SOD :: Volume #6

#554: Holy Covenant responsibility

Wall of Magnificence situation the Ferdinand Duke at first estimate is more serious. 宏伟之墙的情况比裴迪南公爵最初预想的还要严重。 Elf is ancient and proud race- proud rather than arrogant- time-honored cultural inheritance as well as powerful talent strength let this race and during that time Gondor Human Race are equally self-confident, and feels some sense of responsibility, since the Gondor Empire destruction, the entire continent civilization double pole avalanche half, Silver Empire then becomes the Wall of Magnificence vindicator and wasteland observer driven by nation responsibility feeling, for 700 years, their fastidiously is carrying out the responsibility on Holy Covenant, Ferdinand Duke is very clear, if not that said that barrier really had/left the huge accident, proud Elves will be will not send out Envoy to warn to various countries- as well as request. Help. 精灵是一个古老而骄傲的种族-骄傲而非高傲-历史悠久的文化传承以及强大的天赋力量让这个种族当年刚铎人类一样自信,并且充满某种责任感,自从刚铎帝国毁灭,整个大陆文明双极崩塌一半,白银帝国便在大国责任感的驱使下成为了宏伟之墙的维护者和废土的监视者,七百年来,他们都一丝不苟地履行着神圣盟约上的职责,裴迪南公爵很清楚,如果不是那道屏障真的出了天大的变故,骄傲的精灵们是绝不会派出使者来向各国示警-以及请求帮助的。 The Grand Duke nobility is paying attention to the expression of Roseta Great Emperor, from the Your Majesty The Emperor look, he knows that the opposite party had confirmed the truth that Elf said that then turned the head to look to Siva: Your plans are to reinforce barrier- how, then concrete can reinforce? What do you want us to make specifically?” 大公爵关注着罗塞塔大帝的表情,从皇帝陛下的神色中,他知道对方已经确认了精灵所言的真伪,便转头看向希瓦:“你们的方案是加固屏障-那么具体要怎么加固?你们又具体要我们做些什么?” We plan to establish the increase installment near several main Tower of the Sentinels, increase installment technology we have, but we do not have enough manpower and resources-, even if the manpower and resources are sufficient, we do not have the time to assign it to entire Wall of Magnificence on,” Special Envoy Elf said, continent central wasteland blocked the transportation, arrives at northern part of the continent to need to circle very far road from Silver Empire, we are ride the great eagle in half a month rushes here-, but the great eagle cannot be used to transport a lot of cargos.” “我们计划在几座主要的哨兵之塔附近设置增幅装置,增幅装置的技术我们都有,但我们没有足够的人手和资源-哪怕人手和资源足够,我们也没有时间将其分配到整个宏伟之墙上,”精灵特使说道,“大陆中部的废土阻断了交通,从白银帝国来到大陆北部需要绕很远的路,我们是乘坐巨鹰才在半个月内赶到这里的-但巨鹰并不能用来运送大量货物。” At this time, Roseta Augustus opened the mouth finally: Typhon is glad to restore that to say barrier very much, after all that barrier is also our lives-, but other countries?” 这时,罗塞塔?奥古斯都终于开口了:“提丰很乐意去修复那道屏障,毕竟那屏障也是我们的命脉-但其他国家呢?” We had sent out Messengers to each Human Race Kingdom,” Siva said, dispatched Augari Tribe Kingdom Messengers then to arrive in days before, dispatched Ainz Messengers compared with our earlier set off, now should also arrive.” “我们已经向每一个人类王国派出了信使,”希瓦说道,“派往奥古雷部族国信使在前几日便应该到了,派往安苏信使比我们更早出发,现在也应该到了。” Augari Tribe Kingdom for many years has been paying attention to Wall of Magnificence, they should respond to your warnings quickly, but Ainz......” the Roseta Great Emperor voice said low and deep, that country is falling into a civil strife, I do not know whether they can also carry out the Holy Covenant responsibility.” 奥古雷部族国多年来一直在关注宏伟之墙,他们应该会很快回应你们的警告,但安苏……”罗塞塔大帝嗓音低沉地说道,“那个国家正陷入一场内乱,我不知道他们是否还能履行神圣盟约的职责。” „...... We once received the message in this aspect,” Siva silent moment, said with regret, because there is existence of Wall of Magnificence communications net, the news of Elf to entire continent is quick, Ainz civil war spread to Silver Empire early six months ago, we are very regrettable, past the descendant of ally should not oppose hence......, but said no matter how, the Wall of Magnificence safety is related to the civilization life and death, they should know...... does not continue the civil war now time.” “……我们曾收到这方面的消息,”希瓦沉默了片刻,语带遗憾地说道,由于有宏伟之墙通讯网的存在,精灵对整个大陆的消息还算灵通,安苏内战一事早在半年前就传入了白银帝国,“我们对此很遗憾,昔日盟友的后裔不该对立至此……但不管怎么说,宏伟之墙的安危事关文明生死,他们应该知道……现在不是继续内战的时候。” As you said that the Human Race four Country People all are the Gondor Empire descendant, the ancient honor of ancestor should not flee the capital because of the prejudice and superficiality, I believe that these brilliance bloodlines still flow in the blood vessel of Ainz person-, so long as they have not forgotten all these thoroughly, they know how should do,” the Roseta Augustus facial expression said with deep veneration, later stands up, „, but as for Typhon...... we will carry out the responsibility on Holy Covenant, restores that to say barrier.” “如你所说,人类四国子民皆是刚铎帝国后裔,先祖的古老荣光不应因偏见和短视而蒙尘,我相信那些光辉的血脉还在安苏人的血管里流淌-只要他们还没有彻底遗忘这一切,他们就会知道该怎么做的,”罗塞塔?奥古斯都神情肃然地说道,随后站起身来,“而至于提丰……我们会履行神圣盟约上的职责,去修复那道屏障。” Special Envoy Elf stands up, bends the waist before the Roseta Great Emperor: You are worthy of the name of Augustus.” 精灵特使站起身,在罗塞塔大帝面前弯下腰去:“您无愧于奥古斯都之名。” Roseta nods: Asked Envoy first to rest, I must discuss the concrete commodity reassignment and personnel arrangement issue with my adviser.” 罗塞塔点点头:“请诸位使者先去休息吧,我要和我的顾问商讨一下具体的物资调动和人员安排问题。” Several Special Envoy Elf left under the influence of waiter, in the reception room is only left over Typhon Emperor and Ferdinand Duke suddenly two people. 几位精灵特使在侍者的引领下离开了,会客室中一时间只剩下提丰皇帝裴迪南公爵两人。 That Emperor sits returns to own chair, the upper part gets sucked in the shadow of chairback: „The Ferdinand Sir/minister, you thinks that the Wall of Magnificence situation has deteriorated to this?” 那位皇帝坐回到自己的椅子上,上半身深陷在椅背的阴影中:“裴迪南卿,你认为宏伟之墙的情况已经恶化到这一步了么?” Elf will not crack a joke in this issue-, moreover with their styles, if not barrier deteriorates to the certain extent, they will not come to seek help from Human Race various countries.” 精灵不会在这个问题上开玩笑-而且以他们的行事风格,如果不是屏障恶化到一定程度,他们也不会来向人类诸国求助的。” I also think that” the Roseta slight nod, divined by astrology mages to report unusual change of Sun, the garrison of border also witnessed the change of Wall of Magnificence, the evidence, not allow to neglect.” “我也是这么想的,”罗塞塔微微点头,“占星法师们报告了太阳的异常变化,边境的驻军也目击了宏伟之墙的异动,证据都在,不容忽视。” Then we truly want......” “那么我们确实是要……” Fulfills Holy Covenant, certainly,” Roseta said, I have seen the blueprint that Elf brings, can divide two parts by the Typhon responsible recovering, portion in the southwest, I will delegate Severn Duke to go, another portion in northwest, close to Winterwolf Castle- I will go personally.” “履行神圣盟约,毫无疑问,”罗塞塔说道,“我已经看到精灵带来的图纸,由提丰负责的修复工作会分两个部分,一部分在西南,我会委派赛文公爵前往,另一部分在西北,靠近冬狼堡-我会亲自前往。” Ferdinand gawked, looks surprisedly: Your majesty, do you want to go personally?” 裴迪南愣了一下,面露惊讶:“陛下,您要亲自去?” Right,” the Roseta slight nod, that tower is Typhon First King clings to tenaciously, but the place of dying, therefore I must go personally.” “没错,”罗塞塔微微点头,“那座提丰先君死守而殁之处,所以我必须亲自去。” This is the reason that is unable to advise against. 这是个无法劝阻的理由。 700 years ago, four countries decide initially, the Human Race area is less safe now, to baffle unceasingly outward infiltration wasteland, Elf and various countries constructed present Wall of Magnificence jointly, a key node then in the Typhon northwest border area- Tower of the Sentinels on that key node constructed the entire three years, is that in all Tower of the Sentinels finishes finally, is the last step that entire Wall of Magnificence closes up, for this last step, Typhon once paid the most deeply grieved price. 七百年前,四国初定,人类的疆域远没有如今这么安全,为了阻遏不断向外渗透的废土,精灵与各国联手修建了如今的宏伟之墙,其中一座关键节点便在提丰的西北边疆-那座关键节点上的哨兵之塔建了整整三年,是所有哨兵之塔里最后完工的一座,也是整个宏伟之墙合拢的最后一步,而为了这最后一步,提丰曾付出最为惨痛的代价。 When various Wall of Magnificence activate one by one, chaotic mana and inexhaustible distortion monster in wasteland were prevented when that scorched earth, the magic tide strength once had conducted in a big way one time counter-attacked, has no place to go chaotic mana and Aberrant Body rushed to the last gap on barrier, and launched a fierce combat in the Typhon recruit and Human Race and Elf allied armies, counter-attack Aberrant Body legion even once approached to the Tower of the Sentinels under foot, to constrain footsteps of Aberrant Body attack, to give Technician Elf strove to activate the high tower time, entire guard Knight Corps that Typhon First King led, even included King oneself, died. Under tower. 宏伟之墙各段逐一激活,废土中的混沌魔能和无穷无尽的畸变怪物纷纷被阻挡在那片焦土上时,魔潮力量曾进行过最大的一次反扑,无处可去的混沌魔能畸变体们涌向了屏障上的最后一处缺口,并在提丰西北边境与人类精灵联军展开了一场激战,反扑的畸变体军团甚至一度逼近到哨兵之塔脚下,而为了拖住畸变体进攻的脚步,为了给精灵技师们争取激活高的时间,提丰先君所率领的整个近卫骑士团,甚至包括国王本人,都死在了下。 Winter wolf legion that Adesha and she leads will be responsible for my security,” Roseta looks at present old Duke, said at a moderate pace, „, but when I leave, the state affair to you are then under the charge, Ferdinand Sir/minister.” 安德莎和她率领的冬狼军团会负责我的安全,”罗塞塔看着眼前的老公爵,不紧不慢地说道,“而在我离开期间,国务便由你负责,裴迪南卿。” Is welcoming the Typhon Emperor profound vision, Ferdinand? Wendell deeply inspires. 迎着提丰皇帝深邃的目光,裴迪南?温德尔深吸了一口气。 Must not disappoint your trust, your majesty.” “必不辜负您的信任,陛下。” Ferdinand Duke left. 裴迪南公爵离开了。 In the room is only left over that Typhon rule. 房间中只剩下那位提丰统治者。 Roseta Augustus sits in that spacious chair, is gazing at the furnace fire in not far away fireplace unemotionally, the furnace fire jump is restless, in flame light shadow that in that fluctuates unceasingly, two dim empty shades ascend suddenly, and falls along the flame that the chamber overflows on the ground, arrives in front of Roseta step by step. 罗塞塔?奥古斯都坐在那张宽大的靠背椅中,面无表情地注视着不远处壁炉内的炉火,炉火跳跃不息,在那不断变幻的火焰光影中,两个朦朦胧胧的虚影突然升腾起来,并沿着炉膛溢出的火光落在地上,一步步来到罗塞塔面前。 They condensed the human form, golden long hair, sharp ear, exactly the same appearance. 她们凝聚成了人形,金色的长发,尖尖的耳朵,一模一样的容貌。 All Things Finally Die twins smiled in a soft voice, said to present Emperor: You looked, we have said that that wall must have problems, the issue that Silver Empire could not solve...... they really looked for you.” 万物终亡双子轻声笑了起来,对眼前的皇帝说道:“您看,我们说过的,那堵墙要出问题,白银帝国解决不了的问题……他们果然就来找您了。” Roseta looked at present Elf twins one unemotionally: Your do not care also come from Silver Empire probably from the start.” 罗塞塔面无表情地看了眼前的精灵双子一眼:“你们好像压根不在意自己也是出身自白银帝国的。” Elf twins was still smiling: Our enterprises surpass the national concept, from some angle, you and we are not same?” 精灵双子仍然在笑着:“我们的事业超出国家概念,从某种角度上,您和我们不是一样的么?” I and you are different, I trust the strength of country,” Roseta said lightly, you come, not will discuss these for and me?” “我和你们不一样,我信赖国家的力量,”罗塞塔淡淡地说道,“你们来,不会就是为了和我讨论这些吧?” Of course not,” the Elf twins sound overlaps in the same place, has the feeling of some rhythm version, we want to ask you, did you...... give up Ainz?” “当然不是,”精灵双子的声音重叠在一起,带着某种韵律版的感觉,“我们是想问问您,您……放弃安苏了么?” Naturally no, but now is also not begins,” Roseta said, cost and income have not achieved the optimum balance...... the blood of Ainz person not to drain off......” “当然没有,只不过现在还不是动手的时候,”罗塞塔说道,“成本与收益还没有达到最佳平衡……安苏人的血还没有流干……” Elf twins arrives at side Roseta, as if strolls is taking a walk side this Typhon Emperor generally, sends out surprised singing: Was still calm......” precision calculation......” self-confident......” inconceivable......” 精灵双子来到罗塞塔身旁,仿佛闲庭信步一般在这位提丰皇帝身边走动着,发出惊奇的咏叹:“仍然冷静……”“精确计算……”“充满自信……”“不可思议……” Finally they with one voice: You are really the inconceivable person- after facing directly the truth, sobers to today unexpectedly.” 最后她们异口同声:“您真是个不可思议的人-直面真相之后,竟清醒到了今天。” Roseta looks at Elf twins this does not have the politeness indifferently, the action that even it can be said that offends, as if at a looks at farce, he waves finally: Without the important matter , here wasted the time- but present one batch of Senior Ranger and Elf Messengers in this palace, they will not be softhearted to exile.” 罗塞塔冷漠地看着精灵双子这没有礼貌,甚至可以说是冒犯的举动,就仿佛在看着一场闹剧,最后他挥了挥手:“如果没有更重要的事,就不要在我这里浪费时间了-现在可是有一批高阶游侠精灵信使在这座宫殿里,他们对放逐者可不会心慈手软。” Elf twins stopped chair to stroll finally, they are smiling, the surface toward Roseta, backed up gradually is moving toward the fireplace: „, Your threat is really fruitful, we are glad to coordinate very much......” 精灵双子终于停下了“椅边漫步”,她们微笑着,面朝罗塞塔,倒退着一步步走向壁炉:“啊,您的威胁真是卓有成效,我们很乐意配合……” Their forms gradually become pale in the air, little and rear flame fuses in together, before they leave thoroughly, Roseta opens the mouth: Don't the matter that forgets you to do.” 她们的身影在空气中渐渐变淡,一点点和后方的火光融合在一起,在她们彻底离开之前,罗塞塔开口了:“别忘了你们要做的事。” Please relax, All Things Finally Die takes seriously the prestige compared with you, the blood of Ainz, will continue class/flow......” the Elf twins form has disappeared, their sounds continue to convey from the flame, more and more remote indistinct, we only take us to need, remaining is you......” “请放心,万物终亡比您重视信誉,安苏的血,会继续流的……”精灵双子的身影已经消失,她们的声音则继续从火光中传来,越来越遥远缥缈,“我们只取走我们需要的,剩下都属于您……” The Elf twins form and sound vanished finally thoroughly, in the room faint mana fluctuation also returns to normal completely. 精灵双子的身影和声音终于彻底消失了,房间中隐隐的魔力波动也完全平复下来。 Roseta Augustus is alone silent in the room, long time, he talk to oneself said in a soft voice: Must...... have powerful Empire......” 罗塞塔?奥古斯都在房间中独自静默着,良久,他才轻声自言自语道:“必须……有一个强大的帝国……” He stands up, arrives at that to lose the mana response, to turn into the ordinary flame by the fireplace, he gazes in the chamber to fluctuate the flame of beat, later bends the waist, has the sharp sharp thorn decoration to keep off to place the furnace , before side that earnestly. 他站起身,来到那已经失去魔力反应、变成普通火焰的壁炉旁,他注视着炉膛中变幻跳动的火苗,之后弯下腰,将旁边那有着锐利尖刺装饰的挡架认认真真地放在炉前。 But at the same time, Ainz Royal Capital St. Sunil City, the dust great eagle flutters to cut the expansive sky. 而在同一时间,安苏王都圣苏尼尔城,灰褐色的巨鹰振翅划破长空。 The St. Sunil residents are familiar with Griffin, because Griffin is Messengers and in the air vehicle that the upper aristocrat and royal family most often use, but great eagle of some Human Race understanding from South- these build huge birds of prey passed over gently and swiftly generally Iron Cross Street like the dark cloud and Crown Street sky, the tail feathers and chest and belly section of great eagle are also decorating the green and silver-white ribbon, their diameter non-stop flies to the Silver Castle direction, aroused the curiosity and interests of innumerable eyewitness. 圣苏尼尔的市民们熟悉狮鹫,因为狮鹫是上层贵族和王室最常使用的信使和空中载具,但鲜少有人类认识来自南方的巨鹰-那些体型庞大的猛禽就像乌云一般掠过铁十字街皇冠街的上空,巨鹰的尾羽和胸腹部还装饰着绿色和银白色的丝带,它们径直飞向白银堡的方向,引起了无数目击者的好奇和关注。 Only the look best person saw in that glances Form Elf that the great eagle bears. 只有眼神最好的人在那惊鸿一瞥间看到了巨鹰背上的身影-精灵 On Silver Castle upper-level terrace, Victoria Wilde calmly gazed at the sky, looks at these is flying the most continent bird of prey to fall in the Silver Castle flank Griffin platform- here did not have the great eagle to roost the wood, can only soar to be for the great eagle landing of Elf race the Griffin platform, is driven away to northern tower white feather Griffin this time temporarily is poking head from the window on tower stage, exuded the resounding squeal to these dust great eagles. 白银堡的上层露台上,维多利亚?维尔德静静注视着天空,看着那些飞过了大半个大陆的猛禽落在白银堡侧翼的狮鹫平台上-这里没有巨鹰栖木,只能把狮鹫平台腾空来供精灵族的巨鹰降落,被临时驱赶到北的白羽狮鹫们这时候正从台上的窗户中探出头来,冲着那些灰褐色巨鹰发出响亮的尖叫声。 Elf Messengers.” 精灵信使到了。” Side Victoria, Baldwin Franklin Grand Duke talk to oneself said in a low voice. 维多利亚身旁,柏德文?法兰克林大公低声自言自语道。 It seems like the Wall of Magnificence situation is not really wonderful,” in the Victoria tone brings cold, what is laughable was until yesterday's these aristocrats still in the conference discussed that in the warning of Southern Region Grand Duke had what plot.” “看来宏伟之墙的情况真的不妙,”维多利亚的语气中带着一丝寒凉,“可笑的是直到昨天那些贵族还在会议上讨论南境大公的警告里到底有什么阴谋。” But in the Griffin platform, Elf Messengers one by one is jumping down the mount lithely, female Elf that has the golden short hair looked at these boisterous Griffin discontentedly on tower: Northern Griffin curses at people really coarse.” 而在狮鹫平台上,精灵信使们正轻盈地一个个跳下坐骑,其中一名留着金色短发的女性精灵略带不满地看了那些在塔楼上聒噪的狮鹫一眼:“北方的狮鹫骂人真难听。” Griffin most is always good at cursing at people,” another Messengers said reluctantly, our great eagles perhaps occupied their lair.” 狮鹫一向是最擅长骂人的,”另一名信使无奈地说道,“我们的巨鹰恐怕是占了它们的巢穴。” Short hair Elf curls the lip, turns head looks at own great eagle, the latter is also excessive, perplexed and own master is looking at each other. 短发精灵撇了撇嘴,扭头看着自己的巨鹰,后者也偏过头来,不明所以地和自己的主人对视着。 Short hair Elf cannot bear the sigh: White long such giant, quarrelled cannot.” 短发精灵忍不住叹息:“白长这么大个子,连吵架都不会。” GuGu?” 咕咕?” I told you, my eagle definitely had the issue, its voice really very heavy......” “我跟你讲,我这鹰肯定有问题,它口音真的很重……”
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