SOD :: Volume #6

#545: This is the new laboratory

technology personnel starts to make the last time inspection and debugging to Immersion Cabin, Hetty slightly a little nervous stands in assigning to own cabin by, said in a low voice: I have not really thought...... some day must enter the Eternal Sleepers creation unexpectedly the world......” 技术人员开始对浸入舱做最后一次检查和调试,赫蒂略有点紧张地站在分配给自己的座舱旁边,低声说道:“我是真没想到……某一天竟然要进入永眠者创造的世界……” Is the virtual world,” Gawain said in side, he saw the big granddaughter's nervous mood, how? Very anxious?” “是虚拟世界,”高文在旁边说道,他看出了大孙女的紧张情绪,“怎么?很不安?” A little, what are more is...... intertwines,” Hetty has nothing to conceal in front of Ancestor actually, said confidently, „, although I know the technology unqualified quality, but the Eternal Sleepers mind network may be technology is not so only simple, you have said that that is innumerable Eternal Sleepers the projection and polymerization of mind world, must go to that place...... always to feel strangely.” “有点,但更多的是……纠结,”赫蒂老祖宗面前倒是没什么可隐瞒的,坦然说道,“虽然我知道技术无分好坏,但永眠者的心灵网络可不仅仅是‘技术’那么简单,您说过,那是无数永眠者的心灵世界的投影和聚合,现在要去那地方……总感觉怪怪的。” Gawain smiled, slight nod: I understand your feeling, but relax, this is only temporary- the present the nerve linked technology only to start, but also did not have the ability to build to be our mind networks, therefore can only temporarily borrowing a Eternal Sleepers ready-made network, but when technology was mature, we naturally can create own virtual environment- such important technology, definitely cannot count on others forever.” 高文笑了一下,微微点头:“我理解你的感觉,不过放心,这只是暂时的-现在我们的神经链接技术刚刚起步,还没有能力打造属于我们自己的心灵网络,所以只能暂时‘借用’一下永眠者现成的网络,但等到技术成熟,我们自然会打造属于自己的虚拟环境-这么重要技术,肯定不能永远指望着别人。” Hetty showed the comfortable look slightly, Gawain turned the head to look that to is floating Carmel by another Immersion Cabin: What kind of? Can connect?” 赫蒂微微露出了宽慰的神色,高文则转头看向正漂浮在另一个浸入舱旁的卡迈尔:“怎么样?能连接么?” The Carmel side is surging the arcane energy brilliance, the energy lightnings of jumps sweep the nerve junction in Immersion Cabin under his precision control unceasingly, in the Immersion Cabin foundation transmits stably buzz the whining noise, Carmel had said joyfully: Should not have the issue......, although I do not have the nervous system, had the body of mana, in mana fluctuation through direct read-write nerve junction, I can same enter the network with you.” 卡迈尔的身边涌动着奥术能量的光辉,一道道跳跃的能量闪电在他的精确控制下不断扫过浸入舱内的神经连接点,浸入舱的底座中传来稳定的嗡鸣声,卡迈尔则略带喜悦地说道:“应该是没问题了……虽然我已经没了神经系统,却有了魔力之躯,通过直接读写神经连接点中的魔力波动,我可以和你们一样进入网络。” Really is inconceivable......” Gawain is sizing up Carmel this inhuman body up and down, mana...... its arcane was really makes one care more and more.” “真是不可思议……”高文上下打量着卡迈尔这幅非人的躯体,“魔力……它的奥秘真是越来越令人在意了。” Carmel bends the waist slightly: One day, we will reveal its secret.” 卡迈尔微微弯腰:“总有一天,我们会揭开它的秘密的。” The technology personnel report sound never the distant place transmits: Network frequency correctory is completed!” Nerve rope calibration completed all Immersion Cabin to use, Lord.” 技术人员的报告声从不远处传来:“网络频率校准完成!”“神经索校准完成”“所有浸入舱已经可以使用了,大人。” Pittman deeply inspires, moves toward own cabin: Makes us start.” 皮特曼深吸了一口气,走向属于自己的座舱:“让我们开始吧。” Before the preparation connected to enter the person who network arrives respectively assigned to own cabin, one after another lay down, Carmel was the float side the installment, by each electronic contact of arcane electric arc direct even/including then cabin. As only one not the person who needs the external installment to connect the mind network, Gawain has not prepared cabin to oneself- is mainly he regarding that type long, person can lie down, above also to have the vessel a little trauma of cover- he sat on a connection platform ordinary seat directly, and had said to the people who prepared connection: I will first enter the network, you connect after one minute, our time crosses conscious draws level, directly enters virtual space-, if discovered own point of descent is wrong, or sees the torn to pieces image, do not hesitate, immediately separates the connection, yes?” 准备连接进入网络的人各自来到了分配给自己的座舱前,一个接一个地躺了进去,卡迈尔则是漂浮在装置旁边,以奥术电弧直接连接着座舱的各个触点。作为现场唯一一个不需要外置装置就能连接心灵网络的人,高文没有给自己准备座舱-主要是他对于那种长长的、人可以躺进去、上面还有个盖子的容器有点心理阴影-他直接坐在了连接平台旁边的一把普通座椅上,并对已经做好连接准备的众人说道:“我会先进入网络,你们在一分钟后连接,我们这次越过意识层,直接进入虚拟空间-如果发现自己落点错误,或看到支离破碎的影像,不要犹豫,立刻断开连接,明白么?” Understood!” “明白!” Good,” Gawain nods, later said to air, completes the guard to work, has the situation to awaken me.” “好,”高文点点头,随后对身旁的空气说道,“做好护卫工作,有情况叫醒我。” The Amber sound conveys from the air: Okay good- reached an agreement, next time must lead me to go to that what mind network to have a look!” 琥珀的声音从空气中传来:“好好好-不过说好了,下次要带我去那个什么心灵网络看看啊!” It is well known, Gawain air, if put for a long time, is will be long Amber to come. 众所周知,高文身边的空气如果放久了,是会长出琥珀来的。 Gawain narrows the eye slightly, along with the mild dizziness feeling of being familiar with already completely the adaptation, his present light shadow shifts, fluctuate and reorganize fast. 高文微微眯起眼睛,伴随着一阵熟悉到已经完全适应的轻度眩晕感,他眼前的光影飞快转移、变幻、重组起来。 After short instance, he then arrived in himself stealing in the Eternal Sleepers mind network in that virtual space. 短暂的瞬间之后,他便抵达了自己在永眠者心灵网络中“窃取”出的那片虚拟空间内。 The vast tranquil water surface extends in the field of vision, the giant alloy platform of innumerable orderly arrangement floats on the water surface, symbol, formula, rune, the mechanism and blueprint that in the incomparably broad deep blue sky, fluctuates complex are fluctuating as always, refresh, but in this entire large room center, is Gawain is this experiment space setting reference point. 一望无际的平静水面在视野中延伸出去,无数整齐排列的巨大合金平台漂浮在水面上,无比宽广的碧蓝天空中,复杂而变幻的符号、公式、符文、机械结构与蓝图一如既往地浮动着,刷新着,而在这整个广阔空间的中心,则是高文为这片实验空间设定的“基准点”。 In a small-scale platform, the round table, seat and snack have all gotten ready, old mage Daniel is standing at the round table respectfully, after Gawain appears, he goes forward to bow to salute immediately: Salutes to you, My Lord.” 一片小型平台上,圆桌、座椅、茶点皆已备齐,老法师丹尼尔正毕恭毕敬地站在圆桌旁,当高文出现之后,他立刻上前躬身致敬:“向您致敬,吾主。” Gawain beckons with the hand, making Daniel set out: „Is your side environment stable?” 高文摆摆手,让丹尼尔起身:“你那边环境安定么?” I specialized had scheduled the relaxation time, some people in the following half of the day will not disturb.” “我已经专门安排了休息时间,在接下来的半天内都不会有人打扰。” Very good, they quickly.” “很好,他们很快就到。” After the waiting of moment, Gawain induced several connection signal that aimed at this virtual space- 在片刻的等待之后,高文感应到了数个指向这片虚拟空间的连接信号- This space is he opens in the Eternal Sleepers mind network floor, to guarantee safe hiding, the entire space conducted the mass data camouflages and encrypts layer upon layer, only then grasped the specific mind network frequency to find this space the correct address, but wanted to connect this address, but also needs to obtain Gawain oneself permission to be good. 这片空间是他在永眠者的心灵网络底层开辟出来的,为了保证安全隐蔽,整个空间都进行了大量数据伪装和层层加密,只有掌握特定的心灵网络频率才能找到这个空间的正确地址,而想要接入这个地址,还需要得到高文本人的许可才行。 After confirming each signal status, Gawain opened the connection jurisdiction, the next flash, along with dropping from the clouds light beam and massive refresh rune, the one by one form appears in this small-scale platform. 在确认每个信号的身份之后,高文开启了连接权限,下一瞬间,伴随着一道道从天而降的光柱和大量刷新符文,一个个身影浮现在这处小型平台上。 Hetty and the others swayed several bodies in the dizziness and weightlessness feeling, later saw clearly the present all. 赫蒂等人在眩晕和失重感中摇晃了几下身体,随后看清楚了眼前的一切。 Almost everyone opened the eye in surprised, Rebecca cannot control exudes one to call out in alarm: Wā!!!” 几乎每个人都在惊讶中睁大了眼睛,瑞贝卡则更是控制不住地发出一声惊呼:“哇!!!” This is really...... inconceivable......” the Hetty with astonishment looks at present scene, this broad water and sky world, the alloy platforms of these orderly arrangements, the formula in sky...... these in the reality in the scene that is unable to see at this moment so clearly presents with the blueprint at present, each same is clear like that clearly to her, even if knows ahead of time here all are virtual come out, will unable to bear will suspect own whether real crossed over space and time, entered one with real world parallel new world. “这真是……不可思议……”赫蒂惊愕地看着眼前的景象,这个宽广的水天世界,那些整齐排列的合金平台,天空中的公式和蓝图……这些在现实中无法见到的景象此刻就如此真切地呈现在眼前,每一样都是那般的清晰,清晰到她哪怕提前知道这里的一切都是虚拟出来的,也忍不住会怀疑自己是否真的穿越了时空,进入了一个与真实世界平行的新世界。 The word virtual reality that” in this moment, before she understands ancestor, says finally is what meaning. 在这一刻,她终于理解到先祖之前说的“虚拟现实”一词是什么意思了。 Scene calmest perhaps is Pittman, because in previous test he went to Eternal Sleepers conscious draws level, but also saw the city of portion Dreamland, can therefore have how magnificent scene to have the preparation to the virtual world, his looks at here scene is only somewhat is slightly sigh with emotion: I have never thought that you have constructed such a broad space.” 现场最淡定的或许就是皮特曼,因为在上一次测试中他已经去过永眠者的“意识层”,还见到了一部分梦境之城,所以对虚拟世界中能有多么壮观的景象早已有了心理准备,他看着这里的景象只是略有些感慨:“真没想到,您已经建造了这么广阔的一片空间。” It seems like the look to be ordinary, the stature is ordinary, the clothes are ordinary, even the hairstyle and sound ordinary middle-aged man slight nod, comments: Looks very spacious.” 一个看起来相貌普普通通,身材普普通通,衣服普普通通,甚至连发型和声音都普普通通的中年男人微微点头,评价道:“看起来很空旷。” Gawain smiled: After all is used to make the place of experiment, is not used for the person...... and other meetings, who are you?” 高文笑了起来:“毕竟是用来做实验的地方,不是用来住人的……等会,你是谁啊?” Hetty and the others with astonishment looks at this stood among them the stranger, Jenny first responded: „Are you...... Carmel?” 赫蒂等人惊愕地看着这个站在他们之间的陌生人,詹妮第一个反应了过来:“你是……卡迈尔?” Is I,” Carmel looked down own body, raised the head to spread out both hands, actually I want to return to original state original look, but...... I forgot own long what kind.” “是我,”卡迈尔低头看了看自己的身体,抬起头摊开双手,“其实我是想还原出自己原本的模样的,可是……我忘记自己长什么样子了。” Afterward he shakes the head, seeming like wants to show a self-ridiculing smile, but he also forgot how should make the expression, therefore waves simply, the appearance of that middle-aged person also diverges, in flash of energy spark, reappears by the body of arcane Runic Armour piece binding becomes in the people at present: With this body, many custom some.” 随后他摇了摇头,似乎是想露出个自嘲的笑容,但他也忘记了该怎么做出表情,于是干脆一挥手,那副中年人的外貌随之散去,在一阵能量火花的闪光中,以符文护甲束缚而成的奥术之躯重新出现在众人眼前:“还是用这副身体吧,多少习惯一些。” Will be good,” the two arcane rays of Gawain looks at Carmel head position, you can gradually adapt, can recall slowly, uses the appropriate words, the mind network has the profit for the memory and mental energy, perhaps this is also effective to you.” “会好起来的,”高文看着卡迈尔头颅位置的两点奥术光芒,“你可以慢慢适应,也可以慢慢回忆,使用得当的话,心灵网络对记忆力和精神力都有益处,或许这对你也有效。” Let us hope so,” Carmel humming sound said, later shifted still stood in nearby Daniel, the slight nod is greeting, „that this was your another subordinate Daniel.” “但愿如此,”卡迈尔嗡嗡地说道,随后转向了仍然站在一旁的丹尼尔,微微点头打着招呼,“那么,这就是您的另一位部下丹尼尔了。” Yes, Daniel, he situated in Typhon, the non- implantation type nerve rope is his achievement,” Gawain nods, later lifts the hand, starts to introduce in turn everyone, this is Carmel, ancient Gondor Empire legendary Sorcerer, classical magic spell and modern magical technology expert ; Hetty, my bloodlines descendant, Cecil's internal affairs Management ; Rebecca......” “是的,丹尼尔,他位于提丰,非植入式神经索便是他的成果,”高文点点头,随后抬起手,开始依次介绍现场的每一个人,“这是卡迈尔,古刚铎帝国的传奇魔导师,古典法术和现代魔导技术的专家;赫蒂,我的血脉后裔,塞西尔的内政管理者;瑞贝卡……” Gawain one by one is introducing, Hetty and the others and Daniel have an unfamiliar feeling to greet in the first meeting situation mutually, this regarding both sides is very special experience- to Hetty and the others, this is the first time that they since birth established the exchange and cooperation in a virtual reality network and person( or...... hands over netizen?), To Daniel, this means he finally saw alien traveller core Envoy, he entered „” god of this core circle of influence indescribable finally from foreign land builds, he won...... the true trust of alien traveller finally. 高文一个个介绍着,赫蒂等人和丹尼尔在第一次见面的情况下带着一丝生疏感地互相打着招呼,这对于双方都是很特殊的体验-对赫蒂等人而言,这是他们有生以来第一次在一个虚拟现实网络中与人建立交流和合作(或者说……交到网友?),对丹尼尔而言,这则意味着他终于见到了“域外游荡者”的“核心使者”,他终于进入了这个来自异域的不可名状之“神”所打造出来的势力的核心圈,他终于获得了……域外游荡者的真正信任。 When Gawain introduced Jenny, Daniel showed the surprised look, his looks at present white hair young girl, whole face inconceivable: „Are you Jenny lady?” 高文介绍到詹妮的时候,丹尼尔不禁露出了惊讶的神色,他看着眼前的白发少女,满脸不可思议:“您就是詹妮女士?” Can work as grandfather's old mage to call by one fully, Jenny is a little beckoning with the hand immediately cautious: You...... you called me Jenny to be good.” 被一个足可以当自己爷爷的老法师如此称呼,詹妮顿时有点拘谨地摆着手:“你……你叫我詹妮就好。” „, Good......” Daniel to blink, I somewhat excited rune the logic made my impression profound, it almost changed me concept to rune and understanding of magic formation.” “啊,好……”丹尼尔眨眨眼,“我有些激动了-符文逻辑学令我印象深刻,它几乎改变了我对符文魔法阵概念的理解。” Sees Jenny slightly somewhat embarrassed look, Gawain coughs lightly: cough cough, then you had known each other, first sits down.” 看到詹妮略有些窘迫的模样,高文轻咳一声:“咳咳,那么你们已经相互认识了,就先坐下吧。” Daniel restrains the good mood quickly, with everyone together under that round table is implicated- compared at first this space when Gawain and his two people that round table, this new table was bigger, side also has more seats, one no dark red chair of mark is Gawain's, sky over the remaining each chairs is reappearing the everyone name, very obviously, this is the Gawain specially arrangement. 丹尼尔赶快收敛好情绪,和大家一起在那张圆桌旁坐下-比起最初这个空间里只有高文和他两人时的那张圆桌,这张新的桌子大了许多,旁边也有着更多的座位,其中一把没有任何标记的暗红色靠背椅是高文的,剩下的每一张椅子上空则都浮现着每个人的名字,很显然,这是高文特意安排的。 Daniel thinks this round table perhaps manifested alien traveller likes- It is glad with the followers in the same place, exchanges with the attitude of discussion, but by the round table seating order is manifesting the followers somewhat and Its intimate degree. 丹尼尔认为这“圆桌”或许体现了域外游荡者的喜好-祂乐于和追随者们在一起,以讨论的态度来交流,而圆桌旁的座次则多多少少体现着追随者们和祂的亲近程度。 In fact Gawain according to the smooth row that Hetty in the family/home eats meal left recently, Rebecca second, remaining people, if will dine will arrange in the future...... 实际上高文就是按照家里吃饭的顺序排的-赫蒂离最近,瑞贝卡第二个,剩下的人要是来蹭饭了就往后排…… After taking a seat, Gawain rubbish, said straightforwardly: Can come here everyone, is the trusted subordinate who receives me to trust, you will also work the companion who and needs depend upon together mutually, here, besides special secret intelligence that the personal privacy as well as I recognize, other information must comply with the criterion of public sharing. Then first, we must understand that this space essence- I to its localization, is a laboratory.” 落座之后,高文没有废话,直截了当地说道:“能够来到这里的每一个人,都是受到我信任的亲信,你们相互之间也将是共同工作、需要相互依靠的同伴,在这里,除了个人隐私以及我认定的特别机密情报之外,其余信息皆应当遵从公开共享的准则。那么首先,我们要了解这片空间的本质-我对它的定位,是实验室。” Establishes the experiment space in virtual reality foundation. 一个建立在虚拟现实基础上的实验空间。 Can simulate over 99% realistic rules macroscopically the places. 一个在宏观上能够模拟90%九以上现实规律的地方。 Can confirm various technology to devise, can construct the experiment environment instantaneously, can nearly zero cost and no time limit conduct to try the wrong laboratory. 一个能够验证各类技术构想,能够瞬间构建出实验环境,能够近乎零成本、无限次进行试错的实验室。 This is one can let the place that any technology researcher is wild with joy! 这是一个能够让任何技术研究者都欣喜若狂的地方! As Gawain introduced one by one essence and function of this experiment space, in nearest several alloy platforms also started demonstration- 随着高文逐一介绍这处实验空间的本质和功能,距离最近的几座合金平台上也随之开始了演示- The giant components emerge out of thin air, sophisticated magical cannon and magic engine were almost assembled in a flash, they start to operate, start to take the test under various boundary conditions, the cannon launch, the engine thunder, the gear and lever revolve rapidly continuous, all appear with the real world not different...... not, is better than the real world! 巨大的零件凭空出现,结构复杂的魔导巨炮魔能引擎几乎转瞬间就被组装起来,它们开始运行,开始在各种极限条件下接受测试,巨炮发射,引擎轰鸣,齿轮和杠杆飞转不休,一切都显得和真实世界无异……不,比真实世界还好! Rebecca stared in a big way the eye, she arrived at large-scale engine in some platform to break down in the generating process shortly, later all things in platform then froze instantaneously, the engine of breakdown by magnify, the portion structure became transparent, inside had the dislocation and break components in freeze under the condition clearly presents in everyone at present, each point of fracture and splash fragment was clearly discernible. 瑞贝卡瞪大了眼睛,她眼看到某个平台上的大型引擎在运转过程中发生了故障,随后平台上的一切事物便瞬间冻结起来,故障的引擎被放大,一部分结构变得透明,里面发生错位和断裂的零件在“冻结”的状态下清晰地呈现在所有人眼前,每一处断裂点和飞溅的碎片都清晰可见。 The demonstration ended, Gawain depends backward on own seat: Its function, such as you see.” 演示结束了,高文向后靠在自己的座椅上:“它的作用,就如你们所见。” Rebecca deeply inspires, this was always worry-free, optimistic lively head iron girl to feel extreme huge shock in this moment. 瑞贝卡深吸了一口气,这个从来都无忧无虑、乐观活泼的头铁姑娘在这一刻感受到了极端巨大的震撼。 She looked at Carmel, although cannot understand the complexion of opposite party, but she is certain, the opposite party is also during the shock similarly. 她看了一眼卡迈尔,尽管看不懂对方的脸色,但她可以肯定,对方也是同样处于震惊之中。 This ancient Grand Sorcerer sighed in a soft voice: 700 years...... look like not all technology to decline.” 这位古代大魔导师轻声感叹起来:“七百年……看来并不是所有技术都在衰退啊。” We can test the magic energy train with this!!” Rebecca said to Carmel excitedly, „, moreover can two plans also test! This explodes many time need not to fear!!” “咱们可以用这个测试魔能列车!!”瑞贝卡兴奋地对卡迈尔说道,“而且还可以两个方案同时测试!这回炸多少次都不用怕啦!!” New rune formation,” always shy Jenny is excited, hundreds and thousands of rune formation can also complete the test quickly! Moreover need not is worried about the loss and security problem!” “还有新的符文阵列,”就连一向腼腆的詹妮都兴奋起来,“成百上千的符文阵列也可以很快完成测试!而且还不用担心损耗和安全问题!” Hetty looked at Rebecca, has a look at Jenny, this Cecil housekeeper blinks, suddenly responded: Wait, did I give you to approve the funds on...... need not?” 赫蒂看了看瑞贝卡,又看看詹妮,这位塞西尔大管家眨了眨眼,突然反应过来:“等等,那我是不是就……不用给你们批经费了?” The hand of examination funds, stopped shivering suddenly. 审批经费的手,突然停止了颤抖。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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