SOD :: Volume #6

#527: Agreement

weapons and equipments? 武器装备 Hears the Gawain's words, in the Victoria heart moves. 听到高文的话,维多利亚心中不禁一动。 The situation has not gone beyond the expectation, all such that just like she speculated for these days is short of money. 情况没有超出预料,一切正如这几天她所推测的那样-塞西尔缺钱。 In the past three days, Victoria used various methods to investigate the Southern Region situation, although she did not have personnel of means direct contact government affairs hall, did not have the means to leave this city, but she can contact the Cecilian market, can contact their newspapers, can hear the sound of streets and lanes, even had also seen twice magic projection Technique Cecilian manages magic is called program- can disseminate in the information that from these publicly, she can infer many useful things. 在过去的三天里,维多利亚用了各种方法来调查南境的情况,尽管她没办法直接接触政务厅的人员,也没办法离开这座城市,但她能接触到塞西尔人的市场,能接触他们的报纸,能听到街头巷尾的声音,甚至还看到过两次魔法投影术-塞西尔人管这种魔法叫做“节目”-从这些可以公开传播的信息中,她能推理出很多有用的东西。 The Cecil's development is very swift and violent, Founding Hero that Gawain Cecil this has gone through the Gondor period as if in using his these came from the 700 years ago knowledge to construct this lands, he opened several astonishingly huge projects, including redistributing the entire Southern Region population as well as constructs several new towns simultaneously, but so large-scale project certainly needs the extraordinary wealth to support. 塞西尔的发展十分迅猛,高文?塞西尔这个经历过刚铎时期的开国英雄似乎在用他那些来自七百年前的知识来建设这片土地,他开启了数个规模惊人的工程,包括重新分配整个南境的人口以及同时建设数座新城,而如此大规模的工程毫无疑问需要惊人的财富来支持。 The new Cecil duchy in fiscal should already very nervous- this is Victoria in the conclusion that in these days investigation inferred. 新生的塞西尔公国在财政方面应该已经十分紧张-这就是维多利亚在这几天的调查中所推理出来的结论。 But before arriving in Southern Region, she has been pondering, pondered must comfort and win over this Founding Grand Duke with anything- from royal family acknowledgment, or all from the present age aristocrat legitimacy authentication is legitimate source Duke is pointless regarding this it, but after knowing Cecil's finance possible nervous, she thinks oneself found well gift. 而早在抵达南境之前,她就一直在思考,思考要用什么东西来安抚和拉拢这位开国大公-来自王室的“承认”,或者说一切来自当代贵族的“正统性认证”对于这位本身就是正统之源的公爵而言都是没有意义的,但在知道塞西尔的财政可能紧张之后,她认为自己找到了最好的“礼物”。 Moreover after seeing the extraordinary equipment of Cecilian, she also truly had the huge interest in these things, how she does not know should on own initiative in this aspect opens the mouth, but looks like...... both sides to need now mutually, this is the best aspect. 而且在见过塞西尔人超凡装备之后,她也确实对那些东西产生了巨大的兴趣,她只是不知道该如何主动在这方面开口,但现在看来……双方互有所需,这是最好的局面。 You should see my army, saw excessive new equipment Fort Boulder,” change that Gawain looks at Victoria eyeground that little average man is unable to detect, knows that the opposite party had been pondering following own direction, he is restraining in the heart the hard to endure happy expression, continued to say carefully and painstakingly, duchy decided initially, my army only enough protected this lands, but we to deal with the war the weapon of preparation had greatly are very extra, these were high-quality extraordinary equipment, was very helpful to the kingdom's army.” “你应该已经见过我的军队,也见过重新武装磐石要塞了,”高文看着维多利亚眼底那一点点常人无法察觉的变化,知道对方已经在顺着自己的方向去思考,他收敛着心中难忍的笑意,继续一板一眼地说道,“公国初定,我的军队只够保护这片土地,但我们为了应对战争而准备的武器却有很大富余,那些都是优质的超凡武装,想必对王国军而言很有帮助。” This is certainly,” Victoria says immediately, „the Eastern Region person can draft cleverly in fighting, our soldiers are hard to resist with it, but if there is a number of powerful weapons, the situation can with the present different......” “这是毫无疑问的,”维多利亚立刻说道,“东境人能征善战,我们的士兵难以与之对抗,但如果有一批强大的武器,局势一定会和现在不同……” That was good,” Gawain nods, but a thread of conversation revolution, extraordinary equipment after all and ordinary sword was different, Cecil Family to build them consumed not poor, I cannot give the kingdom's army them free of charge.” “那就再好不过了,”高文点点头,但紧接着话锋一转,“不过超凡武装毕竟和普通的刀剑不同,塞西尔家族为了打造它们耗费不菲,我可不能无偿把它们送给王国军。” Victoria is not accidental/surprised: Naturally extraordinary equipment is always scarce, if can purchase that with money is the huge good deed. However I want to know, which weapons you did have to sell to the kingdom's army, the quantity how many?” 维多利亚对此毫无意外:“当然-超凡武装一向稀少,如果能够用金钱购买那就已经是天大的好事了。不过我想知道,您都有哪些武器可以卖给王国军,数量又有多少?” Gawain shows a faint smile, stands up: Comes with me, I think that the actual demonstration can make your impression profound.” 高文微微一笑,站起身:“跟我来,我想实际的展示更能让你印象深刻。” Victoria keeps up with the Gawain's footsteps, they left Feudal Lord Mansion, and rode the magical car(riage) to leave the administrative area directly, after a travel, the surrounding building gradually became sparse, several sentry post tower appeared in the field of vision. 维多利亚跟上高文的脚步,他们离开了领主府,并乘上魔导车直接离开了行政区,在一段行驶之后,周围的建筑物逐渐变得稀疏,几座哨则出现在了视野中。 They arrived at weapon testing ground situated on city Northeast. 他们来到了位于城市东北方向的武器试验场上。 After getting out, Victoria cannot bear then looks at means of transportation that just rode- this really quite facilitates the fast good thing, particularly in battlefield, it not like warhorse easy frightened, has the firm outer covering and huge strength, if the installment crossbow artillery on the vehicle, arranges the archer and javelin, or transports the grain and fodder with them well...... that this/should? 下车之后,维多利亚忍不住回头看了一眼刚刚乘坐的交通工具-这实在是相当便利迅捷的好东西,尤其是在战场上,它不会像战马一样容易受惊,又有着坚固的外壳和巨大的力气,如果在车上安装弩炮,布置弓箭手和标枪手,或者用它们来运送粮草……那该多好? In the thinking, young Knight had arrived in front of Gawain and Victoria, this is informed ahead of time, is ready on testing ground Philip: Two Lord, all have prepared appropriately.” 在思索间,一位年轻的骑士已经来到了高文维多利亚面前,这是提前得到通知,在试验场上做好准备的菲利普:“两位大人,一切已经准备妥当了。” Gawain hints Philip to guide, Victoria restrained in the heart temporarily the idea, accompanied by portion accompanying personnel, she follows Gawain and young Knight, then arrived at one quickly empty ahead of time, has in the open area that the soldier guards. 高文示意菲利普带路,维多利亚则暂时收敛了心中想法,在一部分随行人员的陪同下,她跟着高文和年轻骑士,很快便来到了一处被提前清空的、有士兵守卫的空地上。 She noticed that a soldier arrives in front of Gawain, in the soldier hand holds a wooden crate of long linearity, after the wooden crate opens, inside is one has the single-handed long sword that the dark blue blade edge and handsome appearance and does not lose the imposing manner. 她看到一名士兵走到高文面前,士兵手中则托着一个长条形的木箱,木箱打开之后,里面是一把有着暗蓝色刀锋、造型美观而又不失气势的单手长剑。 She has seen this type of sword- on that female Knight named Margarita, she is profound to its impression. 她见过这种剑-在那位名叫玛格丽塔的女骑士手上,她对它印象深刻。 This has fire elemental force extraordinary equipment, we called it searing sword,” Gawain took up the long sword, brandished at will two, later pressed mechanism on somewhere sword hilt in front of Victoria, the long sword transmits one immediately very slightly buzz the cry, but its sword blade rapidly became red, in sword blade's nearby air then presented naked eye obvious distortion instantaneously- this let Victoria conscious to that sword blade on the astonishing heat, such as you saw, its high fever blade edge was its might origin, in normal to cutting in situation, it can cut off any ordinary sword easily, Also can sever completely to the light and medium metal armor, copes with the time effect of heavy armor unit possibly is not that good-, but its heat can heat up the armor of heavy armor soldier unceasingly, destructive power was still fatal.” “这是具备火元素力量超凡武装,我们叫它熔切剑,”高文拿起长剑,随意挥舞了两下,随后在维多利亚面前按动了剑柄上的某处机关,长剑立刻传来一阵非常轻微的嗡鸣,而它的剑刃则迅速变红,在剑锋附近的空气瞬间便呈现出肉眼可见的扭曲-这让维多利亚意识到了那剑刃上惊人的热量,“如你所见,它的高热刀锋就是它的威力来源,在正常对砍的情况下,它能轻而易举地砍断任何普通刀剑,对轻型和中型的金属护甲也能一刀两断,对付重甲单位的时候效果可能不是那么好-但它的热量可以不断加热重甲战士的盔甲,杀伤力仍然是致命的。” Victoria approaches, she received the long sword that Gawain hands over, feels astonishing heat that the latter sent out, but felt this sword internal auto-run mana: „Doesn't it have the mana demand to the user?” 维多利亚凑近一些,她接过高文递过来的长剑,感受到了后者散发出的惊人热量,但更加感受到了这柄剑内部自动运行的魔力:“它对使用者没有魔力需求?” Right, this is self-contained extraordinary equipment, so long as is trained, the average person can also use.” “没错,这是一件自持的超凡武装,只要受过训练,普通人也能用。” extraordinary equipment that maintains- this is in extraordinary equipment most expensive one! 自我维持的超凡武装-这是超凡武装中最昂贵的一种! No wonder the Southern Region aristocrat allied armies meet are not your opponent,” in Victoria approvingly looks at hand this fatal and beautiful weapon, „, if the ordinary soldier can also equip the magic weapon, any army will incomparably become fearful...... such a sword, how many value?” “难怪南境贵族联军会不是您的对手,”维多利亚赞叹地看着手中这件致命而美丽的武器,“如果普通士兵也能装备魔法武器,任何一支军队都会变得无比可怕……一把这样的剑,价值多少?” The response of Gawain looks at Victoria, said satisfied lets the opposite party dumbfounded price: Wants 20 Ainz round gold coins- or 17 shield gold coins.” 高文满意地看着维多利亚的反应,说了个让对方目瞪口呆的价格:“只要二十枚安苏圆金币-或者十七枚盾金币。” Victoria is startled- is not too expensive/noble, but was too cheap!! 维多利亚大吃一惊-不是太贵,而是太便宜了!! 20 gold coins buy a sword, if the ordinary sword is very certainly expensive, because does not have the mana fine steel long sword to be most also on the value 2-3 gold coins, even if stems from the famous artisan's hand, the price cannot surpass four gold coins, but if is the extraordinary weapon...... 20 gold coins is sometimes insufficient the material money! 二十枚金币买一把剑,如果是普通刀剑当然很贵,因为不具备魔力的精钢长剑最多也就值2-3枚金币而已,哪怕出自名匠之手,价钱也超不过四个金币,但假如是超凡武器……二十枚金币有时候连材料钱都不够! One a long sword that has simplest sharp enchantment then can be fried to over a hundred gold coins, but will have the sword price of strength of element even also to turn time, moreover in many situations, even may not buy richly conforms to extraordinary equipment of request-, because can manufacture the mana weapon will be status aloof Extraordinary, Extraordinary will not be short of money, wants to ask them to build the weapon, besides money, but must have enough status and position. 一把带有最简单的锋锐附魔的长剑便可以被炒到上百金币,而带有元素之力的刀剑价格甚至还会翻倍,而且在很多情况下,即便有钱也不一定能买到符合要求的超凡武装-因为能制造魔力武器的都是身份超然的超凡者,超凡者本身就是不缺钱的,想请他们打造武器,除了金钱之外,还必须有足够的身份和地位。 But in Cecil, one a long sword that has the strength of element wants 20 gold coins......, moreover this type of sword or mass production. 但在塞西尔,一把带有元素之力的长剑只要二十个金币……而且这种剑还是量产的。 „Is this price inappropriate?” “这个价格不合适么?” The Gawain's sound awakens Victoria, she shakes the head: No, in fact imagines compared with me...... cheap many.” 高文的声音把维多利亚惊醒过来,她摇了摇头:“不,事实上比我想象的……便宜不少。” Inexpensive is because it has certain flaw,” Gawain smiled, you should know, Cecil's many extraordinary equipment are the mass production, but must having the thing batch production of mana, we must make certain compromise in the quality- in your hand this sword, when uses normally the might and genuine extraordinary weapon have no difference, Mana Capacitor that but in its sword hilt installs underground after some time, will damage, at that time it turned into an ordinary weapon.” “廉价是因为它有一定缺陷,”高文笑了起来,“你应该已经知道了,塞西尔的很多超凡武装都是量产的,但要把具备魔力的东西量产化,我们就必须在质量上做一定妥协-你手中这把剑在正常使用的时候威力和真正的超凡武器没什么区别,但它剑柄中埋设的魔力电容器在一段时间之后就会损坏,那时候它就变成一件普通武器了。” So will be no wonder cheap......” Victoria to reveal look suddenly, later cannot bear care asks, „after mana mechanism damage in that sword hilt ?” “怪不得会这么便宜……”维多利亚露出恍然的模样,随后忍不住在意地问道,“那剑柄里的魔力机关损坏之后呢?” Can replace- to make up for the flaw in quality, its many part can disassemble the replacement,” Gawain is smiling, you could rest assured that that mana mechanism is cheaper, new Mana Capacitor wants a round gold coin, if you worried that the ordinary soldier trades does not cause other sword key structure damages well, you can deliver them, we help you trade free.” “可以更换-为了弥补质量上的缺陷,它的很多部件都是能够拆卸更换的,”高文微笑着,“你放心,那个魔力机关更便宜,新的魔力电容器只要一个圆金币,而且如果你们担心普通士兵换不好导致刀剑其他关键结构损坏,你们可以把它们送回来,我们免费帮你们换。” Wants a gold coin?” Victoria confirmed that after obtaining the affirmative answer, she relaxes. “只要一个金币?”维多利亚确认了一下,得到肯定的答复之后,她不禁松了口气。 As if...... is very cost-effective? Under the mana mechanism long-term accumulation that although replaces unceasingly probably needs not a poor expenditure, but compared with purchasing true extraordinary equipment, this type searing sword was too cheap. 似乎……挺划算的?虽然不断更换的魔力机关长期积累之下可能需要一笔不菲的花费,但比起购买一件真正的超凡武装,这种“熔切剑”还是太便宜了。 After this, more can be used in the sell the weapon sample being delivered to front of Gawain and Victoria. 在这之后,更多可以用于出售的武器样品被送到了高文维多利亚面前。 Gawain orders the soldier scene to demonstrate these weapons, he same is introducing in side: 高文命令士兵现场演示那些武器,他则在旁边一样一样地介绍着: This is heat-ray gun, it can launch heat ray, although the firing distance is shorter than ordinary heat ray, is less than hundred meters, but has surpassed many arrows . Moreover the might is not the bow and arrow can compare. Naturally, it is also inexpensive mass production extraordinary equipment, its focus array is very easy to damage- you are mage, should know that this is the situation that has no way to avoid. However you worried similarly differently, the focus array is also very cheap......” “这是热能射线枪,它能够发射灼热射线,射程虽然比普通灼热射线短很多,只有不到百米,但已经超过了很多弓箭,而且威力更不是弓箭能够比拟。当然,它也是一件廉价的量产超凡武装,它的聚焦阵列很容易损坏-你是一个法师,应该知道这是没法避免的情况。不过你同样不同担心,聚焦阵列也是很便宜的……” crystal grenade, might reliable- this actually need not worry service life issue, it is the consumables, but it absolutely compared with rupturing the scroll is easy to carry inexpensive.” 结晶手雷,威力可靠-这个倒是不用担心使用寿命问题,它本身就是消耗品,但它绝对比爆裂卷轴廉价又易于携带。” magic energy armor, same important of outstanding defensive measure to soldier, moreover I believe that you do not hope the soldier who spends a substantial amount of gold coin equipment to get up easily died in the battlefield. This armor has many effective enchantment, power core of chest place can make it operate continually for four hours, this enough has dealt with great majority battle. Its various enchantment effects are to depend upon rune base plate in various armor slots produce, in other words, replaces rune base plate or fluctuates rune base plate to change the magic resistance of armor, this can deal with very complex battlefield situation, no matter the enemy is anything, the soldiers can resist with it effectively.” 魔能铠甲,优秀的防御手段对士兵而言同样重要,而且我相信你们也不希望花费大量金币武装起来的士兵在战场上轻易死亡。这件铠甲带有多种有效附魔,胸口处的动力核心能让它持续运行四个小时,这已经足够应对大多数战斗了。它的各种附魔效果是依靠铠甲各处插槽里的符文基板来产生的,换句话说,更换符文基板或者增减符文基板就能改变铠甲的魔法抗性,这能够应付非常复杂的战场局势,不管敌人是什么,士兵都能有效与之对抗。” This armor value how many?” Victoria could not bear interrupt the Gawain's words, on this armor, she saw an unusual design idea-, although she does not know that this design idea is called modularity, but this did not hinder her to have the huge interest in the magic energy armor. “这件铠甲价值多少?”维多利亚忍不住打断了高文的话,在这件铠甲上,她看到了一种与众不同的设计思路-虽然她不知道这种设计思路叫做“模块化”,但这不妨碍她对魔能铠甲产生巨大的兴趣。 Free.” Gawain had the light smile to say two characters. “免费。”高文带着淡淡的笑容说出了两个字。 Victoria thinks oneself produced hallucinations: Exempts free......?!” 维多利亚以为自己产生了幻听:“免……免费?!” Yes, the armor is free, because it has the different portfolio approaches, really does not fix a price easily, therefore we only sell rune base plate, the kingdom's army can act according to demand order specific several rune base plate, so long as buys enough three types, the armor can be the complimentary gift to offer free of charge. If buys one set of rune base plate, but can also forward as an enclosure three crystal grenade additionally.” “是的,铠甲免费,因为它有不同的组合方式,实在不容易定价,所以我们只卖符文基板,王国军可以根据需求订购特定的几种符文基板,只要买够三种,铠甲就可以作为赠品免费赠送。如果买一整套符文基板,还可以额外附送三枚结晶手雷。” Victoria felt oneself heard the glossaries of massive hearing something never heard of before from the Gawain mouth, but the meanings of these glossaries are not difficult to understand, but needs a ponder to keep up with the Gawain's rhythm- she tried hard to keep up with this rhythm, then felt that...... seemed appropriate? 维多利亚感觉自己从高文口中听到了大量闻所未闻的词汇,但这些词汇的意思却又不难理解,只是需要一番思考才能跟上高文的节奏-她努力跟上了这个节奏,然后感觉……似乎还很合适? All are fair Cecilian truly achieve batch production of extraordinary equipment, but their batch production need to pay the price, the price is the quality of weapon is unable to compare with true extraordinary equipment, they will always have this and that key component to be easy to damage, then has to replace, but these part's prices will not be very high...... 一切都合情合理-塞西尔人确实实现超凡武装的量产化,但他们的量产化是需要付出代价的,代价就是武器的质量无法跟真正的超凡武装相比,它们总有这样那样的关键部件会容易损坏,然后不得不进行更换,但那些部件本身的价格也不是很高…… Victoria is hesitating, later inquired: How many wrap/sets such equipment can you provide? Weapon armor one set, does not calculate these crystal grenade words.” 维多利亚沉吟着,随后询问道:“您可以提供多少套这样的装备?武器铠甲一套,不算那些结晶手雷的话。” Gawain estimated an efficiency and existing stock quantity of production line, said a conservative number: „Before spring, 10,000 sets do not have the issue.” 高文估计了一下生产线的效率以及现有的库存数量,说了一个保守的数字:“春季之前,一万套没问题。” Ten thousand...... 万…… This is Victoria is so exactly big, hears with this unit for the first time describes the extraordinary equipment quantity. 这是维多利亚活这么大,第一次听到用这个单位来描述超凡武装的数量。 She felt that oneself heart bang bang jumps, the role that the army that 10,000 sets of extraordinary equipment build can play is deducing in her mind unceasingly, but after the initial excitement returns to normal, she will need a how huge money conscious to this immediately. 她感觉自己的心砰砰直跳,一万套超凡武装打造出来的军队所能发挥的作用在她脑海中不断推演着,但在最初的激动平复下来之后,她立刻意识到了这将需要多么巨大的一笔金钱。 Cecilian extraordinary equipment in the unit price truly is very cheap , compared with normal extraordinary equipment is almost only an odd change, but...... 塞西尔人超凡武装在单价上确实是很便宜,和正常的超凡武装比起来几乎只是个零头,但…… Their quantity unit is ten thousand. 它们的数量单位是“万”。 This number was quite fearful. 这个数字就比较可怕了。 Moreover this has not calculated following replacement these quick-wear parts and consumption in maintenance, although does not have the exact data now, but the Victoria instinct felt that perhaps is also the money. 而且这还没有计算后续更换那些易损零件、维修保养方面的消耗,虽然现在还没有确切的数据,但维多利亚本能地感觉那恐怕也是一大笔钱。 Perhaps we...... so many gold coins,” Victoria had not somewhat said awkwardly, she somewhat is at first awkward, what considering present is own elder, as junior awkward also then dispels most, she said the the kingdom's army current difficulty straightforwardly, „the Eastern Region rebel army seized on Holy Spirit Plain one of the richest most and populous areas, moreover past a half year of war has consumed large reserves of the kingdom's army.” “我们恐怕……没有这么多金币,”维多利亚有些为难地说道,她起初有些尴尬,但考虑到眼前的是自己的长辈,作为小辈的尴尬也便消解大半,她直截了当地说出了王国军目前的困难,“东境叛军占领了圣灵平原上最富庶的地区之一,而且过去半年的战争已经消耗了王国军的大量储备。” This......” Gawain reveals an awkward appearance, he knits the brows to think, thought for several minutes, when Victoria must unable to bear the opens the mouth, he long sighed, „, but I said is the cost price, you should know, magic material and mage were not...... this that the space fell, you can use half of gold coins, half of raw materials arrived, like this Ok?” “这样啊……”高文露出一丝为难的样子,他皱起眉思索起来,足足思索了数分钟,在维多利亚就要忍不住开口的时候,他才长长地叹了口气,“但我所说的已经是成本价了,你应该知道,魔法材料法师都不是天上掉下来的……这样吧,你们可以用一半金币,一半原材料来抵,这样可以么?” Victoria blinks: Half of gold coin half of raw materials?” 维多利亚眨眨眼:“一半金币一半原材料?” iron mine, the crystal ore, copper, the quartz...... these common materials, according to the market price conversion charge against the payment for goods,” Gawain said, this is in a big way yielded- I who I can make must deliver to the Holy Spirit Plain battlefield mountains of extraordinary equipment, they may build with the Southern Region resources.” 铁矿,晶体矿,紫铜,石英……这些常见材料都可以,按照市价折算冲抵货款,”高文说道,“这已经是我能做出的最大让步了-我要把堆积如山的超凡武装送到圣灵平原的战场上,它们可都是用南境的资源打造出来的。” Victoria is thinking, is calculating fast all data in the mind- she can only estimate, estimates the kingdom's army whether can undertake such a still the astonishing expense, finally after the Northern Region portion tax revenue and minerals fill, she finally sufficiently collects. 维多利亚思索着,在脑海中飞快地演算着所有的数据-她只能估算,估算王国军是否能承担这样一笔仍然惊人的花销,最后把北境一部分税收和矿产都填进去之后,她终于凑够了。 For Ainz. 为了安苏 Deal.” “成交。”
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