SOD :: Volume #6

#558: Civil direction

In cheering and exclamation of over ten thousand residents by both banks, the newcomer magical battleship that the steel built sounded the steam whistle, it rolled by the river surface slowly, and after crossing the north bank floodgate entered the full power navigation condition. 在两岸旁上万市民的欢呼和惊叹中,钢铁打造的新锐魔导战舰拉响了汽笛,它缓缓驶过河面,并在越过北岸闸口之后进入全功率航行状态。 The report sounds of various air controllers resound in the bridge: magic circuit foundation course under control!” „The power spine/ridge work is normal!” Mechanical cabin work is normal!” Prepares to launch magic energy wing panel- engine output rises!” Attitude hold, power unit- goes forward three!” 各处控制员的报告声在舰桥内响起:“魔网基础层情况正常!”“动力工作正常!”“机械舱工作正常!”“准备展开魔能翼板-引擎输出上升!”“姿态稳定,动力组-前进三!” The both sides of magical battleship, the wing-shape installment that becomes by a lot of long and narrow metal plates and mechanism combinations launch slowly, sparkle magic protects the shield first to raise, on all possible weak points the ships covers, but that three pairs wing superficial dense and numerous rune and magic connection with protecting glimmer of shield enhances one another's beauty. This wing-shape structure is on the magical battleship- as well as on various future possible kind of ultra-large type magical vehicles- one of the most important structures, it can provide the extra magic energy supply for power spine/ridge, may massive be able to release outside the magical organization waste promptly, only then opens these wing panel, the magical battleship can the full power revolve. 魔导战舰的两侧,由大量狭长金属板和机械装置组合而成的翼状装置缓缓展开,闪耀的魔法护盾首先升起,将舰船上所有可能的薄弱点覆盖在内,而那三对“羽翼”表面密密麻麻的符文魔法连线则与护盾的微光交相辉映。这翼状结构是魔导战舰上-以及未来可能的各类超大型魔导载具上-最重要的结构之一,它可以为动力提供额外的魔能供应,也可将大量废能及时释放到魔导机构外部,只有张开这些翼板,魔导战舰才可以全功率地运转起来。 In thundering of three groups of magic engine, the speed of battleship speeds up gradually, starts to turn toward the direction navigation of Tanzan Town. 在三组魔能引擎的轰鸣中,战舰的速度渐渐加快,开始向着坦桑镇的方向航行。 On the river bank, does not know that who first yells , the scream then made a sound gradually a piece: 河岸上,不知谁最先喊叫起来,渐渐地,喊叫声便响成了一片: Bon voyage!!” Bon voyage!!” Cecil long live!!” “一路平安!!”“一路平安!!”“塞西尔万岁!!” Godwin Orlando stands on the south bank high ground, pressed down the photography key of magic energy terminal personally, later he lowers the head, this on writes down itself to feel in the shorthand suddenly: 戈德温?奥兰多站在南岸的高地上,亲手按下了魔能终端机的拍摄按键,随后他低下头,在速记本上写下自己一时间的感受: „The aquatic fortress that...... the steel builds is rousing everyone's spirit, people not doing several things at the same time position of stands on the river bank, is cheering excitedly, blessing this Navigation Feudal Lord had said that must build the Cecilian sense of pride, now this sense of pride has started to establish- powerful industrial creation, moreover is ‚’ industrial creation that we create, made each citizen proud sufficiently......” “……钢铁打造的水上堡垒振奋着所有人的精神,人们不分出身地位地站在河岸上,兴奋地欢呼着,祝福着这次航行-领主曾经说过,要打造塞西尔人的自豪感,现在这份自豪感已经开始建立起来了-强有力的工业造物,而且是‘我们’创造出来的工业造物,足以令每一个公民自豪……” Still had the spring breeze of chill in the air to blow from the river surface, making this old scholar from Royal Capital unable to bear tighten the tight-fitting on clothes, later he raised the head, the looks at smoke wave dim north bank, the line of sight as if crossed the rivers, crossed the plain, crossed the Southern Region hills, has arrived in the Holy Spirit Plain north, arrived in his to be located in the St. Sunil hometown...... 仍然微有寒意的春风从河面吹来,让这位来自王都的老学者忍不住紧了紧身上的衣服,随后他抬起头,看着烟波朦胧的北岸,视线仿佛越过了河流,越过了平原,越过了南境的群山,一直抵达了圣灵平原的北部,抵达了他那位于圣苏尼尔的家乡…… When, can such ship navigate on the Holy Spirit Plain broad river course? 什么时候,这样的船能航行在圣灵平原的广阔河道上呢? A student noticed old scholar absent-minded, could not bear ask: Teacher? You how?” 一名学生注意到了老学者恍惚,忍不住问道:“老师?您怎么了?” It‘s nothing, the person aged...... is easy to be distracted.” “没什么,人上了岁数……容易走神。” ...... …… The Pioneer will continue to navigate, its engine group and control organ will accept the real test in the range over the following several hours, until arriving in Tanzan Town- actually should be renamed the Tanzan new town- it will anchor temporarily. 开拓者号会继续航行,它的引擎组和控制机构将在接下来的数个小时航程里接受实际检验,直到抵达坦桑镇-其实应该改叫坦桑新城了-它才会暂时停靠下来。 When the time comes, technology personnel will start to inspect the working condition and power of spine/ridge engine condition, Gawain and the others will disembark in the Tanzan harbor, later returns to the Cecil city while the magical car(riage), portion will take turns to board the ship in the sailor of Tanzan new town standby, after that The Pioneer will continue to set sail, completes it following about half a month tour navigation. 到时候,技术人员会开始检查引擎的工作情况以及动力的状态,高文等人则会在坦桑港口下船,随后乘魔导车返回塞西尔城,一部分坦桑新城待命的水兵则会轮换登舰,在那之后,开拓者号会继续起航,去完成它接下来为期将近半个月的巡回航行。 At the speed of this ship, tours naturally to have more than enough one time such a long time, to demonstrate effect, this ship definitely is not the full speed advance . Moreover the middle also needs to anchor many times to adjust the necessary machinery inspection. 以这艘船的速度,巡回一次当然用不了那么长时间,但是为了展示效果,这艘船肯定不是全速前进的,而且中间也需要停靠很多次来进行必要的机械检查和调整。 Gawain left the bridge front platform, the rest area behind bridge, he called Knight Byron. 高文离开了舰桥前端平台,在舰桥后部的休息区,他叫来了拜伦骑士 How feels about this ship?” He asked with a smile. “对这艘船感觉如何?”他笑着问道。 Energetic, is energetic,” Byron smiles a face to be bright, „my whole life has not contacted such fierce thing- beforehand The Aurora and The Morning Star compared to miss with it far.” “带劲,非常带劲,”拜伦笑得一脸灿烂,“我这辈子都没接触过这么厉害的东西-之前的极光号晨星号跟它比起来都差远了。” Actually I have also been worried at first, was worried that makes your such run in Knight that on the land goes to war, when the naval forces commanders you can not be glad,” Gawain adapts to this mercenary family background ruffian Knight that to meet the speech way of rusticity, he and opposite party spoke was also quite direct, I estimated that the overwhelming majority traditional aristocrat thinks this was a degradation and suppression- after all, no one has taken seriously battle on water surface.” “其实我最初还担心过,担心让你这么个在陆地上打仗的骑士跑去当水师司令你会不乐意,”高文非常适应这个佣兵出身的痞子骑士那接地气的说话方式,他和对方说话的时候也相当直接,“我估计绝大多数传统贵族都会认为这是一种降级和压制-毕竟,没有人重视过水面上的战斗。” Byron lets go: This saying made them say to six naval guns, I did not believe some people after personally to see one more than 100 meters, the whole body steel, six heavy artilleries and two aquatic fortresses that protected the shield, but can also tough it out the neck is saying this thing not easily-to-use-, if really has, I am willing to carry the liquor to deliver the vegetable/dish for him personally, took a bath to change the clothes, saluted sincerely, then forced in the rail gun to launch.” 拜伦一摊手:“这话让他们对着六门舰炮说去,我就不信有人在亲眼看见一座一百多米长、全身钢铁、六门重炮、两层护盾的水上堡垒之后,还能硬挺着脖子说这东西不好用的-如果真有,我愿意亲自为他端酒送菜,洗澡换衣,诚挚致敬,然后塞进轨道炮里发射出去。” Obviously, Byron of mercenary family background will rarely ponder sits on the ship going to war glory non- honor issue, he regards as important, is this ship can hit, can hit- this enough. 显然,佣兵出身的拜伦很少会思考“坐在船上打仗荣不荣誉”的问题,他所看重的,就是这艘船能打,非常之能打-这就够了。 But on the other hand, Byron can ponder such simple direct, Gawain actually cannot only consider battleship can hit issue. 但话又说回来,拜伦可以思考的这么简单直接,高文却不能只考虑“战舰能打”的问题。 He raised the head, several control platforms in looks at not far away, as well as in platforms busy Mechanical Sergeant, is listening , the indistinct mechanical bellow that transmits from the lower-level cabin, in the heart thinks is actually this ship can bring many derivation value. 他抬起头,看着不远处的几处控制平台,以及在平台之间忙碌的“机械军士”们,听着从下层舱室传来的、隐隐约约的机械轰鸣声,心中所想的却是这艘船能带来多少的衍生价值。 The Pioneer is only a beginning, after at present Cecil most state-of-art magical technology and Siren technology fuse, a technology aggregation that to the utmost can pile, the value of this aggregation was not only to make a powerful force warship, lay in each technology achievement of constructing this warship process harvesting. 开拓者号只是一个开端,是将目前塞西尔最尖端的魔导技术海妖技术融合之后,极尽所能堆出来的一个技术聚合体,这个聚合体的价值不仅仅在于造出了一艘威力强大的军舰,更在于在建造这艘军舰过程中所收获的每一项技术成果本身。 The Pioneer to the current Cecil duchy, it can be said that parameter overflow. 开拓者号对于目前的塞西尔公国而言,可以说是“参数溢出”的。 As an inland river battleship, its various number of terms values actually far exceeded the category of inland river battleship, surpassed at present the Cecil's military requirement, from the firepower to the armor again to the power is so, can say, The Pioneer in the guarantee can conduct the internal navigation in the foundation not to count the cost to take all advanced technology to pile one, the battleship that if makes as a stereotypia, this technology stack can definitely describe with the waste. 作为一艘内河战舰,它的各项数值却远远超出了内河战舰的范畴,也超出了目前塞西尔的军事需求,从火力到装甲再到动力都是如此,可以说,开拓者号在保证能够进行内河航行的基础上不计成本地把所有先进技术都堆到了一起,如果作为一艘定型生产的战舰,这种技术堆积完全可以用浪费形容。 But this is construction experiment ship the significance is, constructs the The Pioneer process, was equivalent to all feasible technology tries at present, but these technology after degraded certainly or transformed can use in other domain, particularly civil domain. 但这正是建造“实验舰”的意义所在,建造开拓者号的过程本身,就相当于把所有目前可行的技术都尝试了一遍,而这些技术在经过一定降级或改造之后都是可以用在其他领域的,尤其是民用领域 According to the plan, after this ship winding, related technology will accumulate will be in the application and expansion stage immediately. 按照计划,在这艘船下线之后,相关的技术积累立刻就会进入应用和扩展阶段。 First, mature power technology will be applied on The Aurora and The Morning Star- that two magical battleship of half-finished product will not be dismantled because of the winding of newcomer ships, in the spirit of the principle of making the best use of things, Gawain decides to complete their transformation reconstruction, after it installs the engine group and new outside armor, enrolls the Cecil fleet. 首先,成熟的动力技术将被应用到极光号晨星号上-那两艘半成品的魔导战舰并不会因新锐舰船的下线而被拆解,本着物尽其用的原则,高文决定完成它们的改造重建,将其装上引擎组和新的外装甲之后编入塞西尔舰队。 Afterward, at present the Cecil shipyard and all civilian vessels of ships Management department subordinate will also be in the transformation stage, the old-style freighter can change to change, cannot change to discard the reconstruction gradually, the power that on the magical battleship accumulates and controls technology, can be used to construct the civil freighter of the large capacity and high speed after the degradation, thus greatly sharpens Southern Region domestic materials transportation ability, across the alleviation duchy the big construction period in the transportation pressure that faces. 随后,目前塞西尔造船厂和船舶管理部门下属的所有民用船只也都会进入改造阶段,旧式的货船能改就改,不能改就逐步报废重建,魔导战舰上积累的动力和控制技术,在降级之后就可以用来建造大运量、高航速的民用货船,从而大大提高南境境内的物资运输能力,缓解公国各地在大建设时期面临的运输压力。 Meanwhile, the The Pioneer Gaoji becomes power spine/ridge and magic energy wing panel, ship-borne to protect shield technology also to use in the roadbed the warships of blockhouses, the oversize vehicles, the project facilities as well as on other models. 与此同时,开拓者号的高集成动力魔能翼板、舰载护盾技术也可以用在路基碉堡、大型车辆、工程设施以及其他型号的战船上。 He called Hetty, was saying own these plans, but after hearing the transportation difficult problem was likely to alleviate, for this matter has worried for a long time Hetty immediately to relax: As the matter stands was too good...... , if using power technology on The Pioneer on the civilian boat, at least has the area that the rivers cover, the transportation problem can solve the larger part.” 他叫来了赫蒂,说着自己的这些计划,而听到运输难题有望缓解之后,早就为这事发愁许久的赫蒂顿时松了口气:“这样一来就太好了……如果把开拓者号上的动力技术用在民船上,至少有河流覆盖的地区,运输问题能解决一大半。” But she knits the brows: As the matter stands, the new-style mechanical ship will monopolize the river transportation quickly, these traditional ship owners should go bankrupt...... in them great majority is not not possible to afford a magical mechanical ship rapidly......” 但紧接着她就皱起眉:“不过这样一来,新式的机械船很快就会垄断河运,那些传统的船主应该会迅速破产……他们中的大多数都不可能买得起一艘魔导机械船……” Gawain slightly somewhat surprisedly looks at Hetty. 高文略有些惊讶地看着赫蒂 What's wrong?” Hetty is perplexed, she touches oneself face, what thing on my face has?” “怎么了?”赫蒂不明所以,她摸了摸自己的脸,“我脸上有什么东西么?” The Cecil housekeeper heart is puzzled, she remembers obviously oneself have not melted the smoking makeup today...... was difficult to be inadequate is to deceive quite a while the vacation yesterday, but did the makeup forget to download? 塞西尔大管家心头困惑,她明明记得自己今天没有化烟熏妆的……难不成是昨天为了骗半天假期而化的妆忘记卸掉了? Gawain actually does not know that this big granddaughter is whispering anything, he thinks suddenly time from the beginning, thought of vacant of after that time Hetty in hearing work reward system and human affairs Management concept. 高文却不知道这个大孙女心里在嘀咕什么,他只是突然想到了一开始的时候,想到了那时候的赫蒂在听到“劳动奖励”制度和“人事管理”概念之后的茫然。 That time Hetty, but also has not understood the life of civilians from the start, although has some honest mercy ideas, actually was still has never left castle and manor, only depended upon to fantasize the idea sufferings of the people expensive/noble female essentially, that time she, even does not know why a civilian day can only have two food, does not know why the civilians must pick to eat the food debris that in castle threw...... 那时候的赫蒂,还压根没了解过平民的生活,尽管有着一些正直慈悲的想法,本质上却仍然是个从未离开过城堡和庄园的、只依靠幻想来构思民间疾苦的贵女,那时候的她,甚至不知道平民一天为何只能吃两顿饭,不知道平民为何要捡食城堡里扔出去的食物残渣…… Today, she has been able the earliest possible time to consider that what to do the ship owners went bankrupt should-, although this had big portion reason is the job category of government affairs hall makes it so, but also enough explained the transformation of her thinking mode. 今天,她已经能第一时间考虑到船主们破产该怎么办了-尽管这有很大一部分原因是政务厅的工作性质使然,但也足够说明她思维方式的转变。 We will not look on that the ship owner goes bankrupt massively, since must promote technology on warship to civil domain, must make it promote the folk truly thoroughly, making it serve, everyone who rather than harms goes bankrupt,” Gawain smiled, I have three preliminary plans......” “我们不会坐视船主大量破产的,既然要把军舰上的技术推广到民用领域,就要让它真正彻底地推广到民间,让它服务于人,而不是害的大家破产,”高文笑了起来,“我有三个初步计划……” At this point his slightly ponder, said later one after another: „ First is the sell of opening mechanical ship, rents the channel, after the conditions are ripe, even can assist the strength private capital to establish the small-scale shipyard, as soon as possible cost reduction of magical mechanical ship to the degree that the folk can accept, making some big ship Lord or the rich merchant has the ability purchase and rents the ships, like commercial of magical car(riage) ; 说到这里他略一思考,随后一条一条地说道:“首先是开放机械船的出售、租借渠道,在时机成熟之后,甚至可以协助有实力的民间资本建立小型造船厂,尽快把魔导机械船的成本降低到民间能够接受的程度,让一些大船主或富商有能力购买和租借船只,就像魔导车的商用一样; Next, regarding the portion ship owner, the government affairs hall disburses money to subsidize them to transform the old-style freighter, or makes them use the old-style freighter to bill at a reduced price buys the new ship, solid economical strength is insufficient, can no interest loan buy new ship for them- should not be worried about some costs, so long as the new-style freighter runs on the river course, the economic efficiency that they can bring goes far beyond that relief money. “其次,对于一部分船主,政务厅出钱补助他们改造旧式货船,或者让他们用旧式货船抵价买新船,实在经济实力不够的,可以无利息借款给他们买新船-不要担心这部分成本,只要新式货船在河道上跑起来,它们能带来的经济效益是远远超过那点补助款的。 Finally, a scale mass younger ship owner can jointly establish the transport company, gathers capital to buy the ship, can be transferred to another post, enters the wharf freight transportation system, has the subsidy respectively. Now each region is constructing the new town, the post gap has forever, so long as completes the relocation work, the outlet always has. “最后,规模体量更小的船主可以联合成立运输公司,集资买船,也可以转岗,进入码头货运体系,都各有补贴。现在各地正在建设新城,岗位缺口永远都有,只要做好安置工作,出路总是有的。 As for these plan concrete implementation processes in controlled...... that to look at you.” “至于这些方案具体实施过程中的把控……那就要看你了。” A looks at Hetty face took the note earnestly look, in the Gawain heart shouted the tone slightly. 看着赫蒂一脸认真记笔记的模样,高文心中微微呼了口气。 The plan is very good, but implements after specifically, will definitely meet many issues, the industrialization is a good thing, but the agriculture transfers impact in the commercial run forever is unavoidable- made massive Alchemist go bankrupt on such as initial alchemy potion, last year magical car(riage) also caused the panic of horse car dealership, but the present mechanical ship...... will also definitely attack the dependence old-style inland river freighter for the fresh ship owners. 方案很好,但具体实施下去之后肯定还是会遇上很多问题,工业化是个好东西,但农业转工业过程中的冲击永远都是无法避免的-就如当初的炼金药水让大量炼金师破产,去年的魔导车也引起了马车行的恐慌,而现在的机械船……也肯定会冲击到依靠旧式内河货船为生的船主们。 The Southern Region over 90% lands were once controlled by other Feudal Lord, Alchemist and Apothecary massive bankruptcy Gawain can, no matter, even can be glad to see him succeed, because that is to weakening and vacillations of other Feudal Territory, but entire Southern Region is under Cecil Family rule now, everyone is the Cecil citizen, the issue that he must consider were many. 曾经南境百分之九十以上的土地都被其他领主控制,炼金师药剂师大量破产高文可以不管,甚至可以乐见其成,因为那是对其他领地的削弱和动摇,但现在整个南境都处于塞西尔家族统治下,人人皆是塞西尔公民,他要考虑的问题就多了。 He can only depend upon oneself knowledge and experience, lets these impacts pass as far as possible steadily. 他只能依靠自己的知识和经验,来尽可能让这些冲击平稳地度过。 When Gawain and Hetty ponder over for new-style technology civil, on the bridge also had another person also to fall into the deep thinking. 高文赫蒂为了新式技术的民用化而思前想后的时候,舰桥上还有另外一个人也陷入了深深的思索中。 rune and silver-white lever that by the master control seat, Rebecca in looks at these platforms is somewhat glittering lost, but her Tyr carefully own plate on the ground, Miss Siren forces in snake ball own tail tip earnestly, while could not bear look up Rebecca one: Yeah, what do you think?” 主控席旁边,瑞贝卡正有些出神地看着那些平台上闪烁的符文和银白色的拉杆,而她身旁的提尔则正仔仔细细地把自己盘在地上,海妖小姐一边认真把自己的尾巴尖塞进“蛇球”里,一边忍不住抬头看了瑞贝卡一眼:“哎,你想什么呢?” Rebecca awakens from the ponder, she looked to play Tyr of tail, on the face brings dejectedly: Your magical ship made, my magic energy train also exploded two every day......” 瑞贝卡从沉思中惊醒过来,她看了看正在玩尾巴的提尔,脸上带着沮丧:“你的魔导船都造出来了,我的魔能列车还每天炸两遍呢……” Since with origin laboratory, after no longer fear cost issue and explosion hidden danger, the experiment of this girl exploded the number of times to have very obvious promotion. 自从用上起源实验室,不再害怕成本问题和爆炸隐患之后,这姑娘的实验爆炸次数有了非常明显的提升。 Tyr crooked head, spoke thoughtlessly saying: This you have something dejectedly- me had several hundred people to start to study this ship from last year, compared with your achievement early wasn't very normal?” 提尔歪了歪脑袋,随口说道:“这你有什么可沮丧的-我这边带着几百号人从去年就开始研究这艘船了,比你成果早不是很正常么?” Although was such truth......” Rebecca appears was still very depressed, „, but train issue, if did not solve, Whitesand Hills that side ore may be unable to transport......” “虽然是这么个道理……”瑞贝卡显得仍然很沮丧,“但列车问题要是再不解决,白沙丘陵那边的矿可就运不回来了……” Tyr thinks, retracted little oneself with the ball that in the tail wove: That this I may be unable to help- our Siren is not good at making to be able in means of transportation that on the land runs, the engine unit plan of magical battleship surely not to have the means to use on your train.” 提尔想了想,一点点缩回到了自己用尾巴编织出来的球里:“那这我可就帮不上忙了-我们海妖可不擅长造能在陆地上跑的交通工具,魔导战舰的引擎机组方案也肯定没办法用在你的列车上。” Rebecca looked reluctantly had turned into the snake ball completely Tyr, this Cecil Family Marchioness, was unprecedentedly depressed...... 瑞贝卡无奈地看了已经完全变成蛇球的提尔一眼,这位塞西尔家族女侯爵,前所未有地沮丧起来……
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