SOD :: Volume #2

#175: Investigation

The rain stopped the next day, but the sky was still cloudy. 雨在第二天的时候停了,但天空仍然阴沉。 Kant territory was covered under long-time dark clouds, in the winter the last time rainwater is not always willing to depart, in the next several days, this lands should also welcome several times the rainfall of moderate scale, but special product magic medicine of such rich rainwater on to Feudal Territory has the profit extremely. 康德领被笼罩在一片长久的阴云之下,冬天之前的最后一次雨水总是迟迟不愿离去,在未来的几天内,这片土地应该还会迎来数次中等规模的降雨,而这样丰沛的雨水对领地上的特产魔药是极有益处的。 Most magic medicine will also grow in the winter, although their root hair and adult plants presented withered death look, but Spellcasters knows, their intelligence adult plant was still receiving nourishing of mana environment, and will restore the vitality in second year Month of Recovery, but they can grow many in the winter, quite portion depended on before the frost and snow arrived at the last time rainwater. 大部分魔药在冬天也会生长,虽然它们的根须和植株呈现出干枯死亡的模样,但施法者们都知道,它们的“灵性植株”仍然受着魔力环境的滋养,并会在第二年复苏之月重新恢复生机,而它们在冬季里能成长多少,相当一部分就取决于霜雪降临前的最后一次雨水。 Gawain has the breakfast in the castle restaurant and Viscount Victor Kant, because Lady Viscountess is unable to receive guests feebly, the Viscount only son is also not on Feudal Territory, by the big table unexpectedly only then their two people are dining, even if these tableware are magnificent, the delicacies are tasty, the atmosphere of this type of eating breakfast also makes Gawain quite ill. 高文城堡的餐厅中与维克多·康德子爵共进早餐,由于子爵夫人病弱无法见客,子爵的独生子又不在领地上,偌大的餐桌旁竟只有他们两个人在用餐,纵使那些餐具华丽,佳肴鲜美,这种吃早饭的氛围也让高文颇为不适。 He likes a that large crowd sitting in a circle the atmosphere by table lively, rather than like the present, oneself and an aristocrat old man is away from a long table to face each other across a great distance, said words wish one could to have the time delay the stance. 他更喜欢那种一大群人热热闹闹围坐在桌旁的氛围,而不是像现在这样,自己和一个贵族老头隔着一张长长的桌子遥遥相对,相互之间说句话都恨不得产生延时的架势。 Hopes that you in good that in this old house rests,” Victor Kant is cutting the present bread, at the same time says, this castle was too old, I prepared the lifetime to make it renovate again one time.” “希望您在这座老房子里休息的还好,”维克多·康德切割着眼前的面包,一边开口说道,“这城堡太旧了,我准备有生之年再让它翻新一次。” Here is very comfortable, compared with comfort that I imagine,” Gawain quite a little said insincerely, ancient castle gives the security sense.” “这里很舒适,比我想象的舒适,”高文颇有点言不由衷地称赞道,“古老的城堡给人以安全感。” Victor smiles, looks to Gawain: „Did your two attendants seem like leave very early in the morning?” 维克多笑了笑,看向高文身旁:“您的两位亲随似乎一大早就离开了?” They too do not adapt restrict, I make them go to the town/subdues to relax, in chaotic tavern they are instead more comfortable.” “他们不太适应拘束,我让他们去镇上散散心,在乱糟糟的酒馆里他们反而更舒服一些。” As can be appreciated, I am in fact young time also likes the tavern exceeding this peaceful castle,” old Viscount holds up the present wine glass, naturally, before you I is also only a younger generation.” “可以理解,事实上我年轻的时候也更喜欢酒馆胜过这安静的城堡,”老子爵举起眼前的酒杯,“当然,在您面前我还只是个晚辈。” Gawain raises glass the response, and said freely spoken: „The Lady Viscountess health is very anxious, what sickness is she concrete the fresh?” 高文举杯回应,并顺口说道:“子爵夫人的健康很令人担忧,她具体是生的什么病?” Victor's movement slightly cannot check stops, on the face hung up the smile immediately: „Have you seen her?” 维克多的动作微不可查地停顿了一下,脸上随即挂起笑容:“您已经见过她了?” According to the view of that Lilith Kant, should be obviously this old Viscount arranges her whereabouts Gawain to give regards, but at this time Victor actually performance seems like to know this matter for the first time! 按照那位莉莉丝·康德的说法,明明应该是这位老子爵安排她去向高文问好的,但这时候维克多却表现的像是第一次知道这件事! Gawain concealed the psychological change, is maintaining the light smile: After yesterday's dinner, she came to give regards to me, but her complexion was very bad.” 高文掩饰住了心理变化,维持着淡淡的笑容:“在昨天晚餐之后,她来向我问好,但她的脸色很差。” My pitiful Lilith,” Victor Viscount sighed, her physical condition was not very good, cannot see the sunlight, cannot withstand noisily, can only long time live in northern tower, only then can at night coming out. But she is a very good person, my tolerance toward the citizen is influenced by her she always to urge me to a great extent consider that these could not live in the room unable to eat meat the feeling of person, but her own body was getting more and more bad.” “我可怜的莉莉丝,”维克多子爵叹了口气,“她的身体状况一直不是很好,不能见阳光,也不能承受吵闹,以至于只能长时间住在北,只有夜晚才能出来活动。但她是个很善良的人,我对领民的宽容态度很大程度上是受了她的影响她总是劝我要多考虑那些住不起好屋也吃不起肉食的人的感受,但她自己的身体却越来越糟。” Benevolence and tolerance of Viscount Kant to own Feudal Territory civilians, this point Gawain then, when yesterday heard in castle some servants chatted heard, but this was also one of places made him be surprised: He had analyzed first impressions are most lasting Victor Kant is very likely Repose of Eternity Order Evil Cultist, or had at least received the control and misleading of Evil Cultist, will therefore make to seize refugee to conduct the evil ritual matter, but he ten thousand has not thought, oneself is praising this old Feudal Lord after all conversations that entering Kant territory hears! 康德子爵对自己领地平民的仁慈与宽容,这一点高文在昨天听到城堡中一些仆役闲谈的时候便有所耳闻,而这也是让他大感意外的地方之一:他原本已经先入为主地判断维克多·康德很有可能是永眠教团邪教徒,或者至少已经受到了邪教徒的控制和蛊惑,因此才会做出抓捕流民进行邪恶仪祭的事情,但他万没想到,自己在进入康德领之后所听到的所有言谈都是在赞美这位老领主 He is unable to judge oneself chat somewhat truth that listens to from the castle servant mouth, at this time also can only take advantage of opportunity said downward: Kindly treating citizen is each Feudal Lord responsibility, we developed this Kingdom to protect the people initially, rather than must ride in their heads abuses power.” 他无法判断自己从城堡仆役口中听来的闲谈有几分真伪,这时候也只能顺势往下说:“善待领民是每一个领主的职责,我们当初开拓出这个王国就是为了保护子民的,而不是要骑在他们头上作威作福的。” Yes, what a pity few people have also recorded this point now,” Victor's sigh as if from the bottom of one's heart, „more and more aristocrats forgot own ancestor to take up the sword for the first time for anything, we protected barrier of civilians, is leaning on that let them to live safely, is guide who led them to move toward maintains warmth abundantly, but most aristocrats of present grow up in castle and manor, they and consecrated to regard naturally others' taking care, completely forgot also should unexpectedly some responsibility...... cough cough......” “是啊,可惜现在已经很少有人还记着这一点了,”维克多的叹息仿佛是发自肺腑,“越来越多的贵族忘了自己的先祖第一次拿起刀剑是为了什么,我们原本是保护平民的一道屏障,是让他们能安心生活的倚靠,是引领他们走向富足保暖的向导,但现在的大部分贵族都是在城堡和庄园里长大的,他们把别人的服侍和供奉当成了理所当然,竟全然忘了自己还应该有些责任……咳咳……” Victor seems like a little excited, could not bear cough, after with great difficulty that said returned to normal, he grew the tone: I must spend medicine field inspection of a lot of time each village and every year on Feudal Territory, to grasp the during that time crop accurately, preventing the high taxes pressure on make citizens have an empty stomach, moreover must spend many energy to go to and merchants has to do, guaranteed the medicinal herb and grain that in Feudal Territory are extra can find the buyer, like this my citizen can have enough money to repair the house and purchase fuel to winter, but actually therefore absented many so-called upper reaches meeting, was regarded the odd person who lives in seclusion by these vulgar South aristocrats, mediocre person who has not savored...... 维克多似乎是说的有点激动,忍不住咳嗽了起来,好不容易平复之后他长出口气:“我每年都要花去很多时间在领地上的每一个农庄和药田视察,以确切掌握当年的收成,防止过高的税赋压力让领民们饿肚子,而且还要花很多精力去和商人们打交道,保证领地里富余出的药材和粮食都能找到买家,这样我的领民就能有足够的金钱去修葺房屋、购买燃料来过冬,但却因此而缺席了很多所谓的‘上流聚会’,以至于被那些庸俗的南方贵族们当成深居简出的怪人,没有品味的庸人……唉。” Victor Viscount one breath said that waited to say, lagged behind awkwardly smiles: Sorry, after old, has words many customs, but I think that you should be able to understand me, because I heard that you also kindly treat citizen very much.” 维克多子爵一口气说了很多,等说完之后才后知后觉地尴尬一笑:“抱歉,年纪大了之后就有话多的习惯,但我想您应该能理解我因为我听说您也是很善待领民的。” Naturally,” Gawain is smiling raising glass, this is each Feudal Lord duty.” “当然,”高文微笑着举杯,“这是每一个领主的义务。” ...... …… At the same time, in the town outside castle, Amber is holding glass of ales that brave the bubble, listen to the farmers and artisans who these have nothing to do were boasting their deficient senseless daily life, on the face are shipping out the appearance that is interested, in the heart is actually preparing also the content that needs how much glass of liquor to change itself to listen. 同一时间,在城堡外的镇子上,琥珀正捧着一杯冒着泡沫的麦酒,听着那些无事可做的农夫与匠人们吹嘘着他们那贫乏无趣的日常生活,脸上正装出感兴趣的样子,心中却筹划着还需要多少杯酒才能换到自己想听的内容。 The farming had ended, the weather does not suit any work of going out, in addition therefore a little rich farmer and smith of spare cash will then kill their not valuable time in the tavern in town, Kant territory and Tanzan Town same are one of the Southern Region rare several wealthy Feudal Territory, the housing civilians here will naturally also patronize such as the tavern and casino such place frequently, but regarding these people, only needs several glasses of ales and several thinks highly, Amber can draw out their complete secrets. 农事已经结束,天气也不适合任何外出的工作,于是尚且有点闲钱的富农和工匠便会在镇子的酒馆中消磨他们那并不值钱的时间,康德领坦桑镇一样是南境少有的几个富裕领地之一,居住在这里的平民自然也会更频繁地光顾诸如酒馆、赌场这样的地方,而对于这些人,只需要几杯麦酒和几句恭维,琥珀就能套出他们全部的秘密。 Regarding mingles among from infancy to maturity this kind of situation Amber, this is a very happy process. 对于从小到大都混迹在此类场合的琥珀而言,这是个很愉快的过程。 Money also need not who especially when buy the liquor leave, this feeling was happier. 尤其是当买酒的钱还不用自己出的时候,这种感觉就更愉快了。 She put on an actor that conforms to the status: The short-sword that black leather armor and slightly the somewhat worn-out cape, in addition the waist then can poke head in once for a while as well as ties up in the wrist/skill lucky stone, an image of vagrant soldier is then complete, but the civilians are the awe are also curious to this person, the polite talk will become very easy. 她穿上了符合身份的一身行头:黑色的皮甲和略有些破旧的斗篷,再加上腰间时不时便会探出头的短剑以及绑在手腕上的“幸运石”,一个流浪战士的形象便完整起来,而平民对这种人是敬畏又好奇的,套话会变得很容易。 The liquor over three patrol, discussed that enough ghost story in farmland and old house, Amber thought that was the time chats Feudal Lord, then brought the curious expression is looking to sitting by the blacksmith on table, Feudal Territory: I heard that your Feudal Lord are will govern the Feudal Territory person very much, real false?” 酒过三巡,谈够了农田与老宅子里的鬼怪故事,琥珀觉得是时候聊聊领主了,便带着好奇的表情看向坐在桌旁的、领地上的铁匠:“我听说你们的领主是个很会治理领地的人,真的假的?” How I do not understand to govern Feudal Territory am a matter,” blacksmith spurts the mouthful liquor air/Qi, the look was saying blurry, „, but Victor Lord truly is the excellent person...... the belch, has him, everyone can eat to the full the belly, even if can also eat in the winter half full, Feudal Territory may have more than ten years not to starve to death excellently!” “我可不懂治理领地是怎么一回事,”铁匠喷着满嘴酒气,眼神迷糊地说道,“但维克多老爷确实是顶好顶好的人……嗝,有他在,大家就都能吃饱肚子,哪怕冬天也能吃个半饱,领地可已经有十几年没饿死过人啦!” Again toward south, the civilians in place not only cannot starve to death, but can also have the meat to eat occasionally. 再往南,还有个地方的平民不但饿不死,还偶尔能有肉吃呢。 In the Amber heart is whispering, on the face brings acclaiming: That is not simple!” 琥珀心中嘀咕着,脸上却带着赞叹:“那可不简单!” „, Victor Lord is really not I have seen most charitable Sir Feudal Lord,” another getting old alcoholic continued, I listened to these to deliver the person of vegetables and milk toward castle in said that castle was very actually gloomy, always one type where in feeling of leaking out......” “可不,维克多老爷真是我见过最慈善的领主老爷,”另一个上了年纪的酒客接过话头,“不过我听那些往城堡里送蔬菜和牛奶的人说,那城堡倒是挺阴森的,总有一种哪里在漏风的感觉……” Slightly some tavern maidservants of putting on weight bang places in front of the wooden cup the alcoholic: Do not talk nonsense! castle is not your tumbledown bushes house, George who delivers the vegetable/dish is drunk mostly, the cold wind that blew in the morass regards oneself in castle!” 一个略有些发福的酒馆侍女砰一声把木杯子放在酒客面前:“别瞎说!城堡又不是你的破茅草房子,送菜的老乔治多半是喝醉了酒,把自己在泥坑里吹的冷风当成是在城堡里了!” This fat maidservant said not funny joke, actually causes one to roar with laughter. 这位胖胖的侍女说了个并不好笑的笑话,却引得一阵哄堂大笑。 That looks like Victor also is really good Feudal Lord,” Amber said self-effacingly, how does not know Lady Viscountess “那看来维克多还真是个不错的领主,”琥珀摇头晃脑地说道,“只是不知道子爵夫人怎么样” This saying said that scene actually strangely peaceful that flash. 这话一说出来,现场却诡异地安静了那么一瞬间。 Some people are looking at each other in blank dismay, some people are lowering the head to drink, but the person who gets old is knitting the brows, seemed like thinks what not good matter, Amber sees that to have the inside story conscious to this inside immediately, then asked curiously: What's wrong? Your how this response?” 有人在面面相觑,有人在低头喝酒,而上了年纪的人则皱着眉,似乎是想到了什么不好的事情,琥珀见状立刻意识到这里面有内情,便好奇地问道:“怎么了?你们怎么这个反应?” You are people from other place, does not know also normally,” a seemingly oldest old person opened the mouth, he must be a wealthy landlord or already smith that retires does not do, in the poor person will rarely have this age not dead of the wounded and sick old person, but such person not just understands the life of civilians, will have to hear to the Feudal Lord matter, Lady Viscountess...... that feared that has dozens years? She dies......” “你是外地人,不知道也正常,”一个看起来年纪最大的老人开口了,他应当是一位富裕的地主或已经退休不干的工匠,贫苦人里是很少会有这个年纪还没有死于伤病的老人的,而这样的人不单了解平民的生活,也会对领主的事情有所耳闻,“子爵夫人……那怕是已经有几十年了吧?她死的时候……” „Did Lady Viscountess die? Dozens years ago died?!” Amber is startled immediately, how dead?” 子爵夫人死了?几十年前就死了?!”琥珀顿时大吃一惊,“怎么死的?” That is a pitiful woman, the matter especially is pitiful, that matter should not happen on a good person.” The old person is knitting the brows, he did not seem to say, but the alcohol made him be hard to control own spoken language, moreover side some too did not understand the young people who passing matter are also urging him to open the mouth: Mountain Dru Old Gramps, said that I listen to the person to discuss this matter since childhood, but has not listened to entire you to be old, ought to know that during that time exactly had anything.” “那是个可怜的女人,整件事都格外凄惨,那种事不该发生在一个好人身上。”老人皱着眉,他似乎不愿多说,但酒精让他难以控制自己的言语,而且旁边一些不太了解过往事情的年轻人也在催他开口:“山德鲁老爷子,说说吧,我从小就听人谈论这件事,但从没听全过您年岁大,总该知道当年到底发生了什么。” Amber quite appreciated looked at that young people eyes that sent out the urging, decided to ask the opposite party to drink one cup to own money with Gawain again. 琥珀颇为欣赏地看了那个发出催促的年轻人一眼,决定再用高文给自己的钱请对方喝一杯。 But as if experiences the old person of during that time event to sigh, after drinking the next liquor, said slowly: „ That is 30...... probably 30 years ago , is possibly longer, that year was also this month share, was to rain, but the rain got down especially big, moreover got down for several days...... 而似乎经历过当年事件的老人则叹了口气,饮下一口酒之后慢慢说道:“那是三十……大概三十年前吧,也可能更久点,那年也是这个月份,也是下雨,但雨下的格外的大,而且下了好几天…… At that time Victor Lord was young, that time he with the present same is fair and benevolent good Feudal Lord, at that time he came back from the next door town inspection barn, Lady Viscountess with him in the same place, their only sons, Young Master Belm. They harness the carriage to catch up from the western road round trip, although rains hard, but they start off...... they really should in the next door town/subdues to treat at that time for day, oh. “那时候维克多老爷还年轻,那时候的他就跟现在一样是个公正、仁慈的好领主,当时他从隔壁镇子视察谷仓回来,子爵夫人跟他在一起,还有他们的独生子,贝尔姆少爷。他们驾着马车从西边的路往回赶,虽然下了大雨,但他们还是上了路……他们当时真应该在隔壁镇上多待一天的,唉。 I did not say that you can also guess correctly, then big rain, is slippery, the carriage that certainly must have an accident has an accident that side the old hillside, the car(riage) turned, hits is sliding from the old hillside highest place falls into the mountain stream, the entire car(riage) falls scattered about...... the entire night passes by, no one knows that Feudal Lord whole family has an accident outside, comes out until the next day Sun, the rain stopped time, Lady Viscountess the whole body is the blood appears in the town/subdues...... she almost climbs the town, cut and bruised, crying almost must break to be panting, she said that her helplessly looks at Lord and young master were flung before her. Arrived the compartment outside, where fell not to know, making us save them quickly.” “我不说你也能猜到,那么大的雨,那么湿滑,肯定是要出事的马车在老山坡那边出了事,车翻了,打着滑从老山坡最高的地方掉进山涧里,整辆车摔的七零八落……整整一夜过去,都没人知道领主一家子在外面出了事,直到第二天太阳出来,雨停了的时候,子爵夫人才满身是血地出现在镇上……她几乎是爬进镇子的,遍体鳞伤,哭的几乎要断过气去,她说她眼睁睁看着老爷和少爷在她面前被甩到车厢外面,落到了不知道哪里,让我们赶快去救他们。” The old person speaking of this, could not bear sob, drank the next liquor to continue: „ We escorted castle the madame, then immediately sends people the old hillside to seek for the carriage and Lord and young master's whereabouts, but entire three days, besides some bloodstain and carriage fragment, we only found the corpses of two horses. 老人说到这,忍不住唏嘘了一阵,又喝下一口酒才能继续说下去:“我们把夫人护送回了城堡,然后立刻派人去老山坡寻找马车和老爷、少爷的下落,但整整三天,除了一些血迹和马车碎片之外,我们就只找到两匹马的尸体。 Madame cries in castle daily, oh, that is a good good person, she has taken care of the poverty-stricken person on Feudal Territory very much, since she married since that day of this place, she must send the firewood and black bread to the poverty-stricken person in the winter of every year, but she actually met this matter. Entire three days, the husband and sons had not been looked, therefore she went crazy finally. According to at that time in castle the servant of work came out, she closed/pass oneself in room shouts loudly, then rushed to castle each gloomy corner, with her fantasized that the husband and son talked, finally she shut in herself north castle in finally the tower cave, drank the toxicant there, ended own pain. “夫人就天天在城堡里以泪洗面,唉,那是个善良的好人,她一直都很照顾领地上的穷苦人,从她嫁到这地方的那天起,她每年冬天都要给穷苦人发木柴和黑面包,但她却遇上这种事。整整三天,丈夫和儿子都没有被找回来,所以她终于是发疯了。据当时在城堡里做工的仆役出来之后说的,她把自己关在房间里大喊大叫,然后又跑到城堡各个阴暗的角落中,跟她幻想中的丈夫和儿子对话,最后她终于把自己关进了城堡的地窖里,在那里喝下了毒药,结束了自己的痛苦。 Fourth day, Victor Lord and Young Master Belm lived were returning to castle, they have not died.” “第四天,维克多老爷贝尔姆少爷活着回到了城堡,他们没死。”
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