SOD :: Volume #6

#538: Chapter 538 brain-computer interface

Chapter 538 第538章 Brain-computer interface 脑机接口 Dark Mountain Range, peak observation station. 黑暗山脉,最高点观测站。 Aimed at the Wall of Magnificence telescope group to adjust a small angle, the distant that matter exceedingly high light screen reflected piece of dim ripples on the lens, under the background of light screen, Black Forest and sky over the corrupt of plain length and breadth is fluctuating thin mist, the mist curling transpiration, as if fluctuated the uncertain illusion. 指向宏伟之墙的望远镜组调整了一个微小的角度,远方那层通天光幕在镜头上倒映出一片朦胧的涟漪,光幕的背景下,广袤的黑森林腐化平原上空浮动着一层稀薄的雾气,雾气袅袅蒸腾,仿佛一层变幻不定的幻象。 The tall monitor has turned around, to standing said after behind Gawain report: „The Wall of Magnificence brightness is normal, the overload sign has confirmed the retrogression.” 身材高大的监控员转过身,向站在身后的高文汇报道:“宏伟之墙亮度正常,过载迹象已经确认消退。” Hetty and Amber at the scene, the former are also standing side Gawain at this moment, the latter the curious earth-boring auger to the telescope behind, had actually looked into of distant place to say barrier by the lens group, listening to the report of monitor, Amber also to follow to shout: Seemed like really restores normally yeah!!” 赫蒂琥珀也在现场,前者此刻正站在高文身旁,后者却已经好奇地钻到了望远镜后面,透过镜头组眺望着远方的那道屏障,听着监控员的汇报,琥珀也跟着嚷嚷起来:“看上去真的恢复正常了哎!!” „The barrier restoration over 48 hours, had not had any overload sign in this period again,” Hetty looks to Gawain, that strange howling sound did not have- ancestor, it seems like that this wall recovered.” 屏障复原已经超过四十八小时了,期间没有再出现任何过载迹象,”赫蒂看向高文,“那种奇怪的呼啸声也没有了-先祖,看来这道墙还是复原了。” Restoration? It will not recover, it will only decline unceasingly, the present is only temporary is tranquil,” Gawain, although also relaxes, but he does not dare to look like Hetty to be like that optimistic, restores Wall of Magnificence to present various countries is almost a not possible matter, even for Elf...... I also suspected that very much they currently are also capable of making new Tower of the Sentinels again. Now this barrier supports temporarily, perhaps was that side Elf finds the way to restart the critical system with any special method, but the decline and damage of whole system were an irreversible fact.” “复原?它不会复原,它只会不断地衰退,现在只是暂时的平静下来而已,”高文虽然同样松了口气,但他不敢像赫蒂那般乐观,“修复宏伟之墙对如今的各国而言几乎是件不可能的事,甚至对于精灵……我也很怀疑他们现在还有没有能力再造出一座新的哨兵之塔。现在这道屏障是暂时撑住了,或许精灵那边想办法用什么特殊手段重启了关键系统,但系统整体的衰退和损坏是个不可逆转的事实。” Gawain is saying calmly, the memory from Gawain Cecil is demonstrating this ice-cold fact for him- according to the Gawain Cecil memory, before Elves completes last Tower of the Sentinels, was responsible for the barrier design Elf Sorcerer once the heads to Human Race various countries proposing warning- that said barrier used Elf ancient relic constructed, its core part hardly may duplicate again, once damaged, is unable to replace. 高文平静地说着,来自高文塞西尔的记忆为他展示着这个冰冷的事实-根据高文塞西尔的记忆,早在精灵们完成最后一座哨兵之塔前,负责屏障设计的精灵魔导师们就曾对人类各国的首脑提出过警告-那道屏障是动用了精灵的“古老遗物”才建起来的,它的核心部件几乎不可再复制,一旦损坏,无从更换。 Over the past about 700 years, this barrier on such as a giant wheel navigation that was scarred and patches , in sea that proliferated the storm, without the spare parts, without the escape route, in the boundless sea also nothing can make it approach shore the harbor of conditioning, it can only get older unceasingly, damaged unceasingly, the engineers and in the outer covering of to split open had patches in the engine that its will soon burn out about, but is actually delaying its submersion. 过去的700年来,这道屏障就如一艘伤痕累累、修修补补的巨轮般航行在一片遍布风暴的大海上,没有备件,没有退路,茫茫大海上也没有任何能让它靠岸修整的港口,它只能不断地老化,不断地损坏,工程师们在它那即将熄火的引擎和行将开裂的外壳上打了一个又一个的补丁,但却只是在延缓它的沉没而已。 Initially constructed the barrier person, has experienced the Second Development person, everyone knew this fact, however no one thinks bordered on the limit until barrier, people still could not find completely solve the magic tide means that contamination on Gondor Wasteland have not dissipated thoroughly- people have not even thought that this barrier that used the strength of various countries to build including the first millenniums likely unable to support unexpectedly. 当初建造屏障的人,经历过第二次开拓的人,大家都知道这个事实,然而没人想到直到屏障濒临极限,人们仍然找不到彻底解决魔潮的办法,刚铎废土上的污染也没有彻底消散-人们甚至没想到这层举各国之力打造起来的屏障竟然连第一个千年都很可能撑不过去。 Moreover what is worse is...... Human Race, this life span short and complicated and diversified race, had possibly forgotten what kind of Doomsday in this wall is closing. 而且更糟糕的是……人类,这个寿命短暂又复杂多变的种族,很可能已经忘记了这道墙里面到底关着怎样的末日 Continues to monitor, after 24 hours, clears the warning,” Gawain got down the final decision, this observation station supposes for the key site, manpower who increases a school grade order, from now on specialized will monitor the Wall of Magnificence sound.” “继续监控,二十四小时后解除警报,”高文下了最后的决定,“这个观测站设为重点站点,增加一个班次的人手,今后专门监视宏伟之墙的动静。” Hetty deeply lowers the head: Yes.” 赫蒂深深低下头去:“是。” No matter how said, the day has wanted. 不管怎么说,日子还是要过下去的。 After returning to Feudal Lord Mansion, Gawain enters the study room, extracts one from one pile of letter papers, starts to write a personal letter. 回到领主府之后,高文走进书房,从一摞信笺中抽出一张,开始写一封亲笔信。 Amber collected to look at one curiously: What do you write?” 琥珀好奇地凑上去看了一眼:“你写什么呢?” Gawain could not bear shoot a look at Half-Elf of this not determination and custom: Can a little sense of discipline? Although you are very ripe with me, but this good and evil is also Feudal Lord writes the confidential letter, has you to collect to look directly......” 高文忍不住瞥了这个毫无自觉和规矩的半精灵一眼:“能不能有点纪律性?虽然你跟我很熟,但这好歹也是领主亲笔撰写密函,有你这么直接凑过来看的么……” Amber beckons with the hand carelessly: Hi, I have not known you, this must really not give the confidential letter that reads you to pat on the wall me early......” 琥珀大大咧咧地一摆手:“嗨,我还不知道你,这要真是不给看的密函你早把我拍墙上了……” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” How to feel that this fool can be patted on the wall the incident is very proud regarding oneself? With Rebecca takes anti- punches for the honor? 怎么感觉这货对于自己能被拍墙上一事还挺自豪的?跟瑞贝卡似的以抗揍为荣么? At this time Amber had seen the correspondence opening that Gawain wrote, this goose selected the eyebrow immediately, made the surprised sound: „, Writes to St. Sunil?” 这时候琥珀已经看到了高文写出的书信开头,这鹅顿时一挑眉毛,发出惊讶的声音:“啊,写给圣苏尼尔的?” Gawain does not lift: Wall of Magnificence has the change, I must remind them.” 高文头也不抬:“宏伟之墙有异动,我必须提醒他们。” The Amber complexion is strange, she hesitant, cannot bear say: You thought that they will listen your? Initially after you have reminded, their not big response, badly battered that this time their civil war hit, feared that no one cared about South to pass on the past sound.” 琥珀脸色古怪,她犹豫了一下,还是忍不住说道:“你觉得他们会听你的?当初你提醒过之后他们就没多大反应,这次他们内战打的焦头烂额,怕是更没人在乎南方传过去的声音了。” Indeed, Cecil just and the kingdom's army did a big business, but Cecil Family that rises from had also returned to the stage of Ainz power in fact, but aristocrat circle inertia is a very terrible thing, will they really care about the Gawain's reminder? 诚然,塞西尔刚刚和王国军做了一笔大生意,而重新崛起的塞西尔家族也已经从事实上回归了安苏权力的舞台,但贵族圈子的“惯性”是个很可怕的东西,他们真的会在意高文的提醒么? Before burning down own head, each aristocrat thinks oneself are safest, this is their mental dispositions, but this mental disposition by enfeoffing separation system fact is decided. 在火烧到自己头上之前,每一个贵族都认为自己是最安全的,这是他们的秉性,而这秉性是由分封割据制度这个事实所决定的。 Cecil Family rise perhaps will make them take seriously Gawain this real power Duke every action and every movement, what this attaches great importance to being more is a vigilance, does not mean that they similarly, warning that about wasteland will take seriously Gawain to send out- rather, because Cecil Family rose, because Cecil reunified Southern Region, they will dread and alert Gawain to any warning that they issued, the brain in these warnings will only make up big pile of conspiracy theories baseless. 塞西尔家族的崛起或许会让他们更加重视高文这个实权公爵的一举一动,但这“重视”更多的是一种警惕,并不意味着他们会同样重视高文所发出的、关于废土的警告-倒不如说,正是因为塞西尔家族崛起了,因为塞西尔重新统一了南境,他们才会更加忌惮、更加戒备高文对他们发出的任何警告,他们只会在这些警告中凭空脑补出一大堆阴谋论来。 To be honest, I am hopeless they to care about this,” Gawain hears the Amber words really to shake the head, „, but this is my responsibility- I protect Duke.” “说实话,我就没指望他们在意这个,”高文听到琥珀的话果然摇了摇头,“但这是我的责任-我是守护公爵。” His letter/believes, for completely own responsibility, performs itself to inherit Gawain Cecil this body later duty, but a reason he has not said: He must guarantee the own future all actions do not keep the stain as far as possible, he cannot stay behind to the future opponents attacks oneself pretext. 他这封信,是为了尽自己的责任,尽自己继承高文塞西尔这幅躯体之后的义务,但还有一个原因他没说出来:他要保证自己日后的所有行动都尽可能地不留污点,他不能给日后的对手们留下攻击自己的口实。 Amber look looks at Gawain, she thought strangely she really cannot understand this old dumpling (corpse) thought-, but this also has nothing importantly, this fellow brain strange thought that can understood are really not many. 琥珀眼神古怪地看着高文,她觉得自己实在不能理解这个老粽子的思想-但这也没什么要紧的,这家伙满脑子奇奇怪怪的念头,能被人理解的实在不多。 If she rests for 700 years in the coffin, the head estimate will not be more normal than Gawain. 她自己要是在棺材里睡七百年,脑袋估计会比高文还不正常。 Gawain wrote the correspondence, its seals carefully in the paint tube, and completed the seal with the sealing wax, later giving stands in nearby Amber: Sends people to deliver to Fort Boulder, making Sir Walter send people to escort to Royal Capital.” 高文写好了信函,将其仔细地封装在漆筒中,并用火漆完成了封口,随后交给站在一旁的琥珀:“派人送到磐石要塞,让瓦尔德爵士派人送往王都。” Why doesn't pass on a copy to give Fort Boulder with magic circuit directly?” Amber received the mailbox while asked curiously, this may probably delay for many days.” “为什么不直接用魔网传一份复印件给磐石要塞呢?”琥珀一边接过信筒一边好奇地问了一句,“这可要耽误好多天的。” This type of correspondence must use the original of writing by hand, this is for safe, moreover...... St. Sunil that fellows may not approve the Duke copy in copy,” Gawain shakes the head reluctantly, government affairs hall adaptation file transfer system used such a long time, has not been familiar with by the present completely, you cannot count on that St. Sunil City does in this point is better than the government affairs hall.” “这种信函必须用亲笔手写的原件,这是为了安全,而且……圣苏尼尔那帮家伙不一定会认可复印件上的公爵印鉴,”高文无奈地摇了摇头,“政务厅适应文件传输系统用了那么长时间,到现在也没完全习惯,你不能指望圣苏尼尔城在这一点上做得比政务厅还好。” „...... That group of old stick-in-the-mud, you compare with them, I thought that they seemed like in the coffin lay down for 700 years.” “嘁……那帮老顽固,你跟他们比起来,我看他们才像是在棺材里躺了七百年的。” Gawain thinks, always thought probably which the words of Amber this boasts person have are not right, but cannot discover the problem...... 高文想了想,总觉得琥珀这夸人的话好像有哪不对,但又偏偏找不出毛病来…… At this moment, the small maid Betty sound conveyed from out of the door suddenly, broke him and Amber conversation: Lord! Grandmaster Pittman looks for you!” 就在这时,小女仆贝蒂的声音突然从门外传来,打断了他和琥珀的交谈:“老爷皮特曼大师找您!” Gawain غ, in the heart guessed correctly anything indistinctly, hurries saying: Makes him come in!” 高文一غ,随之心中隐隐约约猜到了什么,赶紧说道:“让他进来!” The gate of study room opened, bends the waist humpbacked face smile old Druid to enter the room, on the little old man face has the complacent smile, after passing through the gate, one opens the mouth is: Feudal Lord- I brought the good news.” 书房的门打开了,弯腰驼背一脸笑容的老德鲁伊走进房间,小老头脸上带着得意洋洋的笑容,进门之后一开口就是:“领主-我带来了好消息。” „Has the nerve rope tested to complete evidently?” Gawain expected said with a smile, seems like this flustered emergency not to affect your side research progress.” “看样子神经索已经测试完成了?”高文早有所料般地笑着说道,“似乎这次人心惶惶的紧急状态也并没有影响到你那边的研究进度啊。” „The outside gate pass/test of research institute, who manages the flood to be dreadful,” Pittman face do not care said that „the person who does the research if even this designated that the strength does not have, that might as well goes home to plant the potato as early as possible.” “研究所的门一关,谁管外面洪水滔天,”皮特曼一脸不在意地说道,“做研究的人如果连这点定力都没有,那还不如趁早回家种土豆去。” He, then said: I already nerve cable/search Zhuang of reforger on that set of equipment that Carmel tosses about, do you want to take a look?” 紧接着他顿了顿,接着说道:“我已经把新造的神经索装在卡迈尔折腾的那套设备上,您要去看看么?” Naturally,” Gawain sets out suddenly, and follows close on is looking to Amber, you also......” “当然,”高文霍然起身,并紧跟着看向琥珀,“你也……” Amber does not wait for itself the opposite party to put out a hand to grip said on own initiative: I must certainly have a look with you- I also mind networkingam very curious to that you studied recently ‚!” 琥珀不等对方伸手把自己夹住就主动说道:“我当然得跟你去看看-我也对你们最近研究的那个‘心灵联网’好奇得很呐!” Quick, Gawain and Amber then arrived at Magical Technology Research Institute, in connects in the laboratory that technology sets up for nerve specially alternately, that brand-new junction device had been placed on the laboratory central round stage. 很快,高文琥珀便来到了魔导技术研究所,在专为“神经交互连接技术”而设的实验室内,那台崭新的连接装置已经被安置在实验室中央的圆台上。 Carmel and Rebecca stand by this junction device, technology personnel that more than ten wear the white robe is bustling about in the surroundings, inspects the situation of junction device, other rune formation situations that or the inspection and installment connect. 卡迈尔瑞贝卡就站在这个连接装置旁,十几名身穿白袍的技术人员则在周围忙碌着,检查连接装置的情况,或检查与装置连接的其他符文阵列的情况。 Did not leave Rune Research Institute Jenny on the Lianping day in also at the scene: Although the direction of her main attack not using domain, but she when analyzing Eternal Sleepers magic spell, restructures rune formation to play the pivotal role, the junction device can complete naturally has her merit, she examines the end product here is also natural. 就连平日里不怎么离开符文研究院詹妮也在现场:虽然她主攻的方向并非应用领域,但她在解析永眠者法术、重构符文阵列时起到了举足轻重的作用,连接装置能够完成自然有她一份功劳,她在这里检验成品也是理所应当。 Gawain nods to Jenny and Carmel, the line of sight also falls on Rebecca behind that seat: „Is this...... the end product?” 高文詹妮卡迈尔点点头,视线随之落在瑞贝卡身后的那个座椅上:“这就是……成品么?” At first that junction device and he estimates not too same- it does not seem like the magic installment of this time completely, but is more like a future product that spanned the space and time, the silver-white cabin was fixed on a large-scale and stable foundation, under the seat back cushion that the cabin lattern half, that extends delivers in person to hollow out the shape, several are glittering glimmer, sense of reality as if metal vein general pipeline is connecting the seat back cushion and below foundation of cabin, in the cabin interior, can see the streamline leather inside lining, on that inside lining is distributing massive metal electronic contacts, the electronic contact links, presents the distribution shape of spine/ridge vertebra. 那连接装置和他最初预想的不太一样-它完全不像是这个时代的魔法装置,而更像是个跨越了时空的未来产物,银白色的座舱被固定在一个大型且稳固的底座上,座舱后半部分,那延伸出去的靠背下面呈镂空状,数根闪烁着微光的、质感仿佛金属筋络一般的“管道”连接着座舱的靠背和下方的底座,在座舱内部,则可以看到流线型的皮质内衬,那内衬上分布着大量金属触点,触点连接在一起,呈现出椎骨的分布形状。 This unusual appearance modeling naturally possibly is not the present age Magician style- obviously, Carmel this Sorcerer from Gondor Empire him remembers again the style used on Cecil's magical creation. 这与众不同的造型设计当然不可能是当代魔法师的风格-显然,卡迈尔这个来自刚铎帝国魔导师再一次把他记忆中的风格用在了塞西尔的魔导造物上。 Prominent is a magical punk. 突出的就是一个魔导朋克。 Prominent is this thing style is different. 突出的就是一个这玩意儿画风不一样。 Gawain and do not care style how- in any case in the Cecil land to the thing on nothing is the style normal- as a pragmaticist, he only cares about this thing to be easy-to-use. 高文不在意画风如何-反正塞西尔大地上从人到物就没什么东西是画风正常的-作为一个实用主义者,他只在乎这东西好用不好用。 We have conducted the complete off-line test and portion network test- what connects is the magic circuit communications net,” Carmel within the body makes humming sound the sound, his whole body is brimming with the joyful light blue, this showed that this Grandmaster magical is quite happy, according to Eternal Sleepers mind imaginary technique technology, we molded one for this equipment joint interface, this contact surface when accesses the magic circuit communications net to be able the stable running, and protects conscious of user.” “我们已经进行了全部的脱机测试和一部分联网测试-连接的是魔网通讯网,”卡迈尔体内发出嗡嗡的声音,他浑身洋溢着愉悦的浅蓝色,这显示这位魔导大师心情相当不错,“根据永眠者的心灵幻术技术,我们为这套装置塑造了一个‘连接界面’,这个界面在接入魔网通讯网的时候可以稳定运行,并保护使用者的意识。” Pittman supplemented one in side: This contact surface is I helps do- luckily my craftsmanship also not unfamiliar.” 皮特曼在旁边补充了一句:“这个界面是我帮忙做的-幸好我那点‘手艺’还没生疏。” Gawain knows Pittman said craftsmanship is anything, Amber actually hears to be confused: craftsmanship? What craftsmanship? The old man do you besides making and beside telling fortunes have other craftsmanship?” 高文知道皮特曼所说的“手艺”是什么,琥珀却听得一头雾水:“手艺?什么手艺?老头你除了造和算命之外还有别的手艺呢?” Do not be noisy, the old man my craftsmanship are many,” Pittman waves, disregarded the Amber words directly, is pointing under that seat three pipeline, this is the new nerve rope, gives my material to make with you. To be honest, if possible I must see that to design its person, that is a talent- I do not want to make nerve cable/search this type of thing also really to transform the non- implantation type excellently, this need talent that not only gets a sudden inspiration, must to the work process of nervous system and nerve rope extreme familiar is good, to be honest, this character, if can join to the research institute, absolutely compared in outside individual farming valuable many.” “别闹,老头子我手艺多着呢,”皮特曼挥挥手,直接无视了琥珀的话,然后指着那座椅下面的三根“管道”,“这就是新的神经索,是用您给我的资料造出来的。说实话,如果有机会的话我一定要见见那个设计出它的人,那是个人才啊-我从没想过人造神经索这种东西还真能改造成非植入式的,这需要的不只是灵机一动的天才,更要对神经系统和神经索的工作过程极端熟悉才行,说实话,这种人物如果能加入到研究所来,绝对比在外面单干有价值的多。” „A person the sequela, if by the implantation type nerve rope being caused suffered for more than ten years, then his work process to the nerve rope naturally can understand the pinnacle,” Gawain sighed, felt relieved that had this equipment, you soon had the opportunity and that person who studied the non- implantation type nerve rope met, but he perhaps had no opportunity to join to our research systems in- his side duty, was not to lighter than your research assignments.” “一个人如果被植入式神经索导致的后遗症折磨了十几年,那么他对神经索的工作过程自然会了解到极致,”高文叹了口气,“放心吧,有了这套装置,你们很快就有机会和那个研究出非植入式神经索的人见面了,但他恐怕没什么机会加入到咱们的研究体系里-他那边的任务,可不比你们的研究任务轻。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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