SOD :: Volume #6

#543: Respective mire

When Victoria returns oneself are located in the Silver Castle upper-level room, the thick falling snowflake from out of the window is falling. 维多利亚返回自己位于白银堡上层的房间时,纷纷扬扬的雪花正从窗外落下。 The snow of the winter of this year...... one after another, enters Month of Cold particularly after last ten days of the month, the snow has almost not stopped. 今年冬天的雪……一场接着一场,尤其是进入冷冽之月下旬之后,雪几乎没有停过。 Appropriate snowing can bring the good crop for next year, but will also make Month of Cold more unendurable, after this snowing, the villages and small towns perhaps dying many people in Royal Capital surrounding...... 适当的降雪可以为来年带来好的收成,但也会让冷冽之月变得更加难熬,在这次降雪之后,王都外围的村镇恐怕又会死不少人吧…… Is circling sky over this ancient Royal Capital from the northern cold wind, the snowflake that will drop from the clouds mixed a piece of dim curtain, black hair maidservant Maggie closed up the window inside wooden shutters, the dreary scene isolation of out of the window cold weather outside, the fireplace flaming is burning in the corner of room, making this magnificent room maintain warm Comfortable castle outside world of ice and snow as if became another world. 来自北方的寒风在这座古老的王都上空盘旋着,将从天而降的雪花搅动成一片朦胧的帷幕,黑发侍女玛姬合拢了窗户内侧的木质窗板,把窗外天寒地冻的萧瑟景象隔绝在外,壁炉在房间的一角熊熊燃烧着,让这间华丽的屋子维持着温暖舒适-城堡外的冰天雪地就此仿佛成了另外一个世界。 Your complexion is not very good,” Maggie looks at enters Victoria of room, goes forward to help Duchess loosen the cloak while asked in a soft voice, „wasn't today's conference still smooth?” “您的脸色不是很好,”玛姬看着走进房间的维多利亚,一边上前帮女公爵解下披风一边轻声问道,“今天的会议仍然不顺利?” Has too mediocre generation of sat on these chairs everyone the vision that and snow mouse equally was shallowly short,” Victoria is shaking the head, what was worse was I have not been able to drive out them.” “有太多庸庸碌碌之辈坐在那些椅子上了-每个人的目光都和雪鼠一样短浅,”维多利亚摇着头,“更糟糕的是我还不能把他们赶出去。” Maggie hangs the cloak on nearby rack, simultaneously said in a soft voice: This country is depending upon them to revolve after all.” 玛姬将披风挂在旁边的架子上,同时轻声说道:“这个国家毕竟还是在依靠他们运转的。” Victoria looked at maidservant one eyes of this also servant also friend, she knows, although Maggie nominally is own maid, has the good experience and Extraordinary strength, this „the Northern Region steward is one of people most trust, when two people live alone, most topics can discuss. 维多利亚看了这位亦仆亦友的侍女一眼,她知道,玛姬虽然名义上是自己的女仆,却有着不俗的见识和超凡者的力量,这位“北境管家”是自己最信赖的人之一,在两人独处的时候,大部分话题都是可以谈的。 Country not necessarily must depend upon these stale aristocrats to revolve,” Duchess said calmly, you have personally seen.” “国家不一定必须要依靠那些陈腐的贵族才能运转,”女公爵平静地说道,“你是亲眼见过的。” Maggie lifts the eyelid, looked at Victoria one: Yes, the price of but doing this is very big, in addition has a important very point- you, is their one, moreover that is unable to divide.” 玛姬抬起眼皮,看了维多利亚一眼:“是的,但这样做的代价很大,另外还有很重要的一点-您,也是他们的一员,而且还是无法分割的一员。” Victoria is silent suddenly. 维多利亚一时间默然。 Yes, she cannot get away that road. 是啊,她走不了那条路。 Do not think these again, the important matter,” the Maggie words awaken from the short thinking Victoria, this black hair maidservant takes up one to give Duchess from nearby table with the mailbox of sealing wax seal, to your letter/believes, from Southern Region Grand Duke, white feather Griffin sends.” “不要再想那些了,有一件更重要的事情,”玛姬的话把维多利亚从短暂的思索中惊醒,这位黑发侍女从附近的桌上拿起一个用火漆封口的信筒递给女公爵,“一封给您的信,来自南境大公,白羽狮鹫送来的。” Victoria with astonishment opened the eye, received the mailbox while said: Duke Cecil?” 维多利亚惊愕地睁大了眼睛,一边接过信筒一边说道:“塞西尔公爵?” Her instinct smelled discomforting flavor from this letter/believes- oneself returned to Royal Capital also not long, that Southern Region Duke wrote a personal letter to oneself hurriedly, moreover letter/believes that delivered with Griffin Messengers in this coldest Month of Cold, is what matter was so actually urgent? 她本能地从这封信中嗅出了令人不安的味道-自己返回王都还没有多久,那位南境公爵就急匆匆地给自己写了一封亲笔信,而且还是在这最寒冷的冷冽之月狮鹫信使送的信,究竟是什么事情如此紧急? She disassembled the mailbox fast, takes out inside that personal letter launches, after seeing the above content, her brow wrinkled. 她飞快地拆开了信筒,把里面那张亲笔信取出展开,在看到上面的内容之后,她的眉头皱了起来。 Maggie calmly stands, without the content on inquiry letter/believes: Although she and Victoria relate intimately, but is also insufficient to overstep hence. 玛姬静静地站在旁边,没有询问信上的内容:虽然她和维多利亚关系亲密,但还不至于逾越至此。 Maggie,” Victoria after is reading the content on letter/believes fast immediately asks, divining by astrology master Men of beforehand mage association reported when solar bottom red mark displacement is?” 玛姬,”维多利亚在快速阅览完信上的内容之后立刻问道,“之前法师协会的占星师们报告说太阳底部红纹偏移是什么时候?” Black hair maid recalled: Should be on the 10 th Month of Cold.” 黑发女仆回忆了一下:“应该是冷冽之月十日。” Month of Cold...... the same day...... Victoria lowers the head on the 10 th”, the content on looks at that letter/believes, possibly is not the coincidence......” 冷冽之月十日……同一天……”维多利亚低下头,看着那封信上的内容,“不可能是巧合……” Afterward she notices the Maggie curious line of sight, then inspires slightly, raised the content on letter/believes on own initiative: Duke Cecil sent in the caution on the 10 th, Wall of Magnificence has the change in Month of Cold, the overload of wide scope, the overload continued entire three days, to the day of letter emanation, Wall of Magnificence, although has returned to normal, but Duke Cecil thinks that said barrier has received the irremediable defect in the overload process......” 随后她注意到玛姬略带好奇的视线,便微微吸了口气,主动提起了信上的内容:“塞西尔公爵发来警示,宏伟之墙冷冽之月十日发生异动,大范围的过载,过载持续了整整三天,至信件发出之日,宏伟之墙虽已恢复平静,但塞西尔公爵认为那道屏障已经在过载过程中受到永久性损坏……” The eyes of black hair maidservant publicized slowly, the astonished sentiment is unretentive. 黑发侍女的眼睛慢慢张大了,惊愕之情毫无保留。 It seems like I need to convene Wang Family/prince mage and royal family scholars,” Duchess sinking sound said, other...... also has the new round aristocrat conference.” “看来我需要召集王家法师王室学者们了,”女公爵沉声说道,“另外……还有新一轮的贵族会议。” When speaking of aristocrat conference this word, in the Victoria tone could not bear take exhausted. 在说到“贵族会议”这个词的时候,维多利亚的语气中忍不住带上了一丝疲惫。 However knows very well her of Ainz system to be very clear, no matter oneself must make anything- even if she is the Ainz queen- she cannot go round the aristocrats. 然而熟知安苏体制的她很清楚,不管自己要做什么-哪怕她是安苏的女王-她也是绕不开贵族们的。 Really is a mire.” “真是一座泥潭啊。” ...... …… The light blue rune brilliance in rune base plate of overlap flashes on and off to glitter layer upon layer, surging arcane energy strokes the electric arc that flip-flop makes noise, bursts out from the energy electronic contact and gear, under for the test large-scale equipment in the construction laboratory bench, the heavy complex actuating unit is promoting to start to revolve in mana specially slowly, sound as if shouting of weak ones to strong ones steel meshing and rotation, making the entire laboratory bench tremble slightly. 浅蓝色的符文光辉在层层交叠的符文基板之间明灭闪烁着,涌动的奥术能量击打出劈啪作响的电弧,从能量触点和齿轮之间迸发出来,在专为测试大型设备而建造的实验台上,沉重复杂的动力机构正在魔力推动下缓缓开始运转,钢铁啮合、转动的声音就仿佛一阵由弱到强的嘶吼,令整个实验台都微微震颤起来。 In is more than 20 meters, among also to be away from two magic to protect from the laboratory bench the monitor platform of shield fully, Rebecca and Carmel are standing in technology personnel, is paying attention to around distant that machine and machine with total concentration the operational aspects of various magic installments, but by their two people, each magical technician is also paying attention to the monitoring unit that are responsible for respectively. 在距离实验台足有二十多米、中间还隔着两层魔法护盾的监控平台上,瑞贝卡卡迈尔正站在技术人员之间,聚精会神地关注着远方那台机器以及机器周围各类魔法装置的运行情况,而在他们二人身旁,每一位魔导技师也都在各自关注着自己所负责的监控单元。 A dazzling spark suddenly appears in some laboratory bench corner tower shape installment peak. 一道耀眼的火花突然出现在实验台一角某个状装置的顶端。 „No. 1 amplifier overloaded!!” “一号增幅器过载了!!” „2nd and No. 3 amplifier imbalance- protection tile has possibly melted destroys!” “二号、三号增幅器失衡-防护瓦可能已熔毁!” core elevates temperature, various amplifier groups mutual interference-” 核心升温,各增幅器组正在相互干扰-” Immediately engine off!” Rebecca stared in a big way the eye, rushed to shout loudly, immediately engine off, engine off!!” “立刻停机!”瑞贝卡瞪大了眼睛,赶忙大声喊道,“立刻停机,停机!!” magical technician sets out to move side some lever situated in control stage rapidly, because the movement is excessively fierce, the lever instead card between the operation and stopped the shifts that pushed urgently, strange buzz the whining noise from controlling stage transmitted, in laboratory bench more than 20 meters away, the electric light that was condensed by arcane energy starts to burst out from each rune installment surface. 一名魔导技师迅速起身去扳动位于操控台侧面的某个拉杆,然而由于动作过猛,拉杆反而卡在了运行和紧急停推的档位中间,一阵怪异的嗡鸣声从操控台下方传来,二十多米外的实验台上,由奥术能量凝聚成的电光则开始从各个符文装置表面迸发出来。 Puts me to come!!” Rebecca shouted in this urgent time one, then takes up itself never to leave iron magic staff of body conveniently, brandished then pounded on the control stage, personally which designed her very clear this time of entire control stage to pound-, although should not have pounding according to the normal flow from the start this operation- along with bang a loud sound, portion of control stage was completely hollow, below mana connection also interrupted immediately. “放着我来!!”瑞贝卡在这紧急时刻一声大喊,接着随手抄起自己从不离身的铁法杖,抡圆了便砸在操控台上,亲手设计了整个操控台的她非常清楚这时候应该砸哪-虽然按照正常流程压根就不该有“砸”这个操作-伴随着砰的一声巨响,操控台的一部分完全凹陷下去,下方的魔力连接也随即中断了。 In the laboratory bench jumps the arcane spark that shoots to weaken and vanish everywhere rapidly, entire unit also after persistent low and deep buzz called stopped gradually, but in the corner of laboratory bench, a two meters high tower shape installment peak actually emitted billowing thick smoke- whole set installment preserved mostly, remaining was damaged obviously seriously. 实验台上四处迸射的奥术火花迅速减弱、消失,整个机组也在一阵持续的低沉嗡鸣之后渐渐停了下来,而在实验台的一角,一座两米高的状装置顶端却冒出滚滚浓烟-整套装置大部分保住了,剩下的则显然受损严重。 The installment an engine off, had just waited in side work personnel then rushes, they rush to side the tower shape installment, lifted the arm to aim at that still to send out the billowing heat wave alloy tower, the project releases the ice cone technique of big piece attenuation with the magical terminal immediately, along with containing the snow and ice impact of mana, temperature of ignition of entire tower rapidly dropped. 装置刚一停机,早已等候在旁的工作人员便冲了上去,他们冲到状装置旁边,纷纷抬起手臂指向那座仍然散发出滚滚热浪的合金,工程用魔导终端随即释放出了大片弱化的冰锥术,伴随着蕴含魔力的冰雪冲击,整座的温度开始迅速下降。 The Rebecca elongation neck is watching situation near the laboratory bench, broadcast the Carmel sound from her behind: Situation how?” 瑞贝卡伸长脖子关注着实验台附近的情况,从她身后则传来了卡迈尔的声音:“情况怎么样?” need not thinks, makes directly newly......” Rebecca puts on a long face saying that Aunt Hetty will kill my...... previous time me the budget report of restore laboratory to her the time her eye red......” 不用想,直接造新的吧……”瑞贝卡哭丧着脸说道,“赫蒂姑妈会打死我的……上次我把修复实验室的预算报给她的时候她眼睛都红了……” „...... I reported that after” Carmel is shortly silent said, accident and failure make the situation that the research can definitely meet.” “……我去报告吧,”卡迈尔短暂沉默之后说道,“事故和失败是做研究必然会遇上的情况。” But six days burnt down eight amplifiers and two large-scale magic engine on different......” Rebecca are still a distressful appearance, she raised the head, looks at this with large-scale that the steel bracket and precast block construct temporarily laboratory, felt that the skull pained. “但六天烧毁八个增幅器和两个大型魔能引擎就不一样了……”瑞贝卡仍然是一幅愁眉苦脸的样子,她抬起头,看着这个用钢支架和预制板临时建造起来的大型“实验室”,感觉脑壳隐隐作痛。 Here is according to Ancestor told that newly-built laboratory, situated in the suburbs, far away from the residential area, executes the segregation of security system and new operational procedure, the fact showed that such arrangement truly greatly enhanced the safety coefficient of experiment, the success ratio of but testing...... has not as if changed. 这里是按照老祖宗吩咐新建的实验室,位于城郊,远离居住区,施行安全隔离制度和新操作流程,事实证明这样的安排确实大大提高了实验的安全系数,但实验的成功率……似乎一点都没变化。 Why,” Rebecca talk to oneself, how on always card in overload and disturbance......” “到底为什么呢,”瑞贝卡自言自语着,“怎么就总是卡在过载和干扰上呢……” The data that high-level magical technician looks at recently records, says: According to the test, conducts the intense arrangement and multi-layer Unit magic circuit overlaps truly can greatly enhance the output, the volume can also force in the front, what also brings is the amplifier group and repulsion mechanism frequent overload and mutual interference- mana that multi-layered overlapped magic circuit outputs is a problem in the stability and purity very much.” 一名高级魔导技师看着最近一段时间记录下来的数据,开口说道:“根据测试,将魔网进行密集排列和多层重叠确实能大大提高输出,体积也可以塞进车头里,但随之带来的是增幅器组和斥力机关频繁过载和相互干扰-多层重叠的魔网所输出的魔力在稳定性和纯度方面很成问题。” If evidently wants to make multi-layered magic circuit have the usability, if first wants the means to solve disturbance between each magic circuit,” Carmel then said, other, the pressure of actuating unit start time too greatly is also an issue, if we want the means to redesign the transmission and gearshift mechanism, reduces the start speed, simultaneously reduces the magic engine instantaneous pressure- former two magic engine were the instantaneous pressure too causes the machinery to damage greatly.” “看样子要想让多层魔网具备实用性,首先要想办法解决每层魔网之间的干扰,”卡迈尔接着说道,“另外,动力机构起步时候的压力太大也是个问题,我们要想办法重新设计传动和变速机构,降低起步速度,同时降低魔能引擎的瞬时压力-之前两个魔能引擎就是瞬时压力太大导致机械损毁的。” It seems like mechanical operationthis colossus does not come in handy regarding ‚the magic energy train, the variable speed gear cannot shoulder that big impact,” Rebecca is shaking the head, really not good...... we can try Lord Ancestor to propose one timefluid drive’.” “看来机械传动对于‘魔能列车’这种庞然大物是不合用的,变速装置根本扛不住那么大的冲击,”瑞贝卡摇着头,“实在不行……我们可以试试祖先大人提过一次的‘液力传动’。” She is saying, while actually knits the brows, because she thought of another issue: But the light reduces the magic engine instantaneous pressure also to be insufficient...... the mechanical pressure on be able to reduce, the mana pressure that the amplifier and magic circuit bear does not have the means solution.” 她一边说着,一边却皱起眉来,因为她又想到了另外一个问题:“可是光减少魔能引擎的瞬时压力也不够啊……机械压力可以减少,增幅器和魔网承受的魔力压力还是没办法解决。” „The rune formation mana power is rigid...... truly very difficult office,” Carmel humming sound saying that when reduced the magic engine start load, must maintain it to revolve to the amplifier is still a big challenge.” 符文阵列魔力功率是刚性的……确实很难办,”卡迈尔嗡嗡地说道,“即便降低了魔能引擎启动时的负载,要维持它运转对增幅器而言也是个不小的挑战。” This is the common problem that most magical machineries face: No matter magical machinery again how precise, function again how complex, its core essence, was still one by one magic formation. 这是大部分魔导机械所面临的共同问题:不管魔导机械再怎么精密,功能再怎么复杂,它核心的本质,仍然是一个个魔法阵”。 Since is one by one magic formation, then each magic formation starts mana that consumes one time to be fixed, this magic spell potency perhaps will receive the influence of spell casting material and environment, magic power that but it consumes is actually a fixture. 既然是一个个魔法阵”,那么每个魔法阵启动一次所消耗的魔力就是固定的,这个法术的“效力”或许会受施法材料和环境的影响,但它消耗的法力却是一个固定值。 Even if start pressure drop of magic engine to smallest, when it revolves mana that needs also meets 100% places to reflect for its amplifier and Unit magic circuit of energizing on truthfully, many repulsion rune, must consume many magic power, does not have the slight discount. 哪怕把魔能引擎的起步压力降低到最小,它运转时所需的魔力也会百分之百地如实反映在为其供能的增幅器和魔网上,有多少个斥力符文,就要消耗多少法力,没有丝毫折扣。 The result is magic engine mechanism perhaps can resist, but rune of energizing part should burn out must burn out, like today. 其结果就是魔能引擎的机械结构或许能抗住,但供能部分的符文该烧坏还是要烧坏,就像今天一样。 The issue one after another, each issue has not waited for the solution, as if will emit a series of new difficult problems, the mechanism, the material strength, the mana disturbance, various loads of installment...... all hindrance piled in one, moreover almost managed does not have/leave the clue. 问题一个接着一个,每一个问题还不等解决,似乎就会冒出一连串新的难题,机械结构,材料强度,魔力干扰,各装置的负载……所有阻碍都堆在了一起,而且几乎理不出头绪。 Simply is a mire. 简直是一座泥潭。 Rebecca looks at present Grandmaster arcane, cannot bear ask suddenly: Grandmaster Carmel, words saying how during that time Gondor Empire means of transportation is? Properly speaking...... that huge does Empire, surely also need to be similar the large transport tool of magic energy train?” 瑞贝卡看着眼前的奥术大师,突然忍不住问道:“卡迈尔大师,话说当年刚铎帝国交通工具是怎么样的?按理说……那么庞大的帝国,肯定也需要类似魔能列车的大型运输工具吧?” Heard the Rebecca issue, Carmel revealed the color of recollection: during that time...... during that time we have not used the mechanical magic means of transportation, but borrows the strength of large-scale element summon to ship the cargo, for example summoned Hurricane Envoy and ocean waves Envoy, their strengths powerful enough to can move the mountain distant water......” 听到瑞贝卡的问题,卡迈尔不禁露出了回忆的颜色:“当年啊……当年我们并没有采用机械式的魔法交通工具,而是借用大型元素召唤物的力量来运输货物,比如召唤使者和海浪使者,它们的力量强大到可以搬山运海……” Rebecca hear of startled of: This...... such high-grade can elemental creature also summon and control? How do you make them help?” 瑞贝卡听的一愣一愣的:“这……这么高等级的元素生物也能召唤和控制?你们怎么让它们帮忙的?” „Very simple a time, concludes summon contract to give half ton Deep Blue magic crystal......” “很简单,缔结一次召唤契约给半吨深蓝魔晶……” Good your need not to say.” “好了你不用说了。” Deep Blue magic crystal! Half ton!! Let alone Hurricane Envoy, feared that is comes wind Elemental Lord to kneel the Gondor person is delivering goods to you? 深蓝魔晶!半吨!!别说使者了,怕是来个风元素领主都能跪着给你们刚铎人送货吧? Rebecca is exclaiming in surprise the past Gondor Empire local tyrant act, but is quick, all sorts of issues that at present the magic energy train project meets flooded her mind. 瑞贝卡惊叹着昔日刚铎帝国的土豪行径,但很快,眼前魔能列车项目所遇上的种种问题还是充斥了她的脑海。 Miss Marquis is covering the forehead: Skull pain......” 侯爵小姐捂着脑门:“脑壳痛……” Carmel looks at this talent actually many some girl of being childish, cannot bear want to comfort remarkably, but before he opens the mouth, Rebecca actually raised the head suddenly: Actually I thought that...... we this mentality is some are not right at present?...... Can trade other direction?” 卡迈尔看着这个天赋卓越却多少有些稚气未脱的姑娘,忍不住想要安慰一番,但在他开口之前,瑞贝卡却突然抬起头来:“其实我觉得吧……咱们眼前这个思路是不是有些不对?或者……可以换一换别的方向?” Your meaning is......” “你的意思是……” Power centralized seemingly simple and crude on front, but the achieve getting up difficulty was too high, these power giant thing stoppers are very forcefully unstable in together it,” Rebecca thinking while said that her marvelous head revolved fast, „does Grandmaster Carmel, you still remember that we at that time also plan, was if the high efficiency front could not make, dispersed magic engine of several low power to several compartments of entire train, made the power compartment......” “把动力集中在车头上看起来简单粗暴,但实现起来难度太高了,这些功率巨大的东西强行塞在一起本身就很不稳定,”瑞贝卡一边思索一边说道,她那奇妙的脑瓜飞快运转了起来,“卡迈尔大师,你还记不记得我们当时还有一个方案,就是假如大功率车头造不出来,就把几个较小功率的魔能引擎分散到整个列车的几个车厢上,做成动力车厢……” I remember what this plan meets is the synchronized coordination problem of each power compartment,” Carmel thinking while said that you think that...... the synchronized coordination meeting the issue on the front is now simpler than us?” “我记得这个方案遇上的是各个动力车厢的同步协调问题,”卡迈尔一边思索一边说道,“你认为……同步协调会比我们现在在车头上遇到的问题简单?” If by some chance?” Rebecca said, our two plans have made the plan in any case, moreover now the key component of front equipment also burns, must make, why not that builds an experiment platform simply, takes to try the power scattered plan? Naturally, front here power centralism plan will not give up, can continue to try hard, perhaps two plans can also supplementary, find the breach!” “万一呢?”瑞贝卡说道,“反正我们两套方案都做过计划,而且现在车头这套装置的关键部件也烧了,必须重新弄,那何不干脆多建立一个实验平台,把动力分散的方案也拿出来试试呢?当然,车头这边的动力集中方案也不会放弃,可以继续努力着,说不定两套方案还能互补一下,就找到突破口了呢!” Is saying, this girl while deliberately considers: „ Moreover...... I am still thinking recently, can reduce the load of entire train...... Reducing Weight Spell to belong to magic spell that the range becomes effective with revolution reduction formation continually, how to control its coverage specifically, when preventing the train shifts the imbalance also to consider......, but I thought that these perhaps are the breakthrough directions. This is really the optimistic idea. 一边说着,这姑娘一边又寻思起来:“另外……我最近还在想,能不能用持续运转的减重法阵来减轻整个列车的负载……不过减重术属于范围生效的法术,具体怎么控制它的有效区域,防止列车转向时失衡还得好好考虑考虑……但我觉得这些说不定都是突破的方向。这真是乐观的想法。 However looks at Rebecca that soulful look, Carmel actually discovered oneself also received infection- some perhaps truth? 然而看着瑞贝卡那充满热情的眼神,卡迈尔却发现自己也受到了感染-或许有些道理? Good,” this ancient Grandmaster arcane nods, tonight completes the plan, we will look for the Lady Hetty application funds tomorrow together.” “好,”这位古代奥术大师点了点头,“今天晚上把方案做好,我们明天一起去找赫蒂女士申请经费。” „...... Yeah? Isn't you goes?” “……哎?不是你去么?” Goes together,” Carmel humming sound said, you are the manager of entire magic energy technology section, the project have the material change to need you to go personally.” “一起去吧,”卡迈尔嗡嗡地说道,“你是整个魔能技术部的主管,项目发生重大变动需要你亲自去。” Being well-founded that Grand Sorcerer said that spoke righteously. 大魔导师说的有理有据,义正辞严。 Rebecca did not believe must believe. 瑞贝卡不信也得信了。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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