SOD :: Volume #6

#528: Another business

This is a huge expenditure. 这是一笔巨大的花费。 But it is worth. 但它是值得的。 Victoria is sizing up single-handed sword on hand carefully- this is Gawain after the official signing contract gives her gift, this and she is almost exactly the same in each saber that on the Cecil soldier sees the sword, the only difference was on the sword hilt erased Cecil's family crest, changed into the Northern Region Wilde Family clan emblem. 维多利亚仔细打量着自己手上的单手剑-这是在正式签订契约之后高文送给她的礼物,这把剑和她在塞西尔战士身上看到的每一把佩剑都几乎一模一样,唯一不同之处就是剑柄上抹掉了塞西尔的家族徽记,换成了北境维尔德家族的族徽。 It very excellent, has the firm line and meticulous pattern, the surface almost cannot see the slight defect, as an equipment of mass production, it even in weapon compared with royal family Knight Corps hand also excellent, moreover here also has tens of thousands and its exactly the same weapon, among them is also exactly right. 它很精良,有着刚硬的线条和一丝不苟的花纹,表面几乎看不到瑕疵,作为一件量产的装备,它甚至比王室骑士团手中的武器还要精良,而且这里还有成千上万把和它一模一样的武器,它们之间也是分毫不差。 This orderly stroke of feeling made Victoria feel one type strength. 这种整齐划一的感觉让维多利亚感受到了一种“力量”。 This certainly is not the Cecil highest-quality weapon, because no one will be silly to press the bottom the armament to take oneself except for the have no other choice situation to change money, but this weapon on hand is at least better than the kingdom's army now, this enough. 这一定不是塞西尔最优质的武器,因为除了别无选择的情况没有人会傻到把自己压箱底的军备拿出来换钱,但这至少比王国军现在手头的武器要好,这就够了。 looks at holds to fall into the thinking the single-handed sword at present Northern Region Duchess, in the Gawain mind actually appears the memory from Gawain Cecil, did he think of once first-generation Northern Region Grand Duke Snow? Wilde, that powerful mage when the last time visits Southern Region, once had a lengthy conversation with Gawain Cecil all night. 看着眼前捧着把单手剑陷入思索的北境女公爵,高文脑海中却不禁浮现出了来自高文?塞西尔的记忆,他想到了曾经的第一代北境大公斯诺?维尔德,那位强大的法师在最后一次造访南境时,曾经与高文?塞西尔彻夜长谈。 At that time the Four Regions Duke system was established, central Kingdom and four Grand Duke countries are working as one to construct Ainz, that Northern Region Duke asked looked like very strange issue at that time: If some day, the Kingdom biggest threat no longer is outside magic tide, but is Four Regions protects Duke, what to do should that? 当时四境公爵制度已经确立,中央王国和四大公国正在齐心协力建设安苏,那位北境公爵却问了个在那时候看来很奇怪的问题:假如有朝一日,王国最大的威胁不再是外面的魔潮,而是四境守护公爵本身,那该怎么办? Snow? Wilde craves in studying the history, particularly the Gondor Empire aristocrat history, his perhaps from had no alternative in the Four Regions Duke system to see what hidden danger at that time, what a pity during that time Gawain Cecil cannot to his any answer- three days later, Gawain Cecil died in the battlefield. 斯诺?维尔德热衷于研究历史,尤其是刚铎帝国的贵族史,他或许是从当时不得已而为之的四境公爵制度中看出了什么隐患,可惜当年高文?塞西尔并没能给他任何答案-在三天后,高文?塞西尔就死在了战场上。 Gawain recovers, his looks at Victoria, seemingly asked a question very much at will: You think that the Ainz crisis will end to end because of the civil war?” 高文回过神来,他看着维多利亚,貌似很随意地问了个问题:“你认为安苏的危机会因内战结束而结束么?” If we won, that” Victoria will gain ground, to as if state that the fact tone said that Wales Mowen is royal family legitimate successor, so long as the kingdom's army can defeat the Eastern Region rebel army, then the Ainz aristocrat definitely will unite, so long as the aristocrats unite, Ainz will become a whole once again, the crisis is naturally easily solved.” “如果我们胜利了,那就会,”维多利亚抬起头,以仿佛陈述事实般的语气说道,“威尔士?摩恩王室的正统继承人,只要王国军能击败东境叛军,那么安苏贵族就必然会重新团结起来,只要贵族们重新团结起来,安苏就会再次成为一个整体,危机自然迎刃而解。” „...... I understood,” Gawain nods, we first return to the city.” “……我明白了,”高文点点头,“那么我们先回城吧。” Victoria blinks, under the tranquil facial features is hiding a confusion, she felt a disappointment from the Gawain slight expression indistinctly, but also thought that possibly was an misconception, her looks at opposite party has taken a step to leave, then has not closely examined, but was tightens two steps to arrive by that magical car(riage), pointed at the vehicle to ask: Duke Cecil, your type of does thing that is called the magical car(riage)...... also sell?” 维多利亚眨眨眼,平静的面容下隐藏着一丝困惑,她隐隐约约地从高文细微的表情中感受到了一丝失望,但随之又觉得那可能是个错觉,她看着对方已经迈步离开,便没有追问下去,而是紧走两步来到了那辆魔导车旁边,指着车子问道:“塞西尔公爵,您这种被称作魔导车的东西……也卖么?” Gawain stops the footsteps, some slightly accidents/surprises looked at Victoria one, later shows a smile: Sooner or later will sell, but now is not good, we could not have made so many to come, at least must wait for a half year. If you want to buy the magical car(riage), after that goes back, best first cultivate/repair the Kingdom main road.” 高文停下脚步,略有些意外地看了维多利亚一眼,随后露出一丝微笑:“迟早会卖的,但现在不行,我们还造不出那么多来,起码得等半年。而且如果你想买魔导车的话,那回去之后最好先把王国大道修一下。” Victoria deeply lowers the head: My meeting, road/s is the Kingdom life, when the snow melts, my first matter repairs the Kingdom main road.” 维多利亚深深低下头去:“我会的,道路王国的命脉,等到积雪消融,我的第一件事就是重修王国大道。” After returning to Feudal Lord Mansion, Victoria then said goodbye to leave quickly, she must return to the autumn palace, calculates the kingdom's army to put out how much money to come to purchase the armament now specifically, but Gawain has not stayed in Feudal Lord Mansion, he then rode quickly in the entrance magical car(riage), and ordered to go to the merchant area to driving attendant. 回到领主府之后,维多利亚很快便告辞离开,她要返回秋宫,去计算一番王国军现在具体能拿出多少钱来购买军备,而高文也没有在领主府停留,他很快便乘上了等在门口的魔导车,并对驾车的侍从下令前往商人区。 The mechanical vibrations transmit from the chassis of vehicle, sit, in this slightly surpasses the time style in obviously the magical car(riage), Gawain gently exhaled, but on since his seat surges suddenly a shadow, the Amber form appears from the shadow. 机械振动从车子的底盘传来,坐在这辆略显超出时代画风的魔导车内,高文轻轻呼了口气,而他身旁的座椅上则突然涌动起一层阴影,琥珀的身影从阴影中显现出来。 „The appearance of that Duchess anxiety, Amber is blinking the eye probably very much, although does not know before her, where observes in secret, but this fellow has shaken around Gawain obviously, she does not fear the preparation, when dowry money pasted.” “那个女公爵好像很肉疼的样子啊,”琥珀眨巴着眼睛,虽然不知道她之前在什么地方暗中观察,但这家伙显然一直都在高文周围晃悠,“她怕不是把准备当嫁妆的钱都贴进去了。” That is the money, even if half can with the commodity conversion, exceeded the bearing capacity of St. Sunil treasury, Victoria still chose to accept, it seems like she really hopes this civil war can quickly end, hoping the kingdom's army can win as soon as possible.” “那是一大笔钱,哪怕其中一半可以用物资折算,也超出了圣苏尼尔金库的承受能力,维多利亚仍然选择接受,看来她是真的希望这场内战可以尽快结束,希望王国军能尽快取胜。” That has not seen your pit money time tenderhearted,” the Amber opens the mouth comes, really being able to get down hand, that many is also your younger generation, moreover as the aristocrat was also a good person, finally you did not hit the discount.” “那也没见你坑钱的时候心软,”琥珀张口就来,“真下得去手啊,那多少也是你的晚辈,而且作为贵族而言也是个不错的人了,结果你连个折扣都不打的。” Gawain looked at Amber one, slowly said: „...... the kingdom's army could not rescue Ainz.” 高文看了琥珀一眼,慢慢说道:“……王国军救不了安苏。” These gold coins also can only be used to pad the battlefield on Holy Spirit Plain in the the kingdom's army hand slowly, makes them consume with it senselessly, might as well make them turn into the magical industry the gear and lever. 那些金币在王国军手中也只能慢慢用来填塞圣灵平原上的战场,与其让它们无谓消耗,不如让它们变成魔导工业的齿轮和杠杆。 Amber blinks, later feels the chin: „Do you want to go to do now?” 琥珀眨眨眼,随后摸着下巴:“那你现在要去干嘛?” Saw another batch also unable to save the Ainz person.” “去见见另外一批同样救不了安苏的人。” The magical car(riage) across the administrative area of Cecil city, across the ring-like main road, then arrived at west the merchant area situated in city quickly, in a while, it then stopped before a tall brand-new building- 魔导车穿过塞西尔城的行政区,穿过环形大道,很快便来到了位于城市西侧的商人区,没过多久,它便停在了一幢高大崭新的建筑物前- Cecil's merchant clubhouse, specialized for receiving the place of great merchant honored guest. 塞西尔的商人会馆,专门用于接待巨商贵客的地方。 Behind the window of building two buildings, keeps brown short hair the sound on young aristocrat calmly looks at street, in seeing the magical car(riage), he retrocedes one step, left nearby the window. 建筑物二楼的一扇窗户后面,留着褐色短发的年轻贵族静静地看着街道上的动静,在看到魔导车靠近之后,他后退一步,离开了窗户附近。 In the room several other people, they put on the fine silk or the fabric material clothes, don't the brooch or brings the mechanical pocket watch, seeming like is the merchant dresses up, but from their extremely vigilant and swift and fierce look and graces imposing manner, then can judge these people not only the merchant is so simple. 房间内另有几人,他们都穿着精致的丝绸或绒料衣服,别着胸针或带着机械怀表,看上去皆是商人打扮,但从他们那极为警惕和凌厉的眼神以及举手投足间的气势,便可以判断出这些人不只是商人那么简单。 One of them noticed that brown sends the young people to leave the window, stands up the inquiry: Young master, does outside have the situation?” 其中一人看到褐发年轻人离开窗口,站起身询问:“少爷,外面有情况?” need not was worried, was he came,” brown sent the young people to nod, the sinking sound said, only had one to accompany, should quick come up.” 不用担心,是他来了,”褐发年轻人点点头,沉声说道,“只带着一个随从,应该很快就会上来。” Several people in room relax slightly, later with brown sends the young people to arrive around the door together, calmly is waiting. 房间里的几人略略放松下来,随后和褐发年轻人一起来到房门附近,静静地等待着。 A moment later, the sound of footsteps transmits...... 片刻之后,脚步声传来…… In the room in merchant clubhouse, Gawain saw these special guests. 在商人会馆的房间内,高文见到了那些特殊的客人。 In the past three days, he let Victoria and other Royal Capital visitors visits the market, the visit city street, the place that visit all arranged, but he himself has not been idling, he at the matter of doing, was these special guest contacts. 在过去三天里,他让维多利亚和其他王都访客们参观市场,参观城市街头,参观一切安排好的地方,而他自己也没闲着,他在做的事情,就是和这些特殊的客人接触。 The door is closed behind, in front of Gawain looks at brown sends the young people, slightly nodded of: Marquis Belk, it seems like you obeyed my advice, has not run all over the place.” 房门在身后关闭,高文看着自己面前的褐发年轻人,微微点了点头:“贝尔克侯爵,看来你们听从了我的建议,没有乱跑。” Brown sends Young people Eastern Region Duke Silas Loren eldest son, Belk? Loren bends the waist, salutes to Gawain by the status of younger generation, others also salute in abundance, but after saluting, this over 20 years old then had just achieved the middle rank young people unable to bear say: When does not feel better in the room.” 褐发年轻人-东境公爵塞拉斯?罗伦的长子,贝尔克?罗伦弯下腰来,以晚辈的身份对高文行礼,其他人也纷纷行礼,而在行礼之后,这个刚二十多岁便已经达到中阶的年轻人忍不住说道:“待在房间里并不好受。” Leaving the room will be more troublesome,” Gawain brings Amber to sit down on the room central sofa, looks at similarly in Belk that oneself do take a seat at present? Loren said, Eastern Region Duke successor appears in the Cecil city, this is not the good signal, moreover I believe that Victoria is certainly glad to take advantage very much this opportunity makes Silas Loren lose beloved son- you may not can be victorious she.” “离开房间会更麻烦,”高文带着琥珀在房间中央的沙发上坐下,看着同样在自己眼前落座的贝尔克?罗伦说道,“东境公爵继承人出现在塞西尔城内,这可不是什么好信号,而且我相信维多利亚一定很乐意趁这个机会让塞拉斯?罗伦痛失爱子-你可打不过她。” Belk slightly somewhat moves the body irritably, although he wants to control oneself expression, but he time in this aspect was inferior obviously Victoria so reaches a high degree of proficiency: You receive Envoy that Royal Capital sent in Feudal Lord Mansion, makes us hide among the merchants, was this...... expressed your attitude?” 贝尔克略有些别扭地动了动身子,尽管他很想控制好自己的表情,但他在这方面的功夫显然不如维多利亚那么炉火纯青:“您在领主府接待了王都派来的使者,却让我们藏在商人之间,这是……表达了您的态度么?” Gawain could not bear smile, his looks at present Young people Belk was a good young fellow, the politeness, had the talent, was very intelligent, but was obviously rash and deficient experience, he was unable to grasp with skill that the person negotiated, but considering his age, no means him and compared with Northern Region Duchess: „confessed that so-called the kingdom's army and Eastern Region army were in my opinion same, the junior fought not to need not to call to comment the guardian to wrong, but considering the geographical position, Southern Region and Holy Spirit Plain relation obvious ratio and Eastern Region was much stronger, moreover their time visited from had publicized long before.” 高文忍不住笑了起来,他看着眼前的年轻人-贝尔克是个不错的小伙子,礼貌,有天赋,很聪明,但显然过于莽撞和缺乏经验,他还不是很能掌握与人交涉的技巧,但考虑到他的年纪,也没办法把他和北境女公爵相比:“坦白来讲,所谓的王国军东境军在我看来都一样,小辈打架没必要非把家长叫出来评个对错,但考虑到地理位置,南境圣灵平原的联系显然比和东境要强得多,而且他们的这次造访从很早以前就已经公开了。” Speaking of this him, then said: But as for you...... I retain the limited trust to you, does this look merely in Anthony? In Loren friendship.” 说到这他顿了顿,才接着说道:“而至于你们……我对你们保留有限的信任,这仅仅是看在安东尼?罗伦的情分上。” I overstep, but you will notice sooner or later, we are the sincerity want to save this Kingdom,” Belk serious said,indulges in Holy Spirit Plain in peaceful Kingdom aristocrats basic conscious does not arrive at the crisis, they cannot see the change of Typhon, cannot see the change of the world, they only know that all night feasts as well as plunders the last copper coin in even common people, but we know- “恕我逾越,但您迟早会看到的,我们才是真心想要拯救这个王国,”贝尔克一脸严肃地说道,“在圣灵平原沉溺于和平的王国贵族们根本意识不到危机,他们看不到提丰的变化,也看不到世界的变化,他们只知道彻夜宴饮以及搜刮走平民家里的最后一个铜币,但我们知道- Typhon is reforming the land system, the spread education, is developing technology, reorganizes the army, develops New Territories, their civilians have been able each week to eat to a meat, but our people are insufficient the black bread in the winter. Even if Ainz makes vigorous efforts to catch up now, is very difficult to catch up with Typhon, our only outlets let the concentration of power of Ainz to a powerful new king hand in rapidly, making Typhon dread, even if only dreads for ten years, even five years, we have the opportunity......” 提丰正在改革土地制度,正在推广教育,正在发展技术,整顿军队,开拓新地,他们的平民已经能每周吃到一次肉了,而我们的人民在冬天连黑面包都不够。哪怕安苏现在奋起直追,也很难追上提丰,我们唯一的出路就是迅速让安苏的权力集中到一个强有力的新王手中,让提丰忌惮,哪怕只忌惮十年,甚至五年,我们都还有机会……” Gawain broke this to be filled with the warm young people: „Is Edmund in your mouth powerful new king?” 高文打断了这个满心热情的年轻人:“埃德蒙就是你们口中‘强有力的新王’?” Prince Edmund far-seeing originality and rallying point,” Belk? Loren said earnestly, in tone many admirations, he fought the reward law, the road building bill and commercial bill in plowing of Eastern Region implementation and reclaims the village system to produce the results, so long as Holy Spirit Plain is willing to send not a blind aristocrat to look at one, they also met conscious to whom are qualified King-, but they did not dare obviously.” 埃德蒙王子有远见卓识和号召力,”贝尔克?罗伦非常认真地说道,语气中不乏敬佩,“他在东境试行的耕战奖励法、筑路法案、商业法案和开垦农庄制度都已经产生了效果,只要圣灵平原肯派个不瞎的贵族去看一眼,他们也会意识到谁才是合格的国王的-但他们显然不敢。” It seems like this young Marquis mister has not known the relation of Prince Edmund back and All Things Finally Die Society from the start, does not know that truth of Francis II death- possibly is his performing skill is also excellent, pretends not knowing intentionally? 看来这位年轻的侯爵先生还压根不知道埃德蒙王子背后与万物终亡会的联系,也不知道弗朗西斯二世死亡的真相-也可能是他演技高超,故意装不知道? Gawain and do not care Belk knows or does not know anything specifically, he and other opposite party said patiently, this nods: I also know probably- because I know these, I am willing to try to you trust, allows the merchants in duchy to go to Eastern Region to establish the trade route. I lay down for 700 years in the tomb, I knew these people who trust basically already not, regarding anybody of this time and influence-, even if were latter people of past good friend- I must understand was good.” 高文不在意贝尔克具体知道或不知道什么,他耐心地等对方说完,这才点点头:“我大概也知道一些-正是因为我知道这些,我才愿意试着给你们一些信任,才允许公国的商人去东境建立商路。要知道,我在坟墓里躺了七百年,我所认识所信任的那些人基本上都已经不在了,对于这个时代的任何人和势力-哪怕是昔日好友的后人们-我都要重新了解才行。” Belk sits when the sofa, unwittingly is stroking gently own index finger knuckle, this seems like him to organize the glossary subconsciously movement: Yes, I and my father understand that this point...... Codd mister made the profound impression on us, medicine that he brings is we are urgently needed, my father sends me to come, to discuss the matter in this aspect with you......” 贝尔克坐在沙发上,无意识地摩挲着自己的食指指节,这似乎是他组织词汇时的下意识动作:“是的,我和我的父亲都明白这一点……科德先生给我们留下了深刻的印象,他带来的药剂正是我们急需的,我的父亲派我过来,也正是为了和您谈这方面的事情……” We couple of days ago were discussing that this issue,” Gawain nods, I know that your meanings, you have especially giant medicine gap, therefore not only wants to order magnanimous alchemy medicine, but also wants to buy one set of industrial plant equipment, but also wants Cecil to help you train person of a number of run machinery...... to speak the truth, the thing that you request are really many.” “我们前两天就在谈这个问题,”高文点点头,“我知道你们的意思,你们有个格外巨大的药剂缺口,因此不但想要订购海量的炼金药剂,而且还想买一套工厂设备,还想要塞西尔帮你们训练一批操作机器的人……说实话,你们要求的东西还真不少。” Our have no other choice.” Belk? Loren said. “我们别无选择。”贝尔克?罗伦说道。 Young Marquis knows, what he requests is sensitive technology is basic, is Duke Cecil the thing that is difficult to comply with, however before set off, Prince Edmund then explained to him all these Necessities alchemy the thing of medicine this affecting army life or death cannot be always under the control of others, only then makes Eastern Region have the productivity, can guarantee that will interrupt after some day Southern Region suddenly medicine will supply will not fall into the extremely passive aspect. 年轻的侯爵知道,他所要求的是敏感的“技术根本”,是塞西尔公爵很难答应的东西,然而在出发之前,埃德蒙王子便向他说明了这一切的必要性-炼金药剂这种攸关军队存亡的东西不能始终受制于人,只有让东境也具备生产能力,才能确保在有朝一日南境突然中断药剂供应之后不会陷入太过被动的局面。 Two days ago negotiations in this issue in the impass of reaching, but Duke Cecil comes today, that explained that this issue perhaps also some discussed. 两天前的谈判就是在这个问题上陷入的僵局,但今天塞西尔公爵又来了,那就说明这个问题恐怕还有的谈。 Gawain calmly is thinking- is very seemingly puzzled and hesitant, nearby Amber cannot bear the opens the mouth: Our machines pay the huge price to study, that is the knowledge, spends money, but cannot buy......” 高文静静地思索着-看上去似乎很纠结和犹豫,旁边的琥珀则忍不住开口:“咱们的机器可是付出巨大的代价才研究出来的,那是知识啊,用钱可是买不来的……” Gawain compared the thumb to Amber secretly, on the face full is serious: But Eastern Region after all is also Ainz portion.” 高文偷偷对琥珀比了个大拇指,脸上满是严肃:“但东境总归也是安苏一部分。” But if we helped them construct the factory, they then directly the technology learned, not only oneself produced, what to do hasn't allowed our potion to enter a country?” “但如果我们帮他们把工厂建起来了,他们回头直接把技术学会,不但自己生产,还不允许我们的药水入境了怎么办?” Belk says immediately: Takes an oath by the family bloodlines, Eastern Region will not do violates the Knight spirit matter, Prince Edmund has then confessed before my set off, we establish our factory to prepare emergency requirement, we still needed Southern Region alchemy medicine.” 贝尔克立刻说道:“以家族血脉起誓,东境不会做这么违背骑士精神的事情,埃德蒙王子在我出发前便交代过,我们建立自己的工厂只是为了以备不时之需,我们仍然是需要南境炼金药剂的。” Gawain does not believe the commitment of Edmund, but his face trust nods: I like to believe you.” 高文丝毫不信埃德蒙的承诺,但他一脸信任地点了点头:“我愿意相信你们。” Afterward he a thread of conversation revolution: But I must protect Southern Region benefit, protects to give loyalty to benefit of my merchants- if, therefore wants to establish the medicine factory in Eastern Region, I have a condition: The merchant who must assign by me and you jointly put up a factory.” 随后他又话锋一转:“但我要保护南境利益,保护效忠于我的商人们的利益-所以如果想要在东境建立药剂工厂,我有个条件:必须由我指定的商人和你们联合建厂。” Jointly puts up a factory?” “联合建厂?” Yes, has half of costs respectively, jointly establishes, the common Management factory, the income must divide equally. The Southern Region business representative will protect core technology to be insufficient to leak in this process, will also conduct the technology instruction to you, this is I can accept biggest yielded.” “是的,各出一半成本,共同建立,共同管理工厂,收益也要平分。南境的商业代表会在这个过程中保护核心技术不至于外泄,同时也会对你们进行技术指导,这是我能接受的最大的让步了。” Belk hesitated, later sets out with side several people in a low voice and discusses fast. 贝尔克沉吟了一下,随后起身和身边的几个人低声而快速地讨论起来。 A moment later, he returns to the seat: „...... I agreed, I can represent my father affinity Prince Edmund will at this matter.” 片刻之后,他回到座位:“……我同意,在这件事上我可以代表我父亲和埃德蒙王子的意志。” Gawain smiles: Very good, we must recomputate a price......” 高文微笑起来:“很好,那我们就要重新计算一下价钱了……” After the final price was estimated that during young Marquis fell into was astonished. 当最终的价钱被估算出来之后,年轻的侯爵陷入了惊愕之中。 So many?!” “这么多?!” This is not very normal?” Gawain spreads out the hand, „, if establishes Alchemy Factory to be very easy, I do not need at this matter hesitant until today. Moreover I must help the factory that you construct be possible incessantly, the first batch of alchemy medicine quantity that you must purchase is the traditional alchemy medicine sum total to be equivalent to over about past three years Ainz throughout producing. Thinks that traditional alchemy medicine price, you will discover that the present price at all was not anything.” “这不是很正常的么?”高文摊开手,“如果建立炼金工厂很容易的话,我根本就不必在这件事上犹豫到今天了。而且我要帮你们建的工厂可不止一座,你们要购买的首批炼金药剂的数量更是相当于过去三年来安苏全境所生产的传统炼金药剂的总和。想一想传统炼金药剂的价格,你就会发现现在的价钱根本不算什么了。” This...... truly so,” Belk strokes gently own knuckle again, on the face is showing awkward look, „, but...... confessed that this price a little more than we expected.” “这……确实如此,”贝尔克再次摩挲着自己的指节,脸上又露出为难的神色,“但……坦白来讲,这个价钱有点超出我们预期了。” Gawain said lightly: This is because you set the requirements outside plan.” 高文淡淡地说道:“这是因为你们提出了计划之外的要求。” Afterward he also proposed before and Victoria have said method: Charges against half of cash with the commodity. 随后他又提出了之前和维多利亚说过的方法:用物资来冲抵一半现金。 However this time, Belk reveals very awkward look. 然而这一次,贝尔克还是露出很为难的模样 Eastern Region after all is only Eastern Region, although the army is strong, the Extraordinary proportion in army is also much higher than the kingdom's army, but delivers from the Feudal Territory area, the population and resources, it is not possible and occupies Holy Spirit Plain, there is Western Region Augari Tribe Kingdom compared with the kingdom's army of trade line support. 东境毕竟只是东境,尽管军队强大,军队中的超凡者比例也远远高于王国军,但从领地面积、人口数量以及资源产出来看,它是不可能和占据圣灵平原,又有“西境-奥古雷部族国”贸易线支撑的王国军相比的。 Obviously, their paying capacity is a problem very much. 显然,他们的“支付能力”很成问题。 The negotiations as if reached the impass, but Gawain broke suddenly silent: „A plan.” 谈判似乎陷入了僵局,但高文突然打破了沉默:“还有一个方案。” Young Belk raised the head immediately: What plan do you have?” 年轻的贝尔克立刻抬起头:“您有什么方案?” In the Eastern Region southwest region, close to Southern Region and place of Dark Mountain Range triangle crossroad, the piece is called Whitesand Hills the region?” Gawain said at a moderate pace, it is said there produces the iron and copper, few magical crystal mineral lode.” “在东境西南区域,靠近南境黑暗山脉三角路口的地方,是不是有一片被称作‘白沙丘陵’的区域?”高文不紧不慢地说道,“据说那里出产铁和铜,还有少量魔导晶体矿脉。” „Do you want Whitesand Hills?” Belk opened the eye, later immediately shakes the head, please I reject- this is not possible. Although that region has not developed, but it is Eastern Region in the future the long-term ore deposit, moreover is the Eastern Region precious territory. Receives in exchange for temporary alchemy medicine and factory with permanent lands, this price is too big.” “您要白沙丘陵?”贝尔克睁大了眼睛,随后立刻摇头,“请恕我拒绝-这是不可能的。那一区域虽然还没开发,但它是东境未来长远的矿产地,而且也是东境宝贵的领土。用一片永久的土地来换取临时的炼金药剂和工厂,这代价太大。” I do not plan to want it,” Gawain interrupted the Belk words, I only mine it some time- five years, Southern Region mines for five years in Whitesand Hills, later there your. According to the situation, how this civil war should also end five years later, by that time all settle down, we happen to can start to enter a new period.” “我不打算要它,”高文打断了贝尔克的话,“我只开采它一段时间-五年,南境白沙丘陵开采五年,随后那里还是你们的。按照目前局势,这场内战在五年后再怎样也该结束了,到那时候一切尘埃落定,我们正好可以开始进入一个新的时期。” On the looks at Gawain face that serious and earnest expression, the Eastern Region future successor, young Marquis Belk hesitates suddenly. 看着高文脸上那严肃认真的表情,东境未来的继承者,年轻的贝尔克侯爵一时间犹豫起来。 Five years...... 五年时间…… He sets out again, discussed fast with the advisers and subordinates of accompanying. 他再次起身,和随行的顾问以及部下们快速地商讨起来。 After several minutes, he returns to front of Gawain again. 几分钟后,他再次回到高文面前。 Should unable to mine many. 应该开采不了多少吧。 We agreed.” “我们同意了。”
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