SOD :: Volume #6

#556: Immigration with military deserter

Finished from the winter, Boulder city day by day is then lively. 自冬季结束,磐石城便一天比一天繁华起来。 This was located in the Cecil northern new town once is only the Fort Boulder southern portion fortress and plain, Cecilian destroyed the old fortress wall rampart, levelled off past tower, constructed a new fortress metropolis in the post-war ruins, they in the fortress metropolis outer layer built newly „the magic energy barrier, in Dolgun Clearwater River bank built the wharf square, let this land that has experienced the flames of war again living. 这座位于塞西尔北方的新城曾经只是磐石要塞南部的一部分堡垒和平原,塞西尔人摧毁了旧要塞的墙垒,夷平了昔日的塔楼,在战后的废墟里建造起了一座新的要塞都市,他们在要塞都市外层修筑了新的“魔能壁垒”,在“多尔贡-白水河”畔修筑了码头广场,让这片经历过战火的土地重新“活”了过来。 At first, is occupied by people in fortress inner city uneasy- they are the old fortress residents, once served being stationed in the kingdom's army in Fort Boulder, this awkward status made them worry about Cecilian frequently when the post-war settlement, as new Commander fortress took office and government affairs hall starts to revolve, Cecilian cashed in them to take over this fortress promise one after another: Does not criticize, does not commandeer, does not demolish the room, does not snatch field- after these promises cash in one by one, the Fort Boulder order stabilizes day after day, but day after day the stable order also successfully made Boulder city that built newly start the revolution. 起初,住在要塞内城的人们惴惴不安-他们是旧要塞的居民,曾经服务于驻扎在磐石要塞里的王国军,这尴尬的身份让他们时刻担忧着塞西尔人在战后的清算,但随着新的要塞司令上任以及政务厅开始运转,塞西尔人一条一条兑现了他们接手这座要塞时的诺言:不清算,不强征,不拆屋,不抢田-在这些诺言逐一兑现之后,磐石要塞的秩序日渐稳定下来,而日渐稳定的秩序也成功让新筑的磐石城开始了运转。 As a plan at the beginning of then has exchange window the function city, Boulder city, once starts to revolve, then changes over to rapidly vividly. 作为一座规划之初便具备“交流窗口”作用的城市,磐石城一旦开始运转,便迅速转入繁华。 Here is Holy Spirit Plain and choke point of Southern Region exchange, is the merchants conducts the vertical trade road which must be taken, to the merchants, Southern Region as if there is ore and magical material gap of stuff forever, but the person in entire Ainz any place quite welcome from Cecil's alchemy medicine and Unit magic circuit- Dolgun Clearwater River in flows is almost the billowing gold coin, the merchants who come Boulder city to do business are popular a new proverb: So long as can conduct the back the pocket to transfer in Boulder city, even if a donkey can gain full. 这里是圣灵平原南境交流的咽喉要道,是商人们进行南北贸易的必经之路,对商人们而言,南境似乎永远都有着填不满的矿石和魔导材料缺口,而整个安苏任何地方的人都相当欢迎来自塞西尔的炼金药剂魔网-多尔贡-白水河中流淌的几乎是滚滚金币,以至于来磐石城做生意的商人们都流行起了一句新的俗语:只要能驮着口袋在磐石城转一圈,哪怕是头驴都能赚个盆满钵满。 But recently, royal family also reached the new agreement with Cecil, St. Sunil City these slow aristocrats acknowledged finally the authority in Southern Region duchy, Cecil also opened wide many trade orders to Holy Spirit Plain, Boulder city all of a sudden became is livelier, the new merchant was attracted here, the new commodity also started to appear on these freighters and freight vehicles- the inexpensive textile from South, paper and wines was included in the Cecil's commodity list, their inexpensive prices made the merchants from Holy Spirit Plain dumbfounded, in a short time, flowed to the Holy Spirit Plain commodity then no longer to only have alchemy medicine and magical part from Cecil- however commodity of Cecil purchase, still. Is the endless ore and magical material...... 而最近一段时间,王室还和塞西尔达成了新的协议,圣苏尼尔城那些迟钝的贵族们终于承认了南境公国的权威,塞西尔也对圣灵平原敞开了更多的贸易订单,磐石城一下子变得更加热闹起来,新的商人被吸引到这里,新的商品也开始出现在那些货船与货车上-来自南方的廉价纺织品、纸张以及酒类被列入了塞西尔的商品名单,它们低廉的价格令来自圣灵平原的商人们目瞪口呆,在很短的时间内,从塞西尔流向圣灵平原的商品便不再只有炼金药剂魔导元件-而塞西尔收购的商品,仍然是无止尽的矿石和魔导材料…… The boom of commercial makes Boulder city develop at the extremely quick speed, more and more outsiders were attracted this place to settle down-, not only includes the Southern Region resident, including from Holy Spirit Plain, for various reasons the person of being forced to leave native place. 商业的繁荣让磐石城以极快的速度发展起来,越来越多的外乡人被吸引到此地定居-这其中不光包括南境的居民,也包括来自圣灵平原的、由于各种各样的原因背井离乡之人。 The before exit / entry registration checkpoint in Boulder city wharf square, one team just from ship the new immigrant is lining up to pass through the narrow channel, this narrow channel and lining up the custom regarding first crosses the Fort Boulder person is a very novel thing, they do not adapt very much, but the complete equipment wharf soldier can guarantee that they in a short time adapt. 磐石城码头广场的出入境登记关卡前,一队刚刚从船上下来的新移民正排着队走过窄窄的通道,这狭窄的通道和“排队”的规矩对于初次越过磐石要塞的人而言是一种很新奇的东西,他们不是很适应,但全副武装的码头士兵能保证他们在很短的时间内适应下来。 A lowering the head red hair youth following team is walking slowly forward, was seemingly common, arranges the thin and tall man completed the registration in front of him roughly, was one's turn him to stand in that registrant front. 一个低着头的红发青年跟着队伍慢慢向前走着,看上去毫不起眼,排在他前面的瘦高个男人磕磕绊绊地完成了登记,紧接着便轮到他站在那位“登记员”面前。 Name?” The registrants asked. “姓名?”登记员问道。 The red hair youth shrank the neck, to think the way of maintaining composure looked at surrounding one, said low voice: Sarah, without surname, Lord.” 红发青年缩了缩脖子,以自认为不动声色的方式看了周围一眼,小声说道:“萨拉,没有姓氏,大人。” Age? profession or specialty?” “年龄?职业或专长?” 19...... 18 years old, when crosses carpenter, Lord.” “十九……十八岁,当过木匠,大人。” The registrants lift the eyelid, looked at both hands of red hair youth, looked at the bearing of opposite party. 登记员抬起眼皮,看了看红发青年的双手,又看了看对方的站姿。 The cocoon is very thick in the fingers/tiger mouth position, bearing routine slightly leans forward, and both feet separates. 茧子在虎口位置很厚,站姿习惯性微微前倾,且双脚分开。 The registrants swept an attire of youth to dress up, looked on an opposite party foot that double thickness leather boots. 登记员扫了一眼青年的衣着装扮,又看了一眼对方脚上那双厚皮靴子。 Where from comes?” “从哪来?” Holy Spirit Plain...... middle, by giant stone city village......” 圣灵平原……中部,巨石城旁边的村子……” literate?” 认字么?” Does not recognize, Lord.” “不认得,大人。” Your registration card, walks the left side channel, some end people leads you to make the resettlement,” registrant puts out a card, gives the red hair youth, when the opposite party put out a hand to receive profoundly looked at opposite party one eyes, young people, remembered observe the Cecil's law- under this premise, the duchy will protect you. Moreover, do not call me Lord, I am only a registrant.” “你的报到证,走左侧通道,尽头有人带你去做移民安置,”登记员拿出一张卡片,交给红发青年,并在对方伸手接过的时候深深地看了对方一眼,“年轻人,记住遵守塞西尔的法律-在这个前提下,公国会保护你。另外,不要叫我大人,我只是个登记员。” Is...... is Lord.” “是……是的大人。” The red hair youth slightly somewhat received that hard slip of paper flustered, does not know that has heard clearly explaining of registrant, then moved toward the left side channel hurriedly, but on that hard slip of paper in his hands, is printing a number: 3. 红发青年略有些慌张地接过了那张硬纸片,也不知道听没听清登记员的交待,便匆匆忙忙地走向了左侧通道,而在他手中的那张硬纸片上,印着一个数字:三。 The registered young people do not know that this number is what meaning, the registrants but who in the wharf work know, the meaning of this code is: The doubtful Holy Spirit Plain military deserter, suggested two examinations. 被登记的年轻人不知道这个数字是什么意思,但码头上工作的登记员们知道,这个代码的意思是:疑似圣灵平原逃兵,建议二次审查。 The registrants raise the head, in the looks at channel the long team, was still guessing the military deserter who also many came from Holy Spirit Plain will mix in these people. 登记员抬起头来,看着通道里面仍然长长的队伍,猜测着还有多少来自圣灵平原的逃兵会混在这些人里面。 Since this chaotic civil war falls into the deadlock stage, such person were getting more and more. 自从这场乱糟糟的内战陷入僵持阶段,这样的人就越来越多了。 The situation of Holy Spirit Plain eastern frontline is very it is said deeply worried, no matter the kingdom's army or the Eastern Region army have fallen into the embarrassing situation that no one is able to win fast, the war of deadlock makes both sides have to more and more soldiers invest into the battlefield, but the prolonged war also makes more and more military deserters start to appear. 圣灵平原东部前线的局势据说很焦灼,不管是王国军还是东境军都已经陷入谁也无法快速取胜的尴尬局面,僵持的战局让双方不得不把越来越多的士兵投入到战场上,而旷日持久的战争也让越来越多的逃兵开始出现。 Regarding lacking the effective Management measure, soldier enthusiasm and loyalty not high aristocrat army, military deserter almost like blowing wind to rain common. 对于缺乏有效管理措施,士兵积极性和忠诚度也不高的贵族军而言,逃兵几乎就像刮风下雨一样常见。 That youth mostly is the the kingdom's army soldier, therefore he does not dare to flee to the east side, simultaneously he also possibly is outside God of Holy Light some Gods believer, therefore he does not dare to flee to north the plain- present this way of the world, different god believer in the northern situation is very difficult- however between Western Region and Southern Region, obviously the distance is near, immigration policy favorable Southern Region regarding these military deserters is a better choice. 那个青年多半是王国军的士兵,因此他不敢逃往东边,同时他还可能是圣光之神以外某个神明信徒,因此他也不敢逃往平原北边-如今这个世道,异神信徒在北方的处境很是艰难-而在西境南境之间,显然距离较近、移民政策优厚的南境对于这些逃兵而言是个更好的选择。 The registrants shake the head, Cecil did not mind that the origins of these military deserters- the military deserter who in old-style aristocrat army runs is also good, loses refugee who the homeland land is forced to leave native place, valuable labour force to Cecil, registrant, although is not high-level government affairs hall official, but he has also been trained, he knows that each person's who came from Fort Boulder no difference to the duchy: In any case unqualified, in brief must enlighten. 登记员摇了摇头,塞西尔并不介意这些逃兵的来历-旧式贵族军队里跑出来的逃兵也好,失去家园土地背井离乡的难民也罢,对塞西尔而言都是有价值的劳动力,登记员本人虽然不是什么高级的政务厅官员,但他也是接受过培训的,他知道每一个从磐石要塞北边过来的人对于公国而言都没什么区别:反正一律不合格,总之全都要教化。 Similar matter not only at this registration exit|to speak performance, in the entire wharf square, in 28 the end that registers the channel, in each registrant hand has is used to label the registration card of special immigrant- the military deserter from Holy Spirit Plain, by different god believer that Holy Light Church expels, scout who the doubtful northern aristocrat sends......, since the Cecil situation stabilizes initially, after the duchy obtains the royal family acknowledgment, Southern Region turned on the channel of absorption population again, but floods into the Southern Region huge immigration team, the what kind people have. 类似的事情不只在这一个登记出口上演,在整个码头广场上,在二十八个登记通道的尽头,每一位登记员手中都有一些用来标注特殊移民的报到证-来自圣灵平原的逃兵,被圣光教会驱逐的异神信徒,疑似北方贵族派来的探子……自从塞西尔局势初步稳定,公国得到王室承认之后,南境就再度开启了吸收人口的通道,而涌入南境的庞大移民队伍中,什么样的人都有。 In some sense, Cecil territory is dependence refugee rise, to the Cecil's government affairs hall, processing these immigrants almost can be their basic business request. 从某种意义上,塞西尔领是依靠“流民”崛起的,对塞西尔的政务厅而言,处理这些移民几乎可以算是他们的基本业务要求。 Leaves registers the red hair youth of channel takes cautiously own registration card, takes in seeing right in front of one next registrant Lord on road, in this huge and strange city, he is puzzled and anxious, what are more is novel and excited. 离开登记通道的红发青年小心翼翼地拿着自己的“报到证”,走在面见下一个“登记员大人”的路上,在这座庞大而陌生的城市中,他困惑而又不安,但更多的是新奇和激动。 This is Cecil, or is Cecil's portion. 这就是塞西尔,或者说是塞西尔的一部分 But here and he imagines complete different, once heard with him complete different. 但这里和他想象的完全不一样,也和他曾听闻的完全不一样。 Northern aristocrat Lords said that Cecil is barbaric, bleak and brutal place that moreover the order collapses, they said that aristocrat system of Southern Region already obliterated, but a person who crawled from the coffin destroyed all orders with the barbaric war ; They said that on this lands the high and low loses the foreword, the authority does not save, lowly serf and noble Knight can walk on same strip road/s ; They said that here was burnt down scorched earth by the Cecilian demon, in the scorched earth only had an engaging in wanton military activities duchy...... 北方的贵族老爷们塞西尔是个野蛮、荒凉、残酷而且秩序崩溃的地方,他们说南境的贵族体系已经荡然无存,而一个从棺材里爬出来的人用野蛮的战争摧毁了所有的秩序;他们说这片土地上尊卑失序,权威不存,卑贱的农奴和高贵的骑士都能走在同一条道路上;他们说这里被塞西尔人的魔火烧成了一片焦土,焦土中只有一个穷兵黩武的公国…… But here the red hair youth sees broad neat street, big style construction, honest friendly Lord, as well as lively to unbelievable wharf square- the scorched earth that if this is aristocrat Lord described barbaric brutal, order that collapses, then these aristocrat Lord were the life in compared with a scorched earth more fearful latrine pit in? 但红发青年在这里看到的只有宽阔整洁的街道,高大气派的建筑,正直友好的“大人”们,以及繁华到难以置信的码头广场-如果这就是贵族老爷所描述的野蛮残酷、秩序崩溃的焦土,那么难道那些贵族老爷自己是生活在比焦土更可怕的粪坑里么? Is observing the situation the eyesight institute and square, Saraz feels these aristocrat Lord, only then a few words saying right: Here, truly is everyone walks on same road/s. 环视着目力所及的广场,萨拉觉得那些贵族老爷只有一句话说对了:在这里,确实是所有人都走在同样的道路上的。 That group really wide, everyone can walk. 那路真宽,大家都可以走。 Several fellow villagers who if escape together also chose the same road good...... to be a pity with oneself, believed God of Holy Light them to go to the north side. 如果一同逃出来的几个同乡也跟自己选择一样的路就好了……可惜,信仰圣光之神的他们都去了北边。 The red hair youth is walking slowly forward, the eye seems to be insufficient is observing here each equally new thing generally. 红发青年慢慢向前走着,眼睛仿佛不够用一般观察着这里的每一样新东西。 Here new thing truly was too many, many to made one be at a loss, many to made people vacant. 这里的新东西确实是太多了,多到了让人无所适从,多到了让人茫然无措。 By broad road/s is setting upright the neat and tidy lamp post, on that lamp post is hanging is actually not the oil lamp, but is magic crystal ; In the open area of distant place is setting upright unusual metal tower, tower goes against float bulk crystal ; The line of sight end has the worker to construct anything, each same tool and machine that they use see what one never saw before, hear something never heard of before...... 宽阔的道路两旁竖着整整齐齐的灯柱,那灯柱上挂着的却不是油灯,而是魔晶石;远处的空地上竖着一座奇特的金属,顶上漂浮着大块的水晶;视线尽头有工人正在建造着什么东西,他们用的每一样工具和机器都见所未见,闻所未闻…… Sam, you definitely cannot believe that I went to the what kind place......” 山姆,你肯定不敢相信我到了个什么样的地方……” The red hair youth was muttering in a low voice the name of fellow villager good friend, he more walks on the channel is slower, the attention could almost not be seen the positive result strange Magic Guiding Device attracting by these- , if not by the channel has the stockade blocking, he must certainly run up to periphery these installments to size up now carefully. 红发青年低声咕哝着同乡好友的名字,他在通道上越走越慢,注意力几乎完全被那些看不出名堂的奇怪魔导装置给吸引了-如果不是通道两旁有栅栏遮挡,他现在肯定要跑到那些装置周围仔细打量一番。 His slowness caused the disaffection of following person finally, some people made an effort to pat a slap in him behind: Hey! Hurries! You obstructed the road!” 他的迟缓终于引起了后面人的不满,有人在他身后使劲拍了一巴掌:“喂!赶紧走!你挡道了!” The red hair youth hurries to apologize, then takes a step to prepare to face forward to walk, but when he just about to leaves, the sound that the light shadow that a piece never the distant place appears suddenly and resounds simultaneously made him startled stand in same place. 红发青年赶紧道歉,然后迈步准备朝前走去,但就在他刚要动身的时候,一片突然从不远处浮现出来的光影和同时响起的声音让他惊地站在了原地。 In the center of wharf square, a piece is higher than in the platform in ground slightly, large-scale Magic Guiding Device activated suddenly, above Magic Guiding Device appears immediately the huge hologram image, appears along with the image together, short music sound- that sounds seems like the mixing of bamboo flute and seven string qin plays. 在码头广场的中心,一片略微高出地面的平台上,一台大型的魔导装置突然激活了,魔导装置上方随即浮现出巨大的全息影像来,伴随着影像一同出现的,还有一段短暂的乐曲声-那听上去像是笛子和七弦琴的混奏。 Cecilian one by one in wharf seems especially indifferent, they are not surprised, but has some type happy and anticipation expression looked that to suddenly appeared in the square imaginary technique magic, however the new immigrants including red hair youth actually had a scare by this scene, even some people call out in alarm to make noise in the channel of lining up- red hair youth also almost exude the cry, but he opened the mouth, is maintaining this slightly somewhat funny posture a moment later, he then noticed that in that magic imaginary technique presented beautiful lady, heard the voice of opposite party: 码头上的塞西尔人一个个都显得格外淡然,他们一点都不惊讶,只是带着某种愉快和期待的表情看向了突然出现在广场上的“幻术魔法”,然而包括红发青年在内的新移民们却被这景象吓了一大跳,甚至有人在排队的通道里惊呼出声来-红发青年自己也差点发出叫声,但他只是张开了嘴,保持着这个略有些滑稽的姿势片刻之后,他便看到那魔法幻术中出现了一位美丽女士,听到了对方的声音: „ The viewer friends before magical terminal, good afternoon, I am your old friends, Miss Witch...... 魔导终端机前的观众朋友们,大家下午好,我是你们的老朋友,女巫小姐…… In today's Witch time, I must tell heartening magical creation you...... “在今天的女巫时间中,我要向大家介绍一件振奋人心的魔导造物…… „ After...... ten minutes, the magical battleship of duchy most newcomer The Pioneer will conduct into the water ceremony, it is the duchy new pride, powerful The Pioneer becomes sword and shield that protect each citizen...... “……十分钟后,公国最新锐的魔导战舰‘开拓者号’就将进行入水仪式,它将是公国新的骄傲,强大的开拓者号将成为保护每一位公民的刀剑和盾牌…… „...... Minister Rebecca believes, technology of new-style magical battleship will substantially promote the progress of duchy shipbuilding technology, is civil domain...... “……瑞贝卡部长认为,新式魔导战舰的技术将极大促进公国造船技术的进步,为民用领域…… Now, lets outside our switch back, my colleague has been ready in the dock......” “现在,让我们转向场外,我的同事已经在船坞做好准备……” ( Unusual animation on June 22 first showing meeting! Is conducting the view to reflect the qualifications to recruit, the special details can understand in the B stand, everyone has the time to go supports as far as possible =. = this was also my many years of wish finally achieves.) (异常动画6月22号首映会!正在进行观映资格招募,具体情况可以在B站了解,大家有时间能去的就尽量支持一下吧=。=这也是我多年心愿终于达成了。)
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