SOD :: Volume #6

#536: Dangerous signal

Month of Cold. 冷冽之月 Ainz coldest month. 安苏最寒冷的月份到了。 Giant Sun dignified and rises the sky slowly, has on the fog halo huge sun to fluctuate as if wood grain tan banding, the changes of these colored fringes indicate a matter: After beginning of winter , the largest temperature decrease must arrive quickly. 巨日庄严而缓慢地升上天空,带有云雾般光环的庞大日轮上浮动着仿佛木纹般的黄褐色条带,那些彩色条纹的变化预示着一件事:入冬之后最大规模的降温很快就要到了。 Sun, in sky hugest heavenly body, relates the closest heavenly body with the life of people, the experienced farmer can act according to the stripe change speculation approximate temperature decrease date and temperature decrease scope on that sun, but scholars changed according to the sun formulates for deducing the method of second year overall climate- to the observation of Giant Sun, was always in the person daily life of this world very important one point. 太阳,天空中最庞大的天体,也是与人们的生活关系最为紧密的天体,有经验的农夫可以根据那日轮上的条纹变化推测大致的降温日期及降温幅度,而学者们则根据日轮变化制定了用于推演第二年整体气候的方法-对巨日的观察,向来是这个世界的人日常生活中非常重要的一环。 St. Sunil City, in Area mage. 圣苏尼尔城,法师内。 With a slight fricative, divined by astrology upper level tower day after day platform opened its heavy/thick huge skylight, stops in the platform center channel to withstand/top safely day after day by the lift table that mana actuated, Morgan? Hugo and oneself assistants go down the lift table, arrives for observing the position of sun, prepares to start the observation work of convention. 伴随着一阵轻微的摩擦声,占星上层的“逐日平台”打开了它那厚重庞大的天窗,以魔力驱动的升降台也稳稳当当地停在逐日平台中心的通道顶上,摩尔根?雨果和自己的助手们走下升降台,来到用于观测日轮的位置,准备开始惯例的观测工作。 Turns on light filters- filtration pattern III.” “打开滤光板-过滤模式III。” Aged royal family mage is giving the instruction to nearby assistant, simultaneously beckons to the bookshelf of not far away, feather pen, parchment, ink bottle and other thing fly immediately, safely hovering before him, but the assistant who receives the order runs up to the control node of not far away, starts to pour into mana to the rune column. 老迈的王室法师对一旁的助手下着指示,同时对不远处的书架招了招手,羽毛笔、羊皮纸、墨水瓶等物随即飞来,稳稳当当地悬停在他面前,而接到命令的助手则跑到不远处的一处控制节点上,开始对符文柱注入魔力 Saw the assistant slightly rash movement, Morgan cannot bear shout one: Careful! Here rune is priceless!” 看到助手略显莽撞的动作,摩尔根忍不住喊了一句:“小心点!这里的符文可是价值连城!” The assistants hurried to control the scope of pouring into mana, but around the one by one rune column with platform was day after day bright, observes in the skylight that the sun used also to fluctuate a thin brilliance. 助手慌忙控制了注入魔力的幅度,而随着逐日平台四周的一个个符文柱明亮起来,观测日轮所用的天窗上也随之浮动起了一层稀薄的光辉。 A moment later, mana congeals to just like essence crystal of light brilliance, filtered the pattern of more suitable person visual observation the sunlight outside skylight, Morgan? Hugo slight nod: This set until today was still easy-to-use the magic installment that 100 years ago completed, but divined by astrology in tower as this qualifications highest divining by astrology mage, transfers matter that the privilege of this set of magic installment was he most is always proud. 片刻之后,魔力光辉凝结成犹如实质的一层光之结晶,将天窗外的日光过滤成了更适合人肉眼观察的模式,摩尔根?雨果则微微点头:这套在一百年前建成的魔法装置直到今天仍然好用,而作为这座占星中资格最高的占星法师,调用这套魔法装置的特权一向是他最引以为傲的事情。 Under the light filters that old mage in that matter becomes with the mana brilliance congealment stands firm, looked up carefully is observing the sun outside skylight, is observing the change of its surface each colored fringe, but feather pen and parchment float side him, writes unceasingly fast, all data and pattern on record. 法师在那层用魔力光辉凝结而成的滤光板下方站定,仰起头仔细观察着天窗外的日轮,观察着它表面每一条彩色条纹的变化,而羽毛笔和羊皮纸则悬浮在他身旁,不断地飞快书写着,将所有的数据和图样都记录在案。 Other assistants also arrived at the observation position, records the respective responsible data, a peaceful and atmosphere with deep veneration covers is divining by astrology the tower top. 其他的助手也来到了观测位置,记录着各自负责的数据,一种安静而肃然的气氛笼罩在占星顶。 However this atmosphere has not continued is too long, an assistant has doubts called out in alarm in a low voice broke tranquility in the observation platform: „Does bottom red mark displace three-time to east?” 然而这气氛没有持续太久,一名助手疑惑的低声惊呼打破了观测平台上的平静:“底部红纹向东偏移三度?” Morgan? Hugo stares own assistant one eyes immediately: What to talk nonsense?” 摩尔根?雨果立刻瞪了自己的助手一眼:“胡说什么?” „! Teacher!” The assistants said quickly, then the thing that oneself record with the teacher while took out the previous observational data, you looked, this is the previous record- you have confirmed personally.” “是真的!老师!”助手赶快说道,然后一边把自己记录的东西拿给导师一边取出了上一次的观测记录,“您看,这是上次的记录-您亲自确认过的。” Morgan? Hugo received several pages of papers that helped hand over, the line of sight has swept above fast, he gawked, later carefully looked, raised the head, does the eye wink is fixing the eyes on Giant Sun in sky. 摩尔根?雨果接过了助手递来的几页纸,视线飞快地在上面扫过,他愣了一下,随后更仔细地看了一遍,紧接着又抬起头来,眼睛一眨不眨地紧盯着天空中的巨日 This not possible......” always to divine by astrology mage to mutter, he waves to summon for calibrating illusion magic spell of coordinates, establishes the mark that a big reference used around the sun image on light filters, however looks at calibrates the later result, his shock increases steadily, „...... not possible...... such large-scale displacement...... this has not never seen......” “这不可能……”老占星法师喃喃自语,他挥手召唤出用于校准坐标的幻象法术,在滤光板上的日轮影像周围设置了一大片参考用的标记,然而看着校准之后的结果,他的震惊有增无减,“不……不可能……这么大规模的偏移……这从未见过……” Teacher, we must report that gives Silver Castle?” The assistants asked cautiously, this was the obvious celestial phenomenon is unusual.” “老师,我们要报告给白银堡么?”助手小心翼翼地问道,“这是明显的天象异常。” Immediately reported Silver Castle!!” “立即报告白银堡!!” ...... …… Dark Mountain Range, in No. 2 celestial phenomenon observation station, was responsible for recording the sun changing condition young mage also with astonishment to put down the writing plate in hand. 黑暗山脉,二号天象观测站内,负责记录日轮变化情况的年轻法师也惊愕地放下了手中的记录板。 Was difficult to be inadequate the solar surface to blow storm?” Young mage is muttering, he carefully looked at data and pattern on the writing plate, later raised the head, on large-scale filter lens looks at sun the image by observation station roof, inconceivable of face. “难不成太阳表面刮起了一阵风暴?”年轻的法师喃喃自语着,他又仔细看了一眼记录板上的数据和图样,随后抬起头,透过观测站屋顶上的大型滤光透镜看着日轮的影像,一脸的不可思议 Nearby companion looks curiously: Can be the historical record contains errors?” 一旁的同伴好奇地看过来:“会不会是历史记录有误?” „, All data will not have the duplicate observation and record,” young mage is saying while stands up, takes a step to move toward the observation station entrance, „outside I have a look, you continue to record in inside!” “不会,所有数据都是有双份观察和记录的,”年轻法师一边说着一边站起身,迈步走向观测站门口,“我去外面看看,你在里面继续记录!” He went out of the observation station, arrives with the site connected platform , the cold north wind is circling sky over Dark Mountain Range, has curled the mountain forest and canyon, whistling blew in newly-built the site before this several months, making just young mage that from warming indoor to walk unable to bear whole body one tremble. 他走出了观测站,来到与站点相连的平台上,寒冷的北风在黑暗山脉上空盘旋着,卷过山林和峡谷,呼呼地吹在这座数月前刚建成的站点上,让刚从温暖室内走出来的年轻法师忍不住浑身一阵哆嗦。 Young mage haunches to protect the shield, the cold mountain breeze isolation outside, will take out the portable filter lens later, carefully is observing sky Giant Sun by the lens. 年轻法师撑起护盾,将寒冷的山风隔绝在外,随后取出了便携的滤光镜片,透过镜片仔细观察着天空的巨日 These establish the celestial phenomenon observation station in Dark Mountain Range are the Carmel management mana essence the attached product of project, the goal is to study the Giant Sun activity cycle and nature mana changes the relation. 这些设置在黑暗山脉中的天象观测站是卡迈尔主持的“魔力本质”项目的附属产物,目的是研究巨日活动周期和自然界魔力变化之间的联系。 Until now, Carmel thinks that mana of nature originates from Giant Sun of space, but because the whole world was covered by a powerful mana environment, if wants, in this covers environment to observe exterior mana to change becomes also beset with difficulties, to reduce the disturbance as far as possible, improves the accuracy of observation, Carmel then managed to construct the a series of observation station in Dark Mountain Range. 一直以来,卡迈尔都认为自然界的魔力来源于天上的巨日,但由于整个世界本身就是被一层强大的魔力环境所笼罩的,要想在这个“笼罩环境”内观察外部的魔力变化也就变得困难重重,为了尽可能减少干扰,提高观测的准确度,卡迈尔便主持在黑暗山脉中修建了一系列的观测站。 „No. 2 celestial phenomenon observation station is one of them. “二号天象观测站”便是其中之一。 These observation stations have both simultaneously are examining the function that the mana change and observation celestial phenomenon change, because constructs in the Dark Mountain Range high place, it even also has to monitor the function of Wall of Magnificence. 这些观测站同时兼具着检测魔力变化和观察天象变化的功能,而且由于建在黑暗山脉的高处,它甚至还有监视宏伟之墙的作用。 Can guard in such observation station, young mage naturally is outstanding people in Carmel hand/subordinate many apprentice and assistant, however at this moment, this outstanding young people actually fell into the huge astonishment. 能够驻守在这样的观测站中,年轻法师自然是卡迈尔手下诸多学徒与助手中的佼佼者,然而此时此刻,这位优秀的年轻人却陷入了巨大的惊愕中。 Giant Sun calmly was still hanging in the sky, is providing the light and heat for this world as always, perhaps cannot see it to have any change in the average person eyes, however regarding this young people, space that wheel Sun at this moment unexpectedly becomes incomparably strange. 巨日仍然静静地悬挂在天空,一如既往地为这个世界提供着光和热,在普通人眼里恐怕根本看不出它有任何变化,然而对于这个年轻人,天上那轮太阳此刻竟变得无比陌生。 The young mage eye did not wink looks up was very long, even if there is protection of filter lens, his eye also very quickly changes painful, he has to lower the head, is alleviating the painfully swollen of eye with magic spell, later started to check in the hand carefully parameter on the writing plate. 年轻法师眼睛不眨地抬头看了很久,哪怕有着滤光镜片的保护,他的眼睛也很快变得生疼起来,他不得不低下头,用法术缓解着眼睛的胀痛,随后开始仔仔细细核对手中记录板上的参数。 At this moment, a strange low and deep sound spread to the ear of young mage. 就在此刻,一阵怪异的低沉声音传入了年轻法师的耳朵。 That sound as if came from extremely the extremely far place, sounds like seems like the hurricane to coerce the thunderous sound, it disseminated such far, spreads to the ear time has seemed fuzzy, the young people raise the head in this strange sound, after seeing that sound originates, his expression fell into the delay. 那声音仿佛来自极远极远的地方,听起来像是飓风裹挟着雷鸣的动静,它传播了如此之远,以至于传入耳朵的时候已经显得模模糊糊,年轻人在这怪异的响动中抬起头来,在看到那声音来源之后,他的表情陷入了呆滞之中。 His line of sight crosses Dark Mountain Range mountain spine/ridge, crosses another side at the foot of the mountain the dark forest, crosses by the corrupt plain that magic tide corrupt destroys, in the end of line of sight, in the South horizon, entire Wall of Magnificence is sending out compared with the past is bright several times the ray. 他的视线越过黑暗山脉的山,越过另一侧山脚下的黑暗森林,越过被魔潮腐化摧毁的腐化平原,在视线的尽头,在南方的地平线上,整个宏伟之墙都在发出比往日明亮数倍的光芒。 The low and deep wind and thunder sound transmits from that Wall of Magnificence. 低沉的风雷声就是从那宏伟之墙传来的。 „...... Magic Goddess......” young mage is calling out in alarm in a low voice, later turns around to charge into the observation station, informs Grandmaster Carmel quickly! Informs Feudal Lord!!” “……魔法女神啊……”年轻法师低声惊呼着,随后转身冲向观测站,“快通知卡迈尔大师!通知领主!!” ...... …… Ray that in the horizon of south distant place, Wall of Magnificence sends out extremely on such as aurora that crashes on the ground, was fluctuating there compared with the brilliance of intense several times in the past, brings the grand feeling of absorbing the person heart and soul, but that discomforting wind and thunder sound was still transmitting unceasingly- just compared wants from the beginning slightly. 南部极远处的地平线上,宏伟之墙所发出的光芒就如一片坠落在地上的极光,比往常强烈数倍的光辉在那里浮动着,带着摄人心魄的壮丽之感,而那种令人不安的风雷声则仍然在不断传来-只不过比起一开始要小了很多。 Gawain stands in the Dark Mountain Range observation platform, looks into the scene of distant place not to say a word for a very long time. 高文站在黑暗山脉的观测平台上,眺望着远方的景象久久不发一言。 In his mind, the warning that the satellite supervisory system sent was still reverberating unceasingly: 在他脑海中,卫星监控系统发来的警报仍然在不断回响着: „...... Warning, Giant Planet active unusual rise, warning, Giant Planet active unusual rise......” “……警告,巨行星活性反常上升,警告,巨行星活性反常上升……” The activity of mana change and Giant Sun of nature is closely linked, but 700 years ago the matter , the change of Giant Sun is also very likely to indicate that approaching of magic tide, all sorts of observational data of Siren confirmed this point similarly: When magic tide gets up, first happened exceptionally responded that inevitably is space that wheel Sun. 自然界的魔力变化与巨日的活动息息相关,而根据七百年前所发生的事情,巨日的变化又极有可能预示着魔潮的临近,海妖们的种种观测记录同样证实了这一点:每当魔潮起时,最先发生异常反应的,必然是天上那轮太阳。 The time are not much...... said, the time has arrived? 时间不多了么……还是说,时间已经到了? Gawain closed the warning information in mind, turns the head to look that to side that young mage- remote thinking/proficiency first detected with the aid of the satellite warning except for oneself this beyond change of Sun, this young people are the person who on Feudal Territory the first discovery exceptionally and feeds in the warning, but the Wall of Magnificence unusual circumstance is also this young people reports promptly. 高文关闭了脑海中的警报信息,转头看向身旁那位年轻法师-除了自己这个“卫星精”借助卫星警报第一时间察觉了太阳的变化之外,这个年轻人就是领地上第一个发现异常并传回警报的人,而宏伟之墙的异常情况也是这个年轻人及时汇报的。 How long away Wall of Magnificence to the present with the bright sent out the strange sound altogether to pass?” “距宏伟之墙发出怪响和亮光到现在一共过去了多长时间?” By the present four hours, Lord,” some young mage slightly nervous had said that „, but I can only determine strange sound before four hours transmits, did not determine when the brightness changes- in our several hours before that have been recording other thing, without looks at Wall of Magnificence.” “到现在已经四个小时了,大人,”年轻法师略有些紧张地说道,“但我只能确定怪声是从四个小时之前传来的,不确定亮度是什么时候改变的-我们在那之前的几个小时里一直在记录别的东西,没有看着宏伟之墙。” Gawain nods, from the report of young mage, he listened to study personnel unique rigorous. 高文点了点头,从年轻法师的报告中,他听出了研究人员特有的严谨性。 In Gawain behind, together with Hetty and the others all are heavyhearted, Amber is first cannot bear: I said that...... that wall this do not collapse?!” 高文身后,一同跟来的赫蒂等人全都是忧心忡忡,琥珀是第一个忍不住的:“我说……那堵墙不会这就要塌了吧?!” Gawain wants to give a clear answer, however after several seconds of thinking, he can only shake the head: „...... I do not know.” 高文很想给出一个明确的答案,然而在几秒钟的思索之后,他只能摇摇头:“……我不知道。” Hetty and Rebecca with one voice: „Don't you know?” 赫蒂瑞贝卡异口同声:“您也不知道?” I can only determine a matter: The present strange sound and energy barrier brightness enhancement is the performance that the Wall of Magnificence load increases sharply, the pressure that it bears at this moment is big, but barrier has not disrupted, this explained that the pressure has not surpassed the threshold value, according to initial design, without new impact arrival, its restore-, but I did not determine that passed through 700 years of wind and rain, is the barrier safety system can also very this test.” “我只能确定一件事:现在的怪声和能量屏障亮度提高都是宏伟之墙负载激增的表现,它此刻承受的压力非常大,但屏障还没有碎裂,这说明压力还没有超过阈值,按照当初的设计,只要没有新的冲击到来,它就会自我修复-但我不确定经过了七百年的风雨,屏障的安全系统是不是还能挺过这一次考验。” Rebecca swallowed a saliva: If...... very?” 瑞贝卡咽了口口水:“如果……挺不过呢?” Dark Mountain Range perhaps can block the first impact of magic tide, but Aberrant Body will soon start to attempt to surmount this barrier, the best situation was chaotic mana in Gondor Wasteland had weakened in the past 700 years sharply, became no longer has directly destroys the strength of Human Race world, then Southern Region will return for 700 years ago when Ainz just founded a nation the situation- monster preying that unceasingly and in magic tide ran out , conducted the constant disorder and unrest the seesaw battle,” Gawain is shaking the head, good news was we currently has magical cannon and Prismatic Light Unit, the bad news in the Southern Region other place, no longer has the during that time Cecil wolf cavalry, no longer. Had the Priest charge group and aristocrat death squad of being unafraid of death.” 黑暗山脉或许能挡住魔潮的第一次冲击,但畸变体很快就会开始尝试翻越这道屏障,最好的情况是刚铎废土中的混乱魔能已经在过去700年里大幅衰减,变得不再具备直接摧毁人类世界的力量,那么南境将重新回到七百年前安苏刚刚立国时的情况-不断和魔潮中冲出的怪物搏杀,进行永无宁日的拉锯战,”高文摇着头,“好消息是我们现在有了魔导巨炮虹光装置,坏消息是在南境的其他地方,已经不再有当年塞西尔狼骑兵,也不再有视死如归的神官冲锋团和贵族敢死队了。” In Hetty behind, government affairs hall official cannot bear said in a low voice: Therefore we are best to pray it very this time......” 赫蒂身后,一位政务厅官员忍不住低声说道:“所以我们最好祈祷它挺过这一次……” „Is pray effective has not said that but we cannot wait at least like this,” Gawain has turned around, looks to Hetty, government affairs hall enters the emergency, prepares to transfer the strategic resources...... to install at any time at present large-scale protects the cities of shield to seek asylum...... to increase as the preparation to the monitoring of Dark Mountain Range South, all observation points shift to Wall of Magnificence...... to prepare propaganda, Public Order Team stand by, any place cannot chaotic......” “祈祷管不管用还不好说,但起码我们不能就这样干等着,”高文转过身,看向赫蒂,“政务厅进入紧急状态,随时准备调用战略物资……目前已经安装大型护盾的城镇作为预备避难点……增加对黑暗山脉南方的监控,所有观测点都转向宏伟之墙……做好宣传准备,治安队随时待命,任何地方都不能乱……” As Gawain's instruction issue, everyone realized that clearly the gravity of matter, but when this, they also felt some relieved. 随着高文的指令一条条下达,现场每一个人都更加清晰地认识到了事情的严重性,而在此之余,他们也感到了些许安心。 Has the instruction, has the arrangement, that always compares is better at a loss. 有指令,有安排,那就总比茫然无措要好。
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