SOD :: Volume #6

#552: Spring

The weather warms up, snow ablation. 天气转暖,积雪消融。 The snow and ice on northwest high ground melted murmur the water current, the mountain stream gathering irrigation in the river course , the low-lying land south giant tree road junction was divided into several branch veins, flowed to the south-east side following the topography, the canal that the low-lying land interwove vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered irrigates fertile soil near the giant tree road junction, making here become one of the Holy Spirit Plain biggest grain production places, made here become the important place that the Eastern Region rebel army and the kingdom's army competed for repeatedly. 西北高地上的冰雪融成了潺潺水流,溪水汇聚灌注在河道里,又在巨木道口南部的低洼地分成几股支脉,顺着地势一路流向东南边,低洼地纵横交织的水道在巨木道口附近灌溉出了一片沃土,让这里成了圣灵平原最大的产粮地之一,也让这里成了东境叛军和王国军反复争夺的要地。 The flames of war have burnt was very near, it once extinguished in the winter shortly, as the weather warms up, the haze of war also returned to this lands with the river water that in the river course rose. 战火已经烧的很近了,它在冬天曾短暂熄灭,但随着天气转暖,战争的阴霾也随着河道中重新上涨的河水回到了这片土地上。 Gray-haired Sam led the children to arrive at the upstream in river, last year piled up in harvest stone on stone especially, but was short of several, the animal that passed by this place potable water mostly kicking to run, but under stone of surviving, but can also see some rough scratches vaguely, is describing Three Gods of Productivity sacred crest with cheap technique. 头发花白的萨姆带着儿女们来到了河的上游,去年堆放在“丰收石”上的石块尤在,只是少了几块,多半是被路过此地饮水的动物给踢跑了,而在残存的石块下面,还依稀能看到一些粗糙的刻痕,用粗劣的手法描绘着丰饶三神的神圣徽记 Sam walked to go forward, having nearly reverent manner to be clean old times stone cleaning up on harvest stone, later put out brings along red ginger grass, squeezed out the grass juice to smudge on Three Gods of Productivity crest, two sons picked newly from nearby river bank, the size suitable stone, placed in it the harvest stone top plane, piled to become small one pile, after waiting to complete these, the youngest daughter walked, flood the sight of green layer is inserting a root in the stone piles. 萨姆走上前,带着一种近乎虔敬的神态将丰收石上的往年石块清理干净,随后拿出随身带着的红姜草,挤出草汁涂抹在丰饶三神徽记上,两个儿子则从附近的河岸上捡来了新的、大小适合的石头,将其放在丰收石顶部的平面上,堆成小小的一堆,等做完这些之后,最小的女儿才走过来,把一根泛着绿意的嫩枝插在石堆中间。 Sam lowers the head, in a low voice talking over: Goddess of Spring, you are Month of Recovery first Envoy, hoping red ginger grass incarnadine your skirt swayed, making you arrive on this lands......” 萨姆低下头,低声念叨着:“春之女神啊,您是复苏之月的第一个使者,愿红姜草染红您的裙摆,引您来到这片土地上……” Several children lower the head together, prays together with the father. 几个子女一同低下头,跟着父亲一起祷告起来。 In the belief of Human Race, Harvest God comprised of three different Goddess, the long elder sister is Mother Goddess of Earth Gaia, is called mother of God of Life and place, she runs all plants of entire land and growth in land, Harvest Goddess Eve is the Mother Goddess of Earth younger sister, her specialized wields the crops in plant, to shelter the crop of mortal, Goddess of Spring Flora is in Three Gods of Productivity youngest one, simultaneously actually is also liveliest one- 人类的信仰中,丰饶神由三位不同的女神组成,长姐为大地母神盖亚,又被称作生命之神、地之母,她执掌整个大地以及生长在大地上的一切植物,丰收女神伊芙则是大地母神的妹妹,她专门执掌植物中的农作物,以庇护凡人的收成,春之女神芙洛拉则是丰饶三神中最年轻的一个,同时却也是最活泼的一个- The Ainz person believes that whenever Month of Recovery approaches, the land snow and ice melt time, Goddess of Spring Flora then meets first to run her palace, arrives in the land to look for the evidence that the cold winter finished, red ginger grass can bring to the attention of this Goddess, Month of Recovery returns to the green layer to make her joyful earliest, she will remember each green position, finished after the spring returns to the palace, she in the land the matter of will then tell Harvest Goddess- farmer one year of crop then had the guarantee. 安苏人相信,每当复苏之月来临,大地冰雪消融的时候,春之女神芙洛拉便会第一个跑出她的宫殿,来到大地上寻找凛冬结束的证据,红姜草可以引起这位女神的注意,复苏之月最早返绿的嫩枝则可以令她愉悦,她会记住每一根绿枝的位置,在春季结束返回宫殿之后,她便会把大地上发生的事情告诉丰收女神-农民一年的收成便有了保证。 Almost all farmers believe Three Gods of Productivity-, even if they simultaneously Holy Light or Blood God believer, they will not neglect every year beginning of the spring to worshipping piously of Harvest God. 几乎所有的农民都信仰丰饶三神-哪怕他们同时还是圣光血神信徒,他们也不会忽略了每年开春对丰饶神的敬奉。 But solely depended upon harvests a 3-5 jin (0.5 kg) grain...... really to maintain a livelihood safely? 但仅仅依靠多收三五斤粮食……真的就能安心活命了么? After short praying finished, Sam raised the head, among the looks at stone piles is changing into green that the dust scatters with the wind to shout the tone gradually slightly: Goddess has accepted us to consecrate, this year's crop will not miss.” 短暂的祝祷结束之后,萨姆抬起头来,看着石堆中间正在渐渐化为粉尘随风飘散的绿枝微微呼了口气:“女神已经接受我们供奉了,今年的收成不会差。” Last year crop was not bad, but had an empty stomach,” eldest son is muttering low voice, Goddess can only bless the harvest, has no alternative but to have an empty stomach.” “去年的收成也不差,但还是饿肚子,”长子小声咕哝着,“女神只能保佑丰收,又不能不饿肚子。” Do not talk nonsense in front of Gods!” Sam has come back to stare son one eyes immediately, that is because aristocrat Lord is going to war, we naturally must hand over the grain to come up!” “别在神明面前胡言乱语的!”萨姆立刻回过头瞪了儿子一眼,“那是因为贵族老爷在打仗,我们当然是要交粮食上去的!” Two sons looked at one mutually, later the youngest son opened the mouth: Father, I go out today saw the soldier, they passed through from the north main road, toward the east side.” 两个儿子相互看了一眼,随后小儿子开口了:“父亲,我今天出门的时候又看到士兵了,他们从北边的大道上经过,往东边去了。” That is the Count Thorin troop,” Sam is shaking the head saying that worked as him of for a lifetime farmer, does not dare to have the relations with the aristocrat soldiers, „haven't you provoked them?” “那是索林伯爵的骑兵队,”萨姆摇着头说道,当了一辈子农民的他,可不敢和贵族兵们扯上关系,“你没招惹他们吧?” I hide by far!” The youngest son head makes an effort to sway, their scary very- also conducts the arm has not been seeing the sword, puts on has not seen armor, rides on the big tall horse, devils.” “我躲得远远的!”小儿子脑袋使劲摇晃着,“他们吓人的很呐-还都挎着从没见过的剑,穿着从没见过的铠甲,骑在高头大马上,凶神恶煞的。” „...... This day air/Qi is day by day warm, feared that must hit.” “……这天气一天比一天暖和,怕是又要打起来了。” Sam muttered was saying, he knew in the young child spigot so-called have not seen the sword and armor is what meaning- days before he had also seen one team of Knight passed through from the village, these Knight are dressing with the last year different equipment, it is said these sword armor from the south side, Count Thorin as if think the weapon that confidently the South person built can help him recapture own Feudal Territory and fortress, but these things regarding dug the food in the place ordinary people are not really good to understand, not interest understanding. 萨姆咕哝着说道,他知道小儿子口中所谓没见过的刀剑和铠甲是什么意思-前几日他也见到过一队骑士从村子北边经过,那些骑士都穿戴着跟去年不一样的装备,据说那些刀剑铠甲都是从南边来的,索林伯爵似乎信心十足地认为南方人打造出来的武器能帮他夺回自己的领地和堡垒,但这些东西对于在地里刨食的老百姓而言实在是不好理解,也没兴趣理解。 He only hopes that this weaponry hurries to fire off, or at least do not continue to hit here, either the kingdom's army drives out the Eastern Region person quickly, either the Eastern Region person expels the kingdom's army quickly, who loses who wins not important. 他只希望这场仗赶紧打完,或者至少不要继续在这里打来打去,要么王国军赶快把东境人赶出去,要么东境人赶快把王国军赶跑,谁输谁赢都不重要 Last year the army of Eastern Region person projected on front of the giant tree road junction, Count Thorin said that must organize to defend, harvested wave of grain from neighboring village, finally has not defended to him finally, was forced one's way into by the Eastern Region person. 去年东境人的军队打到巨木道口前面,索林伯爵说要组织防御,就从邻近的村子收了一波粮食,结果到最后他也没守住,还是被东境人打了进来。 After forcing one's way into, Prince Edmund confiscates the grain actually, actually grasped village one-third young builds roads, dies outside has several people. 打进来之后,埃德蒙王子倒是没收粮食,却抓了村子三分之一的青壮去修路,死在外面的有好几个人。 The road cultivates half, the kingdom's army and Holy Church Army twists is returning together, expelled the giant tree road junction the Eastern Region person, but this is not good deed- to provide for Holy Church Army Knight Lord and Priest Lords, Count Thorin harvested wave of grain. 路修到一半,王国军圣教军又拧在一块打了回来,把东境人赶出了巨木道口,但这可不是什么好事-为了供养圣教军骑士老爷牧师老爷们,索林伯爵又收了一波粮食。 Last year was a huge harvest, the unprecedented huge harvest, each family received 2-3 tenths. 去年是个大丰收,前所未有的大丰收,家家多收2-3成。 In the village starves to death ten, builds roads dead of exhaustion eight. 村子里饿死十个,修路累死八个。 Therefore does not blame the son to say that bold words in front of Gods. 所以也不怪儿子会在神明面前说出那么大胆的话来。 Goes home, is late again do not meet the frogman and ominous spirit,” Sam shakes the head, grabs the tattered hat to buckle in the head, „the person who recently died were too many, in the evening the open country is less peaceful.” “回家吧,再晚点别遇上水鬼和凶灵,”萨姆摇了摇头,抓起破破烂烂的帽子扣在头上,“最近死的人太多了,晚上野外越来越不太平。” The children kept up with father's footsteps, near quite smooth the shitan along the river bank to the direction of village walks, the youngest daughter follows behind two elder brothers, suddenly asked one curiously: Heard John who next door was selected becomes a soldier, Knight Lord rewarded their family/home two bags of wheat, moreover this year also need not pays taxes......” 儿女们跟上了父亲的脚步,沿着河岸边较为平整的石滩向村子的方向走去,小女儿跟在两位哥哥后面,突然好奇地问了一句:“听说隔壁的约翰被挑中去当兵,骑士老爷奖了他们家两袋麦子,而且今年还不用交税了……” Not thinks about it!” Sam hears the sound that broadcasts behind, immediately then stares one, „the present really goes to war, becoming a soldier is to go all out with the Eastern Region person, was not careful dies outside-, moreover Elder Brother who did not make every effort to succeed on your two, you looked at their thin arm thin legs, Knight will Lord be have a liking for?” “想都别想!”萨姆听到身后传来的声音,立刻回头瞪了一眼,“现在可是真打仗,当兵是要跟东境人拼命的,一个不小心就死在外面了-而且就你这两个不争气的哥哥,你看他们这细胳膊细腿的,骑士老爷会看得上?” The youngest daughter had a scare, catches up to reduce the neck not to dare to speak. 小女儿被吓了一跳,赶紧缩着脖子再不敢吭声了。 The smoke from kitchen chimneys raises from the front, the board fence of village entered Sam's line of sight. 炊烟从前方升起,村口的木栅栏进入了萨姆的视线。 Is riding the big tall horse, the body puts on the modeling to have the rune armor unusually, the waist conducts the arm a cavalry of black single-handed long sword to stop in the village, after seeing Sam and the others, in this cavalry raises hand immediately the whip: Your several, come!” 一个骑着高头大马,身上穿着造型奇特带有符文的铠甲,腰间挎着一把黑色单手长剑的骑兵正停在村口,看到萨姆等人之后,这个骑兵立刻扬了扬手里的鞭子:“你们几个,过来!” In Sam heart immediately one tight. 萨姆心中顿时一紧。 Also can harvest the grain? Where this just passed...... in the family/home to have the grain in the winter?! 又要收粮食?这冬天刚过去……家里哪有粮食啊?! But he still does not dare to neglect, hurrying led the children to arrive in front of the cavalry, and will not be kicked, to be stopped by the distance that the whip projected on by horse, deeply bowed: Knight Lord.” 但他仍然不敢怠慢,赶紧带着儿女们来到了骑兵面前,并在不会被马踢到、被鞭子打到的距离停下,深深鞠躬:“骑士老爷。” This is only a riding a horse soldier, looks at that complete equipment look, at most is also platoon leader in the soldier, unlike truly has the aristocrat status Knight Lord definitely is, but Sam, even if knows that this point must politely call opposite party one Knight Lord- this can flatter the soldier who rides a horse, even if some people investigate, he can still stupid, not understand the custom to cover up with himself. 这只是个骑着马的士兵,看那全副武装模样,顶多也就是个士兵里的小队长,跟真正有贵族身份的“骑士老爷”肯定是不一样的,但萨姆即便知道这一点也要尊称对方一声“骑士老爷”-这很能讨好骑马的士兵,而且即便有人追究起来,他也能用自己愚笨、不懂规矩来遮掩过去。 The cavalries really enjoy very much, this complete equipment man corner of the mouth curled upwards, nods satisfied, later referred to Sam's behind two sons with the whip: „Do you have two sons?” 骑兵果然很受用,这个全副武装的男人嘴角翘了起来,满意地点点头,随后用鞭子指了指萨姆身后的两个儿子:“你有两个儿子?” Is...... is......” Sam nods again and again, they are the young people of honest duty......” “是……是的……”萨姆连连点头,“他们都是老实本分的年轻人……” Honest duty is good, wanted is the honest duty,” cavalry raises the chin, selects one, your son was recruited.” “老实本分就好,要的就是老实本分,”骑兵扬起下巴,“挑一个吧,你的儿子被征召了。” „......?” Sam with astonishment raised the head, after short stunned, he is finally flurried, Lord, they...... they cannot fight the war! You look at their arm legs, look that their stand does not stand, if this on the battlefield lost one's life the minor matter, feared that cannot take the weapon, must give Feudal Lord lose face!” “啊……啊?”萨姆惊愕地抬起头,在短暂的错愕之后,他终于慌乱起来,“老爷,他们……他们打不得仗啊!您看他们这胳膊腿,还有他们这站都站不直的模样,这要是上了战场送命还是小事,怕是连武器都拿不起来,要给领主丢人的!” On battlefield? Do they also match?” In the cavalries wielded spatially started the whip, did not say patiently, they were work!” “上战场?他们也配?”骑兵空挥了一下手里的鞭子,不耐烦地说道,“他们是去干活的!” Sam had a scare by the sound of whip, but the courage is asking greatly: Works...... what are you doing to live?” 萨姆被鞭子的声音吓了一跳,但还是大着胆子问道:“干活……干什么活?” Builds roads,” cavalry said loudly, obeys regent government Grand Duke nobility Victoria Wilde, Baldwin Franklin as well as Crown Prince Wales the order of joint signature, restores the Kingdom main road- loyal Viscount Hankaul has included the list your family, can not defy!” “修路,”骑兵高声说道,“遵摄政大公维多利亚?维尔德柏德文?法兰克林以及威尔士亲王共同签署之命令,修缮王国大道-忠诚的汉考尔子爵已将你家列入名单,不得违抗!” The cavalries swaggered away. 骑兵扬长而去了。 This was on the 15 th Month of Recovery, the Ainz traditional festival recovery festival, on this day, left uncultivated of a century Kingdom main road finally to start to restore. 这是复苏之月15日,安苏传统节日复苏节,在这一日,荒废了一个世纪之久的王国大道终于开始了重新修缮。 Also on the same day, after experiencing an aggressive arrangement, was coordinated to establish White Sand mining company finally to designate the first excavation point by trade minister Paderick in Eastern Region Whitesand Hills. 也是在同一天,经历了一番紧锣密鼓的筹备之后,由商业部长帕德里克牵头建立的“白沙矿业公司”终于在东境白沙丘陵选定了第一个采掘点。 Young Knight Belk? Loren stands in the high observation post, looks at these Cecilian in the precipices of distant place busy: As Envoy that Eastern Region and Southern Region contact, as representative that” Prince Edmund appoints, this young people fastidiously is carrying out own responsibility, is paying close attention to activity of Cecilian on this lands, watches Cecilian first excavation digging naturally is also his work. 年轻的骑士贝尔克?罗伦站在高高的瞭望台上,看着那些塞西尔人在远处的山岩之间忙忙碌碌:作为东境南境联络的使者,作为埃德蒙王子委任的“代表”,这个年轻人一丝不苟地履行着自己的职责,密切关注着塞西尔人在这片土地上的活动,观看塞西尔人第一个采掘点的开掘现场自然也是他的工作。 Regarding Cecilian that came from the south-west side, Belk? Loren maintains for three points to trust seven points of vigilance forever, he knows that Founding Duke did anything in Southern Region: Destroys the entire Southern Region aristocrat system with the military force violence in one year, the storm seizes the Fort Boulder person in three days, what kindhearted generation possibly is not, he sent White Sand mining company to come, although nominally was only mining, but God knows these can Cecilian infiltrate everywhere, can through swallow the method and nibbling to turn into Cecilian Whitesand Hills nearby land gradually own? 对于从西南边来的塞西尔人,贝尔克?罗伦永远保持着三分信任七分警惕,他知道那位开国公爵南境都干了些什么:一个在一年内用武力暴力摧毁整个南境贵族体系,在三天内强攻并占领磐石要塞的人,绝不可能是什么良善之辈,他派了个“白沙矿业公司”过来,名义上虽然只是采矿,但谁知道这些塞西尔人会不会四处渗透,会不会通过逐步吞噬、蚕食的方法把白沙丘陵附近的土地变成塞西尔人自己的? After all, here and Glen lead(er) of Cecil duchy boundary only has a river and flake woods is separated by. 毕竟,这里和塞西尔公国边界的葛兰领只有一条河和一小片树林相隔而已。 The mine camp that under the observation post builds up temporarily, these Cecilian shipped in massive strange equipment through the Glen area relay, they in the mine small roadside shop magic circuit, constructed the building, paid off simplistic road/s- the plan of tool and building that although they used was very unusual, at least but until now, these Southern Region people did was also only mining must preparatory work. 瞭望台下面就是临时建起的矿场营地,那些塞西尔人通过葛兰地区中转运来了大量奇奇怪怪的设备,他们在矿场里铺了魔网,建了板房,还清出了一条简易道路-虽然他们用的工具和建筑的规划都很奇特,但最起码到现在为止,这些南境人所做的还都只是“采矿”必须的准备工作。 Marquis Belk, hopes that this mine can satisfy your curiosity,” a sound conveys from side, after all in such wild mountainous country place, really there is no scenery to look.” 贝尔克侯爵,希望这座矿场能满足您的好奇心,”一个声音从旁边传来,“毕竟在这么个荒山野岭的地方,实在没什么风景可看的。” What speech is one is thin and black man, named Holm, Belk? Loren knows this even surname no young people are White Sand mining company head, is mining expert who” Cecil sends, he does not know Management why so huge a industrial and director hundreds and thousands of workers can be civilians, but he is nods to Holm very much politely: I do not look at the scenery, I come to see your mine- please do not care about me to speak directly, but I must emphasize: Excavated authority although to give you, but this after all was the Eastern Region land, I must beside the land every inchs to mine be responsible.” 说话的是一个又瘦又黑的男人,名叫霍姆,贝尔克?罗伦知道这个连姓氏都没有的年轻人是“白沙矿业公司”的负责人,是塞西尔派过来的“采矿专家”,他不知道为什么管理如此巨大一片产业、指挥成百上千工人的会是一个平民,但他还是很客气地对霍姆点点头:“我本身也不是看风景来的,我只是来看看你们的矿场-请别在意我说话直接,但我必须强调:采掘权虽然给了你们,但这毕竟还是东境的土地,我要对矿场之外的每一寸土地负责。” Holm is nodding: Naturally, Marquis mister, we only mine, we to any land outside mine and road/s have no interest.” 霍姆点着头:“当然,侯爵先生,我们只采矿,我们对矿场和道路之外的任何土地都没有兴趣。” The distant place, these busy Cecilian in the precipices completed some preparatory work finally, along with the resounding scat singings and several resonant whistle sound, wore the miners of homespun cloth work clothes to run up to fast to the precipice very far place, hid behind piece of giant stone. 远处,那些在山岩之间忙碌的塞西尔人终于完成了某种准备工作,伴随着响亮的哨声和几声嘹亮的笛声,身穿粗布工装的矿工们飞快地跑到了离山岩很远的地方,躲在一片巨石后面。 Belk with astonishment looks at this, in any mining flow that in he knows, cannot see similar situation: What is their is making?” 贝尔克惊愕地看着这一幕,在他所知的任何一种采矿流程里,都见不到类似的情况:“他们这是在做什么?” Holm smiled, man this whole life of this family background slave laborer has not had the so bright smile: Mining.” 霍姆笑了起来,这个出身奴工的男人这辈子都没有过如此灿烂的笑容:“采矿。” On the mine in distant place, some people waved several striking flags in the high place, later all covered the ear close to the miners of precipice. 远处的矿场上,有人在高处挥舞了几下醒目的旗帜,随后所有靠近山岩的矿工都捂上了耳朵。 Belk? A Loren face is curious: Mining?” 贝尔克?罗伦一脸好奇:“采矿?” The heavenshaking loud sound transmits from the distant place. 震天的巨响从远处传来。 Afterward is more bangs, is catching up with one, as if billowing thunderous. 随后是更多的巨响,一声赶着一声,仿佛滚滚雷鸣。 The entire observation post is trembling in this loud sound continuously slightly, in this compared with Flame Burst Spell and compared with an earthquake technique more fearful impact, distant that piece needs several hundred people to excavate an entire moon/month of precipice to crash loudly. 整个瞭望台都在这连绵不断的巨响中微微震颤着,在这比炎爆术、比地震术都更可怕的冲击下,远方那片需要数百人开凿一整个月的山岩轰然崩塌。 Belk has almost drawn a sword in the hand, in the ear buzzes, side he heard broadcast the voice of that White Sand mining company head: 贝尔克几乎已经拔剑在手,在耳朵嗡嗡作响中,他听到旁边传来了那位白沙矿业公司负责人的声音: Yes, mining, we only mine, Marquis mister.” “是的,采矿,我们只采矿,侯爵先生。”
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