骑士虔诚(大概)而郑重(真的)的祈祷声中,年轻的骑士菲利普上前敲了敲那辆钢铁战车的外壳,感受着金属的冰冷和坚硬,这位骑士转过头来,脸上带着一丝微笑:“大人,我想我终于理解您所说的‘钢铁的时代’是什么意思了-诚如您所说,这确实是个钢铁的时代。”
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