SOD :: Volume #6

#560: Plan

The disorderly mess prospectus that in Cecil city Feudal Lord Mansion, Gawain surprised looks at full of joy and expectation runs to look for own Rebecca, the looks at opposite party brings big pile of sketch that and smudges: Your...... train new plan?” 塞西尔领主府内,高文一脸惊讶地看着兴冲冲跑来找自己的瑞贝卡,看着对方带来的一大堆草图和涂抹的乱七八糟的计划书:“你们的……列车新方案?” Yes!” Rebecca places in front of that bunch of things Ancestor excited, you have a look at you to have a look- the first analog test has succeeded! These are the related information!!” “是啊是啊!”瑞贝卡兴奋不已地把那堆东西放在老祖宗面前,“您看看您看看-第一次模拟测试已经成功啦!这些都是相关资料!!” As a result of achieve Immersion Cabin technology, the human brain has been able with the magic circuit installment to link, studies personnel now after origin laboratory conducts the experiment, the related information can directly reorganize the data and by one with Immersion Cabin direct connected printing press prints, therefore Rebecca in a short time then reorganized such big bunch of materials, then she revised to the material according to oneself idea, such full of joy and expectation brought the thing. 由于实现浸入舱技术,人脑已经能够和魔网装置连接在一起,现在研究人员们在“起源实验室”中进行试验之后,相关资料可以直接整理成数据并由一台与浸入舱直接相连的印刷机印刷出来,所以瑞贝卡在很短的时间内便整理出了这么一大堆资料,然后她又根据自己的想法对资料修订了一番,就这么兴冲冲地把东西拿过来了。 Gawain only looked at these material uppermost sketch, then conscious to this is really a brand-new plan. 高文只看了一眼那些资料最上面的草图,便意识到这真的是个全新的方案。 The thing that on that described...... besides the compartment was a compartment, other structure basically he could not recognize quickly. 那上面所描绘的东西……除了车厢还是个车厢之外,其他的结构基本上他都快认不出来了。 Even the wheel did not have...... 甚至连车轮子都没了…… „Is this...... the repulsion structure?” Gawain was attracted the attention by that marvelous sketch, he opens the following detail immediately, more looks is surprised, „did you cancel the engine...... to recommend sky over the track the entire train directly? Go forward to retrocede with can the adjustment direction repulsion generator?! Energy...... most energy on track?!” “这是……斥力结构?”高文被那奇妙的草图吸引了注意力,他立刻翻开下面的详细说明,越看越是惊讶,“你们直接取消了引擎……把整个列车推举到轨道上空?用可以调整方向的斥力发生器来前进后退?!能源……大部分能源都在轨道上?!” Yes,” a Rebecca face happily said, mechanism is phenomenally simple, the load is undertaken by the entire orbital system, the stability is extremely high, moreover a single repulsion damage will not affect the train to go...... naturally, this is also only a tentative plan, practical application time will definitely also adjust.” “是的,”瑞贝卡一脸得意地说道,“机械结构空前简单,负载由整个轨道系统承担,稳定性极高,而且单个斥力点损坏也不会影响列车行驶……当然,这还只是个初步方案,具体应用的时候肯定还会调整。” Merit that Rebecca are saying new way of thinking, but Gawain, then has completely immersed, in this in plan that was above him to form in one's mind at first. 瑞贝卡一条条说着新思路的优点,而高文,则已经完全沉浸在这个超乎他最初构思的方案之中了。 Rebecca and her technology team overthrew the infrastructure of primitive magic energy train unexpectedly directly, they cancelled the engine, the demon changed the energy,...... turned into this train float. 瑞贝卡和她的技术团队竟然直接推翻了原始魔能列车的基础架构,他们取消了引擎,魔改了能源,把这趟列车……变成了悬浮的。 She designed approximate V the track of glyph, the orbit center is hollow, internal both sides assume the a series of repulsion point that the obtuse angle opens, but the chassis whole of train stress surface comprised of the orderly continual steeliness, the entire train then depends upon these repulsion structures float in a distance track more than ten centimeters midair, does not need with the orbital contact, the special V glyph track also to guarantee simultaneously initially the levitation stability of train, preventing the compartment to fall to leave the track in the travel process ; 她设计了一种近似“V”字形的轨道,轨道中心凹陷,内部两侧是呈钝角张开的一系列斥力点,而列车的底盘整体都由整齐连续的钢制“受力面”组成,整趟列车便依靠这些斥力结构悬浮在距离轨道十几公分的半空中,根本无需和轨道接触,同时特殊的V字形轨道也能初步确保列车的悬浮稳定,防止车厢在行驶过程中倾倒脱出轨道; But by the track, she established the a series of orderly arrangement relay pile, they are fix the equilateral triangle metal or the cement column by track vertical, with suspended state compartment contour, the crest line of relay pile to the direction of train compartment ; In compartment outer covering, then installs a series of to adjust the angle vertical the repulsion generator, these repulsion generators are corresponding by the orbital relay pile, when they face the rear area, the train will then accelerate forward, otherwise, the train will decelerate to check stops, even can back up ; 而在轨道两旁,她则设置了一系列整齐排列的“接力桩”,它们是竖直固定在轨道旁的等边三角形金属或水泥立柱,与悬浮状态的车厢等高,接力桩的一条棱线正对着列车车厢的方向;在车厢外壳上,则竖直安装着一系列可以调整角度的斥力发生器,这些斥力发生器对应着轨道旁的接力桩,当它们朝向后方的时候,列车便会向前加速,反之,列车则会减速刹停,甚至可以进行倒车; By track relay pile except for can let the train headway, is prevents the train to leave the double insurance of track- no matter in train travel process goes forward retrocedes to receive the reacting force of both sides relay piles, moreover close to one side, the received jet braking strength will also be bigger, compartment that this then can prevent the suspended state flying beside track ; 轨道两旁的“接力桩”除了能让列车前进,同时也是防止列车脱出轨道的第二重保险-列车行驶过程中不管前进还是后退都会受到两侧接力桩的反作用力,而且越是靠近其中一侧,受到的反推力量也会越大,这便能防止悬浮状态的车厢“飞”出轨道之外; In order to adjust hover height in train travel process, she still established the portion extra repulsion unit when the train car(riage) bottom, some repulsion units may the independent control, be used to balance the load of each compartment, when the train overall load is too high, the car(riage) bottom has the submersion risk, or the entire orbital system has the accident/surprise, most repulsion points suddenly have the breakdown, the train can also depend upon own repulsion unit to maintain float, either at least can quite return to the track steadily ; 为了调整列车行驶过程中的悬浮高度,她还在列车车底设置了一部分额外的斥力单元,这部分斥力单元可单独控制,用来平衡每节车厢的负载,而当列车整体负载过高,车底有下沉风险时,或者整个轨道系统出现意外,大部分斥力点突发故障时,列车也能依靠自身的斥力单元维持悬浮,或者至少能较为平稳地回到轨道上; „...... Quite...... not as I expected......” “……相当……出乎我的预料……” Gawain cannot bear to praise sigh in a soft voice. 高文忍不住轻声赞叹道。 The plan of this suspension train reminds him of magnetic suspension that” previous life knew technology, but the two have very big difference essentially, at the same time, in the Rebecca new plan the driving force of train made him think magic crystal rail gun- rail gun also promoted the shell to go forward with same inclined repulsion rune, just in the Rebecca plan, had the propelling force no longer is track, but becomes repulsion unit that the shell( compartment) it brought...... 这悬浮列车的方案让他想起了前世所知的“磁悬浮”技术,但二者本质上又有很大的不同,与此同时,瑞贝卡新方案中列车的前进动力又让他想到了魔晶轨道炮-轨道炮也是用同样的倾斜斥力符文来推动炮弹前进的,只不过在瑞贝卡的方案中,产生推动力的不再是“轨道”,而成了炮弹(车厢)本身自带的斥力单元…… Sees Ancestor to show the satisfactory expression, Rebecca cannot bear be self-satisfied: Thrust force that because float needs from track, therefore increases more compartments, will obtain many thrust forces, so long as does not exceed the output upper limit of unit track, the train increases the compartment also to stabilize floats, because simultaneously some massive repulsion are also working, even portion repulsion expired suddenly, the train still trims the altitude or the underspeed at most, but not contact rail damage.” 看到老祖宗露出满意的表情,瑞贝卡忍不住得意起来:“因为悬浮所需的推力来自轨道,所以增加更多的车厢,也会得到更多的推力,只要不超过单位轨道的出力上限,列车增加车厢也能稳定漂浮,同时因为有大量斥力点在同时工作,即便其中一部分斥力点突然失效了,列车顶多也只是略微降低高度或者降低速度,而不会直接触轨损毁。” , She also then said: „ According to the current magic circuit the disturbing threshold of power as well as repulsion unit, I took festivalto divide the track for the unit, every ‚ festival general length was 1.32 kilometers, had one set of complete repulsion array in this, among various energy supplied alone, a damage cannot affect other, simultaneously each probably 30% repulsion units were safety margin...... 顿了顿,她又接着说道:“根据目前的魔网功率以及斥力单元的干扰阈值,我把轨道以‘节’为单位进行了划分,每一‘节’大概长度是一点三二公里,在这一节内有一套完整的斥力阵列,各节之间能源单独供应,一节损坏不会影响其他,同时每一节大概有百分之三十的斥力单元是‘安全余量’…… „The energy that train goes is divided into two parts, portion is the orbital area, being used makes the compartment float, portion on the train, is used to maintain the advance, because analyzed the energy, moreover power plan that used to reduce effort, compartment's weight has reduced, therefore the load of compartment also enhanced many plan that was earlier than......” “列车行驶的能源分为两部分,一部分是轨道区,用来让车厢悬浮,一部分在列车上,用来维持前进,因为拆分了能源,而且用了更为省力的动力方案,车厢本身的重量又有所减轻,所以车厢的负载比最早的方案还提高了很多……” Gawain slight bow, is listening to each explanation of Rebecca earnestly, then reminded: „The compartment of suspended state, controlling is not easy.” 高文微微点着头,认真听着瑞贝卡的每一条解释,然后提醒道:“悬浮状态的车厢,控制起来可不容易。” Naturally, compartment under the suspended state, when shifts and climbs must carefully be quite good,” Rebecca nods, obviously she has thought this aspect, Carmel mister is fluttering frequently, is he reminds my. The compartment curve of float plan must be gentle, can prevent, because the inertia happened to touch the accident of axle or hit relay pile, therefore the train path cannot have so many that anxious curve, the hill climbing is also, to prevent the bottom touches the axle, the gradient must limit. Moreover shifts with the time train of slopeway must decelerate, the slopeway and curve that both sides relay pile density corresponds must enhance, by provides the sufficient power in the train low speed condition.” “当然,悬浮状态下的车厢在转向和爬坡的时候要比较小心才行,”瑞贝卡点点头,显然她已想过这方面,“卡迈尔先生经常飘着,是他提醒我的。悬浮方案的车厢转弯要非常平缓,才能防止因为惯性发生触轨或者撞击接力桩的事故,因此列车路线就不能有那么多那么急的弯道,爬坡也是,为了防止底部触轨,坡度必须限制。另外转向和过坡道的时候列车必须减速,相对应的坡道和弯道两侧的接力桩密度也必须提高,以在列车低速状态下提供足够的动力。” Gawain cannot think suddenly more issues, then lower the head , to continue careful looks at this marvelous plan. 高文一时间想不到更多的问题了,便低下头来,继续仔细看着这奇妙的方案。 Float in the magic energy train of midair...... certainly, this is very bold. 悬浮在半空的魔能列车……毫无疑问,这很大胆。 But does not mean boldly certainly is unsafe, so long as the technology method follows, the bold plan also has high usable- particularly in this world that has magic power is so. 但大胆并不意味着就一定不安全,只要技术手段跟上,大胆的方案也是有很高实用性的-尤其是在这个存在魔法力量的世界更是如此。 Moreover said that is bold...... that is also only his sense, perhaps the average person in this world will not think that what on the track run flutters in the train and one that with magic with the wheel in the train of midair has to distinguish- law man can fly round with the aerostation, the magic matter, will fly is not very normal? 而且说是大胆……那也只是他个人的感官而已,这个世界的普通人恐怕并不会觉得一个用轮子在轨道上跑的列车和一个用魔法飘在半空的列车有什么区别-法爷们用浮空术就能飞来飞去,魔法的事情,会飞不是很正常的么? looks at looks at, Gawain suddenly conscious, this plan feasible or is not also relying on a important factor: Cecil domestic magic circuit construction. 看着看着,高文突然意识到,这个方案的可行与否还依赖着一个重要的因素:塞西尔境内的魔网建设。 Compared with the initial engine train, the suspension train has major characteristics, that maintains the energy that its float needs, from track. 与最初的引擎列车比起来,悬浮列车有一个很大的特点,那就是维持其漂浮所需的能源,来自轨道。 This request in the entire route that the train operates, must have uninterrupted magic circuit to energize. 这要求在列车运行的整个路线上,必须有不间断的魔网供能。 The energy of engine train completely centralized on vehicle, therefore it can on the track that in covers without magic circuit goes, but the suspension train must go in the magic circuit range, otherwise it cannot flutter- because the Cecil duchy conducts the magic circuit shop to construct continuously, because magic circuit between several key cities the achieve connection, Rebecca the new plan could have the practical value. 引擎式列车的能源全部集中在车上,所以它能在没有魔网覆盖的轨道上行驶,而悬浮式列车必须行驶在魔网范围内,否则它就飘不起来-正是因为塞西尔公国持续不断地进行魔网铺建,因为几座主要城市之间的魔网已经实现连接,瑞贝卡的这个新方案才能具备实用价值。 Gawain cannot bear sighed in a soft voice: Infrastructure really decided the development limit......” 高文忍不住轻声感叹:“基础建设果然决定了发展极限么……” Rebecca collects the face immediately: Yeah? What Lord Ancestor did you say?” 瑞贝卡立刻就把脸凑了过来:“哎?祖先大人您说什么呢?” No, is only talk to oneself,” Gawain pressed the forehead of Rebecca to push the opposite party, was a little simultaneously curious, „did you think of this plan suddenly? Could this plan...... be said as jumps out of the beforehand frame completely?” “不,只是自言自语,”高文摁着瑞贝卡的脑门把对方推了回去,同时有点好奇,“不过你是怎么突然想到这个方案的?这个方案……可以说是完全跳出之前的框架了吧?” Actually this at first is not I want to come out- I received the inspiration of Daniel.” “其实这最初不是我想出来的-我是受了丹尼尔的启发。” Gawain is somewhat surprised, he has not thought that just and Cecil technology team contacted, just understood that Daniel of magic energy train project will have such major role unexpectedly: Inspiration of Daniel?” 高文有些意外,他没想到刚刚和塞西尔技术团队接触,刚刚了解魔能列车项目的丹尼尔竟然会产生这么大的作用:“丹尼尔的启发?” Rebecca nods immediately again and again, later before , tells from the Daniel there inspired entire process. 瑞贝卡立刻连连点头,随后将之前从丹尼尔那里得到启发的全过程娓娓道来。 Never knows that the magic energy train is the person of anything, the angle of a no one thinking of found the key of collapsing unexpectedly. 一个从不知道魔能列车是什么东西的人,竟从一个无人想到的角度找到了破局的关键。 Thought limit, the thought limit,” the Gawain hear the Rebecca words, self-ridicule shake the head, I also think oneself engage in introspection all day long, mentality really open......” “思维局限,思维局限啊,”高文听完瑞贝卡的话,不禁自嘲地摇了摇头,“我还以为自己成天自省,思路就真的开阔了呢……” Afterward the schematic drawing of his looks at that train track, the mentality enlivens suddenly: In your plan, the track is entire journey charge, yes?” 随后他看着那列车轨道的示意图,思路突然活跃起来:“在你这个方案中,轨道本身是全程充能的,是吧?” Naturally yes,” Rebecca nods, not only entire journey charge, but also Grandmaster Carmel still established the small-scale magic circuit relaying point in each, being used to monitor which sudden off-line- after all the train is the high speed, the middle fell down suddenly is too dangerous.” “当然是啊,”瑞贝卡点点头,“不但全程充能,而且卡迈尔大师还在每一节都设置了小型的魔网中继点,用来监控其中哪一节突然离线-毕竟列车是高速运行的,中间突然坠地太危险了。” Since entire journey charge......” Gawain feels the chin saying that that in other words, can protect the shield generator in the orbital entire journey installment? Will bring too the extra load?” “既然全程充能……”高文摸着下巴说道,“那也就是说,可以在轨道全程安装护盾发生器吧?会带来太多额外负载么?” Protects the shield generator? Can......” Rebecca stare actually, responded, „, you were worried some people did steal the metal part on track?” “护盾发生器?倒是可以……”瑞贝卡愣了一下,紧接着反应过来,“啊,您是担心有人偷轨道上的金属部件?” Gawain has not spoken, hears in air to spread the BB sound suddenly: Who is interested in that thing! Sinks is not good to open!” 高文还没吭声,就听到身旁的空气中突然传出BB声:“谁对那东西感兴趣啊!又沉又不好拆!” ...... This goose profession sensitivity is very high. ……这鹅职业敏感性还挺高。 Also no one said you,” Gawain does not return said, then looks to Rebecca, prevents some people to destroy the track is an aspect, on the other hand...... must resist the wild animal, magic creature, even...... attack of Aberrant Body. In the wilderness is unsafe, not?” “又没人说你,”高文头也不回地说道,然后看向瑞贝卡,“防止有人破坏轨道是一方面,另一方面……是要抵御野兽,魔物,甚至……畸变体的袭击。荒野上并不安全,不是么?” I understood,” Rebecca blinks, on the face the expression becomes serious, I will confirm this plan. Moreover, we must set explosive material near the track......” “我明白了,”瑞贝卡眨眨眼,脸上表情变得严肃起来,“我会去验证这个方案的。另外,我们要不要在轨道附近设置一点爆炸物……” Gawain flies into a rage immediately: You give me to receive this far-fetched idea! In the normal condition no one eats to the full explodes the railroad that supports!!” 高文顿时勃然大怒:“你给我把这个不靠谱的想法收回去!正常情况下没有人吃饱撑的炸自家铁路的!!” He scolded in the heart while was a little curious: This girl is iron being scolded difficult to be inadequate every day is a daily duty? How not to have a day of non- asking for it...... 他一边骂心中一边还有点好奇:这姑娘每天头铁挨骂难不成还是个日常任务么?怎么就没有一天不讨打的…… Quick, completed daily duty ( 1 / 1 ) Rebecca then to leave the study room, in the big room, was only left over Gawain and one suddenly hidden Amber of body. 很快,完成了日常任务的瑞贝卡便离开了书房,偌大的房间中,一时间只剩下高文和一个隐了身的琥珀 In a shadow along with the air fluctuates, the Amber form appears gradually, she moves toward on the Gawain desk that pile of materials, in the tone leads to sigh: Also is really the plan that fierce...... you put forward at first, was equal to that was overruled thoroughly. Isn't regrettable?” 伴随着空气中一阵阴影浮动,琥珀的身影渐渐浮现出来,她走向高文书桌上那一摞资料,语气中带着一丝感叹:“也真是厉害啊……你最初提出的方案,等于是被彻底否决了。不遗憾么?” I only feel to rejoice, some people can thoroughly overthrow my plan luckily, luckily Rebecca and other technology personnel not because the initial plan will be I raises, a say/way in this undertaking a thankless task mentality will arrive black,” Gawain shakes the head, this Daniel...... will be a talent.” “我只感觉庆幸,幸好有人能彻底推翻我的方案,也幸好瑞贝卡和其他的技术人员不会因为最初方案是我提的,就在这个费力不讨好的思路上一条道走到黑,”高文摇了摇头,“这个丹尼尔……是个人才啊。” Truly is a talent, therefore I was curious, talented is such a person, how dead set on to give loyalty to your?” Amber looked at Gawain one, in the tone is full puzzled. “确实是个人才,所以我就好奇了,这么有才能的一个人,是怎么死心塌地效忠你的?”琥珀看了高文一眼,语气中是满满的不解。 Gawain smiles. 高文笑了笑。 Possibly at first awes, later...... that was the strength of knowledge. 最初可能是敬畏,之后……那就是知识的力量了。 He shakes the head: old people secret.” 他摇摇头:“老年人的秘密。” Amber shows the whites of the eyes secretly, the heart said that did not like saying did not say, but also the old people secret, during that time soaked more than 80 Princess matters to let in person writing a book, but also there is any secret...... 琥珀偷偷翻了个白眼,心说不爱说就不说呗,还老年人的秘密,当年泡八十多个公主的事儿都让人写书里了,还有什么秘密…… But in view of the fact that really has experiences on several patted wall, she does not dare to say the words that thinks at heart. 但鉴于真的有好几次被拍墙上的经历,她没敢把心里想的话说出来。 Gawain did not know in the Amber mind to transfer many to be worth being patted the thought on wall, he received the material on desk properly, later fished out a thing along from the body. 高文则不知道琥珀脑海里转过了多少值得被拍在墙上的念头,他只是妥善地把书桌上的资料收了起来,随后从身上摸出了一件随身之物。 A silver-white ring. 一枚银白色的指环。 Amber sees that ring, asked one curiously: Un? Do you want what are you doing?” 琥珀看到那枚指环,好奇地问了一句:“嗯?你要干什么?” Gawain is stroking gently the surface of ring, said at a moderate pace: Is full of the secret old people, must see another possibility to hide the person of secret similarly......” 高文摩挲着指环的表面,不紧不慢地说道:“充满秘密的老年人,要见见另一个可能同样隐藏着秘密的人了……”
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