SOD :: Volume #6

#564: Choice

The Great Dragon glimpse vanishes in the horizon, besides the small number of people, hardly knows some people to know that race in legend is paying attention to this stretch of land, this world is revolving as always, Giant Sun raises and falls day-by-day, the weather warms up day-by-day, and approaches gradually in the summer- seems like in in a wink, spring then finished, made one not handle hurriedly. 巨龙的掠影消失在天际,除了少数人之外,几乎不会有人知道一个传说中的种族正在关注着这片大地,这个世界一如既往地运转着,巨日一天天升起又落下,天气一天天转暖,并渐渐逼近夏季-似乎是在一眨眼间,春天便结束了,匆忙的令人无措。 The flames of war that east Holy Spirit Plain has renewed after flaming burnt, stopped unknowingly. 圣灵平原东部本已重新燃起的战火在熊熊燃烧了一阵之后,又不知不觉地停了下来。 Fortress and on that plain the giant tree road junction, both armies confront, every large or small fortification such as jig-saw patterned, the inconsistency of trim area cutting, seals off the region everywhere, everywhere is the kingdom's army or the flag of Eastern Region person, the complete equipment soldier and Officer Knight walk back and forth to wander in the blockade belts that these spread across, inspects discretely is their lands temporarily, on the alert these with their close flags-, but is undeniable, the short and frail truce aspect has established. 巨木道口,两军对峙的堡垒和平原上,大大小小的工事如犬牙交错,将整片地区切割的七零八落,到处都是封锁地带,到处都是王国军东境人的旗帜,全副武装的士兵和骑士军官们在这些纵横交错的封锁带之间逡巡徘徊,谨慎地巡视着暂时属于他们的土地,又警惕着那些与他们近在咫尺的旗帜-但不可否认的是,短暂而脆弱的停战局面已经建立。 The rumor in abundance, is almost impossible to control the information in this effectively the age, so long as a news reached the ear of people, there is a brave person to take a walk in the areas, it will spread in the crowds, and splits up the innumerable grotesque and gaudy editions in the process of spread. 流言纷纷,在这个几乎无法有效管制信息的年代,只要一个消息传进了人们的耳朵,又有胆大的人在地区之间走动,它就会在人群之间蔓延开来,并在蔓延的过程中分化出无数个光怪陆离的版本。 Some people said that was the kingdom's army has the big defeat, Silver Castle could not have withstood the pressure, the Royal Capital aristocrat with the Eastern Region peace negotiation, some people are spreading the completely opposite edition, but also some people said that was Typhon Empire is being ready to make trouble in the border, the foreign enemy pressure caused both armies truce, some people and recently relate one at present this strange aspect in the plague of area the giant tree road junction frequently sending...... 有人说是王国军吃了大败仗,白银堡已经顶不住压力,王都贵族正在与东境议和,也有人在流传完全相反的版本,还有人说是提丰帝国正在边境蠢蠢欲动,外敌压力导致了两军停战,更有人把目前这诡异的局面和最近一段时间在巨木道口一带频发的瘟疫联系到了一起…… But in the rumors of all editions, the most reliable news from is horse breeding person who Eastern Region legion works for- horse breeding person vowed solemnly that declared he saw the Elf race great eagle flies from the Northwest, has Elf Messengers to enter the Prince Edmund fortress, temporarily the order of truce, hands down from generation to generation shortly after that. 而在所有版本的流言中,最可靠的消息来自为东境军团效力的养马人-养马人信誓旦旦地宣称他看到了精灵族的巨鹰从西北方飞来,有精灵信使进入埃德蒙王子的堡垒,临时停战的命令,就是在那之后不久传下来的。 In fortress that east the giant tree road junction, builds newly, high sentry post tower stands upright in the city wall, a black mail-armor and helmet, has gathered Edmund Mowen of beard to stand is whistling the tower peak, is looking into plain area these scattered in disorder flags and every large or small wooden camps, the wind from western South howls has been blowing tower, is rolling up and pushing along the Mowen Prince above flag, flap flap makes noise. 巨木道口东侧,新筑的堡垒中,一座高高的哨挺立在城墙上,一身黑色甲胄、已经蓄起胡须的埃德蒙?摩恩站在哨的顶端,眺望着平原地区那些散乱的旗帜和大大小小的木质营地,来自西南方的风呼啸着吹过塔楼,卷动着摩恩王子上空的旗帜,猎猎作响。 Iron boots tread the place the sound from transmit behind, Duke Silas Loren of whole body military garb arrived on tower, this Eastern Region Duke sinking sound said: Elves had walked, Your highness.” 一阵铁靴踏地的声音从身后传来,全身戎装的塞拉斯?罗伦公爵来到了塔楼上,这位东境公爵沉声说道:“精灵们已经走了,殿下。” If they come again late seven days, the giant tree road junction was our,” Edmund Mowen said in a soft voice, „the allied armies these totally undisciplined soldier at all was not our opponents, even if put on the new-style equipment, they also only met the noisy crowd to clash to bring death.” “如果他们来的再晚七天,巨木道口就是我们的了,”埃德蒙?摩恩轻声说道,“联军那些毫无纪律的士兵根本不是我们的对手,哪怕穿上新式装备,他们也只会一窝蜂地冲上来送死而已。” Eastern Region Duke profoundly looked at this Prince one: But we must truce- this is related to the principle of righteousness.” 东境公爵深深地看了这位王子一眼:“但我们必须停战-这事关大义。” Yes, is related to the principle of righteousness- we will fight for the Ainz future, rather than for that position in Silver Castle, Edmund said purely lightly, Loren Grand Duke, rear order how?” “是啊,事关大义-我们是为了安苏的未来而战,而不是单纯地为了白银堡里的那个位置,”埃德蒙淡淡地说道,“罗伦大公,后方秩序如何?” All steady, Your highness, does not need to be worried, the Silas Loren nod said that „, only then Belk sends in Correspondence Cecilian that worries about excavates the Whitesand Hills minerals at astonishing technique and speed, he description in letter/believes is very exaggerating, I do not even know that should believe these views.” “一切平稳,殿下,无需担心,”塞拉斯?罗伦点头说道,“只有贝尔克发来担忧的信函-塞西尔人正在以惊人的手法和速度采掘白沙丘陵的矿产,他在信中的描述很夸张,我甚至不知道该不该相信那些说法。” Edmund is somewhat curious: How did he say?” 埃德蒙有些好奇:“他怎么说的?” „...... Cecilian may bomb flat small crow mouth mountain in this year ‚’, moreover next year they plan to bomb flat second.” “……塞西尔人可能会在今年内炸平‘小鸦嘴山’,而且明年他们打算炸平第二座。” „...... Belk is not likes the exaggerating person probably.” “……贝尔克好像并不是个喜欢夸张的人。” He truly does not like exaggeratingly, Your highness.” “他确实不喜欢夸张,殿下。” I like to believe him actually,” Edmund said that „, if Cecilian is capable of blasting out the Fort Boulder city wall with some type of magic weapon, they do not have the truth not to use similar explosion on mining mine.” “那我倒是愿意相信他,”埃德蒙说道,“如果塞西尔人有能力用某种魔法武器炸开磐石要塞的城墙,那他们没有道理不把类似的爆炸用在开采矿山上。” At this point, he cannot bear sigh: Although we successfully built the new-style factory in Eastern Region, but the Cecilian genuine technology foundation...... we have not fallen behind in this aspect in these factories obviously.” 说到这里,他忍不住叹了口气:“虽然我们成功在东境盖起了新式工厂,但塞西尔人真正的技术根基显然不在那些工厂里……我们在这方面已经落后了。” We have been negotiating with Southern Region immigration Management official, hopes that can send some learn to read apprentice to go to their school to learn/study, Southern Region as if absolutely does not forbid in this aspect.” “我们已经在和南境的移民管理官员交涉,希望能派一些识字学徒去他们的‘学校’里学习,南境在这方面似乎也不是完全禁止的。” Edmund nods gently: This matter then asked you to pay attention- talent, really very important.” 埃德蒙轻轻点了点头:“这件事便请您多留意了-人才,真的很重要。” A moment later, Duke Loren left tower, only leaves behind Edmund Mowen person in a platform that stands in whistling the tower peak, calmly stands in the wind. 片刻之后,罗伦公爵离开了塔楼,只留下埃德蒙?摩恩一人站在哨顶端的平台上,静静地站在风里。 However the next second, a sound then spread to his ear: You may really be governing clear(ly), Your Highness Prince.” 然而下一秒,一个声音便传入了他的耳朵:“您可真是一位治国明君呐,王子殿下。” Edmund Mowen as if has been waiting for this sound, he has turned the head tranquilly, looks at the brazier of not far away, in the looks at brazier condenses a person's shadow behind gradually, looks at that person's shadow arrives in the ground, transforms to wear the Priest skirt robe and lower part as if plant root system strange fearsome female, he nods desolately: You came, Belterra.” 埃德蒙?摩恩仿佛早就在等着这个声音,他平静地转过头,看着身后不远处的火盆,看着火盆中渐渐凝聚出一个人影,看着那人影走到地面上,幻化为身穿神官裙袍、下半身仿佛植物根系般诡异可怖的女性,他冷淡地点了点头:“你来了,贝尔提拉。” „Don't you deny the governing clear(ly) title?” Belterra moves the foot of root hair her rustle is making noise, in the sound leads to taunt, really mature...... you will also worry to deny in the face of this title last year.” “您已经不否认治国明君的称号了?”贝尔提拉挪动着她那沙沙作响的根须之足,声音中带着一丝嘲讽,“真成熟啊……去年您还会在这个称号面前着急否认。” I do not need to debate in this issue with you, between I and you relations have not penetrated into this degree,” the Edmund Mowen sound is even more desolate, „, if you are look for these Elf to be troublesome, I can only say that you came late one- they had walked, returned to St. Sunil.” “我没必要和你们在这种问题上辩论,我和你们之间的关系还没有深入到这种程度,”埃德蒙?摩恩的声音越发冷淡,“如果你是来找那些精灵麻烦的,我只能说你来晚了一步-他们已经走了,回圣苏尼尔去了。” I may have no interest in these Elf,” the Belterra chuckle gets up, you, you must after attacking and occupying the giant tree road junction actually then announce coronate, now is actually stirred by the news that these Elf did bring yellow...... was not regrettable?” “我对那些精灵可没兴趣,”贝尔提拉轻笑起来,“倒是您,原本您是要在攻占巨木道口之后便宣布加冕的,现在却被那些精灵带来的消息搅黄了……不遗憾么?” Edmund is silent the single-handed sword that lifted in the hand the belt/bring sheath, the sword aims at the throat of Belterra sharp, in the air between sword and throat, black fissures as if there is life to spread generally: If you die here, some people will regret for you?” 埃德蒙沉默着抬起了手中带鞘的单手剑,剑尖指向贝尔提拉的咽喉,在剑与咽喉之间的空气中,一道道黑色裂痕仿佛有生命一般蔓延开来:“如果你死在这里,会有人替你遗憾么?” Receives this toy, plays it to compare in the battlefield is used to threaten the woman to be stronger here,” Belterra opened out itself in front of the hand superficially the single-handed sword, I come to here to remind your, Your Highness Prince, the time are not many-, if you want to be the Ainz people leave behind a position in the epoch, best under make a decision as soon as possible.” “收起这件玩具吧,在战场上玩它比在这里用来威胁女人要强,”贝尔提拉轻描淡写地用手拨开了自己面前的单手剑,“我来这里只是提醒你一下,王子殿下,时间不多了-如果你想在新纪元中为安苏的人民留下一个位置,最好尽快下决断。” Edmund Mowen is staring at the eye of Belterra: I to your so-called great evolution uninteresting, do not care your goes into the Doomsday theory, even if the so-called epoch really exists, the Ainz person will have own way of living, had no need for you worrying.” 埃德蒙?摩恩盯着贝尔提拉的眼睛:“我对你们所谓的‘伟大进化’毫无兴趣,也不在意你们那套末日理论,哪怕所谓的新纪元真的存在,安苏人也会有自己的活法,就用不着你们来操心了。” Belterra calmly watched a Edmund meeting, later is shaking the head, gradually turns back that flaming combustion the brazier: Really is speaks impressive, but doesn't matter, we have the little time, you have the time...... to make the choice.” 贝尔提拉静静地看了埃德蒙一会,随后摇着头,缓步走回那熊熊燃烧的火盆:“真是令人印象深刻的发言,但是没关系,我们还有一点点时间,您还有时间……做选择。” ...... …… Most times, so-called choice is only a false appearance, established facts of careful camouflage, put in front of making the person of choice, quite makes the selector have the misconception that a situation is itself to control, or makes the helpless person cover up slightly own distress. 在很多时候,所谓的“选择”只是一个假象,一个精心伪装的既定事实,摆在做出选择的人面前,好让选择者产生一丝局势属于自己掌控的错觉,或者让已经无能为力的人稍稍遮掩一下自己的狼狈。 In gold/metal Oaken Hall, the Ainz most powerful big aristocrats enthusiastically were still discussing, these prestigious family prominent families publish to the Kingdom situation opinion, with all sorts of theories, literary references and argument proved oneself to accurate of situation judgment, prove oneself each few words for this Kingdom bright future, but sits on the long table Victoria of head is very clear, these discussions and expressions are paving the way on the conclusion that can draw for a basic need not discussion. 橡木大厅内,安苏最有权势的大贵族们仍然在热烈地讨论着,这些名门望族发表着自己对王国局势的见解,用种种理论、典故和论据来证明自己对局势判断的准确,证明自己的每一句话都是为了这个王国的光明未来,但坐在长桌上首的维多利亚却很清楚,这些讨论和言辞都只是在为一个根本不用讨论就能得出的结论铺路而已。 „...... Eastern Region had accepted the condition of temporary truce, this is only the most basic reason, they did not have qualifications representative Ainz......” “……东境已经接受了暂时停战的条件,这只是最基础的理智罢了,他们还没有资格代表安苏……” royal family legitimate in Silver Castle, can the representative Ainz person also in Silver Castle!” 王室正统在白银堡,能够代表安苏的人也在白银堡!” But we must consider that Holy Spirit Plain nervous aspect, what we must face is one crowd has soon lost sane usurping state power......” “但我们要考虑到圣灵平原紧张局面,我们要面对的是一群已经快要失去理智的窃国者……” Needs further consideration, needs further consideration......” “从长计议,从长计议……” Count, Marquis, Prime Minister Kingdom, the military aircraft high-ranking court official, they spoke one after another, was saying the facts that discerning person eyes can look, Victoria facial expression looks at this, she looked at the left indifferently, saw that Crown Prince Wales and same face were indifferent, Baldwin Duke had a big yawn, she looked at the right, saw to sit several Special Envoy Elf in not far away special seat puzzled and bored looks at. 伯爵,侯爵,王国首相,军机重臣,他们一个接一个地发言,说着明眼人一眼就能看出来的事实,维多利亚神情冷漠地看着这一幕,她看了看左边,看到威尔士亲王和自己一样一脸冷漠,柏德文公爵则打了个大大的哈欠,她又看了看右边,看到坐在不远处特别席位上的几位精灵特使正一脸困惑和无聊地看着自己。 Because the situation is special, the gold/metal oak hall allows the foreign people to enter the scene to audit the aristocrat conference in an unprecedented move, but looking back now, the friends from Silver Empire custom to some of Human Race society too did not understand. 由于事态特殊,金橡木厅史无前例地允许异国人进入现场旁听贵族会议,但现在看来,来自白银帝国的朋友们对人类社会的一些“规矩”果然不太理解。 That Elf named Sonia Frostleaf blinks in the Victoria direction, the lip moved several, Victoria heard the voice of opposite party to resound by own ear: Why such issue do they want to repeatedly stress are so long?” 那位名叫索尼娅?霜叶精灵维多利亚的方向眨了眨眼,嘴唇动了几下,维多利亚听到对方的声音在自己耳旁响起:“就这么点问题他们为何要反复强调这么久?” Victoria agitates mana reluctantly, delivers own sound: Because some words saying must shoulder very big responsibility.” 维多利亚无奈地鼓动起魔力,将自己的声音送过去:“因为有些话说出来要承担很大的责任。” We understand this point actually, but they discussed was also too long,” the Sonia Frostleaf sound was still very puzzled, our Elf can live for several thousand years, but your conferences too wasted the time in my opinion...... the people of these speeches, their lives and ordinary were Human Race different?” “我们倒是理解这一点,但他们讨论的也太久了些,”索尼娅?霜叶的声音仍然很困惑,“我们精灵能活几千年,可你们这种会议在我看来还是太浪费时间了……这些发言的人,难道他们的寿命和普通人类不同么?” Victoria: „......” 维多利亚:“……” This issue a little surpassed her aspect of knowledge. 这个问题就有点超出她的知识面了。 She shakes the head, decided that finished these wasting the discussion of time, therefore knocked the table gently: mister, lady- we should draw the conclusion.” 她摇了摇头,决定结束那些浪费时间的讨论,于是轻轻敲了敲桌子:“先生们,女士们-我们该做出结论了。” Humming sound the discussion sound stops immediately, a both eye almost fell on Victoria, Wales and Baldwin three people as if by prior agreement. 嗡嗡的讨论声立刻停止下来,一双双眼睛几乎不约而同地落在了维多利亚威尔士柏德文三人身上。 Northern Duchess sighed secretly: Finally, really no one dares saying that only choice. 北方的女公爵暗自叹了口气:最终,果然没有一个人敢说出那个唯一的选择。 Wilde Family was called as in any case in the past century in secret usurps country, oneself this north Duke, the image in everyone heart is not the despotism arbitrary? 也罢,反正维尔德家族在过去的一个世纪里都被人私下里称作“篡国者”,自己这个北方公爵,在大家心中的形象本身不就是专权独断的么? royal family does not need to argue legitimate, but the fact is we must place one side this issue now temporarily the rebel army cannot representative Ainz, we...... unable at present. Person who now can act only not in Silver Castle, he in Southern Region.” 王室正统不必争论,但事实是现在我们必须暂时把这个问题放在一旁-东境的叛军不能代表安苏,我们……目前也不能。现在唯一能出面的人不在白银堡,他在南境。” A stature slightly somewhat put on weight the meticulous middle-aged aristocrat, hair handled to open the mouth at the right moment, on the face has the grave expression: Duchess, you said is reasonable, but Southern Region has not expressed that to the royal power ownership of Ainz any attitude, now will give Duke Cecil on behalf of the heavy responsibility of Ainz, that......” 一位身材略有些发福、头发打理的一丝不苟的中年贵族适时开口了,脸上带着庄重的表情:“女公爵,您说的有道理,但南境安苏的王权归属至今也没有表示出任何态度,如今将代表安苏的重任交给塞西尔公爵,那……” Victoria looked at opposite party one eyes: Count Balin, you can recommend that you think the right candidate.” 维多利亚看了对方一眼:“巴林伯爵,你可以推举你认为合适的人选。” „...... My meaning was this heavy responsibility gives Duke Cecil that to be really appropriate!” “……我的意思是此重任交给塞西尔公爵那真是再合适不过了!” Very good, this matter set.” “很好,这件事就定下了。” By the long table special seat, Special Envoy Elf brought to watch this entire long bored conference puzzled, put out the result of conference until Victoria Wilde suddenly, several special envoys shouted the tone. 长桌旁的特殊席位上,精灵特使们带着困惑看完了这整场冗长无聊的会议,直到维多利亚?维尔德突然拿出了会议的结果,几位特使才呼了口气。 Sonia Frostleaf cannot bear shake the head, said with companion in a low voice: In comparison, the Highmountain Kingdom efficiency was higher than them.” 索尼娅?霜叶忍不住摇着头,跟身旁的同伴低声说道:“相比之下,高岭王国的效率比他们高多了。” Human Race conference always this.” 人类的会议总是这样的。” Altogether can also live for hundred years also to dare such wave, they really fierce......” “总共也就能活百年还敢这么浪,他们真的厉害……”
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