SOD :: Volume #6

#542: Hindrance

Noisy abominable intent of aristocrats is chaotic. 贵族们的吵闹令人心烦意乱。 Victoria Wilde sits side Crown Prince Wales, on the cold as ice and frost face was wooden, her line of sight swept these big or small aristocrats who in the castle long hall have gathered, the eyeground hidden despising that is not easy to detect. 维多利亚?维尔德坐在王储威尔士身旁,冷若冰霜的面孔上毫无表情,她的视线扫过城堡长厅中聚集的那些大小贵族,眼底隐藏着一丝不易察觉的鄙夷。 These worthless fellows. 这些酒囊饭袋。 They wear the magnificent clothes robe, shot the breeze when this castle, their bloodline was noble, the given name was one by one resounding, here the speech attitude seemed also deciding that the Kingdom destiny was ordinary, however their fervent speeches in the final analysis so long as actually a word can summarize: benefit. 他们穿着华丽的衣袍,在这城堡中高谈阔论,他们血统高贵,名号一个比一个响亮,在这里发言时的态度也仿佛是在决定王国命运一般,然而他们那慷慨激昂的发言归根结底却只要一个单词就能概括:利益 A principle of righteousness ice sound however is reverberating in the long hall: „...... The Carre family supports to repair the Kingdom main road, we are willing to produce 100 strong labor forces, my nephew will lead personally......” 一个大义凌然的声音在长厅中回荡着:“……卡雷家族支持重修王国大道,我们愿意出一百壮劳力,我的侄子会亲自带队……” Big sacrifice! 100 people!” Some people ridiculed in side loudly, for the person perhaps incessantly 100 people that you did breed horses?” “好大的牺牲啊!一百人!”有人在旁边高声讥讽,“为你养马的人恐怕就不止一百人吧?” „The person and grain of Carre in the east frontline, we have put out the thing that all can take for this Kingdom- actually grey mountain Count, don't your 500 mules have?” 卡雷家的人和粮食都在东部前线上,我们已经为这个王国拿出所有能拿的东西了-倒是灰山伯爵,您连五百匹骡子都没有么?” I did not agree that repairs the Kingdom main road-, although regent government Duke said is extremely reasonable, the Kingdom main road can provide very big benefit on long-term, but we are going to war now, rashly used lots of manpower and commodities on building roads, if influence war what to do? I think that we only need to repair the thing direction the main road then, this can facilitate to the frontline transports/fortunes the soldier......” “我不同意重修王国大道-虽然摄政公爵所言极有道理,王国大道在长远上可以带来很大好处,但现在我们正在打仗,贸然把大量人手和物资用在修路上,万一影响战局怎么办?我认为我们仅需要重修东西方向的大路即可,这样可以方便给前线运兵……” I opposed!” “我反对!” ...... …… The noise of aristocrats, abominable intent is really chaotic. 贵族们的吵闹,真的令人心烦意乱。 A Wales Mowen puppet sits on most the position of head likely, when the noise in long hall has been close to lose control, this nominally King successor could not bear the opens the mouth finally: mister, lady, making us put the argument Kingdom the project of main road can discuss slowly, after all the present is in the winter, we can first discuss the Small town Parliament and commercial system......” 威尔士?摩恩像个木偶般坐在最上首的位置上,在长厅中的吵闹声已经接近失控的时候,这位名义上国王继承人才终于忍不住开口了:“先生们,女士们,让我们把争论放一放吧-王国大道的工程可以慢慢讨论,毕竟现在是冬天,我们可以先讨论一下市镇议会和商业制度……” The Wales sound makes the argument in long hall finally slightly tranquil, the new bill that but he put forward actually brought new round dispute quickly- the every large or small aristocrats earliest possible time praised regent government Duke and long-term vision of Your Highness Crown Prince, praised them to be full of the wisdom plan, then the intense suggestion promoted these new systems on others' Feudal Territory one after another. 威尔士的声音让长厅中的争论终于稍稍平静下来,但他提出的新议案却很快带来了新一轮的争执-大大小小的贵族们第一时间赞誉了摄政公爵王储殿下的长远眼光,赞誉了他们充满智慧的方案,然后一个接一个地强烈建议在别人的领地上推行这些新制度。 If not Victoria Wilde and Franklin Baldwin sits here, perhaps they not only disputed like this. 如果不是维多利亚?维尔德法兰克林?柏德文坐在这里,他们恐怕就不只是这样争执了。 Such argument is doomed not to have the result, the noise in long hall arrives in the peak again, before Wales Mowen has to open the mouth again, Victoria Wilde finally stood. 这样的争论注定不会有结果,在长厅中的吵闹声再一次抵达顶峰,威尔士?摩恩再一次不得不开口之前,维多利亚?维尔德终于站了起来。 Sufficed.” “够了。” This north queen voice said chilly, falls along with her words sound, is entire castle approaches the temperature decrease of freezing point from inside to outside instantaneously. 这位北方女王声音清冷地说道,伴随着她话语声落下的,是整个城堡从内到外瞬间逼近冰点的降温。 Hopes that these cold air can let calm down.” A moment later, Victoria took back oneself that huge mana, in the temperature along with hall restores gradually, her line of sight sweeps the big or small aristocrat who these have kept silent. “希望这些冷空气能让诸位冷静下来。”片刻之后,维多利亚收回了自己那庞大的魔力,伴随着大厅内的温度渐渐恢复,她的视线扫过那些噤若寒蝉的大小贵族。 These are the every large or small real power aristocrats, is grasping this national half extraordinary force and lands and wealth, they are shortsighted, they are selfish, they stick together can only be a drag on Kingdom-, however even if regent government Duke, she also can only warn these people. 这些都是大大小小的实权贵族,掌握着这个国家半数的超凡力量和土地、财富,他们短视,他们自私,他们抱起团来只能拖王国后腿-然而哪怕身为摄政公爵,她也只能如此警告一下这些人而已。 We come here, to not quarrel, after” ten-second is silent, Victoria continues to open the mouth, Small town Parliament and commercial overhaul is being doomed development direction, but I understand apprehensions of everyone-, therefore all these will not impose to your anyone on. The pilot of Small town Parliament, chooses from northern various Ling and royal family manors, the business overhauls, is responsible for by the Franklin Grand Duke Western Region duchy.” “我们来到这里,不是为了吵架的,”长达十秒钟的沉默之后,维多利亚才继续开口,“市镇议会和商业改制是注定的发展方向,但我理解每一个人的顾虑-所以这一切不会强加到你们任何一个人头上。市镇议会的试点,从北方诸领和王室封地中选择,商业改制,由法兰克林大公西境公国负责。” Brings books scholarly makings Baldwin Franklin to raise slightly slightly forward, to respond the Victoria words. 带着一丝书卷儒雅气质的柏德文?法兰克林微微向前欠了欠身,以回应维多利亚的话。 The big or small aristocrats in long hall first were silent the moment, later one by one revealed look that relaxed-, but they do not dare to display was extremely obvious and exaggerating, therefore can only try hard to make to act with constraint the humble smile, and saluted to conceal their true ideas with the chaotic praise- they concealed skill are nothing less than excellent, that passing clouds and flowing water general humble movement and are all manifesting them from bottom of one's heart the praise of as the qualified place of aristocrat, however Victoria Wilde has then completely understood these mask from the young girl years. 长厅中的大小贵族们先是静默了片刻,随后一个个露出松一口气的模样-但他们又不敢表现的太过明显和夸张,于是只能努力做出矜持又谦逊的微笑,又用乱糟糟的赞颂和致敬来掩饰他们真正的想法-他们的掩饰技巧不可谓不高超,那行云流水一般的谦逊动作和发自肺腑的赞美无一不体现着他们作为贵族的合格之处,然而维多利亚?维尔德从少女时代便已经看透了这些面具。 Maintains the frozen facial features, is she can the biggest politeness that these people display. 保持冰封般的面容,已经是她能对这些人表现出的最大礼貌了。 She sat, nearby Baldwin Franklin Duke actually stands up, then said: All new policy will not force to promote, but a little I must explain ahead of time- asked everyone to remember, one of the aristocrat moral excellence was to then remember own pledge, therefore do not forget own today's decision. Today here opposes constructs the new-style factory on own Feudal Territory, if in the future will want to put up a factory, must pay 30% buying off gold/metal to royal family unconditionally, this will be for the putting up a factory power that to buy off you give up today ; Today here refuses to make road/s connect Feudal Territory, from now on Kingdom constructs any road/s to go round you, only if you like buying off the putting up a factory power buy off road/s ; Today here refuses to sign the commercial treaty, in ten years do not permit to establish the new-style chamber of commerce or company-, only if you buy off the commercial overhaul power.” 她坐了下去,一旁的柏德文?法兰克林公爵却站起身,接着说道:“所有新政都不会强制推广,但有一点我要提前说明-请大家记住,贵族的美德之一便是牢记自己的誓言,所以你们也不要忘记自己今天的决定。今天在这里反对在自己领地上建设新式工厂的,将来如果想要建厂,必须无条件向王室支付30%的赎买金,这是为了赎买你们今日所放弃的建厂权;今天在这里拒绝让道路连通自己领地的,今后王国修建任何道路都会绕开你们,除非你们像赎买建厂权一样赎买道路;今天在这里拒绝签订通商协议的,十年内都不准成立新式商会或公司-除非你们赎买商业改制权。” Western Region Duke has the tranquil facial features, were stating these conditions, but his tone and expression made the scene just the aristocrats who started to chuckle quickly then puzzled and anxious. 西境公爵带着平静的面容,一条条陈述着这些条件,而他的语气和表情让现场刚刚开始窃喜的贵族们很快便困惑且不安起来。 They know today here what discusses is anything- that is big pile of rebel against orthodoxy and shocking things, the strange custom that transmits from Southern Region, regent government Duke requests the aristocrats to give up the portion privilege, requesting everyone to obey royal family Management, sets up the new-style factory on own Feudal Territory, establishment can threaten the Feudal Lord rule Small town Parliament, builds road/s, sets up the company...... these thing to take, is the thorough threat and elimination. 他们知道今天在这里讨论的是什么-那是一大堆离经叛道、耸人听闻的东西,是从南境传来的古怪规矩,摄政公爵要求贵族们放弃一部分特权,要求大家服从王室管理,在自己的领地上开办新式的工厂,设立能够威胁领主统治的市镇议会,修筑道路,开办公司……这些东西一条条拿出来,全都是彻彻底底的威胁和剥夺。 However Western Region Duke is actually called as right them, and announced the aristocrats who today each proposes the opposing opinion gave up these right, will say in the future some day, if some people want to construct the factory, to have the company, to cultivate/repair road/s, but can also spend to buy off these right? 然而西境公爵却将它们称作“权利”,并宣布今天每一个提出反对意见的贵族都是放弃了这些“权利”,甚至说将来有朝一日如果有人想建工厂、开公司、修道路了,还得花钱赎买这些“权利”? This unthinkable and incredible strange view is really unreadable. 这匪夷所思、荒诞古怪的说法实在难以理解。 The person in long hall is silent in the confusion, is discussing in the confusion in a low voice, some people as if responded slightly, some people seemed like by the Western Region Duke attitude are fooled, they drew on oneself attendant discretely, wrote down the paper to give Duke, but more people actually spread out the hand, is shaking the head- 长厅中的人在困惑中沉默着,又在困惑中低声讨论着,有一些人似乎稍稍反应了过来,还有一些人似乎是被西境公爵的态度唬住了,他们谨慎地招来自己的侍从,写下纸条递给公爵,但更多的人却只是摊开手,摇着头- Who can want this type right? Shears the meat from the body the right? 谁会要这种“权利”嘛?从身上割肉的权利? This noisy conference ended, the aristocrats scatter in all directions to leave, in the big long hall except for attendant and guard, quick then is only left over two regent government Duke and nominally Crown Prince. 这场吵吵闹闹的会议结束了,贵族们四散离开,偌大的长厅中除了侍从和卫兵,很快便只剩下两位摄政公爵和一位名义上王储 „This is the first time that I saw you to be angry,” Victoria looks at Baldwin Duke, sighed said, you also think you will never have a fit of temper in this situation.” “这是我第一次看到你生气,”维多利亚看着柏德文公爵,略带感叹地说道,“你还以为你永远不会在这种场合下发脾气的。” I truly in vitality/angry, but is also earnest,” Baldwin sits on the chair, on the face brings exhaustedly, this can portion to produce puzzled, they will at least ponder, but another portion person...... they at least some day can bring some contributions to the Kingdom state treasury.” “我确实是在生气,但也是认真的,”柏德文坐在椅子上,脸上带着疲惫,“这可以让一部分人产生困惑,至少他们会多思考一下,而另一部分人……他们至少有朝一日能为王国国库带来些许贡献。” Victoria is knitting the brows: „Did how many people vacillate?” 维多利亚皱着眉:“有多少人动摇了?” Less than 10% people,” Baldwin Duke are recalling the population of handing over the paper, is shaking the head, many far away from the Kingdom main road and Feudal Territory does not calculate the rich large aristocrat, did not have the royal family aristocrat of place, these people's no apprehensions in the wealth and privilege, actually the worry lose the asylum of royal family, they expressed willingness to understand our new policy in secret again.” “不到10%的人,”柏德文公爵回忆着递上纸条的人数,摇着头,“多是远离王国大道、领地本身就不算富硕的贵族,还有无地的王室贵族,这些人在财富和特权上没什么顾虑,却担心失去王室的庇护,他们表示愿意私下里再多了解一下我们的新政。” 10%......” Victoria cold snort/hum, in cold snort/hum brings the thick helplessness, „are really many.” “10%……”维多利亚冷哼了一声,那冷哼中却带着浓浓的无奈,“还真多啊。” This north queen will also meet helpless matter- this makes Baldwin be filled with emotion. 这位北方女王也会遇上无奈的事-这让柏德文感慨万千。 With is the same, is beset with difficulties, he who we expect sighed, said to Victoria, we have adjusted domain that the transformation involved as far as possible, removed these to affect the biggest clause on the aristocrat on the spot, actually incurred such intense contradiction, was counted yesterday, the day before yesterday two conferences, entire three days of discussions, passed article only five, but also was the part of irrelevanting......” “就和我们预料的一样,困难重重,”他叹了口气,对维多利亚说道,“我们已经尽可能调整了变革所涉及的领域,去掉了那些对实地贵族影响最大的条目,却还是招致了这么强烈的抵触,算上昨天、前天两场会议,整整三天的讨论,通过的条文只有区区五条,还都是无关痛痒的部分……” I have said from the beginning, how to adjust again is the same result- takes away gold coins and 100 gold coins from these person of pockets has not distinguished, because their copper coin is not willing to lose,” Victoria is shaking the head, you must construct the factory on their lands, builds roads, establishes official, this moved their basis.” “我一开始就说过,再怎么调整都是一样的结果-从那些人口袋里拿走一枚金币和一百枚金币是没有区别的,因为他们连一个铜板都不愿意失去,”维多利亚摇着头,“你要在他们的土地上建工厂,修路,设置官员,这是动了他们的根本。” Wales Mowen that has not opened the mouth opened the mouth suddenly: At least we can first start from the royal family subordinate fiefdom- your portion Feudal Territory.” 始终没有开口的威尔士?摩恩突然开口了:“至少我们可以先从王室直属封地开始-还有你们的一部分领地。” Our......” Baldwin reveals a forced smile, we understood necessity that personally does that perhaps but these Marquis, Count under and Viscount our name do not think......, even if has us personally to promote, carried out the difficulty of transformation is still huge in the duchy.” “我们的……”柏德文露出一丝苦笑,“我们个人理解这么做的必要性,但我们名下的那些侯爵伯爵子爵们恐怕不会这么想……即便有我们亲自推动,在公国内部推行变革的困难仍然巨大。” Enfeoffs separates, becomes a country respectively. 分封割据,各成一国。 Victoria Wilde thinks suddenly before oneself leave Southern Region, when Gawain to oneself appraise the Kingdom aristocrat system had said these words, thought of Southern Region new aristocrat system. 维多利亚?维尔德突然想到了在自己离开南境之前,高文对自己评价王国贵族制度时说过的这句话,想到了南境的“新贵族”体系。 That side Count and Viscount...... may not have such big strength. 那边的伯爵子爵们……可没有这么大的力量。 She shakes the head, flings some not good associate one side, and looks to Wales: You can so support these new policy, I am very surprised, I originally actually not royal family subordinate fiefdom consideration.” 她摇了摇头,把一些不好的联想甩到一旁,并看向威尔士:“你能如此支持这些新政,我很意外,我原本其实并没有把王室直属封地考虑在内。” I know, this is you to Mowen Family......” Wales shakes the head, several word pressures changes one's mind the bottom last point of respect, I can see these new policy significances, I know that they are good to this country.” “我知道,这是你对摩恩家族的……”威尔士摇了摇头,把“最后一分尊重”几个词压回心底,“我能看出这些新政的意义,我知道它们对这个国家是有好处的。” Actually these in the conference opposed that the contradiction, declines to take a stand, never cannot look,” the line of sight of Victoria goes to the empty long hall, slowly said that they, even if cannot see the function of new-style factory, the new-style chamber of commerce and elementary school, at least can also see that Cecil's rises...... may they probably oppose, must decline to take a stand.” “其实那些在会议上反对的,抵触的,拒绝表态的,又何尝看不出来,”维多利亚的视线投向空荡荡的长厅,慢慢说道,“他们哪怕看不出新式工厂、新式商会、平民学校的作用,至少也能看到塞西尔的崛起吧……可他们还是要反对,还是要拒绝表态。” Baldwin Franklin is sighing: They cannot see do this to the Kingdom advantage, they are not willing to pay oneself benefit for this reason, their ideas are very simple: Why cannot be others, why cannot construct the factory on others' Feudal Territory- yes, everyone is thinking.” 柏德文?法兰克林叹息着:“他们不是看不出这样做对王国的好处,他们只是不愿意为此付出自己的利益,他们的想法很简单:为什么不能是别人,为什么不能把工厂建在别人的领地上-是的,每个人都在这么想。” „To select well,” after the silence of moment, Victoria said suddenly in a soft voice, at least, the new king coronated the incident to earn the support.” “想点好的吧,”在片刻的沉默之后,维多利亚突然轻声说道,“至少,新王加冕一事获得了支持。” Baldwin Franklin shows the smile that taunted: Yes, compared in their Feudal Territory top head factory, making them support King to really be a minor matter.” 柏德文?法兰克林露出一个略带嘲讽的笑容:“是啊,比起在他们的领地上盖一座工厂,让他们拥护国王可真是件小事。” Spoke these words, mood obviously unsatisfactory Western Region Duke then stands up, the exit|to speak of his looks at long hall, after several seconds of silence, said slowly: „The plan of Small town Parliament may be defeated very much, this reform was too radical, we can postpone, the school is also, can postpone-, but the new-style factory must have, spares nothing also to have, otherwise we will be blocked the throat by Cecilian forever.” 说完这句话,心情明显不佳的西境公爵便站起身来,他看着长厅的出口,在几秒钟的沉默之后,慢慢说道:“市镇议会的方案很有可能会失败,这一改革太激进了,我们可以暂缓,学校也是,可以暂缓-但新式工厂必须有,不惜一切代价也要有,否则我们会永远被塞西尔人扼住喉咙。” Baldwin Franklin left. 柏德文?法兰克林离开了。 The back that Victoria looks at Western Region Duke leaves, has not spoken for a very long time. 维多利亚看着西境公爵离开的背影,久久没有说话。 The Wales Mowen sound broke the silence of scene: Wilde Duchess, Gawain Cecil did Duke truly take a stand to you on the same day in the Ainz throne has no interest?” 威尔士?摩恩的声音打破了现场的沉默:“维尔德女公爵,当日高文?塞西尔公爵确实是向您表态对安苏王位没有兴趣了么?” Victoria nods: He truly said.” 维多利亚点点头:“他确实是这么说的。” „......” Wales Mowen nods tranquilly, later also stands up slowly, I first left, you please as one likes.” “哦……”威尔士?摩恩平静地点了点头,随后也慢慢站起身,“那么我先离开了,您请自便。” In the long hall was only left over a Victoria person finally. 长厅中终于只剩下维多利亚一个人了。 This north queen looks at this empty place, looks at this in was also flooding noisily, the dispute place some time ago, is standing and waiting for a long time for a long time. 这位北方女王看着这个空荡荡的地方,看着这个在不久前还充斥着吵闹、争执的地方,长久地伫立着。 A vague sigh resounds in the long hall, along with the snowflake of flying upwards, her form vanishes by the throne. 一声若有若无的叹息在长厅中响起,伴随着飞扬的雪花,她的身影消失在王座旁。 The snowflake that mana congeals flutters diverges, the final several clear snowflakes fall in behind the throne is hanging the Francis II portrait, melts the water, drops slowly. 魔力凝结的雪花飘飘扬扬地散去,最后几片晶莹的雪花落在王座后方悬挂着的弗朗西斯二世的画像上,融化成水,缓缓滴落。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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