SOD :: Volume #6

#575: forward base

The magic crystal lamp of high efficiency shining of broad cavern photo like daytime, when the mixer, elevators and various magic matrix operations resounding sounds interwine, there are to wear unifies construction personnel and technology personnel of uniform/subdue goes through between the machine and carriage busily, in the construction site in south gate fortress, busy. 大功率的魔晶石灯将广阔的洞窟照的亮如白昼,搅拌机、提升机和各类魔法矩阵运行时的鸣响声交织在一起,又有身穿统一制服的施工人员技术人员在机器与支撑架之间忙碌穿行,南门堡垒的施工现场上,一片繁忙。 Gawain and Hetty and Amber three people arrived in this once shadow experimental farm, in the cavern center, they found this place head Gordon. 高文赫蒂琥珀三人来到了这曾经的暗影实验场内,在洞窟中心,他们找到了此地的负责人戈登 Feudal Lord, the structural support and foundation bed have laid down, main wall construction schedule more than half, the south front door, the wall rampart and outer wall duplicate armor and lift fire platform have completed 60%,” Gordon was reporting construction in this fortress, logistics depot and energy stand have begun using, by yesterday, here has to defend the ability initially.” 领主,支撑结构和基础底面已经铺设完毕,主要墙体施工进度已经过半,南部大门、墙垒、外墙覆甲、延伸火力平台已经完成百分之六十,”戈登报告着这座堡垒的施工情况,“兵站和能源站已启用,截至昨日,这里已经初步具备守备能力了。” Good, done good.” Progress that Engineering Team that Gawain looks at Gordon leads satisfied makes, he noticed that the workers are reinforcing the wall surface of cavern boundary, but between south front doors and internal layer caverns, extra cement- steel armor has begun to take shape, the giant support frame spans in the cavern, the lifting gear that magic engine actuates was fixed in the frame peak, the capstan is towing the cable, huge cargo stack board promotion to two of fortress, but in each cargo stack board peripheral, can see that weak rune brilliance that is reduces weight the rune matrix to have the function. “不错,做的不错。”高文满意地看着戈登所领导的工程队伍所取得的进展,他看到工人们正在加固洞窟边界的墙面,而在南部大门和内层洞窟之间,一层额外的水泥-钢铁装甲已经初具雏形,巨大的支撑框架横亘在洞窟中,魔能引擎驱动的提升装置被固定在框架顶端,绞盘牵引着缆索,正在将巨大的货物栈板提升至堡垒的二层,而在每一个货物栈板周边,都可以看到微弱的符文光辉那是减重符文矩阵正在产生作用。 When the present stage, Reducing Weight Spell was still one type cannot by complete analysis magic spell, Runeshaper unable to solve several reduction effects to affect an interference problem in goal simultaneously, therefore it was hard to use on the bigger thing( e.g. large-scale means of transportation), but when the commodity of processing small volume, Reducing Weight Spell always transports the sharp weapon. 现阶段,减重术仍然是一种没能被完全解析的法术,符文师们还未能解决数个减重效果同时作用于一个目标时的干扰问题,因此它难以用在较大规模的物件上(比如大型交通工具),但在处理较小体积的物资时,减重术一向是搬运利器。 In cavern edge, but can also see that carries the technician in magical terminal to use Stone to Mud Spell and Mud to Stone Spell adjusts the dike fast, prepares for the following installment wall surface doubling plate, but another Engineering Team of not far away Unit magic circuit is mounting, in has installed on the good wall surface doubling plate, plasma welding light beam( hot melt welding torch) the flash is sparkling not to stop, is demonstrating the efficiency and fit capability of each team. 在洞窟边缘,还可以看到有携带魔导终端的技师正在用“化石为泥术”和“化泥为石术”飞快地调整岩壁,为后续安装墙面覆板做准备,而不远处的另一支工程队伍则正在将魔网镶嵌在已经安装好的墙面覆板上,等离子焊接光束(热熔焊枪)的闪光一刻不停地闪耀着,显示着每一支队伍的效率与配合能力。 Treats as the productive forces extraordinary force, rather than pure expert fights with weapon, brings is this inconceivable efficiency. 超凡力量当做生产力,而非单纯的“强者斗殴用的武器”,所带来的便是这不可思议的效率。 Naturally, the Gordon director appropriately is also the important factor that the project can advance rapidly. 当然,戈登的指挥得当也是工程能迅速推进的重要因素。 Gawain takes back the line of sight, looked to that circular pit in cavern epicenter, looks at pit bottom that ancient mysterious rune formation as well as arranges the ring-like ancient installment, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Did this shadow transmission gate recently have the unusual response?” 高文收回视线,看向洞窟中心地面上的那处圆形凹坑,看着凹坑底部那古老玄奥的符文阵列以及排列成环形的古代装置,随口问道:“这座暗影传送门最近有异常反应么?” Gordon shakes the head: Without us set the mana induction device in the surroundings, had not discovered that this Magic Gate has the sign of activation.” 戈登摇摇头:“没有我们在周围设置了魔力感应装置,未发现这道魔法门有激活的迹象。” Very good,” Gawain nods, later looks to that say/way brand-new gate of cavern end, opens gate, I must go to forward base to have a look.” “很好,”高文点了点头,随后看向洞窟尽头的那道崭新闸门,“开启闸门,我要去前进基地看看。” Opens gate!!” “是开启闸门!!” rune formation buzzes, the gear and capstan head make the sound simultaneously, the chain and bearing that the steel builds are towing the heavy steeliness front door, along with the vibration that a even ground trembles slightly, gate of south gate fortress in front of Gawain opens slowly...... 符文阵列嗡嗡作响,齿轮与绞盘头同时发出吱吱嘎嘎的声音,钢铁打造的链条与轴承牵引着沉重的钢制大门,伴随着一阵连地面都微微震颤起来的震动,南门堡垒的闸门高文面前缓缓打开…… To go to wasteland boundary opening to cultivate/repair the wall project, must first make a connection with one to arrive in wasteland road/s from the civilization world, but on this road/s is cut off trim Black Forest Human Race already several hundred years have not visited Black Forest. 想要前往废土边界开启修墙工程,首先必须打通一条从文明世界抵达废土道路,而这条道路上阻隔着整片黑森林人类已经数百年未曾踏足过的黑森林 After deciding to cultivate/repair the wall, Gawain had then considered two plans make a connection with this road, a plan is directly from the south gate fortress across the mountain range, then constructs forward base before the fortress, the violence in Black Forest leads the way, cultivates one straightly road/s to wasteland ; The second plan is to go round entire Fortress Defiance, goes out from the mountain range pass of Cecil city west side, finally similarly passes through Black Forest to cultivate/repair a road. 在决定修墙之后,高文便考虑过两个方案来打通这条路,一个方案是直接从南门堡垒穿过山脉,然后在堡垒前建造前进基地,在黑森林里暴力开路,修一条笔直通往废土道路;第二个方案则是绕开整个忤逆要塞,从塞西尔城西侧的山脉隘口出去,最后同样穿过黑森林修一条路。 The first plan time-saving reduces effort obviously, the second plan actually he does not want to make too many bystanders know in the Cecil hand to grasp such a special gateway for conservative Fortress Defiance and secret of south gate fortress, is grasping such complete antiquity fortress. Although holds the Gondor relic about the Duke Cecil hand in the rumor are many, but in Fortress Defiance...... really had too many secrets. 第一个方案显然更加省时省力,第二个方案却是为了保守忤逆要塞和南门堡垒的秘密他并不想让太多外人知道塞西尔手中掌握着这样一个特殊门户,掌握着这样一个完整的上古要塞。虽然关于“塞西尔公爵手中握有刚铎遗物”的传言并不少,可是忤逆要塞里……实在有太多秘密了。 But now Gawain chooses the first plan, this is because he had determined that royal family and Eastern Region will not send out the manpower to participate in the project they to preserving strength continue to resist, but to Gawain, he pours also being glad to make this entire project control by oneself. 但现在高文还是选择了第一个方案,这是因为他已经确定王室东境都不会派出人手来参与工程他们是为了保存实力继续对抗,但对高文而言,他倒也乐得让这整个工程都由自己掌控。 Let one pile oversee workers with slave smith to mix from the northern aristocrat, they will only be a drag on Cecil engineer brigade. 让一堆来自北方的贵族督工和奴隶工匠掺和进来,他们只会拖塞西尔工程队的后腿。 Because has the convenient element to control magic spell, laying down simplistic road/s in this world is not a difficult matter, from the south gate fortress to the Black Forest boundary, has connected Fortress Defiance and forward base with the extravagant say/way that Mud to Stone Spell temporarily hardens, rides in a carriage shortly after set off, Gawain then saw the temporary base that standing tall and erect magic circuit relays tower as well as curls to raise mist and dust that Road Developer constructs then in the front. 由于有着便利的元素操控法术,铺设简易道路在这个世界并不是一件难事,从南门堡垒到黑森林边界,一条用“化泥为石术”临时硬化起来的阔道已经连通了忤逆要塞前进基地,乘车出发之后不久,高文便看到了高耸的魔网中继以及袅袅升起的烟尘“拓路者”所建造的临时基地便在前方。 Several every large or small board style houses construct near Black Forest, the house surrounding is one and whistles with the board fence, the steel wire palisade and simultaneous/uniform chest low wall protection barrier that the tower mix completes, is responsible for protecting the forward base guard in whistling on tower is gazing at the Black Forest direction vigilantly, but before base entrance front door, is standing and waiting for a long time two iron tower strong White Knight. 十几座大大小小的板式房屋建造在黑森林边上,房屋外围则是一圈用木栅栏、钢丝围篱、齐胸矮墙和哨混合建成的防护屏障,负责保护前进基地的卫兵在哨上警惕地注视着黑森林的方向,而在基地入口的大门前,则伫立着两名铁般的强壮白骑士 Had previously then emphasized on such as Gawain outside civilization boundary, the crisis, this naturally needs to be tightly guarded everywhere toward forward base that wasteland marches. 就如高文此前便强调过的文明边界之外,处处危机,这座向着废土进军的前进基地自然需要戒备森严。 Salutes!!” “致敬!!” Two White Knight noticed to sit Gawain in car(riage), the standing body, the steel iron-headed helmet that from all covers broadcasts the vigorous powerful sound immediately, the base front door opened to the two sides, the magical car(riage) that the Gawain party three people of institutes took sailed to forward base steadily. 两名白骑士注意到了坐在车里的高文,他们立刻站直身体,从全覆盖的钢铁头盔下传来浑厚有力的声音,基地大门则向两边打开,高文一行三人所乘坐的魔导车平稳地驶进了前进基地 Gets down from the car(riage), Gawain then saw a grandiose form walks to own half step. 从车里一下来,高文便看到了一个壮硕的身影向自己快步走来。 Wright Aviken, Captain White Knight and protestantism patriarch. 莱特艾维肯,白骑士首领兼新教大牧首。 This has turned into influential figure patriarch mister has not treated in his Church, but in hearing to march after wasteland voluntarily requests to arrive at the front, here is directing Road Developer escort forces. Because White Knight is then good at undertaking the guard to work, the Holy Light strength also has to cure contamination, expel the magic creature convenient characteristics, Gawain then agreed with his application. 这位已经变成“大人物”的大牧首先生没有待在他的教堂里,而是在听说要向废土进军之后主动要求来到了前方,在这里指挥着“拓路者”的护卫部队。由于白骑士本身便擅长承担护卫工作,圣光力量又有着治愈污染、驱逐魔物的便利特性,高文便同意了他的申请。 But in Wright behind, Gawain saw several special forms 而在莱特身后,高文则看到了几个特殊的身影 That is several Elf Messengers that Sonia Frostleaf and she brings. 那是索尼娅霜叶和她带来的几位精灵信使们。 These Elf obviously to restoring the barrier incident are especially careful, although the lively novel Cecil city truly aroused their enormous curiosity and interests, but they pay more attention to the Dark Mountain Range southern progress of work, since these days, Sonia and her companions, be only the one-third time treats in the Cecil city, the remaining almost all time placed Black Forest. 这些精灵显然对修复屏障一事格外上心,尽管繁华新奇的塞西尔城确实引起了他们极大的好奇和兴趣,但他们还是更关注黑暗山脉南部的工程进度,这些日子以来,索尼娅和她的同伴们只有三分之一的时间待在塞西尔城,剩下的几乎所有时间都放在了黑森林这边。 I come to see the progress,” Gawain first greets with Wright, later then looks to Sonia, „do here you come today?” “我来看看进度,”高文首先与莱特打了个招呼,随后便看向索尼娅,“你们今天又来这边了?” looks at progress of work can make us steadfaster,” Sonia smiles, said very much confidently, „, moreover does not wait can also prevent awkwardly some...... mother and child to be contradictory in the city.” 看着工程进度能让我们更踏实,”索尼娅笑了笑,很坦然地说道,“而且不在城里待着也能防止一些尴尬的……母子矛盾。” Sonia said obviously is a joke, in fact she and Throldin relations look like in Gawain also calculate very well, but Gawain still somewhat understood this Elf mother's after seeing Throldin that puzzled mentality 索尼娅说的显然是个玩笑,实际上她和索尔德林的关系在高文看来还算很好的,但高文仍然有些理解这位精灵母亲在看到索尔德林之后那纠结的心态 Gives the devil his due, if he also has 700 years not to go home and not have the object, not to write a letter and wear the wig also to like the son of women's wear bare...... 平心而论,如果他也有个七百年不回家、没对象、不写信、秃头戴假发还喜欢女装的儿子…… Thinks that half of he does not dare to suppose again. 想到一半他就不敢再假设下去了。 He thought that oneself may choose to lie down in the coffin and asks the person to help the cover nail to staple. 他觉得自己可能会选择重新躺回棺材里并请人帮忙把盖子钉上。 „...... Such as you see, we by biggest are speeding up paving the way diligently the speed that strives to make a connection before harvest festival goes to the corrupt plain road/s,” Gawain is concealing the awkwardness of moment with the shift topic, at present looks like, so long as does not have the big surprise, the project can be completed as scheduled.” “……如你们所见,我们正在以最大努力加快铺路的速度,争取在收获节前打通前往腐化平原的道路,”高文用转移话题掩饰着自己片刻的尴尬,“目前看来,只要不发生大的意外,工程是可以如期完成的。” We saw this also made me steadfast many,” Sonia gently exhaled, „confessed that I have not even thought that you can quickly to this degree, in such short time you have started to pave the way in Black Forest unexpectedly. I could see that you put in many manpower and resources to review your royal family for this reason, they have not sent the first batch of commodities to the present unexpectedly! Said that sentence impolite words, similarly is the Ainz person, your efficiency how energy balance so many?” “我们看到了这也令我踏实了不少,”索尼娅轻轻呼了口气,“坦白来讲,我甚至都没想到你们能快到这种程度,这么短的时间内你们竟然就已经开始在黑森林里铺路了。我看得出你为此投入了多少人力物力可是反观你们的王室,他们到现在竟然还没把第一批物资送来!说句不客气的话,同样是安苏人,你们的效率怎么能差这么多?” Not everyone will turn into the productive forces magic,” Gawain shakes the head reluctantly, let alone, the northern aristocrat not necessarily can the threat of conscious wasteland fearful. 700 years ago perhaps of magic tide to Elf is a coming clearly into view matter, but regarding Human Race...... that is the dozens generations of person beforehand ancient times legends.” “并不是所有人都会把魔法变成生产力,”高文无奈地摇了摇头,“更何况,北方的贵族不一定都能意识废土的威胁有多可怕。七百年前的魔潮精灵而言或许还是一件历历在目的事情,但对于人类而言……那已经是几十代人以前的古代传说了。” Sonia not has to do with Human Race for the first time, she knows certainly Gawain said is reasonable, therefore has not said anything, but looked to the Dark Mountain Range direction, the direction of looks at south gate fortress, sighed one leisurely: fortress of ancient Gondor period...... 700 years ago, I had once heard the northern development army in surmounting the Dark Mountain Range process discovered ancient ruins, has not actually thought 700 years later today, it will display so to affect in your hand.” 索尼娅并非第一次与人类打交道,她当然知道高文说的有道理,所以也没多说什么,而是看向了黑暗山脉的方向,看着南门堡垒的方向,悠悠感叹了一句:“古刚铎时期的要塞啊……七百年前,我曾听说过北方开拓军在翻越黑暗山脉的过程中发现了一座古代遗迹,却没想到七百年后的今天,它会在你手上发挥出这般作用。” during that time we have not thought, Gawain said with a smile, before me never thinks oneself drop down looks at Wall of Magnificence builds, finally regains consciousness after eternal rest must repair a destiny this wall unexpectedly, is always unreasonable.” 当年我们也没想到,”高文笑着说道,“就像我从未想到自己倒下之前眼看着宏伟之墙修筑起来,结果从长眠中苏醒之后竟然还要把这墙重修一遍命运,一向是不讲道理的。” You are also hapless enough,” Sonia cannot bear shake the head, you drop down in the most difficult period, wakes up in the next difficult period, the destiny painstakingly seems to be arranging you to resist with the disaster, does not give the opportunity that you rest. We once had the peace of entire seven century, your day has not actually enjoyed.” “你也够倒霉的,”索尼娅忍不住摇了摇头,“你在最艰难的时期倒下,又在下一个艰难时期醒来,命运似乎在刻意安排你与灾难对抗,丝毫不给你休息的机会。我们曾有整整七个世纪的和平,你却一天都没享受过。” Gawain has not spoken, because he is not true Gawain Cecil, therefore he has no feeling of regret, but his Hetty actually raised the head suddenly, this Cecil housekeeper as if received huge touching in the Sonia words, she decided looked at oneself ancestor one eyes, suddenly was ashamed for the smoking makeup in own ordinary day extremely. 高文没有说话,因为他并不是真正的高文塞西尔,所以他并无什么遗憾之感,但他身旁的赫蒂却突然抬起头来,这位塞西尔大管家似乎在索尼娅的话语中受到了巨大的触动,她定定地看了自己的先祖一眼,突然为自己平日里的烟熏妆羞愧万分。 Gawain does not know how from the start Hetty blushed suddenly. 高文压根不知道赫蒂怎么突然就脸红了。 ...... …… At the same time, north Cecil duchy, Boulder city harbor square. 同一时刻,塞西尔公国北部,磐石城港口广场。 Rock commander Walter Sir Peric brings the guard and insignia logistics depot in the square, prepares to see off Envoy from Royal Capital, these Envoy stayed the half day in this gateway city shortly, now, they must while boarding the ships, set off go to the Cecil city. 磐石司令官瓦尔德佩里奇爵士带着卫队与仪仗兵站在广场上,准备送别来自王都使者们,这些使者在这座门户城市短暂停留了半日,现在,他们就要乘上船只,出发前往塞西尔城了。 This city was impressive, Knight,” the team leader of Envoy group, Ainz Wang Family/prince Knight Corps Vice Captain Cohen Loren cheerful and committed said to Walter, I had once arrived at this lands two years ago, but it may completely not be this at that time, I must acknowledge, here was really inconceivable.” “这座城市令人印象深刻,爵士,”使者团的领队,安苏王家骑士团副团长科恩罗伦心悦诚服地对瓦尔德说道,“我在两年前曾来到过这片土地,但那时候它可完全不是这样,我必须承认,这里真的是不可思议。” Sir Walter looks at this Knight Corps Vice Captain this Vice Captain has Loren at present this special surname, is actually the member who royal family sends, in the diplomatic envoy that he leads also has Eastern Region Envoy and special envoy from Royal Capital, profound meaning makes one have to think much, but Walter is not balances the interested party to the palace political strategy and aristocrat, he is smiling shaking the head of: Boulder city is only a gateway, this lands true inconceivable side you have not seen.” 瓦尔德爵士看着眼前这位骑士团副团长这位副团长有着“罗伦”这个特殊的姓氏,却又是王室派的成员,他带领的使节团中也同时有着东境使者和来自王都的特使,这其中深意让人不得不多想,但瓦尔德本身并不是个对宫廷权谋、贵族平衡感兴趣的人,他只是微笑着摇了摇头:“磐石城只是一个门户,这片土地真正不可思议的一面您还没有看到呢。” „, I am a calm person,” Cohen Loren politely smiled, I can only have the vision of appreciation to regard here novel thing, no matter after all again how mysterious, they also man-made.” “哦,我可是个冷静的人,”科恩罗伦礼貌性地笑了起来,“我只会带着欣赏的眼光来看待这里新奇的事物,毕竟不管再怎么神奇,它们也都是人造的。” That then invited.” Walter raised the hand, the directional wharf, but almost at the same time, melodious whistle passed from the river bend. “那便请吧。”瓦尔德扬起了手,指向码头,而几乎同一时间,一阵悠扬的汽笛声从河湾内传了出来。 Command Cohen Loren astonished, big ship of no sail no oar along with cleaving the waves and thundering of machinery, drives gradually toward the harbor from the river surface of distant place. 一艘令科恩罗伦惊愕的、无帆无桨的大船伴随着破浪声和机械的轰鸣,从远方的河面上渐渐朝港口驶来。 That ship seems like unexpectedly seems like with the metal founding. 那船看上去竟好像是用金属铸造的。 To guarantee the efficiency, Feudal Lord life inland river fast passenger steamer The Wavebreaker comes to receive and instruct envoy,” Walter Peric has the happy smile saying that please embark.” “为了保证效率,领主命内河快速客船‘破浪者号’前来接引诸位使节,”瓦尔德佩里奇带着愉快的笑容说道,“请上船吧。”
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