SOD :: Volume #6

#553: Special envoy

The long and cold winter eventually finished. 漫长而寒冷的冬季终于结束了。 Continues entire winter fog finally to start from various Aldernan great plains places to draw back the powder, the whole world as if becomes with the spring arrival clear, the daily wind was still cold, but actually already not like few days ago like that cold piercing, the snow starts to melt, the solid ice changes into the running water, the rivulet that the snow and ice-out become flows from Aldernan black roofs and tower points, infiltrates the entire city in water vapor- benefits more than ten years ago the new-style draining water system of constructing, the melted snow of these ablations can enter the subterranean stream smoothly, people do not need to be worried these come out brook will soak. The ground of bad building, therefore the city snow melts also no longer is an irritating matter, instead became an alternative scenery. 持续一整个冬季的雾终于开始从奥尔德南大平原各处退散,整个世界都仿佛随着春季的到来而变得清晰起来,每日的风仍然寒冷,但却已经不像前些日子那般冷冽刺骨,积雪开始消融,坚冰化为流水,雪与冰融化而成的细流从奥尔德南一座座黑色的屋顶和尖上流淌下来,将整个城市浸润在一片水汽中-得益于十几年前修建的新式排水体系,这些消融的雪水都可以顺畅地进入地下水道,人们不必担心这些多出来的“溪流”会泡坏建筑物的地基,因此城市积雪消融也就不再是一件恼人的事情,反而成了一番另类的风景。 Is hanging the Wendell family crest black carriage to roll by the Imperial Capital main road, the wheel makes the sound in the moist stone tablet road surface, Ferdinand? Wendell Grand Duke sits in the carriage, on opens the mouth looks at road/s the scene on by glass lap. 悬挂着温德尔家族徽记的黑色马车驶过帝都大道,车轮在湿润的石板路面上发出吱吱嘎嘎的声音,裴迪南?温德尔大公坐在马车里,透过车窗盖板上的开口看着道路上的景象。 At this moment is in the morning, the sunlight just illuminated the street, in those days in this o'clock almost could not see the pedestrian moves on the street, but in the line of sight of Ferdinand Duke presented many 3-5 civilians in groups- they wear the thick clothes that the ash throws, wears the felt hat or the yarn hat, is walking in a direction forward, in the cold wind of early spring, these people are trembling slightly, but still the footsteps in a hurry, did not have the stay. 此刻是清晨,阳光刚刚照亮街道,往日里这个点钟是几乎看不到行人在街上活动的,但裴迪南公爵的视线中却出现了不少三五成群的平民-他们穿着灰扑扑的厚衣服,戴着毡帽或毛线帽子,沿着一个方向向前走着,在初春的寒风中,这些人微微发着抖,但仍然脚步匆匆,毫无停留。 „The worker in textile mill......” Ferdinand Duke is muttering in a low voice, goes out is so early.” “纺织厂的工人么……”裴迪南公爵低声咕哝着,“出门这么早。” Follows a oneself many years of steward to sit on the compartment opposite seat, this loyal old friend explained: To encourage new-style factory, your majesty promulgated the kindness government order, transports the vehicles of cotton in early morning to enter a city and not collect taxes, therefore the beginning work time of textile mill is very early.” 追随自己多年的管家坐在车厢对面的座椅上,这位忠诚的老朋友解释道:“为了鼓励新式工厂,陛下颁布了恩惠政令,运送棉花的车辆可以在凌晨进城而且不收税,因此纺织厂的上工时间都很早。” To one hour begin early......” “就为了早一个小时开工么……” Old Duke is whispering, could not bear looked at one toward out of the window. 公爵嘀咕着,忍不住又往窗外看了一眼。 He noticed that more mill hands walk from the main house gate, walks in the direction of factory, saw that is hanging Empire crest and labor produces the association crest vehicles to roll by a hurry, that is transports the magic circuit components the large cart...... 他看到更多的纺织厂工人从家门中走出来,向着工厂的方向走去,又看到悬挂着帝国徽记和工造协会徽记的车辆匆匆驶过,那是运送魔网零件的大车…… In Platinum Avenue, he noticed that an ancient storehouse had been razed to the ground, that building belongs to Mori Viscount, but that Viscount had decided that occupied a land top head reeling thread factory that in the warehouse ; In the iron lily avenue, he saw the chimney that sets up high is emitting the billowing thick smoke, that is the newly-built burning carbolic acid chemical plant is processing Soil of Fertility that can act as the manure...... 白金大道,他看到一座古老的仓房已经被夷为平地,那座建筑物属于莫里子爵,而那位子爵已经决定在仓库原本所占的土地上盖一座纺纱工厂;在铁百合大街,他看到一座高高立起的烟囱正冒出滚滚浓烟,那是新建的燃石酸化工厂正在加工可以充作肥料的丰饶之尘…… Burns the burnt odor mist and dust that in the chimney of carbolic acid chemical plant flutters almost to smell here- naturally, Ferdinand Duke knows, this is only own misconception. 燃石酸化工厂的烟囱里所飘出来的焦臭烟尘几乎在这里都能闻到-当然,裴迪南公爵知道,这只是自己的错觉。 That chimney has hundred meters high fully, the smog that arranges will only dissipate in the space, may not affect the ground. 那座烟囱足有百米高,排出来的烟雾只会消散在天上,可影响不到地面。 But old Duke cannot bear knit the brows. 但老公爵还是忍不住皱了皱眉。 Factory, magic circuit, boiler, high chimney, lively investment time...... seems to brave overnight, suddenly everywhere was, as if everyone is participating, as if everyone was jubilant. 工厂,魔网,锅炉,高高的烟囱,热热闹闹的“投资时代”……就好像一夜之间冒出来似的,突然就到处都是了,似乎人人都在参与,似乎人人都兴高采烈。 Stayed old Duke of most lifetime never to see anything in the Empire core circle to develop like this hurriedly suddenly, he thinks oneself were not a conservative faction, new thing that but these braved hurriedly...... always to him a very uncomfortable feeling. 帝国核心圈呆了大半辈子的老公爵从未见过什么东西会这样风风火火地突然发展起来,他自认为自己并不是个保守派,但这些风风火火冒出来的新东西……总给他一种很不舒服的感觉。 „The thing that recently in the aristocrat parliament discussed all day turned into anything to construct the factory and cotton bill,” Ferdinand Grand Duke is shaking the head saying that „the textile mill that Viscount Hemil set up, drew big group of people to invest.” “最近就连贵族议会里整日讨论的东西都变成什么兴建工厂和棉花法案了,”裴迪南大公摇着头说道,“那个赫米尔子爵开办的纺织厂,拉了一大堆人去投资。” „The cotton material that after all the new-style textile mill weaves are many and good,” steward said, I heard Madame Mila also wants to set up a textile mill, but cannot buy machine- machine is insufficient.” “毕竟新式纺织厂织出来的布料又多又好,”管家说道,“我听说米拉夫人也想开办一家纺织厂呢,但买不到机器-机器根本不够用。” I may look at the cotton material that they have woven,” Ferdinand Duke quite some disdain said, but is actually solid, what a pity is rough, has no taste.” “我可看过他们织出来的布料,”裴迪南公爵颇有些不屑地说道,“倒还算结实,可惜粗糙得很,根本没有任何品味。” The stewards spread out the hand: „......, but to people, that was very good cotton material, mister.” 管家摊开手:“……但对于一般人而言,那便是很好的布料了,先生。” Ferdinand Duke knits the brows, after the short silence, he can only sigh slightly: Was I am probably old.” 裴迪南公爵皱了皱眉,在短暂的沉默之后,他只能微微叹息:“大概是我老了吧。” You were still the important pillar/backbone of this country,” steward said, Your Majesty The Emperor just needed you.” “您仍然是这个国家的重要支柱,”管家说道,“皇帝陛下正需要您。” Ferdinand has not responded to the words of steward, he looks to the front, the obsidian palace palatial wall is close at hand. 裴迪南没有回应管家的话,他只是看向前方,黑曜石宫巍峨的宫墙已经近在眼前了。 It is said several special Envoy arrived at Imperial Capital, these Envoy brought the continent South news, and status is honored, Your Majesty The Emperor summons itself to enter the palace suddenly anxiously, should also for this matter. 据说有几个特殊的使者来到了帝都,这些使者带来了大陆南方的消息,并且身份尊贵,皇帝陛下突然急召自己入宫,应该也是为了这件事。 Empire is prosperous day after day, all seem like developing fast. 帝国日渐繁荣,一切看起来都在飞快发展。 Why however does not know, Ferdinand? Wendell always has a faint anxiety. 然而不知为何,裴迪南?温德尔却总有一种隐隐的不安。 obsidian palace. 黑曜石宫。 This palatial palace towers there as always, towers in this Empire center, although it is only 200 years ago constructs new imperial palace, however this palace deep tone and dignified calm style still had one type as if to be able the standing and waiting for a long time millennium dignified feelings, after entering this palace, Ferdinand somewhat was dreary the anxious state of mind also to stabilize gradually. 这座巍峨的宫殿一如既往地耸立在那里,耸立在这个帝国的中心,尽管它只是两百年前才修建起来的“新皇宫”,然而这座宫殿深沉的色调以及庄严沉稳的风格仍然带着一种仿佛能伫立千年般的凝重感,当走进这座宫殿之后,裴迪南原本有些阴郁不安的心绪也渐渐安定了下来。 He walks toward the reception room that Emperor is, between the boots and Dali stone tablet send out clear knocking, after „the Nightingale hall, his footsteps stopped. 他向着皇帝所在的会客厅走去,靴子和大理石板之间发出清脆的叩响,在经过“夜莺大厅”的时候,他的脚步停了下来。 Wore the black long gown and facial expression gloomy makings gloomy old Magician to walk from the opposite, an unpleasant rustling sound or creeping motion sound along with this old Magician footsteps, but seemed like 20 over young female mage to follow in old mage behind. 一个身披黑色长袍、神情阴郁气质阴沉的老魔法师从对面走了过来,一种令人不快的沙沙声或蠕动声伴随着这个老魔法师的脚步,而一个看起来不过二十出头的年轻女法师则跟在老法师身后。 Lord Duke, good morning.” 公爵大人,早安。” Old mage stopped in not far away, lowers the head to express best wishes to here slightly, his sound brings hoarsely, as if the vocal cord started to corrode. 法师在不远处停了下来,微微对这边低头致意,他的声音带着沙哑,仿佛就连声带都开始腐蚀了。 Ferdinand Duke proper acts with constraint by the top layer aristocrat with proud slightly nodded, and defers to the courteous reception that this Archmagician should receive at present to say politely: Grandmaster Daniel, good morning.” 裴迪南公爵以顶层贵族应有的矜持和骄傲微微点了点头,并依照眼前这位大魔法师应受到的礼遇礼貌地说道:“丹尼尔大师,早安。” Two people soon wrong body, but Ferdinand opened the mouth suddenly again: Grandmaster Daniel, I noticed very much happily you are willing to return to this Place Windsor Mapel lady thinks that is also same.” 两人即将错身而过,但裴迪南突然再次开口了:“丹尼尔大师,我很高兴看到您愿意回到这个地方-温莎?玛佩尔女士想必也是同样。” I was also very happy.” “我也很高兴。” Old Magician and his student got out of the way, Ferdinand Duke looks at they disappear in the back of corridor deep place, cannot bear shakes the head slightly. 魔法师和他的学生走开了,裴迪南公爵看着他们消失在走廊深处的背影,忍不住微微摇头。 Windsor Mapel lady teacher, imperial mage association's once member, Archmagician Daniel? Fred, he once was talented high level mage, but actually suffered setbacks, the promotion failure because of the research but the personality big change, the self- exile, no one can think the person who such left the Empire highest magic organization some day can also come back, recently, this Archmagician just like becomes Imperial Capital man of the hour, he not only in the Empire labor made in the association to shine the brilliance greatly, became the guests of many aristocrat- these people as if forgot for many years ago Daniel? When Fred leaves Imperial Capital miserable distressed look, because only saw the astonishing income of textile mill, their noisy crowd encircled. 温莎?玛佩尔女士的导师,皇家法师协会曾经的成员,大魔法师丹尼尔?弗莱德,他曾是一个才华横溢的高阶法师,但却因研究受挫、晋升失败而性情大变,自我放逐,没有人能想到这样一个离开了帝国最高魔法机构的人有朝一日还能回来,最近一段时间里,这位大魔法师俨然成了帝都的风云人物,他不但在帝国工造协会中大放光彩,更是成了很多贵族的座上宾-那些人仿佛都忘记了多年前丹尼尔?弗莱德离开帝都时的凄凉狼狈模样,只因为看到了纺织厂的惊人收益,他们就都一窝蜂地围上去了。 Ferdinand Duke was sighing these young aristocrats' when facing benefit ugly look, across the corridor, before coming to the Emperor reception room, later. 裴迪南公爵感叹着那些小贵族在面对利益时的丑陋模样,随后穿过走廊,来到皇帝的会客室前。 After the notification, the front door of reception room opened, Ferdinand? Wendell enters the room, he first saw sat the Roseta Augustus Great Emperor on seat of honor, later the line of sight then fell on that several thin and small tall other race person. 通报之后,会客室的大门打开了,裴迪南?温德尔走进房间,他首先看到了坐在主位上的罗塞塔?奥古斯都大帝,随后视线便落在那几个纤瘦高挑异族人身上。 The golden hair, the sharp ear, is taller and slenderer , the gentle facial features Human Race. 金色的头发,尖尖的耳朵,比人类更加细长、柔和的五官。 Is Elf, Elf from South Silver Empire. 精灵,来自南方白银帝国精灵 Really just like wind sound/rumor that before heard, Empire welcomed one batch specially Envoy, but why these did Elf come? 果然和之前听闻的风声一样,帝国迎来了一批特殊的“使者”,只不过这些精灵是为何而来的? They must come Typhon not easily- that is half continent distance! 他们要来提丰可不容易-那可是半个大陆的路程! Although in the heart emits some questions, Ferdinand Duke has not revealed slightly unexpected expression- he restrains oneself all ideas in the heart, and nods to these Elf politely, later then arrives in front of the Roseta Great Emperor: Your majesty, I responded your summon to come.” 虽然心中冒出一些疑问,裴迪南公爵还是没有流露出丝毫意外表情-他把自己所有的想法都收敛在心底,并礼貌地对那些精灵点了点头,随后便来到罗塞塔大帝面前:“陛下,我响应您的召见而来。” Sits down, the Ferdinand Sir/minister,” the Roseta Augustus slight nod said, such as you see, our some guests- these Elf brought the important news.” “坐下吧,裴迪南卿,”罗塞塔?奥古斯都微微点头道,“如你所见,我们有一些客人-这些精灵带来了非常重要的消息。” Ferdinand looks to these Elf- each Elf delicately and prettily exceptionally, to be honest, face blind Human Race, when sees Elf their men and women is not even good to distinguish, Ferdinand can only according to the attire of opposite party judge that sits in oneself opposite that Elf is lady: lady, sees you very much happily- am I Ferdinand? Wendell, Emperor adviser.” 裴迪南看向那些精灵-每一个精灵都俊美异常,说实话,脸盲的人类在看到精灵的时候甚至连他们的男女都不好分辨出来,裴迪南只能根据对方的衣着来判断坐在自己对面的那位精灵是一位女士:“女士,很高兴见到您-我是裴迪南?温德尔,皇帝的顾问。” Siva? Farstrider, silver queen Bellsetia Messengers,” that beautiful Elf opened the mouth- thank God, is really lady, we shoulder the important mission: Silver Empire transmits most urgent warning to Human Race various countries, the Wall of Magnificence condition is not wonderful.” “希瓦?远行者,白银女王贝尔塞提娅信使,”那位美丽精灵开口了-谢天谢地,真的是位女士,“我们肩负重要使命:白银帝国人类诸国传达最紧急的示警,宏伟之墙境况不妙。” Ferdinand? The Wendell look concentrates instantaneously. 裴迪南?温德尔的眼神瞬间一凝。 After the brief conversation, Ferdinand knew these Elf purposes in coming, as well as current situation. 在简短的交谈之后,裴迪南知晓了这些精灵的来意,以及目前的情况。 These Elf are warned that Human Race various countries', they are strictly adhering to the 700 years ago treaties of alliance-, although regarding Human Race that is the remote ancient matter- brought the latest news about Wall of Magnificence, according to their views, the deterioration of Wall of Magnificence had arrived at the extremely serious position, even exceeds the degree that Silver Empire can process, but in the winter that discomforting change...... will be only the beginning of future a series of disaster. 这些精灵是来警告人类诸国的,他们谨守着七百年前的盟约-尽管对于人类而言那已经是久远古代的事情了-带来了关于宏伟之墙的最新消息,按照他们的说法,宏伟之墙的恶化已经到了极为严重的境地,甚至超过了白银帝国能够处理的程度,而冬季那次令人不安的异动……只是未来一系列灾难性事件的开端而已。 As the Typhon top aristocrat, Ferdinand knows certainly that barrier of winter changes- the country that any border and Wall of Magnificence dock can observe that change, that continued the entire three days of flash and sound makes people on border line be nervous, the Empire western area even once entered the martial status for this reason, winter wolf legion also sent out an army to go to the western frontier to stand guard the sound on wasteland, but had a false alarm in all these well, the worst matter has not happened. 作为提丰的顶级贵族,裴迪南当然知道冬季的那次屏障异动-任何一个国境线与宏伟之墙相接的国家都能观察到那次异动,那持续整整三天的闪光和声响让边境线上的人大为紧张,帝国西部地区甚至为此一度进入了戒严状态,冬狼军团也派出了一支部队去西部边境警戒废土上的动静,但好在这一切都是虚惊一场,最糟糕的事情并未发生。 Now Elf Envoy arrived here, and brought the most discomforting truth: That is not a false alarm. 现在精灵使者来到这里,并带来了最令人不安的真相:那并不是虚惊。 We paid huge Price Elf sacrificed 12 Sorcerer and about hundred Ranger (Knight-errant) soldiers, Highmountain Kingdom sacrificed one-third to arrange the mountainous region army corps completely, this successfully restarted Tower of the Sentinels,” Elf Siva said with the tranquil tone, „, but if it damages again one time, perhaps fills in many lives is not insufficient.” “我们付出了巨大的代价-精灵牺牲了十二名魔导师和近百名游侠战士,高岭王国牺牲了三分之一个满编山地兵团,这才成功重启了哨兵之塔,”精灵希瓦用平静的语气说道,“但如果它再损坏一次,恐怕填进去多少性命都不够用了。” That is not a false alarm, that is a real disaster. 那不是一场虚惊,那是一场真正的灾难。 Bad matter has happened- it is only has not happened on Typhonian. 糟糕的事情已经发生过了-它只是没有发生在提丰人头上。 Ferdinand? Wendell felt the tremendous pressure suddenly, but he knows that at present this Elf lady has not said things just to frighten people or brought the pressure the idea, according to him the understanding Elf, the opposite party should in the statement fact: This fact does not need any exaggeratingly, is discomforting enough. 裴迪南?温德尔陡然感觉到了巨大的压力,但他知道眼前这位精灵女士并没有丝毫危言耸听或者施加压力的想法,按照他对精灵的了解,对方应该只是在陈述事实而已:这个事实根本不需要任何夸张,就已经足够令人不安了。 His slightly thinking, looked at Roseta Great Emperor one eyes, later looks to that Elf: What can we...... make?” 他略一思索,又看了罗塞塔大帝一眼,随后看向那精灵:“那我们……能做什么?” We do not have the ability to reconstruct Wall of Magnificence, therefore best way before barrier extinguishes thoroughly strengthens it, establishes the extra protection, reduces the Tower of the Sentinels core system the pressure, to prevent them to be totally damaged,” Siva said that „, but around this need barrier the cooperation and help of each country.” “我们没有能力重建宏伟之墙,所以最好的办法就是在屏障彻底熄灭之前对其进行增强,设置额外的防护,减轻哨兵之塔核心系统的压力,以防止它们完全损坏,”希瓦说道,“而这需要屏障周围每一个国家的合作和帮助。”
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