SOD :: Volume #6

#561: The people of many secret

Since previous time returns after the Dark Mountain Range south impact pit, Gawain as well as combs related Mithril Treasury all known intelligence in the collection investigation. 自上次从黑暗山脉南麓冲击坑返回之后,高文就在收集调查以及重新梳理有关秘银宝库的所有已知情报 Behind this mysterious organization is possibly related with Great Dragon, but Great Dragon as if with the entire continent situation, with magic tide, with mysterious black pitfall phenomenon is related, on the other hand, the original master of his body, Gawain Cecil also and Mithril Treasury has certain relation...... this all sorts of clues to connect in together, making him have to enhance vigilance to this mysterious organization. 这个神秘组织背后可能与巨龙有关,而巨龙似乎又与整个大陆的局势,与魔潮,与神秘的“黑阱”现象有关,另一方面,他这副身体的原主人,高文?塞西尔也和秘银宝库有着一定联系……这种种线索串联在一起,让他不得不对这个神秘的组织提高了警惕。 In the investigation process, Gawain discovered that imagines a lot,...... these materials about Mithril Treasury material actually almost can describe with voluminous in fact. 在调查过程中,高文发现关于秘银宝库的资料竟然比自己想象得多,事实上……那些资料几乎可以用浩如烟海来形容。 Mithril Treasury ancient mysterious is not false, but it is not always a secluded from the world organization, just the opposite, it enlivens on almost any lands that in Human Race knows, even including the element and top magic creature domain, it collects, taking care, rents, it trades with any national any race, so long as conforms to Mithril Treasury transaction standard, treasury agent will then appear before you, from this point, Mithril Treasury can be said as wide open. 秘银宝库古老神秘不假,但它从来都不是一个与世隔绝的组织,恰恰相反,它活跃在人类所知的几乎任何一片土地上,甚至包括元素和高位魔物领域,它收集,保管,租借,它与任何国家任何种族进行交易,只要符合秘银宝库的“交易标准”,宝库代理人便会出现在你面前,从这一点上,秘银宝库可以说是“敞开”的。 It even is also equipped with the fixed contact point in the key city, has fixed contact personnel, is establishing effective and stable official docking channel with the local influence- even in Luan city, in Horsman city, in the Peibo old city, has shop that” grand total seven Mithril Treasury open, more than ten low level agent are operating these shops, by the present also in normal operation. 它甚至在主要城市里还设有固定的联络点,有固定的联络人员,与当地势力建立着有效且稳定的官方对接渠道-甚至就在卢安城,在霍斯曼市,在培波旧城里,就有总计七个秘银宝库开设的“门店”,有十余名低级代理人运营着那些门店,到现在还在正常运营。 Each one is the century-old institutions. 个个都是百年老店。 They are doing the business that similar paid treasury and makes loans, the lawful operation, the material is complete, after Southern Region unifies also first made the industry and commerce registration in the government affairs hall, a shop was even evaluated one of the Horsman year outstanding merchants, its agent received the reward the picture also to mount the Horsman local newspaper...... 它们做着类似有偿金库和放贷的生意,合法经营,资料齐全,在南境统一之后还第一时间在政务厅做了工商登记,其中一家门店甚至被评为了霍斯曼年度优秀商户之一,其代理人登台领奖的照片还登上了霍斯曼本地的报纸…… However besides these shallow layer information, in -depth material about Mithril Treasury is not good to investigate. 然而除了这些浅层信息之外,关于秘银宝库的深层资料就不是那么好调查的了。 The Mithril Treasury basic unit shop seemingly does not have the secret, its low level agent is also only an average person, Gawain investigated the portion low level agent material, confirmed these people, the identification are clear about the verified native with a clean past, but these low level agent and basic unit shop to a level higher region agent is responsible, these region agent status as if have no issue, at least, the Cecil's government affairs hall investigation does not have problems. 秘银宝库的基层门店看上去没有秘密可言,其低级代理人也只是普通人而已,高文调查了一部分低级代理人的资料,确认了那些人都是出身清白、身份证明明确无误的当地人,而这些低级代理人和基层门店向更高一级的“区域代理人”负责,这些区域代理人的身份似乎也没什么问题,至少,塞西尔的政务厅调查不出问题。 Then, which agent does Mithril Treasury have the relation and Great Dragon? 那么,秘银宝库到底是在哪一层代理人巨龙产生联系的? Did not have the clue Gawain to the present, but he from Mithril Treasury organization formally thinking of Cecil's commercial intelligence net- takes the commercial organizations at all levels as the carrier, takes military intelligence agency officer as the key node, the secret extremely high intelligence system, he thought that the so-called agent system of Mithril Treasury perhaps is also similar thing. 高文到现在还没头绪,但他从秘银宝库的组织形式上联想到塞西尔的商业情报网-以各级商业组织为载体,以军情局干员为关键节点,隐秘度极高的情报系统,他觉得秘银宝库的所谓代理人体系恐怕也是类似的东西。 The silver-white ring sends out the heat slightly, as mana pours into, magic spell that in the ring solidifies revolves, a hoarse mature voice resounded in the Gawain ear, interrupted his thinking: Salutes to you, Gawain Cecil Duke- need business help?” 银白色的指环微微发出热量,随着魔力注入其中,指环内固化的法术运转起来,一个略带沙哑的成熟嗓音在高文耳边响起,打断了他的思索:“向您致敬,高文?塞西尔公爵-需要业务帮助么?” My “My little little Miss pony, ” Gawain calms down, said calmly, my some issue about Mithril Treasury, wants to consult face to face.” pony小姐,”高文定了定神,沉着冷静地说道,“我有一些关于秘银宝库的问题,想要当面咨询。” After the investigation, he decides to conduct a direct contact and probe in every way finally, since that Miss Melita is high-level agent, then some Gawain reasons believe, the opposite party is at least having knowledge of some high-level secrets. Probed in any case, harvested precious intelligence, inadequate also no loss. 在多方调查之后,他最终决定进行一次直接的接触和试探,那位梅莉塔小姐既然已经是“高级代理人”,那么高文有理由相信,对方至少是掌握着一些高级秘密的。反正试探成了,收获宝贵的情报,不成也没什么损失。 The ring opposite sound obviously stopped, a moment later resounds: Face to face is the consultation...... the important issue?” 指环对面的声音明显停顿了一下,片刻之后才响起:“当面咨询么……是很重要的问题?” important, Gawain said very much at a moderate pace, has the difficulty?” “很重要,”高文不紧不慢地说道,“难道有困难?” „......, Without the issue, Mithril Treasury always loyally does not fulfill the contract,” Melita? The Ponia sound conveys, that I in later pay a visit- I happen to near the Cecil city.” “……不,没问题,秘银宝库一向忠实履行契约,”梅莉塔?珀尼亚的声音传来,“那么我会在稍后拜访-我正好在塞西尔城附近。” The Mithril Ring slight fever feeling retreated gradually, Gawain actually knits the brows gently. 秘银之环的微热感渐渐退去了,高文却轻轻皱了皱眉。 That high-level agent happen to near the Cecil city? This is the coincidence, intends? But she told herself on own initiative this matter, what profound meaning also there is? 那位高级代理人正好在塞西尔城附近?这是巧合,还是有意?而她主动告诉自己这件事,又有什么深意么? Theoretically, can with the high-level agent direct dialog of Mithril Treasury customer will not be many, on Cecil this lands, perhaps only then, Melita? Ponia was detained in this nearby possibly...... did not say for other customers, she has actually been waiting for oneself relation? 理论上,能够跟秘银宝库高级代理人直接对话的“客户”不会很多,在塞西尔这片土地上,恐怕只有自己一个,梅莉塔?珀尼亚在这附近滞留不可能是为了其他客户……那么说,她其实一直在等着自己的联系? Gawain shakes the head, he thought that own perhaps was sensitive, but...... 高文摇了摇头,他觉得自己或许是过于敏感了,但…… Considering existence of Great Dragon, this issue is more sensitive is quite good. 考虑到巨龙的存在,这个问题还是敏感些比较好。 Today has no extra schedule planning, Gawain then patiently in Feudal Lord Mansion middle-grade visit of that high-level agent, but how long he has not waited. 今日并没有什么额外的日程计划,高文便耐心地在领主府中等着那位高级代理人的造访,而他并没有等多久。 When Giant Sun just leaned toward the west, Betty then ran in the study room, a small maid bow: Lord!! Some people look for you! She said that she called......” 巨日刚刚向西倾斜之时,贝蒂便跑进了书房,小女仆一躬到底:“老爷!!有人找你!她说她叫……” Asked her to come,” Gawain interrupted the Betty words, other, prepares snack, delivered to the study room.” “请她进来吧,”高文打断了贝蒂的话,“另外,去准备茶点,送到书房。” Yeah! Good!” “哎!好的!” Gawain reorganized document on a desk, after several minutes, he then hears the sound of footsteps to transmit from the corridor direction. 高文整理了一下书桌上的文件,几分钟后,他便听到脚步声从走廊方向传来。 The gate of study room opened, wore the purple gauze skirt, the face upper hood the light purple veil, the physique is feeling the mystery young lady to enter room under the leadership of maid Betty gracefully- Mithril Treasury high-level Miss agent. 书房的门打开了,一位身穿紫色纱裙,脸上罩着淡紫色面纱,身姿绰约而充满神秘感的年轻女士女仆贝蒂的带领下走进了房间-正是秘银宝库高级代理人小姐 Betty after leads the guest to the study room then drew back temporarily, Gawain looked at Melita one, he has not revealed any unusual facial expression, but nods lightly: For a long time does not see, Miss agent.” 贝蒂在把客人带到书房之后便暂时退下了,高文则看了梅莉塔一眼,他没有流露出任何异样的神情,只是平淡地点了点头:“好久不见,代理人小姐。” For a long time does not see, Duke Cecil,” the Melita similarly slight nod,...... some slightly steps did not arrive at the Gawain's desk before later steadily, this city is really every day is changing, surprising.” “好久不见,塞西尔公爵,”梅莉塔同样微微点头,随后……略有些步履不稳地来到了高文的书桌前,“这座城市真是每天都在发生变化,令人惊讶。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” Although this My 虽然这位My little little Miss pony has maintained the steady solemn stance diligently, but Gawain can in the same old way a leg that sees the opposite party seems to be injured! pony小姐已经努力维持平稳端庄的姿态,但高文照样能一眼看出对方的腿似乎受了伤! Your leg how?!” “你的腿怎么了?!” „...... The life always has the accident/surprise,” Miss agent is saying calmly indifferently, but does not know is the misconception, Gawain saw indistinct annoyed from the opposite party eyeground, little does not affect to work...... small wound.” “……人生总有意外,”代理人小姐平静淡然地说着,但不知是不是错觉,高文从对方眼底看到了一丝隐隐约约的恼火,“一点点不影响工作的……小伤而已。” Why Gawain naturally is very curious Mithril Treasury high-level agent injured-, moreover this agent most likely is high level Extraordinary, but he has not inquired the custom of others privacy rashly, therefore referred to nearby seat: That sat down to say- , if we had known you are injured, I did not call you today.” 高文当然很是好奇一位秘银宝库高级代理人为何会受伤-而且这位代理人十有八九还是个高阶超凡者,但他并没有贸然询问他人隐私的习惯,所以只是指了指旁边的座椅:“那就坐下说吧-如果早知道你受了伤,我也就不在今天把你叫来了。” Mithril Treasury, the prestige first, we have never given slightly the discount in the customer service, for a lot of years always so,” Miss agent sits down on the seat, later before Gawain starts the topic then seemingly continues to say at will, „, moreover...... our today's conversations will be necessary, not?” 秘银宝库,信誉第一,我们从未在客户服务上打过丝毫折扣,千百年来一向如此,”代理人小姐在座椅上坐下,随后在高文开始话题之前便貌似随意地继续说道,“而且……我们今天的交谈将非常有必要,不是么?” The Gawain brow slightly cannot check wrinkled: „Oh?” 高文眉头微不可查地皱了一下:“哦?” Makes us have a frank and sincere talk, Duke Cecil,” Melita? Ponia sighed, you in...... once led the person to go to south Dark Mountain Range some time ago, was this?” “让我们开诚布公吧,塞西尔公爵,”梅莉塔?珀尼亚叹了口气,“您在不久前……曾带着人前往黑暗山脉南部,是这样么?” The Gawain's look stagnates slightly, but under the tranquil facial features, in his heart has been startled. 高文的眼神微微凝滞下来,但在平静的面容下,他心中已经一惊。 In all sorts of assumptions and suspicions that surges suddenly, he suppresses temporarily all thinking of possibilities, and is gazing at present the eye of this high-level agent tranquilly: You know that what we did discover there?” 在骤然涌起的种种假设和猜想中,他把所有联想到的可能性都暂时压制下来,并平静地注视着眼前这位高级代理人的眼睛:“你知道我们在那里发现了什么吗?” „Did you discover......” Melita? Ponia is saying in a soft voice, later has leaned the upper body, approached Gawain the face- “您发现了……”梅莉塔?珀尼亚轻声说着,随后倾过上身,将脸靠近了高文- That pair of attracting light purple pupil does not know when had turned into a pair of vertical pupil, the close scale appears from her eye faintly, in vague powerful aura, her sound spreads to the Gawain's ear- 那双魅惑的淡紫色眸子不知何时已经变成了一双竖瞳,细密的鳞片从她的眼睛两侧隐隐浮现,在一阵若有若无的强大气息中,她的声音传入高文的耳朵- „The trace of dragon, yes?” “龙的痕迹,是么?” Gawain quite tranquilly looks at Melita the face of faint dragon hominization, but the latter after maintaining this stance two seconds then quickly restores the normal state, and returned to the original position, the Betty sound to transmit from out of the door in the next second: Lord! I bring the snack!” 高文颇为平静地看着梅莉塔已经隐隐龙人化的面庞,而后者在维持这个姿态两秒钟后便迅速恢复常态,并回到了自己原先的位置,贝蒂的声音则在下一秒从门外传来:“老爷!我带茶点来啦!” Places here,” the atmosphere flash in study room becomes and usually not different, Gawain makes small maid place on the table the snack tray, then nods temperately, first rests- temporarily to come to the study room.” “放在这里吧,”书房中的气氛一瞬间变得和平常无异,高文让小女仆将茶点托盘放在桌上,然后温和地点了点头,“先去休息吧-暂时不要让人来书房。” Yeah, good!!” “哎,好的!!” Did Betty close to leave the room cleverly, Melita? Ponia the chuckle after the short peace was breaking silent: I think that my eye and scale at least can let your slightly stunned such.” 贝蒂乖巧地关上门离开了房间,梅莉塔?珀尼亚则在短暂的安静之后轻笑着打破了沉默:“我以为我的眼睛和鳞片至少能让您稍微错愕那么一下。” Gawain spreads out the hand: confessed- here also had a long scale, single view the scale quantity she was perhaps more than you, therefore I was not so surprised about similar inhuman physiological characteristics.” 高文摊开手:“坦白来说-我这里还有一个长鳞的,单论鳞片数量她说不定比你还多,所以我对类似的非人生理特征并不那么惊讶。” This replied that many are stems from Melita to be unexpected, she was startled, the tone is somewhat helpless: „...... That Miss Siren, truly, your here is gathering...... very marvelous person much.” 这回答多少是出乎梅莉塔意料之外的,她怔了一下,语气有些无奈:“……那位海妖小姐么,确实,您这里聚集着不少……很奇妙的人。” Gawain is maintaining the tranquilest indifferent stance at this moment diligently, but in his mind has in fact transferred the innumerable trains of thought fast, the first mentality that he braves, was thinking of oneself by that dragon that satellite viewpoint witnessed- 高文此刻努力保持着最平静淡然的姿态,但实际上他脑海里已经飞快地转过无数思绪,他所冒出来的第一条思路,便是联想到了自己以卫星视角目击到的那头龙- Melita? Ponia, this Mithril Treasury high-level agent, she should be that dragon!! 梅莉塔?珀尼亚,这位秘银宝库高级代理人,她应该就是那头龙!! Then the wound on her leg...... 那么她腿上的伤…… Difficult to be inadequate this Miss Great Dragon to throw off the way of satellite tracing each time is to crash...... 难不成这位巨龙小姐每次甩掉卫星追踪的方式就是坠毁么…… The clue of Gawain brain united one probably instantaneously, but did he guess Melita? Ponia should not be clear he as remote thinking/proficiency the details, this Miss Great Dragon should know he once led the person to investigate south Dark Mountain Range and discovered the process of impact pit, in other words, cannot this information point expose crash, cannot display ahead of time knows Great Dragon moves south Dark Mountain Range...... 高文满脑子的线索好像瞬间都联到了一起,但他猜测梅莉塔?珀尼亚应该并不清楚他作为“卫星精”的底细,这位巨龙小姐应该只是知道他曾带人探查黑暗山脉南部并发现冲击坑的经过,也就是说,不能把“坠毁”这个信息点暴露出来,也不能表现的提前就知道巨龙黑暗山脉南部活动…… He is considering the both sides intelligence not coordinated part discretely, and according to Melita? The behavior of Ponia initiative exposition status was judging the motive and goal of opposite party, in considering and judgment, he opened the mouth discretely: Marvelous...... Siren and Great Dragon may be marvelous ’ are not so only simple regarding Human Race ‚, I am very lucky, really has the opportunity to know these two legend race members simultaneously. I am very curious, is a dragon...... a top of the headMithril Treasury high-level agent the status dragon, actually wanting to make what in the Human Race world?” 他谨慎地斟酌着双方情报不对等的部分,并根据梅莉塔?珀尼亚主动暴露身份的行为判断着对方的动机和目的,在斟酌和判断中,他谨慎地开口了:“奇妙么……海妖巨龙对于人类而言可不仅仅是‘奇妙’那么简单,我很幸运,竟然有机会同时认识这两个传说种族的成员。我很好奇,一头龙……一头顶着‘秘银宝库高级代理人’身份的龙,在人类世界究竟想做什么?” Does not need is so vigilant, dragon to the Human Race world and without any malicious intent,” Melita said that „, but before continuing this topic, I hope that can bring back by thing that I lose carelessly- that is the Mithril Treasury precious property, I know that they now in your hand, I can feel their aura.” “不必如此警惕,龙对人类世界并没有恶意,”梅莉塔说道,“但在继续这个话题之前,我希望能拿回一些被我不慎丢失的东西-那是秘银宝库的珍贵财产,我知道它们现在在您手上,我能感受到它们的气息。” After Melita reveals the status, Gawain guessed correctly the opposite party will mention these ring, he took out that box of Mithril Ring from some check under desk conveniently, places on the table: You say these ring?” 梅莉塔表露身份之后,高文就猜到了对方会提到那些指环,他随手从书桌下的某个格子中取出了那一盒秘银之环,放在桌上:“你是说这些指环?” Is- can give back to me?” “是的-能还给我么?” We must chat well,” Gawain places on the hand the box, the body caster, depends on the chairback slightly, first starts to mention from the relations of Mithril Treasury and Great Dragon- you, is the exceptional case in high-level agent?” “那我们就得好好谈谈了,”高文把手放在盒子上,身体微微后倾,靠着椅背,“就先从秘银宝库巨龙的关系开始谈起吧-你,是高级代理人中的特例么?” Melita has not replied immediately, but quite feels the amusing looks at Gawain's eye: You when facing true Dragon race are very actually calm.” 梅莉塔没有立刻回答,而是颇感有趣看着高文的眼睛:“您在面对真正的龙族时倒是很镇静啊。” Crawls from the coffin I have faced have most been able the surprising situation,” Gawain shows a faint smile, dragon has really not made me surprised.” “从棺材里爬出来的时候我就已经面对过最能让人惊讶的情况了,”高文微微一笑,“龙还真不怎么让我惊讶。”
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