SOD :: Volume #6

#559: Mentality

The energy spark of sparkle is jumping in rune mechanism, rushing mana from power spine/ridge assigns to each magic engine, resounds along with a resounding steam whistle, in several hundred-meter experiment platform, the train comprised of four groups of power compartment and massive complex linkage mechanism and control system and energy supply system starts slowly the forward motion. 闪耀的能量火花在符文机关之间跳跃着,澎湃的魔力从动力中分配至每一台魔能引擎之中,伴随着一声响亮的汽笛鸣响,在长达数百米的实验平台上,由四组动力车厢和大量复杂的联动机关、控制系统、供能系统组成的列车开始缓缓向前运动。 From platform over a hundred meters away observation tower on, Rebecca and technology personnel are gazing at each detail of that huge, complex and precise mechanical giant beast attentively, is paying attention to each revolution of wheel, pays attention to each that passes from the chassis to thunder. 距离平台上百米远的观测上,瑞贝卡技术人员们全神贯注地注视着那台庞大、复杂、精密的机械巨兽的每一个细节,关注着车轮的每一次运转,关注着从车体内传出来的每一声轰鸣。 The train went dozens meters, a power compartment situated in center-section reduced output as scheduled suddenly. 列车行驶了数十米,位于中段的一个动力车厢按照预定计划突然降低了出力。 According to the design, around the compartment aggregate unit will react readily, runic trigger of dislocation will redistribute the energy supplies of all power compartments, and loosens the wheel axle transmission of breakdown compartment, to prevent breakdown the balance of compartment destruction entire train, even the mechanism of damage lindage. 按照设计,车厢前后的联动机构将立即做出反应,错位的符文扳机将重新分配所有动力车厢的能源供给,并松开故障车厢的轮轴传动,以防止故障的车厢破坏整辆列车的平衡,甚至损坏联动装置的机械结构。 However an especially resounding noise passed from second, third power compartments among coupling, along with this giant noise, one group of bright arcane flame spews out from the compartment top magic energy obelisk suddenly , had conflagration with magic energy obelisk connected power spine/ridge- mana of nowhere release erupts instantaneously from all rune base plate, two power compartments were almost then swallowed by the flame of big group instantaneously completely. 然而一阵格外响亮的噪声从第二、第三动力车厢之间的连接器传了出来,伴随着这阵巨大的噪声,一团明亮的奥术火焰突然从车厢顶部的魔能方尖碑中喷涌而出,紧接着,与魔能方尖碑相连的动力发生了爆燃-无处释放的魔力瞬间从所有的符文基板之间喷发出来,两个动力车厢几乎瞬间便被大团的火焰完全吞噬。 The hot group that the explosion forms soars in the experiment platform, and in in the air condenses the word lose face slowly. 爆炸形成的火团在实验平台上腾空而起,并在空中缓缓凝聚成“丢人”一词。 In this basically does not need to consider that virtual testing ground of cost and on consequence, this small special effect can play very good caution to the project participant and urges on the function. 在这个基本上不需要考虑成本和后果的虚拟试验场上,这个小小的特效能对项目参与者起到很好的警示和鞭策作用。 The innumerable bright illusory lines vibrate in the platform are walking randomly everywhere, the conflagration destroys the stagnation in the midair gets down by the compartment and hot group that in abundance, and presents the clear decomposition structure, but on observation tower of distant place, Rebecca flexure own skull. 无数明亮虚幻的线条在平台上抖动着四处游走,被爆燃摧毁的车厢和火团纷纷在半空中静滞下来,并呈现出清晰的分解结构,而在远处的观测上,瑞贝卡挠了挠自己的脑壳。 Experiment that „ mother,” Marchioness face cold sweat, luckily we do here...... ” “妈呀,”女侯爵一脸冷汗,“幸亏我们是在这里做的实验……” Nearby Carmel also makes the helpless sound: „If in the reality...... Lady Hetty will certainly go wild.” 一旁的卡迈尔也发出无奈的声音:“如果是现实中……赫蒂女士一定会抓狂的。” Rebecca curls the lip, after has not dared the brain to make up the paternal aunt goes wild , the scene that oneself hang to hit, she beckons with the hand: Inspects the reason.” 瑞贝卡撇了撇嘴,没敢脑补姑妈抓狂之后把自己吊起来打的场面,她摆摆手:“检查一下原因吧。” Observed the tower upper layer to be separated from the tower body immediately, before the carrying/sustaining all technology personnel was arriving at that already the experiment ruins that the stagnation got down. 观测的上层立刻脱离了身,承载着全体技术人员来到了那已经静滞下来的实验废墟前。 In experiment space that in this virtual reality forms, all become especially convenient. 在这个虚拟现实形成的实验空间中,一切都变得格外便利。 Two project leaders bring one group of technology personnel the reason that starts to analyze this breakdown, they observe earnestly, the careful computation, supposed, discussion, confirmation, debate...... for a birth of brand-new thing, wisdom of person and person centralized in the same place, they do not take the strength and position as the benchmark, but takes purely knowledge and truth for the criterion, the entire team start to bustle about. 两位项目领导人带着一帮技术人员开始分析这次故障的原因,他们认真观察,仔细计算,假设,探讨,验证,辩论……为了一个全新事物的诞生,人和人的智慧被集中在一起,他们不以力量和地位为基准,而是以单纯的“知识和真理”为准绳,整个团队开始忙碌起来。 In the crowd edge, participates in Cecil type scientific research for the first time Daniel slightly somewhat at a loss looks at present in team. 在人群边缘,第一次参与到“塞西尔式科研”团队里的丹尼尔略有些茫然地看着眼前的这一幕。 This is he after to become alien traveller the retinue participates in the team event for the first time, the atmosphere and form that however this team moves actually imagine with him entirely different. 这是他在成为“域外游荡者”的仆从之后第一次参与到团队活动中,然而这团队活动的氛围和形式却和他想象中的截然不同。 He once imagined this to be a gloomy depressing group, or is a strict brutal organization- secret organization mostly so, once imagined here work atmosphere to meet nervous, mystically, and is full of the taboo and heresy knowledge- does evil cult mostly so, but he has never thought that here true atmosphere can be this. 他曾想象过这会是一个阴郁压抑的集团,亦或者是一个严密残酷的组织-隐秘组织大多如此,也曾想象过这里的工作氛围会紧张、神秘且充满禁忌和异端知识-搞邪教的大多如此,但他从未想过,这里真正的氛围会是这样的。 These people purely seem pursuing the new knowledge, is discussing the possibility on technology, in this is established by alien traveller secret teaches influence, people seek the truth the motive to compare that magnificent imperial mage association also to want unexpectedly simply purely. 这些人似乎只是单纯地追求着新的知识,探讨着技术上的可能性而已,在这个由域外游荡者所建立的“秘教势力”中,人们追求真理的动机竟然比那光辉灿烂的皇家法师协会还要简单纯粹。 Passed the entire youth and middle-aged stage in the imperial mage association, passed Daniel of more than ten years of Evil Cultist profession in the Eternal Sleepers mission to this type purely the atmosphere is not familiar with, or any mage and scholar of this world time will not be familiar with this unprecedented atmosphere, look that however looks at these people for a technology issue being red in the face of argument, jump for joy for several computed results, Daniel cannot live a contradiction of silk. 在皇家法师协会里度过整个青年和中年阶段,又在永眠者教团里度过了十几年邪教徒生涯的丹尼尔对这种“纯粹”的氛围并不习惯,或者说这个世界这个时代的任何一个法师学者都不会习惯这种前所未有的氛围,然而看着这些人为了一个技术问题而争论的面红耳赤,为了几个计算结果而欢欣雀跃的模样,丹尼尔生不起一丝的抵触来。 He could not even bear remember the time of one's youth, remembered itself for the first time that days of contacting magic arcane- in the remote memory in his already some discolorations, as if only had that days to have one warm and color. 他甚至忍不住想起了自己年轻时的时光,想起了自己第一次接触到魔法奥秘的那段日子-在他那已经有些褪色的久远记忆中,似乎唯有那段日子还是带着一丝温暖和色彩的。 Process of unknown domain and seeking knowledge, most swoonsome. 未知的领域和求知的过程,最令人着迷。 By laboratory bench, Rebecca pulls closer metal parts of one group of twist deformations at present, she is shaking the head: „The mechanism of lindage has the flaw, was complex, reduced the reliability......” 实验台旁,瑞贝卡把一团扭曲变形的金属零件拉近到眼前,她摇着头:“联动装置的机械结构有缺陷,过于复杂,降低了可靠性……” Saying, her is paying attention to arrive suddenly in Daniel of not far away, therefore beckons: „Does Grandmaster Daniel, how you see?” 说着,她突然注意到了站在不远处的丹尼尔,于是招了招手:“丹尼尔大师,你怎么看的?” Daniel awakens from the short thinking, he hears greeting of Rebecca, walks while said: Does not need to call me with the Grandmaster, calling me Daniel to be good.” 丹尼尔从短暂的思索中惊醒,他听到瑞贝卡的招呼,一边走过去一边说道:“不必用大师称呼我,叫我丹尼尔就好。” This named Rebecca young girl, although is young, but is actually one of the alien traveller initial Envoy, moreover is alien traveller uses the body bloodlines descendant at present, although does not know the reason, but the master just like regards the true descendant to protect and love him, after knowing this point, Daniel will be naturally politer in front of Rebecca. 这个名叫瑞贝卡的少女虽然年纪尚小,但却是域外游荡者最初的使者之一,而且也是域外游荡者目前所用躯壳的血脉后裔,虽然不知道原因,但主人俨然是将其当成真正的后裔来保护和疼爱的,在知道这一点之后,丹尼尔自然会在瑞贝卡面前客气一些。 Except for Rebecca, that ancient Arcanist named Carmel was also uncommon, that was before 1000 survived until now antiquity expert, Gondor Empire Grand Sorcerer, even transformed own person by Strength of Gods- similarly was considerable. 除了瑞贝卡,那位名叫卡迈尔的古代奥术师同样不凡,那是从一千年前存活至今的上古强者,刚铎帝国大魔导师,甚至以神明之力改造自身的人-同样不可轻视。 Compared with such person, what high level mage of oneself this imperial family mage association family background also was really not- how, even if taught legendary expert? Does alien traveller lack the legendary strength? 和这样的人比起来,自己这个皇家法师协会出身的高阶法师还真不算什么了-哪怕教出过一个传奇强者又如何呢?域外游荡者缺传奇力量么? Thoughts pure Rebecca may be unable to think that actually present old mage is sighing anything, she is inquiring the view of opposite party: Daniel, you thought that which mentality the magic energy train...... is not right?” 心思单纯的瑞贝卡可想不到眼前的老法师究竟在感叹些什么,她只是询问着对方的看法:“丹尼尔,你觉得魔能列车……到底是哪个思路不对?” Daniel looked at a that structure to flood inconceivable magical creation of mechanism complex and everywhere, is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: To be honest, I have not done to understand that to the present thoroughly its principle...... I can only help you construct the virtual environment.” 丹尼尔看了一眼那结构复杂、处处充斥着不可思议的机械结构的魔导造物,苦笑着摇了摇头:“说实话,我到现在还没有彻底搞明白它的原理……我只能帮你们构筑虚拟环境而已。” Daniel is Dreamland magic spell and virtual reality domain expert, he helps Carmel and Rebecca construction laboratory environment as adviser here, but regarding magical machinery domain...... he, although also understands, but the specialized degree has no way to compare with Rebecca obviously. 丹尼尔梦境法术和虚拟现实领域的专家,他在这里是以顾问的身份帮卡迈尔瑞贝卡构建实验室环境的,但对于魔导机械领域……他虽然也懂一些,但专业程度显然没法跟瑞贝卡相比。 Rebecca does not have prospect too to be able from Daniel here to get what answer, she is shaking the head: Both mentality feelings are very difficult to walk......” 瑞贝卡本身也没太指望能从丹尼尔这里得到什么答案,她只是摇着头:“两个思路感觉都很不好走啊……” „After power distribution, high efficiency engine the overload, disturbance and other issues of were truly solved, but the machinery complexity and control difficulty rose several times suddenly,” the Carmel tone said low and deep, must guarantee the multiple the power compartment to be able the synchronized operation, the synchronization control, but must guarantee that some compartments crash the later overall system to be able the automatic trim, can shield the breakdown car(riage) section...... by existing technology and material, we cannot make the reliable control organ.” “动力分布之后,大功率引擎的过载、干扰等问题确实解决了,但机械复杂程度和控制难度陡然上升了数倍,”卡迈尔语气低沉地说道,“要保证复数的动力车厢能同步运行,同步控制,还要保证其中部分车厢出故障之后整个系统能自动配平,能屏蔽故障车段……以现有技术和材料,我们造不出可靠的控制机构。” technology personnel cannot bear say in side: After all the train chassis is limited, the space that we can display were too few......” 一名技术人员在旁边忍不住说道:“毕竟列车底盘有限,我们能发挥的空间太少了……” Side is the large-scale power unit cannot make, side is the mechanism is complex unreliable,” Rebecca pulls own hair- her hair chaotic one group, our perhaps should comb all parameters......” “一边是大型动力组造不出来,一边是机械结构复杂不可靠,”瑞贝卡又抓了抓自己的头发-她的头发已经乱糟糟一团了,“我们或许应该重新梳理一下所有的参数……” Daniel silently looks at at present this, although he of initial contact this project does not understand the complete secret of magic energy train, but his worried unusual understanding of Rebecca- 丹尼尔默默地看着眼前这一幕,尽管初次接触这个项目的他并不了解魔能列车的全部秘密,但他对瑞贝卡的苦恼非常理解- A project, estimated data perhaps does not have the issue, when applies the material object the association/will has the error and accident/surprise, this is almost any technology product moves toward the difficult problem that the reality in the process can definitely come across from the paper surface, his non- implantation type nerve rope studied for more than ten years, the larger part time is the card in this stage. 一个项目,计算数据或许毫无问题,但应用到实物时总会出现误差和意外,这几乎是任何技术产物从纸面走向现实的过程中必然会遇到的难题,他的非植入式神经索研究了十几年,其中一大半时间都是卡在这个阶段的。 He raised the head, observes that to be sophisticated again earnestly, large magical machinery creation. 他抬起头来,再一次认真观察着那台结构复杂,体积庞大的魔导机械造物 This is really the inconceivable thing, a inconceivable mentality. 这真是个不可思议的东西,一个不可思议的思路。 Before contacting the alien traveller knowledge, he has never thought the magic strength can also by this form utilization, not think after the average person also participates in extraordinary domain, the revolution of entire society can have the change of heaven and earth turned upside down. 在接触到域外游荡者的知识之前,他从未想过魔法的力量还可以以这种形式运用,没有想过当普通人也参与到超凡领域之后,整个社会的运转都会发生天翻地覆的变化。 alien traveller every arrives one time has its mission, or creation, either destruction, either goes on a punitive expedition against the world, either saves the world. 域外游荡者的每一次降临都有其使命,或创造,或毁灭,或征伐天下,或拯救世界。 Then his time arrives...... then must build magical technology to promote the advance the world? 那么祂这次降临……便是要打造一个魔导技术推动前进的世界么? Really wants to have a look to popularize Cecil of magical machinery with own eyes is what look...... 真想亲眼看看早已普及了魔导机械的塞西尔是什么模样啊…… Daniel? Daniel?” Rebecca notices old mage to raise the head to be in a daze suddenly, cannot bear asks curiously, what does Grandmaster Daniel you think?” 丹尼尔丹尼尔?”瑞贝卡注意到老法师突然就抬着头发起呆来,忍不住好奇地问道,“丹尼尔大师你想什么呐?” Daniel sobers from temporary being distracted, he blinks, looks at that has become the extremely fat and complex mechanical train in the multiple transformations, suddenly spoke thoughtlessly saying: „Can the power of magic energy train...... place on the vehicle?” 丹尼尔从一时的走神中清醒过来,他眨了眨眼,看着那台已经在多次改造中变得过于臃肿和复杂的机械列车,突然随口说道:“魔能列车的动力……必须放在车上么?” Where doesn't power place on the vehicle to place?” A Rebecca face said naturally, power does not place on the vehicle, the power...... wait/etc, you said, the power of train can not place on the vehicle?!” “动力不放在车上放在什么地方?”瑞贝卡一脸理所当然地说道,“动力不放在车上,动力……等等,你说,列车的动力可以不放在车上?!” „, I spoke thoughtlessly asked, Daniel hurried saying that „, because I did not understand its construction......” “啊,我只是随口一问,”丹尼尔赶紧说道,“因为我并不了解它的架构……” „, Who did not say whose makes sense to listen,” Rebecca interrupted the Daniel words, „did you persuade the strength do not place on the vehicle a moment ago...... are place on the track?” “不不不,谁说的有道理就听谁的,”瑞贝卡打断了丹尼尔的话,“你刚才说动力不要放在车上……难道是放在轨道上?” Who said whose makes sense to listen...... 谁说的有道理就听谁的…… For decades, Daniel hears this words for the first time. 几十年来,丹尼尔第一次听到这种话。 These words really made sense. 这句话真是太有道理了。 I do not understand the construction of magic energy train, but as one layman, I know that you make the goal of train are to come to transport a lot of cargos from a place with it to another place,” Daniel is thinking while said that „, no matter placed on the vehicle to place on the track the power, so long as can achieve this goal on line- on, the degree that massive mechanism that on the train that I see now installs the serious ultra dispatching a vehicle physical ability has held, these thing stoppers in the car(riage), can only sacrifice the reliability forcefully, if did not place on the vehicle...... we to have many power. magic spell can promote a transportable entity...... for example to install repulsion mechanism or the hauling technique from the outside on the track. Rebecca and Carmel looked one, from eyes of both sides, they saw ray that is bright. “我不了解魔能列车的架构,但作为一个‘外行人’,我知道你们造列车的目的就是用它来把大量货物从一个地方运到另一个地方,”丹尼尔一边思索着一边说道,“不管是把动力放在车上还是放在轨道上,只要能实现这个目的就行-就我现在所看到的,列车上安装的大量机械结构已经严重超出了车体能容纳的程度,强行把那些东西塞在车里,只能牺牲可靠性,而如果不把动力放在车上……我们有很多法术可以从外部推动一个可移动的实体……比如在轨道上安装斥力机关或者牵引术。瑞贝卡卡迈尔不禁对望了一眼,从双方的眼睛中,他们都看到了一丝明亮起来的光芒。 Carmel is quite brighter. 卡迈尔的比较亮一些。 Power can place on the track, this mentality has not thought, has not really thought......” in the Carmel tone took an excitement, if power on track, but can also control the vehicles advance to retrocede and get on the brakes on the train? Depends upon the magic energy obelisk to come the remote control?...... Gives the manipulator of track all controls?” “动力可以放在轨道上,这个思路没想到,真的没想到……”卡迈尔的语气中都带上了一丝兴奋,“不过如果动力在轨道上了,还可以在列车上控制车辆前进后退和刹车么?依靠魔能方尖碑来远程控制?还是……把所有控制都交给轨道的操纵者?” „...... The latter is unsafe, train must have the way of control power, at least needs the brake way, after all it must transport/fortune the person in the future, was pushed the iron suacepan that is running and has an accident oneself unable to stop to be possible no one to dare on the track to sit,” Rebecca thinking while said that „...... our can perhaps disassemble the power structure?......, I had the mentality!!” “……后者不安全,列车自身必须有控制动力的途径,至少要有制动途径,毕竟它将来还要运人的,一个在轨道上被推着跑而且出了事自己还停不下来的铁罐子可没人敢坐,”瑞贝卡一边思索一边说道,“……我们或许可以把动力结构拆开?或者……啊,我有思路了!!” She raised the head suddenly, looks at surrounding one by one reveals looking pensive expression magical technician. 她突然抬起头来,看着周围一个个露出若有所思表情的魔导技师们。 Everyone, is busy at work- we come again one time!” “大家,忙活起来-我们再来一次!”
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