SOD :: Volume #6

#529: Holy Light and Holy Light

On returning to the Feudal Lord Mansion road, Gawain still with Amber with riding a car(riage), the merchant clubhouse that outside the looks at glass went far away gradually, Miss Half-Elf cannot bear mutter: Five years of exploit rights...... words saying that is difficult to be inadequate you are plans for five years digging the ore of that place?” 在返回领主府的路上,高文仍然与琥珀同乘一辆车,看着车窗外渐渐远去的商人会馆,半精灵小姐忍不住咕哝起来:“五年的开采权啊……话说难不成你是打算五年把那地方的矿给挖完?” Digs? Naturally cannot dig, even if there is the advanced mine machinery and Rebecca Crystal explodes the mountain, five years must hollow out Whitesand Hills are impossible,” Gawain is shaking the head, „, but I at least can guarantee for five years to exhaust the Eastern Region person 50 years of plan yields-, if did not consider that any continuing effect, direct destructive mining, this digit will even turn time.” “挖完?当然是挖不完的,哪怕有先进的矿山机械和瑞贝卡水晶来炸山,五年要把白沙丘陵挖空也不可能,”高文摇着头,“但我至少可以保证五年内挖掉东境人五十年的计划开采量-而如果不考虑任何后续影响,直接毁灭性开采的话,这个数字甚至会翻倍。” Amber blinks, suddenly does not seem to know that should say anything, after pondering over for quite a while, she asked suddenly: To be honest, does this well really?” 琥珀眨了眨眼,一时间似乎不知该说些什么,直到琢磨了半天之后,她才突然问道:“说实话,这样做真的好么?” Gawain looked at her one eyes: How to do?” 高文看了她一眼:“怎样做?” „...... Sold to the kingdom's army the weapon, sold to Eastern Region alchemy medicine, making this civil war even more beyond redemption......” “……把武器卖给王国军,把炼金药剂卖给东境,让这场内战越发不可收拾……” Gawain shakes the head: Even if I do not sell, you thought that this civil war can tidy up?” 高文摇摇头:“哪怕我不卖,你觉得这场内战就能收拾了么?” My actually not this meaning,” Amber flexure sent difficultly, I felt now dies is the Ainz person...... you do not care?” “我倒不是这个意思,”琥珀挠了挠头发,“我是觉得现在死的都是安苏人……你不在乎么?” Welcomed the vision of Amber doubts, Gawain is opening the mouth slowly: „confessed that I cared, because these were the population, was the precious population, but I did not care-, because they were not Cecilian, at least at present is also not.” 迎着琥珀疑惑的目光,高文慢慢开口了:“坦白来讲,我在乎,因为那些都是人口,是宝贵的人口,但我又不在乎-因为他们不是塞西尔人,至少目前还不是。” At this matter, Gawain does not plan to speak what conscience with the morals, truly acts for benefit because of him, what even if he plans is entire Southern Region benefit is also same. His goal is entire Ainz, but he does not have this ability now, therefore his only choice feeds the Southern Region industrial machinery as soon as possible, even if this industrial machinery must drink the blood to eat the meat- after all, he now is Feudal Lord of Southern Region person, is not Ainz King. 在这件事情上,高文不打算讲什么良知和道德,因为他确确实实是为了利益而行动的,哪怕他谋划的是整个南境利益也是一样。他的目标是整个安苏,但现在他没有这份能力,所以他唯一的选择就是尽快喂饱南境的工业机器,哪怕这台工业机器要喝血吃肉-毕竟,他现在是南境人的领主,不是安苏国王 Judged from the future inevitable aspect, the kingdom's army and Eastern Region legion sooner or later is an enemy. 从未来的必然局面判断,王国军东境军团迟早是敌人。 Since, on the other hand, he outputs the magical weapon and alchemy medicine also to have the second layer consideration to the kingdom's army and Eastern Region: He wants to try to force Ainz to develop. 而且从另一方面,他向王国军东境输出魔导武器、炼金药剂也有第二层考量:他想试着逼迫安苏发展。 Promoted magical technology to bring lots of experiences and lessons in Southern Region, this lands such as a white paper, after sweeping clean the old aristocrat, can, whatever Gawain splashed ink, even so, magical technology here development was not smooth, if that he does want to cover entire Ainz magical technology? Is that a big plan? 南境推广魔导技术带来了很多经验和教训,这片土地如一张白纸,扫清旧贵族之后就可以任由高文泼墨,即便如此,魔导技术在这里发展的也并不顺利,那么如果他想把魔导技术覆盖到整个安苏呢?那得是多大的一个计划? Typhon has eyed covetously in side, they only wait for the Ainz person to drain off the last drop of blood, if some day the Ainz civil war ended, the Gawain success controlled this lands, then Typhonian the time will not make him develop to catch up with the disparity to him inevitably slowly, to avoid the worst result appeared, he must deliver to magical industry train Ainz from now on-, even if with tying up. 提丰已经在旁边虎视眈眈,他们只等着安苏人流干最后一滴血,假如有朝一日安苏内战结束,高文成功控制住了这片土地,那么提丰人必然不会给他时间让他慢慢发展追上差距,而为了避免最糟的结果出现,他就要从现在开始把安苏送到魔导工业这趟列车上-哪怕是用绑的。 As the industrial product, alchemy medicine and magical equipment is unable to exist alone, they need one set of industrial chain to support, such as Eastern Region Prince Edmund before Belk set off on conscious to the factory and produces the technology important nature, Royal Capital aristocrats also quick conscious to the magical industry regarding maintaining one industrialization army the necessity. The traditional aristocrat perhaps thought is narrow, but will not ponder, they will not allow oneself life to be grasped by Gawain thoroughly. 作为工业产物,炼金药剂魔导武装都无法单独存在,它们需要一整套的工业链条来支持,就如东境埃德蒙王子贝尔克出发前就意识到了工厂和生产技术重要性,王都贵族们也会很快意识魔导工业对于维持一支“工业化军队”的必要。传统贵族或许思维狭窄,但并不是不会思考,他们不会允许自己的命脉被高文彻底掌握。 The magic energy armor and magical weapon need to maintain, crystal grenade needs magic circuit charge, alchemy medicine needs the factory to produce, but the factory also needs magic circuit, constructed magic circuit to have the foundation that introduced the mine machine, had the mine machine to have the abundant metallic minerals, can make more machines...... 魔能铠甲和魔导武器需要维护,结晶手雷需要魔网充能,炼金药剂需要工厂生产,而工厂同样需要魔网,建造了魔网就有了引进矿山机器的基础,有了矿山机器就有了充裕的金属矿物,就能制造更多机器…… Even if Royal Capital and Eastern Region aristocrats did not understand how to build a complete magical industry chain, they at least can build a foundation, Gawain sold to their weapons and medicine is belaying of spent vine winding, attractive beautiful, so long as contacted were very difficult to work loose, under the pressure of war, to let these weapons and medicine continuously, to let the maintenance and made the machine that they used to continue to revolve, they must open the magical industry. 哪怕王都东境贵族们不懂得如何去打造一个完整的魔导工业链,他们至少能打下一个基础,高文卖给他们的武器和药剂是一个被花藤缠绕的套索,光鲜美丽,但只要接触了就很难挣脱,在战争的压力下,为了让那些武器和药剂源源不断,为了让维护和生产它们所用的机器继续运转,他们也必须开启魔导工业。 Amber was also silent a meeting, does not know that is pondering anything, until arrives in the town center quickly time, she whispered suddenly: May be really hapless by the person who you plan, was really the life compensates to you must thank your great kindness......” 琥珀又沉默了一会,也不知道在思考些什么,直到快抵达市中心的时候,她才突然嘀咕起来:“被你算计的人可真倒霉,真是命都赔给你了还要感谢你大恩大德……” You think that they can't respond?” Gawain shakes the head with a smile, everyone is not silly.” “你以为他们反应不过来么?”高文笑着摇了摇头,“大家都不傻的。” ...... …… In Church, exchanges Wright of Priest long gown to stand on wooden pulpit, is facing the believers under stage, he uses a low and deep and powerful voice is telling all sorts of knowledge about Holy Light. 教堂内,换上牧师长袍的莱特站在木质的布道台上,面对着台下的信众,他用一种低沉而有力的嗓音讲述着关于圣光的种种知识。 „...... Holy Light will be inspired by the will of the people, is the Holy Light moral excellence close words and deeds, then more can trigger the intense Holy Light phenomenon...... “……圣光会被人心引动,越是和圣光美德相近的言行,便越是能引发强烈的圣光现象…… Senses the Holy Light instruction in the practical action is the most effective way, regarding the Holy Light follower who our these fulfill the new doctrine, the actual words and deeds reciting the classical and redundant ceremony are more effective than......” “在实际行动中感悟圣光教诲是最行之有效的方式,对于我们这些践行新教义的圣光追随者而言,实际的言行比背诵经典、重复仪式更有效……” Wright stopped, under pulpit, tall, the powerful and brave soldier type man raised the hand: Patriarch, you said Holy Light to be able with the noble words and deeds resonance, but does the moral excellence have an irrevocable standard? I recently in the learn/study history, actually sees morals and justice the concept always in the change......” 莱特停了下来,在布道台下,一个身材高大、孔武有力的战士样男人举起了手:“大牧首,您说圣光会和高贵的言行共鸣,但美德有个一成不变的标准么?我最近在学习历史,却看到‘道德’和‘正义’的概念总是在变化……” When Priest preached spoke the discussion, this was not possible to see in old-style Holy Light Church, however it was actually the preaching way that „the pure Holy Light school of thought( protestantism) esteemed, so long as obeyed the rule of inquiry, everyone can treat as the knowledge that one type can study to discuss and study diligently Holy Light, this made protestantism Church be more like some type of learn/study organization, rather than a place that carried out the Religion ceremony- this was Wright is glad to see. 牧师布道的时候出言讨论,这在旧式的圣光教堂中是不可能看见的,然而它却是“纯正圣光学派”(新教)所推崇的布道方式,只要遵守提问的规则,人人都可以将圣光当做一种可以研究的知识来讨论、钻研,这让新教教堂更像是某种学习机构,而不是一个执行宗教仪式的地方-这正是莱特所乐意看到的。 He nods to that powerful and brave man- he knows the opposite party, this is White Knight at practice session, besides tempering martial skill and fights ferocious beast, this fierce soldier biggest hobby learn/study, but only has this civil and military complete in both new-style Priest, can so discover place that in keenly the doctrine needs to explain: Moral standards will change, ancient era, the biggest moral excellence is related with food, but in the present moral standards , then increased such as loyally, honest, credit, brave wait/etc contents, for manifesting the words and deeds of these special characteristics has also been changing with the time, therefore we should have one public moral the concept, must conform to the most recognized morals, fights for the community, can conform to the Holy Light real righteousness.” 他对那个孔武有力的男人点了点头-他认识对方,这是个处在见习期的白骑士,除了锤炼武技和与猛兽搏斗之外,这个勇猛的士兵最大的爱好学习,而唯有这种文武双全的新式牧师,才能如此敏锐地发现教义中需要解释的地方:“道德标准是会改变的,上古时代,最大的美德都与食物有关,而如今的道德标准中则添加了诸如忠诚、诚实、信用、勇敢等等内容,用于体现这些特质的言行也一直在随着时代改变,因此我们应有一个‘公众道德’的概念,要符合最公认的道德,为群体而战,才能符合圣光的真义。” Why...... that can like this?” In the civil and military complete in both practice White Knight sound brings puzzled, Holy Light can ponder? Will it select to conform to its standard person? Moreover will it also change with the change of Human Race moral standards?” “……那么为什么会这样?”文武双全的见习白骑士声音中带着困惑,“圣光是会思考的么?它会遴选符合它标准的人?而且它还会随着人类道德标准的变化而变化?” This bold viewpoint makes the believers in Church discuss in a low voice, Wright silent moment, after a thinking, he replied confidently: I do not know the answer temporarily.” 这个大胆的观点让教堂中的信众们低声讨论起来,莱特则沉默了片刻,在一番思索之后,他坦然答道:“我暂时不知道答案。” „Don't you know?” “您不知道?” Yes, the person should facing own ignorance, Wright reply sincerely, road to absolute truth endless, we can only understand in forever our mind range relative truth, perhaps really has the answer to explain Holy Light all secrets, but I have not known now, I only know this is the thing that we must seek. I must remind everyone here- do not follow any is known as absolutely correct the thing blindly, because cannot achieve the absolutely correct including my patriarch, we should pursue the truth boldly, confirms it discretely, keeps humble, we can continue to go forward on this exploration road/s.” “是的,人应真诚面对自己的无知,”莱特答道,“通往绝对真理的路是无尽的,我们永远只能理解我们心智范围之内的‘相对真理’,或许真的有答案能够解释圣光的一切秘密,但我现在还不知道,我只知道这正是我们要探求的东西。我也要在这里提醒所有人-不要盲目追随任何号称‘绝对正确’的事物,因为包括我这个大牧首也做不到绝对正确,我们应大胆地追寻真理,又谨慎地验证它,保持谦卑,我们才能在这条探索的道路上继续前进。” The Wright words evoked another discussion, but after the discussion, preached to continue. 莱特的话引起了又一阵的讨论,而在讨论之后,布道继续进行。 Finally, this time preaching finished, the person in Church sets out in abundance, 3322 places diverge respectively, the bench that was filled with then becomes deserted quickly, Wright gazes after the believers to leave, later sets out to tidy up the Holy Light source-books and other materials on wooden reading stage, but a twinkle glimmer small form never the distant place floats, in the hand holds one cup of water to arrive in front of Wright. 最终,这次“布道”结束了,教堂中的人纷纷起身,三三两两地各自散去,原本坐满的长椅很快便变得空空荡荡,莱特目送信众们离开,随后起身收拾着木质阅读台上的圣光原典和其他资料,而一个闪烁微光的小小身影则从不远处飘来,手中捧着一杯水来到莱特面前。 Drinks water ~ ~ laborious!!” “喝水~~辛苦啦!!” Thanks,” Wright received the drinking glass, empty presses gently on the Emily hair, today is very clever, has not disturbed to everyone, is worth praising.” “谢谢,”莱特接过水杯,又轻轻在艾米丽头发上虚按一下,“今天很乖,没有给大家捣乱,值得夸奖。” Emily smiled happily, Wright looked in Church at will, then suddenly discovered that on below bench also sits one to wear the hood and stature slender female form unexpectedly. 艾米丽开心地笑了起来,莱特则随意地看了教堂里一眼,然后突然发现下方的长椅上竟还坐着一个戴着兜帽、身材纤细的女性身影。 Has she sat there? How to have seen a moment ago? 她一直坐在那里么?刚才怎么没看见? In the Wright heart had doubts, later moves toward that to wear the hood, female who seemingly has not set out to plan: lady, preached to finish- do you need to help?” 莱特心中疑惑了一下,随后走向那个戴着兜帽,貌似没有起身打算的女性:“女士,布道结束了-您是需要帮助么?” The female who some of some of my truly doubts,” wear the hood raised the head, she except below hood, a pale golden long hair also disperses, but beautiful has the indifferent to fame or gain smile facial features to appear in front of Wright, South Church patriarch mister.” “我确实有一些疑惑,”戴着兜帽的女性抬起头来,她除下兜帽,一头淡金色的长发随之散开,一幅美丽而带着恬淡微笑的面容出现在莱特面前,“南方教会的大牧首先生。” The Wright tranquilly looks at present golden hair female, his nearby Emily surprisedly looks at this not in Church has seen the strange elder sister: Who elder sister are you?” 莱特平静地看着眼前的金发女子,他旁边的艾米丽则惊奇地看着这个没有在教堂里见过的陌生姐姐:“姐姐你是谁啊?” little girl calls out in alarm: Elder Sister Wā! your whole body is shining!” 紧接着,小姑娘又惊呼起来:“哇!姐姐你浑身都在发光诶!” Emily,” Wright pressed gently according to the hair of little girl, you first go to the room to rest, I and guest chat.” “艾米丽,”莱特轻轻按了按小姑娘的头发,“你先去房间休息吧,我和客人聊聊。” Emily blinked the eye to look at Wright, had a look at strange elder sister, after hesitant one next, nods: „.” 艾米丽眨巴着眼睛看了看莱特,又看看“陌生姐姐”,犹豫了一下之后点点头:“哦。” The form of little girl disappeared in the air gradually. 小女孩的身影在空气中渐渐消失了。 Veronica looks at all these, she has not spoken, tranquil auspicious Holy Light actually fills the air in Church, it such as a sea level of gentle fluctuating is rippling in rows of benches, in this piece of Holy Light sea, Wright is only calmly stands in same place, Holy Light that ripples winds through from his side, as if disregarded his existence, as if he disregarded existence of that Holy Light. 维罗妮卡看着这一切,她没有说话,宁静祥和的圣光却在教堂中弥漫开来,它如一片温柔起伏的海面般在一排排长椅之间荡漾着,在这片圣光的海洋中,莱特只是静静地站在原地,那荡漾的圣光从他身旁流过,仿佛无视了他的存在,又仿佛他无视了那圣光的存在。 On him has glimmer to cover. 他身上自有一层微光笼罩。 Veronica broke finally silent: Arrives at Church does not have the guest, only then the lamb of wrong path, not?” 维罗妮卡终于打破了沉默:“来到教堂的没有客人,只有迷途的羔羊,不是么?” This is your views, we had abandoned need not recently,” Wright said calmly, later sits by Veronica, no one is the lamb that needs to be instructed, arrives at Church is the same sought.” “这是你们的说法,我们最近已经废弃不用了,”莱特平静地说道,随后坐在维罗妮卡旁边,“没有人是需要被指导的羔羊,来到教堂的都是同样的求道者。” Truly is the novel and radical doctrine,” the Veronica slight nod, „is like your preaching, but their very amusing.” “确实是新颖而激进的教义,”维罗妮卡微微点头,“就和您的布道一样,但它们都很有趣。” Some Wright surprise looks at this living saint from north Church, looks at this can represent the traditional Church influence at present Saintess Princess: You think that this is amusing?” 莱特有些诧异地看着眼前这位来自北方教会活圣人,看着这个可以代表传统教会势力的圣女公主:“你认为这是有趣的?” I never have at least listened to similar doctrine, this was enough amusing,” Veronica said, simultaneously the eye of looks at Wright, can speak your religious doctrines to me?” “至少我从未听过类似的教义,这就足够有趣了,”维罗妮卡说道,同时看着莱特的眼睛,“能给我讲讲你们的教义么?” Wright felt suddenly situation at this moment is somewhat funny. 莱特突然感觉此刻的情况有些滑稽。 He knows that northern Church living saint arrived at Southern Region, but he has never thought in this case, launch the conversation by the so calm way and opposite party. 他知道北方教会活圣人来到了南境,但他从未想过自己会在这种情况下,以如此心平气和的方式和对方展开交谈。 But said no matter how, explaining the doctrine is his responsibility, therefore he nods: If you are really willing to listen.” 但不管怎么说,解答教义是他的职责,所以他点了点头:“如果你真的愿意听。” Today I am only audience-, according to your views, sought.” “今天我只是个听众-啊,按你们的说法,一个求道者。” Wright restrains all doubts and incredible feelings, he sat straight the body, told the doctrine. 莱特收敛起所有的疑惑和荒诞感觉,他坐直了身体,将教义娓娓道来。 This special preaching has not continued to be very long, the doctrine of protestantism is not complex, the content compared with rules few many of old Church, Wright is also narrating him with his unique simple sentence the understanding and sensibility to Holy Light, but the Veronica entire journey is only calmly is listening. 这场特殊的“布道”并没有持续很久,新教的教义并不复杂,内容也比旧教会的条条框框少的多,莱特用他特有的朴实语句叙述着他对圣光的理解和感悟,而维罗妮卡全程都只是静静地听着。 After preaching conclusion, Holy Light that in Church ripples also dissipated gradually. 当“布道”结束之后,教堂中荡漾的圣光也渐渐消散了。 Wright looks at present Saintess Princess, was guessing the opposite party will say anything, but Veronica actually stands up, bends the waist to him slightly: Very splendid explanation, Wright mister.” 莱特看着眼前的“圣女公主”,猜测着对方会说出什么,但维罗妮卡却只是站起身来,微微对他弯了弯腰:“很精彩的讲解,莱特先生。” Spoke these words, her form then instantaneous disintegration is the glimmer granules of innumerable scattering, gradually dissipation in air. 说完这句话,她的身影便瞬间崩解为无数飘散的微光粒子,渐渐消散在空气中。 Really is only an incarnation......” “果然只是个化身么……” Wright looks at last glimmer dissipates, in a soft voice muttering. 莱特看着最后一丝微光消散,轻声咕哝着。 „Is she does do?” “她到底是来干嘛的?”
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