SOD :: Volume #6

#555: Mess

Listens information that named Sonia Frostleaf Elf Messengers is bringing, the Victoria Duchess complexion is even more cloudy. 听着名为索尼娅??霜叶精灵信使带来的信息,维多利亚女公爵的脸色愈发阴沉下来。 These naturally are not the good news. 那些当然不是什么好消息。 Especially in this crucial point. 尤其是在这个节骨眼上。 We know that Ainz is falling into one...... chaos, you have many issue urgently needed solutions,” named Sonia Messengers said frankly, this short hair Elf is seemingly young and delicate, but she is very likely one already has witnessed the Human Race various country several century rise and fall elder, she is appraising Ainz the civil war indifferently, keeps scene everyone from refuting, Silver Empire has no right meddles any internal problem of that Human Race various country's, now what we must face is one has surpassed the national concept crisis- in front of this crisis, the civilization overall life or death should arrange. First.” “我们知道安苏正陷入一场……混乱,你们有很多问题急需解决,”名为索尼娅信使直言不讳地说道,这位短发精灵看上去年轻而娇弱,但她很有可能是一个已经见证了人类诸国数个世纪兴衰的“长者”,她淡然地评价着安苏的这场内战,却让现场每个人都无法反驳,“白银帝国无权插手人类诸国的任何内部问题,但我们现在要面对的是一场已经超出国家概念的危机-在这场危机面前,文明整体的存亡才应该排在第一位。” We understand certainly this point,” nearby Grand Duke Baldwin nod said, Wall of Magnificence there, our everyone can see its condition not normally-, but this civil war is not we can decide.” “我们当然明白这一点,”一旁的柏德文大公点头道,“宏伟之墙就在那里,我们每个人都能看出它的状况不正常-但这场内战不是我们一方能够决定的。” This is you issue that if wants the means to solve,” Sonia Frostleaf said reluctantly, in the issue outside internal affairs, Silver Empire will exhaust ability for the friends provides the support, the technology material, technology personnel, we will send, but the Ainz internal problem...... can only depend on Ainz person.” “这就是你们自己要想办法解决的问题了,”索尼娅??霜叶无奈地说道,“在内政之外的问题上,白银帝国将竭尽所能为朋友们提供支持,技术资料,技术人员,我们都会送来,但安苏的内部问题……只能靠安苏人自己。” Baldwin?? Franklin and Victoria?? Wilde profoundly looked at each other one. 柏德文??法兰克林维多利亚??维尔德深深地对视了一眼。 From the look of opposite party, they saw the similarly deep helplessness and exhausted. 从对方的眼神中,他们都看到了同样深沉的无奈和疲惫。 Don't they know this crisis? Don't the Ainz aristocrats know this crisis? Knows, naturally knows, and has had long known- even knows possibly compared with Elf must early. 他们不知道这场危机么?安苏的贵族们不知道这场危机么?知道,当然知道,而且早就知道了-甚至知道的可能比精灵还要早。 Gawain?? Actually did Grand Duke Cecil warn how many times? Each passes in and out the Silver Castle aristocrat to be well aware all day. That dying and being reborn Founding Hero from uncovering coffin, but that day was warning that people confront the threat of Gondor Wasteland, but his each warning was disregarded, was misinterpreted, even was resisted and slandered by the vision of conspiracy theory, the Royal Capital aristocrats said that is anxiety disorder of out-of-control, is excuse that engages in wanton military activities, even said that ancient hero immersed in the 700 years ago battlefields, by Dark Mountain Range production of magic creature stimulation illusion-, but even so, until last month, Gawain?? The Duke Cecil warning information delivered to Silver Castle. 高文??塞西尔大公究竟示警了几次?每一个整日进出白银堡的贵族对此都心知肚明。那位死而复生的开国英雄从揭棺而起的那一天就在警告人们正视刚铎废土的威胁,但他的每一次警告都被人无视,被人曲解,甚至被人以阴谋论的目光来抵制和污蔑,王都贵族们说那是“失控的焦虑症”,是“穷兵黩武的借口”,甚至说那位古代英雄是沉浸在七百年前的战场上,被黑暗山脉魔物刺激的产生了幻觉-但即便如此,直到上个月,高文??塞西尔公爵的示警信息还是送到了白银堡里。 The Royal Capital aristocrats discussed pretentiously that warned the correspondence, discussed entire for half a month, has not discussed by the present. 王都贵族们装模作样地讨论那封示警信函,讨论了整整半个月,到现在还没讨论完。 Northern Region Duchess could not bear look sat Crown Prince Wales on seat of honor, that Crown Prince sat there unemotionally, but in his tranquil such as water look deep place, has to ridicule indistinctly. 北境女公爵忍不住看了坐在主位上的威尔士亲王一眼,那位王储面无表情地坐在那里,但在他那平静如水的眼神深处,隐隐约约有着一丝嘲弄。 We will exhaust ability with the Eastern Region communication- for Ainz...... for Human Race, royal family will make the maximum effort,” Victoria said calmly, „, but this matter is complex...... we to require the little time.” “我们会竭尽所能和东境沟通-为了安苏……为了人类,王室会做最大的努力,”维多利亚平静地说道,“但这件事非常复杂……我们需要一点点时间。” That, Wilde Duchess, the Sonia Frostleaf slight nod, „ we will also make the biggest assistance as soon as possible- in necessary situation, we can act to contact Eastern Region, in Ainz this chaos, the Elf standpoint is at least neutral. ” “那就尽快吧,维尔德女公爵,”索尼娅??霜叶微微点头,“我们也会做出最大的协助-必要的情况下,我们可以出面接触东境,在安苏这场混乱中,至少精灵的立场是中立的。” ...... …… Cecil city, in Feudal Lord Mansion. 塞西尔城,领主府内。 Gawain has not continued to investigate about Great Dragon and situation of Mithril Treasury secret relation with enough time, Amber then sent another intelligence that makes one care about. 高文还没来得及继续调查关于巨龙秘银宝库隐秘联系的情况,琥珀便送来了另外一份引人在意的情报 According to dispatching the competent person return of Holy Spirit Plain, the northern areas discovered that Elf race great eagle- toward St. Sunil City.” “根据派往圣灵平原的干员回报,北部地区发现精灵族的巨鹰-向着圣苏尼尔城去了。” Gawain put down prospectus on hand- this is builds the detailed report of south gate fortress south Fortress Defiance- he raised the head, looks at Amber: When matter is?” 高文放下了手头的计划书-这是在忤逆要塞南部修筑南门堡垒的详细报告-他抬起头,看着琥珀:“是什么时候的事情?” Three days ago witnesses- competent person delivered to Fort Boulder the letter/believes at the maximum speed, later passed on the news by the magic circuit communication,” Amber said rarely carefully and painstakingly, only has, when reported that this intelligence, she can seriously be so slightly little, „...... this time Elf Messengers should sit according to the speed of great eagle in Silver Castle.” “三天前目击的-干员以最快速度把信送到了磐石要塞,随后以魔网通讯把消息传了回来,”琥珀难得一板一眼地说道,唯有在报告这种情报的时候,她才能稍微严肃这么一点点,“按照巨鹰的速度……这时候精灵信使应该已经坐在白银堡里了。” Really sent people......” Gawain to say in a soft voice, looked like the Wall of Magnificence situation is not really wonderful......” “果然派人来了么……”高文轻声说道,“看来宏伟之墙的情况真的不妙啊……” Amber reported intelligence, serious capable military intelligence agency director degenerated instantaneously the goose, she shook to the Gawain's desk by, grasped the dry fruit from above toward mouth stops up while whispered: You can guess correctly that these Elf comes what are you doing?” 琥珀汇报完了情报,严肃干练的军情局局长瞬间退化成鹅,她晃悠到高文的书桌旁,一边从上面抓起干果往嘴里塞一边嘀咕起来:“你能猜到那些精灵是来干什么的么?” Can guess correctly probably, Gawain had adapted to the style of Amber this no custom, he swept this Half-Elf one, then shakes the head to say slightly, „, moreover I also know, was quick I to have was busy- , and has to be busy.” “大概能猜到,”高文早已适应了琥珀这毫无规矩的风格,他只是扫了这个半精灵一眼,便微微摇头说道,“而且我还知道,很快我就要有的忙了-而且还不得不忙。” Amber gawked, a face is curious: „? You? Are you now not very busy?” 琥珀楞了一下,一脸好奇:“啊?你?你现在还不够忙么?” Elf sent Envoy to arrive at Human Race Kingdom at this time, must discuss nothing but was the Wall of Magnificence issue,” Gawain looks at Amber, speaking thoughtlessly answered, continued three days of overloads, definitely created the serious damage to these Tower of the Sentinels, by the current aspect, must imagine for 700 years ago such coordinates, various countries to reconstruct by Silver Empire barrier to be not possible with joint forces together, therefore Elf should be wants Human Race Kingdom to help restore or strengthens that say barrier, if my judgment to the Wall of Magnificence present situation right, they should send out Envoy to each Human Race Kingdom simultaneously, then issue also on...... Ainz, civil war.” 精灵在这个时候派使者来到人类王国,要谈的无非是宏伟之墙的问题,”高文看着琥珀,随口解释道,“持续三天的过载,肯定对那些哨兵之塔造成了严重的损坏,以目前的局面,要想像七百年前那样以白银帝国牵头、各国合力重建一道屏障应该是不可能的,所以精灵应该是想要人类王国帮忙修复或增强那道屏障,如果我对宏伟之墙现状的判断没错,他们应该同时向每一个人类王国派出了使者,那么问题也就来了……安苏,正在内战。” Amber thinks, suddenly has awaked the taste: Orthodox issue?” 琥珀想了想,突然醒过味来:“正统问题?” barrier, must certainly cultivate/repair, even if the Ainz aristocrats are slow stupidly, they will not continue to get down in this issue slowly, but the key is who can cultivate/repair that to say barrier on behalf of Ainz,” Gawain shakes the head with a smile, „ in the average person eyes, cultivating barrier cultivates barrier, for the Kingdom safety, for a project that Human Race continues, should not have too many profound meanings to be one of them, but looks like...... this in this Kingdom directors is to closing the symbol of important. 屏障,肯定是要修的,哪怕安苏的贵族们再迟钝愚蠢,他们也不会在这个问题上继续迟钝下去,但关键是谁能代表安苏去修那道屏障,”高文笑着摇了摇头,“在普通人眼中,修屏障就是修屏障,是为了王国安危,为了人类延续的一项工程,不应有太多深意在其中,但在这个王国的主事者们看来……这是一个至关重要的象征。 In the key node of Ainz civil war, who can reach the agreement with Elf, who can go to the wasteland border to restore Tower of the Sentinels, who can representative Ainz.” “在安苏内战的关键节点上,谁能和精灵达成协议,谁能去废土边境修复哨兵之塔,谁就能代表安苏。” Amber is not understands aristocrat rule very much the person, but is influenced by what one sees and hears side Gawain such for a long time, her many can also do to be clearer in this curved to circle, at this time has responded: If wants to send people to restore Wall of Magnificence, the Ainz civil war must suspend, so long as royal family and Eastern Regionon continue to have the dispute inlegitimacy, the civil war is impossible to stop, if Ainz must send people to cultivate/repair barrier finally, that can only look for not to participate in the royal power competing completely, there is qualifications...... that they only to look for you on behalf of the Kingdom person?” 琥珀不是个很懂“贵族规则”的人,但在高文身边耳濡目染这么久,她多少也能搞明白一些这里面的弯弯绕绕,这时候已然反应过来:“要想派人修复宏伟之墙,安苏内战就必须暂停,但只要王室东境在‘正统性’上继续有争执,内战就不可能停,所以如果安苏最终要派个人去修屏障,那就只能找个完全不参与王权争夺,又有资格代表王国的人……那他们就只能来找你了?” Restoring Wall of Magnificence is a big project, the civil war non-stop, royal family and Eastern Region no one dares to reassign the strength to cultivate/repair barrier, but barrier does not repair, no one want to live, they have no choice,” Gawain shouted the tone, I have not chosen- is ready, this is not only my responsibility, perhaps...... is also an opportunity.” “修复宏伟之墙是个大工程,内战不停,王室东境谁都不敢抽调力量去修屏障,但屏障不修,又谁都别想活下来,他们没有任何选择,”高文呼了口气,“我也没有选择-做好准备吧,这不仅仅是我的责任,说不定……也是一次机会。” Amber blinks, looks at Gawain that as if the confident expression, almost forgot to continue to eat the dry fruit in hand at any time. 琥珀眨了眨眼,看着高文那在任何时候似乎都成竹在胸的表情,差点就忘了继续啃手里的干果。 In this world, no matter what happened, to you are the opportunities?” “这个世界上不管发生什么事,对你而言都是机会么?” „It is not, but the situation compels, I have to turn into the opportunity anything,” Gawain shakes the head, informs Philip and Byron, making them come one- the preparation on military should also do.” “并不是,但局势所迫,我不得不把任何事都变成机会,”高文摇了摇头,“去通知菲利普拜伦,让他们来一趟-军事上的准备也该做了。” Asked them to come?” The Amber eye opens wide slightly, is difficult to be inadequate...... you to plan while royal family and Eastern Region void time makes Fort Boulder to go?” “叫他们来?”琥珀眼睛微微张大,“难不成……你打算趁着王室东境空虚的时候打出磐石要塞去?” No, like this is me only to damage the foundation, and will harvest in the next 20 years turbulent continuous Kingdom, I will not do this matter,” Gawain will shake the head, „, but we must complete the worst plan- I do not believe this civil war will really stop, will not believe Southern Region to be able forever stay out of it. royal family and Eastern Region is the smart people, tries looks for the opportunity from this barrier crisis...... not to stop my one.” “不,这样做我只能自损根基,并收获一个在未来20年内都动荡不休的王国,我不会做这种事的,”高文摇摇头,“但我们必须做好最坏的打算-我可不相信这场内战真的会停下来,更不相信南境永远都能置身事外王室东境的都是聪明人,试图从这场屏障危机中寻找机会的……绝不止我一个。” Amber sized up Gawain one up and down, later the form disappears in the air gradually: „, Really cannot play with your experienced and careful people. You continue to plan here, I called that them to come.” 琥珀上下打量了高文一眼,随后身影渐渐消失在空气中:“啧啧,跟你们这种老谋深算的人果然玩不来。你继续在这儿谋划吧,我去叫那俩人过来。” The Gawain looks at Amber form dissipates gradually, later received the line of sight, the vision falls in a blueprint on desk. 高文看着琥珀的身影渐渐消散,随后把视线收了回来,目光落在书桌上的一份图纸上。 That is means of transportation, or...... a weapon. 那是一个交通工具,或者说……一件兵器。 With the king of land the engine, caterpillar band, armor and fort assemble. 一个用引擎、履带、装甲、炮台组装起来的陆地之王。 Although the Wall of Magnificence project is imminent, but Gawain knows that this time Kingdom carries out the efficiency, so-called imminent the production construction plan with Southern Region compares radically is two world, according to that helps the working efficiency of Royal Capital aristocrat, they will at least wrangle at this matter in the summer of this year, the matter that over a long period, he can handle also has. 虽然宏伟之墙的工程迫在眉睫,但高文更知道这个时代的王国执行效率,所谓的“迫在眉睫”跟南境的生产建设计划比起来根本是两个世界,按照那帮王都贵族的办事效率,他们至少会在这件事上扯皮到今年夏天,在这么长的时间里,他能做的事情还有很多。 Origins the laboratory test through the blueprint...... wants it really to be able as I expected like that smooth.” “起源实验室测试通过的图纸么……希望它真的能如我预期的那般顺利吧。” Gawain said in a soft voice, simultaneously puts out a hand, touches to the gift box of desk corner. 高文轻声说道,同时伸出手去,摸向书桌角落的食盒。 He touched spatial. 他摸了个空。 How...... does this also carry off the box now?!” “……这怎么现在还连盒子都带走了?!” ...... …… The Ainz situation is an vortex, the Human Race society is one group of messes, these life on land terrifying straight ape, although the life span is short and frail, but is actually confusing the society sector to let Siren for the talent that it exclaims in surprise, regarding this, Miss Tyr has deep feeling. 安苏的局势是一场漩涡,人类的社会是一团乱麻,这些生活在陆地上的恐怖直立猿虽然寿命短暂又脆弱,但却在搅乱自身社会方面有着让海妖都为之惊叹的天赋,对此,提尔小姐深有感触。 On the No. 1 berth of north bank shipyard, Siren Tyr own rolls a ball earnestly, listens to smith to discuss that the current event content on newspaper, while is indulging in flights of fancy with pauses. 北岸造船厂的一号船台上,海妖提尔认认真真地把自己团成一个球,一边听着工匠们讨论报纸上的时事内容,一边有一搭没一搭地胡思乱想着。 Human Race this lifeform, although does not have the tail, actually can also in some sense entanglement become a disorderly mess big group. 人类这种生物啊,虽然没有尾巴,却也能在某种意义上“纠缠”成乱七八糟的一大团呢。 However these are little significance with Siren, at least before Human Race has the ability conducts the oceangoing voyage, terrifying straight ape of these life on land with Siren are little significance. 但是这些跟海妖都没多大关系,最起码在人类有能力进行远洋航行之前,这些生活在陆地上的恐怖直立猿都跟海妖没太大关系。 Tyr most cares now, this continues until now project from the summer of last year at present, finally presented the achievement. 提尔现在最在意的,就是眼前这个从去年夏天持续至今的项目,终于出现了成果。 Before Miss Siren, by berth dry dock, brand-new, modeling and this world traditional ships entirely different attractive big ship calmly are lying down in the giant dock, is waiting for the time of entering the water. 海妖小姐面前,船台旁的干船坞内,一艘崭新的、造型与这个世界传统船舶截然不同的漂亮大船正静静地躺在巨大的船坞内,等待着入水的时刻。 It is one with the colossus that the steel builds, has the graceful and continual arc outer coverings and smooth broad two decks, total three pairs as if pair of wings magic energy wing panel neat and tidy collects the fold in the hull both sides and behind the upper deck, but in the before , during and after three positions of orlop deck, six groups of giant forts calmly is crouching in hiding in the artillery place, sprinkles the sunlight that to shine from the ceiling slits in these ice-cold metals, is exuding the dizzy ray. 它是一艘用钢铁打造的庞然大物,有着优雅且连续的弧线外壳和平整宽阔的两层甲板,共计三对仿佛双翼般的“魔能翼板整整齐齐地收束折叠在船体两侧和上层甲板后部,而在下层甲板的前、中、后三个位置,六组巨大的炮台正静静地蹲伏在炮座上,从顶棚缝隙间洒下的阳光照射在那些冰冷的金属上,泛着令人目眩的光芒。 Two Calibrator the level Rainbow Light generator, four transform and is used in the ship platform specially „the truth after specialized large-scale rail gun, as well as establishes in the large number of defensive small-scale rail guns of various hull places, became in this colossus equipment might fearful water together ferocious beast. 两座“校准者”级虹光发生器,四座经过专门改造、专用于舰船平台的“真理”大型轨道炮,以及设置在船体各处的大量防御性小型轨道炮,共同将这个庞然大物武装成了一头威力可怕的水中猛兽 This is after the brand-new design, by product that the Human Race shipbuilding style and Siren technology union becomes, is an advanced battleship in the true sense-, although in the Siren Tyr eye, it can still describe with the backwardness in many aspects, but in the innumerable smith eye of shipyard, it is a miracle. 这是经过全新设计,以人类造船风格和海妖技术结合而成的产物,是一艘真正意义上的先进战舰-尽管在海妖提尔眼中,它在很多方面仍然可以用落后形容,但在造船厂的无数工匠眼中,它已然是一个奇迹。
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