SOD :: Volume #6

#557: Newcomers

Clearwater River both banks, sea of people. 白水河两岸,人山人海。 Thousands of people gather on river course both sides high ground, has curious and excited and a faint trace nervous feeling is gazing at the sound on river course, no matter local resident, the new immigration that just stopped over here, or peddler via this place and on this matter's contact, magical creation that no one not curious today must demonstrate is what look- it is said that is a ship, with the ship that magic power actuates, still remembers to the person of war of quite understanding Fort Boulder, initially Fort Boulder on was „the magical battleship is broken through by two, but that two magical battleships it is said were only the half-finished product...... 数以万计的民众聚集在河道两旁的高地上,带着好奇、兴奋与一丝丝紧张感注视着河道上的动静,不管是本地的居民,还是刚刚在这里落脚的新移民,或者是途经此地、恰逢此事的往来行商,没有人不好奇今日要展示的魔导造物到底是什么模样-据说那是一艘船,一艘用魔法力量驱动的船,一些对磐石要塞之战较为了解的人还记得,当初磐石要塞就是被两艘“魔导战舰”攻破的,而那两艘魔导战舰据说只是半成品而已…… certainly, must appear on Clearwater River today, has been the Cecil magical industry opens since absolutely demonstrated that gives largest creation of people. 毫无疑问,今天要出现在白水河上的,绝对是塞西尔魔导工业开启以来展示给民众的最大规模的造物 By the river bank, several merchant from northern area is talking bustling, in some people of expressions has the anticipation that is hard to conceal: You said how many cargos a that new-style ship time can draw?” 河岸旁,几名来自北方地区的商人正在热火朝天地交谈,有人语气中带着难以掩饰的期待:“你们说,那新式船一次能拉多少货物?” Side some people smile immediately: „Haven't you listened to the program? That is a battleship......” 旁边立刻有人笑了起来:“你没听节目么?那是一艘战舰……” You really do not have the vision!” The merchant of first opens the mouth refutes immediately, „was so long, hasn't understood the Feudal Lord style? technology on battleship, must certainly use in the folk, moreover Rebecca Marchioness had added a moment ago......” “你真没眼光!”第一个开口的商人立刻反驳道,“都这么久了,还不了解领主的风格?战舰上的技术,肯定也要用在民间的,而且刚才瑞贝卡女侯爵还说过……” That but actually is also, it is said Carol that side Codd has bought the magical truck......” “那倒也是,据说卡洛尔那边的科德已经买到魔导卡车了……” The merchants behind, seemingly bend the waist the humpbacked old person unable to bear shake the head: I did not think that ship can have what too special place, ship thing, nothing but in the big wooden basin that aquatic floats......” 商人们身后,一个看起来弯腰驼背的老人忍不住摇了摇头:“我倒不觉得那艘船会有什么太特殊的地方,船这东西,无非是在水上漂的大木盆……” Side has the young people to ridicule immediately: Kaul father, you added initially the car(riage) nothing but with the plank that several wheels support!!” 旁边有年轻人顿时嘲笑起来:“考尔老爹,您当初还说车无非是用几个轮子撑起来的木板呢!!” The ridiculed old person foams with rage immediately: Your young animal understands anything! The old men I have not produced the car(riage), but produced half a lifetime ship! The what kind ship haven't I seen?” 被嘲笑的老人顿时吹胡子瞪眼:“你个小崽子懂什么!老头子我没造过车,但造了半辈子船!什么样的船我没见过?” The old person who young people looks at foams with rage, just wants to say anything again, a loud sound that but resounds from the river course suddenly actually interrupted everyone's conversation. 年轻人看着吹胡子瞪眼的老人,刚想再说点什么,但突然从河道上响起的一阵巨响却打断了所有人的交谈。 That is one resonant and vigorous, powerful, even makes the heart of person follow to clutch the tight whistle. 那是一声嘹亮、浑厚、气势十足,甚至让人的心脏都跟着揪紧的汽笛声。 In the mist covers, a dim shadow appears on the eastern river surface, the second steam whistle passed from the thin mist deep place. 在薄雾笼罩中,一个朦胧的影子出现在东部的河面上,第二声汽笛从稀薄的雾气深处传了出来。 After the short silence, by the east both banks people voiced heavenshaking cheering and call out in alarm the sound, this calls out in alarm the sound that and cheers then to follow Clearwater River both banks to spread to here. 在短暂的寂静之后,东部两岸旁的人发出了震天的欢呼和惊叫声,紧接着这惊叫和欢呼的声音便顺着白水河两岸一路向这里蔓延。 By the river bank person stared in a big way the eye, they do not know that what kind of creation that was, will provoke the people so big response, but they saw clearly quickly- that was one with the huge monster that the steel built. 河岸旁的人瞪大了眼睛,他们不知道那到底是个怎样的造物,以至于会引起人们如此大的反应,但他们很快就看清了-那是一艘用钢铁打造的庞然巨物。 It any inland river wooden boat is huger than the past has seen, is more dignified than any battleship military might, that is having both the firm sense of reality and graceful arc with the giant beast that the steel builds, it braves all hardships on Clearwater River, actually could not see the thick liquid that the sail that catches the wind and paddles, on the entire ship can let person thinking of only sail the thing then is located by the hull wing panel, but that wing panel actually with a metal leaf blade composition of orderly, above filled twinkle glimmer rune and magic rune connection piece by piece, obviously is not by direct power supply that the ship goes forward- this does not have. The ship of sail no oar is going forward driven by some type of magical machinery strength, the bright sunlight shines in the outer covering and deck of its metal system, the imposing manner is astonishing, is charming. 它比以往见过的任何一艘内河木船都要庞大,比任何一艘战舰都威武庄严,那艘用钢铁打造的巨兽兼具着刚硬的质感和优雅的弧线,它在白水河上乘风破浪,却看不到兜风的帆和划动的浆,整艘船上唯一能让人联想到“风帆”的东西便只有位于船体两侧的“翼板”,但那翼板却是用一片片整齐的金属叶片组成,上面排满了闪烁微光符文魔纹连线,显然不是让船前进的直接动力源-这艘无帆无桨的船在某种魔导机械的力量驱动下前进着,灿烂的阳光照耀在它那金属制的外壳和甲板上,气势惊人,魄力十足。 The person of being sharp-eyed saw that ship unusual two decks- the mid-level of ships is higher than the surroundings, is placing the upper decks of many strange equipment in the crown of this sticking out structure, but on boiler decks, the structure that entire sticks out by the energy of sending out glimmer protects the shield to cover, wears soldier neat and tidy of light quality armor to stand near the broad side, in the soldiers behind, is to make the fort that one is awed at the sight and protects the shield to produce tower...... 眼尖的人看到了那艘船奇特的两层甲板-船只的中端高出周围,在这个隆起结构的顶部是安置着许多古怪设备的上甲板,而在上下甲板之间,那整个隆起的结构都被一层发出微光的能量护盾覆盖着,身穿轻质铠甲的士兵整整齐齐地站在船舷附近,在士兵们身后,是令人望而生畏的炮台和护盾生成…… That at all is not a ship, that is one, complete equipment steel fortress that on the water surface navigates. 那根本不是一艘船,那是一座在水面上航行的、全副武装的钢铁要塞 The young people who by the river bank, the merchants startled dumbfoundedness of earnest discussion, the laughter created a disturbance before did not have the spoken language suddenly, produces half a lifetime ship and what ship to see an old person mutters in the astonishment: This type of ship...... haven't I really seen...... this thing really am a ship?!” 河岸旁,之前热切讨论的商人们惊的目瞪口呆,嬉笑打闹的年轻人们也一时间没了言语,一个造了半辈子船、什么船都见过的老人则在惊愕之中喃喃自语起来:“这种船……我还真没见过……这玩意儿真的是船?!” Newcomer magical battleship The Pioneer in the bridge, once participated in engineering project all technology personnel as well as government affairs hall official stands after the broad window, having the excitement looks at Clearwater River billowing mighty waves to retrocede by the ships unceasingly, transmits rushing mana that to pour into from power spine/ridge to the lower level of ships, actuating the three engine units in mechanical cabin to revolve unceasingly, that low and deep powerful bellow is common on such as the heartbeat of this giant beast, everyone, has to for the miracle of this magical engineering, but exclaimed in surprise. 新锐魔导战舰“开拓者号”的舰桥内,曾参与工程项目的所有技术人员以及政务厅官员都站在宽阔的观景窗后,带着激动的心情看着白水河的滚滚波涛在舰船两侧不断后退,从动力传输出的澎湃魔力被注入到舰船的下层,驱动着机械舱中的三座引擎机组不断运转,那低沉有力的轰鸣声就如这座巨兽的心跳一般,每一个人,都不得不为这魔导工程学的奇迹而惊叹。 In the forefront of bridge, Gawain both hands are grasping the parapet after window, is gazing at the river surface of distant place, long time, he has turned head, nods to say to Miss Siren: Your merit is biggest, this ship even exceeded my imagination.” 在舰桥的最前端,高文双手握着窗后的栏杆,注视着远方的河面,良久,他才回过头,对身旁的海妖小姐点头道:“你的功劳是最大的,这艘船甚至超出了我的想象。” I provided some technology directors, to be honest, the engineers and magical technician effort is the key that to let this ship can be born,” Tyr quite said modestly, her tail tip oscillates in the midair, obviously this Miss Siren mood at this moment is also excellent, your magical technology and immature, many background are very weak, but in...... difficult overcame well.” “我只是提供了一些技术指导,说实话,工程师和魔导技师们的努力才是让这艘船能够诞生的关键,”提尔颇为谦虚地说道,她的尾巴尖在半空摆来摆去,显然这位海妖小姐此刻的心情也是极好,“你们的魔导技术不成熟,很多底子都很薄弱,但好在……困难都被克服了。” high level magical technician reports to say in side: „ We installed two large-scale magic crystal rail guns in the bow and end of this ship respectively, can be used to attack the target within 22 kilometers, the center-section two sides installed two Rainbow Light generators, the effective illumination is away from 15 kilometers, after optimizing the power spine/ridge structure, all forts can open fire simultaneously, but did not affect the engine...... 一名高阶魔导技师在旁边汇报道:“我们在这艘船的舰首和尾部各安装了两座大型魔晶轨道炮,可以用来打击二十二公里内的目标,中段两舷则安装了两座虹光发生器,有效照射距离十五公里,在优化了动力结构之后,所有炮台可以同时开火而不影响引擎了…… Moreover following your order, we set an extra magic energy obelisk behind the bridge, it can peripheral provide magic circuit to cover for the ships and ensure among the future fleet members can communicate mutually, the small-scale ships that simultaneously the energy system is damaged can also conduct charge around this ship...... “另外遵照您的命令,我们在舰桥后部设置了一座额外的魔能方尖碑,它能够为舰船周边提供魔网覆盖,保证日后的舰队成员之间能够互相通信,同时能源系统受损的小型船只还可以在这艘船周围进行充能…… Miss Tyr helped us solve the issue of navigation stability and center of gravity displacement......” 提尔小姐帮我们解决了航行稳定和重心偏移的问题……” When Gawain is listening to the report of technology personnel earnestly, in the heart comforts, was sighing initially flickered Tyr with Rainbow Light technology in the technology team is really a correct decision. 高文认真听着技术人员的汇报,心中宽慰之余,也感叹着当初用虹光技术提尔忽悠进技术团队里果然是个正确的决定。 Siren technology leads the Human Race innumerable years, even if declines now, even if some domain were incomplete, even if the technology route is not common, has the huge advancement and promotion function to Cecil's shipbuilding technology in the same old way, many Human Race technology personnel needs to study the technology difficulty of moon/month, in the Siren eye often is not Difficult problem Tyr is busy at work from last year in the shipyard this year, the larger part time is actually not solving the technology difficulty, but enabled Human Race existing technology in seeking with the Siren KF in the together method, so long as docked successfully, issue also on solving. 海妖技术领先人类无数年,哪怕现在衰落了,哪怕部分领域残缺了,哪怕技术路线不共通,也照样对塞西尔的造船技术有巨大的推进和提升作用,很多人类技术人员需要研究个把月的技术难关,在海妖眼中往往根本就不算难题-提尔在造船厂里从去年忙活到今年,其中一大半的时间其实都不是在解决技术难关,而是在寻找让人类现有技术能和海妖知识融合在一起的方法,只要成功对接了,问题也就解决了。 At present The Pioneer the live broadcast of launching has broadcast in throughout, the newspaper extra of synchronization will also publish tomorrow,” nearby Hetty said, according to your plan, this ship can continue to the west navigates, first in the Tanzan harbor anchoring half day, carries out the machinery inspection, later shifts to the Northwest, via the Horsman boundary, the Luan area and Carol area, stays finally for three days in Fort Boulder, after conducting a thorough inspection and test, turns back.” “目前‘开拓者号’下水的实况广播已经在全境播放,同步的报纸号外也会在明天刊登出来,”一旁的赫蒂说道,“按照您的计划,这艘船会继续向西航行,首先在坦桑港口停泊半日,执行机械检查,随后转向西北方,途经霍斯曼边界、卢安地区以及卡洛尔地区,最后在磐石要塞停留三天,进行一番彻底的检查和测试之后再折返回来。” Very good,” Gawain slightly nodded, looks to standing middle-aged Knight by not far away captain seat, Byron, was laborious for several days you.” “很好,”高文微微点了点头,看向站在不远处舰长席旁的中年骑士,“拜伦,这些天就辛苦你了。” Has become The Pioneer Byron of interim captain to smile a face to be bright, loud response: You felt relieved that definitely does not disappoint you!!” 已经成为“开拓者号”临时舰长的拜伦笑得一脸灿烂,大声回应:“您就放心吧,肯定不让您失望!!” Stands cannot bear shake the head in not far away and complexion bad Philip: Is excited, does not have the demeanor.” 站在不远处、脸色糟糕的菲利普忍不住摇了摇头:“兴奋起来,毫无风度。” Byron heard old buddy's whisper, shot a look at Philip one: You are the acid, who makes you not have this to work as the talent of captain......” 拜伦听到了老搭档的这一声嘀咕,瞥了菲利普一眼:“你就是酸,谁让你没这当舰长的天分……” The Philip stiff body, follows a prescribed pattern: As Knight, I to breaks through enemy lines to be interested in the stable land.” 菲利普挺直身子,一板一眼:“作为一名骑士,我更对在稳固的大地上冲锋陷阵感兴趣。” Byron shakes the head, whispered in a low voice: Did not embark spits, had what not good acknowledgment...... present face white with paper.” 拜伦摇摇头,低声嘀咕:“不就是一上船就吐了么,有什么不好承认的……现在脸都白的跟纸似的。” Gawain noticed two people's conversations, but he shakes the head with a smile, has not talked too much. 高文注意到了两个人的交谈,但他只是笑着摇了摇头,没有多言。 Young and promising steadfast steady Philip unexpectedly somewhat is always seasick, before this is him, has not expected, but corresponds, Byron actually adapts to his new role very much, this is a good phenomenon. 一向年轻有为踏实稳重的菲利普竟然有些晕船,这个是他之前没料到的,但相对应的,拜伦却很是适应他的新角色,这是个好现象。 The people cannot be stranded in the land forever, the Cecil's army is so, with the constant development of new-style shipbuilding technology, Gawain must make up water surface strength this in Human Race various countries common shortcoming. Before The Pioneer makes, he made the plan of construction navy- naturally, to the Cecil duchy of present stage, the so-called navy described with the Inland river Naval forces is more appropriate, but this at least was a foundation- however initial sailors, he can only form from zero. 人不能永远困于陆地,塞西尔的军队更是如此,随着新式造船技术的不断发展,高文必然要补上“水面力量”这块在人类各国都共通的短板。早在开拓者号造出来之前,他就做了筹建海军的计划-当然,对现阶段的塞西尔公国而言,所谓的海军用内河水师来形容更加贴切,但这至少是个基础-而最初的水兵们,他只能从零组建。 He still remembers that last year the aristocrat allied armies formed so-called fleet, remembers these wear armor, will not swim and not understand the water battle, was annihilated the most motley crew on the ship by the fire, in this cavalry was the king, the sea was blocked by the natural disaster, water surface battle unvalued time, even if he received the entire Southern Region aristocrat heritage, person who he could not find several to have the background trained the sailor, therefore he can only recruited one batch from the western the sailor of fisherman and freighter talent, using the junk, fishing boat and freighter to train more than half a year, has. One batch can reluctantly in the soldier who on the ship serves, but major parts in these soldiers, stand on this newcomer magical battleship at this moment. 他还记得去年贵族联军组建起来的那支所谓的“舰队”,记得那些穿着铠甲、不会游泳、不懂水战,在船上就被炮火歼灭大半的乌合之众,在这个骑兵为王,海洋被自然灾害封锁,水面战斗不受重视的时代,哪怕他接收了整个南境的贵族遗产,他也找不到几个有底子的人来训练成水兵,因此他只能从西部的渔民和货船的水手中招募了一批“人才”,用舢板、渔船、货船训练了大半年,才算是有了一批勉强能在船上服役的士兵,而这些士兵中的一大部分,此刻都站在这艘新锐魔导战舰上。 Byron is the captain of this ships, is Commander of sailors, in the past 6 months, he besides continuing responsible portion army business, is responsible for the new student/life sailors' training. 拜伦是这艘舰船的舰长,也是水兵们的指挥官,过去半年来,他除了继续负责一部分陆军事务之外,也在负责新生水兵们的训练。 This middle-aged Knight is not the water battle expert, but this time Southern Region simply does not have the water battle expert, at least, Byron has also directed the magical battleship of half-finished product, has attacked Fort Boulder with the magical battleship, moreover there are, when mercenary period facing the rich experiences of various operational environments, he is the only candidate who Gawain can find. 这位中年骑士并不是水战专家,但这个时期的南境根本没有水战专家,至少,拜伦还指挥过半成品的魔导战舰,用魔导战舰进攻过磐石要塞,而且还有当佣兵时期面对各种作战环境的丰富经验,他算是高文能找到的唯一人选。 After all cannot reach one's goal instantly, from domain mostly situation of zero construction so. 毕竟不能一步到位,从零建设的领域大多情况如此。 Under the direction of Knight Byron, new student/life Cecil naval forces will complete their final trainings on this ship- these sailor who uses the junk and fishing boat trains the first contact genuine magical battleship, in front of them no longer is the model and theory material, but is the true and real steel machinery and controls mechanism, how they will study to control one with the ships of magic energy mechanical activation, studies how deals with various issues on water surface, but this ship, in this time is in half a month CNC practice to navigate a circle along Clearwater River, its navigation by innumerable citizen by river bank will be surrounded . Newspaper printing, by the magic circuit live broadcast, this is not only a CNC practice, is a demonstration and deterrent- 拜伦骑士的指挥下,新生的塞西尔“水师”将在这艘船上完成他们最后的训练-这些用舢板和渔船训练出来的水兵将第一次接触真正的魔导战舰,他们面前不再是模型和理论资料,而是实实在在的钢铁机械和控制机关,他们会学习该怎么控制一艘用魔能机械驱动的舰船,学习怎么应对水面上的各种问题,而这艘船,将在这次长达半个月的实训中沿着白水河航行一圈,它的航行会被河岸旁的无数领民围观,被报纸刊载,被魔网直播,这不仅仅是一次实训,也是一次展示和威慑- Although the Southern Region order has stabilized initially, but is not totally peaceful, past odd/surplus evil and Church of army old aristocrat remained still had portion to occupy between western and northern mountainous area and Mang forest, these have taken to the heather is unable the disciple now to do the deal of robber, Knight Philip has been organizing to exterminations of these robbers and bandits, but has not exterminated completely. 南境的秩序虽然已经初步稳定,但并非完全太平,昔日旧贵族的余孽和教会军残留仍然有一部分盘踞在西部和北部的山区、莽林之间,这些已经落草为寇的无法之徒现在干着强盗的勾当,菲利普骑士一直在组织对这些盗匪的清剿,但至今还没有完全清剿完。 Gawain knows, these most stubborn, most naive odd/surplus evil was also fantasizing Cecil rule collapses suddenly, a day that former days the system restored, but some had adapted to the life of robber, is enjoying the regardless of the law and of natural morality day- the newcomer magical battleship, looked to them. 高文知道,那些最顽固的、最天真的余孽还在幻想着塞西尔统治突然崩溃,旧日体系复辟的一天,而有一些则已经适应了强盗的生活,享受着无法无天的日子-新锐魔导战舰,就是给他们看的。 certainly, in the artillery place of newcomer magical battleship is sparkling the Art brilliance, but Art, is always used to persuade the will of the people. 毫无疑问,新锐魔导战舰的炮座上闪耀着艺术的光辉,而艺术,一向用来感化人心。
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