SOD :: Volume #6

#544: New laboratory

The Cecil 1st Level government affairs hall, in the Hetty office, the paternal aunt nephew they are dumbfounded, Carmel calmly floats near two man radicals, a peaceful as if light bulb. 塞西尔一级政务厅,赫蒂的办公室内,姑侄两人正在大眼瞪小眼,卡迈尔则静静地漂浮在两人旁边,安静的仿佛一个灯泡。 Paternal aunt...... this was the complete budget request......” Rebecca thought that the Hetty mood possibly was not very good, however she depended herself an iron to toss about a evening's plan and budget request form hands in front of the paternal aunt, theoretically......, so long as laboratory that side two months did not explode, in the first quarter your need not add-on funds......” “姑妈……这个就是全部预算要求了……”瑞贝卡觉得赫蒂的心情可能不是很好,然而她还是仗着头铁把自己折腾了一晚上的方案以及预算申请表递到姑妈面前,“理论上……只要实验室那边两个月不炸,第一季度您就不用追加资金……” The Hetty corner of the eye shook slightly: You know that do your six days exploded four times, altogether blast eight amplifiers and two engine testing machines?” 赫蒂眼角微微抖了一下:“你知道你六天炸了四次,总共炸掉八个增幅器和两个引擎试验机么?” Rebecca shrank the neck: But your during that time had not said...... the failure is the successful cornerstone, Magician the road of research always follows the price of failure......” 瑞贝卡缩了缩脖子:“但您当年不是说过么……失败是成功的基石,魔法师的研究之路总是伴随着失败的代价的……” Hetty is covering the forehead: „After I also had at that time, half a word- sane Magician will find reduces road/s of failure as far as possible, straightforward mage basically was poor.” 赫蒂捂着脑门:“我当时是不是还有后半句-理智的魔法师会找到尽量减少失败的道路,过于耿直的法师则基本上都穷死了。” Rebecca raises the neck: Has not said.” 瑞贝卡一扬脖子:“没有说过啊。” „......” Hetty has nothing to say in reply looks at present Cecil Marchioness, then sighed under this girl pure and rigid line of sight, sits returns to behind own desk, first brought that plan, then made me have a look.” “……”赫蒂无言以对地看着眼前的塞西尔女侯爵,然后在这姑娘单纯而执着的视线下叹了口气,坐回到自己的办公桌后面,“先把那份方案拿来,再让我看看。” „, Good!” Rebecca hands over quickly the plan in hand, simultaneously on the face has bloomed the smile to come, I know the paternal aunt well you!” “哦哦,好!”瑞贝卡赶快把手里的方案递过去,同时脸上已经绽放出笑容来,“我就知道姑妈您最好啦!” First leaves anxiously happily, I must have a look at your plans to be good carefully,” Hetty received the plan, does not lift said, don't forget, before to become the chief administrative officer, I was also mage-” “先别急着高兴,我要仔细看看你们的方案才行,”赫蒂接过方案,头也不抬地说道,“别忘了,在成为首席政务官之前,我也是个法师-” The follow-up testing plan of her carefully looks at Rebecca formulation, and noticed in this set of plan parallel to have the entirely different mentality and confirmation flow quickly, this made her unable to bear raise the head: Simultaneously confirms the push-pull train and power distributional two plans, moreover can test Reducing Weight Spell simultaneously to two chassis balanced influences?” 她仔仔细细地看着瑞贝卡制定的后续试验计划,并很快注意到了这套计划中并行存在着截然不同的思路以及验证流程,这让她忍不住抬起头来:“同时验证动力集中式和动力分布式两个方案,而且还要同时测试减重术对两种车体平衡的影响?” Yes- you could rest assured that the manpower I have arranged.” “是啊-您放心,人手我已经安排好了。” „It is not the manpower issue......” Hetty is knitting the brows, „were you are too a little urgent?” “不是人手问题……”赫蒂皱着眉,“你是不是有点太急迫了?” Rebecca is action strong girl, moreover a little works since childhood the brain, the plan that looks at this girl wants to come out, Hetty cannot bear was somewhat worried that she will advance recklessly, but saw that with Carmel that Rebecca comes together, she some did not determine that Rebecca the mind is easy to give off heat, but Grandmaster Carmel the cranial nerve did not have, should be insufficient to give off heat with this child together? 瑞贝卡本身就是个行动力超强的姑娘,而且从小就有点做事不过脑子,看着姑娘想出来的方案,赫蒂忍不住有些担心她会冒进,但看到跟瑞贝卡一同过来的卡迈尔,她又有些不确定起来-瑞贝卡头脑容易发热,但卡迈尔大师脑神经都没了,应该不至于跟这孩子一起发热吧? „...... I am a little anxious, but does not have the means that” Rebecca is listening to the question of Hetty, has not concealed anything actually, her calmly was saying own idea, Lord Ancestor has signed the opening up a mine agreement with Eastern Region, that side the Baisha (White Sand) mine ore must transport/fortune is not easy. Although can first transport/fortune Glen the ore, then transports/fortunes following Clearwater River from the Glen shipment to internal industrial district, but among this still had very long land route to walk, must according to the mining way of Lord Ancestor plan, even if there is a magical car(riage) to transport insufficiently also......” “……我是有点急,但是没办法啊,”瑞贝卡听着赫蒂的疑问,倒是没有隐瞒什么,她大大方方地说着自己的想法,“祖先大人已经和东境签订了开矿协议,白沙矿场那边的矿石要运回来可不容易。虽然可以先把矿石运到葛兰,再从葛兰装船顺着白水河运到内部工业区,但这中间仍然有很长的陆路要走,要按照祖先大人规划的采矿方式,哪怕有魔导车来运也不够……” At this point she, revealed face rigid look: Therefore I want to pile up in the ore of Baisha (White Sand) ore seriously beforehand solve the problem of train......, even if cannot make well, at least must make to run.” 说到这里她顿了顿,露出一脸执着的模样:“所以我想在白沙矿的矿石严重积压之前解决列车的问题……哪怕造不出最好的,至少也要造出能跑的。” Hetty listened to Rebecca saying that the eyeground had an astonishment. 赫蒂听着瑞贝卡说完,眼底不禁有一丝惊愕。 Originally this child thought such how...... 原来这孩子想了这么多么…… No wonder the ancestor always reminds himself always do not take Rebecca, when the child looked, added that this girl lively, in fact she considers...... is not superficial. 怪不得先祖总是提醒自己不要总拿瑞贝卡当小孩子看,还说这姑娘只是性格活泼,实际上她所考虑的……一点都不肤浅。 Your idea is very good,” Hetty sighed in a soft voice, ancestor should very be happy. Like this, I first approve the funds give you, but I also......” “你的想法很好,”赫蒂轻声叹了口气,“先祖应该会很高兴的。这样吧,我先把经费批给你,但我也……” „Wow!” “哇!” Do not first be busy, my also several words want to remind you,” Hetty stared already Iron-headed Girl one that soon jumps, you some few words saying a moment ago right, even if cannot make well, at least must make can run- in my opinion, your anticipated target to the magic energy train was a little possibly high, we just produced the magical car(riage), you want to make to be equivalent to the magical car(riage) hundred times of forces of traction the train fronts...... the step is too big. So the magic installment of high efficiency, produces may not only be the quantitative change. I suggested that you can decide slightly the target of magic energy train-, since had track this type of thing, even if draws 45 compartments also to far exceed the present carriage motorcade with a magical car(riage), not?” “先别忙着哇,我还有几句话想提醒你,”赫蒂瞪了已经快要蹦起来的铁头娃一眼,“你刚才有一句话说的没错,哪怕造不出最好的,至少也要造出能跑的-在我看来,你们对魔能列车的预期目标可能有点高了,我们刚刚把魔导车造出来,你们就想造出相当于魔导车百倍牵引力的列车车头……步子太大了。要知道,如此大功率的魔法装置,所产生的可不仅仅是量变。我建议你们可以把魔能列车的目标定小一点-既然有了‘轨道’这种东西,哪怕用一辆魔导车拉着四五个车厢也已经远远超出了现在的马车车队,不是么?” Heard the Hetty words, on the Rebecca face revealed unwilling look. 听到赫蒂的话,瑞贝卡脸上不禁露出了一丝不甘心的模样 But she must acknowledge, the words that the paternal aunt spoke make some sense- fact has proven, after one set of Magic Guiding Device scale is some degree, its mechanical pressure, mana load and circumstances requisition, not only the quantitative change is so simple. 但她必须承认,姑妈说的话是有一定道理的-事实已经证明了,当一套魔导装置的规模达到某种程度之后,它的机械压力、魔力负载、环境需求真的不只是量变那么简单。 The expression change on looks at Rebecca face, Hetty shakes the head reluctantly, later takes the pen that signs, prepares to inscribe own name. 看着瑞贝卡脸上的表情变化,赫蒂无奈地摇了摇头,随后拿起签字的笔,准备写上自己的名字。 The prepay fund of royal family receiving...... has not covered hot, must turn by the explosive material that Rebecca manipulates. 王室那边收到的预付资金……还没捂热乎呢,就要变成被瑞贝卡摆弄的爆炸物了。 In the Cecil housekeeper heart a deep sigh, the hand of examination funds, shivers slightly. 塞西尔大管家心中一声长叹,审批经费的手,微微颤抖。 At this moment, laid aside the magic circuit terminal by desk humming sound made a sound suddenly, along with the twinkle of light, this sudden communication broke everyone's movement. 就在这时,放置在办公桌旁的魔网终端机突然嗡嗡地响了起来,伴随着灯光的闪烁,这突如其来的通信打断了所有人的动作。 Rebecca saw that the paternal aunt put side the signature pen, saw that the latter opens the communication, then saw that the Ancestor form appears above communication. 瑞贝卡眼瞅着姑妈把签字笔放到了旁边,眼瞅着后者去打开通讯,然后眼瞅着老祖宗的身影浮现在通讯器上方。 The three people in room go forward immediately: Lord Ancestor.” Ancestor.” My Lord.” 房间中的三人立刻上前:“祖先大人。”“先祖。”“领主大人。” Hetty-, Rebecca and Carmel also that side you,” Gawain in communication then noticed the person in office quickly, just right, need not looked for them again.” 赫蒂-啊,瑞贝卡卡迈尔也在你那边,”通讯器中的高文很快便注意到了办公室里的人,“正好,不用再去找他们了。” Hetty asked curiously: What happened?” 赫蒂好奇地问道:“发生了什么事?” Comes Magical Technology Research Institute, I and Pittman have Jenny to wait for you here,” Gawain shows a smile, has the good thing to look to you.” “来魔导技术研究所一趟,我和皮特曼还有詹妮在这里等着你们,”高文露出一丝笑容,“有好东西给你们看。” The three people in room look at each other in blank dismay, after short dumbfounded, Carmel responded suddenly: I possibly guessed correctly that was anything......” 房间中的三人面面相觑,在短暂的愣神之后,卡迈尔突然反应过来:“我可能猜到是什么了……” After arriving in Magical Technology Research Institute, the suspicion of Carmel was confirmed- 在抵达魔导技术研究所之后,卡迈尔的猜想得到了证实- In the big laboratory that is very spatial, several silver-white cabin shape Magic Guiding Device neat and tidy arrangements in the platform of one by one hexagon, compare with the prototype, their structures obviously are compact more complete , and increased outer coverings that can close up from the both sides, under the cabin, around on the platform floor mounts twinkle rune base plate, behind the cabin is extending to connect the nerve rope pipeline of platform and foundation- in addition, in the laboratory then is depending on the wall the position to have the rune terminal that some monitoring use, and does not have the unnecessary decoration and arrangement, this seems quite spacious by the room, at the same time. Let room central these silver-white color cabins appeared more mystical and striking. 一间特别空出来的大型实验室内,数个银白色的座舱状魔导装置整整齐齐地排列在一个个六边形的平台上,和原型机比起来,它们的结构明显更加完整、紧凑,并增加了一个可以从两侧合拢的外壳,在座舱下方,平台周围的地板上镶嵌着闪烁的符文基板,座舱后方则延伸出连接着平台与底座的神经索管道-除此之外,实验室内便只有在靠墙的位置有一些监控用的符文终端,并无多余的装饰和陈设,这让房间显得颇为空旷,同时也让房间中央那些银白色座舱显得更加神秘与醒目。 On such that such as Carmel guesses correctly: After first immersion type nerve cabin testing succeeds, more cabins were made. 就如卡迈尔猜到的那样:在第一个“浸入式神经座舱”试机成功之后,更多的座舱被造了出来。 Gawain has waited by a cabin, wears technology personnel of white short robe to depend on the wall nearby the monitoring control unit busy, Pittman and Jenny two people are inspecting the nerve rope and rune formation working condition around these cabins, after Carmel and the others entered the laboratory, Pittman has turned around to greet immediately: „, You came- comes to see these good thing!” 高文早已等候在其中一个座舱旁,身穿白色短袍的技术人员们正在靠墙的监控装置附近忙碌,皮特曼詹妮两人则在那些座舱周围检查着神经索和符文阵列的工作情况,在卡迈尔等人进入实验室之后,皮特曼立刻转过身打着招呼:“啊,你们来了-来看看这些好玩意儿!” These......” some have the Carmel quite accident/surprise looks at situations, been completed?” “这些……”卡迈尔颇有些意外地看着现场的情况,“已经完成了?” Blast how when you are busy studying the engine group, I adjusted the nerve ropes of these cabins,” Pittman said complacently, naturally, Miss Jenny rune formation partially is she adjusts.” “在你们忙着研究怎么把引擎组炸掉的时候,我调整了这些座舱的神经索,”皮特曼得意洋洋地说道,“当然,还有詹妮小姐-符文阵列的部分是她调整的。” Rebecca at this time already whole face excitedly around a cabin transferred several, cannot bear in a soft voice the cough reminder after Hetty she stopped, this girl looks at Gawain, the eye opens the eldest child: Ancestor, are the contours of these installments you adjust?” 瑞贝卡这时候已经满脸兴奋地绕着其中一个座舱转了好几圈,直到赫蒂忍不住轻声咳嗽提醒之后她才停了下来,这姑娘看着高文,眼睛睁得老大:“先祖,这些装置的外形是您调整的?” Gawain pressed with a smile according to the head of Rebecca: Actually does not have too in a big way to adjust- the seat increased the blocking by, and adds the outer covering that can close up.” 高文笑着按了按瑞贝卡的脑袋:“其实也没太大调整-只是把座椅两侧增加了遮挡,并给它加了一个可以合拢的外壳而已。” Compared with the same day prototype, outer covering that can close up was the cabin biggest change that these official finalize at present. Because non- implantation -type nerve rope to brain immersion effect was inferior that implantation type nerve rope, the user is very easy to receive the external interference in the networking process, but awakening, this is plunges installs the biggest problem, regarding this, Pittman by Druid mentality set off, thinks increases the technology method that the nerve coupling, raises the thought synchronization rate/lead much, but finally, Gawain tried to find the solution of simple and crude: Caps the child. 和当日的样机比起来,“能够合拢的外壳”就是眼前这些正式定型的座舱最大的变化。由于非植入式的神经索对大脑的“浸入”效果不如植入式神经索,使用者很容易在联网过程中受到外部干扰而“惊醒”,这是浸入装置最大的问题,对此,皮特曼以一个德鲁伊的思路出发,想了不少增加神经耦合、提高思维同步率的技术手段,但最终,高文还是想了个更简单粗暴的办法:加个盖子得了。 After adding on this peripheral, these also somewhat seemed like the thing of seat, on a genuine likely cabin. 在加上这个“外设”之后,这些原本还有些像是座椅的东西,就真真正正更像个座舱了。 This may really be simple also the effective way......” Hetty has the strong interest, quite admiringly looks at these style marvelous magic installments, how her very curious ancestor thinks of such simple way, but was quick she then to notice look of these cabins- long vessel, the person can lie down in inside, above also had a cover...... “这可真是简单却又有效的办法……”赫蒂带着浓厚的兴趣,又颇为钦佩地看着这些画风奇妙的魔法装置,她很好奇先祖是如何想到这么简单的办法的,但很快她便注意到了这些座舱的模样-长长的容器,人能躺在里面,上面还有个盖子…… emmmmm...... emmmmm…… Cecil housekeeper produced very reasonable had end associate. 塞西尔大管家产生了很有道理的有端联想 Naturally, mature steady Hetty is also only such associate, she does not dare to say. 当然,成熟稳重的赫蒂也只是这么联想一下,她可没敢说出来。 But has an iron on the spot. 但现场有头铁的。 Rebecca jumped over in front at the scene Gawain: Lord Ancestor you lies down the coffin have obtained the inspiration...... Wā! from your during that time 瑞贝卡当场就蹦到高文面前了:“祖先大人您是从您当年躺过的棺材里得到灵感的……哇! Rebecca was knocked by Gawain, but everyone showed the tacit smile after this silly roe deer blab out a secret. 瑞贝卡高文敲了回去,但现场每一个人都在这个傻狍子嚷嚷出来之后露出了默契的笑容。 cough cough,” Gawain can not cough heavily, pulls back the right track the atmosphere, „, let alone these, did some proper business.” 咳咳,”高文不得不轻咳一声,把现场气氛拉回正轨,“别说这些了,来做些正事吧。” Hetty curiously looks at he: „Did you call us to come...... are the preparation test these installments together?” 赫蒂好奇地看着他:“您叫我们来……是准备一起测试这些装置么?” In fact has tested,” Gawain said, off-line test and connection magic circuit, connect the Eternal Sleepers mind network, has completed the test, today we conduct the official connection.” “事实上已经测试完了,”高文说道,“脱机测试、连接魔网、连接永眠者心灵网络,都已经完成测试,今天我们进行正式连接。” Afterward he, then said: I can enter the network with you together.” 随后他顿了顿,接着说道:“我会和你们一同进入网络。” The Gawain's idea is very simple-, since has made the first batch of immersion type nerve cabins, then he in can also implement on some formulation good plan long before: Tests itself personnel to merge into the network, in that ready-made virtual laboratory in carries out the scientific research. 高文的想法很简单-既然已经造出了第一批浸入式神经座舱,那么他在很早以前就制定好的某个计划也就可以实施了:把自己手下的实验人员并入网络,在那个现成的“虚拟实验室”里搞科研。 That virtual reality experiment environment completed has some time, but as a result of the function that always only then he alone can the network access, the experiment space be have was quite limited, although he truly was uses there virtual environment to toss about some blueprints to come out, but in contacting this world technology personnel, experience after native to wisdom of other world person, he has clearly recognized a matter: Own this Transmigrator from the start is not the center of the world, can calculate a regional center of gravity at most, he compared with many aspect not possible and professionals, particularly technology domain. Then big virtual space, if cannot connect specialized technology personnel on Feudal Territory, the light makes him occupy absolutely is being a waste. 那个虚拟实验环境建成已经有了一段时间,但由于始终只有他一个人能接入网络,实验空间所能产生的作用相当有限,虽然他确实是利用那里的虚拟环境折腾了一些蓝图出来,但在接触过这个世界本土的技术人员,从当地人身上见识到“异界人的智慧”之后,他早已认清了一件事:自己这个穿越者压根不是世界的中心,顶多能算个区域性的重心,他在很多方面都不可能和专业人士相比,尤其是技术领域的。那么大的虚拟空间,如果不能把领地上的专业技术人员接入进去,光让他一个人占着的话绝对是一种浪费。 Is good because, this waste must end finally. 好在,这个浪费终于要结束了。 But he is more discrete technology personnel is precious, particularly most trustworthy, to contact secret these technology personnel, is the most precious object of entire Cecil duchy, he must prevent these people to have the accident/surprise, preventing these people to have it all by Eternal Sleepers, the best way is with their together network access. 但他还是要谨慎一些-技术人员是宝贵的,尤其是最值得信赖、能够接触机密的这些技术人员,更是整个塞西尔公国的至宝,他要防止这些人发生意外,防止这些人被永眠者一锅端掉,最好的办法就是自己跟他们一起接入网络。 Which Eternal Sleepers when the time comes really met not to enlarge ones vision or enlarges ones vision to discover their these intruder, at the worst was direct for one high and low 1 million years to pound, at least can also guarantee everyone safe retreat. 到时候真遇上哪个永眠者不开眼或者太开眼发现了他们这些入侵者,大不了直接一个上下百万年砸过去,起码也能保证大家安全撤退。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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