SOD :: Volume #2

#174: Lilith visit of Kant

Because was set to in Kant territory be a guest for several days, therefore after quite sumptuous welcome banquet, Viscount Victor Kant was Gawain as well as his accompanying personnel arranged the rest place. 由于预定了要在康德领做客几天,所以在颇为丰盛的迎接宴会之后,维克多·康德子爵便为高文以及他的随行人员安排了休息的地方。 This ancient castle takes to the Gawain's feeling to be poor. 这座古老的城堡带给高文的感觉并不怎么好。 Although its interior is full the light and warmth, the magic crystal lamp of finding at everywhere as well as was cleaned new windows and doors furniture to scatter the night to fall brought constraining, but in the Gawain heart still appeared unceasingly the unpleasant feeling, he as if can white wall see this castle in-depth look by these bright window machines and have whitewashed behind these attractive covers, is the dark ice-cold stone, is the creamy moss and crack vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, has in the shadow and germ that in these moist crevice continually multiplies. 虽然它内部充盈着光明和温暖,随处可见的魔晶石灯以及被擦拭一新的门窗桌椅都驱散了夜幕降临所带来的压抑,可是高文心中仍然不断浮现出令人不快的感觉,他仿佛能透过那些明亮的窗机和粉刷过的白墙看到这城堡深层的模样在那些光鲜的覆盖物背后,是黑沉沉的冰冷石块,是滑腻的苔藓和纵横的裂纹,还有在那些潮湿的裂隙中不断滋生的阴影与病菌。 After the Victor Kant brief conversation, Gawain then after the journey the need first rest returned to own room. This is specially as the guest room that the honored guest establishes, has and castle master bedroom equally magnificent arrangement and warm fireplace, but by his room then respectively is Amber and Knight Philip rest guest room, opposite of their room also has the lounge as well as specialized that again may for the guest playing chess entertainment judge tea the place that studies. 在与维克多·康德简短交谈之后,高文便以旅途之后需要先休息为由回到了自己的房间。这是专为尊贵客人设置的客房,有着和城堡主人卧室一样华丽的陈设与温暖的壁炉,而在他的房间两旁便分别是琥珀菲利普骑士休息的客房,再他们房间对面还有可供客人下棋娱乐的休息室以及专门品茶读书的地方。 The rain of out of the window still below, and there are with the sign that the circumstances get stronger and stronger, before Gawain arrives at the window, in Kant Castle by this expensive man-made crystal looks at rainy night. The water current of winding forms the path that fluctuated unceasingly on the window sash, lets outside scene not only dim, but also twists, but in this dim distortion field of vision, he can see that Kant Castle several tower are towering in opposite curtain of night. 窗外的雨仍然在下,并且有随着风势愈演愈烈的迹象,高文来到窗前,透过这昂贵的人造水晶看着雨夜中的康德古堡。蜿蜒的水流在窗扇上形成了不断变幻的轨迹,也让外面的景象不但朦胧,而且扭曲,而在这朦朦胧胧的扭曲视野中,他可以看到康德古堡的几座塔楼在对面的夜幕中耸立着。 These tower bases have several window that shines the light, outlined the construction outline dimly, but their upside were dark a piece, almost integrated in this dark dim light of night. 那些塔楼的基座有几扇亮起灯光的窗户,朦朦胧胧地勾勒出建筑的轮廓,但它们的上部却黑沉沉一片,几乎融入到这黑暗的夜色中去。 Gawain knits the brows carefully observes these tower, after the centralized attention, he saw suddenly a tower middle presented an obvious crevice. 高文皱眉仔细观察那些塔楼,在集中注意力之后,他突然看到其中一座塔楼的中部出现了一道明显的裂隙。 That crevice as if wriggles in the darkness, is growing, spread rapidly on tower entire half, they bit by bit broadened, divulged as if blood same ray biggest that tower seems torn to pieces in this blood-color crevice from the crevice, and came down little with a slow motion stance, the middle is also mixing with calling out in alarm and numbers of many people calls. 那裂隙仿佛在黑暗中蠕动着、生长着,迅速蔓延到了塔楼的整个上半截,它们一点一点地变宽,从裂隙中泄露出仿佛血一样的光芒最高大的那座塔楼在这血色的裂隙中显得支离破碎,并以一种慢镜头般的姿态一点点崩落下来,中间还夹杂着许多人的惊呼和号叫。 Gawain awakens rapidly, the wind sound/rumor and noise of the rain penetrate the window to spread to the room again, he noticed that opposite that high tower restored again completely, beforehand cracking and scream seemed like Dreamland to vanish. 高文迅速惊醒过来,风声和雨声再次透过窗户传入屋内,他看到对面的那座高再一次恢复了完整,之前的崩裂与喊叫声都像是梦境般消失了。 But Gawain really will actually not regard that is the misconception, he knits the brows immediately, in the heart has the doubts: In castle has some large-scale illusion?” 高文却不会真的把那当成是错觉,他立刻皱起眉,心中产生疑惑:“城堡里有某种大规模的幻象?” Sound of footsteps gently transmits from out of the door suddenly, seems like comes toward this room, Gawain reorganizes the good expression rapidly, as if nothing happened general, waits for the knock to resound he opened the door in the past. 一阵轻轻的脚步声突然从门外传来,似乎是朝着这个房间而来,高文迅速整理好表情,仿佛什么都没发生一般,等敲门声响起的时候他才过去开门。 The gate opened, seems like about 30 -year-old, to wear in the white long skirt and hand to raise lady of inspection lamp to stand in out of the door, this lady has the flax color long hair, the complexion seems like because of the feebleness seems especially pale, she stands there cautiously, on the face as if brings to be cautious and nervous looks at Gawain. 门打开了,一个看上去三十岁左右的、身穿白色长裙、手中提着提灯的女士站在门外,这位女士有着亚麻色的长发,脸色似乎是因病弱而显得格外苍白,她小心翼翼地站在那里,脸上似乎带着一点拘谨与紧张看着高文 The Gawain motionless look sized up opposite party one eyes, later reveals curious look: lady?” 高文不动神色地打量了对方一眼,随后露出好奇的模样:“女士?” Hello, are you Duke Gawain Cecil?” Entrance lady said with a very low voice, seems like the speech voice big point then to meet being able to come up air/Qi. “您好,请问您就是高文·塞西尔公爵么?”门口的女士用一种很低的嗓音说道,似乎是说话声音大一点便会上不来气似的。 Gawain nods: „Am I Gawain Cecil, lady you am which?” 高文点点头:“我是高文·塞西尔,女士您是哪位?” Victor Kant is my husband,” this seemingly only has about 30 -year-old feeble lady to say low voice, although the sound is very low, but in the intonation still has the aristocrat attendant to be proper, I am this castle mistress, my name is Lilith Kant.” 维克多·康德是我的丈夫,”这位看起来只有三十岁左右的病弱女士小声说道,虽然声音很低,但语调中仍然有着贵族仕女应有的优雅,“我是这座城堡的女主人,我的名字是莉莉丝·康德。” Lady Viscountess?” The Gawain quite looks at opposite party, he has not thought accidentally/surprisingly that seems like already gradually old Viscount Kant will really have a young pretty wife, but thinks aristocrat tradition, the sentiment of his accidental/surprised has not continued is too long, but why before being curious, has not seen the opposite party at the banquet, has not listened to that old Viscount to raise her, „the beforehand evening banquet haven't you participated?” 子爵夫人?”高文颇为意外地看着对方,他没想到那个看起来已经垂垂老矣的康德子爵竟然会有一位如此年轻貌美的妻子,但想到贵族的“传统”,他的意外之情并没有持续太久,而只是好奇为什么之前没在宴席上见到对方,也没听那位老子爵提起她,“之前的晚宴您没参加?” My is weak, the pain makes me not have the means and many people are dining together, no means come out to welcome the guest in the daytime,” Lilith Kant said apologetically, I know you can visit castle, but my husband insisted that made me rest the evening to come out again well now my spirit a point, he then made me come with the guest to greet.” “我身体虚弱,病痛让我没办法和很多人在一起进餐,也没办法在白天的时候出来迎接客人,”莉莉丝·康德歉然地说道,“我知道您会来造访城堡,但我的丈夫坚持让我休息到晚上再出来现在我的精神好了一点,他便让我来跟客人打个招呼。” Afterward she hangs the inspection lamp on gate nearby clasp, bends the waist to express best wishes slightly: Welcome your arrival, great Duke Gawain Cecil , before please forgive me, is unable completely to arrive makes for this reason the responsibility of mistress.” 随后她将提灯挂在门旁边的钩子上,微微弯腰致意:“欢迎您的到来,伟大的高文·塞西尔公爵,也请您原谅我之前无法尽到作为此地女主人的责任。” „, need not minded, in the Gawain heart emits various guesses and suspicions one after another, but the expression on face still was very indifferent, you are only then in the evening can coming out? I understood that the knowledge in some medicine aspects, could help your health.” “啊,不用介意,”高文心中一个接一个地冒出各种猜测与怀疑,但脸上的表情却仍很淡然,“你是只有在晚上的时候才能出来活动么?哦,我懂得一些药剂方面的知识,说不定能对你的健康有所帮助。” Lilith Kant shows a pale smile: My husband welcome for me to best Apothecary, not only just my weak because of disease, but also because of inborn physique, this was does not have the means to treat with medicine. But thanked your care very much, Duke Your Excellency.” 莉莉丝·康德露出一个苍白的微笑:“我的丈夫为我请到了最好的药剂师,只不过我的虚弱不只是因为疾病,还因为天生的体质,这是没办法用药剂治疗的。但还是很感谢你的关心,公爵阁下。” Gawain present Lady Viscountess will not have invited the plan of room, because the opposite party is the one person alone visits, this invitation is not polite, even if here is Kant Family castle is also same, he stood in the entrance and opposite party exchanged greetings several, later this lady then said goodbye to leave. 高文没有将眼前的子爵夫人邀请进屋的打算,因为对方是孤身造访,这种邀请便是不礼貌的哪怕这里是康德家族城堡也是一样,他只是站在门口与对方寒暄了几句,随后这位女士便告辞离开了。 After the opposite party leaves, the Gawain's look instantaneously becomes swift and fierce. 而在对方离开之后,高文的眼神才瞬间变得凌厉起来。 That inspection lamp in opposite party hand! 对方手中的那盏提灯! That Gawain, situated in the Kant Family castle floor that in Dreamland sees acts as the magic inspection lamp of ritual center, 700 years ago Gawain Cecil treated as the gift to give then Dreamland Bishop Selena Gehrfen that inspection lamp! 那正是高文梦境中看到的、位于康德家族城堡底层充当仪祭中枢的魔法提灯,正是七百年前高文·塞西尔当做礼物送给当时的梦境主教赛琳娜·格尔分的那盏提灯! But Gawain had not pointed out at the scene, has not taken any action, because he has not felt any mana fluctuation from that inspection lamp, this explained that inspection lamp is false either is a sham, either that inspection lamp had been transformed by magic power, its true strength core still deep sleep in this castle some place, but in this case acts rashly, likely only meets the misdemeanor. 高文并没有当场指出,也没有采取任何行动,因为他没有从那盏提灯上感受到任何魔力波动,这说明那盏提灯是“假的”要么是一件赝品,要么那提灯已经被魔法力量改造,其真正的力量核心仍然沉睡在这座城堡的某个地方,而在这种情况下贸然行动,很可能只会坏事。 At this time a sound that broadcast from side interrupted the Gawain's thinking: Well? Old...... Gawain, does your standing entrance do?” 这时候从旁边传来的一个声音打断了高文的思索:“咦?老……高文,你站门口干嘛呢?” Saw only the gate of next door to be shoved open, half head of Amber searched from the doorframe, face curiously looks at. 只见隔壁的门被推开了,琥珀的半个脑袋从门框里探出来,正一脸好奇地看着自己。 Moreover she has not waited for Gawain to reply, then stretched out hand operated swinging full of enthusiasm, in the hand grabbed a playing card: I discover one group in the room ‚a King set of sign! You called us three to play cards next door that poker face!” 而且她也没等着高文回答,紧接着便兴致勃勃地伸出手摇了摇,手里抓着一副纸牌:“我在房间里发现一组‘国王套牌’!你把隔壁那个扑克脸叫过来咱们三个打牌呗!” I planned called you, but did not plan to play cards.” Gawain looked at this Half-Elf one reluctantly, later sounded the Philip door. “我是打算把你们叫来,但可不是打算打牌的。”高文无奈地看了这个半精灵一眼,随后去敲响了菲利普的房门。 Waits for that lady that everyone collection raised visited a moment ago: I saw the Victor Kant wife a moment ago, Lilith Kant, she seems like very not right......” 等把所有人集提起了刚才造访的那位女士:“刚才我见到了维克多·康德的妻子,莉莉丝·康德,她看起来很不对劲……” Listens to Gawain to describe, the sharp ear of Amber vibrates immediately: Then the old man married almost to be able, when his granddaughter's wife? Hey your groups, when aristocrat is not really concerned about face.” 听完高文描述,琥珀的尖耳朵立刻抖动了一下:“那么老的老头娶了个几乎能当他孙女的老婆?噫你们这帮当贵族的真不要脸。” Then her thought diverges: I have good of Elf bloodline like this, I or said that others do not dare to guess my age, even if your married me 700-year-old, can go out to thrust out the face the person to tell that I am actually the same age with you......” 然后紧接着她的思维就发散开来:“还是我这样有精灵血统的好,我要不说别人就不敢猜我的岁数,哪怕你这个700岁的娶了我,也可以出去腆着脸跟人说我跟你其实同岁……” All along serious and earnest Knight Philip is almost looks at Amber, the speech way of Half-Elf young girl mouthful running train faints seven that this pitiful honest Knight hits immediately frightened again eight elements. 一贯严肃认真的菲利普骑士顿时几乎是惊悚地看着琥珀,半精灵少女满嘴跑火车的说话方式再次把这位可怜的正直骑士撞的七晕八素。 But Gawain knocks according to the skull to the reply of Amber: Said the proper business!” 高文琥珀的回答就是照着脑壳敲下去:“说正事!” We had not heard that has such a Lady Viscountess to exist,” Knight Philip said seriously, that Viscount Victor Kant has not mentioned, this very not normal, even if Lady Viscountess because of feeble, but is unable to come out to receive guests, Viscount am oneself also insufficient to raise do not raise? Moreover male servant maid so many in castle, no one discussed here also to have a mistress...... this is too strange in secret.” “我们没听说有这样一位‘子爵夫人’存在,”菲利普骑士严肃地说道,“那位维克多·康德子爵也没提起,这很不正常哪怕子爵夫人因为病弱而无法出来见客,子爵本人也不至于连提都不提吧?而且城堡中的男仆女仆那么多,也没有一个人私下里谈论到这里还有个女主人……这太奇怪了。” Words that must speak, I also in the person with castle chatted before,” Amber is rubbing by Gawain has knocked the skull, participates in the proper discussion, they, although has not mentioned castle to have a mistress, but they mentioned that old Viscount has a son, called Belm, but very small time left castle, said that was goes to the middle area to travel, appearance that dozens years did not have......” “要这么说的话,我之前还跟城堡里的人闲聊来着,”琥珀揉着被高文敲过的脑壳,也参与到正经的讨论中,“他们虽然没提起城堡有个女主人,但他们提到那个老子爵有个儿子,叫贝尔姆,但很小的时候就离开城堡,说是去中部地区游历了,几十年都没回来的样子……” Gawain feels the chin: „Don't dozens years come back? This was travels made one selling!” 高文摸着下巴:“几十年不回来?这是去游历了还是让人给卖了啊!” Amber is showing the whites of the eyes: Perhaps is gives which of middle area in big aristocrat family/home that has the benefit exchange worked as the hostage? Aren't your aristocrats popular this?” 琥珀翻着白眼:“说不定是去给中部地区的哪个有利益交换的大贵族家里当人质了呢?你们贵族不是都兴这个么?” Do not talk nonsense, our during that time not fashionable this,” Gawain says immediately seriously, we worked out the treaty of alliance dependence at that time is aware, does not depend on anything to exchange the cheap trick of hostage.” “别瞎说,我们当年可不时兴这个,”高文立刻严肃地说道,“我们那时候订立盟约依靠的都是自觉,可不靠什么交换人质的小把戏。” Knight Philip a face is admiring immediately: That is the matter that the honest honest person should do.” 菲利普骑士顿时一脸钦佩:“那才是正直诚实之人应做的事。” No, is mainly the old pigeon general short temper of founding a country, at that time who did not mean what he says must King have time that sometimes was punched by the national aristocrats country Royal Capital punch personally in the past, because the transportation was not convenient, everyone will prioritize, comes to hit the founding old pigeon of person for successive one year to be sometimes continuous, that was really does not dare to violate the treaty of alliance......” “不,主要是开国的老鸽普遍脾气暴躁,那时候谁说话不算话是要被全国贵族揍的有时候国王有空了国王都亲自过去揍,因为交通不方便,大家有先有后,上门打人的开国老鸽有时候连续一年都会络绎不绝,那是真不敢违背盟约啊……” Philip: „......” 菲利普:“……” Mother yeah, how the founding aristocrats of during that time that straightforward sincere turned today like this,” Amber was actually yearned to that time of Gawain description very much, thinking of the atmosphere also quite shakes the head now regrettably, in brief that Kant Family successor named Belm truly was goes out to travel, because he will often have the correspondence to send, if did not have the accident/surprise, after that old Viscount Kant died, Belm Kant will finish travelling, comes back to inherit the family property.” “妈哎,当年那么耿直实诚的开国贵族们怎么都变成今天这样了,”琥珀却是对高文描述的那个时代很向往,联想到如今风气还颇为遗憾地摇了摇头,“总之那个叫贝尔姆康德家族继承人确实是出去游历了,因为他时常会有书信寄回来如果没有意外的话,在那个老康德子爵死后,贝尔姆·康德就会结束游历,回来继承家业。”
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