SOD :: Volume #6

#562: Talked with dragon

Can collapse Gondor, magic tide natural disaster, the dying in battle battlefield, uncovered the coffin, but all experienced a person, really had the qualifications indifferently in all strange matters facing this world, Melita? Ponia has to acknowledge that the Gawain's view is very reasonable. 一个能够把刚铎崩溃,魔潮天灾,战死沙场,揭棺而起全经历一遍的人,确实有资格淡然面对这个世界上一切离奇之事,梅莉塔?珀尼亚不得不承认高文的说法很有道理。 But what she does not know, Gawain has experienced is also much more these- she must add on the air crash again, the crossed over space and time, overhangs an outer space several hundred thousand years of experience to add up to the Gawain's whole life. 而她不知道的是,高文所经历过的还远远不止这些-她还得再加上飞机失事,穿越时空,高挂太空几十万年的经历才能凑成高文的完整人生。 In this is above in the long life of imagination, a appearance of dragon to Gawain is only in some blinking process the insignificant colored embellishment. 在这超乎想象的漫长人生中,一头龙的出现对高文而言只是某次眨眼过程中一点微不足道的彩色点缀而已。 He is very accidental/surprised, is somewhat surprised, but overall...... is not what important matter. 他很意外,也有些惊讶,但总体而言……也不算什么大事。 Did not compare some remote Typhon Empire people to invent fertilizer to make him surprised. 并不比遥远的提丰帝国有人发明了化肥更让他惊讶。 To be honest, many Human Race think that Great Dragon is only the legend, but almost every study history, browses the extraordinary domain people to know Great Dragon exists really- you rarely come publicly,” Gawain looks at Melita? Ponia that eye that reveals from the veil, in ordinary condition, but also really could not see that this eye belongs to Great Dragon unexpectedly, who can think, you actually side us, camouflage...... such good.” “说实话,很多人类都认为巨龙只是传说,但几乎每一个钻研历史,涉猎超凡领域的人都知道巨龙是真实存在的-你们只是很少公开现身而已,”高文看着梅莉塔?珀尼亚那双从面纱上方露出来的眼睛,在平常状态下,还真看不出这双眼睛竟是属于一头巨龙的,“谁能想到呢,你们其实就在我们身边,伪装的……如此之好。” magic spell of distortion department is Dragon race spreads,” the Melita chuckle was saying, we are good at camouflaging any species, told the facts, race excelled at the mimicry and camouflage compared with us.” “变形系的法术本身就是龙族流传出来的,”梅莉塔轻笑着说道,“我们擅长伪装成任何物种,不过实话实说,有一个种族比我们更擅长拟态和伪装。” Siren? I Know Tyr actually will even camouflage itself one pile of seaweed to evade the work, if not in the dock the not possible long seaweed, perhaps she succeeded......” 海妖么?哦,我倒是知道-提尔甚至会把自己伪装成一堆海草来逃避工作,如果不是船坞里不可能长海草的话,她说不定都成功了……” Two people are talking on such as many years of good friend at will, the status of person and dragon seemed forgotten by them in the one side, the atmosphere strangely is suddenly harmonious, but finally, the topic returned to Melita race and in the Dragon race goal. 两个人就如多年好友般随意交谈着,人与龙的身份仿佛被他们忘在了一旁,现场气氛一时间诡异地和谐起来,但最终,话题还是回到了梅莉塔种族龙族的目的上。 Since Miss agent has chosen to have a frank and sincere talk, the Gawain's issue is also straightforward: Therefore, Mithril Treasury is actually the Dragon race control?” 既然代理人小姐已经选择开诚布公,高文的问题也就直截了当起来:“所以,秘银宝库其实是龙族控制的?” That's true,...... was our Dragon race established Mithril Treasury in fact,” Melita nods confidently, „, but I must emphasize again, here had no plot To unearth Dragon race on any race to continent did not have the evil intention......” “确实如此,事实上……是我们龙族建立了秘银宝库,”梅莉塔坦然地点了点头,“但我要再强调一遍,这里并没有什么阴谋可以挖掘-龙族大陆上的任何种族都没有恶意……” That in land Empire that in The war against the tide destroys?” “那么在逆潮之战中毁灭的陆上帝国呢?” Gawain said one absolutely to calculate that in the Melita hear suddenly sensitive issue historical event, this made her breath obviously stop. 高文突然说出了一个在梅莉塔听来绝对可以算敏感话题的历史事件,这让她的呼吸明显地停顿了一下。 You know are really many......” this human form Great Dragon to stare at the Gawain's eye, this has surpassed the record of Human Race history, surpassed the understanding of Human Race of this world.” “您知道的还真多……”这位人形巨龙盯着高文的眼睛,“这已经超出了人类历史的记载,超出了人类对这个世界的了解。” Gawain smiled: You know, my side has many marvelously the person, to these ancient times dense hard, are not necessarily less than you who I knew.” 高文笑了起来:“你知道的,我身边有很多‘奇妙’的人,对那些远古密辛,我知道的不一定比你少。” That Siren......” in the Melita look flashes through one suddenly, she shakes the head later, looks like you truly to know a lot of things, our conversations can have a frank and sincere talk. However chaotic about cross tide, I suggested that now do not ask too, if you saw other Great Dragon, best do not inquire rashly.” “那位海妖么……”梅莉塔的眼神中闪过一丝恍然,随后她摇了摇头,“看来您确实知道很多东西,那我们的交谈可以更加开诚布公了。不过关于逆潮之乱,我建议您现在还是不要问太多,如果您见到了别的巨龙,最好也不要贸然询问。” Gawain noticed a point instantaneously: Tyr high antiquity that war will be called as The war against the tide, but Melita takes it as chaotic of cross tide, the information content that a deviation of word, has is huge. 高文瞬间注意到了一点:提尔将远古时代那场战争称作“逆潮之战”,而梅莉塔则将其称作“逆潮之乱”,一个单词的偏差,带出来的信息量却很巨大。 Moreover seems like...... this matter in Great Dragon even is also some taboo? 而且看起来……这件事在巨龙中甚至还算是某种禁忌? Although to that possibly involves black pitfall the antiquity war was interested very much, but Gawain has not pestered in this issue, but shifted the topic dexterously: Actually I am very curious, why you will easily reveal that own Dragon race status, your Dragon race is so mystical before the world, camouflaging oneself isn't the important matter?” 虽然对那场可能涉及到“黑阱”的上古战争很感兴趣,但高文并没有在这个问题上纠缠下去,而是轻巧地转移了话题:“其实我很好奇,你为何会这么轻易地表露自己的龙族身份,你们龙族在世人面前如此神秘,伪装自身难道不是很重要的事么?” Very important, but does not have important that you imagine,” Melita said indifferently, was discovering you have investigated the impact pit, moreover my lost still after your body, I know that you definitely will relate Mithril Treasury and Great Dragon, will make the matter in the future with it troublesome, Mithril Treasury thinks that the direct promotion with your contact rank ’, from the historic experience, will do this would ratherinstead most can avoid the accident/surprise.” “很重要,但也没您想象的那么重要,”梅莉塔淡然说道,“在发现您调查过冲击坑,而且我的遗失物还在您身上之后,我就知道您必然会把秘银宝库巨龙联系起来,与其在将来让事情变得麻烦,秘银宝库认为倒不如直接提升与您的‘接触等级’,从历史经验上,这样做反而是最能避免意外的。” „...... It looks like you to have one set of complete plan, deals in all sorts of accidents/surprises of the world contact procedure,” the Gawain judgment said, has the strict plan, has the strict organization, stratified Management, scale huge...... Mithril Treasury establishment goal, definitely not only to work as treasury?” “……看来你们有一套完整的预案,来应对和世人接触过程中发生的种种意外,”高文判断道,“有严密的预案,有严密的组织,分层管理,规模巨大……秘银宝库的建立目的,肯定不仅仅是为了当个‘宝库’吧?” Our Dragon race has been paying attention to Loren Continent, pays attention to this stretch of land the development change of all race and country, Mithril Treasury is we observes the continent tool- naturally, its treasury function same important, Dragon race is race that likes collecting the treasure, this point you should be have also heard.” “我们龙族一直在关注洛伦大陆,关注这片陆地上所有种族和国家的发展变迁,秘银宝库是我们观察大陆的工具-当然,它的‘宝库’作用同样重要,龙族是个喜欢收集珍宝的种族,这一点您应该也是听说过的。” The Gawain eyebrow selects, neglected directly about collection treasure part: Observes merely?” 高文眉毛一挑,直接忽视了关于“收集珍宝”的部分:“仅仅是观察?” Observes merely, we will not meddle common custom Kingdom any business.” “仅仅是观察,我们不会插手世俗王国的任何事务。” What then concrete observes?” Gawain also asked that how observation common custom did Kingdom revolve? How observes each race to develop?...... Observes how we face magic tide and so on survival disaster?” “那么具体是观察什么?”高文又问道,“观察世俗王国是怎么运转的?观察各个种族是如何发展的?或者……观察我们是如何面对魔潮之类的生存灾难的?” Melita replied indifferently: All within observation.” 梅莉塔淡然答道:“皆在观察之内。” „Am I also your observation goals?” “我也是你们的观察目标吧?” Melita hesitated: perhaps this somewhat offends, but in some sense...... 梅莉塔迟疑了一下:“或许这有些冒犯,但从某种意义上……是的。” „The goal of then observing? Should to not satisfy your curiosity?” “那么观察的目的呢?该不会只是为了满足你们的好奇心吧?” Why can't?” Melita asked slyly, she did not plan directly to reply that obviously this issue, Dragon race was curious race.” “为什么不可以是呢?”梅莉塔狡猾地反问道,她显然不打算正面回答这个问题,“龙族可是个好奇心很强的种族。” How long did Mithril Treasury have?” 秘银宝库到底存在了多久?” When on continent the most ancient state appears, when Mithril Treasury establishes.” 大陆上最古老的国度是什么时候出现的,秘银宝库就是什么时候建立的。” Gawain is staring at the eye of Melita: „Before even can trace previous magic tide, yes?” 高文盯着梅莉塔的眼睛:“甚至可以追溯到上一次魔潮之前,是么?” „...... Looked like you truly to obtain the much knowledge from Siren there,” Melita after was shortly silent nods, as you said- before tracing previous magic tide, even before tracing more ancient several magic tide . We not necessarily are called Mithril Treasury each time, but the agent association/will appears on this piece of continent.” “……看来您确实从海妖那里得到了很多知识,”梅莉塔在短暂沉默之后点了点头,“如您所说-追溯到上一次魔潮之前,甚至追溯到更古老的几次魔潮之前。我们不一定每次都叫做‘秘银宝库’,但代理人总会出现在这片大陆上。” „Won't you be affected by magic tide? Like Siren?” “你们不会受到魔潮影响?和海妖一样?” We truly can survive from magic tide, but we and Siren situation is different.” “我们确实能从魔潮中生存下来,但我们和海妖的情况并不一样。” How do you resist magic tide?” “你们是如何抵御魔潮的?” Temporarily no comment.” “暂时无可奉告。” What then the black pitfall is?” “那么黑阱又是什么?” „...... Still no comment.” “……仍然无可奉告。” Gawain is staring at the eye of Melita, has stared for three minutes, the latter profoundly sighed, in the tone fills reluctantly: Is the real no comment, Duke Cecil.” 高文盯着梅莉塔的眼睛,一直盯了三分钟,后者才深深地叹息了一声,语气中充满无奈:“是真的无可奉告,塞西尔公爵。” Gawain is not resigned to this with great difficulty one time to talk with dragon harvestless, he is closely examining rigid: No comment- in other words, actually you know, but can't tell me?” 高文可不甘心这好不容易的一次与龙交谈毫无收获,他执着地追问着:“无可奉告-也就是说,其实你们知道,但不能告诉我?” You can understand, the reply of Melita was more scruple than before, she seems to be considering the glossary especially difficultly, but was still maintaining the formality diligently, I cannot tell you, but this did not stem from maliciously.” “您可以这么理解,”梅莉塔的回答比之前更加迟疑起来,她似乎格外艰难地斟酌着词汇,但仍然努力维持着礼节,“我不能告诉您,但这绝不是出于恶意。” intuition roused Gawain's subconsciousness suddenly, he as if felt anything from the response of Melita. 直觉突然勾动了高文的潜意识,他似乎从梅莉塔的反应中感觉到了什么。 He asked discretely: Black pitfall and is the magic tide cause related?” 他谨慎地问道:“黑阱和魔潮的起因有关么?” „It is not connected directly.” “并无直接关联。” He also asked: „Is black pitfall...... related with the god?” 他又问道:“黑阱……和神有关?” Melita is silent. 梅莉塔沉默下来。 But her eye is always staring at Gawain stubbornly, has not put aside. 但她的眼睛始终死死盯着高文,一刻都没有移开。 After several seconds of type, her eye gradually turned the golden color that is glittering glimmer sets upright the pupil, the close scale starts near her cheeks and forehead appears, she opens mouth, one type the low and deep echo that mixes Human Race unable to understand twittering the sound transmits from her mouth, in this moment, Gawain noticed Melita behind shadow- that shadow is working loose the optical rule gradually binding, a pair of giant dragon wing is stretching from the shadow: Her shadow, is changing into dragon Xing. 几秒种后,她的眼睛渐渐变成了闪烁着微光的金色竖瞳,细密的鳞片开始在她的脸颊和额头附近浮现,她张开嘴,一种混合着人类无法理解的低沉回响的呢喃声从她口中传来,在这一刻,高文注意到了梅莉塔身后的影子-那影子正渐渐挣脱光学规律的束缚,一双巨大的龙翼正从阴影中舒展开来:她的影子,正在化为龙形。 Gawain nods: I have known the answer, need not replied.” 高文点点头:“我已经知道答案了,不用回答。” The Melita shadow quickly gets back, already the eyes and scales of dragon hominization also restore the normal state immediately. 梅莉塔的影子迅速恢复过来,已经龙人化的双眼和鳞片也随即恢复常态。 Her looks at Gawain's eye, said in a soft voice: We still in pitfall.” 看着高文的眼睛,轻声说道:“我们仍在阱里。” Finally, Gawain contacted the true secret. 终于,高文接触到了真正的秘密。 His looks at has restored the normal state Miss agent, suddenly is somewhat curious: You told me so many...... are because promoted so-called contact rank?” 看着已经恢复常态的代理人小姐,突然有些好奇:“你告诉我这么多……是因为提升了所谓的‘接触等级’?” Melita nods: Yes.” 梅莉塔点了点头:“是的。” After this, Gawain and Melita? Ponia discussed. 在这之后,高文又和梅莉塔?珀尼亚谈了很多。 But he had not inquired finally Dragon race more inside stories- where lives including them, Mithril Treasury has the big scale on continent specifically, what kind of plan Dragon race the black pitfall has in magic tide and in front of specifically, as well as their next step whether will adopt anything to act on continent. 但他最终还是没打听出龙族更多的内幕-包括他们住在什么地方,秘银宝库大陆上具体有多大的规模,龙族魔潮和黑阱面前具体有怎样的计划,以及他们下一步是否会在大陆上采取什么行动。 Obviously, even raised contact rank, Melita must keep many secrets. 显然,即便提升了“接触等级”,梅莉塔也是要保守很多秘密的。 But this conversation has made Gawain very satisfied. 但这场交谈已经让高文很满意了。 He obtains has surpassed at first expected harvest. 他已经得到了超出自己最初预期的收获。 But he also knows, since Mithril Treasury, or Dragon race has a frank and sincere talk to oneself on own initiative, that definitely does not give for nothing. 但他同时也知道,既然秘银宝库,或者说龙族主动对自己开诚布公,那肯定不是白给的。 You hope that what obtains from here?” Gawain asked that ’ perhaps so-called promotioncontact rank, was the content not only you tells me such big pile of secrets is so simple?” “你们又希望从我这里得到什么呢?”高文问道,“所谓提升‘接触等级’,内容恐怕不仅仅是你来告诉我这么一大堆秘密这么简单吧?” Actually we also really no strove,” Melita shook the head gently, even this promotion contact rank as a result of my negligence and accident/surprise, we only hopes that was peaceful observer-, if really had anything is needs you to do, that was we hopes that you can continue to cooperate with us, as always, and kept our common secrets.” “其实我们还真的没有什么所求,”梅莉塔轻轻摇头,“甚至这次提升接触等级都是由于我的疏忽和意外,我们只希望做安静的旁观者-如果真的有什么是需要您做的,那就是我们希望您能够继续与我们合作,一如既往,并且保守我们共同的秘密。” Gawain could not bear smile: To be honest, conservative secret words you should before saying the secret said with me.” 高文忍不住笑了起来:“说实话,保守秘密这种话你应该在说出秘密之前和我说。” And no difference,” Melita spreads out the hand, „ talked with people like you, confidently planning was more advantageous, we believe that you were not the person who liked publicizing everywhere, moreover...... we actually did not care about you to publicize these secrets. “并没什么差别,”梅莉塔摊开手,“与您这样的人交谈,坦然比算计更有利,我们相信您并不是个喜欢四处宣扬的人,而且……我们其实也不怎么在意您会不会宣扬这些秘密。 Mithril Treasury existed many years on continent, over a hundred dynasties and countless world and we have contacted, in the long years, frightened secret about Mithril Treasury ‚’ are always many, some of them will even cause a clamor lasted a century, but alternated in the dynasty finally turned into the incomplete history and legend. 秘银宝库大陆上存在了许多年,有上百个王朝和无以计数的世人与我们接触过,漫长的岁月中,关于秘银宝库的惊悚‘秘闻’从来不少,它们有的甚至会甚嚣尘上长达一个世纪之久,但最终还是在王朝更迭中变成了残缺的历史和传说。 You can say that today's complete conversation content- believes me, a century later, it will turn into a story finally, two centuries later, it will turn into the country legend, but...... will not believe all these to the third century on your offspring later generation.” “您可以把今天的全部交谈内容都说出去-相信我,一个世纪之后,它终将变成一个故事,两个世纪之后,它会变成乡野传说,而到了第三个世纪……就连您的子孙后代都不会相信这一切了。” Gawain wants saying that the opposite party despised the short life to plant the ability in inheritance information, but he thinks that more than 80 wives who some Knight novel mentioned, could not say on what words immediately. 高文想说对方过于轻视了短寿种在传承信息方面的能力,但他想到了某本骑士小说里提到的自己那八十多个老婆,顿时就什么话都说不出来了。 So long as the years are glorious, the history can mix with the legend eventually in one. 只要岁月悠久,历史终究是会和传说混在一块的。 Similarly witnesses Gawain of glorious years also to acknowledge this point. 同样见证过悠久岁月的高文也不得不承认这一点。 In the unnecessary situation, I do not have the interest in publicize the secret everywhere.” Gawain said. “在没有必要的情况下,我也没兴趣把秘密四处宣扬。”高文说道。 This is good.” “这样再好不过。”
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