SOD :: Volume #6

#537: Elves

On Loren Continent, does not have the Cecil duchy to pay attention to the change of Wall of Magnificence. 洛伦大陆上,并不只有塞西尔公国在关注宏伟之墙的异动。 Crosses length and breadth boundless Gondor Wasteland, crosses these dark distortions the jungle and corrupt mutation land, in the continent south, on the warm land that lofty ridges and towering mountains and boundless forest cover, Wall of Magnificence changes the impact that has to be especially discomforting. 越过广袤无边的刚铎废土,越过那些黑暗扭曲的丛林和腐化异变的土地,在大陆的南部,崇山峻岭以及无边森林所覆盖的温暖土地上,宏伟之墙异动所带来的影响尤为令人不安。 Because between Highmountain Kingdom and Gondor Wasteland have not looked like Dark Mountain Range type natural barrier together. 因为高岭王国刚铎废土之间并没有一道像黑暗山脉样的天然屏障 This Kingdom situated in southern part of the continent was established by the past Gondor Empire South refugee, with the help of Elf, the refugees established the new state in the mountain ridges, and in 700 years after this deeply by the influence of Elf culture. After long-term wearing, adaptation and trade and marry, this country and southern Silver Empire relations become extremely close, and as a result of the actual impact of Wall of Magnificence, the Highmountain Kingdom north approaches the Gondor Wasteland border region in fact joint control by Elf and Human Race, two race works as one to build here be continuous endless boundless forest defense line, to resist the threat that wasteland brings. 这个位于大陆南部王国由昔日刚铎帝国南方流亡者建立,在精灵的帮助下,流亡者们在山岭之间建立起了新的国度,并在这之后的七百年中深受精灵文化的影响。在长期的磨合、适应、贸易与联姻之后,这个国家和更南部的白银帝国关系变得极为紧密,而又由于宏伟之墙的实际影响,高岭王国北部靠近刚铎废土的边境地区实质上是由精灵人类共同控制着,两个种族齐心协力在这里打造了绵延无尽的“林海防线”,以抵御废土带来的威胁。 Here, several hundred years of being as close as lips and teeth and essence threat from wasteland of tied up two states thoroughly in one. 在这里,数百年的唇齿相依和来自废土的实质威胁将两个国度彻底绑在了一起。 In boundless forest defense line No. 1 forest protection tower, General Ranger (Knight-errant) Lohmar Station before the window of oval-shape, is looking into the northern barrier frontline- boundless endless green boundless forest is extending in his field of vision, has the mana old tree towering to the skies to rock own branches and leaves in the wind of invisible mana, making in the boundless forest as if fluctuate emerald-green mighty waves, but the horizon end of distant place, Wall of Magnificence energy barrier by a discomforting brightness flicker, the low and deep wind and thunder trundle sound passing over gently and swiftly boundless forest, was spreading to the ear of this General Ranger (Knight-errant) extremely. 林海防线一号护林内,游侠将军洛玛尔站在椭圆形的窗口前,眺望着北方的屏障前线-茫茫无尽的绿色林海在他的视野中延伸着,具备魔力的参天古树在无形的魔力之风中晃动着自己的枝叶,让林海上仿佛浮动着一层翠绿色的波涛,而极远处的地平线尽头,宏伟之墙的能量屏障正在以一种令人不安的亮度闪烁着,低沉的风雷滚动声掠过林海,传入了这位游侠将军的耳朵。 He has turned around, looks to the key station in hall: Front situation how?” 他转过身,看向大厅中的主控台:“前方情况如何?” The hall assumes the oval-shape, the key station is located in the center of this oval-shape room, a row of silver-white light quality alloy column neat and tidy arrangement by key station, projects all kinds of hologram images outward, several Elf air controllers are then bustling about in these alloy columns. 大厅呈椭圆形,主控台便位于这个椭圆形房间的中央,一排银白色的轻质合金圆柱整整齐齐地排列在主控台两旁,向外投射出各种各样的全息影像,数名精灵控制员便在那些合金圆柱之间忙碌着。 Hears the words of General Ranger (Knight-errant), an air controller activates oneself front column immediately, shines along with rune, one group of projections before column by magnify, were also presented the boundless forest defense line most northern situation: In the picture, more than ten old trees towering to the skies rise straight from the ground, steps foot that” comprised of the innumerable root hair to move toward the front in big strides, on the trunk and branches of old tree is fluctuating bright rune, formed overlapping energy barrier in its crown coverage scope, but Elf that one crowd wears the short robe is riding moonlight Giant Deer, closely follows in the old tree behind, is bordering on the overload energy barrier to flush away to distant that say/way. 听到游侠将军的话,其中一名控制员立刻激活了自己面前的圆柱,伴随着符文亮起,圆柱前的一组投影随之被放大,呈现出林海防线最北方的情况:画面上,十几株参天古树正吱吱嘎嘎地拔地而起,迈着由无数根须组成的“足”大踏步走向前方,古树的枝干上浮动着明亮的符文,在其树冠覆盖范围内形成了层层叠叠的能量屏障,而一群身穿短袍的精灵则骑着月光巨鹿,紧紧跟随在古树身后,向远方那道正在濒临过载的能量屏障冲去。 Second batch of Sorcerer set off, 16 protector old trees have been escorting them.” “第二批魔导师已经出发了,十六株守护者古树在护送他们。” First batch of Sorcerer situation how? Difficulty-relief?” “第一批魔导师的情况怎么样?脱困了么?” The air controllers are reporting fast: Still was stranded in the tunnel area, three people by magic tide contamination, urgently needed treatment- protector old tree brings the drugs and treatment pod, but perhaps without enough time.” 控制员飞快地汇报着:“仍然被困在坑道区,有三人被魔潮污染,急需治疗-守护者古树带着药品和治疗荚舱,但恐怕来不及了。” The brow of General Ranger (Knight-errant) closely wrinkles, his looks at out of the window that boundless forest- this boundless forest is constructed by Human Race and Elf together, is used to block and purify these unceasingly magic energy corrupt that spreads from Gondor Wasteland. The initial mana seed has become covers after 700 years of growth barrier of entire north border now sufficiently, but facing the direct impact of magic tide, these brave loyal old trees really can shoulder? 游侠将军的眉头紧紧皱起,他看着窗外那片林海-这林海是由人类精灵共同建造,是用来封锁、净化那些不断从刚铎废土蔓延出来的魔能腐化的。最初的魔力种子经过七百年的生长如今已经成为足以覆盖整个北方边境的屏障,但面对魔潮的直接冲击,这些勇敢忠诚的古树真的能扛下来么? In any event, must restart Tower of the Sentinels of that off-line. 无论如何,必须重启那座离线的哨兵之塔 Makes Unit Ranger (Knight-errant) assemble again one time, in sentry high ground standby, when the second batch of teams cross the boundless forest frontline, diagonal empties Tower of the Sentinels surrounding Aberrant Body from the east and west, is Sorcerer wins at least 30 minutes of emergency repair time,” General Ranger (Knight-errant) ordered to own assistant loudly, this tower cannot lose!!” “让游侠再集结一次,在哨兵高地待命,等到第二批队伍越过林海前线,就从东西两侧斜向清空哨兵之塔周围的畸变体,为魔导师们争取至少三十分钟的抢修时间,”游侠将军对自己的副手高声下令,“这座不能丢!!” Yes.” “是。” Finishing speaking of subordinate, then broadcast the voice of correspondent from another direction: General, Starcluster Temple sends in the communication, is a queen.” 部下的话音刚落,从另外一个方向便传来了通讯员的声音:“将军,群星圣殿发来通讯,是女王陛下。” Queen? Had your majesty arrived at Starcluster Temple? Was the situation so severe? 女王?陛下已经到了群星圣殿?情况如此严峻了么? General Ranger (Knight-errant) immediately moves toward the communications platform while responded: Connection.” 游侠将军立刻一边走向通讯平台一边回应:“接通。” Around communications platform rune is bright, the Elf race unique cylinder communication sky appeared hologram Projection Elf Queen from Starcluster Temple Bellsetia appeared before General Ranger (Knight-errant), this dignified and beautiful collection in a rule face sat in that with deep veneration pale golden Control Throne on, the innumerable twinkle glimmer copper-cored cable and pipeline extended from the seat, is connecting the queen peripheral large number of ancient times equipment, but queen, is gazing at Lohmar, said seriously: We and entire northern area the communications of interrupted.” 通讯平台周围的符文明亮起来,精灵族特有的柱形通讯器上空浮现出了来自群星圣殿全息投影-精灵女王贝尔塞提娅出现在游侠将军面前,这位威严美丽集于一身的统治者一脸肃然地坐在那把淡金色的“统御之座”上,无数闪烁微光的线缆和管道从座椅后方延伸出去,连接着女王周边的大量远古设备,而女王本人则注视着洛玛尔,严肃地说道:“我们和整个北方地区的通讯中断了。” Yes, your majesty,” General Ranger (Knight-errant) lowers the head, Wall of Magnificence major damage of communications system in the first overload, we are finding the way to restore-, but the present urgent matter restarts No. 1 Tower of the Sentinels.” “是的,陛下,”游侠将军低下头,“宏伟之墙的通讯系统在第一次过载中严重损坏,我们正在想办法修复-但现在的当务之急是重启一号哨兵之塔。” Progress how?” “进度如何?” First batch of emergency repair teams were attacked by Aberrant Body, has to hide into the seeking asylum tunnel, at present is still stranded. The second batch of teams set off, I had just sent out Unit Ranger (Knight-errant) to strive to repair in a rush the time for them,” General Ranger (Knight-errant) said completely, situation is less optimistic, but I can guarantee that can complete the task.” “第一批抢修队伍被畸变体袭击,不得不躲入避难坑道,目前仍然被困。第二批队伍刚刚出发,我已经派出游侠为他们争取抢修时间,”游侠将军毫无隐瞒地说道,“情况不容乐观,但我可以保证能够完成任务。” Very good,” Queen Bellsetia slightly nodded, „after Tower of the Sentinels restores, selects a number of sharpest Ranger (Knight-errant) and jungle Messengers comes out, I must dispatch the north them.” “很好,”贝尔塞提娅女王微微点了点头,“哨兵之塔修复之后,选拔一批最精锐的游侠和丛林信使出来,我要把他们派往北方。” Yes,” General Ranger (Knight-errant) receives an order saying that and spoke thoughtlessly to ask, you do want to remind northern several Kingdom?” “是,”游侠将军领命道,并随口问了一句,“您是要提醒北方的几个王国么?” Wall of Magnificence deterioration rate estimate is quicker, this threatens the situation in the whole world, other Kingdom must be warned,” Elf Queen nods, „must comfort the northern part of the continent clansman, now the communication cuts off, they need to obtain the news of hometown. Moreover...... also needs to go to Ainz, confirms there situation.” 宏伟之墙的恶化速度比预想中的还要快,这是威胁到整个世界的情况,其他王国必须得到警告,”精灵女王点点头,“也要安抚大陆北部的族人,如今通讯断绝,他们需要得到故乡的消息。另外……也有必要前往安苏,去确认那里的情况。” General Ranger (Knight-errant) is startled slightly: In rumor Gawain Cecil resurrecting?” 游侠将军微微一怔:“传言中高文?塞西尔复活一事?” Not only rumor- Senior Ranger that travels outside also sent in the news to Starcluster Temple directly, that Senior Ranger once participated in the northern development army, works together as colleagues for many years with Gawain Cecil, he said that he had confirmed this matter truth.” “不只是传言-一名在外游历的高阶游侠也直接向群星圣殿发来了消息,那名高阶游侠曾经参加北方开拓军,与高文?塞西尔共事多年,他说他已经确认了此事真伪。” Once participated in the northern development army, works together as colleagues many years of Senior Ranger with Gawain?” Lohmar hears this saying slightly thinking, is Throldin?” “曾经参加北方开拓军,和高文共事多年的高阶游侠?”洛玛尔听到这话略一思索,“是索尔德林?” Is he.” “是他。” I understood, his words should be credible.” “我明白了,他的话应该是可信的。” General Ranger (Knight-errant) nods, he and Throldin is acquainted for many years, although the relations of seven centuries were not recently frequent, but Elf is a character race that is hard to change, even does not contact with him still to believe that for a long time Throldin was still an honest and dependable person- besides hair issue, that honourable old friend never lay. 游侠将军点了点头,他与索尔德林相识多年,虽然最近七个世纪的联系并不怎么频繁,但精灵是个性格难以改变的种族,即便长期不联系他也相信索尔德林仍然是个诚实可靠的人-除了头发问题之外,那位值得尊敬的老朋友从不说谎。 The communication hung up. 通讯挂断了。 Control Throne on Bellsetia long shouted the tone, is rapping the arm rest of golden seat with the finger gently, these copper-cored cable pipeline lights flickering that spreads behind from her, was demonstrating this queen current is not calm. 统御之座”上的贝尔塞提娅长长呼了口气,用手指轻轻敲击着金色座椅的扶手,那些从她身后蔓延出去的线缆管道灯光闪烁,显示着这位女王当前的心情并不平静。 She raised the head, observes the situation this brilliantly illuminated oval hall, around the looks at hall these is connecting the arc metal skeleton of roof and floor, the rune light of light and shade twinkle in the skeletons, as well as Elf Sorcerer that shuttles back and forth in various hall contacts, makes noise to ask: Antigravity unit situation how?” 她抬起头,环视着这个灯火通明的椭圆大厅,看着大厅周围那些连接着屋顶和地板的弧线金属骨架,在骨架之间明暗闪烁的符文灯光,以及在大厅各处往来穿梭的精灵魔导师们,出声问道:“反重力机组情况怎样?” Be responsible for monitoring Sorcerer of antigravity unit to respond immediately: Strives to stabilize, unit responsivity 70%, your majesty.” 负责监控反重力机组的魔导师立刻作出回应:“出力稳定,机组响应率百分之七十,陛下。” 70%...... 百分之七十…… Before 1000, is 80%, before 5000, is 90%. 一千年前是百分之八十,五千年前是百分之九十。 This Starcluster Temple is the valuable legacy that a Elf clan passes from generation to generation, however made its technology to lose, today's Silver Elf cannot even determine that this floated spatial fortress is Elf designs, they brought from some more ancient ruins Silver Empire that remote history and Primordial Elf chaos age really destroyed too many inheritance to remember, everyone said Elf was on this piece of continent most advanced civilization, but Bellsetia know, Elf was just lies down on a piece of advanced ancient relics, these ancient relics was dying gradually, Elf Silver Empire...... also. Died gradually. 这座群星圣殿精灵一族世代相传的宝贵遗产,然而制造它的技术早已遗失,今日的白银精灵们甚至不敢确定这座浮空要塞到底是精灵自己设计的,还是他们从某个更加古老的遗迹中带出来的-白银帝国那过于久远的历史和原初精灵混沌年代实在摧毁了太多的传承记忆,人人都说精灵是这片大陆上最先进的文明,但贝尔塞提娅自己知道,精灵只不过是躺在一片先进的古代遗物上而已,这些古代遗物正在渐渐死去,精灵白银帝国……也在渐渐死去。 When will Starcluster Temple crash? 群星圣殿什么时候会坠落呢? Elves of all previous generations seems to have considered this point from no one, in their hearts, this ancient and eternal floats spatial fortress seems like will never crash, but sits on Control Throne, is hearing the sounds of these ancient broken antiquity machinery difficult operations, listening to the spirit of machinery to chant 0 to recite, Bellsetia that in own nervous system sends out to be unable to withstand the load thought that...... she perhaps should consider this issue in the lifetime. 历代的精灵们似乎从没有人考虑过这一点,在他们心中,这座古老而永恒的浮空要塞似乎是永远不会坠落的,但坐在统御之座上,听着那些古老残破的上古机械艰难运行的声音,听着机械之灵在自己的神经系统中发出不堪重负的呻0吟,贝尔塞提娅觉得……她在有生之年恐怕该考虑考虑这个问题了。 700 years ago, Silver Empire can also build up Wall of Magnificence, because merely 200 years ago the last vacuum extraction stands because of the unknown cause engine off, today's Elves restores Tower of the Sentinels has become is beset with difficulties. 七百年前,白银帝国还能建起宏伟之墙,但仅仅因为两百年前最后一座真空萃取站因不明原因停机,今日的精灵们就连修复一座哨兵之塔都已经变得困难重重。 As Silver Empire rule, Bellsetia does not hope that other country knows Silver Empire this fearful decline, but as Loren Continent wisdom race one, she must warn a Human Race various country fact: 作为白银帝国统治者,贝尔塞提娅不希望别的国家知道白银帝国这可怕的衰退情况,但作为洛伦大陆智慧种族的一员,她必须警告人类诸国一个事实: Perhaps Wall of Magnificence could not insist that many years, but once constructed its Silver Empire...... not to have the ability to fix it again. 宏伟之墙恐怕坚持不了多少年了,而曾经建造起它的白银帝国……没有能力再将其修好。 A personal maidservant walks up, bends the waist by the Bellsetia throne: Your majesty, you need to rest.” 一名贴身侍女走上前来,在贝尔塞提娅的王座旁弯下腰:“陛下,您需要休息一下。” need not was worried, this moment load is very low.” 不用担心,此刻负载很低。” Bellsetia beckons with the hand, later rapped another side seat arm rest gently, in the control hall resounded one slightly somewhat to tremble immediately the combination tone of distortion: Command input...... changes over to the self-homing pattern......” 贝尔塞提娅摆了摆手,随后轻轻敲击了一下另外一侧的座椅扶手,控制大厅中随即响起一个略有些震颤失真的合成音:“指令输入……转入自动归航模式……” Entire Starcluster Temple transmits weak trembling, this huge floated spatial fortress to leave the Highmountain Kingdom sky, started to fly slowly to the Silver Empire length and breadth jungle, but Bellsetia adjusted a posture on the seat, by the seat back cushion looked slightly to own maidservant: „Do you have the impression to Uncle Gawain?” 整个群星圣殿传来微弱的震颤,这座庞大的浮空要塞离开了高岭王国的天空,开始缓慢飞向白银帝国的广袤丛林,而贝尔塞提娅则在座椅上调整了一下姿势,靠在靠背上微微偏头看向自己的侍女:“你对高文叔叔还有印象么?” The personal maidservant who follows oneself to grow up together nods since childhood: At that time you liked following very much side him.” 从小就跟着自己一起长大的贴身侍女点了点头:“那时候您很喜欢跟在他身旁。” Bellsetia smiled: Is follows he to disturb- draws him to visit tavern anything in the name of queen hardly.” 贝尔塞提娅笑了起来:“是跟着他捣乱-以女王的名义硬拉着他去参观酒馆什么的。” The time that she and Gawain Cecil contact is actually not long- the north development army established new Kingdom in the continent north, when is busy with dealing with wasteland Pioneer is not not possible to have runs toward continent South frequently, as southern Silver Empire rule, Bellsetia also has nothing the opportunity of leaving the country, both sides contact the opportunity only then in several joint operations of Human Race and Elf- including Wall of Magnificence laying foundation and completion ceremony, the signing ceremonies of several significant agreements, what but because that time Bellsetia was also only just sat to the little girl of throne, not manages, the Empire power was regulated by several prince regent nobility temporarily., She had enough time to run toward several human country barracks while the opportunity of exchange each time. 她和高文?塞西尔接触的时间其实并不长-北方开拓军在大陆的北方建立了新王国,忙于应付废土开拓者们不可能有什么时间经常往大陆南方跑,作为南部白银帝国统治者,贝尔塞提娅也没什么离开自己国家的机会,双方仅有的接触机会便是在几次人类精灵的联合行动中-包括宏伟之墙奠基和完工仪式,几项重大协议的签约仪式等,但由于那个时候的贝尔塞提娅还只是个刚坐到王位上、什么都不管的小姑娘,帝国大权都暂由几位摄政王爵监管,她就有了充足的时间趁着每次交流活动的机会往几个人类国度的驻扎地跑。 Two places that she most liked going to at that time are the Ainz Kingdom's temporary office of president and Typhon Kingdom temporary office of president- that time Typhon, is one in eastern part of the continent many Kingdom. 她那时候最喜欢去的两个地方就是安苏王国的行馆和提丰王国的行馆-那时候的提丰,还是大陆东部诸多王国中的一个。 You think that Duke Gawain resurrecting is credible?” The personal maidservant cannot bear ask, „, although the present seems like some evidence to prove this matter really......” “您认为高文公爵复活一事可信么?”贴身侍女忍不住问道,“虽然现在似乎有证据证明这件事是真的……” I believe that real,” Bellsetia said in a soft voice, „did people who have accepted four element blessing, how possibly die superficially?” “我相信是真的,”贝尔塞提娅轻声说道,“一个接受过四元素祝福的人,怎么可能那么轻描淡写地死掉?” Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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