SOD :: Volume #6

#563: Preliminary trust

After both sides choose has a frank and sincere talk, the conversation naturally can become with ease. 当双方都选择开诚布公之后,交谈自然会变得轻松很多。 At the Gawain's driving request, Melita also no longer with Mithril Treasury agent the smalltalk attitude comes to talk with him, in the spoken language no longer uses you, increases the performance of trust in this situation obviously. 高文的主动要求下,梅莉塔也不再用“秘银宝库代理人”的客套态度来和他交谈,言语中不再用“您”,在这种场合下显然是增加信任的表现。 Talked with dragon is an experience of novel amusing, but true Dragon race obviously and these disorderly mess legends not too Same Gawain knew these legends, these spread in wandering minstrel, recorded on ancient stele/stone tablet, in the legend that in the mysterious scientist abstruse obscure note recorded, Human Race as if likes with exaggerating and being full of the mysterious style language very much describes this powerful lifeform, Dragon race in legend was powerful, arrogant, was rule of sky, the legend they have surprising frantic to the treasure that sparkling to shine, moreover liked grabbing Human Race Kingdom in ancient era especially, even had the legend Gondor Empire ancestor is. slaughter dragon, they repelled Great Dragon, trades rule of Human Race to continent...... 与龙交谈是一次新奇有趣的经历,但真正的龙族显然和那些乱七八糟的神话传说不太一样-高文知道那些传说,那些在吟游诗人中流传的,在古老石碑上记载的,在神秘学家艰深晦涩的手记中记述的传说,人类似乎很喜欢用夸大和充满神秘风格的语言来描述这种强大的生物,传说中的龙族强大,高傲,是天空的统治者,传说他们对闪闪发亮的财宝有着令人惊讶的狂热,而且在上古时代格外喜欢劫掠人类王国,甚至有传说刚铎帝国的先祖便是屠龙者,他们击退了巨龙,才换来人类大陆统治…… Melita? Ponia seems especially helpless to these legends. 梅莉塔?珀尼亚对这些传说显得格外无奈。 We are altitude civilization race, but in these stories you mentioned actually draws close to our descriptions in the strength does not know the limited wild animal powerful, moreover Dragon race likes the treasure not false-, but have we grabbed? Does business does not compare to rob to bring in money quickly?” “我们是一个高度文明种族,但你提到的那些故事里对我们的描述却更趋近于力量强大又不知节制的野兽,而且龙族喜欢珍宝不假-但我们什么时候劫掠过?做生意不比抢劫来钱快么?” Gawain...... admires confident attitude of Dragon race very much in this issue. 高文……很敬佩龙族在这个问题上的坦然态度。 race on this piece of continent always likes compiling similar story, recently more than ten centuries were better, before for sometime outside your Human Race slaughter Runge prosperous, as if a young fellow who comes out from the village , if not kill 1-2 dragons not to have the qualifications to appear in the wandering minstrel story,” Melita also said, that unrest even aroused the interest of council , we sent the specialized observer to come Loren Continent to begin to investigate, wants to have a look whether had to go out to carry out the task Dragon race and Human Race Kingdom had conflict- result observer belt/bring went back three wandering minstrel, deceived to eat to deceive in our state to drink. for a lifetime.” “这片大陆上的种族总喜欢编造类似的故事,最近十几个世纪还好一些,之前有一段时间你们人类的屠龙格外兴盛,似乎一个从村里出来的小伙子如果不杀上1-2龙的话都没资格出现在吟游诗人的故事里似的,”梅莉塔又说道,“那股风潮甚至引起了评议团的关注,我们派了专门的观察员来洛伦大陆展开调查,想看看是否有外出执行任务的龙族人类王国产生了冲突-结果观察员带回去三个吟游诗人,在我们的国度骗吃骗喝了一辈子。” Unknown discomforting, powerful and mysterious race, some people will naturally go to arrange one pile of shocking legend stories to him,” Gawain comments, later thread of conversation one revolution reluctantly, sometimes, but Great Dragon destroys the Kingdom story is fabricates not completely, not?” “未知令人不安,一个强大而神秘的种族,自然会有人去给他安排一堆耸人听闻的传说故事,”高文无奈地评价道,随后话锋一转,“但巨龙毁灭王国的故事有时候也不完全是凭空捏造的,不是么?” Why said like this?” Melita really opens the eye immediately, we have not done......” “为什么这样说?”梅莉塔果然立刻张大了眼睛,“我们可没做过……” Gawain spreads out the hand: Old Cecil was destroyed by dragon's flame.” 高文摊开手:“旧塞西尔就是被龙炎摧毁的。” After Melita, half a word words were choked immediately, coughs again and again: cough cough, cough cough......” 梅莉塔后半句话顿时就被呛了回去,连连咳嗽:“咳咳,咳咳……” That should not be you?” The response of Gawain looks at Melita, and recalls had once been witnessing the Great Dragon morphological characteristics, is probing asking. “那个该不会是你吧?”高文看着梅莉塔的反应,并回忆着自己曾目击过的巨龙的形态特征,试探着问道。 At that time you at the scene?” Melita recovers consciousness from the cough, looks at Gawain, how I have not discovered with amazement......” “当时你在现场?”梅莉塔从咳嗽中缓过来,惊讶地看着高文,“我怎么没发现……” Really is you,” Gawain sized up Melita one up and down, although had confirmed the fact, but he also is really very difficult this petite lady with the dragon shadow that blocks the sky to link at present, that looked like the number of times that we met to want several plus one time.” “果然是你么,”高文上下打量了梅莉塔一眼,虽然已经确认了事实,但他还真是挺难把眼前这位娇小的女士与那遮天蔽日的龙影联系在一起的,“那看来我们见面的次数又要多加一次了。” At that time I had not chosen,” in the Melita sound seems like the awkwardness, that lands had been invaded by magic energy, the Aberrant Body quantity surpassed the multiplication threshold value, be only burns down completely contamination, can stop the situation deteriorating.” “当时我没有选择,”梅莉塔的声音中似乎有一丝尴尬,“那片土地已经被魔能侵染,畸变体的数量超过了增殖阈值,只有一把火烧尽污染,才能阻止事态恶化。” I understood, I have dealt with Aberrant Body,” Gawain beckons with the hand, I raised this matter am not to condemn, considered to satisfy own curiosity, moreover I was also very curious to another matter- how your did Dragon race see to my dying and being reborn person?” “我理解,我跟畸变体打过交道,”高文摆摆手,“我提起这件事并不是为了问罪,就当是满足自己的好奇心吧,而且我对另外一件事也很好奇-你们龙族对我这个死而复生的人是怎么看的?” Melita? Ponia carefully looked at Gawain two, somewhat said scruple: Actually from the beginning, your resurrecting only has chaos that we bring.” 梅莉塔?珀尼亚仔细看了高文两眼,有些迟疑地说道:“其实在一开始,你的复活给我们带来的只有混乱。” Gawain knits the brows, in a tone with puzzled: chaos?” 高文皱了皱眉,语带不解:“混乱?” „...... We used for a month to have the thing in treasury to look your during that time......” “……我们用了一个多月才把你当年存在宝库里的东西找出来……” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” This may really be fair. 这可真是合情合理。 Melita also has the later word: Then we started a huge amount of manpower, investigated all and Mithril Treasury has signed the custody agreement, the tomb of trustee also died in the agreement period- each grave inspected, even if the skeleton not saves, we also called back from the dead to confirm in each region.” 梅莉塔还有后文:“然后我们又发动了大量人力,去调查了所有和秘银宝库签订过保管协议,又在协议期内死亡的委托人的坟墓-每一座坟都检查了一遍,哪怕是尸骨无存的,我们也在各地招魂确认了一遍。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” This TM was fairer. 这TM更合情合理了。 He even had question in a business to Mithril Treasury this legendary millennium organization suddenly: I initially with the custody agreement that indefinitely you signed, you will pass away because of the trustee take away thing in the shelf time......” 他甚至一时间对秘银宝库这个传奇般的千年组织产生了一丝业务上的质疑:“我当初和你们签订的可是无限期保管协议,难道你们会因委托人去世就把保管期内的东西拿去……” No, please do not suspect that our profession morals,” Melita interrupts the Gawain's words immediately, we will not divert the taking care thing of trustee in the shelf time, but...... will shift to the big warehouse, that was not quite easy to look.” “不,请不要怀疑我们的职业道德,”梅莉塔立刻打断高文的话,“我们是不会在保管期内挪用委托人的保管物的,只不过……会转移到大仓库里,那就不太好找了。” Gawain thought that finished this making person and the dragon ahead of time suspect the life the topic to wonderfully. 高文觉得还是提前结束这个令人和龙都怀疑人生的话题为妙。 Can discuss as if finished talking. 能谈的似乎都谈完了。 No matter what, I was very happy that we were more a understanding,” he stands up, reaches out Melita, as you said that Dragon race is well-meant to the world, I like to believe, I also hope you can believe that I have not conflicted to Dragon race.” “不管怎样,我很高兴我们互相之间都更多了一份了解,”他站起身,向梅莉塔伸出手去,“就如你所说的,龙族对世人没有恶意,我愿意相信,我也希望你们能相信,我对龙族没有抵触。” Can find the friend who can exchange honestly in common custom Kingdom, is our harvests,” Melita and Gawain's grasps in the same place, our having a frank and sincere talk stem from an accident/surprise, this accident/surprise brought the good result luckily.” “能在世俗王国中找到一个可以坦诚交流的朋友,也是我们的收获,”梅莉塔高文的手握在一起,“我们的开诚布公源于一次意外,幸好这次意外带来了好的结果。” Gawain looks at Melita that pair of light purple eyes beside veil, the expression enforces slightly: I am people who have experienced the matters of many inconceivable, please believe that I have experienced truly all compared with you to Gawain Cecil the understanding also wants many many, I can accept all unthinkable truth, including magic tide, including black pitfall. If you found told my time- or found told my method, please come momentarily, I was ready at any time.” 高文看着梅莉塔那双在面纱之外的淡紫色双眼,表情稍稍严肃起来:“我是一个经历过很多不可思议之事的人,请相信,我真正经历过的一切比你们对‘高文?塞西尔’的了解还要多的多,我能够接受所有匪夷所思的真相,包括魔潮的,也包括黑阱的。如果你们找到了告诉我的时机-或者找到了告诉我的方法,请随时来,我在任何时候都做好了准备。” I will not fall to the ground to pass on to your words character to council .” “我会把您的话一字不落地转告给评议团的。” Melita said calmly, she used you again character, was not the demonstration becomes estranged, but was the demonstration is serious. 梅莉塔平静地说道,她再次用上了“您”字,并非是显示疏远,而是显示郑重。 Gawain nods, said: Moreover, about Cecil domestic Mithril Treasury shop......” 高文点点头,又说道:“另外,关于塞西尔境内的秘银宝库门店……” Melita blinks: „Are you want to close down them?” 梅莉塔眨了眨眼:“您是想要关停它们么?” Continues,” Gawain smiled, his reply makes Melita somewhat accidental/surprised, wants the lawful operation, in accordance with the law the tax payment, my have no reason expel them.” “继续开下去吧,”高文笑了起来,他的回答让梅莉塔有些意外,“只要合法经营,依法纳税,我没有理由驱逐它们。” He cannot expel Mithril Treasury, or he does not have the means expel Dragon race agent. 他不能驱逐秘银宝库,或者说,他没办法驱逐龙族代理人们。 Even if at this moment he and Melita discussed again really happy , the change Dragon race and gap between present Cecil duchies, the opposite party is one after top civilization of innumerable years, their historical spans even can span magic tide, they surpass any Human Race Kingdom in the strength on continent operating, if they wanted observation, then present Gawain does not have the means expel their. 哪怕此刻他与梅莉塔再相谈甚欢,也改变不了龙族和如今的塞西尔公国之间的差距,对方是一个历经无数岁月的高位文明,他们的历史跨度甚至能跨越魔潮,他们在大陆上经营的力量超过任何一个人类王国,他们如果想要“观察”,那么现在的高文是没办法驱逐他们的。 Perhaps without Mithril Treasury, they can form black iron treasury next day, adamantite treasury-, moreover completely will be secret. 没了秘银宝库,说不定他们第二天就能组建个黑铁宝库,精金宝库-而且还会完全隐秘。 At least, Mithril Treasury also belongs the industry and commerce in the government affairs hall files, this is equivalent has put the third party intelligence organization in outwardly on, but regarding rule, if he cannot be clean all hidden danger clean up, then he at least needs to guarantee these factors in the controllable range. 至少,秘银宝库还属于在政务厅里工商备案的,这相当于已经摆在明面上的第三方情报组织,而对于一个统治者而言,如果他不能把一切隐患都清扫干净,那么他至少要保证这些因素都在可控范围内。 Dragon race will remember this trust, after” moment is silent, Melita lowers the head slightly, please feel relieved, perhaps soon, we will have a deeper trust.” 龙族会记住这份信任,”片刻沉默之后,梅莉塔微微低下头来,“请放心,或许用不了多久,我们互相之间就会有更深一层的信任了。” I am waiting for that day.” “我等着那一天。” Gawain smiles was saying, and gazed after Melita to get to the entrance of study room, but he remembered a matter suddenly, hurried to stop by calling out the opposite party: wait a moment- this box don't you want?” 高文微笑着说道,并目送梅莉塔走到了书房的门口,但他突然想起件事,赶紧叫住了对方:“等一下-这个盒子你不要了么?” He takes up that box that packs Mithril Ring, was shaking shaking to Miss agent. 他拿起那个装满秘银之环的盒子,对着代理人小姐晃了晃。 According to previous life watches the experience of television, he thought that the opposite party should beckon with the hand free and easy , indicating that these things already no longer important- after all these Mithril Ring look is just the opposite party and opens the introduction of topic now, where itself should not have to go preciously. 按照上辈子看电视的经验,他觉得对方应该会洒脱地摆摆手,表示这些东西已经不再重要-毕竟这些秘银之环现在看起来只不过是对方和自己打开话题的引子而已,本身应该也没珍贵到哪去。 But in fact the Melita next second walked on the half step, one takes the box in the hand: „, I forgot this......” 但事实上梅莉塔下一秒就快步走了回来,一把把盒子拿在手里:“啊,我忘了这个了……” Gawain: „...... Miss Mylittlepony, this very important?” 高文:“……Mylittlepony小姐,这个很重要么?” Very important. Moreover how did your voice change?” “很重要。而且你的口音怎么又变回去了?” Gawain beckons with the hand: Asked you to compare the custom.” 高文摆摆手:“还是这么叫你比较习惯。” Melita looked at Gawain one, shakes the head: Human Race, is very difficult to understand.” 梅莉塔看了高文一眼,摇摇头:“人类,果然很难理解。” Afterward this graceful and mysterious Miss agent then grabs own box, walked lamely. 随后这位优雅而神秘的代理人小姐便抓着自己的盒子,一瘸一拐地走了。 Gawain calmly stood behind the desk a meeting, later has turned the head, looks to the corner by the window. 高文静静地在书桌后面站了一会,随后转过头,看向靠窗的角落。 There deserted, does not have any aura. 那里空空荡荡,没有任何气息 Amber slides actually early. 琥珀溜得倒是早。 He shakes the head reluctantly, goes forward to shove open the window, shouts to the courtyard in: Comes back- person walked!” 他无奈地摇了摇头,上前推开窗子,冲着院子里喊道:“回来吧-人走了!” The next second, the fast shadow then cuts the air to enter in the study room together, and condenses the Miss Half-Elf form in the room center. 下一秒,一道迅捷的黑影便划破空气窜进书房里,并在房间中央凝聚出半精灵小姐的身影来。 Amber is patting own chest, a face exaggerating lingering fear expression: My mother!! My mother!! That is Melita unexpectedly the dragon?! Do you treat with human form Great Dragon two hours in a room?!” 琥珀拍着自己的胸口,一脸夸张的后怕表情:“我的妈呀!!我的妈呀!!那个梅莉塔竟然是龙?!你跟一头人形巨龙待在一个屋里两个小时?!” Melita just entered time this Disgrace of Elves of study room in the room, but hidden the body was treating as always, clarity that but Gawain induces, when Melita revealed that the Great Dragon status the flash, this fellow fled. 梅莉塔刚进书房的时候这个精灵之耻还是在房间里的,只不过一如既往地隐了身待着,但高文感应的真切,当梅莉塔表露巨龙身份的一瞬间,这家伙就窜出去了。 Melita definitely noticed this point, but she obviously and do not care this small Half-Elf. 梅莉塔肯定注意到了这一点,但她显然并不在意这个小小的半精灵 Compared with this, you ran as the Feudal Lord guard immediately unexpectedly, this appropriate?” Gawain cast aside Amber one, I also think that you will at least run to call the person, finally caught two hours of ant in the courtyard unexpectedly?” “比起这个,你作为领主近卫在第一时间竟然跑了,这合适么?”高文撇了琥珀一眼,“我还以为你至少会跑去叫人,结果竟然就在院子里抓了两个小时蚂蚁?” Amber face shameless look: I want to ask the person to come, but I first observed, finally discovered that you two actually also chatted very well, has not called- how you said is coming, this named cannot alert the enemy......” 琥珀一脸恬不知耻的模样:“我是想叫人来着啊,不过我先观察了一下,结果发现你们两个竟然还聊得挺好的,就没叫-你怎么说的来着,这个叫不能打草惊蛇……” It seems like this fellow has not run far, but in nearby observation, this many made Gawain gratified. 看来这家伙也没跑远,而是在附近观察情况,这多少让高文欣慰了一些。 Usually really cannot teach you glossaries, you were found the opportunities to abuse,” Gawain shake the head, later slightly hesitated, told, made some proper business- all Mithril Treasury shops and agent in Feudal Territory included the key monitoring, were usually many to pay attention.” “平常真不能教你那些词汇了,你是找到机会就乱用,”高文摇了摇头,随后略一沉吟,吩咐道,“做些正事吧-把领地内所有秘银宝库门店和代理人列入重点监控,平时多加关注。” Secret monitoring?” “隐秘监控么?” Secret monitoring on lines.” “隐秘监控就行。” Gawain does not have the means expel Great Dragon agent, moreover he does not want to get into a deadlock among the relations with Great Dragon- the use of an analytic expression, he hopes that can maintains the relations with this ancient and powerful foreign land civilization, but this does not mean that his anything does not do. 高文没办法驱逐巨龙代理人,而且他也不想把和巨龙之间的关系搞僵-在可能的情况下,他更希望能与这个古老而强大的异域文明搞好关系,但这并不意味着他就什么都不做了。 He retains Mithril Treasury and agent in Feudal Territory, but actually conducts the appropriate monitoring to it, this will be normal action not to stimulate Dragon race, can make the government affairs hall maintain the minimum control ability to these low level agent. 他保留领地内的秘银宝库及其代理人,但却对其进行适当的监控,这再正常不过的举动并不会刺激到龙族,也能让政务厅对那些低级代理人保持最起码的管控能力。 He has a judgment- by the connection of Dragon race and black pitfall, the concern over the secular state, and they possible civilization level, will retain these agent and floor shop...... will apply sooner or later. 他有一个判断-以龙族和黑阱的关联,对世俗国度的关注,以及他们自身可能的文明层级来看,保留那些代理人和底层门店……迟早会派上用场的。
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