SOD :: Volume #6

#551: New gateway

Treasure? 宝贝? Gawain is startled slightly, then turns head to see that Miss Half-Elf excited jumps to stumble in not far away, in the hand also lifts to sparkle the shining thing, from beginning to end is disclosing a taking undeserved credit strength. 高文微微一怔,紧接着便扭头看到半精灵小姐正一脸兴奋地在不远处蹦跶着,手里还举着个闪闪发亮的东西,从头到尾都透露着一股邀功的劲头。 Although this fellow appears look that at any time is greedy for money to like taking advantage, but after there is a discovery, first jumped the report. 这家伙虽然任何时候都显得一副贪财爱占小便宜的模样,但有了发现之后还是第一时间蹦出来报告了。 Gawain beckons to call Miss Half-Elf, a face curiously looks at opposite party: What did you discover?” 高文招手把半精灵小姐招呼过来,一脸好奇地看着对方:“你发现什么了?” You looked, Amber gives Gawain the thing in hand jubilantly, „a ring!” “你看,”琥珀兴高采烈地把手里的东西递给高文,“一个戒指!” That is a silver-white ring, has the simple modeling and some mana fluctuation, obviously is magic creation, but is seeing the instance of this ring, the Gawain's look then stagnates. 那是一枚银白色的指环,有着朴素的造型和些许魔力波动,显然是一件魔法造物,而在看到这指环的瞬间,高文的眼神便凝滞下来。 After intense familiarity, where he remembered himself finally has seen similar thing. 强烈的熟悉感之后,他终于想起自己是在什么地方见到过类似的东西了。 This is the Mithril Treasury ring! Distributes to the Mithril Treasury high-level customer, for contacting the agent communication ring! 这是秘银宝库的指环!是分发给秘银宝库高级客户的、用于联络代理人传讯指环! This should be the Mithril Treasury faith token?” Amber has also seen Gawain that Mithril Ring, this Half-Elf to any sparkles the shining precious metal to have Great Dragon keen, therefore had looked, I remember that you have one.” “这个应该是秘银宝库的信物吧?”琥珀也是见过高文那枚秘银之环的,这半精灵对任何闪闪发亮的贵金属都有着巨龙般的敏锐,因此早就看了出来,“我记得你也有一个。” Is the Mithril Treasury faith token......” Gawain is truly muttering, „does that dragon fall? Is Dragon race the Mithril Treasury customer?” “确实是秘银宝库的信物……”高文喃喃自语着,“那头龙落下的?难道就连龙族都是秘银宝库的客户?” Perhaps this...... also some discussed, Amber spits the tongue, fished out the different thing, „, because I discover may continue this ring......” “这个……恐怕还有的商量,”琥珀吐了吐舌头,紧接着身后摸出了另一样东西,“因为我发现的可不止这一个指环……” Amber pulls out, is a palm of the hand big fine metal box. 琥珀掏出来的,是一个巴掌大的精致金属盒。 This metal box once was locked in obviously, but its cover has shaken off now, the lock catch exhibited the condition of twist deformation, but in the box, was neat and tidy one box of Mithril Ring, by one by one stopper in black scoop channel...... 这金属盒显然曾经是锁住的,但现在它的盖子已经被摔开,锁扣呈现出扭曲变形的状态,而在盒子内,是整整齐齐的一盒秘银之环,被一个挨一个地塞在黑色的凹槽里…… This time, was one's turn Gawain to be dumbfounded finally. 这一次,终于轮到高文目瞪口呆了。 „Is this box Mithril Ring?” The Amber looks at Gawain's expression changes, brought a ring also to say that along was the Mithril Treasury customer, brings one box of ring along......” “这一盒子都是秘银之环吧?”琥珀看着高文的表情变化,“随身带着一个指环还能说是秘银宝库的客户,随身带着一盒指环……” Gawain kept a serious look: That dragon took by force Mithril Treasury either, either...... is Mithril Treasury one- perhaps is responsible for taking care of the member to prove.” 高文表情严肃起来:“那头龙要么是打劫了秘银宝库,要么……就是秘银宝库的一员-说不定是负责保管会员证明的。” This is a very straightforward truth- if a person brings a door key along, he is an average person, if brings several room keys along, he possibly is a rich person, if he brings half jin (0.5 kg) key along...... that he is being matches the key either, either is the night/lodge manages...... 这是一个非常浅显易懂的道理-一个人如果随身带着一把房门钥匙,那他是个普通人,如果随身带着好几把房钥匙,那他可能是个大款,如果他随身带着半斤钥匙……那他要么是个配钥匙的,要么是个宿管…… If this box Mithril Ring is really that dragon stays behind, that this back possibility was very thought-provoking. 这一盒子秘银之环如果真是那头龙留下的,那这背后的可能性就很耐人寻味了。 Naturally, Gawain did not remove has a dragon to take by force Mithril Treasury also to rob a possibility of box communication, but intuition told him, this matter had the explanation of possibility is Dragon race is related with Mithril Treasury. 当然,高文也不排除有一头龙打劫了秘银宝库并且抢走一盒子通讯器的可能,但直觉告诉他,这件事更有可能的解释是龙族秘银宝库有关。 After this possibility appears, Gawain felt suddenly Mithril Treasury many mysterious places had explanation- their great strength, their secrets, be continuous a lot of years of their influences on continent, secret that even was not affected by magic tide, all of a sudden became can understand, because this organization was not mortal builds, behind this organization, there is a Dragon race shadow. 而当这个可能性出现之后,高文突然感觉秘银宝库的很多神秘之处都有了解释-他们的强大,他们的隐秘,他们的势力在大陆上绵延千百年,甚至不受魔潮影响的秘密,一下子都变得可以理解了,因为这个组织根本就不是“凡人”打造的,这个组织背后,有龙族的影子。 But this actually towed more issues: Extreme mysterious, why never publicizes the present world Dragon race to build such a commercial organization? What they in the goal on continent moving are? Is Mithril Treasury really only treasury? On this piece of continent, whether still has similar Mithril Treasury, influence that or is established by the hidden world race control? 但这却又牵引出了更多的问题:极端神秘,从不公开现世的龙族为何要打造这样一个“商业组织”?他们在大陆上活动的目的到底是什么?秘银宝库真的只是个“宝库”么?在这片大陆上,是否还存在更多类似秘银宝库的、由隐世种族控制或建立的势力? Gawain's train of thought all of a sudden flutters to be very far, but was quick he then to receive the thing that these indulged in flights of fancy forcefully. 高文的思绪一下子飘飞出去很远,但很快他便强行把这些胡思乱想的东西收了回来。 Now just discovers one box of Mithril Ring, moreover these faith token happen to appears in Great Dragon has moved the place, the clue cannot call completely sufficiently, even if these ring are really that dragon stay behind, even if that dragon is really the Mithril Treasury member, this back possible explanation also incessantly, if filthy rich Mithril Treasury has a Great Dragon employee just right? 现在只不过是发现了一盒秘银之环,而且这些“信物”又正好出现在一头巨龙活动过的地方而已,线索完全称不上充足,哪怕这些指环真是那头龙留下的,哪怕那头龙真的是秘银宝库的成员,这背后可能的解释也不止一个,万一是财大气粗的秘银宝库正好有一个巨龙雇员呢? In the situation that the clue is insufficient concluded rashly Great Dragon is the Mithril Treasury actual master also too early, but since had certain clue, Gawain for the time being related Dragon race and Mithril Treasury these two similarly mysterious influences, if later can find about their clues, he will continue to investigate at this matter. 在线索不足的情况下贸然断定“巨龙秘银宝库的实际控制者”还为时过早,但既然有了一定的线索,高文还是姑且把龙族秘银宝库这两个同样神秘的势力联系到了一起,之后如果能找到更多关于他们的线索,他会继续在这件事上调查下去。 After these Mithril Ring receive, Gawain slightly shouted the tone , will the secret intention have the opportunity to relate from now on again that named Melita? Ponia high-level agent, perhaps...... can find some information from her. 把那些秘银之环收起来之后,高文微微呼了口气,同时暗自打算今后有机会再联系一下那位叫做“梅莉塔?珀尼亚”的高级代理人,或许……能从她身上找到些信息。 He raised the head, observed the situation a surrounding situation: The steel rangers in nearby security, Throldin are leading two soldiers to collect pit bottom material specimen, and describes the claw seal that Great Dragon leaves behind. 他抬起头,环视了一圈周围的情况:钢铁游骑兵们正在附近警戒,索尔德林则带领着两名战士采集着坑底的物质样本,并把巨龙留下的爪印描绘下来。 In addition, in this impact pit already less valuable clues, moreover now the weather is very late , to continue to be detained in Black Forest will bring the uncertain risk. 除此之外,这个冲击坑内已经没有更多有价值的线索,而且现在天色已经很晚,继续在黑森林内滞留将带来更多不确定的风险。 Now is also not the danger zone when Black Forest covers starts the large-scale operation. 现在还不是在黑森林覆盖的危险地带展开大规模行动的时候。 Thinks of here, Gawain shouts to Throldin: „After collecting specimen, receives the team, we prepared to go back.” 想到这里,高文索尔德林喊道:“采集样本之后收队,我们准备回去了。” Yes!” “是!” The team returns to the shadow experimental farm cavern time, the weather has gotten dark completely. 队伍返回暗影实验场洞穴的时候,天色早已完全黑下来了。 Massive portable magic crystal illumination devices were established inside and outside the cavern opening, the man-made civilization lights for several hundred years illuminated this dark place for the first time, from the Cecil city adjusts the building material that to be delivered to here urgently unceasingly, one and sends also had is exerted Reducing Weight Spell various engineering machinery as well as many project personnel. 大量便携式的魔晶石照明装置被设置在洞穴裂口内外,人造的文明灯火数百年来第一次照亮了这个黑暗的地方,从塞西尔城紧急调来的建筑材料正不断被送至此处,一并送来的还有被施加了减重术的各类工程机械以及更多的工程人员 When Gawain returns to the cavern, Knight Byron is leading the soldiers to guard the temporary defense line near opening, but looks quite vigorous and healthy, wears the heavy/thick work clothes, to keep a middle-aged person of face full beard to direct the workers to clean up opening nearby crushed stone, seems like preparing for the following construction. 高文回到洞窟的时候,拜伦骑士正带领着士兵们守卫裂口附近的临时防线,而一位看上去颇为健壮,穿着厚重工装、留着一脸大胡子的中年人则在指挥工人们清理着裂口附近的碎石,似乎是在为后续施工做准备。 Gawain recognized that middle-aged person- he once was Cecil's stonemason, named Gordon, when the first Cecil defensive war has also accepted the special praise because of the performance prominently, but nowadays, this stonemason mister is one of the Cecil city construction division heads. 高文认出了那个中年人-他曾是塞西尔的石匠,名叫戈登,在第一次塞西尔防御战的时候还因表现突出接受过特别嘉奖,而现如今,这位石匠先生已经是塞西尔城建筑部门的负责人之一了。 Gordon mister,” Gawain arrives in front of that building head, progress how?” 戈登先生,”高文来到那位建筑负责人面前,“进度如何?” Comes stonemason, now has become of Gordon government affairs hall official hurries to salute: My Lord! We have cleaned up outside the cavern open area, tomorrow at this time, I and brothers can build a two meters high fence.” 出身石匠,现在已经成为政务厅官员之一的戈登慌忙行礼:“领主大人!我们已经清理出洞穴外面的空地了,明天这个时候,我和弟兄们就能砌好一座两米高的围墙。” Very good,” Gawain nods, tonight was laborious you, we must cultivate/repair as soon as possible the fortification- outside this was not the safe place.” “很好,”高文点点头,“今晚就辛苦你们了,我们必须尽快把工事修起来-这外面可不是什么安全的地方。” Some Gordon hears Yanlve nervous and dreaded that looked at distant dark Black Forest one, although he is big and vigorous and healthy, but in front of prestigious Black Forest, any average person will face test on courage-, but has General Byron and fierce Cecil army corps luckily defends here, personal encouragement of Feudal Lord, heroic Duke of reliable magical cannon and legend can have the courage compared with anything. 戈登闻言略有些紧张和忌惮地看了远方黑沉沉的黑森林一眼,尽管他高大又健壮,但在威名赫赫的黑森林面前,任何一个普通人都会面临勇气上的考验-但幸好有拜伦将军和勇猛的塞西尔兵团守在这里,还有领主的亲自鼓励,可靠的魔导巨炮与传奇的英雄公爵比什么都能让人鼓起勇气。 He nods firmly: Guarantee completes the task!!” 他坚定地点了点头:“保证完成任务!!” Gawain nods, brings Amber and Throldin moves toward the cavern deep place, in the cavern central momentary rest place, he saw has waited for Hetty here. 高文点点头,带着琥珀索尔德林走向洞窟深处,在洞窟中央的临时休息处,他看到了早已等在这里的赫蒂 Hetty had been worried about long time obviously, saw after Gawain, she welcomes immediately, on the face feeling at ease of not mincing matter and relaxes: Really saw that happily all your is well- has the discovery?” 赫蒂显然已经担心了很长时间,看到高文之后她立刻就迎了上来,脸上是毫不掩饰的安心与放松:“真高兴看到您平安无事-有发现么?” Truly discovery extraordinary thing, but goes back to relate in detail again,” Gawain beckons with the hand, I saw a moment ago Team Gordon of construction participated in the part of northern Fort Boulder increasing builds the work, yes?” “确实发现了不得了的东西,但还是回去再细说吧,”高文摆摆手,“我刚才看到了施工的队伍-戈登曾经参与过北方磐石要塞的部分增筑工作,是么?” Yes, he is this expert in aspect, he led to reinforce the Fort Boulder north gate, and participated in some reconstruction projects of Boulder city fort, after beginning of winter, these projects took over by the Boulder city local construction crew,” Hetty is saying, while looks at Gawain, ancestor, what did you have to arrange curiously?” “是的,他是这方面的专家,他带队加固了磐石要塞的北大门,并参与了磐石城堡的部分重建工程,入冬之后这些项目才由磐石城的本地建筑队接手,”赫蒂一边说着,一边好奇地看着高文,“先祖,您有什么安排?” Cecil and channel between Dark Mountain Range south made a connection,” the Gawain slight nod, I must retain this channel- here sets together the gateway.” 塞西尔黑暗山脉南麓之间的通道被打通了,”高文微微点头,“我要保留这个通道-在这里设置一道门户。” Hetty blinks, raised the head to observe the situation this large-scale cavern- the high efficiency magic crystal lamp that work site uses illuminated this once the dim shadow experimental farm, large number of engineering facilities and building materials and weapon equipment were piled up according to groups in a everywhere rock platform in cavern, in fact when saw that the ancestor assembles so many commodities from the Cecil city, she guessed correctly the idea of Ancestor indistinctly. 赫蒂眨了眨眼,抬头环视着这座规模庞大的洞窟-工地用的大功率魔晶石灯照亮了这座曾经昏暗的暗影实验场,大量工程设备和建筑材料、武器装置被分门别类堆放在洞窟中的一处处岩石平台上,事实上在看到先祖从塞西尔城调集这么多物资的时候,她就隐约猜到老祖宗的想法了。 We cannot withdraw forever north Dark Mountain Range, facing the threat of magic tide, the civilization boundary if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind,” Gawain said, „the during that time Ainz person drew back one time, our direct loss one-third Southern Region land, South barrier also therefore shatter looking awful of Kingdom, therefore we cannot content with the status quo.” “我们不能永远龟缩在黑暗山脉北方,面对魔潮的威胁,文明边界不进则退,”高文说道,“当年安苏人退了一次,我们直接损失了三分之一南境土地,王国南方壁垒也因此破碎的不成样子,所以我们决不能安于现状。” He looks to cavern that say/way giant opening, the dark dim light of night heaves in sight. 他看向洞窟南部的那道巨大裂口,黑沉沉的夜色映入眼帘。 Surmounts Dark Mountain Range to be extremely difficult from mountain spine/ridge, Fortress Defiance is our natural lanes, outside this opening leads to south a Dark Mountain Range gentle hillside directly, although defends inconveniently, but is actually easy to advance outward, we can directly enter Black Forest from here. I prepare to be based on shadow experimental farm giant cavern, transforms ‚the south gate fortress here, does not compare the primitive dike difference from the man-made fortress that the rail gun, Prismatic Light Cannon and reinforced concrete equipment gets up, by that time we had can lead to the South gateway together.” “从山翻越黑暗山脉太过困难,忤逆要塞是我们的天然通道,这道裂口外面直接通往黑暗山脉南麓的一片平缓山坡,虽然不便防守,但却易于向外推进,我们可以从这里直接进入黑森林。我准备以暗影实验场这座巨型洞窟为基础,把这里改造成‘南门堡垒’,用轨道炮、虹光炮和钢筋水泥武装起来的人造堡垒不比原始的岩壁差,到那时候我们就有一道可以通往南方的门户了。” Hetty understood the Gawain's intention, after the short thinking, she nods slowly: Yes, my begins to arrange.” 赫蒂理解了高文的意图,在短暂思索之后,她缓缓点头:“是,我这就着手安排。” Gawain has not spoken again, he looks at south the cavern that murky dark sky, the look is strengthening slowly. 高文没有再说话,他望着洞窟南部那片昏沉黑暗的天空,眼神慢慢坚定下来。 Presents the impact pit in Black Forest, opening that the mysterious day foreign substance, been unknown Great Dragon, the Mithril Treasury back behind-the-scenes plotting, disobedient fortress end was shaken suddenly...... 出现在黑森林中的冲击坑,神秘的天外来物,去向不明的巨龙,秘银宝库背后的黑幕,还有忤逆堡垒尽头这道突然被震开的裂口…… This world seemed to be getting more and more unsettled, but as rule of this lands, he must hold each available value in this unsettled world. 这个世界似乎越来越不安定了,而作为这片土地的统治者,他必须在这不安定的世界上抓住每一丝可用的价值。 The use is appropriate, the dangerous gap can also turn into the gateway that marches to south. 利用得当,危险的缺口也可以变成向南进军的门户。 This was on the 1 st the Ainz 737 years, Month of Recovery. 这是安苏737年,复苏之月一日。 In this spring first day, the Cecil south gate fortress starts to construct, the Gondor Empire descendants are settling for 700 years later, set foot on the land of wasteland edge for the first time. 在这个春季的第一天,塞西尔南门堡垒开始建设,刚铎帝国的后裔们在偏安七百年之后,第一次重新踏上了废土边缘的土地。 Similarly on this day, Ainz Kingdom army and between Eastern Region legion short truce tacit understanding of end, in Holy Spirit Plain eastern confrontation frontline, the atmosphere becomes nervous to get up again. 同样是在这一天,安苏王国军和东境军团之间短暂的停战默契到了尽头,圣灵平原东部的对峙前线上,气氛再一次变得紧张起来。 Also similarly on this day, southwest being far away from Cecil's and Dark Mountain Range forest edge somewhere, in a giant earth pit the mist and dust fills the air. 也同样是在这一天,在远离塞西尔的黑暗山脉西南某处的森林边缘,一座巨大的土坑里正烟尘弥漫。 On a wear light purple gauze skirt and face wear the light purple veil and whole body to linger the mysterious and graceful aura young woman are sitting in the big hole edge that the mist and dust fills, calmly was pondering her is for several tens of thousands of years person lives. 一个穿着淡紫色纱裙、脸上戴着淡紫色面纱、浑身萦绕着神秘与优雅气息的年轻女子正坐在烟尘弥漫的大坑边缘,静静地思考着她那长达数万年的“人”生。 Last circles should not fling the tail, decelerated with the glide definitely is all right...... the words saying that recently won't be will eat fat...... to definitely is not the wind direction issue...... yeah my box?!” “最后一圈盘旋的时候不应该甩尾的,用滑翔减速肯定就没事了……话说最近不会是吃胖了吧……不对肯定是风向的问题……哎我盒子呢?!”
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